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Modification No. 001 to Task Order No. 31310020F0110 Under Contact No. 31310020D0006
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/2020
From: Jeffrey Mitchell
Acquisition Management Division
To: Rouson D
Download: ML20274A045 (22)



(x) 31310020F0110 x 31310020D0006 copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted ; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FA LURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.


12. ACCOUNT NG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) is not extended.

is extended tems 8 and 15, and returning Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers




8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and ZIP Code)
7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6)


5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable)


D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH N ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b).

E. IMPORTANT Contractor is not, is required to sign this document and return __________________ copies to the issuing office.


Bilateral; Acceptance of Task Order 31310020F01110 x

14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)

X 1

The purpose of this modification is utilize the minimum guarantee and award the first task order to Sourcery, Inc..

The NRC hereby awards task order 31310020D0006 / 31310020F0110 entitled FAVOR Software Development.

Total Obligated Amount: $278,291.13 Total Contract Ceiling: $1,018,901.00 Period of Performance: 09/28/2020 to 01/31/2024 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACT NG OFFICER (Type or print) 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 16C. DATE SIGNED (Signature of person authorized to sign)

(Signature of Contracting Officer)


Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 NSN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9 A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.

09/30/2020 TEL:



31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 2 B - Supplies or Services/Prices B.1 BRIEF PROJECT TITLE AND WORK DESCRIPTION (a) The title of this project is: FAVOR Software Development (b) Summary work description: The objective of this task order is to provide technical support to NRC staff with the following:

Modernization of the FAVOR source code

Implementation and automation of new state-of-practice SQA and V&V processes

Independent QA and V&V of the FAVOR software

Assistance with setting up and managing the FAVOR Users Group

Assistance with setting up collaborative code development tools and processes for FAVOR

Assistance with development and automation of FAVOR SQA and V&V testing

Assistance with development and maintenance of FAVOR SQA and V&V documentation B.2 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION-TIME-AND-MATERIALS CONTRACT (a) The ceiling price to the Government for full performance under this contract is (b) The contract includes: (1) direct labor hours at specified fixed hourly rates, inclusive of wages, fringe, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit, totaling

and (2) cost of materials totaling (c) The amount presently obligated by the Government with respect to this contract is (d) It is estimated that the amount currently obligated will cover performance through February 2021.

(e) This is an incrementally-funded contract and FAR 52.232 Limitation of Funds applies.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 4 TOTAL ESTIMATED PRICE - BASE TASKS





31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 5 C - Description/Specifications C.1 STATEMENT OF WORK TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) 1.

PROJECT TITLE FAVOR Software Development 2.

BACKGROUND The operational integrity of nuclear reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and piping systems relies on sound knowledge of nuclear power plants and their applied loadings, their materials of construction, and of how these materials degrade over time (e.g., changes to properties, development of cracks, changes of dimension, etc.). Over the preceding decades the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), its contractors, and the national and international nuclear community in general have done considerable work on these topics.

As the pressure-retaining systems (i.e., piping, vessels) of nuclear power plants age, there is a continued need to evaluate these systems for the continued operating safety of these systems. Realistic assessment of operating safety requires the development of advanced probabilistic assessment tools and the gathering of empirical evidence of the processes underlying the age related material damage.

Since the mid-1990s, the NRC contracted with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to develop the FORTRAN-based computer code FAVOR (Fracture Analysis of Vessels, Oak Ridge). ORNL developed the FAVOR code pursuant to NUREG/BR-0167 ("Software Quality Assurance Program and Guidelines). The software quality assurance (SQA) guidance in NUREG/BR-0167 applies to technical applications software used in a safety decision by the NRC. FAVOR enables users to estimate the frequency with which a crack can be expected to propagate through the wall of an RPV as a result of thermal-hydraulic loading events. Since 1999, this code has been a key component of the NRCs assessment methodology.

Due to its development spanning 3 decades, FAVOR is a legacy code written with many obsolete programing features (by todays standards). FAVOR is written in fixed-format Fortran 77, with some constructs from Fortran 90/95. This legacy source code is prone to causing software errors as changes are made, and the source code needs major modernization.

A recent effort to assess the software quality assurance (SQA) and verification and validation (V&V) pedigree and practices for the FAVOR code has led to the development of a new Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) for FAVOR, and the NRC is also in the process of establishing new software development QA and V&V practices, with an increased focus on automation and collaborative development. The NRC needs assistance in implementing some of the newly developed processes, which need to be used as the FAVOR code is modernized and re-written to modern Fortran standards.

It is envisioned that for the duration of this task order, a FAVOR development team will be collaboratively working to modernize the FAVOR code. This team will consist of the contractor, the NRC COR, potentially other NRC staff, and another contractor that will assist with FAVOR historical and software knowledge as well as SQA and V&V activities.



The objective of this task order is to provide technical support to NRC staff with the following:

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 6

Modernization of the FAVOR source code

Implementation and automation of new state-of-practice SQA and V&V processes

Independent QA and V&V of the FAVOR software

Assistance with setting up and managing the FAVOR Users Group

Assistance with setting up collaborative code development tools and processes for FAVOR

Assistance with development and automation of FAVOR SQA and V&V testing

Assistance with development and maintenance of FAVOR SQA and V&V documentation 4.

STATEMENT OF WORK TASKS Task 1: FAVOR SQA and V&V Tools and Implementation Subtask 1.1: GitHub Repository for FAVOR The contractor shall work with the COR to explain and demonstrate how to use best practices for repository management via Git using a simplified Fortran sample code provided by the COR. The contractor shall provide Git repository best-practices guidance and a tutorial for the FAVOR development team (NRC and contractors involved). The contractor shall assist NRC in properly setting up the FAVOR GitHub repository and, if applicable and possible, implement SQA controls within the FAVOR GitHub repository.

Subtask 1.1 Deliverables

Training/example Git repository with a simplified Fortran code

Git/GitHub tutorial for the FAVOR development team

Optimized FAVOR GitHub repository with applicable SQA controls in place Subtask 1.2: Demonstrate Code Development Best Practices The contractor shall identify, explain, and demonstrate (on a simplified Fortran sample code provided by the COR) how to develop software using best-practices computer code development skills. The contractor shall use the Skype for the workshop demonstration. The contractor shall focus this task on explaining how to develop testing for a new subroutine and how to integrate the testing of the subroutine into the full sample codes testing process. In addition to the demonstration, the contractor shall focus on testing the sample Fortran code, improving the files to support the code, and developing testing on the files. It is proposed that this will include the following:

Unit testing

Integration Testing

Regression Testing

Performance Testing

Compatibility Testing (Cross-Platform, Cross-Compiler)

Subtask 1.2 Deliverables

Workshop demonstration on how to develop software using best-practices computer code development skill and tools, to include items in task description Subtask 1.3: Make Files Using Cmake The FAVOR code does not currently have make files. The contractor shall develop FAVOR make files using Cmake. The contractor shall ensure that the make files are up to the latest best-practices of make files, including having the options to use both the Intel and gcc/gfortran compiler options and sample code testing. At the end of this task, the contractor shall test Cmake files to ensure compiler support for both the Intel and gfortran compilers.

Subtask 1.3 Deliverables

FAVOR make files produced with Cmake, and updated to the latest best-practices for make files, including support for both the Intel and gfortran compilers.

Subtask 1.4: Development and Execution of New Unit and Verification Tests The contractor shall develop and execute new unit tests for all new FAVOR code developed as part of this tsk order. The unit tests shall be incorporated into FAVORs existing unit testing framework via Cmake and Ctest.

The contractor shall develop and execute new verification tests to show that the numerical solutions from the newly

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 7 implemented code are producing correct results.

The contractor shall also assist in developing and executing new unit and verification tests for existing parts of the FAVOR code, as instructed in writing by the NRC COR.

Subtask 1.4 Deliverables

New unit and verification tests for new FAVOR code developed as part of this task order.

New unit and verification tests for existing portions of FAVOR code, as directed in writing by the NRC COR.

Incorporation of new tests into testing framework with Cmake and Ctest.

Results files for all new unit and verification tests.

Subtask 1.5: Update FAVOR Documentation The contractor shall provide input to update the FAVOR SQA and V&V documentation to reflect the modifications to the code and the processes implemented under this contract, as applicable. This may include input to Software Requirements Documents, Software Design Documents, Software Testing Plans, Software Test Results Reports, Software V&V Plans, and Software V&V Reports. The contractor shall work cooperatively with the other responsible parties of the FAVOR development team to update these documents, following the NRC CORs direction.

Subtask 1.5 Deliverables

Written input to the FAVOR SQA and V&V documentation to reflect the work performed on the FAVOR code under this task order.

Task 2: FAVOR Source Code Modernization Subtask 2.1: Develop List of Improvements to FAVOR Source Code The contractor shall analyze the FAVOR source code (FAVLoad, FAVPFM, and FAVPost) to develop a list of suggested improvements to bring the source code to Fortran 95 standard (or later), including implementing the use of free form coding, getting rid of obsolete Fortran constructs and features, and getting rid of poor Fortran coding practices. The contractor shall also analyze the FAVOR source code to develop a list of suggested improvements to further incorporate the most recent Fortran capabilities. The list of improvements shall include ways to incorporate object-oriented programming (OOP), parallelization, and list any concerns with the way the code is currently structured. The contractor shall also estimate the level of effort (LOE) to implement the improvements identified.

Subtask 2.1 Deliverables

Technical letter report with detailed list of suggested improvements as described above, along with associated LOE estimates to implement the improvements suggested.

Subtask 2.2: Modernization of FAVLoad Source Code The contractor shall implement improvements to the FAVLoad source code to bring the source code to Fortran 95 standard (or later), including implementing the use of free form coding, getting rid of obsolete Fortran constructs and features, and getting rid of poor Fortran coding practices. The contractor shall follow proper SQA procedures for the FAVOR code. The contractor shall update the SQA and V&V documentation for FAVOR to reflect the changes implemented.

Subtask 2.2 Deliverables

New FAVLoad code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable.

Subtask 2.3: Modernization of FAVPFM Source Code The contractor shall implement improvements to the FAVPFM source code to bring the source code to Fortran 95 standard (or later), including implementing the use of free form coding, getting rid of obsolete Fortran constructs and features, and getting rid of poor Fortran coding practices. The contractor shall follow proper SQA procedures for the FAVOR code. The contractor shall update the SQA and V&V documentation for FAVOR to reflect the changes implemented.

Subtask 2.3 Deliverables

New FAVPFM code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable.

Subtask 2.4: Modernization of FAVPost Source Code The contractor shall implement improvements to the FAVPost source code to bring the source code to Fortran 95 standard (or later), including implementing the use of free form coding, getting rid of obsolete Fortran constructs and

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 8 features, and getting rid of poor Fortran coding practices. The contractor shall follow proper SQA procedures for the FAVOR code. The contractor shall update the SQA and V&V documentation for FAVOR to reflect the changes implemented.

Subtask 2.4 Deliverables

New FAVPost code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable.

Subtask 2.5: Parallelization of FAVOR Code As part of the FAVOR improvements, the contractor shall implement parallelization where deemed advantageous, especially where many iterations of a deterministic calculation are performed for the purposes of probabilistic calculations. The contractor shall follow proper SQA procedures for the FAVOR code. The contractor shall update the SQA and V&V documentation for FAVOR to reflect the changes implemented.

Subtask 2.5 Deliverables

Parallelized FAVOR code (source and executables), and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable.

Subtask 2.6: Integration of FAVLoad, FAVPFM, and FAVPost - Assessment The contractor shall assess the possibility of integrating all three FAVOR executables into one code and describe pros and cons of doing so. The contractor shall estimate the LOE to integrate the three FAVOR sub-codes.

Subtask 2.6 Deliverables

Technical letter report documenting the assessment of the possibility of integrating the three FAVOR sub-codes into one code.

OPTION - Subtask 2.7: Integration of FAVLoad, FAVPFM, and FAVPost: Implementation The contractor shall implement the integration of the three FAVOR sub-codes (FAVLoad, FAVPFM, and FAVPost) into a single code. The contractor shall follow proper SQA procedures for the FAVOR code. The contractor shall update the SQA and V&V documentation for FAVOR to reflect the changes implemented.

Option Subtask 2.7 Deliverables

Integrated FAVOR code (source and executables), and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable.

Task 3: Related Technical Support Subtask 3.1: Kickoff Meeting and Annual Program Review Meetings Shortly after award, the contractor shall participate in a kickoff meeting (virtually or in person at the NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, circumstances permitting). Each year of the contract, the contractor shall participate in an annual program review meeting with the COR and other NRC technical staff to discuss work performed during the year.

Circumstances permitting, the meetings are expected to be held at NRC Headquarters in Rockville Maryland, or at the contractors offices, or virtually.

Subtask 3.1 Deliverables The contractor shall prepare viewgraphs and other support materials, e.g. handouts, for the kickoff meeting and for each annual program review. In the viewgraphs for the kickoff meeting, the contractor shall go over the scope of the work for all awarded tasks, and provide any insights and suggestions to ensure a successful project. In the viewgraphs for the annual program reviews, the contactor shall summarize the work performed to date under this task order, highlight important test results, provide a snapshot of the projects financial status, highlight any potential problem areas and propose potential solutions, and outline the work to be performed during the following contract year.

Subtask 3.2: FAVOR User Group Meetings The contractor shall participate in the annual FAVOR User Group meetings. The FAVOR User Group meetings shall last 1 or 2 days. Circumstances permitting, the User Group meeting may take place either at the NRC HQ, or virtually, or at a convenient location where a relevant conference is already taking place (for example a meeting of the International Group for Radiation Damage Mechanisms - IGRDM, or ASME Code meeting, or ASM PVP, for example). This includes preparing and presenting slides describing the latest developments regarding the FAVOR code and providing updates on work performed in this task order.

Subtask 3.2 Deliverables The contractor shall prepare viewgraphs and other support materials, e.g. handouts, for the annual User Group meetings.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 9 In the viewgraphs for the User Group meeting, the contractor shall provide updates on the latest FAVOR code developments as well as other work items in this task order, as directed by the NRC COR in writing.

OPTION - Subtask 3.3: Emergent FAVOR development Support The contractor shall perform FAVOR code development tasks as directed in writing by the COR, to include development of SQA documentation, source code, and executables. The contractor shall perform work under this task while following the FAVOR SQA procedures. The contractor shall plan for up to 200 hours0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> of labor under this optional task.

Option Subtask 3.3 Deliverables

New FAVOR source code

New FAVOR executables

Updated FAVOR SQA documentation 5.


[1] Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge FAVOR, v16.1, Computer Code: Theory and Implementation of Algorithms, Methods, and Correlations, ORNL/LTR-2016/309, ADAMS ML16273A033.

[2] Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge FAVOR, v16.1, Computer Code: Users Guide, ORNL/LTR-2016/310, ADAMS ML16273A034.

[3] Reactor Embrittlement Archive Project (REAP) website,

[4] Dickson, T.L., Bass, B.R., Williams, P.T., The Effect of Shallow Internal Surface-Breaking Flaws on the Probability of Brittle Fracture of Reactor Vessels Subjected to Normal Cool-Down Transients, ORNL/TM-2012/489, ADAMS ML14050A190.

[5] Kusnick, J., Kirk, M., Bass, B.R., Williams, P., and Dickson, T., Effect of Cladding Residual Stress Modeling Technique on Shallow Flaw Stress Intensity Factor in a Reactor Pressure Vessel, 2015 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, July 2015, Boston, MA, USA, PVP2015-45086

[6] American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standard: Requirements for the Verification and Validation in Computational Modeling and Simulation 6.

DELIVERABLES/MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The contractor shall provide the deliverables stated in the table below in electronic format unless otherwise directed by the COR. The electronic format shall be provided using a Microsoft-based product, (e.g., Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) unless the COR and the contractor specifically agree on another format, such as PDF for example. All deliverables, with the exception of the Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR) shall be in the format of draft version, revision version with redline/strikeout with a change-control appendix, and a revised version which shall become the final version. The contractor shall maintain appropriate version control in an electronic format. The contractor shall explicitly state in its submittal(s) that the product provided is the deliverable for Task/Subtask XX, as further described below.

The deliverables below shall be submitted to the task order COR. The COR will review all draft deliverables (and coordinate any internal NRC staff review, if needed) and provide comments back to the contractor. The contractor shall revise the draft deliverable based on the comments provided by the COR and then deliver a revised version of the deliverable, which will then be considered the Final Version. When mutually-agreed upon between the contractor and the COR, the contractor may submit preliminary or partial drafts to help gauge the contractors understanding of the particular work requirement. More than one round of drafts may be needed if the contractor does not successfully incorporate the CORs comments on the previous draft.

The contractor shall develop (as necessary), maintain, and control data, files, information, and deliverables pursuant to this task order.

Subtask Deliverable Estimated Due Date 1.1 Training/example Git repository with a simplified Fortran code 3 months from award 1.1 Git/GitHub tutorial for the FAVOR development team 3 months from award 1.1 Optimized FAVOR GitHub repository with applicable SQA controls in place 6 months from award

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 10 Subtask Deliverable Estimated Due Date 1.2 Workshop demonstration on how to develop software using best-practices computer code development skill and tools 6 months from award 1.3 FAVOR make files 18 months from award 1.4 New unit and verification tests for new FAVOR code 1 month after each new piece of FAVOR code is developed 1.4 New unit and verification tests for existing portions of FAVOR code 1 month after each associated COR written request 1.4 Incorporation of new tests into testing framework with Cmake and Ctest Simultaneous with delivery of new tests 1.4 Results files for all new unit and verification tests Simultaneous with delivery of new tests 1.5 Written input to the FAVOR SQA and V&V documentation to reflect the work performed on the FAVOR code Upon delivery of the FAVOR code modifications, unless otherwise specified in writing by the COR (more time may be allowed in some cases to account for coordination with other members for the FAVOR development team 2.1 Technical letter report with detailed list of suggested improvements along with associated LOE estimates 6 months from award 2.2 New FAVLoad code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable 18 months from award 2.3 New FAVPFM code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable 24 months from award 2.4 New FAVPost code (source and executables) and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable 30 months from award 2.5 Parallelized FAVOR code (source and executables), and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable 30 months from award 2.6 Technical letter report documenting the assessment of the possibility of integrating the three FAVOR sub-codes into one code 18 months from award 2.7 (OPTION)

Integrated FAVOR code (source and executables), and associated changes to the SQA, V&V, and code documentation, as applicable TBD if activated 3.1 Meeting slides 1 week before meeting 3.2 Meeting slides 1 week before meeting 3.3 (OPTION)

New FAVOR source code TBD 3.3 (OPTION)

New FAVOR executables TBD 3.3 (OPTION)

Updated FAVOR SQA documentation TBD The contractor shall submit all raw and processed data and worksheet and/or input files used in testing and analyses with the corresponding Draft TLR, and with the Final TLR, in a tabulated Excel format or other format as directed by the COR.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 11 7.

LABOR QUALIFICATIONS Labor Category Position Minimum Requirements Key Personnel*

(yes or no)

Project Manager (PM)

Minimum Qualifications Requirement

1) B.S. in Engineering, Science or similar technical field and
2) Minimum 5 years of software development project management and oversight experience Yes Senior Key Staff A Bachelors degree in Computer Science or Engineering or relevant Majors.

More than 10 years experience in Fortran and C/C++

Experience in the latest (2018) Fortran code development practice, including Object-Oriented Programming, Parallel programming and MPI Proficiency with the latest software quality assurance (SQA) standards Proven in-depth knowledge of production level code verification, validation, testing and version control Extensive experience with the Intel and gcc/gfortran compilers, GIT, cmake, and other relevant software development tools Demonstrated experience and success in teaching advanced Fortran techniques to non-computer science backgrounds An understanding of the architecture and solution scheme used in the FAVOR code Yes

  • See NRCAR 2052.215-70, Key Personnel 8.

GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPERTY Access to all deliverables from previous NRC research and development on the FAVOR code, as needed for this project per the CORs determination, including all past test data, analyses, and letter reports.

REAP legacy archive 9.

PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The work to be performed under this task order shall be performed at the Contractors facility except for the travel described in Section 11.1 of this statement of work.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 12


11.1 TRAVEL/MEETINGS The following travel may occur under this task order:

Travel Description Task Location Date Days Attendees FY 2021 Kickoff meeting at NRC 5

Rockville, MD Q4 CY2020 2

2 FAVOR User Group Meeting 2


2 FY 2022 Program Review at NRC 2

Rockville, MD Q4 CY2021 2

2 FAVOR User Group Meeting 5


2 FY 2023 Program Review at NRC 2

Rockville, MD Q4 CY2022 2

2 FAVOR User Group Meeting 5


2 FY2024 Program Review at NRC 2

Rockville, MD Q4 CY2023 2

2 FAVOR User Group Meeting 5


2 Travel Notes a.

All contractor travel requires prior written approval from the COR.


Number of trips, number of contractor personnel, duration, location, may be modified based on meeting circumstances and COR need for contractor support. Contractor shall implement travel cost-sharing measures (for example sharing rental car) if possible.


At the discretion of the COR, meetings may be conducted via telephone, video conference, or at the contractor site.


All travel conducted pursuant to this task order is billable at Federal per diem rates, in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations.

11.2 SECURITY The work will be UNCLASSIFIED.

Work on this task order may involve the handling of documents that contain proprietary information. The contractor shall safeguard documents containing proprietary information against unauthorized disclosure. After completion of work, the contractor shall either destroy the documents or return them to the NRC. If they are destroyed, please confirm this in an e mail to the COR with a copy to the CO and include the date and manner in which the documents were destroyed.

11.3 LICENSE FEE RECOVERY All work under this task order is/is not license fee recoverable.

11.4 DATA RIGHTS The NRC shall have unlimited rights to and ownership of all deliverables provided under this contract/order, including reports, recommendations, briefings, work plans and all other deliverables. All documents and materials, to include the source codes of any software, produced under this contract/order are the property of the Government with all rights and privileges of ownership/copyright belonging exclusively to the Government. These documents and materials may not be used or sold by the contractor without written authorization from the CO. All materials supplied to the Government shall be the sole property of the Government and may not be used for any other purpose. This right does not abrogate any other Government rights. The definition of unlimited rights is contained in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 27.401,

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 13 Definitions. FAR clause at FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General, is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract/order.

11.5 REQUIRED MATERIALS/FACILITIES Required Software to be provided by the contractor (Quantity 1 of each), critical for the success of this project:

Camtasia Studio

Intel Studio XE 2016 Composer (or newer) Edition for Fortran

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 14 D - Packaging and Marking D.1 PACKAGING AND MARKING (a) The Contractor shall package material for shipment to the NRC in such a manner that will ensure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination. Containers and closures shall comply with the Surface Transportation Board, Uniform Freight Classification Rules, or regulations of other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation.

(b) On the front of the package, the Contractor shall clearly identify the contract number under which the product is being provided.

(c) Additional packaging and/or marking requirements are as follows:


D.2 BRANDING The Contractor is required to use the statement below in any publications, presentations, articles, products, or materials funded under this contract/order, to the extent practical, in order to provide NRC with recognition for its involvement in and contribution to the project. If the work performed is funded entirely with NRC funds, then the contractor must acknowledge that information in its documentation/presentation.

Work Supported by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, under Contract/order number 31310020D0006_31310020F0110.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 15 F - Deliveries or Performance F.1 PLACE OF DELIVERY-REPORTS The items to be furnished hereunder shall be delivered, with all charges paid by the Contractor, to:


b. Contracting Officers Representative (COR)
c. Name:
d. Contracting Officer (CO)


This order shall commence on 09/28/2020 and will expire on 01/31/2024.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 16 G - Contract Administration Data G.1 ELECTRONIC PAYMENT (DEC 2017)

The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires that all payments except IRS tax refunds be made by Electronic Funds Transfer. Payment shall be made in accordance with FAR 52.232-33, entitled Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management.

To receive payment, the contractor shall prepare invoices in accordance with NRCs Billing Instructions. Claims shall be submitted through the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) ( Back up documentation shall be included as required by the NRCs Billing Instructions.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 17 H - Special Contract Requirements H.1 USE OF PERMANENT AND LOANER DEVICE SOLUTIONS DURING INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL (FEB 2020)

In order to ensure the secure use of mobile devices by contractors while on official international travel, the NRC has implemented the following requirements. These policies establish best practices in accordance with Management Directive 12.5, "NRC Cybersecurity Program.

NRC-assigned Permanent Laptops Due to security risks, NRC-assigned permanent laptops shall not be used for international travel by contractors for any reason.

NRC-assigned Loaner Laptops NRC loaner laptops specifically configured for international travel, if provided, are the only NRC-provided mobile equipment that may be used by contractors while on official agency international travel. Under the NRC's Agency-Wide Mobility Policy, loaner tablets and mobile phones are not provided to contractors. All NRC loaner devices will be wiped of all data upon returning from each international trip.

Personal Devices The use of personal laptops, tablets and mobile phones while on official international travel is not prohibited. However, if a contractor is using a personal device to perform work for the NRC while on international travel, the contractor must leverage an NRC authorized solution (Citrix Remote Desktop, IBM MaaS360, Microsoft Office 365 (O365)) to access NRC information.

Personal International Travel The NRC does not support requests for loaner laptops, tablets or mobile phones while contractor employees are on personal international travel.


The contractor will ensure that all contractor staff receive anti-harassment training before being granted facility access. The Government reserves the right to deny or restrict facility access for any Contractor employee who engages in any conduct that the agency believes adversely affects the work place. The imposition of a restriction or prohibition shall not excuse the Contractor from performance of obligations under the contract.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 18 H.3 WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION FOR NRC CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES (a) The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) contractor and its subcontractor are subject to the Whistleblower Employee Protection public law provisions as codified at 42 U.S.C.

5851. NRC contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) shall comply with the requirements of this Whistleblower Employee Protection law, and the implementing regulations of the NRC and the Department of Labor (DOL). See, for example, DOL Procedures on Handling Complaints at 29 C.F.R. Part 24 concerning the employer obligations, prohibited acts, DOL procedures and the requirement for prominent posting of notice of Employee Rights at Appendix A to Part 24 entitled: Your Rights Under the Energy Reorganization Act.

(b) Under this Whistleblower Employee Protection law, as implemented by regulations, NRC contractor and subcontractor employees are protected from discharge, reprisal, threats, intimidation, coercion, blacklisting or other employment discrimination practices with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of their employment because the contractor or subcontractor employee(s) has provided notice to the employer, refused to engage in unlawful practices, assisted in proceedings or testified on activities concerning alleged violations of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as amended) and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (as amended).

(c) The contractor shall insert this or the substance of this clause in any subcontracts involving work performed under this contract.


(a) In furtherance of the sustainable acquisition goals of Executive Order (EO) 13693, "Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade," products and services provided under this contract/order shall be energy efficient (EnergyStar or Federal Energy Management Program -

FEMP-designated products), water efficient, biobased, environmentally preferable (excluding EPEAT-registered products), non-ozone depleting, contain recycled content, or are non-or low toxic alternatives or hazardous constituents (e.g., non-VOC paint), where such products and services meet agency performance requirements. See: Executive Order (EO) 13693, "Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade."

(b) The NRC and contractor may negotiate during the contract term to permit the substitution or addition of designated recycled content products (i.e., Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines

- CPG), EPEAT-registered products, EnergyStar-and FEMP designated energy efficient products and appliances, USDA designated biobased products (Biopreferred program),

environmentally preferable products, WaterSense and other water efficient products, products containing non-or lower-ozone depleting substances (i.e., SNAP), and products containing non-or low-toxic or hazardous constituents (e.g., non-VOC paint), when such products and services are readily available at a competitive cost and satisfy the NRCs performance needs.

(c) The contractor shall flow down this clause into all subcontracts and other agreements that relate to performance of this contract/order.


(a) The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 19

  • The contractor agrees that personnel may not be removed from the contract work or replaced without compliance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) If one or more of the key personnel, for whatever reason, becomes, or is expected to become, unavailable for work under this contract for a continuous period exceeding 30 work days, or is expected to devote substantially less effort to the work than indicated in the proposal or initially anticipated, the contractor shall immediately notify the contracting officer and shall, subject to the concurrence of the contracting officer, promptly replace the personnel with personnel of at least substantially equal ability and qualifications.

(c) Each request for approval of substitutions must be in writing and contain a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitutions. The request must also contain a complete resume for the proposed substitute and other information requested or needed by the contracting officer to evaluate the proposed substitution. The contracting officer and the project officer shall evaluate the contractor's request and the contracting officer shall promptly notify the contractor of his or her decision in writing.

(d) If the contracting officer determines that suitable and timely replacement of key personnel who have been reassigned, terminated, or have otherwise become unavailable for the contract work is not reasonably forthcoming, or that the resultant reduction of productive effort would be so substantial as to impair the successful completion of the contract or the service order, the contract may be terminated by the contracting officer for default or for the convenience of the Government, as appropriate. If the contracting officer finds the contractor at fault for the condition, the contract price or fixed fee may be equitably adjusted downward to compensate the Government for any resultant delay, loss, or damage.

H.6 CONTRACTING OFFICERS REPRESENTATIVE (a) The contracting officer's authorized representative hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) for this contract is:

Contracting Officers Representative (COR):

Patrick Raynuad 301-415-1987 Alt Contracting Officers Representative:

Giovanni Facco 301-415-0892 (b) Performance of the work under this contract is subject to the technical direction of the NRC COR. The term technical direction is defined to include the following:

(1) Technical direction to the contractor which shifts work emphasis between areas of work or

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 20 tasks, authorizes travel which was unanticipated in the Schedule (i.e., travel not contemplated in the Statement of Work or changes to specific travel identified in the Statement of Work), fills in details, or otherwise serves to accomplish the contractual statement of work.

(2) Provide advice and guidance to the contractor in the preparation of drawings, specifications, or technical portions of the work description.

(3) Review and, where required by the contract, approve technical reports, drawings, specifications, and technical information to be delivered by the contractor to the Government under the contract.

(c) Technical direction must be within the general statement of work stated in the contract.

The project officer does not have the authority to and may not issue any technical direction which:

(1) Constitutes an assignment of work outside the general scope of the contract.

(2) Constitutes a change as defined in the "Changes" clause of this contract.

(3) In any way causes an increase or decrease in the total estimated contract cost, the fixed fee, if any, or the time required for contract performance.

(4) Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions, or specifications of the contract.

(5) Terminates the contract, settles any claim or dispute arising under the contract, or issues any unilateral directive whatever.

(d) All technical directions must be issued in writing by the COR or must be confirmed by the COR in writing within ten (10) working days after verbal issuance. A copy of the written direction must be furnished to the contracting officer. A copy of NRC Form 445, Request for Approval of Official Foreign Travel, which has received final approval from the NRC must be furnished to the contracting officer.

(e) The contractor shall proceed promptly with the performance of technical directions duly issued by the project officer in the manner prescribed by this clause and within the CORs authority under the provisions of this clause.

(f) If, in the opinion of the contractor, any instruction or direction issued by the COR is within one of the categories defined in paragraph (c) of this section, the contractor may not proceed but shall notify the contracting officer in writing within five (5) working days after the receipt of any instruction or direction and shall request that contracting officer to modify the contract accordingly. Upon receiving the notification from the contractor, the contracting officer shall issue an appropriate contract modification or advise the contractor in writing that, in the contracting officer's opinion, the technical direction is within the scope of this article and does not constitute a change under the "Changes" clause.

(g) Any unauthorized commitment or direction issued by the COR may result in an unnecessary delay in the contractor's performance and may even result in the contractor expending funds for unallowable costs under the contract.

(h) A failure of the parties to agree upon the nature of the instruction or direction or upon the contract action to be taken with respect to the instruction or direction is subject to 52.233 Disputes.

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 21 (i) In addition to providing technical direction as defined in paragraph (b) of the section, the project officer shall:

(1) Monitor the contractor's technical progress, including surveillance and assessment of performance, and recommend to the contracting officer changes in requirements.

(2) Assist the contractor in the resolution of technical problems encountered during performance.

(3) Review all costs requested for reimbursement by the contractor and submit to the contracting officer recommendations for approval, disapproval, or suspension of payment for supplies and services required under this contract.

(End of Clause)

31310020D0006/31310020F0110 Page 22 SECTION J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments J.1 List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments Attachments:


Monthly Letter Status Report Template (Furnished Upon Request) 2.

Labor Hour Billing Instructions (Furnished Upon Request)