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Modification No. 008 to Contract No. NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/21/2020
From: Mike Williams
Acquisition Management Division
Download: ML20265A155 (15)



SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 7350 SW 89TH ST STE 300 MIAMI FL 33156-7837 Period of Performance: 10/01/2017 to 09/30/2021 NSN 7540-01-152-8067 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86)

Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 The purpose of this contract modification is to: 1) increase the contract ceiling by from to  ; 2) revise the cost and price schedule to include the additional work under Task 10; 3) revise the statement of work to include Task 10 for additional virtual requirements; 4) incorporate clause FAR 52.204-25 PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING FOR CERTAIN TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT (AUG 2020) into the contract. This clause includes contracting prohibitions imposed by section 889(a)(1)(B) of the FY2019 National Defense Authorization Act. This act prohibits federal departments and agencies from contracting with any entity that uses covered telecommunications equipment of services from Huawei, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications, Hangzhou Hikvision, Dahua Technology, and their subsidiaries. By law, this prohibition takes effect August 13, 2020 and; 5) include Billing Instructions for Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts for reimbursement of travel expenditures. Accordingly, the contract is hereby modified as follows:

1) Section B.2 NRCB080 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION FIRM-FIXED-PRICE paragraph (a), is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

(a) The total ceiling of this contract for the products/services under this contract is for the .

The amount will increase upon exercise of Option Periods and/or Optional Tasks as shown in Section B.3.

(End Clause) 3

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008

2) B.3 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE for Option Years Three (3) and Four (4) are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following:

OPTION YEAR THREE: OCTOBER 1, 2020-SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 CLIN Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount OPTION YEAR THREE AMOUNT $



NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 OPTION YEAR FOUR: OCTOBER 1, 2021-SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 CLIN Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount OPTION YEAR FOUR AMOUNT $


$ 1 $


    • Note:
  • The government will reimburse Per Diem rates in the continental United States (CONUS Rates) based on rates on All travel costs shall be in accordance with Government Federal Travel Regulations (FTR). Hotel and airfare reservations will be made by the contractor and will be reimbursed for actual costs only, back up documentation/receipts shall be attached to the invoice.**
3) SECTION I - CONTRACT CLAUSES is updated to incorporate the following clause by reference:


4) SECTION C-Descriptions/Specifications/Statement of Work is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment 1.


TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORK C.1 Title of Project Small Business Vendor Outreach Support C.2 Background The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent Federal agency established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to regulate civilian use of nuclear materials. NRC's primary mission is to protect the public health and safety, and the environment from the effects of radiation from nuclear reactors, materials, and waste facilities. NRC also regulates these nuclear materials and facilities to promote the common defense and security. The agency's mission is supported by contracts with the business community for products and services that assist the agency in meeting its operational goals and objectives. The agency recognizes the importance of contract support and the vital role small businesses play in the economic well-being and security of the Nation.

The Office of Small Business and Civil Rights (SBCR) supports the NRC mission in protecting people and the environment by enabling the agency to have a diverse and inclusive workforce, to advance equal employment opportunity for employees and applicants, to provide fair and impartial processing of discrimination complaints, to afford maximum practicable prime and subcontracting opportunities for small businesses, and to allow for meaningful and equal access to agency-conducted and financially-assisted programs and activities including partnerships with Minority Serving Institutions (MSI).

The NRC Small Business Program is charged with ensuring the agency complies with small business-related laws and advocates for maximum practicable prime *and subcontract opportunities. The Small Business Program directs an agency-wide program to meet the objectives of small business-related Federal statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, policies and other Federal small business goals. To that end, the NRC Small Business Program supports small businesses in agency contract operations through: acquisition compliance reviews; collaborative market research and strategic acquisition planning efforts; the recommendation of small business contract set-asides; participation in procurement conferences and fairs, sponsored by Federal, State and local Governments, the Congress and local communities to reach small business; and sponsorship of contract-related training, counsel and technical assistance to agency officials and to provide business development and assistance to the business community. These efforts are intended to maximize small business contracting; enable the agency to meet small business contracting goals and objectives; forge strategic business alliances; educate the business community on agency .contracting opportunities and small businesses; and ensure a competitive and innovative supplier base to meet agency mission-related contracting needs.

C.3 Objective The objective of this contract/order is to provide logistics and support services for regional small business outreach events.

C.4 Scope of Work/Tasks The contractor shall provide all resources necessary to accomplish the tasks and deliverables described in this Statement of Work (SOW). The contractor shall provide the services to support the planning and execution of small business outreach events within the geographic areas of each of the NRC regional offices.

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 Tasks Task 1 Identify and Secure Location The contractor shall identify a location for five annual (one event per year) half day events which is located within the designated target area as defined by the Contracting Officers Representative (COR). Event location should account for at a minimum a main area for plenary sessions of not less than 100 attendees, break out rooms, exhibiting space and designated room for conducting match making appointments. The duration of the planned event should not exceed 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Effort should be placed on securing a free or low cost space, (prior events have been held in University space or other utilized by the procurement technical assistance centers) including minimal cost or free parking. The contractor is encouraged to partner with local chambers of commerce, procurement technical assistance centers or other local organizations supportive of small business development within the designated target area.

Upon the identification of the location for the event the contractor shall seek and obtain written approval from the COR prior to making a final commitment to any establishment. The request for approval shall include all costs, contributions from partner organizations and any cancellation implications which could negatively impact the contract. The government will not cover or accept cost associated with attrition.

Task 2 Marketing of Event The contractor shall develop a marketing plan to employ strategies to notify current and potential Federal contractors for participation in the event. Partnering with local organizations such as chambers of commerce are encouraged for marketing and outreach to small business firms.

Strategies that prioritize email and social media marketing are encouraged over other strategies such as mailings and flyers.

In addition to small business firms with a focus on Federal customers, the contractor shall conduct outreach to other Federal agency small business and procurement officers. Marketing should emphasize participation in the event including matchmaking and exhibiting opportunities.

Additional marketing to prime federal contractors with active contracts and subcontracting opportunities should also be included in the pool of possible participants.

Upon the completion of the plan the contractor shall seek approval from the COR prior to beginning implementation.

Task 3 Online Registration The contractor shall utilize an automated system to register participants for the event online. Data captured from the registration shall be used to produce standard conference materials such as name badges, registration and participation lists.

Task 4 Onsite Administrative Support The contractor shall provide onsite administrative support for the small business event. Support shall include a registration table to check in participants, to staff break out session rooms and to respond to questions from event participants. In addition to the staffing the contractor shall provide signage in support of the event which will provide directional instructions as well as 3

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 labeling of each event area. Every effort should be used to produce signage that can be used for multiple events.

Not less than 45 days prior to the event the contractor shall provide a staffing plan and signage plan for approval by the COR.

Task 5 Small Business Matchmaking Support Matchmaking events are a core feature of most small business conferences. These speed meetings range from 10 - 15 minutes and provide an opportunity for the prospective contractors to meet with Federal and prime contractor staff to discuss upcoming prime and subcontracting opportunities as well as share general and specific contracting capabilities. The contractor shall organize and support matchmaking opportunities for the event. All support shall include the pre-event and onsite support. Pre-event support shall include collecting information from prospective contractors including relevant Federal certifications, as well as primary and secondary NAISC Codes. From Federal agency staff and Prime contractors the contactor shall request desired certifications, (e.g. women owned small business or veteran owned small business owners, etc.)

and the NAICS Codes they for which they have upcoming contracting opportunities. Data captured from these parties shall be used to set meetings between the parties for a period of not less than 10 minutes. The time allocated for matchmaking shall not be less than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of the event and shall not overlap with the opening plenary session of the event.

Onsite support shall be provided to include labeling of tables prior to the event as well as maintaining time between meeting sessions. Efforts should be made to accommodate individuals who desire to fill no show meetings. The contractor shall provide the COR with a schedule of planned meetings as part of a close-out of the event.

Task 6 Evaluation The contractor shall develop and implement an evaluation for each event to collect both accountability measures, including the extent that expectations were met and quality of the content that leads to and capture contract opportunities, as well as collect qualitative comments.

Data shall be tabulated and presented in a close-out report due to the COR not later than 30 day after the conclusion of each event.

Task 7 Program Management and Content Support The contractor shall provide program management and content support for the event including recommending speakers and topics for breakout sessions to be held at the event. Each event will have a target small business program defined by the COR, at the beginning of the planning process. This target will serve as a theme for breakout and plenary sessions, as well as the central target audience. The contractor shall make recommendations on the topics which would best support the target audience as well as identify potential speakers to address the topic. These shall be included in the final agenda to be approved by the COR.

Following approval the contractor shall submit invitation to participate to selected participants. At the conclusion of the event the contract shall submit letters of appreciation for individual support.

Task 8 Graphics Support The contractor shall provide graphics services for the marketing and implementation of the small business event as well as the general support of the NRC Small Business Program. General support shall include development of informational materials in support of the small business 4

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 program and the development of layouts which can be submitted for printing. Graphics Support shall include as a minimum, but not limited to marketing materials for the event, onsite materials for the implementation of the event and general educational information related to the implementation of the small business program in the NRC.

Approval of the COR is required prior to any printing being conducted.

Task 9 (Optional) Program Support of other offsite SBCR Events Upon the exercising of this task the contractor shall provide support for other SBCR events. As with the above referenced tasks, the contractor shall seek to work with local appropriate partners to identify low and no-cost locations that would serve as an appropriate location for a federally sponsored event. Tasks 1-8 would apply to the additional event exercised by this option. The contractor shall provide site identification, marketing, onsite support, online registration and evaluation tasks in support of the event.

Prior to implementing this support, the contractor shall develop and submit a plan for approval by the COR, including the projected budget for the event. It is anticipated not to exceed one additional event per year.

Task 10 Develop Transition Plan On March 1, 2020 a national state of emergency was declared due to an outbreak of COVID-19.

As a result, state and local government have taken a variety of actions which limit the congregation of groups as directed by the Centers for Disease Control. Under these circumstances the contractor shall develop a plan to transition the face to face conferences as called for under the tasks below to a online based event. The plan shall address all aspects not accomplishable due to all governmental restrictions in place at the time of the plan. A budget shall accompany the plan and not exceed budget for a face to face event. The event may occur over multiple days if advantageous to the participants and shall be defined with the plan. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the COR prior to the commencement of any effort.

C.5 Reporting Requirements C.5.1 Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR)

The contractor shall provide a Monthly Letter Status Report which consists of a technical progress report and financial status report. This report will be used by the Government to assess the adequacy of the resources proposed by the contractor to accomplish the work contained in this SOW and provide status of contractor progress in achieving tasks and producing deliverables. The report shall include contract/order summary information, work completed during the specified period, milestone schedule information, problem resolution, travel plans, and staff hour summary.

C.5.2 Final Report The contractor shall provide a final report summarizing the work performed and the results and conclusions under this contract. The report shall include samples of all materials produced for the event including letters of invitation and final agenda. It shall also include a complete participation list including contact information provided during the registration process and a tabulated evaluation of participants rating of the event elements as well as written comments shared.


NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 C.6 List of Deliverables Section # Deliverable Due Date Format Submit to C.5.1 MLSR 1 [Monthly 20th of the Word CO/COR Report] following month Document C.5.2 Final 2 [Final Report] 30 days prior to Word COR Report contract expiration Document C.4 Task 1 3 Identification of 60 days after Word COR location notification of Document location C.4 Task 2 4. Marketing Plan 90 days prior to Word COR event Document C.4 Task 4 5. Onsite Plan 45 days prior to Word COR and Signage event Document Needs C.4 Task 5 + 6. Final Event 30 days following Word COR 6 Closeout Report any event Document C.4 Task 7 7. Draft Agenda 60 days prior to Word COR event Document C.4 Task 7 8. Copies of 45 days prior to Word COR letters of event Document invitation C.4 Task 7 9. Final Agenda 15 days prior to Word COR event Document C.4 Task 8 10. Draft 15 days after Word COR Graphics Design request Document C.4 Task 8 11. Final Graphic 30 days after Word COR Design for request Document printing C.4 Task 9 - 12. Draft Plan 30 days after Word COR Optional with budget request Document C.4 Task 9 - 13. Final Plan 45 days after Word COR Optional with Budget request Document C.4 Task 10 14. Online Plan 1 plan per contract Word COR year at the request Document of the COR C.7 Required Materials, Facilities, Hardware/Software N/A C.8 Release of Publications 6

NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 Any documents generated by the contractor under this contract/order shall not be released for publication or dissemination without CO and COR prior written approval.

C.9 Place of Performance The work to be performed under this contract/order will be primarily performed at locations within the metropolitan area of the NRC Regional Offices. (King of Prussia, PA, Atlanta, GA, Lisle, IL and Arlington, TX)

C.10 Recognized Holidays N/A C.11 Hours of Operation N/A C.12 Certification and License Requirements N/A C.13 Personnel and Qualification Requirements Personnel under this contact/order shall meet the minimum requirements for experience and education of 10 years of relevant experience in meeting planning and support services for federal agencies.

C.14 Contractor Travel For estimating purposes, it is anticipated that one trip of 2-day duration will be required. If the optional task is exercised, an additional trip of 2-day duration may be required. Contractor will be authorized travel expenses consistent with the substantive provisions of the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR). All travel requires prior written Government approval from the COR.

No markup on travel will be allowed under this contract.

C.16 Data Rights The NRC shall have unlimited rights to and ownership of all deliverables provided under this contract/order, including reports, recommendations, briefings, work plans and all other deliverables. All documents and materials, to include the source codes of any software, produced under this contract/order are the property of the Government with all rights and privileges of ownership/copyright belonging exclusively to the Government. These documents and materials may not be used or sold by the contractor without prior written authorization from the CO. All materials supplied to the Government shall be the sole property of the Government and may not be used for any other purpose. This right does not abrogate any other Government rights.

C.17 Section 508 - Electronic and Information Technology Standards N/A C.18 Applicable Publications (Current Editions) 7


General: During performance and through final payment of this contract, the contractor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of data within the System for Award Management (SAM) database and for any liability resulting from the Governments reliance on inaccurate or incomplete SAM data.

The contractor shall prepare invoices/vouchers for reimbursement of costs in the manner and format described herein. FAILURE TO SUBMIT INVOICES/VOUCHERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE INVOICE/VOUCHER AS IMPROPER.

Standard Forms: Reimbursement requests shall be submitted on the payee's letterhead, invoice/voucher, or on the Government's Standard Form 1034, "Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal," and Standard Form 1035, "Public Voucher for Purchases Other than Personal--Continuation Sheet."

Electronic Invoice/Voucher Submissions: The preferred method of submitting invoices/vouchers is electronically to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, via email to:

Hard-Copy Invoice/Voucher Submissions: If you submit a hard-copy of the invoice/voucher, a signed original and supporting documentation shall be submitted to the following address:

NRC Payments U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mailstop O3-E17A Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Purchase of Capital Property: ($50,000 or more with life of one year or longer)

Contractors must report to the Contracting Officer, electronically, any capital property acquired with contract funds having an initial cost of $50,000 or more, in accordance with procedures set forth in NRC Management Directive (MD).

Agency Payment Office: Payment will continue to be made by the office designated in the contract in Block 12 of the Standard Form 26, or Block 25 of the Standard Form 33, whichever is applicable.

Frequency: The contractor shall submit requests for reimbursement once each month, unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer.

Format: Invoices/Vouchers shall be submitted in the format depicted on the attached sample form entitled "Invoice/Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal". Alternate formats are permissible only if they address all requirements of the Billing Instructions. The instructions for preparation and itemization of the invoice/voucher are included with the sample form.


NRC-HQ-7P-17-E-0001 M0008 Attachment 1 Task Order Contracts: The contractor must submit a separate invoice/voucher for each individual task order with detailed cost information. This includes all applicable cost elements and other items discussed in paragraphs (a) through (s) of the attached instructions. In addition, the invoice/voucher must specify the contract number, and the NRC-assigned task/delivery order number.

Billing of Costs after Expiration of Contract: If costs are incurred during the contract period and invoiced after the contract has expired, you must cite the period during which these costs were incurred. To be considered a proper expiration invoice/voucher, the contractor shall clearly mark it "EXPIRATION INVOICE" or EXPIRATION VOUCHER".

Final invoices/vouchers shall be marked "FINAL INVOICE" or "FINAL VOUCHER".

Currency: Invoices/Vouchers must be expressed in U.S. Dollars.

Supersession: These instructions supersede previous Billing Instructions for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts.