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Review of Advanced Reactor Computer Code Evaluations
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/30/2021
From: Kenneth Armstrong
To: Matthew Sunseri
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Armstrong, Ken (415)2207
Download: ML21088A409 (4)


Mr. Matthew Sunseri, Chairman Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001



Dear Mr. Sunseri:

On behalf of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff, I am responding to your letter to Chairman Hanson dated March 1, 2021 (ML21053A024), providing your conclusions and recommendations on the staffs evaluations of computer codes to be used for analyses of advanced non-light-water reactors (non-LWRs). We greatly value the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) review, evaluation and useful perspectives and insights on our approach to code development activities for non-LWRs.

The staff has taken into consideration your recommendations and has revised the two draft documents referenced in your letter that support Strategy 2 of the NRC Non-LWR Near-Term Implementation Action Plans (ML17165A069). Specifically, Volume 4 - Licensing and Siting Dose Assessment Codes (ML21085A484) and Volume 5 - Radionuclide Characterization, Criticality, Shielding, and Transport in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (ML21088A047) were revised. A list of the revised documents, along with prior related code assessment reports with their Agency Document and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Numbers, is provided at the end of this letter.

The staff looks forward to continued interactions with the ACRS as we prepare for advanced reactor licensing.

Sincerely, Raymond V. Furstenau, Director Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission cc:

Chairman Hanson Commissioner Baran Commissioner Caputo Commissioner Wright SECY March 30, 2021 Signed by Furstenau, Raymond on 03/30/21

M. Sunseri 2


Code Development Approach for NRCs Regulatory Oversight of Non-Light Water 1.

Reactors, Rev. 1 (ML20030A174).

NRC Non-Light Water Reactor Vision and Strategy, Volume 1 - Computer Code Suite for 2.

Plant Systems Analysis, Rev. 1 (ML20030A176).

NRC Non-Light Water Reactor Vision and Strategy, Volume 2 - Computer Code 3.

Development Plans for Fuel Performance Analysis, Rev. 1 (ML20030A177).

NRC Non-Light Water Reactor Vision and Strategy, Volume 3 - Computer Code 4.

Development Plans for Severe Accident Progression, Source Term, and Consequence Analysis, Rev. 1 (ML20030A178).

NRC Non-Light Water Reactor (Non-LWR) Vision and Strategy, Volume 4 - Licensing and 5.

Siting Dose Assessment Codes, Rev. 1 (ML21085A484).

NRC Non-Light Water Reactor (Non-LWR) Vision and Strategy, Volume 5 - Radionuclide 6.

Characterization, Criticality, Shielding, and Transport in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Rev. 1 (ML21088A047).

RES response to past ACRS letter Review of Advanced Reactor Computer Code 7.

Evaluations, (ML20030A172)

ML21088A409; Ltr ML21088A409 OFFICE RES/DSA*


DEDM NAME KArmstrong JZabel KWebber RFurstenau DATE Mar 30, 2021 Mar 30, 2021 Mar 30, 2021 Mar 30, 2021