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NRC-2016-000727, Request for (1) ML16236A019 - Jan. 9 Mpg Video of the Flooding at St. Lucie, and (2) ML16236A021 - May 27 and June 5, 2014 E-Mails Concerning the St. Lucie Jan. 9 Reactor Auxiliary Building Flooding Video
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2016
From: Lawrence Criscione
- No Known Affiliation
Shared Package
ML20294A127 List:
FOIA, NRC-2016-000727
Download: ML20294A128 (1)


CASE NO: 20 16-0727 DATE REC'D: 09/13/2016 SPECIALIST:

From: Lawrence Criscione RELATED CASE:

To: FOIA Resource Subj ect: [Extemal_Sender] FOIA request for a video, an email, a Linkel n profile, a briefing package, an NRC Form 183 and a memo Date: Monday, September 12, 2016 7:24:38 PM Under t he Freedom of Information Act, I request copies of t he fol lowi ng records:

1. ML16236A019, 2014-Jan-9 mpg video of t he flood ing at St. Lucie, D43 MOV03976.MPG
2. ML16236A021, 2014- May-27 and 2014-June-5 ema ils concerning t he St . Lucie Jan 9 Reactor Auxi liary Bu ilding Floodi ng Video
3. ML16216A704, 2016-Aug-3 Li nked ln Profi le for Jack R. Davis, Direct o r of t he NRC's Japa n Lessons-Learned Directorate 4 . ML16216A711, 2015- March-13 Union of Concerned Scientist s' bri efing package for NRC Chairman Burns and Commissioner Bara n
5. ML16238A013, 2012-Sep-20 NRC Form 183, Report of Securit y Incident/Infraction/Violation writtent agai nst Criscione for sending Official Use Only documents to Congress
6. ML16238A014, 2012-Aut umn undat ed Memorandum from Mary Jane Ross- Lee t o Richard Correia concerning preve nting recurre nce of event s such as t he September 18, 2012 release of informat ion to Congress Al l of t he above records can be found in ADAMS package ML16195A365.

Please provide the records and any correspondence to me electronica lly at (o) (8)

Than k you, Larry Lawrence S. Criscione