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Effectiveness Review of Non-Billable Work Redacted
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/24/2020
From: Damaris Marcano, Kevin Ramsey
To: Andrea Kock
Division of Fuel Management
KMRamsey - NMSS/DFM/FFL - 301.415.7506
EPID G-2020-AGN-0000, FCSE201900005FFLB-3
Download: ML20342A204 (7)


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August 4,2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Andrea L.Kock, Director Division ofFuel Management Office ofNuclear Material Safety andSafeguards THRU: Damaris Marcano, ActingChief Fuel Facility Licensing Branch Division ofFuelManagement Office ofNuclear Material Safety andSafeguards FROM: Kevin M.Ramsey, Senior Project Manager signed Digitallyby Fuel Facility Licensing Branch i .

sevins.aamsey Division ofFuel Management Office ofNuclear Material Safety Date:

2020.08.04 andSafeguards 09:57:00-04'00'


EFFECTIVENESS REVIEWOFCORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR NON-BILLABLE WORKINTHEFUELFACILITIES BUSINESS LINE OnDecember 23,2019, a closure report wasissued forcorrective actionsto improve the oversight andmanagement ofnon-billable work intheFuel Facilities Business Line (Agencywide Documents Access andManagement System Accession No.ML19353B270).

Aneffectiveness reviewofthecorrective actions isenclosed.

Ingeneral, thecorrective actions resulted inimproved useofEnterpriseProject identification (EPID) codes totracknon-billable work. T hey alsoresultedin better guidance and greater awareness ofthenon-billable workperformed forthebusiness line.

However, there isstill roomfor improvement inthe tracking ofnon-billable work. efforts Inaddition, toimprove computer systems,procedures, andtraining areongoing andwillneedmanagement attention toensure continuedimprovement.

Thismemorandum completes action onTicket FCSE201900005FFLB-3.


EffectivenessReview ofCorrective Actions CONTACT: KevinRamsey, NMSS/DFM (301)415-7506 OFFletAtSSEONt:M=iftTERNAt:4NFORMkTfefV

m1VE-lNTERNAL-h A. Kock 2



DFMr/f Jzimmerman, NMSS/MSST NMSS/DFM CRegan, CAraguas,NMSS/DFM ADAMSAccession Nos.: ML20210M038 (Pkg) ML20210M039 (Ltr)

ML20210M040 (Enclosure) ML20210M041 toEncI)


  • via email OFFICE #%/ PM*

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NAME KRamsey ELee DMarcano KRamsey DATE 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 8/3/2020 8/4/2020 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


0FFIGlAEWSE-0Nt:AF-m4014 Effectiveness Review ofCorrective Actions to Improve Tracking andManagement ofNonBillable Work intheFuel Facilities Business Line (FCSE201900005FFLB3)

(EPID G2020AGN-0000)

Corrective Actions:


(Self-Assessment Recommendations 7 and8) a)generate Periodic Reviews of of Non-Billable Charges Using thenewprocedure ofFuel Management developed to staff reports non-billable charges, Division (DFM) conducted periodicmanagement briefings toreview theuseofEnterprise Project identification (EPID) codes totrack non-billable work. Results ofFY2020briefings is provided inAttachment 1 Thefollowing isa summaryofchanges from November 13, 2019toJuly 24,2020:

i)Charges without anEPIDhave declined from 70percent to52percent inProduct Line 4 (Licensing).

ii)Charges without anEPIDhave declined from 58 percent to37percent inProduct Line 5 (Oversight).


Charges without anEPIDhavedeclined from 76percent to52percent inProduct Line 7 (Rulemaking).

b)Participate inAgency-level Mission Analytics Portal(MAP)NRR hascreatedEmbark Venture Studio toimplement theMAPinitiative. It isa dedicated team ofindividuals working onmission analytics. NMSSstaff (Joel BristorandAdelaide Giantelli) attend MAPstatus meetings tomaintain awareness andcoordinate effortswith NMSS business lines.

i)OnJune15,2020,theEnterprise Change Request wasapproved toallow a connection from theWebBased Licensing (WBL) cloud environment totheMAP Data Warehouse server. TheNRCNetwork Operations Center (NOC) expanded the useoftheexisting tunnel connection between WBLandtheMaster Data Management system toinclude theMAPData Warehouse environment.

ii)OnJune17,2020, theWBLcontractor confirmed thetunnel wasopen from theWBL cloud environment totheData Warehouse. Theserver toserver connection was open, but thecontractor could notconnect totheMAPdatabase server. TheMAP data warehouse usedWindows Authentication. TheWBLcloud environment isnot ontheNRCdomain soWindows Authentication would notwork. OnJuly 8,2020, the WBLcontractor wasable toconnect totheMAPdata warehouse using a SQL Server account created for WBL.OnJuly 14,2020, thecontractor commenced sending data from WBLdirectly totheMAPdata warehouse.


Tocomplete thiseffort, anMOUregarding the connection between these systems is being prepared forNMSSandOCIOsignature.




(Self-Assessment Recommendation 2) a)Identify where non-billablework for eachproduct line will betracked DFMmanagement approved modifications toWBLtoestablish common toolsfor trackingwork inits twobusiness lines. Theproject involves moving Fuel Facility Business Line records from theWBLLicense Module tothe WBLModule forthe Storage andTransportation Information Management System (STIMS). A significantamount of computer programming isrequiredtoestablish tracking mechanisms andreport formats that areconsistentacross bothbusiness lines. Themodifications aredescribed below:

i) Phase 1 isCore Functions fortracking Fuel Facility casework.

Target date August 2020.

ii) Phase 2 isCore R eports for Fuel Facility casework.

Target date September 2020.

iii) Phase 3 is Additional Features for FuelFacility casework.

Target date October 2020 iv) Phase 4 isfunctions for tracking Non-Casework.

Target date: November 2020.

Phases 1-3 ofthe WBLmodifications arefocused oncasework which isbillablework for themostpart. Non-casework iswhere themajority ofnon-billable work isperformed.

Non-casework includes guidance development, rulemaking, andvarious working groups.

b)Develop procedures andtrain staff.

Asnoted intheself-assessment report,a memorandum wasissued toall division staff onNovember 5,2018, regarding the tracking ofstaff hours onnon-billable projects (ADAMS Accession No.ML18297A116). Itdirected staff toopen EPIDs toaccount for time spent onnon-billable projects.

InAugust 2019, a presentation wasmadeina division all-hands meeting.The presentation reviewed theself-assessment findings andrecommendations, as well as planned actions toimprove ourmanagement ofnon-billable work.

OnJune16,2020, a memorandum wasissued toall division staff andPartner Offices to remind themofbusiness line policies fortracking work onnon-billable projects (ADAMS Accession No.ML20167A180).

Thetransition toanewDFMincludes aneffort toconsolidate procedures from the former divisions inanewset ofdivision instructions. This effort includes draftinga new Division Instruction ADM-FM-4, FeeBilling. Guidance previously issue.d by memorandum willbeincorporated inthenewinstruction. Thestaff intends toreview the procedures during a future licensing seminar.

3)Coordination with Partner Offices (Self-Assessment Recommendations 1,3,and9) a)Athebriefing ofPartner Offices wasconducted onJuly 18,2019. This wasdocumented in self-assessment closure report (ADAMS Accession No. ML19353B270).



-SFFieiAt-tfSE b) A memotoPartner Offices documenting business linepolicies on wasissued November 19,2019(ADAMS Accession No.ML19246A675).

c)AJune reminder memoregarding thetracking ofworkfor thebusiness No.ML20167A180).

line wasissued on 16, 2020 (ADAMSAccession d)Additionaltraining tostaff inPartner Offices should inthe beconsidered future.

4)Guidance documents for business line (Self-Assessment Recommendations 4,5,and6)

Asnoted above, guidancefor tracking work forthebusiness line wasissued by memorandum in2019and2020. The transition plan for thenewDivision ofFuel Management includesa newDivision Instruction ADM-FM-4, Guidance FeeBilling. for tracking workwill beincorporated into the newinstructionandexpanded the tocover Storage andTransportation BusinessLine also.


Periodic Reviews ofNon-Billable Charges 3


-0FFiG4AtESEH)NLYME4NT-ERNAldNFORMAm-Effectiveness Review ofCorrectiveActions to improve Tracking andManagement ofNon-Billable Work intheFuel Facilities Business Line Periodic Reviews ofNon-Billable Charges Asof11/13/2019:

Non-Billable Total Percent Charged to ProductLine Hours Charged to Non-Biliable Hours Blank EPID Blank EPID 1 Event Response 85 85 100%

2 Generic 209 209 100%

Homeland Security (Off Fee Base) (OffFeeBase) (OffFeeBase) 3 International 933 946 99%

Activities (Off FeeBaseFY21) (OffFeeBaseFY21) (Off FeeBase FY21) 4 -

Licensing 1231 1683 73%

5 -

Oversight 1041 1800 58%

7 -

Rulemaking 120 158 76%

M -

Staff Support 2384 2413 99%


Non-Billable Total Percent Charged to Product Line HoursCharged to NonBillable Hours Blank EPID Blank EPID 1 Event Response 535 535 100%

2 Generic 998 998 100%

Homeland Security (Off Base) (Off Base) (Off Base)

Fee Fee F ee 3 International 3436 3453 100%

Activities (OffFee Base FY21) (Off Fee BaseFY21) (Off Fee Base FY21) 4 Licensing 4352 6241 70%

5 Oversight 3410 7625 45%

7 Rulemaking 223 332 67%

M Support Staff 9294 9356 99%

Attachment 1 WielALWGNtN-mVE-fNTERNAtdNFORMATieft

miTiVE-lNTERNAtdNFORMATION-Periodic Reviews ofNon-Billable Charges Asof4/20/2020:

NonBillable Total PercentCharged to ProductLine Hours Charged to NonBillable Hours Blank EPID Blank EPID 1 Event Response 988 992 100%

2 Generic 2091 2097 100%

Homeland Security (Off FeeBase) (Off Base) (Off Base)

Fee Fee 3 International 6314 6314 100%

Activities (Off Fee Base FY21) (Off Fee Base FY21) (Off Fee Base FY21) 4 Licensing 6163 10641 58%

5 Oversight 5670 14515 39%

7 Rulemaking 267 508 53%

M Support Staff 16990 17120 99%


NonBillable Total PercentCharged to ProductLine Hours Charged to Non-Billable Hours Blank EPID Blank EPID 1 Event Response 1782 1786 100%

2 Generic 3416 3453 100%

Homeland Security (Off Base) (Off Base) (Off Base)

Fee Fee Fee 3 international 5024 5041 100%

Activities (Off FeeBase FY21) (Off FeeBase FY21)(OffFee Base FY21) 4 Licensing 8754 16950 52%

5 Oversight 8642 23247 37%

7 Rulemaking 444 801 55%

M Support Staff 25115 25282 99%