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Attachment 4 - Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan Revision EP-AA-1004, Revision 39, Radiological Emergency Plan Annex for Dresden Station
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/2020
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20307A325 List:
Download: ML20307A330 (20)


ATTACHMENT 4 Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan Revision EP-AA-1004, Revision 39, "Radiological Emergency Plan Annex for Dresden Station"


October 2020 ii EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Table of Contents Section Page Section 1: Introduction...................................................................................... DR 1-1 1.1 Facility Description............................................................................ DR 1-1 1.2 Emergency Planning Zone................................................................ DR 1-2 Section 2: Organizational Control of Emergencies........................................... DR 2-1 Section 3: Classification of Emergencies.......................................................... DR 3-1 Section 4: Emergency Measures..................................................................... DR 4-1 4.1 Notification of the Emergency Organization...................................... DR 4-1 4.2 Assessment Actions.......................................................................... DR 4-1 4.3 Protective Actions for the Offsite Public............................................ DR 4-1 4.4 Protective Actions for Onsite Personnel............................................ DR 4-2 Section 5: Emergency Facilities and Equipment.............................................. DR 5-1 5.1 Emergency Response Facilities........................................................ DR 5-1 5.2 Assessment Resources..................................................................... DR 5-2 5.3 Protective Facilities and Equipment.................................................. DR 5-6 5.4 First Aid and Medical Facilities.......................................................... DR 5-6 5.5 Law Enforcement Agencies............................................................... DR 5-6 5.6 Fire Fighting Organizations............................................................... DR 5-7 5.7 EMS Support..................................................................................... DR 5-7 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: NUREG-0654 Cross-Reference Appendix 2: Station Letters of Agreement ADDENDUMS Addendum 1:

On-Shift Staffing Technical Basis Addendum 2:

Evacuation Time Estimates for Dresden Generating Station Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone Addendum 3:

Emergency Action Levels for Dresden Station

October 2020 iii EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

REVISION HISTORY Revision 0; July 1980 Revision 15; September 12, 2002 Revision 1; April 1981 Revision 16; July 31, 2003 Revision 2; June 1982 Revision 17; August 27, 2003 Revision 3; September 1984 Revision 18, December 2004 Revision 4; March 1986 Revision 19, May 2005 Revision 5; February 1987 Revision 20, December 2005 Revision 6; January 1991 Revision 21, November 2006 Revision 6a; July 1992 Revision 22, February 2007 Revision 6b; August 1992 Revision 23, October 2007 Revision 6c; November 1992 Revision 24, March 2008 Revision 6d; April 1993 Revision 25, October 2008 Revision 6e; December 1993 Revision 26, March 2010 Revision 6f; January 1994 Revision 27, October 2010 Revision 6g; January 1995 Revision 28, March 2011 Revision 6i; February 1996 Revision 29, June 2012 Revision 6j; June 1996 Revision 30, September 2012 Revision 6k; January 1997 Revision 31, November 2012 Revision 6l; February 1997 Revision 32, December 2012 Revision 6m; May 1997 Revision 33, June 2013 Revision 6n; January 5, 1998 Revision 34, June 2014 Revision 6p; August 14, 1998 Revision 35, December 2014 Revision 7; May 13, 1999 Revision 36, November 2017 Revision 8; February 11, 2000 Revision 37, April 2018 Revision 9; May 22, 2000 Revision 38, December 2019 Revision 10; January 8, 2001 Revision 39, October 2020 Revision 11; May 3, 2001 Revision 12; October 8, 2001 Revision 13; October 31, 2001 Revision 14; January 3, 2002

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 1-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Section 1: Introduction As required in the conditions set forth by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the operating licenses for the Dresden Station, the management of Exelon recognizes its responsibility and authority to operate and maintain the nuclear power stations in such a manner as to provide for the safety of the general public.

The Dresden Emergency Preparedness Program consists of EP-DR-1000, the Dresden Radiological Emergency Plan (E-Plan), EP-AA-1004 Radiological Emergency Plan for Dresden Station, Exelon Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, and associated program administrative documents. The Dresden Station Radiological Emergency Plan outlines the basis for response actions that would be implemented in an emergency.

This document serves as the Dresden Station Annex and contains information and guidance that is unique to the station. This includes facility geography and location for a full understanding and representation of the stations emergency response capabilities. The Station Annex is subject to the same review and audit requirements as the Emergency Plan.

1.1 Facility Description Dresden Station, Units 1, 2 and 3, is located in the Goose Lake Township of Grundy County in northeastern Illinois. Unit 1 is in permanent shutdown (see Figure 1-1).

The plant consists of three Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS) and turbine generators provided by General Electric Company.

Unit 1 is a dual cycle boiling water reactor designed for a power output of 700 MWt and has officially been retired as of August 31, 1984. Units 2 and 3 are equipped with nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) designed for a power output of 2957 MWt.

The station property consists of a 953-acre tract of land with boundaries generally following the Illinois River to the north, the Kankakee River on the south and east and the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway right-of-way on the west.

Exelon is the sole owner of the 953-acre tract subject only to an easement of the U.S. Government for an access road to Dresden Island Lock and Dam maintained and operated by the U.S. Corps. of Engineers. This road traverses the site from north to south ~ 0.8 mile west of the plant.

In addition to ownership of the 953-acre tract, Exelon Nuclear also leases approximately 17 acres in two narrow strips of river frontage located near the northeast corner of the site from the State of Illinois. The terms of the lease provide that these "buffer" strips shall remain idle.

For more specific site location information, refer to the Station UFSAR.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 1-2 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39) 1.2 Emergency Planning Zone The plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for Dresden Station is an area surrounding the Station with a radius of about ten miles. (Exact boundaries are determined by the State of Illinois). Refer to Figure 1-1.

The ingestion pathway EPZ for Dresden Station is an area surrounding the station with a radius of about 50 miles.

Figure 1-1: Dresden Station Location and 10 Mile EPZ

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 2-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Section 2: Organizational Control of Emergencies Dresdens Emergency Response Organization (ERO) and its key positions are described in the Dresden Radiological Emergency Plan (EP-DR-1000).

Exelon Nuclear has contractual agreements with several companies whose services would be available in the event of a radiological emergency. These agencies and their available services are listed in Appendix 3 of the Dresden Radiological Emergency Plan.

Site specific Agreements also exist on file at Dresden Station with several support agencies. These agencies and their support roles are listed in Appendix 2, Station Letters of Agreement.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 3-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Section 3: Classification of Emergencies The Dresden Emergency Action Levels and supporting information are re-located in EP-AA-1004, Addendum 3.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 4-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Section 4: Emergency Measures Dresden emergency response actions are covered by Section E of the Dresden Radiological Emergency Plan.

4.1 Notification of the Emergency Organization The Emergency Director is responsible for notifying the State of Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) via NARS. Grundy County, Kendall County, and Will County will also be notified via NARS; however, IEMA will maintain responsibility of county notification. At the Dresden Station, if a General Emergency is the initiating event, the Emergency Director is also responsible for notifying the following local agencies:

Grundy County Kendall County Will County 4.2 Assessment Actions Throughout each emergency situation, continuing assessment will occur.

Assessment actions at Dresden Station may include an evaluation of plant conditions; in-plant, onsite, and initial offsite radiological measurements; and initial estimates of offsite doses. Core damage information is used to refine dose assessments and confirm or extend initial protective action recommendations.

Dresden Station utilizes NEDC-33045P-A, Revision 0, (2001) as the basis for the methodology for post-accident core damage assessment. This methodology utilizes real-time plant indications. In addition, Dresden Station may use samples of plant fluids and atmospheres as inputs to the CDAM (Core Damage Assessment Methodology) program for core damage estimation.

4.3 Protective Actions for the Offsite Public To aid the Emergency Response Organization during a developing emergency situation, EP-AA-111, "Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations" has been developed based on Section J.10.m of the Emergency Plan.

4.3.1 Alert and Notification System (ANS) Sirens This ANS consists of a permanently installed outdoor notification system within a ten mile radius around the station. The ten-mile radius around the station is a mix of agriculture and industry with a relatively low population distribution. The ANS, as installed, consists of mechanical and electronic sirens that will cover this entire area with a minimum sound level of 60 db.

Additionally, the ANS will cover the heavily populated areas within the ten-mile radius around the station with a minimum sound level of 70 db to ensure complete coverage.

The ANS sirens are controlled and monitored on a daily basis, by a computerized telemetry system. The daily monitoring assures early failure detection and therefore maximizes system operability and reliability.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 4-2 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Backup means of notification is achieved through Route Alerting, which is contained within the State and respective counties Radiological Emergency Response Plans and procedures. The means consists of utilizing vehicles with public address (PA) systems in the event the primary method of alerting and notification is unavailable. The backup method has the capability to alert and notify the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ within a reasonable time, but does not need to meet the 15-minute design objective for the primary prompt public alert and notification system.

4.3.2 Evacuation Time Estimates The ETE study used population data from the 2010 census which includes parts of three counties in Illinois (Will, Kendall and Grundy). The evacuation times are based on a detailed consideration of the EPZ roadway network and population distribution. The ETE Study, contained in EP-AA-1004 Addendum 2, Evacuation Time Estimates for the Dresden Generating Station Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone, presents evacuation times for daytime and nighttime scenarios under various weather conditions for the evacuation of various areas around the Dresden Station, once a decision has been made to evacuate.

4.4 Protective Actions for Onsite Personnel Dresden Station has a siren system to assemble personnel during emergency conditions. Upon hearing a continuous two (2) minute siren, all personnel not having emergency assignments have been instructed to assemble in predesignated assembly areas. Refer to Figure 4-1.

Assembly of site personnel, for purposes of accountability and possible evacuation, is initiated per the requirements of Section J of the Emergency Plan.

Accountability of site personnel is handled by the Dresden Station security force.

If a site evacuation of non-essential personnel is required by Section J of the Emergency Plan, personnel will be either relocated and monitored at the Relocation Centers or sent home if there is no release or radiological or safety concerns. The designated relocation centers for Dresden Station are:

Mazon Relocation Center, Mazon, Illinois LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station, LaSalle Co. Illinois Braidwood Station, Braceville, Illinois For evacuation routes, refer to EP-AA-113-F-19.

Traffic control for onsite areas will be handled by the Dresden Nuclear Power Station security force, if necessary.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 4-3 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Equipment and personnel would be available at LaSalle County Station, Braidwood Station, and the Mazon Relocation Center for monitoring and decontamination of evacuated personnel. If major decontamination, follow-up, or bioassay samples are necessary, those persons would be sent to LaSalle County Station or Braidwood Station.

Other emergency measures common to all nuclear stations are discussed in the Emergency Plan.

Figure 4-1: Dresden Onsite Assembly Areas and Emergency Response Facilities 1 - U2 Turbine Building Trackway 2 - Mechanical/Electrical Maintenance Shop 3 - Administration Building Lunch Room/Foyer 4 - Main Control Room 5 - Operational Support Center (OSC) 6 - Technical Support Center (TSC) 7 - Security Areas Gatehouse (CAS/SAS)

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Section 5: Emergency Facilities and Equipment 5.1 Emergency Response Facilities Refer to Figure 4-1 for the location of the Dresden Station Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC), and Operations Support Center (OSC) within the Station's Protected Area boundary.

5.1.1 Station Control Room The Dresden Station Control Room is the initial onsite center of emergency control. The Dresden Station Units 2 and 3 Control Rooms are located at the 534' level at the east end of the Unit 2/3 Turbine Building.

5.1.2 Technical Support Center (TSC)

A Technical Support Center is located on the southwest corner of the Service Building at Elevation 518'. The TSC fully meets the requirements of Section H.1.b of the Dresden Radiological Emergency Plan.

5.1.3 Operational Support Center (OSC)

The Operational Support Center is located in the Radiation Protection Area and the Work Control Area. The OSC conforms to the requirements of Section H.1.c of the Emergency Plan and is the location to which operations support personnel will report during an emergency and from which they will be dispatched for assignments in support of emergency operations.

5.1.4 Alternative Facility The Alternative Facility maintains the capability for staging the TSC/OSC emergency response organization personnel in the event of a hostile action. This alternative facility has the capability for communications with the emergency operations facility, control room, and plant security and the capability for engineering assessment activities, including damage control team planning and preparation. Consistent with NRC EPFAQ No. 2013-005, the EOF will satisfy the offsite notification responsibilities for the Alternative Facility. The Alternative Facility is located at 960 North Rt. 47 Morris, Illinois. (CM-1, ref. AR 1362747.44)

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-2 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39) 5.2 Assessment Resources 5.2.1 Onsite Meteorological Monitoring Instrumentation The meteorological tower, located approximately 3000 ft. west of the reactor building, is 400 ft. high and is instrumented at three levels. The 35 ft., 150 ft. and 300 ft. levels correspond to the elevations of the possible points of airborne effluent release. Wind speed and wind direction are measured at all three elevations. Ambient temperature is measured at the 35 ft. level and differential temperatures referenced to 35 ft. are measured at 150 ft. and 300 ft. Precipitation is also measured at the site.

The onsite meteorological monitoring program is covered in the contract specification and vendor procedures of the meteorological monitoring contractor. These data are used to generate wind roses and to provide estimates of airborne concentrations of gaseous effluents. Instrumentation The meteorological tower is instrumented with equipment that conforms to the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.23 and ANSI/ANS 2.5 (1984). The equipment is placed on booms oriented into the generally prevailing wind at the site. Equipment signals are brought to an instrument building with controlled environmental conditions. The building at the base of the tower houses the analog and digital recording equipment, signal conditioners, and other equipment used to process and re-transmit the data to the end point users. Meteorological Measurement Program During a Disaster Cooperation between the corporate office and the meteorological contractor assures that a timely restoration of any outage can be made. Emergency field visits to the site are made as quickly as possible after detection of a failure.

Should a disaster of sufficient magnitude occur to destroy the tower structure, a contract is maintained to have a temporary tower erected within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, weather conditions permitting.

Further, the meteorological contractor maintains two levels of sensors (wind speed, wind direction and temperature) in a state of readiness for use on the temporary tower.

Additionally, Exelon Nuclear's existing instrumented towers at other nuclear sites provide a measurement network with multiple backup opportunities.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-3 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Meteorological data is available to the station Control Room, Technical Support Center, and Emergency Operations Facility for use in the Dose Assessment Computer Model for estimating the environmental impact of unplanned releases of radioactivity from the station.

5.2.2 Onsite Radiation Monitoring Equipment Radiation Monitoring System Onsite radiation monitoring systems at Dresden can be categorized into four systems:

A process radiological monitoring and sample system; An effluent radiological monitoring and sampling system; An airborne radioactive monitoring system; An area radiation monitoring system; and A supply of portable survey and counting equipment. Radiological Noble Gas Effluent Monitoring A wide range monitor is installed in the effluent stream that enters the main chimneys and the reactor building vents. These wide range monitors have a range of 1x10-7 uCi/cc to 1x105 uCi/cc.

The method of converting instrument readings to release rates will be determined after the energy responses of the detector are obtained. Due to system design, the monitors give an estimate of a release. Actual releases will be determined by periodically collecting grab samples, counting the samples collected and calculating the releases. Radioiodine and Particulate Effluent Monitoring Effluent sampling media are analyzed in the Station counting room. Silver based cartridges are available to reduce the interference of noble gases. High-Range Containment Radiation Monitors Two high range containment radiation monitors are installed on each of Dresden's units. The range of these monitors is from 1 R/hr to 108 R/hr.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-4 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39) In-plant Iodine Instrumentation Dresden Station has the capability to sample and determine iodine concentrations in the plant using charcoal cartridges and gamma ray spectroscopy. Portable monitors may be used to measure increasing levels of iodine during emergency conditions.

5.2.3 Onsite Process Monitors Adequate monitoring capability exists to properly assess the plant status for the modes of operation. The operability of the post-accident instrumentation ensures information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess important variables following an accident. Instrumentation is available to monitor the parameters and ranges given in the Dresden Station Technical Specifications.

Station procedures have been developed which would aid personnel in recognizing inadequate core cooling using applicable instrumentation.

5.2.4 Onsite Fire Detection Instrumentation Dresden Station has a fire protection system that is designed to quickly detect any fires; annunciating locally and in the Control Room. The fire detection system is designed to applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. The majority of the detectors consist of electrically supervised ionization smoke detectors.

5.2.5 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring Consult the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) for the most current location for fixed continuous air samplers and DLR.

5.2.6 Site Hydrological Characteristics The hydrological characteristics of Dresden Station are described in Section 2.4 of the Dresden UFSAR. The Dresden site at the confluence of the Des Plaines and Kankakee rivers is at the location considered to divide the upper and lower parts of the Illinois River system. The normal river pool elevation controlled at the adjacent Dresden Island Lock and Dam is nominally 505 feet. In December 1982, the Dresden site was subjected to flood waters that exceeded 509 feet establishing a maximum historical flood elevation. Nominal ground elevation is about 516 feet at the location of the principal structures of Units 2 and 3, and design plant grade is 517 feet. Consequently, the probability of flooding critical areas of the site is remote.

Spillway capacity at the Dresden Island Lock and Dam is well in excess of the estimated maximum instantaneous flow of the Illinois River. The site elevation is well above the vast valley storage area upstream from the dam.

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-5 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

River system flow data applicable to the site are more than adequate to meet the cooling water requirements of the two operating units, to assure the availability of sufficient quantities of water for dilution of all radioactive liquid wastes discharged into the Illinois River within the limits in 10 CFR 20, and to reduce concentrations to approximately one one-thousandth of the maximum permissible concentration in the river below the point of discharge from the station.

The closest point downstream of the station where the Illinois River is used as a source of domestic water is Peoria which is 100 miles downstream. At this point the combined effects of dilution, mixing, radioactive decay, and deposition of radioactivity on the river bottom will have rendered the contribution of radioactivity by the station negligible in relation to that present in the Illinois River from other sources. Probable Maximum Flood on Streams and Rivers Since the site probable maximum flood (PMF) elevation of 528'-0" is above the plant grade (elevation 517'0") and above the lowest opening leading to safety-related equipment (elevation 510'-4"),

the safe operation of the plant during the PMF is accomplished via implementation of the flood emergency procedures. Potential Dike and Dam Failures, Seismically Induced An earth dam of the type specified usually does not collapse in its entirety. A break occurs and widens as the water washes through the break. This tends to prolong the time it would take to empty the lake; nevertheless, instantaneous dike losses have been considered since the dikes are not constructed to Class I criteria.

The Dresden lock and dam are concrete structures that are operated and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Operations response procedures are in place to deal with loss of the cooling lake and/or the lock and dam. Ice Effects An 8-foot diameter deicing line connects the discharge canal headworks and the crib house forebay. Its high point is in the headworks at elevation 495'-0" and its low point is in the forebay at elevation 489'-0". A slide gate valve is used to isolate the deicing line when not in use. Cooling Lake The purpose of the cooling lake is to provide adequate cooling of the circulating and service water before discharge to the Illinois River. The water discharged to the river must meet state requirements. The lake is connected to the intake and discharge canals for Units 2 and 3 by two canals (the "hot" and "cold"

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-6 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39) canals). The level of the lake is maintained by a concrete spillway located adjacent to the lift station and between the cold canal and the north end of the lake. The spillway is equipped with weir gates that can be lowered to block some of the spillover to maintain the level of the lake. The weir gates can be manually operated if necessary. Operations response procedures are in place regarding loss of lake level control and/or loss of the lift station.

A discussion of the groundwater resources and aquifers in the vicinity of Dresden Station is discussed in the Final Environmental Statement.

5.3 Protective Facilities and Equipment The onsite assembly areas for Dresden Station are described in Section 4 of this annex. The offsite evacuation assembly areas for Dresden Station are discussed in Section 4 of this annex. These areas are outside the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone and equipped with monitoring, decontamination and bioassay capabilities.

5.4 First Aid and Medical Facilities Dresden Station has an in plant decon room located in a room adjacent to the Radiation Protection Office. This room is provided with a sink, decontamination shower, and a supply cabinet.

First aid kits, stretchers, sinks, eyewashes, and emergency showers have been placed in strategic locations throughout the station.

Medical treatment given to injured persons at the station is of a "first aid" nature.

When more professional care is needed, injured persons are transported to a local hospital or clinic. Morris Hospital in Morris, Illinois is the Dresden Station primary supporting medical facility for radioactively contaminated injured persons. Amita Health St. Joseph Hospital in Joliet, Illinois is the backup medical facility. Both hospitals agree in the event of a Radiological Event, including a hostile action-based event, to ensure the capability for the evaluation of radiation exposure and uptake, including assurance that persons providing these services are adequately prepared to handle contaminated individuals and capable of providing medical support for any contaminated injured individual.

5.5 Law Enforcement Agencies A Letter of Agreement is established for Local Law Enforcement to support Dresden Station to respond to a Radiological Event, including a Hostile Action Based Event, in conjunction with the National Incident Management System upon notification by the station in accordance with the established communications protocol

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 DR 5-7 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39) 5.6 Fire Fighting Organizations A Letter of Agreement is established for the Local Fire Department to respond to a Radiological Event, including a Hostile Action Based Event, in conjunction with the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS). Coordination of activities will be in accordance with the Unified Command Structure 5.7 EMS Support A Letter of Agreement is established for the Local Fire Department to provide Emergency Medical Services in response to a Radiological Event, including a Hostile Action Based Event. This includes transportation of patients from the Dresden Station, including those who may have been exposed to radiation or may have injuries complicated by radioactive contamination, to Morris Hospital or to Presence St. Josephs Medical Center in Joliet upon request through established protocols

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 Appendix 1-1 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Appendix 1: NUREG-0654 Cross-Reference Annex Section NUREG-0654 1.0 Part I, Section A 1.1 Part I, Section C 1.2 Part I, Section D Figure 1-1 Part I, Section D 2.0 Part II, Section A.4 2.1 Part II, Section A.3 3.0 Part II, Section D 4.1 Part II, Section E.1 & J.7 4.2 Part II,Section I.2 & 3 4.3 Part II, Section J.10.m 4.3.1 Part II, Section E.6 4.3.2 Part II, Section J.8 4.4 Part II, Section J.1-5 EP-AA-111 Part II, Section J.10.m Figure 4-1 Part II, Section J.5 4.4 Part II, Section J.2 & 3 EP-AA-1004, Addendum 2 Part II, Section J.8 EP-AA-1004, Addendum 2 Part II, Section J.10.b 5.1 Part II, Section H.1 & G.3 5.2.1 Part II, Section H.5.a & 8 5.2.2 Part II, Section H.5.b & I.2 5.2.3 Part II, Section H.5.c 5.2.4 Part II, Section H.5.d 5.2.5 Part II, Section H.6.b & 7 5.2.6 Part II, Section H.5.a & 6.a 5.3 Part II, Section J.1-5 5.4 Part II, Section L.1 & 2

Dresden Annex Exelon Nuclear October 2020 Appendix 1-2 EP-AA-1004 (Revision 39)

Appendix 2: Station Letters of Agreement

1. US Army Corps of Engineers - provide information regarding failure of or problems with the Dresden Lock and Dam.
2. Will County Sheriff's Office - provides services of law enforcement.
3. Grundy County Sheriff - services of law enforcement.
4. Morris Hospital of Morris, Illinois, acts as the primary supporting medical facility for Dresden Station.
5. Amita Health St. Joseph Hospital of Joliet, Illinois, acts as the back-up supporting medical facility for Dresden Station.
6. General Electric Midwest Fuel Reprocessing Plant - Health Physics support -

instrumentation and limited technical assistance.

7. Coal City Fire Protection and Ambulance District - Fire protection and advanced life support for transportation of accident victims.