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12-08-20 Ltr to Representative Carolyn Maloney, Et Al. from Chairman Svinicki Request for Information on Conversions of Political Appointees to Civil Service Positions During the Trump Administration at Your Agency Including All Component E
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/08/2020
From: Kristine Svinicki
To: Beyer D, Castor K, Connolly G, Defazio P, Engel E, Green A, Grijalva R, Johnson E, Lofgren Z, Lowey N, Maloney C, Mcgovern J, Nadler J, Neal R, Pallone F, Peterson C, Schiff A, Scott R, Alexandra Smith, Takano M, Thompson B, Velazquez N, Michael Waters, Yarmuth J
US HR (House of Representatives)
Storch J
Shared Package
ML20336A204 List:
CORR-20-0110, LTR-20-0430
Download: ML20337A057 (3)




@ydj@b WASHINGTON 0C 2066rn0001 g , V ,f 44A +*

CHAIRMAN December 8,2020 TheHonorable Carolyn B.Maloney Chairwoman, Committee on Oversight andReform United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515


On behalf oftheU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Iam responding to your November 25,2020,letter requesting a full accounting ofpolitical appointees whohave beenhired intocareer positions during the current Administration orwhoarebeing considered for conversion into such positions, aswell asinformation about anypositions converted, or being considered for conversion, under Executive Order 13957, "Executive Order onCreating Schedule FintheExcepted Service."

TheNRChasa small number ofpolitical appointees serving intheoffices of Presidentially nominated, Senate-confirmed Commissioners. No political appointees have beenhired intocareer positions andnopolitical appointees are being considered for conversion tocareer positions. Atthis time, the NRChastakenno action with respect to reclassifying employees under Executive Order 13957. Asa result,we have noresponsive documents related tothese matters. lfthis changes, we will provide you with the information.

Ifyouhaveanyquestions orneedadditional information, please contact me orhave your staff contact Eugene Dacus, Directorofthe OfficeofCongressional Affairs, at (301) 415-1776.

Sincerely, Kristine L.Svinicki cc:Representative JamesR.Comer

identical letter sent to:

The Honorable Carolyn B.Maloney TheHonorable JamesP.McGovern Chairwoman, Committee onOversight Chairman, Committee onRules andReform United States HousefRepresentatives o

United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative TomCole cc:Representative James R.Comer TheHonorable Jerrold Nadler TheHonorable Maxine Waters Chairman, Committee ontheJudiciary Chairwoman, Committee on Financial United States House ofRepresentatives Services Washington, DC 20515 United States HouseofRepresentatives cc:Representative JimJordan Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative Patrick McHenry TheHonorable Collin C.Peterson Chairman, Committee onAgriculture TheHonorable Raul M.Grijalva United States House ofRepresentatives Chairman, Committee onNatural Washington, DC 20515 Resources cc:Representative Neal Dunn United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr.

cc:Representative RobBishop Chairman, Committee onEnergy and Commerce TheHonorable Nita M.Lowey UnitedStates HouseofRepresentatives Chairwoman, Committee onAppropriationsWashington, DC 20515 United States House ofRepresentatives cc:Representative GregWalden Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative KayGranger TheHonorable Richard E.Neal Chairman, Committee on Ways andMeans TheHonorable Bennie G.Thompson United States House of Representatives Chairman, Committee onHomeland Washington, DC 20515 Security cc:Representative Kevin Brady United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 TheHonorable zoe Lofgren cc:Representative Mike Rogers Chairperson, Committee onHouse Administration TheHonorable MarkTakano United States House ofRepresentatives Chairman, Committee onVeterans' Affairs Washington, DC 20515 United States House ofRepresentatives cc:Representative Rodney Davis Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative Dr. PhilRoe TheHonorable Peter A.DeFazio Chairman, Committee onTransportation TheHonorable Nydia M.Velazquez andInfrastructure Chairwoman, Committee onSmall Business United States House ofRepresentatives United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative SamGraves cc:Representative Steve Chabot

2 The Honorable AdamB.Schiff TheHonorable AdamSmith Chairman, House Permanent Select Chairman, Committee onArmed Services Committee onIntelligence United States House ofRepresentatives United States HouseofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative MacThornberry cc:Representative Devin Nunes TheHonorable Donald S.Beyer, Jr.

TheHonorableEliot L.Engel Vice Chairman, Joint Economic Committee Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs United States House ofRepresentatives United States Houseof Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 cc:Senator Mike Lee cc:Representative Michael T. McCaul TheHonorable Kathy Castor TheHonorable Robert C."Bobby" Scott Chairwoman, Select Committee onthe Chairman, Committee onEducation Climate Crisis andLabor United StatesHouse ofRepresentatives United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative Garrett Graves cc:Representative Virginia Foxx The Honorable Gerald E.Connolly TheHonorable John Yarmuth Chairman, Subcommittee onGovernment Chairman, Committee onBudget Operations United States House ofRepresentatives Committee onOversightandReform Washington, DC 20515 United States HouseofRepresentatives cc:Representative Steve Womack Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative Jody B.Hice TheHonorable Eddie Bernice Johnson Chairman, Committee onScience, Space TheHonorable Al Green andTechnology Chairman, Subcommittee onOversight United States House ofRepresentatives andInvestigations Washington, DC 20515 Committee onFinancialServices cc:Representative Frank Lucas United States House ofRepresentatives Washington, DC 20515 cc:Representative AndyBarr