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Web-based Relief Request Portal User Guide
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Issue date: 03/19/2021
From: O'Banion M
Licensing Processes Branch
O'Banion M
Shared Package
ML21078A154 List:
Download: ML21078A153 (18)


Web-based Relief Request (WRR) Portal User Guide V1.0

CONTENTS User Guide for Submitters............................................................................................................ 1 Accessing the WRR Portal........................................................................................................ 1 WRR Portal My Page................................................................................................................ 1 My Plant(s)............................................................................................................................. 2 Quick Links............................................................................................................................ 2 Proposed Alternative List....................................................................................................... 3 Portal Roles and Permissions................................................................................................... 4 Your Profile................................................................................................................................ 4 Creating a Proposed Alternative............................................................................................... 5 Project Title............................................................................................................................ 6 Licensee Information............................................................................................................. 7 Submission Type................................................................................................................... 7 Document Sensitivity............................................................................................................. 8 Selecting Plants and Units for this Submission..................................................................... 8 Requested Completion Date.................................................................................................. 8 Proposed Alternative Number or Identifier............................................................................. 8 Submission Details................................................................................................................ 9 Formatting Text with the Rich Text Editor............................................................................ 10 Reviewing Before Submission............................................................................................. 10 Leaving the Page Without Saving Your Document.............................................................. 11 Adding Attachments............................................................................................................. 11 PDF Preview........................................................................................................................ 13 Submitting the Proposed Alternative................................................................................... 13 Viewing existing submissions.................................................................................................. 14 User Guide for Administrators..................................................................................................... 15 Administrator Roles................................................................................................................. 15 Parent Company Administrator............................................................................................ 15 Licensee Administrator........................................................................................................ 15 Permissions......................................................................................................................... 15 Administering Roles................................................................................................................ 16 Managing users if youre a Parent Company Administrator................................................ 16 Managing users if youre a Licensee Administrator............................................................. 16

1 USER GUIDE FOR SUBMITTERS Accessing the WRR Portal Licensees who wish to use the portal can enroll for NRC credentials here: After completing identity verification, enrollees can log in to WRR using their established username, password, and one-time password code.

Detailed instructions for enrollment can be found at

If you have any difficulties with using the WRR Portal, please contact: WRR Portal My Page The first page you see after logging in is the WRR Portal My Page:

2 My Page includes the following sections:

My Plant(s)

A list of all the plants you have been granted access to by your Administrator.

Quick Links Useful links for fast reference.

New Proposed Alternative:

Links to the form to create a new Proposed Alternative. If you only have viewer access to submissions, this link will be grayed out.

NRC Project Managers Links to the public NRC Contacts for Power and Research & Test Reactors page.

My Profile Links to your portal profile. See screenshot below.

3 FAQ/User Guide Links to the FAQ and User Guide (ADAMS Accession No. ML21078A154).

Contact Us Opens up the following box, which prompts you to contact the WRR Portal resource email (

Proposed Alternative List Lists all the Proposed Alternative submissions (both in-progress and submitted) created within the WRR Portal. Submissions created outside the WRR Portal will not be displayed here.

An example screenshot is provided below. Note: The screenshot is displaying sample submissions from the WRR Portal test environment. Your view of the Proposed Alternative List would contain the submissions created for your assigned plants within the WRR Portal.

4 Filtering You can filter the Proposed Alternative List using the two drop-down lists based on following:

Request Status: Applications In-Progress or Applications Submitted Plant(s): Any of the plants youve been granted access to by your Administrator Project Title Displays the text entered in response to Question 1: Project Title on the Proposed Alternative.


Displays the plants included in the submission. If the Plant(s) column says Multiple Plants then you can to hover over the Multiple Plants text to see which Plants and Units are included in the submission.

Submission Date The date the Proposed Alternative was submitted. If there is no date listed, the Proposed Alternative has not been submitted and is still in draft form.

Request Status Application In-Progress: Proposed Alternatives that are still waiting to be submitted.

Application Submitted: Proposed Alternatives that have been submitted through the WRR Portal.

Action Click on the icon to open existing submissions. If its still in draft form (Application In-Progress), you can edit it (if you have author/edit or submit permissions for that plant). If its already submitted, you can only view the submission.

You can open any submission youve created, as well as submissions created by other users if you have been granted access to those plants by your Administrator.

Sorting Click on the column titles to sort the Project Title, Plant(s), Submission Date, and Request Status columns in alphabetical order.

Portal Roles and Permissions Whether you can create/edit or only view a submission is determined the permissions assigned to you by the Administrator. If you feel theres an error in your permissions, please reach out to you Administrator Contact. For additional guidance on the Administrator role, please see the User Guide for Administrators below.

Your Profile The Profile Page displays the following information. This information is not editable. If you feel theres an error, please reach out to your Administrator Contact.

First Name Last Name

5 Email Address Parent Company Administrator Contact Information Creating a Proposed Alternative Click on My Page at the top of the page and select New Proposed Alternative under the Quick Links section.

6 Note: While filling out the submission form, if you have not saved your progress within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, you will be logged out and any progress not saved will be lost. A warning will pop up 5 minutes before timeout. To avoid this issue, save your progress as you go and at least save within the hour.

Most of the questions on the submission form are self-explanatory. Below are suggestions on how to complete your Proposed Alternative submission.

Project Title Question 1: Project Title Enter title or subject of the proposed alternative. This field is limited to 255 characters or less.

(Required field)

7 Licensee Information Question 2: Licensee This field should default to your assigned organization; however, please confirm this field indicates the licensee which is submitting the proposed alternative. (Required field)

Question 3: Licensee Contact Enter the first and last name of the person the operating reactor licensing project manager should contact in case there are questions regarding the proposed alternative. (Required field)

Question 4: Licensee Contact Phone Number Enter the phone number of the person listed in Question 3s response. (Required field)

Question 5: Licensee Contact Email Address Enter the email address of the person listed in Question 3s response. (Optional field)

Submission Type Question 6: Request Type Select the type of alternative request from the drop-down list, either 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1) or 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2). At this time, the WRR portal does not support other types of relief requests.

(Optional, but recommended field)

Question 7: Inservice Inspection or Inservice Training Select the type of alternative request from the drop-down list, either Inservice Inspection (ISI) or Inservice Testing (IST). (Optional, but recommended field)

8 Document Sensitivity Question 8: Document Sensitivity If the proposed alternative has no proprietary information to be attached, select Non-Sensitive from the drop-down list. (Optional, but recommended field)

If you plan to provide any proprietary information, via the attachments feature, select Sensitive

- Proprietary (affidavit attached per 10 CFR 2.390) from the drop-down list.

Note: Do not include proprietary information in the form questions text fields themselves. At this time, you can only submit proprietary information via attachments.

Use the hyperlink in Question 22 - Include Any Additional Information to attach any proprietary information along with affidavit(s), as appropriate, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. See further instructions in Question 22 below.

Note: Your submission will be saved with a default value of Non-Sensitive unless you select Sensitive - Proprietary. Please make sure you select the appropriate value.

Selecting Plants and Units for this Submission Question 9: Select Units That Apply For this Submission You can select one or more plants/units in the list. To select more than one, hold the control key while clicking on the names. To select them all, click the first plant/unit in the list and hold the Shift key while selecting the last plant/unit in the list. (Required field)

Requested Completion Date Question 10: Requested Completion Date Select the requested date of NRC approval with the date picker. The date must be in the future.

If you select a date in the past, you will receive an error when you save. If you are requesting expedited NRC review, consider including more information in Question 13, Proposed Duration of Alternative (in terms of ISI/IST Program Interval with Start and End Dates. (Optional field)

Proposed Alternative Number or Identifier Question 11: Proposed Alternative Number or Identifier Enter your licensees proposed alternative identifier. Some licensees number their correspondence and use that number as a proposed alternative identifier. In that case, that correspondence number can be used in this field. (Optional field)

9 Submission Details Question 12: Brief Description of Proposed Alternative This should be a brief description, similar to information provided in a cover letter. (Optional field)

Question 13: Proposed Duration of Alternative (in terms of ISI/IST Program Interval with Start and End Dates)

Enter a description of the proposed duration of the alternative as it relates to ISI or IST interval start and end dates. If you are requesting expedited NRC review, consider including more information as part of this question. (Optional field)

Question 14: Applicable ASME Code Requirements Enter the applicable ASME code requirement(s) with a description. (Optional field)

Question 15: Applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPV Code), or ASME Operation and Maintenanceof Nuclear Power Plants (OM Code), Edition and Addenda Enter the plant(s) current applicable ASME Code edition and addenda. (Optional field)

Question 16: Current ISI or IST Program Interval Number and Start/End Dates (as applicable)

Enter the plant(s) current ISI intervals, start and end dates. (Optional field)

Question 17: Applicable ASME Code Components and/or System Description Enter the ASME Code components which are affected by the proposed alternative with relevant details of component(s), such as code class, examination category, code item number and description. (Optional field)

Question 18: Reason for Request Enter the reason for the proposed alternative. (Optional field)

Question 19: Full Description of Proposed Alternative. Note: Consider adding information regarding material specifications, component Group or Class, and ASME Code Class.

Enter a detailed description of the proposed alternative. (Optional field)

Question 20: Description of Basis for Use. For requests under 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1),

describe how the proposed alternative would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety. For requests under 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2), describe how compliance with the specified requirements would result in a hardship or unusual difficulty without compensating increase in the level of quality and safety.

Enter the description of the basis for use for the proposed alternative. (Optional field)

Question 21: Describe Hardship or Unusual Difficulty:

If applicable, enter the description of the hardship or unusual difficulty, unless you addressed it in Question 20, Description of Basis for Use. (Optional field)

10 Question 22: Include Any Additional Information Use this section to enter any other relevant information not captured in other fields of this form.

After you save the draft of your submission, you will be able to add attachments to this question.

Adding attachments to this question is covered in the Adding Attachments section below.

(Optional field)

Question 23: Precedents (optional)

This is an optional field for the user to list any previous precedents for the proposed alternative.

(Optional field)

Question 24: References This is an optional field for the user to list any references for the proposed alternative. (Optional field)

Question 25: Created On.

This field is auto-populated based on the date the submission was created.

Formatting Text with the Rich Text Editor Questions 16-20, 22, and 24 include formatting capability of a Rich Text Editor, which provides options such as bullet points, bolding and italicizing, alignment, and font adjustment.

To include tables in your response, you can either build the table in the editing box by clicking on the Insert menu and selecting Tables or you can paste a table from another program, such as Excel.

An example of the rich text editor menu is below:

Reviewing Before Submission At the bottom of the first screen, there is a Save and Review button. Clicking this button saves a draft version of the submission. You can leave the Portal and come back to finish it later.

After clicking Save and Review, youll be taken to the review page where you can edit your responses and add attachments.

Note: While filling out the submission form, if you have not saved your progress within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, you will be logged out and any progress not saved will be lost. A warning will pop up 5 minutes before timeout. To avoid this issue, save your progress as you go and at least save within the hour.

11 Leaving the Page Without Saving Your Document If you attempt to close your browser window before clicking Save and Review you will see a warning popup:

Adding Attachments Attachments can only be added to Question 22 via the Click to Add Attachments link, which is accessible on the Review Draft page. You must click the Save and Review button at the bottom of the screen to save your submission in order to see this link.

Attachments should be in PDF (.pdf) format PDF files should be in accordance with NRCs Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the NRC (ADAMS Accession No. ML13031A056), specifically Section 2, Parameters for Electronic Files Submitted to the NRC.

no larger than 100MB marked as Sensitive Proprietary if it contains proprietary information When you click the Click to Add Attachments button, it will open the Add Attachment box pictured below.

12 A note for each attachment is required. Please provide a short description of the document and select document sensitivity.

For each document containing proprietary information, attach an affidavit in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 (designate the affidavit document sensitivity as appropriate). You are responsible for the marking of proprietary and non-proprietary documents, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390.

Additionally, for each proprietary document the user attaches, a redacted (public, non-proprietary) version of the proprietary document may be attached, as appropriate.

Once youve added your attachment, the screen will show each attachment listed under Question 22. If you need to edit the attachment (or any attributes of the attachment), select the down arrow button to the right, and either select Edit to make changes or Delete to delete the attachment.

Note: If youve marked an attachment as Sensitive Proprietary, the system may temporarily display the phrase Private. The system will then refresh and display Sensitive Proprietary.

13 PDF Preview To obtain a preview of the submission, click on the Email PDF Preview button. A PDF will be emailed to you. Note that this is preview of the form you filled out, not the formatted submission letter.

The Preview PDF email will come from the Web-based Relief Request Resource email address. If you did not receive an email, please contact

Submitting the Proposed Alternative When youre ready to submit the Proposed Alternative, click, on the Submit button. The final submission will indicate the name and title of the individual who submitted the form.

After you click Submit, a success message will display, and youll receive a confirmation email.

14 Success message Confirmation of submission email Rejection email If your submission cant be processed, youll receive a reject email indicating why and who to contact for next steps.

Viewing existing submissions See the section above: WRR Portal Homepage > Proposed Alternative List > Action.

15 USER GUIDE FOR ADMINISTRATORS Administrator Roles There are two types of administrator roles in the WRR Portal: Parent Company Administrator and Licensee Administrator.

Parent Company Administrator This role can assign the following roles and permissions to any user within their parent organization.

Licensee Administrator Viewer Editor Submitter Licensee Administrator This role can assign the following roles and permissions to any user within their parent organization.

Viewer Editor Submitter Permissions For additional detail on the permissions, please see below.

View: For users assigned plant(s),

o Can open submissions o Cannot create new submissions o Cannot edit in-progress submissions o Cannot submit Edit: For users assigned plant(s),

o Can open submissions o Can create new submissions o Can edit in-progress submissions o Cannot submit Submit: For users assigned plant(s),

o Can open submissions o Can create new submissions o Can edit in-progress submissions o Can submit

16 Administering Roles If you are an administrator, youll see the Administer Page link in the top nav. Click this link to manage users.

The Administrator Page will display with options for setting user permissions.

Managing users if youre a Parent Company Administrator To assign a role to a user, click on the Select a User drop-down and select the user from the list. Only users associated with your licensee will appear. If you need to add a user, please contact

If you want to assign the user the role of Licensee Administrator, check the Mark User as Administrator box. If not, leave the box unchecked.

To assign users permissions to manage submissions, check the View, Edit, and/or Submit boxes next the appropriate plant(s). Click Save Permissions when finished.

Managing users if youre a Licensee Administrator To assign a role to a user, click on the Select a User drop-down and select the user from the list. Only users associated with your licensee will appear.

To assign users permissions to manage submissions, check the View, Edit, and/or Submit boxes next the appropriate plant(s). Click Save Permissions when finished.