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Issue date: 12/31/2020
CORR-20-0099, SRM-EDO011121-1
Download: ML20282A711 (1)


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Protecting People andthe Environment j- 6

> 'i e ommission anizaio uncios Privacy Program ii

. heU.5.Nuc!ear Reculator Commission (NRC)

Privac pogramis based onthePrivac Actof1974 asimlemenedb Cffice of S as. ue. eromance ManaementandBudaet Circuar A-3D, heE-Government Actof Scott C landers ocaions 2002,andNRCpolices. Theobjective o'the 'ogram istobalance hemformation requirements andopeational needs oftheNC Mail i

acainsheprivac inerests oftheindividual U,s 1 luclear Regulator vues Commission hevRCiscommitted toprotecting individual rivac andsecuring -

ommissionirecjon-ein limain ciii he ersonal information madeavaiiable ouswher ou isit fvRCov

.Washintor. DC20555-000 orvisit NRCweb ageshosed b other sites (suchasourcMiclal aaion roecion profiles on ocial networking sites)' Phone: 30'.-415-5717 ie oecion Belowouwill find additional in'ormation aboutou Privac program:

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pna ;c Re.3tGice whato include n a Privacy Act merenc reaecnessesonse request, howtosubmit therequest,. andhowthefvRC will Counerfei. rauulet. an Susecens processtherequest

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al , ubal ulicairs of-:tle 0 ofheCoseofFedemi Reg.'r'cns. NE i- f-- e NRC's Prbac c 5- o'R.rds U.5.Nuclear Regulatory Ese~::jx:s totlePli/ '- -

Commission eaiona rorams FOI/Prb/ac Office-

'.1 R 34339. + -' r M S iilms o:.1 -E 529X. Ce: 13.1995M S Mailstop: T-5F09 Privac forassessmensmadeb he . Washingtor. DC 20555-0001 Imaac Assessmer -

iernaive esouionrorams ise NRCbefore developin orprocurirginformation technocov c---

'T=s,' hatcollects. maintairs ordisseminates perscral ~'.

information Fax:301-415-5130 CiilRis inidentifable form about members ofhepublic. Email:

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of the NRCtoensure hatsstems of cu ecords areestablished andmaintained toprotectherights of individuals !naccordance withtheFederal PrivacActof194. Questions: 30-415-7169 areer ouniies

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