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WCS CISF - Revision 4 to Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Attachment B, HEC-RAS Model for the Calculation of the Developed Low Level & Byproduct Facility 500-Year and PMP Water Surface Profiles Profiles, 4 of 5
Person / Time
Site: Consolidated Interim Storage Facility
Issue date: 09/02/2020
Consolidated Interim Storage Facility
Division of Fuel Management
Shared Package
ML20261H419 List:
Download: ML20261H457 (412)



HEC.R/\$ Pion; 3-21-06 River. O~eh A Reacll; 5 3469.00 3470.41 3470.38 1.41 3470.80 0.014358 5.05 426,27 558.33 107.68 132.06 0.94 3469.00 3471.40 3471 .40 2.40 3472.19 0.011380 7.37 404.87 578.73 259.90 173.86 0.94 533,00 3464.00 3465.81 3465.61 1.81 3466.09 0.009685 4.29 471 .88 602.60 124.37 130.72 0.77 1768.00 3464.00 3466.73 3466.67 2.73 3467.39 0.011877 6 .58 438.17 635.83 274,87 197.66 0.93 533.00 3456.00 3456.93 3456.93 0.93 3457.20 0.020830 4.16 402 .40 651.88 127.98 249.47 1.02 1768.00 3456.00 3457.50 3457.50 1.50 3457.89 0.018192 5.03 346.81 813.23 351.58 466.63 1.02 828.00 3450.00 3451 .67 3451 .29 1.67 3451.79 0.004773 2 .79 422.55 772.35 296.91 349.80 0 .53 4796.00 3450.00 3453.03 3452,60 3453.47 0.005800 5.43 288.83 849.46 927.89 560.63 0.87 828.00 3445.00 3448.63 3446.51 1.63 3446.88 0.012031 4.04 439.59 717.03 205.08 277.44 0.83 3445.00 3448.10 3447.89 3.10 3448.61 0.009426 5.69 318.76 897.88 &43.12 579.12 0.82 828,00 3440.00 3441.76 3441.26 1.76 3441.85 0.003284 2.41 447.23 829.30 344.10 38Z.07 0.45 4796.00 3440.00 3443.22 3442.55 3.22 3443.56 0 ,003805 4.75 348.41 939.02 1064.89 590.61 0.58 828.00 3437.80 3438.80 3438.60 1.00 3439.11 0.019279 4.48 323.16 627.28 164.68 304.12 1.01 4796.00 3437.80 3440.06 3440,06 2.26 3440.76 0.014557 6.74 229.27 750.71 711.27 521 .44 1.01 872.00 3435.00 3436.44 1.44 3436.49 0.001970 1.91 401 .47 927.66 461 .54 528.19 0.35 4942.00 3435.00 3437.75 3436.98 2.75 3438.01 0.003019 4.24 334.08 992.43 1236.58 658.36 0.50 3430.00 3430.74 3430.74 0.74 3431 .06 0,018791 4.51 773.36 1296,23 326.19 522.87 1.01 3430.00 3431.80 3431.80 1.80 3432.49 0 .013020 6,88 677.13 1465.22 974.68 788.09 0.97 3425.00 3426.38 3425.82 1.38 3426.44 0.001775 1.93 705.25 1552.75 775.71 847.50 0,34 3425.00 3427.59 3426.70 2.59 3421.n 0.002056 3,49 589.02 1795,50 2019.06 1208.47 0.41 1668.00 3420.00 3421 .05 3421 .05 1.05 3421 .40 0.017942 4.76 533.64 1044.80 350,94 511.16 1.00 6955.00 3420.00 3422.09 3422.09 2.09 3422.69 0.013828 6,35 318.64 1328.07 1150.24 1009.43 0.98 1668.00 3416.00 3417.23 3416.72 2.23 3417.29 0.002280 2.12 *117.56 884.26 858.15 1001.82 0.38 6955.00 3416.00 3418.33 3417.53 3.33 3418.52 0.002576 3.58 *133.93 942.79 1993.09 1076.73 0.45 1888.00 3413.80 3414.56 3414.58 0. 76 3414.87 0.018785 4,28 177.66 805.71 378.40 628.05 0.99 6955.00 3413.80 3415.53 3415.49 1.73 3416.13 0.012623 8.56 3.99 882.77 1132,34 878.78 0.95 1668.00 3409.00 3414.04 3412.71 5.04 3414.08 0.000314 2.23 -405.27 642.67 1383.82 1048.95 0.18 6955.00 3409.00 3415.00 3413.39 6.00 3415.18 0.001208 4.96 -437.07 683 ,17 2429.78 1120.24 0.37 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3412.85 0.001240 3.58 83.74 515.65 665.51 431 .91 0.34 3408.90 3413.55 3413.51 4.65 3414.43 0.006464 9.48 39.37 549.66 1061.05 510.29 0.81 1692.00 3408.00 3409.29 3408.77 1.29 3409,38 0,002748 2.24 188.99 1004.66 754.95 815.87 0.41 7027.00 3408.00 3410.48 2.48 3410.67 0.002815 3.54 *217.69 1201 .18 2061.58 1418.87 0.46 1767.00 3402.70 3404.18 3404.18 1.48 3404.58 0.017389 5.08 661 .17 1100.39 347.74 439.22 1.01 7252.00 3402.70 3405.41 3405.41 2.71 3406.07 0.014925 6.55 481.23 1334.86 1107.97 853.63 1.01 APP A-420

HECRASPMPNOD HEC-RAS Version 3 . 0 . 1 Mar 200 1 U . S . Army Corp of Engineers Hydrologi c Eng ineering Cen t er 609 Second Street , Suit e D Davi s , Ca l ifo r nia 95 616 - 4687 (9 1 6) 756-11 04 x x xxxxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xxxx x xxx xx xx xxxxxx xx: xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx xxxx x x x x xxxxx PROJECT DATA Proj e ct Ti tle : WCS Proj e c t Fil e FloodPlain . prj Run Da t e and Time: 3/2 1 /06 5 : 3 1: 43 PM Project in English units PLAN DATA Plan Ti t l e: Plan 33 Plan File D: \ program files\WCS\ FloodPlain . p33 Geometry


PMP1 04SecRemoved Geome t ry Fi l e D: \program f i les\WCS\FloodPlain . g04 Flow Title pmp NOD Flow File D: \prog r am files\WCS\FloodPlain . f25 P l an Summary Informat i on :

Number o f: Cr oss Sections 18 Mul itple Openings 0 Cu l verts 1 Inline Weirs 0 Brid ges 0 Comput at i ona l Information Wate r sur face calculati on tole r ance 0 . 01 Crit ica l depth calculaton to l eranc e 0 . 01 Maximum number o f inte r at i ons 20 Maximum di fference tole r a nce 0. 3 F l ow tolerance fac t or 0 . 001 Computation Options Cri ti c al d epth compu ted only where n e cessary Conveyance Calculation Method : At break s i n n values only Fr i c tion Sl ope Met h od : Ave rage Conveyance Compu t at i on al Flow Reg ime: Mixed Flow FLOW DATA Fl ow


pmp NOD Flow Fil e : D: \program files\WCS\FloodP l ain . f25 Page 1 APP A-421

HECRAS PMPNOD Fl ow Dat a (c f s)

River Reach RS PF 2 PF 3 Ditch A 5 12674 5 33 1768 Ditch A 5 9690 828 4796 Dit c h A 5 7253 872 4942 Di t c h A 5 6343 1470 6399 Di t ch A 5 422 1 1 668 6955 Ditch A 5 1 888 1 692 7027 Ditch A 5 1 060 1 767 72 5 2 Bounda r y Conditions River Reach Profile Upst r eam Down s t ream Di tch A 5 PF 2 Cri tical Cr i tical GEOMETRY DATA Geomet r y Ti t l e : PMP1 04SecRemoved Geomet r y File D: \prog r am files\WCS\Flood Plain .. g04 CROSS SECTION RIVER : Di tch A REACH : 5 RS : 126 7 4 INPUT Description : Sta .. 1267 4 Station Elevat ion Data n um= 6 St a El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev 1 00 3482 380 3478 560 3 4 77 635 3478 7 61 3480 964 3482 Manni n g ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Va l 1 00 . 033 380 .. 033 635 . 033 Ban k St a : Left Righ t Lengt hs: Left Chan ne l Right Coe ff Cont r . Expan ..

380 635 1 206 1337 1 433 .1 "3 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profi le #PF 2 E . G .. Elev (f t ) 3478 .. 47 Element Left OB Channe l Righ t OB Vel Head ( f t ) o. 08 Wt .. n - Val .. 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3478 .. 39 Re ach Len. (ft) 120 6 . 00 1337 . 00 14 33 .. 00 Crit w. s . (f t ) 3478 . 01 Flow Area (sq ft) 5 .. 38 227 .. 48 4 .. 84 E . G .. Slope (ft /ft ) 0 . 003052 Area ( s q f t) 5 .. 38 227 .. 48 4 . 84 Q Total (cfs) 533 . 00 Fl ow (c f s) 4 ' 52 524 .. 42 4. 07 Top Width (ft) 30 7 .. 15 Top Width (ft) 27 . 45 255 . 00 24 .. 70 Page 2 APP A-422

HECRASPMPNOD Vel Total (ft/s) 2 " 24 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s} 0 .. 84 2.31 0 84 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1. 39 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 20 0 . 89 0 . 20 Conv .. Total (cfs) 964 7" 4 Conv .. (cfs} 81 . 8 9492 .. 0 73" 6 Length Wtd .. (ft} 1336 . 69 Wetted Per . (ft) 27 " 45 255 .. 01 24. 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 04 0.17 0 .. 04 Alpha 1 . 04 Stream Power (lb /ft s) 0 . 03 0 . 39 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (ft) 7 .. 65 Cum Volume (acre -ft) 14 80 92 .. 35 2.28 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 03 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 23 106 .. 63 3 . 81 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater t han 1..4 . This may indicate the need fo r additional cross sec t i ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. be t ween t he current and previous er oss section . This may indicat e the need for addit i onal cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3479 .. 41 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 19 Wt .. n-Val.. 0 . 033 0.033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft ) 34 79 .. 22 Reach Len .. (ft) 1206 . 00 1 337 .. 00 1 433 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3478 .. 65 Flow Area (sq ft) 52 . 45 439 ' 65 4 7 . 20 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 003111 Area (sq f t ) 52 . 45 439 . 65 4 7 .. 20 Q Tota l (cfs) 1768 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 94 .. 95 1587 . 60 85 .. 45 Top Width (ft) 417 . 81 Top Width (ft) 85 . 69 255 . 00 77 " 12 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 .. 28 Avg . Ve! .. (ft/s) 1. 8 1 3 .. 61 1.. 81 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 .. 22 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 61 1.. 72 0 " 61 Conv .. Total (c f s) 316 97 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 1702 . 3 28463 .. 6 1532 .. 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 1334 .. 91 Wetted Per.. (ft) 85 .. 70 255 . 01 77 .. 13 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 .. 00 Shear (lb /sq ft) 0 . 12 0 .. 33 0. 12 Alpha 1 . 12 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 22 1.. 21 0 22 Frctn Loss (ft) 7 "16 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 43 " 67 236 .. 67 12 .. 77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 06 Cum SA (acres) 3 7 . 42 13 7 . 75 18 .. 53 Warning : The velocity h ead has changed by more than 0 .. 5 ft (0 . 15 rn) . Th is may indicate the n eed for Page 3 APP A-423

HECRASPMPNOD additional cross sections ..

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1..4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..




Sta. 11337 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 1 00 3477 315 3474 392 3472 435 3470 499 3469 550 3470 591 34 72 694 3474 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 " 033 435 .. 033 550 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

435 550 545 400 332 .. 1 ,3 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G. Elev (ft) 3470 . 80 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 39 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 0" 033 0 . 033 w.. s . Elev (ft) 3470 . 41 Reach Len . (ft) 545.00 400 .. 00 332 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3470 . 38 Flow Area (sq ft) 1.. 77 104 . 22 1. 69 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 014358 Area (sq ft) 1 .. 7 7 104 . 22 1 .. 69 Q Total (cfs) 533 ,. 00 Flow (cfs) 3 " 31 526 .. 54 3 .. 15 Top Width (ft) 132 .. 06 Top Width (ft) 8 .. 73 115 .. 00 8 " 33 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 95 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 1 . 86 5" 05 1 . 86 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..41 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 20 0 .. 9 1 0 . 20 Conv .. Total (cfs) 4448 .. 1 Conv .. (cfs) 27 " 6 4394 . 2 26 . 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 400 .. 25 Wetted Per . (ft) 8 , 74 115 ' 02 8 " 34 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 18 0 . 81 0 . 18 Alpha 1.03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 34 4 .. 10 0 .. 34 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 67 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 .. 7 0 8 7.. 26 2.17 C & E Loss (ft) o. 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 " 73 100 . 95 3 . 27 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 rn) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Page 4 APP A-424

HECRASPMPNOD CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G . Elev {ft ) 3472 .. 19 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 79 Wt . n-Val. o. 033 0.033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev {ft) 34 71.. 40 Reach Len . ( ft) 545 . 00 400 . 00 332 .. 00 C:dt w .. s . (ft} 3471..40 Flow Area (sq ft) 21..11 218 ., 66 20 . 13 E . G .. Slope {ft/ft) 0 ' 011380 Area {sq ft) 21..11 218 .. 66 20 " 13 Q Total (cfs} 1768 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 79 .. 94 1611 .. 84 76 .. 22 Top Width (ft} 173 . 86 Top Width (ft) 30 . 13 115. 00 28 ' 73 Ve l Total (ft/s) 6 .. 80 Avg . Ve l .. (ft/s) 3" 79 7 "3 7 3 ' 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 .. 40 Hydr . Depth (ft} o. 70 1.90 0 ' 70 Conv . Total (cfs) 16573 .. 1 Conv . (cfs) 749 .. 4 151 09 . 3 714 ' 5 Length Wtd .. (ft) 401.. 35 We tt ed Per . (ft) 30 . 16 115 . 02 28 " 7 6 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 50 1..35 0 .. 50 Alpha 1..10 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 1. 88 9 . 96 1.. 88 Fr ctn Loss {ft) 4 .. 6 7 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 42 ,. 65 226 . 56 11 .. 66 C & E Loss (ft) o . 04 Cum SA (acres} 35 .. 82 1 32 . 07 1 6 .. 79 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced withi n the specified number of iterations .

The program se l ected th e water surface that had the least amount of error between comput ed and assumed va l ues .

warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 ml . between the c u rrent and previous er oss section . This may indi cate the need f or addit i onal cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to c ritical depth , the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i nd i cates tha t there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 10937 INPUT Description : Sta . 10937 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3470 351 3468 428 3467 465 3466 53 6 3464 543 3464 609 3466 683 3468 811 3472 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 428 ' 033 609 . 033 Page 5 APP A-425

HECRASPMPNOD Bank St a : Left Righ t Lengths : Left Channel Right Coef f Contr. Expan .

428 609 729 64 9 445 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G . El ev (ft } 3466 .. 09 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 29 Wt . n-Va l . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3465 . 8 1 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649 . 00 445.00 Cr i t W. S .. (ft} 3465 .. 61 Flow Ar ea (sq ft) 124 .. 3 7 E . G . Slope (ft/ft ) 0 .. 009685 Area (sq ft) 1 24.37 Q Total (cfs) 533 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 533 . 00 Top Width (ft} 130 ' 72 Top Width (ft} 130 . 72 Vel Tot al {ft/s) 4 .. 29 Avg . Vel . (ft/s} 4 . 29 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1.81 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 95 Conv . Total (cfs} 5416 .. 0 Conv . (cfs} 5416 . 0 Length Wtd . {ft} 649 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 130 " 77 Min Ch El (ft) 3464 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0 .. 58 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 2 .. 46 Frctn Loss (ft) 8 .. 89 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 1 4 .. 69 86 .. 21 2 " 16 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 00 Cum SA (acres ) 18 , 67 99 . 8 2 3 . 23 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m} , between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft} 3467 .. 39 Element Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 66 Wt . n - Va l . 0 . 033 0 .. 033

w. s .. Elev (ft) 3466 .. 73 Reach Len . (ft} 729 . 00 649 . 00 445 .. 00 Cri t w.. s . (ft} 3466 . 67 Flow Are a (sq ft} 265 .. 1 4 9. 73 E G . Slope (ft /ft} 0 . 011877 Area (sq ft) 265 . 14 9 .. 73 Q Total (cfs) 1768 .. 00 Flow {cfs) 1743 . 74 24 .. 26 Top Width {ft) 1 97 . 66 Top Width (f t} 170 ' 83 26 .. 83 Vel Total (ft/s} 6 .. 43 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 6 . 58 2 " 49 Page 6 APP A-426

HECRASPMPNOD Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 ' 73 Hydr. Depth (ft) 1. 55 0 . 36 Conv . Total (cfs) 16222 . 6 Conv .. {cfs) 16000 . 0 222 . 6 Length Wtd . (ft) 64 7 **60 Wetted Per . (ft) 170 ' 90 26 " 84 Min Ch El {ft) 3464 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 1 . 15 0 . 27 Alpha 1 . 03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 7.. 5 7 0 " 67 Frctn Loss (ft) 9 .. 41 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 42 . 52 224 . 34 11.55 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . OB Cum SA (acres) 35 . 63 130 . 76 16 . 58 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 ml .. between the current and previous er oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta . 10288 Station Elevation Data num= 12 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3464 177 3462 238 3460 298 3458 4 93 3456 519 3456 662 3457 778 3457 . 1 857 3458 903 3460 947 3462 989 3464 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val St a n Val 100 . 033 298 "033 857 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

298 857 552 598 633 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3457 . 20 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0" 2 7 Wt.. n-Val.. 0 " 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3456 . 93 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3456 . 93 Flow Area (sq ft) 12 7 ' 98 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 020830 Area (sq ft) 12 7 ' 98 Q Total (cfs) 533 . 00 Flow (cfs) 533 . 00 Top Width (ft) 249 . 47 Top Width (ft) 249 . 47 Vel Tota l (ft/s) 4 . 16 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 16 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 93 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 51 Conv . Total (cfs) 3693 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 3693 . 1 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 ** 00 Wetted Per.. (ft) 249 . 48 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 "6 7 Page '7 APP A-427

HECRASPMPNOD Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 " 78 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 51 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 " 69 84 .. 33 2 .. 16 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 04 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 67 96 .. 99 3 . 23 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 rn) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterat i ons, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3457.89 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 39 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 W. S . Elev {ft) 3457 . 50 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3457 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 351 . 58 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018192 Area (sq ft) 351. 58 Q Total (cfs) 1768 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1768 . 00 Top Width (ft) 466 " 63 Top Width (ft) 466 . 63 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 " 03 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 5 . 03 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.50 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 75 Conv . Total (cfs) 13108 . 2 Conv . (cfs) 13108.2 Length Wtd .. (ft) 59 7 ' 58 Wetted Per . (ft) 466 . 64 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 86 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 . 30 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 32 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 42 " 52 219 . 75 ll..50 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 35 . 63 126 01 16 . 44 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations The Page 8 APP A-428

HECRASPMPNOD program selected the water surface that had the least amount of error between comput ed and assumed values .

Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 rn) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .




Sta . 9690 Station Elevation Data nurn= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3454.5 202 3454 381 3452 632 3450 638 3450 799 3452 897 3454 1010 3458 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 " 033 381 . 033 799 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

381 799 639 68 1 658 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3451.. 79 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 12 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3451.. 6 7 Reach Len .. {ft) 639 . 00 681.. 00 658 .. 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3451.29 Flow Area (sq ft) 296 . 91 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 004773 Area (sq ft) 296 . 91 Q Total (cfs) 828 . 00 Flow (cfs) 828 . 00 Top Width (ft) 349 . 80 Top Width (ft) 349 . 80 Vel Total ( ft/s) 2 " 79 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 2 . 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 67 Hydr . De pth (ft) 0 " 85 Conv .. Total (cfs) 11984 . 5 Conv . (cfs) 11984 . 5 Length Wtd . (ft) 681 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 349 . 82 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 25 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 71 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 "89 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 ' 69 81 . 41 2 .. 16 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 " 67 92 . 87 3 . 23 Page 9 APP A-429

HECRASPMPNOD Warning: The conveyance rati o (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is les s than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G. Elev (ft) 3453 . 47 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 44 Wt .. n-Val. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 03 3 W .. s .. Elev (ft) 3453 . 03 Reach Len . (ft) 639 . 00 681 .. 00 658 . 00 Crit W. S .. (ft) 3452 . 60 Flow Area (sq ft) 4 7 .. 4 6 854 . 45 25 .. 98 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 005600 Area (sq ft) 4 7 . 46 854 . 45 25 .. 98 Q Total (cfs) 4796 . 00 Flow (cfs) 102 .. 72 4637..05 56 . 23 Top Width (ft) 560 . 63 Top Width (ft) 92 " 17 418 ,. 00 50 . 46 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 17 Avg .. Ve l. (ft/s) 2 .. 16 5 .. 43 2 .. 16 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 03 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 51 2 .. 04 0 . 51 Conv .. Total (cfs) 64091.. 1 Conv . (cfs) 13 72 " 7 61967 . 1 7 51.. 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 680 . 41 Wetted Per . (ft) 92 .. 17 418 . 02 50 .. 4 7 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 18 0 " 71 0 . 18 Alpha 1.07 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 39 3 . 88 0 . 39 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 86 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 42 . 22 211..47 11. 31 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 0 1 Cum SA (acres) 35 . 05 119 .. 94 16 .. 08 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m). between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sect i ons ..




Sta . 9009 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3452 203 3450 325 3448 49 2 3446 596 3445 637 3446 892 3448 1007 3450 1124 3452 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 325 ' 033 892 . 033 Pagt;l 10 APP A-430

HECRASPMPNOD Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Con tr.. Expan .

325 892 898 879 794 .1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G. Elev (ft) 3446 . 88 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 25 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 " 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3446 . 63 Reach Len .. (ft) 898 . 00 879 .. 00 794 .. 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3446 .51 Flow Area (sq ft) 205 . 08 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012031 Area (sq ft) 205 .. 08 Q Total (cfs) 828 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 828 . 00 Top Width (ft) 277 .. 44 Top Width (ft) 27 7 " 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 04 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 4 " 04 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..63 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 74 Conv . Total (cfs) 7548 .. 9 Conv .. (cfs) 7548 .. 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 879 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 277 .. 46 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 56 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2" 24 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 .. 69 77 " 49 2 . 16 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 ' 6 7 8 7" 9 7 3 . 23 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l ess than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G. Elev (ft) 3448 , 61 Element Lef t OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 50 Wt .. n -Va l .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3448 .. 10 Reach Len .. (ft) 898 . 00 879 .. 00 794 ** 00 Crit w s. (ft) 3447..89 Flow Area (sq ft) 0 " 32 842 . 50 0 .. 30 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 009426 Area (sq ft) 0 .. 32 842 .. 50 0 .. 30 Q Total (cfs) 4796 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 0.19 4795 . 63 0 . 18 Top Width (ft) 579 . 12 Top Width (ft) 6 . 24 567 . 00 5 . 88 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 69 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) o. 60 5 .. 69 0 60 Page 11 APP A-431

HECRASPMPNOD Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 10 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 05 1.. 49 0 " 05 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 49399 . 8 Conv .. (cfs) 2. 0 49395 . 9 1.. 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 878 . 23 Wetted Per .. (ft) 6 . 24 567 . 04 5 . 88 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0.8 7 0 . 03 Al pha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0 . 02 4' 98 0 . 02 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 . 00 Cum Vo l ume (acre- ft) 41.. 8 7 1 98 . 21 11..11 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 34 " 32 112' 24 15 . 65 Warning: The conveyance ratio (u pstream conveyance divided by downs t ream conveyance) is l ess than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross secti ons ..

Warning: Th e energy loss was greater t h an 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) . between the c u rrent and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..




Sta. 8130 Station Elevat i on Data nurn= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3448 303 3444 419 3442 654 3440 663 3440 852 34 42 995 3444 1104 3446 Manning ' s n Va l ues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 1 00 "033 419 "033 852 ' 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan ..

419 852 399 41 3 456 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le #PF 2 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3441.. 85 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 09 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 w .. s. El ev (ft) 3441.. 76 Reach Len .. (ft) 399 . 00 413 . 00 456 . 00 Cr it w.. s . (ft) 344 1 . 26 Flow Area (sq ft) 344 . 10 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003284 Ar ea (sq ft) 344 . 10 Q Tota l (cfs) 828 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 828 . 00 Top Width (ft) 382 " 0 7 Top Width (ft) 382 . 07 Ve l Total (ft/s) 2 " 41 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 41 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 76 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 90 Conv .. Total (cfs) 14449. 0 Conv . (cfs) 14449 . 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 413 . 00 wet t ed Per . {ft) 382 . 09 Page 12 APP A-432

HECRASPMPNOD 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.18 Min Ch El (ft )

Alpha 1 . 00 Stre am Power {lb/ft s) 0 " 44 (ft) 2 " 72 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 . 69 71.. 94 2 . 16 Frctn Loss 0 .. 02 Cum SA {acres) 18 . 67 81..32 3 . 23 c & E Loss (ft) m conveyan ce) is less Warning: The conveyan ce ratio (upstream conveyan ce divided by downstrea than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for addition al cross secti ens .. and previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the oss section .. This may indicat e the need for addition al cross sections ,

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 3443 . 56 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E .. G. Elev (ft) 0 . 34 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft) 3443 . 22 Reach Len .. (ft) 399 . 00 413 . 00 456 . 00 W. S . Elev (ft)

(ft) 3442 . 55 Flow Area (sq ft) 42 . 95 968 . 98 52 " 95 Crit W S ..

E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003805 Area (sq ft) 42 . 95 968 .. 98 52 " 95 4796 . 00 Flow (cfs) 85 . 67 4604 ' 71 105 . 61 Q Total (cfs) 590 , 61 Top Width (ft) 70 . 59 433 . 00 8 7 ,, 02 Top Width (ft)

(ft/s) 4 . 50 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 1..99 4 ,, 75 1. 99 Vel Tota l 3 .. 22 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 61 2 , 24 0 " 61 Max Chl Dpth (ft)

(cfs) 77745 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 1388 . 8 7464 4 ' 9 1712 "1 Conv . Total (ft) 413 . 35 Wetted Per .. (ft) 70 . 60 433 . 02 8 7" 03 Length Wtd ..

(ft) 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 14 0 " 53 0 ' 14 Min Ch El 1..08 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 29 2 . 53 0 .. 29 Alpha (ft) 2 ' 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 41. 42 1 79 " 93 10 . 63 Frctn Loss Cum SA (acres) 33 . 53 102 .. 15 14 . 81 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 04 m conveyan ce) is less Warning: The conveyan ce ratio (upstream conveyanc e divided by downstrea than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indi cate the need for addition al cross secti ons ..

current and previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m) . b e tween the oss section.. This may indicate the need for addition al cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 7717 Page 13 APP A-433




Sta 7717 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3442 233 3440 383 3438 492 3437 . 8 510 3438 657 3439 747 3440 879 344 2 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 233 . 033 747 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

233 747 444 464 510 .1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3439 .. 11 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 .. 31 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 W.. S , Elev (ft} 3438 . 80 Reach Len . (ft) 4 4 4 " 00 464 . 00 510 . 00 Crit W.. S. (ft} 3438 .. 80 Flow Area (sq ft) 18 4 . 68 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft} 0 . 019279 Area (sq ft) 184 " 68 Q Total (cfs} 828 ,, 00 Flow (cfs} 828 . 00 Top Width (ft) 304 . 12 Top Width (ft) 304 . 12 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ,, 48 Avg . Vel.. {ft/s) 4 .. 48 Max Chl Dpth (ft) LOO Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 61 Conv . Total (cfs) 5963 , 3 Conv . {cfs) 5963 . 3 Length Wtd . (ft} 464 . 05 Wetted Per . (ft) 304. 13 Min Ch El (ft} 3437..80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 73 Alpha l..00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3" 28 Frctn Loss (ft) 2" 04 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 ' 69 69 " 44 2" 16 C & E Loss (f t) 0 . 08 Cum SA (acres} 18 67 78 " 06 3" 23 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calcula t ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.. 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m} . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, t he calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaul ted to critical dep Page 14 APP A-434


CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft) 3440 . 76 Element Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) o. 71 Wt . n-Va l . 0 .. 033 0.033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3440 ' 06 Reach Len . (ft) 444 .. 00 4 64 ' 00 510.00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3440 .. 06 Flow Area (sq ft) 0 .. 10 711.. 06 0 . 10 E G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 014557 Area (sq ft) 0 . 10 711.. 06 0 . 10 Q Total (cfs) 4796 .. 00 Flow (cfs} 0 . 05 4795 .. 90 0 " 05 Top Width (ft) 521. 44 Top Wi d th (ft) 3 .. 73 514 . 00 3 ' 71 Ve l Tot al (ft/s) 6 .. 7 4 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 0 . 50 6 " 74 0 " 50 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 .. 26 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 03 1 .. 38 0 . 03 Conv . Total (c fs) 39750 .. 7 Conv . (cfs) 0 .. 4 39749 . 9 0 .. 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 4 64 , 4 4 Wetted Per.. (ft ) 3 . 73 514 " 02 3 .. 71 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3437 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 03 1.. 26 0 .. 03 Al pha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (l b/ft s) 0 . 01 8 " 48 0 " 01 Frc tn Loss (ft ) 2 .. 62 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 41. 22 171 . 96 10 .. 35 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 13 Cum SA (acres) 33 .. 1 9 9 7 " 66 14 .. 33 Warning : The conveyance ratio (u pst r eam c o nve yance divided by downstream conveyance) is less t han 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4.. This may indicate t he n eed for addi tional cross secti ons .

Warn i ng: The energy loss was greater than L O ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTI ON RIVER : Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 7253 INPUT Des c ription: Sta . 7253 Station Eleva ti on Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3438 109 3 4 38 . 7 321 3438 42 4 3436 668 3435 906 3436 1005 3438 1200 3440 1365 3442 Manning ' s n Val ues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 " 033 424 ,, 033 906 " 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

424 906 756 910 980 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 Page 15 APP A-435

HECRASPMPNOD E..G , Elev (ft) 3436 . 49 El ement Left OB Channel Righ t OB Vel He a d (ft) 0 " 06 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 o..033 0 , 033 W.. S . El e v (ft) 3436 . 44 Reach Len . (ft) 756 .. 00 910 . 00 980 . 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3435 . 96 Fl ow Area (sq f t ) 4 " 93 451.. 88 4 " 74 E . G .. Slope (ft/ f t) 0 . 001970 Ar ea (sq ft) 4.93 451 . 88 4 ' 74 Q To t al (cfs) 8 72 **00 Flow (cfs) 3.58 864 . 99 3 .. 44 Top Wi dth (ft) 526 . 1 9 Top Widt h (ft) 22 " 53 482 . 00 21.66 Ve l Tota l (ft/s) 1. 89 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 0 " 73 1.91 0 . 73 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 4 4 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0 . 22 o. 94 0 . 22 Conv . Total (cfs) 19648 . 0 Conv . (cfs) 80 . 6 1 9490 . 0 7 7" 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 909 . 8 7 Wetted Per. (f t) 22 . 54 482 . 00 21.66 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 . 00 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0" 03 0 . 12 0 . 03 Alpha 1 . 02 St ream Power {l b/ft s) 0" 02 0 . 22 0 . 02 Frctn Loss ( ft) 5 . 41 Cum Volume (acre- ft) 14 . 66 66 . 05 2 " 14 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 56 73 . 88 3 .. 11 warn i ng : The conveyance ratio (u pstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) i s l ess t han 0 . 7 or greater t han 1.4 . This may indicat e the need for a ddi tiona l cross secti ons .

Warn ing : The energy l o s s was greater than L O ft (0 . 3 m) . betwe en t he current and prev i ous er oss sect i o n . This may indicate the need for addi tional cross sect i ons .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G. El ev (ft) 3438 . 01 Element Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) 0 ' 27 wt.. n-Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s. Elev (ft) 3437.75 Reach Len . (ft) 756 . 00 910.00 980 . 00 Crit w. s . (f t) 3436 . 98 Flow Area (sq ft ) 78 .. 51 1 082 . 62 75 , 4 6 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003019 Area (sq ft) 78 . 51 1082 . 62 75 . 46 Q Tot al (cfs) 4942 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1 77..4 1 4594 . 06 1 70 . 52 Top Width (ft} 658 . 36 Top Wi dth (ft) 89 . 92 482 . 00 86 . 43 Vel Tota l (ft/s) 4.00 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 26 4 " 24 2 . 26 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 2 . 75 Hydr . De pth (ft) 0 "8 7 2 " 25 0.87 Conv .. Total {cfs) 89938 3 Conv . {c f s) 3228 . 7 83606 . 3 3103.3 Leng t h Wtd . (ft) 908 . 83 wetted Per . (ft) 89 .. 94 482 . 00 86 . 45 Page 16 APP A-436

HECRASPMPNOD Min Ch El (ft} 3435 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 16 0 . 42 0 . 16 Alpha 1 . 07 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0. 37 1..80 0 . 37 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 . 48 Cum Volume (acre - ft} 40 . 82 162 " 41 9.9 1 C & E Loss (ft) 0 04 Cum SA (acres) 32 " 71 92 . 35 13 . 80 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1. 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta .. 6343 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3434 346 3433 663 3432 732 3431 860 3430 . 2 981 3430 1273 3430 1320 3431 . 5 1566 3432 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 .. 033 663 . 033 1320 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Length s : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

663 1320 767 980 10 51 "1 , 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G. Elev (ft) 3431.. 06 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 32 Wt.. n-Val ,. 0 . 033

w. s. Elev (ft} 3430 " 74 Reach Len . (ft) 767.. 00 980 . 00 1051. 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3430 . 74 Flow Area (sq ft) 326 . 19 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018791 Area (sq ft) 326 . 19 Q Total (cfs) 1470 . 00 flow (cfs) 1470 . 00 Top Width (ft) 522 . 87 Top Width (ft) 522 ' 8 7 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 "51 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 4 " 51 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 .. 7 4 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 ' 62 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 10723 . 5 Conv .. (cfs) 10723 . 5 Length Wtd . (ft) 979 . 90 Wetted Per . (ft) 522 . 88 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb /sq ft) 0 " 73 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 .. 30 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 4 . 0'7 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 " 62 5 7. 92 2 . 08 Page 17 APP A-437

HECRASPMPNOD C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 08 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 36 63 .. 38 2 .. 86 Warning: The energy equation could n ot be balanced withi n t he specified nwnber of iterations The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy l oss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates tha t there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT P:rof ile #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft) 3432 .. 49 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 69 Wt. n -Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3431 .. 80 Reach Len . (ft) 767 . 00 980 . 00 1051 . 00 Cr it W. S . {ft) 3431 . 80 Flow Area (sq ft) 953 **23 21.. 43 E . G , Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 01302 0 Area (sq ft) 953 .. 23 21..43 Q Total (cfs) 6399 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 6368 . 25 30 ** 7 5 Top Width (ft) 788 . 09 Top Width (ft) 642 .. 8 7 145 .. 22 Vel Total (ft/s) 6 .. 5 7 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 6 . 68 1.. 43 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 80 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 48 0 . 15 Conv . Total (cfs) 56079 . 7 Conv .. {cfs) 55810 .. 2 269 .. 5 Length Wtd . (ft) 979 .. 09 Wetted Per. (ft) 642 . 90 145 . 22 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 1..2 1 0 .. 12 Alpha 1 . 03 Stream Power (lb/ft s ) 8 . 05 0 . 17 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 12 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 40 .. 14 141 . 15 8 .. 82 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 15 Cum SA (acres) 31 .. 93 80 .. 61 11.. 2 0 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified nwnber of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water su rface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning : The velocity head has changed by more than 0 . 5 ft (0 , 15 m) . This may indicate the n eed for Page 18 APP A-438

HECRASPMPNOD addit i onal c r oss sections ..

Warning : The conveyance rat i o (upstream conveyance d i vided by downstream c onveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1 .. 4. This may indi cate the need for additio na l cross se ct i ons ..

Wa rning: The energy loss was g r eater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between t he c u rrent and previ ous er oss section . This may i n d icate the need f or additiona l c ross section s ..

Warning: Duri ng the standard step iterations , when t h e assumed wa t er surface was set equal to cri t ical depth, t he calculated wa t er surface came back below crit i cal depth .. This i ndicates t hat the re is not a val i d subcritical answer .. The program d e fau l te d t o cri t ical dep th .

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 5363 INPUT Des c ription: Sta .. 5363 Station Eleva tion Data nurn= 10 Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev 1 00 3432 282 3430 550 3428 742 3426 885 3425 1 097 3425 1 476 3426 1877 3428 1966 3428 2160 3430 Manning ' s n Val u es num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val 100 . 033 742 . 033 14 76 "033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Cont r .. Expan .

742 1 476 11 99 11 42 713 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #PF 2 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3426 . 44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (f t ) 0" 06 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s. Elev (ft) 3426 . 38 Reach Len .. (ft) 11 99 . 00 1142 . 00 713 . 00 Cr i t w. s .. (ft) 3425 . 82 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 7 . 03 753 " 98 14 . 69 E . G .. Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 . 001775 Area (sq ft) 7 . 03 753 " 98 14" 69 Q Total (cfs) 1 470 . 00 Flow (cfs) 4 "43 1456.3 1 9 . 26 Top Width (ft) 847 . 50 Top Width (ft) 36 . 75 734 . 00 76 . 75 Ve l Total (ft/s) 1..90 Avg , Vel.. (ft/s) 0 . 63 1. 93 0.63 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1..38 Hydr . Depth (f t} 0 . 19 1. 03 0.19 Conv . Total (cfs) 34888 . 5 Con v . (cfs) 105 . 2 34563 . 6 219 .. 7 Length Wt d .. (ft) 1140 . 82 Wet t ed Per .. (ft} 36 . 75 734 "00 76 ' 75 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 02 0 " 11 0 . 02 Alpha 1 . 03 Stream Power (l b/ft s} 0 . 01 0 . 22 0 , 01 Frct n Loss (ft) 5 .. 01 Cum Volume (acre - ft ) 14 . 56 45 .. 77 1.91 c & E Loss (ft} 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 04 49 . 24 1.94 Page 19 APP A-439

HE CRASPMPNOD Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance div i ded by downs t ream conveyance) is l ess than 0 . 7 or greater tha n 1..4 .. This may i ndicate t he ne e d fo r additional cro ss secti ons ..

Warn ing : The ene r gy l oss wa s g r eater t han 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. b etwe e n t he cur rent a nd pre viou s e r os s s e c ti on . This ma y i nd i cate t he need for a ddi tiona l c ros s sec t i on s .

CROSS SECTI ON OUT PUT Profil e #PF 3 E . G .. El ev (ft) 3 427 . 77 Element Le ft OB Channel Right OB Vel Hea d (ft) 0 .. 17 Wt. n - Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (f t) 3427..59 Reach Len.. (ft) 1199" 00 11 42 . 00 71 3 ' 00 Cr it W.. S . (ft) 3426 . 70 Flow Area (sq ft) 121. 88 1 6 42 . 63 254.56 E . G.. Slop e (ft/ft) 0 .. 002 05 6 Area (s q ft) 12 1.. 88 1 642 .. 63 25 4 . 56 Q Total (cfs) 6 399.00 Flow (cfs) 2 13 . 88 5738 . 41 446 . 71 Top Width (ft) 1206.47 Top Widt h (ft ) 1 52 . 98 734 , 00 319 . 50 Ve l Tot al (ft/s) 3 . 17 Avg . Vel. (ft/ s ) l.. 75 3 . 49 L 75 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 2 "5 9 Hyd r . De p th (ft ) o. 80 2 " 24 0 . 80 Conv .. Tot al (c f s) 1 41114 . 1 Conv.. (cfs) 4 716 . 6 126546 . 4 98 51..1 Length Wt d . (ft ) 11 30 ' 38 Wet t ed Per . (ft) 152 . 98 73 4 .. 00 3 1 9 . 50 Min Ch El (f t) 3425 . 00 Shear (l b/sq f t ) 0 .. 10 0 . 29 0 . 10 Alph a 1 . 12 St r eam Power (lb /ft s) 0 , 18 1 .. 00 0 " 18 Frctn Loss (ft ) 5 . 03 Cum Volume (acre -ft ) 39 . 0 7 111.. 94 5 . 49 c & E Loss (ft ) 0 ,. 04 Cum SA (acre s ) 30 . 59 65 . 12 5 . 59 Warni ng : The conveyance ratio (ups t ream conveyance d i v i ded by down stream conveyance) i s less than 0 . 7 or g reate r than 1 . 4 . This may i ndi cate t he need fo r addi t ional c ross sec ti ons .

Wa r ni ng: The e nergy l oss was gre ater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . betwe en t he cu r rent and p r evious er oss s ect ion . Thi s may i n d icate the need fo r add it i onal cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 4221 INPUT Des c r iption: Sta . 422 1 Station El evation Da t a num= 12 Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 1 00 3423 341 3 422 544 3421 640 3420 669 3420 753 3420 . 2 829 3420 837 3420 1 030 3 42 1 1320 3422 1 407 3423 1 497 3424 Mann i ng's n Value s num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l Page 20 APP A-440

HECRASPMPNOD 100 " 033 544 . 033 1407 " 033 Ban k Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

544 1407 749 732 843 "1 ' 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3421. 40 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 35 Wt . n-Val . 0 ' 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft ) 3421.. 05 Reach Len . {ft) 749 . 00 732 .. 00 843 . 0 0 Crit w. s. (ft) 342 1 .. 05 Flow Area (sq ft) o. 26 350 . 68 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 ,. 017942 Area (sq ft) 0 . 26 350 . 68 Q Total (cfs) 1668 . 00 Flow (cfs) 0 . 14 1667.. 86 Top Width (ft) 511..16 Top Widt h (ft) 10 . 36 500 .. 80 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 75 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 0 .. 52 4 " 76 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 05 Hydr .. Depth {ft) 0 . 03 0 " 70 Conv . Total (cfs) 1245 2 .. 5 Conv ,. {cfs) L O 1 245 1.. 4 Length Wtd . {ft) 736 .. 81 Wetted Per . ( ft ) 10 .. 36 500 ' 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 .. 00 Shear {lb/sq ft ) 0 .. 03 0 . 7B Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 01 3 " 73 Frctn Loss (ft) 3 . 63 Cum Vo lume (acre -f t) 14 . 46 31.29 1.. 79 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 09 Cum SA (ac res) 17 . 39 33 , 06 1..31 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanc ed within the specified number of i terations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the ca l culat ions .

Warning: The c onveyance ra tio (upstream conveyance d ivided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. Th is may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss wa.s greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 , 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning : During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came b ack below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft) 3422 69 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft ) 0 . 60 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 Page 21 APP A-441

HECRASPMPNOD w.. s . Elev (ft) 3422 .. 09 Reach Len . (ft} 749 .. 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Crit w.. s . (ft) 3422 . 09 Flow Area (.sq ft) 1 21.37 1028 . 87 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft ) 0 . 013828 Area (sq ft) 1 21.37 1028 . 87 Q Tot a l (c f s} 6955 . 00 Flow (cfs) 425 . 40 6529 . 60 Top Width (ft) 1009 . 4 3 Top Widt h (ft) 225 . 36 784 " 0 7 Vel Tot al (ft/s} 6 .. 05 Avg . Ve l . (ft/s) 3 . 50 6.35 Max Chl Dpth ( ft ) 2 .. 09 Hydr . Dep th (ft) 0 " 54 1.31 Co n v . Tota l (cfs} 5 9145 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 36 1 7 . 6 5552 7 . 5 Le n gth Wtd . (ft) 73 7 . 78 Wetted Per . (ft } 225 .. 36 784 . 08 Min Ch El (ft) 3420.00 Shear {lb/sq ft} 0 . 46 1..13 Alpha 1. 05 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 1 . 63 7 "19 Frctn Lo s s (ft} 3 . 71 Cum Vol ume (acre-ft} 35 . 72 76" 93 3 " 40 C & E Loss (f t) 0 . 12 Cum SA (ac r es} 25 . 38 45 . 22 2 . 98 Warning: The energy equat i on could not be balanced wit h in t h e specified number of i terations .

Th e program used crit ical depth f or the wate r surface and con tinued on with the ca l culat ions.

Warning : The con veyance ratio (upstream conveyance divide d by downstream conveyance} is less t h an 0 .. 7 or g r eater t han 1 . 4 .. Thi s may indi cat e t he n e ed f or a d ditional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the c u rrent and previous er oss sect i on .. Thi s may i n dicate t he need f or additional cross sections .

Warning : During the stand ard step ite r ations , when the assumed wa t er surface was set equal to critical d epth, t he ca l c ulated water s u r f ace came back be l ow cri t ical depth . This i ndicates that there is n ot a val i d subcrit i cal answer . Th e program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER : Dit c h A REACH: 5 RS: 3489 INPUT Description : Sta . 3489 Station Elevation Data num= 22 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 286 3420 - 138 3418 . 5 - 126 3418 -1 04 3416 - 91 3415 . 5

-76 34 1 6 - 21 3417 100 3417 258 3416 . 5 299 3416 309 34 1 5 318 3416 405 3416 422 3416 539 3416 . 4 581 34 1 6 . 2 642 34 1 6 . 4 744 3416 830 34 1 6 91 8 3 4 18 1 068 3420 11 59 3421 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-286 . 033 539 " 033 918 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coef f Cont r . Expan .

539 918 464 500 457 "1 .3 Page 22 APP A-442

HECRASPMPNOD CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G. Elev (ft) 3417 . 29 El ement Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head {ft) 0 .. 06 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 .. 033

w. s. El ev (f t ) 3417 . 23 Reach Len . (ft) 464 .. 00 500 . 00 45 7 ' 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3416 .. 72 Flow Area (sq ft) 517 .. 1 4 341. 02 E.G . Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 .. 002260 Area (sq ft) 517 . 14 341..02 Q Total (cfs) 1668 . 00 Flow (cfs) 943 . 99 724 .. 01 Top Width (ft) 1001 . 82 Top Width (ft) 656 . 56 345 . 26 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 .. 94 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 1.. 83 2 .. 12 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 23 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 79 0 . 99 Conv .. Tota l (cfs) 35084 ,, 5 Conv .. (cfs) 19855 . 8 15228 . 6 Length Wtd . (ft) 48 1 . 69 Wetted Per . (ft) 656 . 76 345 .. 27 Min Ch El {ft) 3416 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 11 0 . 14 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 20 0 .. 30 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 ' 40 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 10 . 01 25 . 48 1 . 79 c &E Lo ss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 11 .. 66 25 .. 95 1. 31 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conve yance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L O ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previou s er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3418 . 52 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 19 Wt .. n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . El ev (ft) 3418 . 33 Reach Len . {ft) 464.00 500.00 457 . 00 Cr it W.. S . (ft} 3417 " 53 Flow Area (sq f t ) 1244 .. 99 744 .. 00 4 . 10 E .. G.. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 002576 Area (sq ft) 1244 ' 99 744 .. 00 4.10 Q Total (cfs) 6955 . DO Flow (cfs) 42 8 6 .. 73 2665 .. 45 2 . 82 Top Width (ft) 1076 . 73 Top Width (ft) 672 ' 93 379 .. 00 24 , 79 Ve ! To t al (ft/s) 3 " 49 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 3 . 44 3 . 58 0 . 69 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3.33 Hydr .. Depth (ft} 1.. 85 1..96 o. 17 Page 23 APP A-443

HECRASPMPNOD Conv .. Tota l (c f s) 137040 . 4 Conv . (c f s) 84465 . 1 52519 . 7 55 . 6 Length Wt d .. (ft) 481.05 Wetted Per . (ft) 673 . 17 379 . 02 24 " 79 Mi n Ch El ( f t) 34 1 6 . 00 Sh ea r (lb/ s q f t ) 0 . 30 0 " 32 0 ' 03 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 1 .. 02 1..13 0 " 02 Fr ctn Loss (f t) 2 . 35 Cum Volume (acre - f t ) 23 .. 97 62 , 03 3 . 36 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 04 Cum SA (ac re s) 17.. 66 35 ' 45 2 .. 7 4 Warn i ng : The c o n veyance ra t io (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less t h an 0 . 7 o r greate r t h an 1 . 4. This may i n dicate the n eed f or addi tion a l cross sect i ons ..

Warning: The ene rgy loss was greater than 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) .. bet we en t h e curr ent and pr e v i ous er oss section .. Thi s may i ndi cate the need for addi t i onal cross sect ions ..

CROSS SECTION RI VER : Di tch A REACH : 5 RS: 2989 INPUT Description : Sta .. 2989 Sta tion Elevat ion Data num= 14 Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev

- 31 34 16 59 34 1 4.8 170 3414.8 196 3414 436 34 13 . 8 613 34 1 4 651 3 41 4 700 3414 7 47 3414 76 1 34 1 4 841 3 41 5 .. 01 920 3416 976 34 1 8 1 067 3420 Manni n g's n Va lues num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Va l

- 31 "033 436 . 033 84 1 "033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Ch a n ne l Right Coeff Cont r . Expan .

436 841 317 2 15 172 "3 .5 CROSS SECT ION OUT PUT Profil e #PF 2 E .. G .. Elev (ft ) 3414 .. 87 El ement Left OB Chan nel Ri ght OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 .. 30 Wt . n-Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3414 " 56 Reach Len . (f t ) 317..00 2 1 5 .. 00 172 .. 00 Cr i t W.. S .. ( ft ) 3414 . 56 Flow Area (sq ft) 1 6 4 ' 64 2 13.76 E .. G .. Sl ope (ft/ft) o. 018785 Area (sq ft) 164 . 64 213 . 76 Q Tota l (cfs ) 1 668 .. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 752 . 43 915 . 57 Top Width (ft) 628 . 0 5 Top Wi d t h (ft) 258 . 34 369 . 71 Ve l To t a l (ft/s) 4 . 41 Avg .. Vel.. (f t/s) 4 " 57 4 .. 2 8 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 0 . 76 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 64 0 . 58 Conv .. To t al (cfs) 12170 ' 1 Conv . (cfs) 5489 .. 9 6680 . 1 Length Wtd .. ( ft ) 253 .. 48 Wet t ed Per .. ( f t) 258 .. 35 369 .. 71 Page 2 4 APP A-444

HECRASPMPNOD Min Ch El (ft) 3413.80 Shear (lb /sq ft) 0 ' 75 0 . 68 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3.42 2 .. 90 Frctn Loss {ft) 0 . 25 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 6 . 38 22.29 1.. 79 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 13 Cum SA (acre s) 6 " 79 21.. 84 1. 31 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the speci f ied number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for t he water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is le ss than 0 . 7 or grea t e r than l..4 . This may indicate the need fo r additional cross secti ons .

Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to cri ti cal depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcr itical answer . The program defaulted to c ritica l dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G. Elev (ft) 3416 . 13 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 ,, 60 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3415 . 53 Reach Len . (ft) 317.. 00 215 . 00 172 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3415 .. 49 Flow Area (sq ft) 523 " 0 7 598 ,, 34 10 " 93 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012623 Area (sq ft) 523 . 07 598 . 34 10 , 93 Q Total (cfs) 6955 . 00 Flow (cfs) 3005 . 95 3926 . 42 22 . 63 Top Width (ft) 8 78 ' 78 Top Width (ft) 432 . 01 405 ** 00 41. 77 Vel Total (ft/s) 6 . 14 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 5 " 75 6.56 2 "0 7 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 1 . 73 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1 . 21 l.. 48 0 . 26 Conv . Total (cfs) 61904 " 5 Conv . (cfs) 26755 . 1 34948 . 0 201 . 4 Length Wtd . {ft) 262 , 25 Wetted Per . (ft) 432 . 02 405 . 01 41.. 7 7 Min Ch El (ft) 3413.80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 95 1..16 0 . 21 Alpha 1. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 5 . 48 7 , 64 0 . 43 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 ' 74 Cum Volume (a cre-ft ) 1 4 ' 56 54 . 33 3 " 28 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 21 Cum SA (ac re s) ll.. 77 30 . 95 2 " 39 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance ) is le ss than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 . This may indicate t he need for additional cross secti ons .

Page 25 APP A-445

HECRASPMPNOD CROSS SECT I ON RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 2774 INPUT Descri p t i o n : Sta . 277 4 Upstream of c ulve r ts Stat i on Elevati on Da t a num= 18 Sta El ev Sta El ev St a Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 453 34 1 6 - 437 3 41 5 - 405 34 1 4 - 289 3413.8 -13 3413 .. 8 1 00 3413 .. 8 1 7 5 3413 . 8 204 34 1 2 26 1 3412 298 3411 . 2 402 3410 . 9 43 7 34 1 0 469 3409 491 3409 511 3410 560 3412 641 3414 725 34 1 6 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 St a n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

- 453 033 437 . 033 511 .. 033 Bank Sta : Left Ri g ht Len gths: Left Channe l Right Co e f f Con tr. Exp an ..

43 7 511 40 40 40 .. 3 "5 I n effect ive Fl ow n urn= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

- 888 F 888 F CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile 41PF 2 E.G . El ev (ft) 34 1 4 . 08 Element Left OB Ch anne l Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 .. 04 Wt. n - Val . 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3414. 04 Reach Len . (ft) 4 0 .. 00 40 . 00 40 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3412 .. 71 Flow Area {sq f t) 803 .. 67 346 . 94 233 .. 21 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 00031 4 Area (sq ft) 803 . 67 346 . 94 233 . 21 Q Total (cfs) 1668 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 620 .. 80 774 . 97 272 .. 22 Top Width (ft) 1 048 . 95 Top Width (ft) 843 . 27 74 .. 0 0 131 .. 67 Ve l To t a l (ft/s) 1..21 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 0 ' 77 2 . 23 1..17 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 5.04 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 .. 95 4 " 69 1..77 Conv . Total (cfs) 94155 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 35043 . 1 43745 .. 7 1 5366 . 6 Length Wtd . {ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per.. (ft) 843 . 35 7 4 ' 04 131. 74 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 .. 00 Shear (lb/s q ft) 0 .. 02 0 . 09 0 "03 Al pha 1. 90 Stream Power (l b/ft s) o. 01 0 .. 21 0 .. 04 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume {ac r e - ft) 2 " 85 20 . 91 1.33 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA {a cres) 2 " 78 20 .. 75 1..05 Warning : The parabol i c search method fa i led to converge on critical depth . The program wil l try the cross s e c t ion s l ice/se c ant method t o find cri t ical d e pth ..

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 Page 26 APP A-446

HECRASPMPNOD E .. G .. Elev {ft) 3415 .. lB Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) 0 .. 18 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 o. 033

w. s. Elev {ft) 3415 . 00 Reach Len .. (ft) 40 . 00 40 .. 00 40 .. 00 Cr i t W.. S .. {ft) 3413 . 39 Flow Area (sq ft) 1631.. 76 418 .. 31 379.71 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft} 0 . 001208 Area (sq ft) 1631..76 418 . 31 379 .. 71 Q Total (cfs) 6955 .. 00 Flow {cfs} 3871.. 69 2076 .. 72 1006 .. 59 Top Width (ft} 1120 . 24 Top Width (ft) 874 .. 07 74 " 00 172 .. 17 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 86 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s} 2"37 4' 96 2 . 65 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 6 . 00 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1 . 87 5 .. 65 2.21 Conv .. Total {cfs) 200099 .. 2 Conv .. {cfs) 111390 ' 7 59748 . 5 28960 . 1 Length Wtd . {ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per .. {ft) 874 . 16 7 4 " 04 172 " 25 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 14 0 .. 43 o. 17 Alpha 1..40 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0 . 33 2 .. 12 0 " 44 Frctn Loss {ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft} 6" 72 51.82 2 . 51 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres) 7" 02 29 ' 76 1.. 96 Warning: The cross section had to be extended vertically during the critical depth calculatio ns ..

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth. The program will try the cross section slice/secant method to find critical depth ..




Distance from Upstream XS 8 Deck/Roadway Width 24 Weir Coefficient 3 Upstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 26 3413 . 8 100 3413 . 8 402 3412 .. 7 500 3412.8 600 3413 . 9 700 3415 .. 7 Upstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 18 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-453 3416 -437 3415 -405 3414 -2 89 3413.B -13 3413. B 100 3413 . 8 175 3413.8 204 3412 261 3412 298 3411.2 402 3410.9 437 3410 469 3409 491 3409 511 3410 560 3412 641 3414 725 3416 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-453 . 033 437 .033 511 . 033 Page 2 7 APP A-447

HECRASPMPNOD Ban k Sta: Le ft Right Coeff Contr .. Expan .

437 5 ll .3 .. 5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

- BB8 F BBB F Downstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 26 3413 . 8 100 3 41 3 . B 402 3412 . 7 500 3412 . B 600 3413 . 9 700 3415 . 7 Downstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-172 1 3416 -1 41 0 3414 26 341 3 . B 100 3412 . 4 155 3412 299 3411.. 4 349 3410 3B 7 3408 . 9 391. 4 340B . 9 395.B 340B . 9 400 .2 3408 .9 404 .6 3408 . 9 409 340B . 9 434 3410 487 3412 56B 3414 65B 3416 Mann ing's n Values n um= 3 St a n Va l Sta n Va l Sta n Val

-1721 . 033 349 . 033 434 " 033 Ban k Sta: Le ft Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

349 434 "3 .s Ineffective Flow nurn= 2 Sta L Sta R El e v Permanent

-888 F 88B F Upstream Ernbanlanent side slope 3 horiz . to 1 . 0 vertical Downstream Ernbanlanent s ide s lope 3 horiz . to 1 . 0 vert i cal Maximum allowable submergence for weir fl ow .95 Elevation at which weir flow begins 3412 . 7 Energy head used in spi llway design Spill way h e i ght used in design Weir cres t shape Broad Crested Number of Culverts 1 Culvert Name Shape Rise Span Culve rt #1 Pipe Arch 1.. 833 2 . 43 FHWA Chart # 34- 18 i n c h corner radi us ; Corrugated metal FHWA Scale # 1 - 90 Degree headwa ll Solution Criteria= Highest U . S . EG Cu lvert Upstrm Dist Length n Val ue Entrance Loss Coef Exit Loss Coef l 39 . 024 .5 1 Number of Barrels = 6 Upstream Elevation 3409 Cent erline Stations Sta . Sta . Sta. Sta. Sta . Sta.

4 69 4 73 . 4 4 7 7 .. B 4B2 . 2 486 . 6 49 1 Downstream Elevation = 3408 . 9 Centerline Stations Sta. St a . Sta . Sta . Sta . Sta .

387 391.4 395 . 8 400 . 2 404 " 6 409 CROSS SECTION RIVER: Di tch A REACH: 5 RS: 2734 I NPUT



Sta . 2 734 Downstr eam of culverts Page 2B APP A-448

HECRASPMPNOD Station Elevation Data num= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-1721 3416 - 1410 3414 26 3413 . 8 100 3412 .. 4 155 3412 299 3411 .. 4 349 3410 387 3408.9 391. 4 3408.9 395.8 3408.9 400.2 3408.9 404.6 3408.9 409 3408.9 434 3410 487 3412 568 3414 658 3416 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-1721 .. 033 349 . 033 434 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Con tr .. Expan ..

349 434 745 846 1015 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G .. Elev ( ft) 3412 . 85 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 14 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. S .. Elev {f t) 3412 . 71 Reach Len . (ft) 745 .. 00 846.00 1015 . 00 Crit W. S .. (ft) 3412 " 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 E . G . Slope (ft /ft) 0 .. 001240 Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100 ,, 64 Q Total (cfs) 1668 . 00 Flow (cfs} 4 4 8 .. 98 1035 .. 68 183 . 34 Top Width (ft) 431..91 Top Width ( f t) 265 . 26 85 . 00 BL 65 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 51 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s} 1 .. 63 3 .. 58 1 .. 82 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 81 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 1 . 04 3 , 40 1.23 Conv . Total (cfs) 47371 .. 8 Conv .. (cfs) 12751..3 294 1 3 .. 6 52 06 .. 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 841.. 73 Wetted Per .. (ft) 265 . 28 85 ,. 04 81 . 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/.sq ft) 0 . 08 0 . 26 0 . 10 Alpha 1..44 Stream Power (l b/ft s) 0 .. 13 o. 94 0 . 17 Frctn Loss (ft) 1..50 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 " 36 20 . 62 1.17 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA {acres) 2 . 27 20 . 68 0 .. 95 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1.4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1. 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections.

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to Page 29 APP A-449

HECRASPMPNOD critical depth , the calculated wate r surface came b ack bel ow cri t ical dept h .. This i ndicates that there is not a va li d subcritical answe r . The program defaulted to c r i tical dep th.

Warning: Th e parabo l ic search method failed to converge on c ri tical depth .. The program wi l l try the c r oss sect i on slice/secant meth od to find cri t ica l depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #-PF 3 E.G . El ev (ft ) 3414 . 43 Element Left OB Chann e l Ri g ht OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 89 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S .. Elev (ft) 34 1 3 . 55 Reach Len . (ft) 745.00 846 . 00 10 1 5 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3413 . 51 Flow Area (sq ft) 517 . 22 360 . 36 183 . 47 E .. G. Slope (ft/ft) 0.006464 Ar ea (sq ft) 5 1 7 . 22 360 .. 36 1 83 . 47 Q Total (c f s) 6955 .00 Flow (cfs) 2635 . 84 3416 . 09 903 . 07 Top Width (ft) 51 0 . 29 Top Width (ft) 309 . 63 85 . 00 115 , 66 Ve l Tota l (ft/s) 6 55 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 5 10 9 .. 48 4 . 92 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 4 . 65 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 67 4 . 24 1 . 59 Conv . To t al (cfs) 86509 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 32785 . 7 42490 . 7 11232 . 7 Length Wtd . (ft) 83 7 . 02 Wetted Per . (ft) 309 ,. 6 7 85 . 04 11 5 . 72 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq f t) 0 ** 67 1.. 71 0 . 64 Al pha 1..33 Stream Power ( l b/ft s) 3.43 16 .. 21 3 . 15 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 3 . 41 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 5 . 73 51. 46 2 . 25 C & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 35 Cum SA (acres) 6 . 48 29 . 69 1.. 83 Warn i ng : The velocity head h as changed by more than 0 . 5 ft (0.15 rn) . This may i n dicate then eed fo r additional cross sect ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio (u pstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l ess than 0 . 7 or greater tha n 1 . 4 This may indicate the need for addi tional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater t han 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 rn) , between t he current and previous er oss section . This may i ndi cate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER : Dit ch A REACH: 5 RS : 1888 IN PUT Desc r iption : Sta . 1888 Station Elevation Data num= 10 Sta El ev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev

- 775 34 1 2 -4 1 3410 81 3410 100 3410 . 2 11 0 34 1 0 331 3408 532 3408 690 3408 1180 34 1 0 1268 3412 Page 30 APP A-450

HECRASPMPNOD Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l

- 7 75 ' 033 100 " 033 11 80 .. 033 Bank Sta : Left Righ t Le ngths : Left Ch annel Ri ght Co e f f Cont r . Expan .

100 1180 305 828 980 ,l .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro f ile #PF 2 E .. G .. Elev (ft ) 3409 .. 36 Elemen t Left OB Channe l Ri gh t OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 "08 Wt. n - Val .. 0.033 W. S . E lev (ft) 3409 .. 29 Reach Len .. (ft) 305 .. 00 828 .. 00 980 .. 0 0 Crit w. s . (ft} 3408 ' 77 Flow Ar e a (sq ft) 75 4 .. 95 E .. G .. S l ope (ft/ft) 0 .. 002748 Area ( sq ft ) 754 .. 95 Q Tota l (cfs) 1692 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1692 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 815 .. 87 Top Width (ft) 8 1 5 . 87 Vel Total {ft/s) 2 .. 24 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 2 .. 24 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1. 29 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 93 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 32279 .. 3 Conv .. (cfs) 32279 . 3 Length Wtd . {ft) 828 .. 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 815 . 88 Mi n Ch El {ft ) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 16 Al p h a 1 .. 00 Stream Power (l b/ft s) 0 . 36 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 75 Cum Vol ume (acre-ft) 10 .. 48 C & E Loss (f t ) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 11 . 93 Wa r ning : The conveyance ratio (up s tream conveyan ce divided by downstream conveyance) i s less t h an 0 .. 7 or g r eater than 1..4 .. Th is may i ndicate t he need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warn ing: The energy l oss was greater than 1. 0 f t (0 . 3 m) .. bet ween the curr e n t and previ ou s er oss section . This may indi cate the n eed for addit i ona l cross sections .

Note : Hydraul i c jump has o c curr ed between this c r oss section and the p r evious ups t ream sec tion .

CROSS SECTION OUT PUT Pr ofi l e #PF 3 E .. G . El ev (ft) 3410 , 6 7 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 19 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 W.. s . El ev (ft) 3410.48 Reach Len . {ft) 305 . 00 828 .. 00 980 . 00 Cri t W. S . (ft) Fl ow Area (sq ft) 108.52 1947 . 96 5 .. 10 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft ) 0.002815 Area (sq ft) 108 . 52 194 7 . 96 5 . 10 Page 31 APP A-451

HECRASPMPNOD Q Total (cfs) 7 02 7 ' 00 Flow (cfs) 126 .. 68 6895 . 60 4 " 71 Top Width (ft) 1418 . 87 Top Width (ft) 317 .. 69 1080 .. 00 21 .. 18 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 41 Avg .. Ve l .. (ft/s) 1 . 17 3 "54 0.92 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 " 48 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 34 1 . 80 0 .. 24 Conv .. Total {cfs) 132442 .. 1 Conv ,. (cfs) 238 7 " 7 129965 .. 6 88 " 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 823 . 41 Wet t ed Per .. (ft} 317 ' 69 1080 .. 02 21.. 1 9 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 ,. 06 0 . 32 0 . 04 Alpha 1.06 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 07 1 .. 12 0 " 04 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 56 Curn Volume (acre-ft) 0 . 38 29 .. 04 0 . 06 C & E Loss {ft) 0 .. 05 Curn SA (acres) Lll 18 . 38 0.24 Warning : The conveyance rat i o (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 rn) . between the c urrent and previous er oss secti on . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 1060 INPUT Description : Sta . 1060 Station Elevation Data nurn= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3408 394 3406 879 3402.7 909 3402 " 7 1206 3405 1523 3406 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val St a n Val Sta n Val 100 ' 033 394 .. 033 1523 ' 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan ..

394 1523 60 60 60 .. 1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G. Elev (ft) 3404 . 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 40 Wt . n - Val .. o. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3404 , 18 Reach Len .. (ft)

Cr i t w. s. (ft) 3404 . 18 Flow Area (sq ft) 347 . 74 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 017389 Area (sq ft) 347 .. 74 Q Total (cfs) 1767 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1767 . 00 Top Width (ft ) 439 .. 22 Top Width (ft) 439 .. 22 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 .. 08 Avg .. Ve l .. (ft/s) 5. OB Page 32 APP A-452

HECRASPMPNOD Max Chl Dpth (f t ) 1.. 48 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 79 Conv. Total (cf s) 1 3399 .. 8 Conv . (cfs) 13399.8 Le ngt h Wtd. (ft) Wetted Per .. (ft ) 439 . 23 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 .. '70 Shear (lb/sq f t) 0 .. 86 Alpha 1.. 00 St r eam Power (lb/ft s ) 4 "3 7 Frct n Loss (ft) Cum Vo l ume (a c r e- f t)

C & E Lo s s (f t ) Cum SA (ac r es)

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e # PF 3 E .. G.. Elev (ft) 3406 .. 07 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0.6 7 Wt. n-Val . 0 .0 33 W.. S ,. El ev ( f t ) 3405 . 41 Reach Len .. (ft)

Cr it w. s. (ft) 3405 . 41 Fl ow Area (s q ft) 11 07 . 97 E . G. Slop e (ft /ft) 0 . 01492 5 Ar ea ( s q ft) 11 0 7 .9 7 Q Total (cfs) 7252 . 00 Flow (cf s ) 7252 .. 00 Top Wi dt h (ft) 853 . 63 To p Wi d t h (ft ) 853 ' 63 Vel Tot al (ft/s) 6 . 55 Avg .. VeL (ft/s) 6 .. 55 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 2 . 71 Hydr . De p t h (ft) 1 .. 3 0 Con v .. Tota l (cfs) 59361 . 7 Conv . (cfs) 5936 1.. 7 Le n gth Wtd . ( f t) We tt e d Per . ( ft) 853 .. 65 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 . 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 1 . 21 Al p h a 1 . 00 St r eam Power (l b/ f t s) 7 " 92 Fr ctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre - ft )

C & E Loss (ft ) Cum SA (acres)


OF MANNING'S N VALUES River : Ditch A Re ach River Sta .. nl n2 n3 5 12 6 74 "033 . 033 . 033 5 11 33 7 "033 .. 033 .. 033 5 1 093 7 . 033 .. 033 .. 033 Page 33 APP A-453

HECRASPMPNOD 5 10288 . 033 " 033 .033 5 9690 .. 033 .. 033 033 5 9009 ' 033 . 033 " 033 5 8130 .. 033 " 033 .. 03 3 5 7717 . 033 "033 " 033 5 72 53 . 033 "033 " 033 5 6343 " 033 "033 .. 033 5 5363 . 033 " 033 . 033 5 4221 .. 033 " 0 33 . 033 5 348 9 .. 033 " 033 . 033 5 2989 " 033 " 033 . 033 5 2774 . 03 3 .. 0 3 3 " 033 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 . 033 ' 033 .. 03 3 5 1 888 . 033 . 033 " 033 5 1060 .. 033 . 033 " 033


OF REACH LENGTHS Ri ver: Ditch A Reach Ri ver Sta .. Left Channe l Ri ght 5 126 74 1 206 1 337 1 4 33 5 1133 7 545 400 332 5 10937 729 649 445 5 1 0288 552 598 633 5 9690 639 681 658 5 9009 898 879 794 5 8130 399 41 3 456 5 7717 444 464 510 5 7253 756 910 980 5 63 4 3 767 980 1 05 1 5 5 3 63 1199 11 42 713 5 422 1 749 732 843 5 3489 4 64 5 00 4 57 5 2989 31 7 215 172 5 2774 40 40 40 5 2773 Cul v e rt 5 2734 745 846 101 5 5 1888 305 828 980 5 1060 60 60 60


OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: Dit ch A Reach River Sta , Contr . Expan .

5 12674 ,l "3 5 113 3 7 .1 "3 5 1093 7 .1 ' 3 5 1 0288 ,, 1 ' 3 5 9690 ,1 "3 5 9009 .1 "3 5 8 1 30 .l .3 5 7 717 .1 .3 5 7253 .1 .3 5 6343 "1 .3 Pag e 34 APP A-454

HECRASPMPNOD 5 5363 .1 ,3 5 4221 .1 ,3 5 3489 "1 .. 3 5 2989 .3 .5 5 2774 .3 .. 5 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 "3 "5 5 1888 "1 .3 5 1060 "1 .3 Profi l e Output Table - Standard Table 1 Reach River St a Q Total Min Ch El w. s . Elev Crit w. s . E . G. El ev E .G. s lope Vel Chnl Fl ow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft

/ft) (ft/s) (sq f t) (ft }

5 12674 533 . 00 34 77. 00 3478 . 39 3478 . 01 3478 . 47 0 . 00 3052 2 . 31 237 ' 71 307 . 15 0 . 43 5 12674 1768 . 00 3477 . 00 3479 . 22 3478 . 65 3479 . 41 0 . 00 3111 3 . 61 539 . 30 417 . 81 0 . 48 5 11337 533 . 00 3469.00 3470 . 41 3470 . 38 3470 . 80 0 . 01 4358 5 .. 05 107 . 68 132.06 0.94 5 11337 1768 . 00 3469 . 00 3471..40 34 71.. 40 34 72 . 19 0 . 01 1380 7 . 37 259 . 90 173 . 86 0 .. 94 5 10937 533 . 00 3464 . 00 3465 .. 81 3465 . 61 3466 . 09 0 . 00 9685 4 " 29 124 . 37 130. 72 0. 77 5 10937 1 768 . oo 3464.00 3466 . 73 34 66 . 6 7 3467 .. 39 o .. 01 1877 6 . 58 274 . 87 19 7 . 66 0 " 93 5 10288 533 . 00 3456.00 3456 . 93 3456 . 93 3457..20 0 . 02 OB30 4 . 16 12 7.. 98 249 . 47 1. 02 5 10288 l 76B . OO 3456 . 00 3457 . 50 3457 . 50 3457 . B9 0 . 01 8192 5 . 03 351 . 58 466 . 63 1 . 02 5 9690 828 00 3450.00 3451.. 67 3451. 29 3451..79 0 " 00 4 773 2 " 79 296 . 91 349 . 80 0.53 5 9690 4796 . 00 3450 . 00 3453 **03 3452 .. 60 3453 . 47 0 , 00 5600 5 .. 43 92 7.. B9 560 . 63 0 . 67 5 9009 828 . 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 63 3446 . 51 3446 . 8B 0 " 01 2031 4 . 04 205 OB 2 77 . 44 O. B3 5 9009 4796 . 00 3445 . 00 3448 . 10 3447 . B9 344B . 61 0 . 00 9426 5 . 69 843 . 12 5 79 . 12 O. B2 5 81 30 82B . 00 3440 . 00 3441.. 76 3441. 26 344 1 . 85 0.00 3284 2 .. 41 344 " 1 0 3B2.07 0.45 5 B130 4796 , 00 3440.00 3443.22 3442 . 55 3443 . 56 0 ., 00 3805 4 ' 75 1064..89 590 61 0.56 5 7717 828 . 00 3437.80 3438 .. BO 343B . BO 3439 . 11 0 . 01 9279 4 .. 48 184 . 68 304 . 12 1. 01 5 7717 4796 . 00 3437 . 80 3440 . 06 3440 . 06 3 440 ' 76 0 . 01 Page 35 APP A-455

HECRASPMPNOD 455 7 6 " 74 711.27 521..44 1..01 5 7253 8 72" 00 3435 . 00 3436 .. 44 3435 .. 96 3436 . 49 0 .. 00 1970 1 . 91 461 . 54 526 . 19 0 . 35 5 7253 4942 . 00 3435 . 00 3437 . 75 3436 . 98 3438 .. 01 o. 00 30 1 9 4.24 1236 .. 58 658 . 36 0.50 5 6343 1470 . 0 0 3430 . 00 3430 .. 74 3430 , 74 3431.. 06 0 . 01 879 1 4.51 326 . 19 522 . 8 7 1. 01 5 6343 6399.00 3 430.00 343 1 .. 80 3431.. 80 3432 . 4 9 0 . 01 3020 6 .. 68 974 . 66 788 09 0 . 97 5 5363 1 47 0 . 00 3425 . 00 3426.38 3425 .. 82 3426 . 44 0. 00 1 775 1 .. 93 775 .. 71 8 4 7 . 50 0 . 34 5 5 363 6399 . 00 3425 . 00 3427 . 59 3 426 .. 70 3427 ' 77 0 . 00 2056 3 .. 49 201 9 , 08 1206 . 47 0 . 41 5 4221 1668 , 00 3420 . 00 3421..05 3421.. 05 3421. 40 0 .. 01 7942 4. 76 350" 94 51 1. 16 1. 00 5 422 1 6955 . 00 3420 . 0 0 3422 . 09 3422 .. 09 3422 ,. 69 0 .. 0 1 3828 6 . 35 11 50 .. 24 1 009 .. 43 0 " 98 5 3489 1668 .. 00 3416 . 00 3417 . 23 3416 . 72 3417 . 29 0 . 00 2260 2 " 12 858 .. 1 5 1001 . 82 0 . 38 5 3489 6955 .. 00 3 41 6.00 3418 . 33 3 41 7 . 53 3418 .. 52 o. 00 2576 3 " 58 1993 . 09 1 0 76 , 7 3 0 "45 5 2989 1 668 .. 00 34 1 3.80 3414 .. 56 3414 . 56 3414 .. 8 7 0 .. 01 8785 4 . 28 378 . 40 628 . 05 0.99 5 2989 6955 . 00 3413 . 80 34 1 5 . 53 34 1 5 .. 4 9 3416.13 0 . 01 2623 6 .. 56 1132 " 34 878 . 78 0 .. 95 5 2774 1668 . 00 3409 . 00 34 1 4 .. 04 3412 ' 71 34 1 4 . 08 0 . 00 0314 2 .. 23 1383 " 82 1048.9 5 0. 1 8 5 2 774 6955 .. 00 3409 . 00 34 1 5 . 00 34 1 3 . 39 3 415 . 1 8 0 .. 00 1 208 4 " 96 2429 . 78 1120 .. 24 0 .. 37 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 1668 . 00 3408 . 90 3412 . 71 34 1 2 " 71 3412 . 8 5 0 . 00 1 240 3 .. 58 665 . 51 431 . 91 0 . 34 5 2734 6955 . 00 3408 . 9 0 3413 .. 55 3413 . 51 3414 .. 43 0 .. 00 6464 9 .. 48 1061 . 05 5 1 0 . 29 0 . 81 5 1 888 1692.00 3408 . 00 3409 . 29 3 4 08.77 3409 . 36 0 .. 00 2748 2 . 24 754 . 95 815 . 87 0 . 41 5 1888 7027 .. 00 3 408 . 00 3410 48 3410 .. 67 o. 00 2815 3 . 54 2061.58 1 418 . 87 0 . 46 5 1060 1767 . 00 3402. 70 3404 .. 18 3404 . 1 8 3404 .. 58 0 . 01 7389 5 . 08 3 4 7 . 74 439 . 22 1. 01 5 1060 7252 . 00 3402 . 70 3405 .. 41 3405 . 41 3406 ** 0 7 0 . 01 4925 6 . 55 1107 . 97 853 . 63 1.0 1 Page 36 APP A-456

HECRASPMPNOD Profile Output Table - Report Standard Table 1 Reach River Sta Q Total Min Ch El W.S . Elev Crit W. S , Max Chl Dpth E.G Elev E . G. Slope Vel Chnl Sta W. S . Lft Sta W. S . Rgt Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)

(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (sq ft) (ft) 5 12674 533.00 3477 . 00 3478 .39 3478 . 01 1.. 39 3 478 .. 47 0 . 003052 2 . 31 352 . 55 659.70 237 . 71 307 . 15 0 . 43 5 12674 1768.00 3477 . 00 3479 22 3478 65 2.22 3 479 . 41 0 . 003111 3" 61 294 . 31 712 . 12 539 . 30 417 . 81 0 .. 48 5 11337 533.00 3469 . 00 3470 . 41 3470 . 38 1..41 3 470 . 80 0 . 014358 5 . 05 426 . 27 558.33 107 . 68 132.06 0. 94 5 1133 7 1768.00 3469 00 3471.40 3471.40 2 .. 40 3 4 7 2. 19 0 . 011380 7 .. 3 7 4 0 4 .. 8 7 5 78 ' 73 25 9 " 90 17 3 " 8 6 0 ' 94 5 10937 533.00 3464 . 00 3465 . 81 3465.61 1..81 3 466 .. 09 0 . 009685 4 . 29 471 88 602 . 60 124 . 37 130 . 72 0. 77 5 10937 1768.00 3464 . 00 3466.73 3466 . 67 2 " 73 3 467 . 39 0 . 011877 6 .. 58 43 8 . 1 7 6 3 5 . 83 2 74 . 8 7 19 7 . 6 6 0 . 93 5 10288 533.00 3456 . 00 3456 . 93 3456 . 93 0 . 93 3 457, 20 0 . 020830 4 ' 16 402 . 40 651 . 88 127 . 98 249 . 47 1. 02 5 10288 1768.00 3456 . 00 3457.50 3457 . 50 1..50 3 457 . 89 0 . 018192 5 . 03 346 . 61 813 . 23 351.58 466 . 63 1 . 02 5 9690 828.00 3450 . 00 3451 . 67 3451 . 29 1.. 67 3 451.. 79 0 004 773 2 ' 79 422 . 55 772 . 35 296 . 91 349.80 0.53 5 9690 4796.00 3450 . 00 3453 . 03 3452 60 3 03 3 453 . 4 7 0 . 005600 5 . 43 288.83 849 . 46 927 . 89 560 . 63 0 . 67 5 9009 828.00 3445 . 00 3446 . 63 3446 . 51 1.. 63 3 446 . 88 0 .. 012031 4 . 04 439 . 59 717 . 03 205 . 08 277 . 44 0 . 83 5 9009 47 96 . 00 3445 . 00 3448 . 10 3447 . 89 3 .1 0 3 Page 37 APP A-457

HECRASPMPNOD 448. 61 0 .. 009426 5 . 69 318 . 76 897 . 88 843 .. 12 579 . 12 0 .. 82 5 8130 828.00 3440 . 00 3441 . 76 3441 . 26 1. 76 3 441.85 0 . 003284 2 . 41 44 7 . 23 829 . 30 34 4 . 10 382 . 07 0 . 45 5 8130 4796.00 3440 . 00 3443 . 22 3442 . 5 5 3 . 22 3 443 . 56 0 . 003805 4" 75 348 . 41 939 . 02 1064. 8 9 590 . 61 0 . 56 5 7717 828 . 00 3437 . 80 3438 . 80 3438 . 80 1. DO 3 439 . 11 0 . 0 1 9279 4 "48 323 . 16 627 .. 28 184 . 68 304 12 1.0 1 5 7 71 7 4796 . 00 3437 . 80 3 440 . 06 3440 . 06 2 . 26 3 440 . 76 0 . 014557 6 ' 74 229 . 27 750 . 71 711 . 2 7 521 . 44 1.0 1 5 7253 872 . 00 3435 . 00 3436 . 44 3435 . 96 L 44 3 436 . 49 0 . 00 1 970 1. 91 40 1 . 47 92 7 . 66 46 1 . 5 4 526 . 1 9 0 . 35 5 7253 4 942 . 00 3435 . 00 3437 . 75 3436 . 98 2 . 75 3 438 . 01 0 . 003 019 4 . 24 334 . 08 992 . 43 1 236 . 58 658 . 36 0 . 50 5 6343 1 4 70. 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 74 3430 . 74 0 .. 74 3 43 1 . 06 0 . 0 1879 1 4 . 51 773 . 36 1296 . 23 326 . 1 9 522 . 87 1.. 01 5 63 43 6399. 00 3430 . 00 3431.80 3431 . 80 1 . 80 3 432 . 49 0 . 013 020 6 . 68 677 . 13 1465.22 974 . 66 788 . 09 0 . 97 5 5363 1470 . 00 3425 . 00 34 2 6 . 38 3425 . 82 1.38 3 426 . 44 0 . 00 17 75 1 .. 93 705 . 25 1552 . 75 775 . 71 847 . 50 0 . 34 5 5363 6399.00 3425 . 00 3427 . 59 3426 . 70 2 . 59 3 427 . 77 0 . 002056 3 ' 49 589 . 02 1 795 . 50 2019 . 08 1206 . 47 o. 41 5 4221 1668.00 3420 . 00 3421 . 05 342 1 . 05 1.. 05 3 421. 40 0 . 017942 4 ' 76 533 . 64 1044 . 80 350 .. 94 511 . 16 1 . 00 5 4221 6955 . 00 3420.00 3 422 . 09 3422 . 09 2 . 09 3 422 . 69 0 . 013828 6 . 35 318 . 64 1328 . 07 11 50 . 24 1009 . 43 0 . 98 5 3489 1668.00 3416 . 00 3417 . 23 3416 . 72 2 . 23 3 417 .. 29 0 . 002260 2 . 12 - 117 . 5 6 884 . 26 858 . 15 1001 . 82 0 . 38 5 3489 6955 . 00 3416 . 00 3418 . 33 3417 . 53 3 . 33 3 418.52 0 .. 002 5 76 3 .. 58 - 133 . 93 942 . 79 1993 . 09 1076 . 73 0 . 45 Pa ge 38 APP A-458

HECRASPMPNOD 5 2989 1668 . 00 3413 . 80 3414 . 56 3414 . 56 0 " 76 3 414 . 87 0 . 018785 4 . 28 1 77 . 66 805 . 71 378 . 40 628 .. 05 0 . 99 5 2989 6955 . 00 3413 .. 80 34 1 5 . 53 3415 . 49 L 73 3 41 6 . 13 0 . 012623 6 . 56 3 . 99 882 . 77 1132 .. 34 878 . 78 0 . 95 5 2 7 74 1 668 . 00 3409 . 00 3414 . 04 3412 . 71 5 . 04 3 41 4 . 08 0 " 000314 2 . 23 -406 . 27 642 . 67 1 383 . 82 1048 . 95 0 . 18 5 2774 6955.00 3409 .. 00 3415 . 00 3413 .. 39 6 . 00 3 415 . 18 0 . 00 12 08 4' 96 -437 . 07 683 . 1 7 2429 . 78 1120 . 24 0 . 37 5 2 773 Culvert 5 2734 1 668 . 00 3408 . 90 34 12 . 71 34 1 2 . 7 1 3 . 81 3 412 . 85 0 ,. 00 1240 3 . 58 83 . 74 515 . 65 665 . 51 431 . 91 0 34 5 2734 6955 . 00 3408 . 90 3413.55 3413 . 51 4 . 65 3 414 . 43 0 . 006464 9 .. 4 8 39 . 37 549 . 66 1061. 05 510 . 29 0 . 81 5 1888 1692.00 3408 . 00 3409 . 29 3408.77 1.. 29 3 409 . 36 0 . 002748 2 " 24 188 . 99 1 004 . 86 754 . 95 815 . 87 0 " 41 5 1888 7027 . 00 3408 . 00 3410 . 48 2 . 48 3 410 . 67 0 . 002815 3 . 54 -217 . 69 1201 . 18 2061 . 58 1418 . 87 0 . 46 5 1060 1767 . 00 3402 . 70 3404 . 18 3404 . 18 1.. 48 3 404 . 58 0 . 017389 5 .. 08 661..17 1100 . 39 347 . 74 439 . 22 1 . 01 5 1060 7252.00 3402 . 70 3405 . 41 3405 . 41 2. 71 3 406 . 07 0 . 014925 6 . 55 481 . 23 1334 . 86 1107 . 97 853 . 63 1.01 Page 39 APP A-459

wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 12674

.033 ........................,. ,..................... .033 **********************

" ************************ .033 ******************************'

3482 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3481 3480 g

c 0




UJ 3479 3478 3477-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 11337

" "' ********* . 033************** ~**

                                                                                                          • .033****************************************************** **************** . 033****************** "

3478 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3476 3474 g

c 0



UJ 3472 3470 3468-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft)

APP A-461

wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 10937

.033 ***********************************+* *" .033 ****************** "~ ******************** .033 **********************

3472 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3470 g

c 0




UJ 3466 3464-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 10288

.033 ............... ,~., ......................................................... .033 ********************************************************'

" *************** "'********.033 3464

... Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3462 g

c 0




UJ 3458



0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 9690 3458 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3456 g

c 0






3452 3450-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 9009

" ***********--- .033 ----------- --:<~ ,,, _____________________ ---------------------- .033 ----------- ---------------------- --------**'"-------- ----- .033 ------ -------'"

3452 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3451 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3450 3449 g

c -------------------------------------------------------A-----------------------------------------------------------

0 Q)

UJ 3448 3447 3446 3445-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 8130

.033---------------------"**------------------------------ .033------------------------------**'"**------------- .033----------------'>'

3448 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3446 g

c 0






3442 3440-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta 7717

...... *~, **************************************************** . 033************************************************ "*' ****

3442 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 g

c 0



UJ 3439 3438 3437-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 7253

.033 .................. ,,.,, _____ ------------------------ .033 ----------- ___________________.,.,_, _____ ----------------------- .033 ------

3442 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3441 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3440 3439 g

c 0


UJ 3438 3437 3436 3435-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 6343

.033 ***********--------------------+*c**- ---------------------- ---------- .033 ----------------- --------------------'"-'*--------- .033 3434 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3433

A-----------------------------------------------------------A g

c 0





UJ 3431 3430-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~---r-~~~~~~~~-----,--~---r-~----,~-----~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 5363 3432 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3431 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3430 3429 g

c 0


UJ 3428 3427 3426 3425-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~----r----r-----<.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 4221

.033 .033 . *k.033*1 3424 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3423


g ----------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c 0




UJ 3421 3420-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)

APP A-471

wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 3489

----------- .033 .033 -------------------'"-'**--------

3421 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground 3420 Bank Sta 3419 g

c 0




UJ 3417 3416 3415-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)

APP A-472

wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 2989

"'******************************.033 ................................,~ ,. ......................... .033 .........................,~ , ........... .033 3420 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3419 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3418 3417 g

c 0



  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------

3416 3415 3414 3413-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta. 277 4 Upstream of culverts

" ***************-----------------------------------------------.033 ~+: . 033:f* -------- .033 3416




ws PF 3 EG PF 2


WS PF2 3415 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------ ---------*---------

Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--4,<I----,-~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD

" --------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ .033 ~+: . 033:f* -------- .033 3416




ws PF 3 EG PF 2


WS PF2 3415 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*----------------------------- ---------*---------

Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---Ml'lli---,~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta. 2734 Downstream of culverts

.033 ************************************************************************ "

" .033 *i 3416 0' 3

3 ---------+---------



ws PF 3 EG PF 2 3415 WS PF2 Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 1888 3412 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3411 g

c 0




UJ 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---,-~,.-.---,-~..,.....---,-~-----,-~~~~~~~~~~~

-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 Station (ft)

APP A-477

wcs Geom : PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD Sta . 1060 3408 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground 3407 Bank Sta 3406 g

c 0




UJ 3404 3403 3402-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


APPENDIX L HEC-HMS MODEL FOR THE CALCULATION OF THE 100-YEAR PEAK DISCHARGE, ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION II WCS\FINAL\03047103047.05\TECHNICAL NOD 21 TNOD 2 RESPONSES & DOCUMENTS\FLOOD PLAIN\ REVISION 11 R060331_FLOODPLAIN RPT.DOC 31 MARCH 2006 APPA-479 w ~wnmary o~ Kesui~s Project wcs Run Name lOOYrAMII3/24/06NOD Start of Run OlDecOO 0000 Basin Model l00YrAMII3/24/06NOD End of Run 02Dec00 0000 Met. Model MetlOO Year Execution Time 24Mar06 1343 Control Specs Control l Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak {ac Area

{cfs) ft) {sq mi)

Subbasin-4 572. 63 01 Dec 00 1232 87.051 0.490 Reach-2 572. 63 01 Dec 00 1247 86.663 0.490 Subbasin-2 744.22 01 Dec 00 1301 165.24 1.063 playa o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 o.o 1.063 Reach-1 o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1.063 Subbasin-lA 487.80 01 Dec 00 1323 131.37 0.691 Reach- lA 487 . 80 01 Dec 00 1 340 130.69 0.691 Subbasin - lB 325.64 01 Dec 00 1238 54.045 0.314 Junction-lA 611.21 01 Dec 00 1325 184.74 1.005 Reach-lB 611.21 01 Dec 00 1328 184.57 l.005 Subbasin-3 166.92 01 Dec 00 1238 27.661 0.156 Juncti on-1 697.32 01 Dec 00 1259 212.23 2.224 Reach-3 697.32 01 Dec 00 1316 211.13 2.224 Subbasin-5A 200 , 57 01 Dec 00 1232 30,187 0.192 Junction-2 1328.0 01 Dec 00 1252 327.98 2 . 906 Reach-4 1328.0 01 Dec 00 1313 325.85 2 . 906 Subbasin - 5B 216 . 46 01 Dec 00 1248 41.405 0 . 265 Junction-3 1500.7 01 Dec 00 1311 367 . 25 3 . 171 Reach-5 1500.7 01 Dec 00 1325 365 . 62 3.171 Subbasin-6 91.584 01 Dec 00 1223 11.673 0 . 074 Junction-4 1520.6 01 Dec 00 1325 377 . 30 3.245 Reach-6 1520.6 01 Dec 00 1325 377.30 3.245 Subbasin- 7 76 . 276 01 Dec 00 1300 16.696 0.104 Junction-5 1584.9 01 Dec 00 1325 393.99 3.349 APP A-480

HEC-HMS Project: WCS Basin Model:

APP A-481

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: Met100Year Subbasin List I


I100 Year, 24 Hour Storm ] LJ Precipitation Evapotr anspir at1on Method : [ SCS Hypothetical Storm Storm Selection: IType II 1.E] 1 Storm Depth (in) : 16.0 J OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 1OD .Doc APPA-482

!!j HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number 181liJIEi

~ort Help Basin Model ID: 10CIYrAMll3/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number ,Initial Abstraction in Im erviousness %

Subbasin*1A 79 0.0 Subbasin-2 72 0.0 Subbasin-3 76 0.0 Subbasin-4 76 0.0 Subbasin-58 72 0.0 Subbasin-6 72 0.0 Subbasin-1 B 75 0.0 Subbasin*5A 72 0.0


Subbasin-7 73 0.0 OK Apply Cancel

!!j HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH [fiiillliJ !Ei

~ort Help Basin Model ID: 1OCIYrAMll3/24/06NOD Time Units: IMinutes I~

Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin-1 A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin*1B 44 Subbasin*5A 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 1OD .Doc APPA-483

~ HMS *Basin Model* Lag Routing Sllil ll3

.tielp Basin Model ID: 1 OOYrAMll3/24/06NOD Interval : Minutes 1..-

= ="""""".!I Reach Name min Reach-1 Reac h-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reac h-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel


  • Basin Model
  • Reservoir Editor lf!iii~ !El E_dit file .t!elp Reserv oir Name: [ playa IEIJ


_ _ _ _ _ _ _] []

I Storage outlet Spillway Overflow Dam B,. re..a..k~,..,....

Method : [ Elevation-Storage-Outflow _ _1 Et l Initial [ Elevation (ft] _1EJ] 13478 Storage Elevation (ft) Outflow (cfs]


34780L o~

3480.0 24.0 3482.0 61 .0 3484.0 170.0 3486.0 457.0 3487.0 693.0 3488.0 928.0 2427.0 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorl og ic Model Input AMII 1OD .Doc APPA-484


~ S ubbasin-1 A l!lllil 13 r ::::::::::

01 Dec2000

.,. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 aa1:) : : : : : : : : : : : f



400 300



100 o+--.-.............---..--..-.........,......,..........:;::;;...--,.......,.......,.......,.......,......,.--,.......,.......,......,.......,.......,- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an HEC Laa a I DD'l1 .I.Ml 111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID I DD'll1 .I.Ml 111 2 .. 1 DIN:ID IMS :Z&M:111 Dll, I & , DI Print Close

~ R each-1 A Sllil IEJ 400 100 o+-...,.........--..--.,...............,.......,......,..-~:;:_~-.---.~.--..--~-.-~~~..--....--.--...- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 I DD'l'1 .I.Ml 111 :Z .. I DIN:ID HEC Rl!Z1Ch* 1A I DD'l'1 .I.Ml 111 :Z&I DIN:ID IMS SubbZl:S I n-1A 2 .. MJll Dll . I ... ID Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047 .05\Techn ica l NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Pla in\

1 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-485


~ S ubbasin-1B 11!!1~ 113 01 Dec2000

! I : l : l : l : l : l :r

... 02400 0200 0400 0600 0$00 1000 1200 1400 1600 1$00 2000 2200 2400 I!!

a 1: l:i  : i : i : i : f 300

~ 200


3 0

LL 100 o J-._;_....,....~_;_....,....~......;..~~_;_....,....:::::=::::;:::::;:::;:::;::::::;::::;::::L 2400 0200 0400 0600 0$00 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 P1*c1~1l :11l 1an I DD"'1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllNOD I DD'l'1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllNOD IMS 2 .. MJll Dll , I ... I 2 Print Close

~Junction- lA ll!!llliJ ll3 600 500

~ 300 LL 200 100 oJ._,........,......,....-.-.,........,.---.-..........~~~-,----,~=::::::=;:::::::::~:=;:::;::::::3.-

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an- *A I DD"'1 .I.Ml 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

~ubb:11:111 n - '"- I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllNIJD R*:11ch - 'A 2 .. MJll Dll I &

  • I 2 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-486


~Reach-18  !!i~EJ 600 500 5 300 200 100 o ............--.~..-..........................--~~-r-............--.~~-r-......~--.~~...................- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC RI! ach

  • 1 B I DD'l'1 AMI I Siii :Z .. I Dllr<<ID I DD'l'1 AMI 191 :Z .. I DllN:JD IMS June I I on* 1A :Z .. "hll Dll , I ... I SI Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 t!!I~ EJ tr: T: T: T: T: T:t T: T: T: T: T: T 01 Dec2000



200..,......................--.~............- r -............--.~..-...-.........................--.~...-.......-r-......-...--.---.-


~100 3

0 50 o i-.,........;.......,........;....___,;.......,..~--~~--....;...._,...=::;:::;::::;::::;::::;::::::;:::::;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI I DD"1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID IMS :Z .. M:111 Dll. , ... I i1 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-487


~ Subbasin-2 l!lllil EJ t:T:T:T:T:T:Tf:T:T:T:T:T:T 01 Dec2000




~400 3

0 Li:

200 o -.,.......,......,......,......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,....i:;:;...................,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,........,.. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000


HEC ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- la._. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID I DD'll1 .I.Ml 111 2 .. 1 DIN:ID IMS :Z&M:111 Dll, I & * :ZD Print Close

~ playa Sllil IEJ 600 200 0 .........-.--.--........,......,.............__,......i;;;....,.......,......,......,.......,.......,.............,.......,.........................~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC I DD'l'1 .I.Ml 111 2 .. 1 DIN:ID I DD'l'1 .I.Ml 111 :Z&I DIN:ID IMS 2 .. MJll Dll . I ... 22 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

4 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-488


~ R each-1 li!!!illiJ ll3 6

4 2

,2'J e 0





-6 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC RI! 211Ch- 1 I I

DDY1 AMI 191 :Z&I DllNOD DD"'1 ... Ml I Sii :Z .. I DllNOD IMS p I 211y211 :Z .. M:111 Dll.

Print Close

~Junction-1 SlliJ EJ 700 600

,--.. 500

§. 400 3

0 LL 300 200 100 o -l-..,.......,.......,.......,.......,........,......,......,.......,...,.:;..,.:::::~..........,....::::::;::::;::::;:::::;:::::::;:::::::;::::111p111......~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an- 1 HEC R*:11ch - IC. I DD"l'1 AMI 191 :Z .. I DllNOD R*::mch - I I DD"l'1 AMI 191 :Z .. I DllNOD IMS °S-YbbJIJI In - 9 :Z .. M::.1 Dll , I & * :Zll Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

5 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-489


~ Reach-3 Rllil 13 700 600


£400 3

0 300 200 100 o ............--.~.,.......,..............,..__,--~~-.-~......---.~..---.-~-...---.~..--.......-.-......- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 I aa .... .I.Ml I Sii :Z&I DllNICJD I aa .... AMI I Sii :Z&I DllNICJD Junc11on-1 :Z&M.111 Dll. 1 & * :Zr Print Close

~ Subbasin-4 lf!!!i~ ll:J 01 Dec2000 t:T:T:T:T:T:T:i=T:T:T:T:T:T


600 .......-.-............---.~...-.......-.-..................~...-..--.........................---.~...-....--.-..................---.-

~400 3


200 D_j_,~....,....~~--.-~~~~~......

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1a1 P1*c*D*I al 1an &aa* 1 I a ...

HEC LD!ll:ll I DD 'll 1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 IUIN:ICll I DD'tl1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 DllN:ICll IMS :Z .. M::.1 Dll . I &

  • 221 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-490


~ Reach-2 SlliJ D 500 400

§. 300 0

200 100 0-1---.-..............--.~..-..-..........,....,.:!~::...,.----,.--~-.-~~.......---.-----,~..--.--r--.--+

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC fl.e ZICh- 2 RYn . I DD"* AMI I Sii :Z .. I DllmD IMS SubbZ1,: I n - * :Z .. M.111 Dll. I & * :ZSI Print Close

~ Subbasin-5A lfiiillil IEJ 01 Dec2000 t:T:T:T:T:T:Tf:T:T:T:T:T:T



200 150



50 o_J.___,---.--.-.,.......,.---.-...,.......,,.......,..._..~---.--.-,:::;:::;::::;:::::;;:::::;:::::;:=:;:::::;=l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01Dec2000 ra1::11 P1*c1t111:1l1an -- m.:aJ1** la-... I DD"l'1 .I.Ml I i i :Z .. I DIN=mD LD:llJI I DD'l'1 .I.Ml I II :Z .. I DlmD

Z .. MJll Dll . I ... ID Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APP A-491


~Junction-2 11!!1~ IEJ 1200 1000 800



3 0 600 400 200 oL~~~~-=:::::~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC J1.1ncl ian-2 I DD"l'1 .1."11 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID R*ach -2 I DDY1 .I.Ml 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID IMS R*ach*:lll :Z&Ma1 Dll. I & , 92 Print Close

~ Reach-4 SlliJ EJ 1200 1000 800 5

600 400 200 o ........................................................~.,,...,.~:::...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 aa ....

HEC fl.~ ZICh- .. I I

.I.Ml 15111 2&1 DllN:ID DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2&1 DllN:ID IMS Juncllon*2 :Z&M:i11 Dll I &

  • 512 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

8 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-492


~ Subbasin-5B li!iiliiJ D

!a ,:I : l : l : l : l : l *r 01 Dec2000 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

"' 0


l:l:l:l:l : f 250~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

200 150



5 100 LL 50 o..L.~.......-~~~. . . . . ~~.......-~--=~:::;:~~:::;:::::{_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC

'al:.I P1*c1~1I  :.I 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID I DD"ll1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2&1 DllN:ID IMS '5oubll11:11 1 n - !le 2 .. MJll Dll , I .. , 99 Print Close

~Junction-3 li!iiliiJ D 1600 1400 1200

~ 1000


~ 800 3

0 LL 600 400 200 o-l--...--...--...--...--...--.--...--.-.......-=:::;;;,~--....,...:~::;:::~::;:::::;::!========""-

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 Junc:l 1an-9 HEC '5oubb:11111 n * !llB-I DD 'll 1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 IUIN:ID I DD'tl1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 DllN:ID IMS F!*:11ch _ .. 2 .. MJll Dll I ... !1119 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

9 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-493


~ Reach-5 fii([i[ 1l3 1400 1200

~ 1000

~ 300 3

0 600 400 200 0-1--.............--.~.,..............................~..-~::.-......~---.r--.....--r-......--.---.~.....-..........,.........-+

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC F\~ ZICh- 5 I I

DDY1 .I.Ml I 91 2 .. 1 DllN:ID DDY1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID IMS June I I on-::l 2 .. M111 Dll, I .. 9 ..

Print Close

~ Subbasin-6 Sll'iJ a

!a 1:l : l : l : l : l : l *r 01 Dec2000

... 0 2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 2!

l :l : l :l :l : f c..


30 60 20 o-L-.. . . . ._,..--.--.--.-.. . . . . . . . . .--~'.:.,.........-......::::::::;:::::;:::::;:::;:::=:;::::;:::::;::=l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 LD11:11 P1*~1p1I :11l 1an I I

DD"* .l."11 191 2&1 DllN:ID DD"l'1 .I.Ml 191 2&1 DllN:ID IMS °S-Ybll11:11 In - II :Z .. M111 Dll. 9 ..

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Techn ica l NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Pla in\

10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-494


~Junction-4 ll!!llliJ IEJ 1600 1400 1200

~ 1000

.l:J 300 3

0 600 400 200 o-l-....................................---.---.~....-.-.-=::p;..~~~""l"........,....,~.................,..._. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-oL I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 :Z .. I DllN:ID

'S-11btn1111 n - II I DD"l'1 AMI 191 ::Z .. I DllNJD R*:111:h *:ii :Z&M111 Dll, I &

  • 911 Print Close

~ Reach-6 SlliJ IEJ 1600 1400 1200

~ 1000

.l:J 800 3

0 600 400 200 o-1-............,.......,........,.......,,.......,.......,...............,.."'l!=::::...,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--+-

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC RI! 2!1Ct"I* 6 I DD"* .l."11 191 :Z&I DllNJD I DD"l'1 .I.Ml 15111 ::Z&I DllNtlD IMS June I I on- 4 :Z .. M111 Dll. , 9 r Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-495


~ Subbasin-7 11!!1~ 113 01 Dec2000

! I:l:l:l:l:lr

... 02400 0200 0400 0600 0$00 1000 1200 1400 1600 1$00 2000 2200 2400 I!!

a 1: l:i  : i : i : i : f 60

~40 3

0 G:

20 o ......--.~.,......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.........~,...::r-......--.~.,......,.......,.......,~.,.......,... ...........,.......,.......,..- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0$00 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 P1*c1~1l :11l 1an I DD"'1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllNOD I DD'l'1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllNOD IMS :Z .. M:.1 Dll , , .. 9 r Print Close

~Junction-5 lli!!I~ EJ 1500

~ 1000 3

0 G:

500 o ...,.......,.......,........,.......,.__,___,~...-.-...,:s:;;.~~~~==;:"""'.....--,.....,.....,....,....... 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-~ I aa .... .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'S-ubb:11:111 n - r I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID R*:11ch -11  ::Z .. M:i11 Dll , ... 9i1 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMll.Doc APPA-496


HEC-RAS Plan: AMII 100 River. Ditch A Reech: 5 488.00 3469.00 3470.36 3470.33 1.36 557.43 101.95 130.23 0.92 486.00 3469.00 3470.36 3470,33 1.36 557.43 101.95 130.23 0.92 488.00 3469.00 3470,36 3470.33 1.36 3470,73 557.43 101.95 130.23 0.92 488.00 3469,00 3470.36 3470.33 1.36 3470.73 557.43 101.95 130.23 0.92 488,00 3464.00 3465.74 3465.55 1.74 3466.02 0.009772 474.19 600.46 116.03 126.27 0.77 488.00 3464.DD 3465.74 3465.55 1.74 3466.02 0.009772 474.19 600,46 116.03 126.27 0.77 488.00 3464.00 3465.74 3465.55 1.74 3466.02 0.009772 4.21 474.19 600.46 116.03 126.27 0.77 488.00 3464.00 3465.74 3465.55 1.74 3466.02 0.009772 4.21 474.19 600.46 116.03 126.27 0.77 488.00 3458.00 3458.90 3456.90 0.90 3457.15 O.OZ0388 4.04 405.26 647.69 120.76 242.43 1.01 468.00 3456.00 3456.90 3456.90 0.90 3457.15 0.020388 4.04 405.26 647.69 120.76 242.43 1.01 486.00 3456.00 3456.90 3456.90 0.90 3457,15 4.04 405.26 647.69 120.78 242.43 1.01 488.00 3456.00 3456.90 3456,90 0.90 3457.15 0.020388 4.04 405.26 647.69 120.78 242.43 1.01 611.00 3450,00 3451.49 3451.14 1.49 3451.60 0.004656 2.56 444.61 758.20 238.60 313.59 0.52 611 ,00 3450.00 3451.49 3451.14 1.49 3451.60 0.004656 2.58 444 .61 758.20 313.59 0.52 611.00 3450.00 3451 .49 3451.14 1.49 3451.60 0.004656 2.56 444.61 758.20 238.60 313.59 0.52 611 .00 3450.00 3451.49 3451.14 1.49 3451.GO 0.004658 2.56 444.61 758.20 238.60 313.59 0.52 611.00 3445.00 3446.45 344M8 0 .012581 M4 694.37 159,10 239.94 0 .63 611.00 3445.00 3446.45 1,45 3446.68 0,012581 454.43 694,37 159,10 239,94 0,83 611.00 3445.00 3446.45 3446.34 1.45 3446.68 0.012581 3.84 454.43 694.37 159.10 239.94 0.83 611,00 3445.00 3446.45 3446.34 1.45 3446.68 0.012581 3.84 454.43 694 .37 159.10 239.94 0.83 3440.00 3441.57 3441.11 1.57 3441.65 0.003204 2.21 469.14 811.67 276.52 342.53 0.43 3440.00 3441.57 3441 .11 1.57 3441 .65 0.003204 2.21 469.14 611 .67 276.52 342.53 0.43 3440.00 3441 .57 3441.11 1.57 3441.65 0.003204 2.21 469,14 811.67 276,52 342.53 0.43 3440.00 3441.57 3441.11 1.57 3441.65 0.003204 2.21 469.14 611.67 276.52 342.53 0,43 343 .80 3438.66 3436.66 0.86 3438.94 0.020021 4 .16 333.18 607.65 146.05 274.48 1.01 3437.BD 3438.66 3438.66 0.86 3438.94 0.020021 4.18 333.18 607.65 146.05 274.48 1.01 3437.80 3436.56 3438.66 0.86 3438.94 0.020021 4.16 333.18 607.65 146.05 274.48 1.01 3438.66 0.86 3438.94 0.020021 4.16 333.18 607.65 146.05 274.48 1.01 3435,00 3436.35 3435.88 1.35 3436.40 0.001738 1.69 405.86 923.44 417.07 517.58 0.32 3435.00 3436.35 3435.88 1.35 3436.40 0.001736 405.86 923.44 417.07 517.58 0.32 697.00 3435.00 3436.35 3435.88 1.35 3436.40 0.001738 405.86 923.44 417.07 517.58 0.32 697.00 3435.00 3436.35 3435.88 1.35 343$.40 0.001738 405.86 923.-44 417.07 517.58 0.32 1328.00 3430.00 34M.70 3430.70 0.70 3431.00 0.019035 780.28 1294.88 303,78 514.60 1,00 1328.00 3430.00 3430.70 3430.70 0.70 3431.00 0.019035 780.28 1294.88 303. 8 514.60 1.00 1328.00 3430.00 3430.70 3430.70 0.70 3431.00 0.019035 780.28 1294.86 303.78 514.60 1.00 1328.00 3430.00 3430.70 3430.70 0.70 3431.00 0.019035 700.28 129-4.86 303.78 514.60 1.00 1328.00 3425.00 3426.33 3425.78 1.33 3426.38 0.001763 1.85 710.73 1541.30 727.78 830.57 0.33 1328.00 3425.00 3426,33 3425.78 1.33 3426.38 0,001763 1.85 710,73 1541.30 727.78 830.o7 0.33 1328.00 3425.00 3426.33 3425.78 1.33 3426.36 0.001763 1.85 710.73 1541.30 727.78 830,57 0.33 1328.00 3425.00 3426.33 3425.78 1.33 3426.38 0.001763 1.65 710.73 1541.30 727.78 830.57 0.33 1501 .00 3420.00 3420.99 3420.99 0.99 3421.33 0.018533 4.67 544.80 1028.40 321.48 483.60 1.01 1501.00 3420.00 3420.09 3420.99 0.99 3421 .33 0.018533 4.67 544.80 1028.40 321.48 483.60 1.01 1501.00 3420.00 3420.90 3420.99 0.99 3421 .33 0.016533 4.67 544.80 1028.40 321.48 483.60 1.01 1501.00 3420.00 3420,90 3420.99 0.99 3421.33 0.018533 4.67 544,80 1028.40 321.48 483.60 1.01 1501,00 3416.00 3417.18 3416.67 2.18 3417.24 0.002251 2.05 -116.98 881.92 804.91 998.90 0.37 1501 .00 3416.00 3417.18 3416.67 2.18 3417.24 0.002251 2.05 *116.98 881 .92 604.91 098.90 0.37 1501 .00 3416.00 3417.18 3416.67 2.18 3417.24 0.002251 2.05 *116.98 881.92 804.01 996.90 0.37 1501.00 3416.00 3417.18 3416.67 2.18 3417.24 0.002251 2.05 -116.98 681.92 804.01 996.90 D.37 1501.00 3413.80 3414.52 3414.52 0.72 3414.81 0.019219 4.14 179.04 802.32 351.67 623.28 0.99 80 3414.52 3414.52 0, 72 3414.81 0.019219 4.14 179.04 802.32 351.67 623.28 0.09 1501.00 3413.80 3414.52 3414.52 0.72 3414.81 0.019219 4.14 179.04 802,32 351.67 623.28 0.90 1501.00 3413.80 3414,52 3414.52 0.72 3414.81 0.019219 4.14 179.04 802.32 351.67 623.28 0.99 1501.00 3409.00 3413.99 3412.71 4.99 3414.03 0.000278 2.09 -399.05 640.58 1331.44 1039.64 0.17 1501.00 3409.00 3413.99 3412.71 4.99 3414.03 0.000278 2.09 -399.05 640.58 1331.44 1039.64 0.17 1501.00 3400.00 3413.99 3412.71 4.99 3414,03 0.000278 2.09 *399.05 640.56 1331.44 1039.64 0. 17 1501.00 3409.00 3413.99 3412.71 4.99 3414.03 0.000278 2.09 *399.05 640.58 1331 .44 1039.64 0.17 Culvert 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3412.82 0.001004 3.22 83.74 515.65 665.51 431.91 0.31 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3412.82 0.001004 3.22 83.74 515.65 665.51 431.91 0.31 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3412.82 0.001004 3.22 83.74 515.65 685.51 431.91 0.31 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3412.82 0.001004 3.22 83.74 515.65 665.51 431.91 0.31 1521.00 3408.00 3408.41 3406.72 0.41 3409.58 0.151914 8.68 286.11 769.53 175.18 503.42 2.59 1521 .00 3408.00 3406.41 3408.72 0.41 3409.58 0.151914 8.68 286.11 789.53 175.18 503.42 2.59 APP A-498

1585.00 3402.70 34llUO 3404.11 1.80 3404.68 0.005270 3.16 614.45 1141.44 501.30 526.98 0.57 1585.00 3402.70 34()5,00 3404.11 2.30 3405.06 0,001518 1.95 540.117 1206.0D 799.30 665.03 0.32 1585.00 3402.70 3406.00 3404.11 3.30 34()6.01 D.ll0025D 0,93 394.00 1523.00 1696.32 1129.00 0.13 1585.00 3402.70 3407.00 ~04.11 4.30 3407.01 D.000045 0,56 247.00 152'.00 2898.82 1276.00 0.06 APP A-499

FloodPlain . rep HEC-RAS Vers i on 3 . 0 . 1 Mar 2001 u . s . Army Corp of Engineers Hydrologic Engi neering Center 609 Second Stree t , Suit e D Davi s , Cal ifornia 956 1 6-4687

( 916 ) 7 56- 1104 x x xxxxxx xxxx xx xx xx xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xxxx x xxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx xxxx x x x x xxxxx PROJECT DATA Project Ti tle : WCS Project File FloodPlain . prj Ru n Date and Time: 3/24/06 3:15:28 PM Project in Engli sh units PLAN DATA Plan Title : Pl an 3 5 Plan File D:\prograrn files\WCS\FloodPlain . p35 Geometry Title : PMPl 04SecRemoved Geometry File D:\program files\WCS\FloodPlain .g04 Flow Ti t l e 100YrAMII3 06ManyNOD Flow Fi l e D:\prograrn files\WCS\F l oodPlain . f27 Plan Sununary Information:

Number of: Cross Section s 18 Mulitple Openings 0 Culverts 1 Inline Weirs 0 Bridges 0 Computational Information Water surface calculation tolerance 0 .. 01 Critical depth ca lcul aton tolerance 0 . 01 Maximum number of interations 20 Maximum difference tolerance 0.3 Flow tolerance factor 0 . 001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calcul ation Method : At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Meth od : Average Conveyance Computat i onal Flow Regime: Mixed Flow FLOW DATA Flow


100YrAMII3 06ManyNOD Flow File : D: \program files\WCS\FloodPlain . f27 Page 1 APP A-500

FloodPla i n . rep Flow Dat a (c fs)

Ri ver Re a ch RS 1 00 Yr .. - WS3404 .. 5 1 00 Yr .-WS3405 10 0 Yr . - WS3406 1 00 Yr . - WS3407 Ditch A 5 12674 488 488 488 488 Ditch A 5 9690 611 611 611 611 Dit ch A 5 7253 697 69 7 69 7 697 Di t ch A 5 6343 1328 1328 1328 1 328 Dit ch A 5 422 1 1 50 1 1501 1501 1501 Ditch A 5 1888 152 1 1521 1 521 1 5 21 Dit c h A 5 1060 1585 1585 1585 1585 Boundary Condit i ons River Re ach Profile Upstream Down stream Dit ch A 5 1 00 Yr . -W S3404 . 5 Cri ti ca l Kno wn WS

= 3404 . 5 Ditch A 5 100 Yr. -WS3 4 05 Critical Known ws = 3405 Di tch A 5 100 Yr .. - WS3406 Cri ti c al Known ws = 3406 Ditch A 5 1 00 Yr . -WS3407 Crit i ca l Known ws = 3407 GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Tit le: PMPl 04SecRernoved Geometry Fi le D: \pro gram f i l es\WCS\FloodPlain . g04 CROSS SECTION RI VER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 12674 INPUT Descript ion : Sta .. 1 267 4 Station Eleva t ion Data num= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev 1 00 348 2 380 3478 560 3 47 7 63 5 3478 761 3480 96 4 3 482 Manning's n Val ues num= 3 Sta n Val St a n Val St a n Val 1 00 "033 380 "033 635 .. 033 Bank Sta : Le f t Righ t Lengt hs : Left Channel Ri gh t Coe ff Contr . Expan .

380 635 1206 1337 1433 "1 "3 Page 2 APP A-501

FloodPlain . rep CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS 3404 . 5 E.G . Elev (ft} 3478 .. 42 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 08 Wt .. n -Val . 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033

w. s .. Elev ( ft) 34 78 .. 35 Reach Len . (ft) 1206 .. 00 1337 . 00 1433 .. 00 Cr i t w. s. (ft) 3477 .. 98 Flow Area (sq ft) 4 .. 19 215 . 78 3 " 78 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003073 Area (sq ft) 4 "1 9 215 . 78 3 .. 78 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs} 3 . 25 481.. 82 2 .. 93 Top Width (ft) 301 . 04 Top Width (ft) 24 . 23 255 . 00 21..81 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 " 18 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 0" 78 2 " 23 0 " 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 .. 35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 17 0 .. 85 0' 1 7 Conv .. Total (cfs} 8803 .. 6 Conv . (cfs) 58 ' 7 8692 . l 52 .. 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 1336. 75 Wetted Per .. (ft) 24.24 255 . 01 2 1 .. 81 Min Ch El (ft} 3477 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 16 0 .. 03 Alpha 1.04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0 . 36 0 .. 03 Frctn Loss (ft) 7.66 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 94 75 . 93 2.13 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 70 98 " 60 3 . 43 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section ., This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3405 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3478 . 42 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 08 Wt .. n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3478 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 1206 . 00 1337 .. 00 1433 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3477 .. 98 Flow Area (sq ft) 4 . 19 215 .. 78 3 . 78 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 003073 Area (sq ft) 4 .. 19 215 " 78 3 .. 78 Q Total (cfs ) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 3 .. 25 481 . 82 2 " 93 Top Width (ft) 301 . 04 Top Width (ft) 24 .. 23 255 .. 00 21.. 81 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 18 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 0 " 78 2 .. 23 0 . 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.17 0 .. 85 0 . 17 Conv .. Total (cfs} 8803 .. 6 Conv .. (cfs) 58 " 7 8692 . 1 52 . 8 Page 3 APP A-502

FloodPlain . rep Length Wtd . (ft) 1336 . 75 Wetted Per . (ft) 24 . 24 255 . 01 21.81 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 16 0 . 03 Alpha 1.04 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 0 . 03 0 . 36 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (ft) 7 . 66 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13.94 78 . 76 2 . 13 C &. E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18" 70 99 .. 92 3 . 43 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.. -WS3406 E .G. Elev (ft) 3478 . 42 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 08 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3478 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 1206 . 00 133 7 ' 00 1433 . 00 Cr it w. s. (ft} 3477 . 98 Flow Area (sq ft) 4 "1 9 215 . 78 3 . 78 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003073 Area (sq ft) 4 . 19 215 . 78 3. 78 Q Total (cfs) 488 , 00 Flow (cfs) 3 . 25 481 . 82 2 . 93 Top Width (ft} 301 . 04 Top Width (ft) 24 . 23 255 . 00 21 .. 81 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 18 Avg . Vel . (ft/s} 0 .. 78 2 . 23 0" 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 17 0 . 85 0. 17 Conv . Total (cfs) 8803 . 6 Conv . (cfs) 58 ' 7 8692 . 1 52 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft} 1336 . 75 Wetted Per . (ft) 24 .. 24 255.01 21 . 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3477.00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 16 0 . 03 Alpha 1 . 04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.03 0 .. 36 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (ft) 66 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 94 87 . 29 2 . 13 C &. E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 ' 70 104 . 33 3 . 43 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4.. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -WS3407 Page 4 APP A-503

FloodPlain . rep E . G . Elev (ft) 3478 . 42 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.08 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 " 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3478 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 1206 . 00 1337 . 00 1433 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3477 .. 98 Flow Area (sq ft) 4 " 19 215 .. 78 3 ' 78 E.G . Slope ( f t/ft) 0 . 003073 Area (sq ft) 4 "1 9 2 1 5 . 78 3 . 78 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 3 . 25 481..82 2 " 93 Top Width (ft) 301 . 04 Top Width (ft) 24.23 255 . 00 21..81 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 18 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 0" 78 2" 23 0 " 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 35 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0.1 7 0 . 85 0 " 17 Conv . Total (cfs) 8803 " 6 Con v . (cfs) 58 . 7 8692 .. 1 52 .8 Length Wtd .. (ft) 1336 . 75 Wetted Per . (ft) 24.24 255 . 01 21 . 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 . 00 Shear ( l b/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 " 16 0 . 03 Alpha 1. 04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0 " 36 0 . 03 Frctn Loss {ft) 7 . 66 Cum Vol ume (acre - ft) 14 . 20 98 . 02 2 .. 13 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 1 9 . 22 1 04.33 3 . 43 Warning : The conveyance r atio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4.. This may indicate t he need for additional cross secti ons.

Wa r ni n g : The energy l oss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b e tween the c u rrent and previous e r oss section . Thi s may indicate t he need for additi onal cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RI VER: Di tch A REACH: 5 RS : 11337 INPUT Descrip tion : Sta . 11 33 7 Stat i on Elevation Data num= 8 Sta El ev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev St a Elev 100 34 7 7 31 5 3474 392 3 472 435 3470 499 3 4 69 550 3 4 70 591 34 72 694 3474 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Val 1 00 ,.033 435 . 033 550 "033 Bank Sta: Left Righ t Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Con t r . Expan .

435 550 545 400 332 ,, 1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pr ofile #100 Yr . - WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft ) 3470 . 73 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {f t) 0' 37 Wt . n - Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0.033 Page 5 APP A-504

FloodPlain . rep w.s . Elev (ft) 3470 .. 36 Reach Len .. (ft) 545 . 00 400 . 00 332 .. 00 Cr i t w. s. (ft) 3 4 70 . 33 Flow Ar ea (sq ft) 1 .. 41 99 . 19 1 35 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 014260 Area (.sq ft) 1..4 1 99 .. 19 1..35 Q Total (cf.s) 488 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 2 . 43 483 . 25 2 . 32 Top Width (ft) 130 .. 23 Top Width (ft) 7 " 79 115 . 00 7 . 43 Ve l Tot al (ft/s) 4 . 79 Avg .. Ve l . (ft/s) L 72 4 .. 8 7 L 72 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..36 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 18 0 . 86 0 . 18 Conv .. Total (cfs) 4086 .. 5 Conv .. (cfs) 20 .. 4 4046 . 8 19 . 4 Length Wtd , {ft) 400 . 20 Wetted Per.. (ft) 7 ' 80 115 02 7" 44 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0 . 16 0 . 77 0 . 16 Alpha 1.03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 28 3 " 74 0 . 28 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 68 Cum Vo l ume (acre - ft) 13 . 87 71.10 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 26 92 . 93 2 " 95 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the c u rrent and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for addit i onal cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.. -WS3405 E . G .. E l ev (ft ) 3470 . 73 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0. 37 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3470 .. 36 Reach Len. (ft) 545.00 400 .. 00 332 . 00 Cr it w. s. (ft) 3470 . 33 Flow Area (sq ft) 1..41 99 . 19 1..35 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 014260 Area (sq ft) 1..41 99. 19 1. 35 Q Tota l (cfs) 488 .. 00 F l ow (cfs) 2 . 43 483 .. 25 2 . 32 Top Width (ft) 130 ,, 23 Top Width (ft) 7 " 79 115 . 00 7 ' 43 Ve l Total (ft/s) 4 " 79 Avg . Vel .. (ft/s) 1. 72 4 "8 7 1.. 72 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 36 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 18 0 " 86 0 . 18 Conv .. Total (cfs) 4086 . 5 Conv . (cfs) 20 .. 4 4 04 6 , 8 19 . 4 Length Wtd. (ft) 400 20 Wetted Per .. {ft) 7 " 80 115 , 02 7' 44 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.16 o. 77 0 .. 16 Alpha 1 . 03 Stream Power ( lb/ft s) 0 . 28 3 . 74 0 . 28 Frctn Loss ( ft) 4 ' 68 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 87 73 .. 93 2 " 04 Page 6 APP A-505

FloodPlain .. rep C & E Loss (ft} 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres} 18 .. 26 94. 24 2 . 95 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile UDO Yr . - WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3470 .. 73 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} o. 3 7 Wt .. n - Val.. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3470 " 36 Reach Len . (ft) 545 .. 00 400 . 00 332 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3470 " 33 Flow Area (sq ft) 1.. 41 99 . 19 1 . 35 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 014260 Area (sq ft) 1 .. 41 99 . 19 1 .. 35 Q Total (cfs) 488 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 2 . 43 483 .. 25 2 . 32 Top Width (ft) 130 .. 23 Top Width (ft) 7 "79 115" 00 7 " 43 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 79 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s} 1.. 72 4 "8 7 1..72 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 36 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 1 8 0 .. 86 0 . 18 Conv .. Tota l (cfs) 4086 . 5 Conv . (cfs} 20 . 4 4046 .. 8 19 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 400 .. 20 Wetted Per .. (ft) 7.. 80 115 . 02 7"4 4 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 " 16 0 . 77 0 .. 16 Alpha 1 .03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 28 3 " 74 0 .. 28 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 68 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 8 7 8 2 .. 45 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 26 98 .. 65 2 .. 95 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3407 E . G. Elev (ft) 3470 . 73 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 3 7 Wt . n - Val .. 0 . 033 o. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3470 .. 36 Reach Len .. (ft ) 545 .. 00 400 .. 00 332 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3470 ** 33 Flow Area (sq ft) 1.. 41 99 19 1.35 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 014260 Area (sq ft} 1. 41 99 " 19 1 . 35 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2 . 43 483 . 25 2 . 32 Top Width (ft) 13 0 . 23 Top Width (ft) 7 .. 79 115 . 00 7 .. 43 Page 7 APP A-506

Flood Pl ain.rep Vel Total (ft/s} 4 " 79 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 1. 72 4 .. 8 7 1 " 72 Max Chl Dpth (f t } L36 Hyd r . Dep th (ft) 0. 1 8 0 , 86 0 ' 18 Conv . Total (cfs} 4086 . 5 Con v . (cfs} 20 .. 4 4046.8 19 .. 4 Length Wtd . (ft } 400 . 20 Wetted Per.. (ft) 7 " 80 115 . 02 7" 4 4 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 16 o. 77 0 . 16 Al pha 1 . 03 St r eam Powe r (l b/ft s} 0 . 28 3 . 74 0 . 28 Fr ctn Loss (ft } 4 . 68 Cum Vo l ume (acre-ft ) 1 4 . 12 93 . 1 8 2 " 04 c & E Loss (ft} 0 . 03 Cum SA (ac res ) 18 " 77 98 " 65 2 . 95 Warning: The energy l os s was grea t e r t han 1.0 f t (0 . 3 m) ,. be t ween t h e current and previou s er oss sec ti on . This may indicate the need for add i t iona l cross sect i ons .




Sta . 10937 Sta t ion El eva tion Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3470 351 3468 428 3467 465 3466 536 3464 543 3464 609 3466 683 3468 811 3472 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val 100 . 033 428 . 033 609 " 033 Bank Sta : Left Ri ght Length s: Left Channel Right Coef f Contr. Exp an .

428 609 729 64 9 445 "1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT P r ofile #100 Yr . - WS3404 . 5 E . G .. El ev (ft) 3466 . 02 El ement Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head ( f t) 0 . 27 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft ) 3465 . 74 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649 . 00 44500 Cr i t W. S, (ft} 3465 . 55 Flow Area (sq ft} 116 . 03 E..G . Slope (ft /ft) 0 . 009772 Area (sq ft) 11 6 . 03 Q Total (cfs} 488 . 00 Fl ow (cfs} 488 .. 00 Top Widt h (ft) 126 . 27 Top Widt h ( f t} 126 . 27 Ve l Total (ft/ s } 4 . 21 Avg . Vel . (ft/s} 4 . 21 Max Chl Dp th (ft) 1 . 74 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 ' 92 Conv. Total (c f s} 4936 . 6 Conv . (c f s} 4936 . 6 Leng t h Wtd . (ft) 649 . 00 We tted Per . (ft} 126 32 Page 8 APP A-507

FloodPlain . r ep 3464 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 56 Min Ch El (ft) 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 36 Alpha 8 .. 86 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 .. 86 70 .. 11 2 .. 04 Frctn Loss (ft) 18 .. 21 91 .. 82 2 . 92 c & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 01 Cum SA (acres)

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 . 7 or g r eater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the curr ent and os s section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 3466 . 02 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G. Elev (ft)

Vel Head (ft) 0. 27 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 (ft) 729 .. 00 649 . 00 445 . 00

w. s . Elev (ft) 3465 .. 74 Reach Len ..
w. s . (ft) 3465 . 55 Flow Area (sq ft) 11 6 .. 03 Cr it Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 009772 Area (sq ft) 116 . 03 E .. G ..

Q Tota l (cfs) 488 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Width (ft) 126 . 27 Top Width (ft) 12 6" 2 7 4 . 21 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 . 21 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.. 74 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4936 .. 6 Conv .. (cfs) 4936 . 6 Conv . Total (cfs)

Le ngth Wtd . (ft) 649 . 00 We tted Per.. (ft) 126 ' 32 (ft) 3464 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 56 Min Ch El Alpha 1..00 Stream Power ( l b/ft s) 2 . 36 8 . 86 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 13 .. 86 72 . 94 2 .. 04 Frctn Loss (ft)

C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 93 . 13 2 " 92

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indi cate the need for additional cross secti ons .

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 ,. 3 m) . between the current and oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3406 Page 9 APP A-508

FloodPlain . rep E . G . Elev (ft) 3466 . 02 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 '2 7 Wt.. n-VaL 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3465 .74 Reach Len .. (ft} 729 "00 649 . 00 445 . 00 Cr it w.. s .. (ft} 3465.55 Flow Area (sq ft) 116 .. 03 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 009772 Area (sq ft) 116 " 03 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 4BB .. OO Top Width (ft) 126 . 27 Top Width (ft) 126 .. 2 7 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 "2 1 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 " 21 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 74 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 Conv . Total (cfs) 4936 . 6 Conv . (cfs) 4936 . 6 Length Wtd . (ft) 649 " 00 Wetted Per . (ft} 126 32 Min Ch El (ft) 3464 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 ' 56 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2.36 Frctn Loss (ft ) B . 86 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 86 81.46 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 97 . 54 2 .. 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need f or additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft ( 0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr . -WS3 407 E .G . Elev (ft) 3466 . 02 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 27 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 W,. S . Elev (ft) 3465 . 74 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649 . 00 445 . 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3465 . 55 Flow Area (sq ft) 116 . 03 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 009772 Area (sq ft} 116 ' 03 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Width (ft) 126 . 27 Top Width (ft) 126 " 27 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 " 21 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 4.. 21 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 , 74 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 92 Conv . Total (cfs) 4936 . 6 Conv . (cfs) 4936 " 6 Length Wtd. (ft) 649 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 126 . 32 Page 10 APP A-509

FloodPlain . rep Min Ch El (ft) 34 64 " 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 56 Alpha LOO Stream Powe r (lb/ft s) 2 " 36 Fr ctn Lo ss (ft) 8 .. 86 Cum Vo l ume (ac re- f t) 1 4 " 11 92 . 19 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (a c res) 1 8 " 72 9 7 , 54 2 " 92 Wa r nin g : The conveyance r a t i o (up s t ream conveyance d i vided by downs t r e am conveyance) i s l ess than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicat e the need fo r addition a l c ross secti ons .

Warni n g : The energy loss was great e r than LO ft (0 . 3 m) . b et ween t he c u r rent a n d previou s er oss s e c ti on . This may i n d i cate t h e need for add ition a l cross s ection s ..

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 1 0288 INPUT Description : Sta . 10288 Stat i on Eleva t ion Dat a nurn= 12 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a El ev 100 3464 1 77 3462 238 3460 298 3458 493 3 4 56 519 3456 662 3457 77 8 3457 . 1 857 3458 903 3460 94 7 3462 989 3464 Manni ng ' s n Val u es n um= 3 St a n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 .. 033 298 . 033 85 7 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Ri ght Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

298 857 552 598 633 "1 .. 3 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile #1 00 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3 4 57 . 15 Element Left OB Chan nel Righ t OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 25 Wt . n - Val . o . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3456 . 90 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 34 5 6 . 90 Flow Are a (sq ft) 120 . 78 E . G . Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 .. 020388 Area ( s q ft) 120 . 78 Q Total (c f s) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Wi d th (ft) 242 . 43 Top Widt h (ft) 242 . 4 3 Vel Tot al (ft/s) 4 . 04 Avg. VeL (ft/s) 4 . 04 Max Chl Dp t h (ft ) 0 . 90 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 50 Conv . Total (cf s ) 3417.. 7 Co nv . (cfs) 3417 ' 7 Length Wtd . (ft ) 598 .. 0 0 Wetted Per . (ft) 242 . 43 Min Ch El (ft ) 3456.00 Shea r (lb/sq ft) 0 . 63 Alpha LOO St ream Power (l b/ft s) 2 . 56 Page 11 APP A-510

FloodPlain . rep Frctn Loss (ft) 4 "72 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 " 86 68 . 34 2 .. 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 89 . 07 2 . 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the spec ified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critica l depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3 405 E .. G , Elev (ft) 3457 . 15 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 25 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft ) 3456 ' 90 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3456 . 90 Flow Area (sq ft) 120 . 78 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 02038 8 Area (sq ft) 120 ' 78 Q To ta l (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Width (ft) 242 . 43 Top Width (ft) 242 . 43 Vel Total (ft /s) 4.. 04 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 4 " 04 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 " 90 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 50 Conv . Total (cfs) 341 7 ' 7 Conv . (cfs) 3417 . 7 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per.. (ft) 242 43 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 63 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 " 56 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 72 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 86 71..18 2 " 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 21 90 . 38 2 " 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calc u lat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less Page 12 APP A-511

FloodPlain .. rep than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss secti on . This may i ndicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water su r face was set e q ual to cri t i cal depth, the calcul ated water sur face came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates t h at there is not a valid subcri tical answer .. The p rogram defaulted to c r itical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3406 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3457 .. 15 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head ( f t) 0 . 25 Wt .. n - Va l . 0 .. 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3456 .. 90 Reach Len . (ft) 552 .. 00 598 .. 00 633 .. 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft ) 3456 .. 90 Flow Area (sq ft) 120 . 78 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 0203BB Ar ea (sq ft) 120 ' 78 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Width ( ft) 242 .. 43 Top Wi dth (ft) 242 . 43 Vel To t al (ft/s) 4 . 04 Avg ,. VeL (ft/s) 4 " 04 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 .. 90 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 . 50 Conv .. Total (cfs} 341 7.. 7 Conv .. (cfs) 341 7 . 7 Length Wt d .. (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per. (ft) 242 .. 43 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/ s q ft) o. 63 Alpha LOO St r eam Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 56 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 72 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 1 3 ,. 86 79' 70 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 94 " 7 9 2 .. 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced wi thin the specified numbe r of ite r ations .

The program used critical depth for t h e water surface a n d cont i n ued on with the calcu lat ions .

Warning : Th e conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 ,. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . Thi s may i n dicate t he need f or additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy l o s s was great er than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b etween the cur r ent and previous er oss sect i on . Thi s may indicate the need for addit i onal cross sections ..

Warning : During the standard step iterations, when t he assumed water surface was set equal to critica l dept h , the cal c u lated water surface came back be l ow critical depth .. This i ndicates tha t there is not a valid s u bcritica l answer . The program default e d to critical dep th ..

Page 13 APP A-512

FloodPlain.rep CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E.G . Elev (ft) 3457 . 15 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 25 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3456 . 90 Reach Len . (ft) 552.00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3456 . 90 Flow Area (sq ft) 120 . 78 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 020388 Area (sq ft) 120 ' 78 Q Total (cfs) 488 . 00 Flow (cfs) 488 . 00 Top Width (ft) 242 . 43 Top Width (ft) 242 . 43 Vel Total {ft/s) 4 . 04 Avg . Vel , (ft/s) 4 " 04 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 .. 90 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 50 Conv . Total {cfs) 341 7 ' 7 Conv . (cfs) 3417 . 7 Length Wtd . (ft ) 598 . 00 Wetted Per . {ft) 242 .. 43 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .63 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 2 . 56 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 72 Cum Volume (acre,.-ft) 14 ' 11 90 .. 43 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 72 94 " 79 2.92 Warning: The energy equation could not be ba l anced wit h in the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicat e the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: Dur ing the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth , the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..




Sta .. 9690 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3454.5 202 3454 381 3452 632 3450 638 3450 799 3452 897 3454 1010 3458 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val Page 14 APP A-513

FloodPlain.rep 100 " 033 381 " 033 799 .. 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ,

381 799 639 681 658 "1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -W S3404 .. 5 E .. G, Elev (ft) 3451 .. 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 10 Wt .. n-Val.. 0 . 033 W.. S. Elev (ft) 3451. 49 Reach Len .. (ft) 639 . 00 681. 00 658 .. 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3451.14 Flow Area (sq ft) 238 .. 60 E .. G. Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 . 004656 Area (sq ft) 238 . 60 Q Total (cfs) 611 , 00 Flow (cfs) 611. 00 Top Width (ft) 313 59 Top Width (ft) 313 " 59 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 56 Avg ,. VeL (ft/s) 2 " 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 49 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 76 Conv .. Total (cfs) 8953 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 8953 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 681. 00 We tted Per . (ft) 313 . 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 2 2 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 "57 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 90 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 .. 86 65 .. 88 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 85 . 26 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3451. 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 10 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev {ft) 3451. 49 Reach Len .. (ft) 639 .. 00 681. 00 658.00 Cr it w.. s . (ft) 3451.14 Flow Area (sq ft) 238 . 60 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 004656 Area (sq ft) 238 .. 60 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow (cfs) 61l.. 00 Top Width (ft) 313.59 Top Width (ft) 313 .. 59 Page 15 APP A-514

FloodPlain . rep Vel Total {ft/s) 2 " 56 Avg . Vel . {ft/s) 2 " 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.49 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 76 Conv . Total (cfs) 8953.9 Conv . (cfs) 89 53 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 681 . 00 We tted Per . (ft) 313 . 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 22 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.57 Frctn Loss (ft) 4.90 Cum Vo lume (acre - ft) 13 . 86 68. 71 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) o. 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 86 . 57 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upst re am conveyance divided by down.s tream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or grea t er than 1 . 4 . This may indi c ate the need for additiona l cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m) . between the current and previou s er oss section. This may indica t e the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile # 1 00 Yr . -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3451..60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 10 Wt . n-VaL 0 " 033 W. S . Elev (ft ) 34 51. 49 Reach Len . (ft) 639 . 00 681.00 658 . 00 Crit W. S . {ft) 3451 . 14 Flow Area (sq ft) 238 . 60 E G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 004656 Area (sq f t) 238 . 60 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow (cfs) 611.. 00 Top Width (ft) 313 . 59 Top Width (ft) 313 . 59 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 56 Avg. VeL (ft/s) 2 . 56 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1.49 Hydr ,. Depth (ft) 0. 76 Conv . Total (cfs) 8953 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 8953 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 681 . 00 Wetted Per , (ft) 313 . 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 22 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 57 Frctn Loss {ft) 4 " 90 Cum Volume {acre- f t) 13 " 86 77 " 23 2 ,. 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 90 " 98 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (ups tream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 o r greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ans .

Page 16 APP A-515

FloodPlain . rep Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3451 .. 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 10 Wt .. n-VaL 0 .. 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 345L 49 Reach Len . (ft) 639 .. 00 681.00 658 .. 00 Cr it W.. S .. (ft) 3451. 14 Flow Area (sq ft) 238 .. 60 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 ,. 004656 Area (sq ft ) 238 . 60 Q Total (cfs) 61LOO Flow {cfs) 611 . 00 Top Width (ft) 313 .. 59 Top Width (ft) 313 .. 59 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 56 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 2 " 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.49 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 76 Conv .. Total (cfs) 8953 .. 9 Conv .. {cfs) 8953 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 681.. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 313 .. 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 22 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 0 . 57 Frctn Loss (ft) 4" 90 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 14 .. 11 8 7. 96 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 01 Cum SA (acres) 18 ' 72 90 .. 98 2 . 92 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than L 4.. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 rn) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross sections .




Sta 9009 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3452 2 03 3450 325 3448 492 3446 596 3445 63 7 3446 892 3448 1007 3450 1124 345 2 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 325 "033 892 " 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan ..

325 892 898 879 794 "1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS 3404 . 5 Page 17 APP A-516

FloodPlain . rep E . G. Elev (ft) 3446 .. 68 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt.. n-Val . 0.033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3446 . 45 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 . 00 794 . 00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3446 . 34 Flow Area (sq ft) 159 ' 10 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 012581 Area (sq ft) 159 ' 10 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow (cfs) 611. 00 Top Width {ft) 239 . 94 Top Width (ft) 239 " 94 Vel Total {ft/s) 3 . 84 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 " 84 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 1.45 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 66 Conv . Total (cfs) 544 7.. 3 Conv . (cfs) 544 7 ' 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 879 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 239 . 96 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 . 00 Shear ( l b/sq ft) o. 52 Alpha LOO Stream Powe r (lb/ f t s) 2 . 00 Frc t n Loss (ft ) 4 " 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 .. 86 62 .. 77 2 " 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 80.93 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyan ce divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate t he need for additional cross secti ODS ..

Warn i ng: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between t h e current and p re vious er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3446 . 68 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt. n-Va l . 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3446 . 45 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 . 00 794 . 00 Cr it w. s. (ft) 3446 . 34 Flow Ar ea (sq ft) 159 . 10 E . G. Slope (ft / ft) 0 . 012581 Area (sq f t ) 1 59 . 10 Q Total (cfs) 61 1.. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 611.0 0 Top Width (ft) 239 . 94 Top Width (ft ) 239 . 94 Vel Total ( ft/s) 3 " 84 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 84 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 45 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 66 Conv . Total (cfs) 5447 . 3 Conv ,. (cfs ) 5447 ' 3 Page 1 8 APP A-517

FloodPlain .. rep Length Wtd .. (ft) 879 .. 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 239 .. 96 Min Ch El (ft) 34 45 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 52 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 .. 00 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 .. 86 65 . 60 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) o . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 2 1 82 .. 24 2.92 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4 .. This may indicate t he need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er ass sec tion . This may indicate t he n eed for a ddi tiona l c r oss sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le #100 Yr . - WS3406 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3446 .. 68 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (f t ) 0 . 23 Wt . n-Val .. 0 .. 033 W. S .. Elev (ft} 3446 . 45 Reach Len . (ft ) 898 . 00 879 .. 00 794 .. 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 344634 Flow Area {sq ft} 159 . 10 E . G .. Slope (ft /ft) 0 .. 01258 1 Area (sq ft} 1 59 .. 10 Q Total (cfs} 611 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 611 . 00 Top Width (ft) 239 .9 4 Top Width (ft) 239 . 94 Ve l Total (ft/s) 3.84 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 3 . 84 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 1.. 45 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 66 Conv . Total (cfs) 5447.3 Conv .. (cfs) 544 7 .. 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 879.00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 239 .. 96 Min Ch El (f t) 3445 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 52 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb /f t s) 2 . 00 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 " 98 Cum Vo lume (acre-ft) 13 . 86 74 . 12 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 05 Cum SA (acres) 1 8 .. 21 86 .. 65 2 .. 92 Warning: The conveyance r at i o (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l e ss than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional c r oss secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater t h an 1 . 0 ft (0 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indi cate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #1 00 Yr .. - WS3407 Page 19 APP A-518

FloodPlain . rep E . G . Elev (ft) 3446 . 68 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 .. 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3446 . 45 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 . 00 794.00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3446 . 34 Flow Area (sq ft) 159 . 10 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) o. 012581 Area (sq ft) 159 . 10 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow (cfs) 611.00 Top Width (ft) 239 ' 94 Top Width (ft) 239 " 94 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 84 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 " 84 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.45 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 66 Conv . Total (cfs) 5447 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 5447 . 3 Length Wtd . (ft ) 879 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 239 " 96 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 52 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 00 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 . 11 84 "86 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 18 " 72 86 . 65 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The e nergy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS : 8130 INPUT Descript ion: Sta . 8130 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 10 0 3448 303 3444 419 3442 654 3440 663 3440 852 3442 995 3444 11 04 3446 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 41 9 " 033 852 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan ..

419 852 399 413 456 1 . 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3441. 65 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.08 Wt. n-Val.. 0 . 033 Page 20 APP A-519

Fl oodPlain . r ep

w. s . El ev (ft) 3441..57 Reach Len . (ft ) 399 . 00 413 . 00 45 6 . 00 Cri t w. s . (ft) 3441..11 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 E . G.. Sl ope (ft / ft ) 0 . 003204 Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 Q Tota l (cfs) 611.. 00 Flow {cfs) 611 . 00 Top Width {ft) 342 . 53 Top Width (ft) 342 . 53 Vel Total (ft /s) 2 . 21 Avg . Vel .. (ft/s) 2 " 21 Max Chl Dpth (f t ) 1.. 5 7 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 81 Conv . Total (cfs) 10 79 4 . 8 Conv . {cfs) 10 794 . 8 Length Wtd .. (ft) 413 . 00 Wett e d Per . (ft) 342 . 54 Mi n Ch El (ft) 344 0 .. 00 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 " 16 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 36 Frctn Lo ss (ft) 2 " 70 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 13 . 86 58 " 3 7 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (a c res) 18 . 21 75 . 05 2 . 92 Warni ng: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l es s than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.. 4. This may indicat e t he need for additiona l cross secti on s .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and p r evi ous er oss section . This may indicate t h e need for additional cross secti ons .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof il e #100 Yr .. - WS3405 E .. G .. Elev (ft ) 3441. 65 Elemen t Left OB Channe l Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 08 Wt . n - Va l . 0 . 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 344 1.. 57 Reach Len . (ft) 399 .00 413 . 00 456 . 00 Cr it W. S .. (f t ) 3441.. 11 Flow Area (s q ft) 276 . 52 E .G. Sl ope (f t/ft) 0 . 00320 4 Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 Q Tot a l (cfs) 611.. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 611 . 00 Top Widt h (ft) 342 . 53 Top Wid t h (ft) 342 . 53 Ve l Total (ft/s) 2 . 21 Avg .. Ve l . (ft/s) 2 .. 21 Max Ch l Dpth (f t) 1.. 5 7 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 81 Conv . Total (cfs) 10794 . 8 Conv . {cfs) 10794 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft ) 413 .. 00 Wet ted Per . (ft) 342 . 54 Min Ch El (ft ) 3440 . 00 Shea r (lb/sq ft) 0 . 16 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Powe r {lb/ft S) 0 36 Page 21 APP A-520

FloodPlain . rep Frctn Loss {ft} 2 " 70 Cum Volume {acre-ft} 13 " 86 61 . 20 2 . 04 c & E Loss (ft} o . 02 Cum SA (acres} 18 . 21 76 . 36 2 " 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3441.. 65 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 08 Wt , n-Val.. o. 033 W. S . Elev {ft) 344 1.. 57 Reach Len . (ft) 399 . 00 413 ** 00 456 . 00 Crit W,. S . {ft} 3441..11 Flow Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003204 Area (sq ft) 276 .. 52 Q Total (cfs) 611.. 00 Flow (cfs) 611.. 00 Top Width (ft} 342 . 53 Top Width (ft) 342 . 53 Ve! Total {ft/s) 2 .. 21 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 2 .. 21 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) l. 57 Hydr.. Depth {ft) 0 . 81 Conv . Total (cfs) 10794 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 10794 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft} 413 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 342 . 54 Min Ch El {ft) 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 16 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 36 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 70 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 13 . 86 69 . 73 2 . 04 C & E Loss {ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 80 ' 77 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previ ous er oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E . G . Elev (ft) 3441 65 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) 0 . 08 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3441..57 Reach Len . (ft) 399 . 00 413 ,, 00 456 . 00 Page 22 APP A-521

FloodPlain . rep Crit w. s . (ft ) 344 1. 11 Flow Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 0 03204 Area (sq ft) 276 . 52 Q Total (cfs) 611.. 00 Flow (c f s) 611.. 00 Top Width (ft) 342 . 53 Top Width (ft) 342 . 53 Vel Total (ft/s} 2 . 21 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 2 " 21 Max Chl Dpth (f t) 1.57 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 81 Conv . Total (cfs) 10794 . B Conv . (cfs) 10794 . B Length Wtd . (ft) 41 3 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 342 . 54 Min Ch El (ft) 3440 " 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 16 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.36 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 70 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 . 11 80 " 4 6 2 . 04 C & E Lo ss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 1 8 " 72 80 . 77 2 . 92 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater t han 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between t he current and previ ous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 7717 INPUT Description : Sta 7717 Station El evation Data num= 8 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3442 233 3440 383 3438 492 3437 . 8 510 3438 657 3439 747 3440 879 3442 Manning ' s n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val St a n Va l 100 . 033 233 . 033 747 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

233 74 7 444 4 64 510 "1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof il e 1100 Yr . - WS3404 . 5 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3438 . 94 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0"2 7 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 W .. S . Elev (ft) 3438 . 66 Reach Len . (ft) 4 4 4 .. 00 4 64 ** 00 510 . 00 Crit W .. S .. (ft) 3438 . 66 Flow Area (sq ft) 146 05 E . G . Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 . 02002 1 Area (sq ft) 146 . 05 Page 23 APP A-522

FloodPlain .. rep Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 F low (cfs) 611.. 00 Top Width (ft) 274 .. 48 Top Width (ft) 2 74 .. 48 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 "18 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 4 . 18 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 " 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 53 Conv .. Total (cfs) 4318 .. 2 Conv . (cfs) 43 1 8 .. 2 Length Wtd .. (ft) 464 ,. 03 Wetted Per . (ft) 274 . 48 Min Ch El (ft) 3437 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 67 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 ' 78 Fr ctn Lo ss (ft) 1.. 79 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 13 86 56 . 37 2 .. 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 "0 7 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 21 72 " 13 2 .. 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the c a lculat ions.

Warning: The c onveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conve yance) is le ss than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need f o r additional cross secti ens .

Warning: The energy los s was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss secti on .. Th i s may indicate the need for additional cros s sec tion s ..

Warning : During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the ca lculated water surface came back bel ow c ri tical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritic al answer . The program defaul t ed to cri t ical d ep th.

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profi le # 10 0 Yr . -W S3405 E . G . Elev (ft ) 3438 . 94 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l He a d (ft) 0 . 27 Wt .. n - Val .. 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3438 . 66 Reach Len .. (ft) 4 44 . 00 464 . 00 510 . 00 crit w.. s. ( ft) 3438 . 66 Flow Area (sq ft) 146 . 05 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 , 020021 Area (sq ft ) 146 .. 05 Q Total (cfs) 611.. 00 Flow (cfs) 611.. 00 Top Width (ft) 274 .. 48 Top Width (ft ) 274 . 48 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ,. 18 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 4 .. 18 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 53 Conv , Total (c f s) 4318 **2 Conv .. (cfs) 4318 .. 2 Length Wtd . ( ft) 4 64 " 03 Wetted Per .. (ft ) 274 . 48 Page 24 APP A-523

FloodPlain . rep Min Ch El (ft) 343 7 .. 80 Shear (lb /sq ft) 0.67 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 2 " 78 Frctn Loss (ft) l.. 79 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 86 59 . 20 2 .. 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 "0 7 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 21 73 .. 44 2 .. 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critica l depth for the water sur face and continued o n with the calcul at ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstr e am conveyance) i s less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy lo ss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss secti o n . This may indicate the need for addi t iona l cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water s urface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water sur f ace came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates t hat there is no t a val id subcritical answer .. The program defau lted t o critical dep th.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile # 1 00 Yr .. -WS 3406 E .. G . El ev (ft) 3438 . 94 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 2 7 Wt .. n - Val.. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3438 . 66 Reach Len .. (ft) 444 . 00 464 . 00 510 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3438 . 66 Flow Area (sq ft) 1 46 .. 05 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 020021 Area (sq ft) 146 .. 05 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow (cfs) 611 . 00 Top Width (ft) 274 .. 48 Top Width ( ft) 274.48 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 "18 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 4 . 18 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 53 Conv .. Total (cfs ) 4318 .. 2 Conv .. (cfs) 4318 .. 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 464 ' 03 Wetted Per. (ft) 274 .. 48 Min Ch El (ft) 3437..80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 67 Alpha l.. 00 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 2 " 78 Frctn Los s (ft) 1.79 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 13 . 86 6 7 .. 73 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 07 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 21 7 7 .. 85 2 . 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within t he specified number of iterations .

Page 25 APP A-524

FloodPlain . rep The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l ess than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4 .. This may i n dicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning : Th e energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 ml . between the cur r ent and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning : Du ring the s t a n dard step iteration s , wh en the assumed water surface was set equal to cr i ti c al depth, the cal culated wa t er surface came back be l ow critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer . The progr am defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E. G. Elev (ft) 3438 . 94 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 27 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft ) 3438.66 Reach Len . (ft) 444 . 00 4 64 ' 00 510 . 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3438 . 66 Flow Area (sq ft) 1 46 . 05 E . G .. Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 . 02002 1 Area (sq ft) 146 . 05 Q Total (cfs) 611 . 00 Flow {cfs) 611 . 00 Top Width (ft) 274 . 48 Top Wi dth (ft) 274 . 48 Ve l Total (ft/s) 4 . 18 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 . 18 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 53 Conv . Total (cfs) 4318 . 2 Conv . (cfs) 4318 . 2 Length Wt d . (ft ) 464 . 03 Wetted Per.. (ft) 274 .. 48 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3437.80 Shear (lb/sq ft) o. 67 Alpha l.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 78 Frctn Loss (ft) 1.. 79 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 . 11 78 . 46 2 . 04 C & E Loss (ft) 0 "0 7 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 72 7 7 ' 85 2 .. 92 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced withi n the specified number of iteration s .

The program used critica l depth for the water surface and continu ed on with the ca l cu l at ions .

Warni ng : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance d i vided by downst r eam conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between t h e current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need f or additional cross sections .

Warn ing: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calcu l ated wate r surface came back be l ow critical depth . This i Page 26 APP A-525

FloodPlain .. rep ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..



Sta .. 7253 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3438 109 3438.7 321 3438 424 3436 668 3435 906 3436 1005 3438 1200 3440 1365 3442 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 "033 424 . 033 906 " 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan ..

424 906 756 910 980 .1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G. Elev (ft) 3436.40 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 04 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3436 .. 35 Reach Len .. (ft) 756 . 00 910 .. 00 980 . 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3435 . 88 Flow Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 .. 81 3 "0 7 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001738 Area (sq ft) 3 , 20 410 .. 81 3. 07 Q Total (cfs) 697 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1.. 89 693 " 30 1..81 Top Width (ft) 51 7 ' 58 Top Width (ft) 18 .. 14 482 . 00 17 " 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.. 67 Avg . Vel ,. (ft/s) 0 . 59 1 .. 69 0 .. 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 18 0 .. 85 0 " 18 Conv . Total (cfs) 16716 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 45.2 16628 ' 1 43 . 5 Length Wtd . (ft) 909 . 92 Wetted Per .. (ft) 18 . 15 482 . 00 17 " 44 Min Ch El (ft} 3435 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 02 0 .. 09 0 . 02 Alpha 1.. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0 . 16 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 ' 38 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 84 53 . 40 2" 02 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 12 68 . 10 2 .. 82 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 ,. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 rn) , between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3405 Page 27 APP A-526

FloodPlain . rep E .. G. Elev (ft) 3436 . 40 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head ( ft ) 0 04 Wt . n-Val . 0 " 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3436 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 756 . 00 910 . 00 980 . 00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3435 . 88 Flow Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 . 81 3 . 07 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001738 Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 . 81 3" 0 7 Q Total (cfs) 69 7.. 00 Flow (cfs) 1. 89 693 . 30 1..81 Top Width (ft) 517 "58 Top Width (ft) 18 . 14 482.00 17 ' 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.67 Avg . Ve l . (ft/s) 0 .59 1.69 0 .. 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 18 0 . 85 0 . 18 Conv . Total (cfs) 16716 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 45 . 2 16628 . 1 43 . 5 Length Wt d . (ft) 909 . 92 Wetted Per . (ft) 18 . 15 482 . 00 17 " 44 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 . 00 Shear (lb/sq f t ) 0 "02 0.09 0 . 02 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 0 '* 01 0 . 16 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 . 38 Cum Vo lume (acre-ft) 13 . 84 56 . 24 2 . 02 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 12 69 . 41 2 "82 Warning: The conveyance r atio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for addit i onal cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G. Elev (ft) 3436 . 40 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 04 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3436 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 756 . 00 910.00 980 . 00 Crit w. s. (f t) 3435 .. 88 Flow Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 4 1 0 . 81 3 . 07 E .. G . Slope ( ft/ft) 0 . 001738 Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 . 81 3" 07 Q Total (cfs) 697 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1.89 693.30 1..81 Top Width (ft) 517 " 58 Top Width (ft) 18 . 14 482 . 00 17 . 4 4 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 . 67 Avg. VeL (ft/s) 0 . 59 1 ' 69 0 . 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 18 0 ' 85 0 .. 18 Conv . Total (cfs) 16716 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 45. 2 16628 . 1 43 . 5 Page 28 APP A-527

FloodPlain .. rep Length Wtd .. (ft) 909 .. 92 Wetted Per . {ft) 18 .. 15 482 . 00 1 7 .. 44 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} o. 02 0 . 09 0 .. 02 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 01 0 . 16 0 . 01 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 5 . 38 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 84 64 " 76 2 .. 02 C & E Loss (ft} 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 12 73 . 82 2 . 82 Warning : The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance ) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy l oss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E .. G .. Elev {ft) 3436 . 40 Element Left OB Channel Righ t OB Vel Head (ft) 0.04 Wt . n-Val. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3436 . 35 Reach Len . (ft) 756 .. 00 910 . 00 980 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3435 . 88 Flow Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 . 81 3 .. 0 7 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 001738 Area (sq ft) 3 . 20 410 .. 81 3 .. 0 7 Q Total (cfs) 697 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1..89 693 . 30 1.. 81 Top Width (ft) 517 . 58 Top Width (ft) 18 .. 14 482 .. 0 0 1 7' 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.. 67 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 0 . 59 1.. 69 0 . 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 35 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 18 0 . 85 0 . 18 Conv . Total (cfs) 16716 . 8 Conv ,. ( cfs) 45 . 2 16628 .. 1 43 ,, 5 Length Wtd . (ft) 909 .. 92 Wetted Per . (ft) 18 . 15 482 . 00 1 7 . 44 Min Ch El (ft) 343 5 .. 00 Shear (lb / sq ft} 0 . 02 0 . 09 o. 02 Alpha 1.. 02 Stream Power (lb / ft s) 0 .. 01 0 " 16 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .. 38 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 . 10 75 ' 4 9 2 .. 02 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 63 73 . 8 2 2 .. 82 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream con veyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 ,. 7 or greater t han 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1. 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 rn) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the ne e d for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 6343 Page 29 APP A-528

FloodPlain .. rep INPUT



Sta .. 6343 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3434 346 3433 663 3432 732 3431 860 3430 .. 2 981 3430 1273 3430 1320 3431.5 1566 3432 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 ' 033 663 " 033 1320 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr .. Expan .

663 1320 767 980 1051 "1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3404 .. 5 E . G, *Elev {ft) 3431. 00 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) 0 .. 30 Wt .. n-Val . 0 .. 033 w.. s . Elev {ft) 3430 , 70 Reach Len .. (ft) 7 6 7 .. 00 980 .. 00 1051 .. 00 Cr i t w. s . {ft) 3430 .. 70 Flow Area (sq ft) 303 .. 78 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019035 Area (sq ft) 303 " 78 Q Total (cfs) 1328 . 00 Flow {cfs) 1328 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 514 " 60 Top Width (ft) 514 . 60 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 .. 3 7 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 4 "3 7 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 " 70 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 59 Conv . Total {cfs) 9625 .. 4 Conv .. (cfs) 9625 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 9 7 9 " 93 Wetted Per .. (ft) 514 .. 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 70 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3.07 Frctn Loss (ft) 4. 06 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 81 45 . 94 1. 99 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 0 7 Cum SA (acres) 17 ' 96 5 7 .. 69 2 " 63 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and cont i nued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when t he assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates Page 30 APP A-529

FloodPlain .. rep that there is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E .. G. Elev (ft) 3431. 00 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 30 Wt .. n-Val.. 0 .. 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3430 .. 70 Reach Len .. (ft) 7 6 7 ' 00 980 .. 00 1051 .. 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3430 .. 70 Flow Area {sq ft) 303 . 78 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 019035 Area (sq ft) 303. 78 Q Total ( cfs) 1328 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1328 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 514 .. 60 Top Width (ft) 514 ' 60 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 37 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 4. 37 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0' 7 0 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 59 Conv .. Total (cfs) 9625 . 4 Conv .. (cfs) 9625 ' 4 Length Wtd .. (ft) 979 .. 93 Wetted Per .. {ft) 514 .. 61 Min Ch El {ft) 3430 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 70 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 .. 0 7 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 06 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 . 81 48 . 77 L99 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 0 7 Cum SA (acres) 17 .. 96 59 . 00 2 . 63 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced wi t hin the specified number of iterations .

The program used crit i cal depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 .. 3 rn) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -WS3406 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3431..00 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.30 Wt . n-Val.. 0 . 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3430 .. 70 Reach Len . (ft) 767 .. 00 980 .. 00 1051 . 00 Page 31 APP A-530

FloodPlain . rep Cr it w.. s. (ft} 3430 . 70 Flow Are a (sq f t ) 303 . 78 E .G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 01903 5 Area (sq ft ) 303 " 78 Q Total (cfs) 1 328 , 00 Flow (cfs) 1328 .. 00 Top Width (ft ) 514 . 60 Top Width (ft) 514 .. 60 Vel Total {ft/s) 4 . 37 Avg . Vel . (ft/s ) 4 .. 3 7 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 " 70 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 59 Conv . Total (cfs) 962 5 . 4 Conv . (cfs) 962 5 . 4 Length Wtd .. (ft) 979 . 93 Wetted Per . {ft) 514 . 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 ' 70 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 "0 7 Frctn Lo ss (ft) 4 . 06 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 13 . 81 57 .. 30 1.. 99 C & E Los s (ft) 0. 0 7 Cum SA (acres) 1 7 . 96 63 . 41 2 " 63 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced with in the specified number of iterations .

The p ro gram used critical depth for the water su r face a nd c ontinued on with the calculat ions .

Warning: Th e conveyance r a tio {upstream conve yance divided by downstream conveyance) i s less than 0. 7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the n eed for additional cross secti ons .

Wa:i:ning: The energy l oss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m) . be t ween the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need f o r additional cross s ections.

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed wate r s urface was set equal t o critical d epth , the calcul ated water surface came back below critica l depth .. This i n dicates tha t there is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3 407 E . G . Elev (ft) 3431. 00 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} o . 30 Wt . n-Val ,. o. 033 W. S .. Elev (ft} 3430 . 70 Reach Len . (ft) 7 6 7 .. 00 980 .. 00 1051 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3430 . 70 Flow Ar e a (sq ft) 303, 78 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019035 Area (sq ft ) 303 . 78 Q Total (cfs) 1328 . 00 Flow (cfs} 1328 . 00 Top Width {ft) 514 . 60 Top Width (ft ) 514 . 60 Vel Total (ft/s) 4.37 Avg .. Ve l . (ft/s) 4"37 Max Ch l Dpth (ft} 0 . 70 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 59 Page 32 APP A-531

FloodPlain .. rep Conv .. Total (cfs) 9625 . 4 Conv .. (cfs) 9625 4 Length Wtd .. (ft) 9 7 9 . 93 Wetted Per .. (ft) 5 14 . 61 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3430 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 70 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 ,. 0 7 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 06 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 .. 07 68 . 03 1.. 99 c &E Loss (ft) 0 "0 7 Cum SA (acres) 18 .. 4 7 63 ' 41 2 " 63 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water su r face a nd cont inued o n with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream c onveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning : The energy l oss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additiona l cross s ections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical dept h , the calculated wa t er surface came back below critica l depth .. This i ndicates that the re is not a vali d subcritical answer . The program default ed to critical dep th ..




Sta .. 5363 Station Elevation Data num= 10 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3 4 32 282 3430 550 3428 742 3426 885 3425 1 097 3425 1476 3426 18 77 3428 1 966 3428 2160 3430 Manning 's n Val u es num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 742 . 033 1476 .. 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Ch annel Right Coe ff Contr .. Expan ..

742 1476 1199 1142 713 .1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -W S3404 .. 5 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3426 .. 38 Elemen t Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (f t) 0 " 05 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3426 .. 33 Reach Len . {ft) 1199 00 1142 . 00 713 ' 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3425 .7 8 Flow Area (sq ft) 5 .. 09 712 " 05 10 . 63 E G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 001763 Area (sq ft) 5 . 09 712 .. 05 10 .. 63 Q Total (cfs) 1328 .. 00 Flow {cfs) 2 . 8 '7 1319 .. 14 5 . 99 Top Width (ft) 830 " 5 7 Top Width (ft) 31..2 7 734 " 00 65 . 30 Page 33 APP A-532

FloodPlain . rep Vel Total (ft/s) 1 . 82 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 0 .. 56 1. 85 0 . 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.33 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 .. 16 0 ' 97 0 .. 16 Conv . Total (cfs) 31630 . 8 Conv .. (cfs) 68 .. 4 31419 .. 6 142 . 8 Length Wtd .. (ft) 1141.15 Wetted Per .. (ft) 31.. 27 734 . 00 65 .. 30 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 02 0 .. 11 0 .. 02 Alpha 1. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 01 0 .20 0 .. 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5. 02 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 , 77 34 .. 51 L86 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 17.. 68 43 .. 64 1.. 84 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for a dditi onal cross secti ons ..

Warning: The e nergy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previou s er ass section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -W S3405 E . G . Elev (ft) 3426 .. 38 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 05 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 34 26 .. 33 Reach Len . (ft) 1199 . 00 1142 . 00 713 " 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3425 .. 78 Flow Area (sq ft) 5 . 09 712 .. 05 10 . 63 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 ' 001763 Area (sq ft) 5 . 09 712 " 05 10 " 63 Q Total (cfs) 1328 , 00 Flow (cfs) 2 . 87 1319 .. 14 5 .. 99 Top Width (ft) 830 . 5 7 Top Width (ft) 31.27 734 .. 00 65 .. 30 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 . 82 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s ) 0 .. 56 1. 85 0 .. 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..33 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 16 0 . 97 0 . 16 Conv .. Total (cfs) 31630 . 8 Conv .. (cfs) 68 . 4 31419 . 6 142 . 8 Le ngth Wtd . (ft) 1141.15 Wetted Per . (ft) 31.. 27 734 . 00 65 .. 30 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0.02 0 . 11 0 " 02 Alpha 1 .. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0 . 20 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 . 02 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 13 ' 77 37 .. 34 1 86 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 17 . 68 44 " 95 1. 84 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti Page 34 APP A-533

FloodPlain .. rep ons ..

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m} ,. between the c urrent and previous er oss section.. This may indicate the need f o r addi tional cross section.s .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr..-WS3406 E . G .. Elev (ft} 3426 .. 38 Element Left OB Ch annel Right OB Ve l Head (f t} 0 .. 05 Wt . n-Va l . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 w .. s . Elev (ft} 3426 . 33 Reach Len .. (ft} 1199 .. 00 1142 " 00 713 .. 00 Crit w. s. (ft} 3425 .. 78 Flow Area (sq ft} 5 . 09 712 " 05 1 0 . 63 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 001763 Area (s q ft} 5 .. 09 712 " 05 10 .. 63 Q Total (cfs} 1 328 . 00 Flow (c fs ) 2 .. 87 1 319 " 14 5 .. 99 Top Width (ft) 830 .. 5 7 Top Width (ft) 31..27 734 .. 00 65 .. 30 Ve l Total (ft/s} 1..82 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s} 0.56 1.85 0 . 56 Max Chl Dpth {ft ) l.. 33 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 16 0 .. 97 0 . 16 Conv . Total (cfs} 31630 .. 8 Con v .. (cfs) 68 . 4 31419 .. 6 142 . 8 Length Wtd .. (ft) 1141. 1 5 wetted Per . (ft) 31..2 7 734 . 00 65 . 30 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} o. 02 0 .. 11 0 " 02 Alpha 1.. 02 Stream Power {lb/ft S) 0 . 01 0 .. 20 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .02 Cum Volume (a cre-ft} 13 " 7 7 45 , 8 7 1..86 C & E Loss (ft) o. 03 Cum SA (acres) 1 7 .. 68 49 .. 36 1 .. 84 warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance } is l ess than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate t h e need for additional cross secti ons .

warning: The ene rgy loss was greate r than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m} ,. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro file #100 Yr . - WS3407 E .. G . Elev (ft} 3426 . 38 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft} 0 .. 05 Wt .. n-Val. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033

w. s. Elev (ft} 3426 . 33 Reach Len . {ft) 1199 . 00 1142 . 00 713 , 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft ) 3425 . 78 Flow Area (sq ft) 5 .. 09 712 .. 05 1 0 . 63 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 00 1763 Area (sq ft} 5 . 09 712 " 05 10 . 63 Q Total (c fs) 1328.00 Flow (cfs) 2 . 87 1319 . 1 4 5 . 99 Top Width (ft) 830 .. 57 Top Widt h (ft) 31. 2 7 7 34 .. 00 65 . 30 Page 35 APP A-534

FloodPlain . rep Vel Total (ft/s) 1.82 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 0 . 56 1.. 85 o . 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 33 Hydr . Dept h (ft) 0 . 16 0 "9 7 0 , 16 Conv. Tota l (cfs) 31 630 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 68 " 4 3 1 41 9 . 6 142.8 Length Wtd .. {ft) 1141. 15 Wetted Per . (ft) 31.27 734 . 00 65 . 30 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb / sq ft) 0 .. 02 0 . 11 0 .02 Alpha 1 . 02 St r e am Power (lb / f t s ) 0 .. 01 0 . 20 0 . 01 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 5 . 02 Cum Volume {a c r e -ft) 14 . 03 56 . 60 1.86 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres ) 18 . 20 49 . 3 6 1.84 Warning: Th e conve yance ra ti o (u pstream c on v eyance divi d ed by downstream conveyance) is l ess t han 0 . 7 o r gr e ater than 1.4 . Th is may indicat e the need for addit i on al cross sect i ons .

Warning: The energy loss was great er t han 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) . b e tween t h e current a n d previous er oss section . Th i s may indicate the need f or addi t ional cross section s .

CROSS SEC TI ON RI VER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 4221 INPUT Description : Sta . 422 1 Stat i on Elev a ti o n Data num= 12 Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev St a Elev 100 3423 34 1 3422 5 44 3421 640 3420 669 3420 753 3420 . 2 829 3420 837 3420 1030 3421 1 320 3422 1 40 7 3423 1497 3424 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val St a n Val Sta n Va l 1 00 . 033 544 033 1407 . 033 Bank St a : Left Right Leng t hs : Le f t Channel Ri ght Coeff Contr . Expan .

5 44 1407 749 732 843 . 1 "3 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profile # 1 00 Yr . - WS3404 . 5 E . G. Elev (ft) 3421.. 33 Element Le f t OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (f t) 0 . 34 Wt . n -Val . 0 . 033

w. s . El ev (ft ) 3420 . 99 Rea c h Len . (ft) 749 . 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3420 . 99 Fl ow Area {sq ft) 32 1.. 48 E . G . Slope (ft/ft } 0 . 0185 3 3 Area (sq ft) 321..48 Q Tota l (cf s) 1 501..00 Flow (cfs) 1501 . 00 Top Width (ft) 483 . 60 Top Width {ft) 483 . 60 Ve l Tot a l (ft/s) 4 " 67 Avg . Ve l . (ft/s) 4 "6 7 Max Chl Dpt h (ft ) 0 , 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 66 Page 36 APP A-535

FloodPlain .. rep Conv .. Total (cfs) 11025 .. 7 Conv . (cfs) 11 025 " 7 Length Wtd , (ft) 736 . 75 Wetted Per . (ft) 483 .. 61 Min Ch El {ft) 3420 .. 00 Shear (lb / sq ft) 0 " 77 Alpha 1.00 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 3 " 59 Fr ctn Loss {ft) 3 .. 65 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 13 "70 20 . 96 1..77 C & E Los s (ft) 0 .. 09 Cum SA (ac res) 17 ' 25 2 7 .. 68 1 .. 3 0 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program u sed cr i t i cal depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ra t io {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is l ess than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the nee d for addi tional c r oss secti on s ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m ) .. between the current and previous e r oss section . This may indica te t he n eed for additional cross section s ..

Warning: During the standard step iterat ion s , whe n the assumed water surface was set equa l to critical depth, the calculated water su rfa ce came back below c rit ical depth .. This i ndicates that t here is not a valid subc ritica l answe r . The program defaulted t o critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3405 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3421.. 33 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 34 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3420 .. 99 Reach Len . (ft) 749 . 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3420 .. 99 Fl ow Area {sq ft) 321.48 E . G . Slop e (ft/f t) 0 . 018533 Area (sq ft) 321..48 Q Total (cfs) 1501. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 150 1. 00 Top Width (ft) 483 . 60 Top Widt h (ft) 483 . 60 Vel Total ( f t/s) 4 "6 7 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 4 " 67 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 0 " 99 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 .. 66 Conv .. Tot al {cfs) 110 25 .. 7 Conv . {cfs) 11025 . 7 Length Wtd.. {ft ) 736 . 75 Wetted Per .. (ft) 483 .. 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 ** 0 0 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 ,. 7 7 Alpha LOO Stream Power {lb/ft s) 3 .. 59 Frctn Loss {ft) 3 . 65 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 1370 23 . 80 1..77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 09 Cum SA (acres) 17.. 25 28 " 99 1 .. 30 Page 37 APP A-536

FloodPlain .. rep Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than O. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross .s ecti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater t h an 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step i terations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth , the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3421. 33 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head ( ft) 0 . 34 Wt . n-Val .. 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3420 . 99 Reach Len . (ft) 749 .. 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3420 . 99 Flow Area (sq ft) 321.. 48 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018533 Area (sq ft) 321.. 48 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1501 . 00 Top Width (ft} 483 . 60 Top Width (ft) 483 . 60 Vel Total (ft/s) 4. 67 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 4 " 67 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 0 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 66 Conv .. Total (cfs) 11025 " 7 Conv . (cfs) 11025 . 7 Length Wtd . {ft) 736 . 75 Wetted Per .. (ft) 483 . 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 77 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 59 Frctn Loss (ft) 3 " 65 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 13 . 70 32 . 32 1.. 77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 17 . 25 33 . 40 1.. 30 Warning: The energy equat ion could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss Page 38 APP A-537

Flood Plain . rep section . Th is may indicat e the need for addi t ional cross s ec t i ons .

Warning : Dur ing the standard .s tep iterations, when t h e assumed water sur face was set equal to criti c a l depth , t he c a l c ul a t e d wa ter s u rface came b ack bel ow crit i c a l d epth . Th i s i n d icat e s t hat th e r e i s n ot a val id subc ri t ica l answe r . The prog r am d efault ed t o c r itical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #1 0 0 Yr . - WS3407 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3421..33 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0 . 34 Wt . n - Val . o. 03 3 w..s . El e v (ft) 3420 .. 99 Reach Len . (ft) 749 . 00 732 .. 00 843 . 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3420 . 99 Flow Ar ea (sq ft) 321..48 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 018533 Area (sq ft) 321. 48 Q Tota l (cfs ) 1501. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 1501 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 483 .. 60 Top Width (ft ) 483 .. 60 Ve l Tota l (ft/s) 4' 67 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 .. 6 7 Max Chl Dp t h (ft) 0 . 99 Hydr . De pth (ft) 0 . 66 Conv. Tota l (cfs) 1102 5 " 7 Conv . (cfs) 11 025 ' 7 Length Wt d . (ft) 736 , 75 Wet t ed Per . (ft) 483 .. 61 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 .. 00 Shea r (lb/sq ft) o.. n Alpha 1 .. 00 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 59 Frctn Loss (ft) 3 .. 65 Cum Vol ume (acre- f t) 1 3 .. 96 43 .. 05 1..77 c &E Loss (ft) 0 .. 09 Cum SA (acres) 17 . 77 33 . 40 1..30 Warning : The energy equ ation could not be ba l anced within the specified numbe r of iterations ..

The program used cri t ical depth for the water s u rface and continued on with the ca l cu l at ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divide d by downstream conveya nce) is l ess than 0 .. 7 or greate r than 1 . 4 .. Th is may i n dicate t h e need for addi tiona l cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy loss was greater t han 1 . 0 ft ( 0 . 3 rn)

  • between t he current and previous er os s sect ion . Thi s may indi cate the need for additional cross s e c ti ons .

Warn ing : Durin g the standard s t ep iter ations , when t he assumed water surface was set e q ual to c r iti cal depth, t h e calculated water s u rface came back b el ow crit ical d epth . Thi s i ndica t es that t h ere is not a va li d subcritical answer.. Th e program de f a ul ted to c ritica l dep th .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 34 8 9 INPUT Page 39 APP A-538

FloodPlain . rep



Sta .. 3489 Station Elevation Data num= 22 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-286 3420 -138 3418.5 -126 3418 -104 3416 -91 3415.5

-76 3416 -21 3417 100 3417 258 3416.5 299 3416 309 3415 318 3416 405 3416 422 3416 539 3416.4 581 3416.2 642 3416.4 744 3416 830 3416 918 3418 1068 3420 1159 3421 Manning's n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-286 "033 539 .. 033 918 " 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr .. Expan ..

539 918 464 500 457 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3404 5 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3417 .. 24 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3417 .. 18 Reach Len .. (ft) 464 . 00 500 . 00 457 .. 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3416 . 67 Flow Area (sq ft) 482 . 21 322 ' 70 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 002251 Area (sq ft) 482 .. 2 1 322 , 70 Q Total ( cfs) 1501. 00 Flow (cfs) 838 . 96 662 . 05 Top Width ( ft) 998 . 90 Top Width (ft) 655 .. 98 342 . 92 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.86 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 1 . 74 2 . 05 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 18 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 74 0 . 94 Conv .. Total (cfs) 31635 .. 3 Conv .. (cfs} 17681.9 13953 .. 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 481. 78 Wetted Per . (ft) 656 . 17 342 .. 93 Min Ch El (ft) 3416 .. DO Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 10 0.13 Alpha 1 .. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 18 0 . 27 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 41 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 9 .. 55 15 55 1.. 77 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 11.61 20 ' 74 1 . 30 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -WS34 05 E .G .. Elev (ft) 3417 . 24 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt n-Val.. 0 .. 033 o . 033 Page 40 APP A-539

FloodPlain . rep W.. S . Elev (ft) 3417 . 18 Reach Len . (f t) 464 . 00 500 . 00 45 7 .. 00 Crit W. S , (ft) 3416 . 67 Flow Area (sq ft) 482 . 21 322 . 70 E . G . Slope (ft/ft ) 0 . 002251 Area (sq ft) 482 . 21 322.70 Q Tot al (c fs ) 1501.00 Flow (cfs) 838 . 96 662 . 05 Top Widt h (ft) 998 . 90 Top Width (ft) 655 . 98 342 . 92 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.86 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 1 . 74 2 " 05 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 .. 18 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 74 0 " 94 Conv . Total (cfs) 31635.3 Conv . (cfs) 17681.9 13953 . 4 Lengt h Wt d . (ft) 481.. 78 Wetted Per . (ft) 656 . 1 7 342 " 93 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 10 0 . 13 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s ) 0 . 18 0 . 27 Frctn Loss (f t) 2 . 41 Cum Vo l ume (acre- ft) 9 . 55 18 . 38 1 . 77 C & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 11.. 61 22 . 05 1 . 30 Warning : The conve yance ratio (upst r eam conveyance d i v i de d by downstream conveyan ce) is less than 0 . 7 o r greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross se c ti ons .

Warning: The e ne r gy lo ss was greater than L 0 ft (0 . 3 m) , between t he c u rrent and previou s er oss sect ion . This may indi cat e the need for additional cross s e ctions .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G . Elev (ft) 341 7.. 24 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel He ad (ft) 0 . 06 Wt . n - Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3417 "18 Reach Len . (ft) 464 " 00 500 . 00 45 7" 00 Crit W. S ,. (ft) 3416 . 67 Flow Area (sq ft ) 482 . 21 322 . 70 E . G .. Slop e (ft/ft) 0 . 002251 Area (sq f t ) 482 . 21 322 . 70 Q Total (c f s} 1501 . DO Fl ow (cfs) 838 " 96 662 " 05 Top Width (ft) 998 . 90 Top Wi dth (ft ) 655 . 98 342 . 92 Ve l Total (ft/s) 1.86 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 1. 74 2 " 05 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 " 18 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0 " 74 0 . 94 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 31 635 . 3 Conv . (cfs ) 17681.9 13953 . 4 Length Wtd . (f t) 481 . 78 Wetted Per . (ft) 656 . 1 '7 342 . 93 Min Ch El (ft) 34 1 6 .. DO Shear (l b/sq ft ) 0 . 10 0 . 13 Al pha 1 . 02 Stre am Power (lb / ft s) 0 . 18 0 " 27 Page 41 APP A-540

FloodPlain . rep Frctn Loss (ft) 2 ,, 41 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 9 .. 55 26 . 91 1.. 77 c & E Loss (ft) 0.02 Cum SA (acres) 11.. 61 26 , 46 1 . 30 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E . G . Elev (ft) 3417..24 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt.. n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3417..18 Reach Len . (ft) 464 " 00 500 . 00 45 7 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3416 , 67 Flow Area (sq ft) 482 . 21 322' 70 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 002251 Area (sq ft) 482 . 21 322 " 70 Q Total (cfs) 1501.. 00 Flow (cfs) 838 . 96 662 . 05 Top Width (ft) 998 .9 0 Top Width (ft) 655 . 98 342 . 92 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 .. 86 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 1.. 74 2 . 05 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 " 18 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 74 0 . 94 Conv .. Total (cfs) 31635 . 3 Conv .. (cfs) 17681..9 13953 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 481.. 78 Wetted Per . {ft) 656 . 17 342 . 93 Min Ch El (ft) 3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 10 0 . 13 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 18 0 . 27 Erctn Loss (ft) 2 , 41 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 9 . 81 3 7 , 64 1..77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 02 Cum SA (acres) 12 " 13 2 6 46 1..30 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta . 2989 Station Elevation Data num= 14 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Page 42 APP A-541

FloodPlain . rep

-31 3416 59 3414.8 170 3414.8 1 96 34 1 4 436 3413 . 8 613 3 414 651 3414 700 3414 747 3414 76 1 3414 841 3415 . 01 920 3416 976 3418 10 67 3420 Manning's n Va l ues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-31 ' 03 3 436 " 033 841 " 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Chan ne l Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

4 36 841 317 215 172 .3 .5 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3404 . 5 E . G. Elev (ft) 3414 ' 81 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 .. 28 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s .. Elev {ft) 3414 .. 52 Reach Len . (ft) 317 " 00 2 15 . 00 172 . 00 Cr i t W, S . (ft) 3414 ' 52 Flow Area (sq ft) 153 . 63 198 . 04 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019219 Area (sq ft) 153 . 63 198 ,, 04 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 680 .. 62 820 . 38 Top Width (ft) 623 . 28 Top Width (ft) 256.96 366 . 32 Vel Tota l (ft/s) 4 "2 7 Avg . Ve l . (ft/s ) 4 " 43 4 . 14 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 72 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 0 ' 54 Conv . Total (cfs) 10827 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 4909 . 5 591 7. 6 Lengt h Wtd , (ft) 252 . 84 Wet ted Per . (ft) 25 6 " 96 366.33 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3413 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 72 0 . 65 Alpha LO O Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 18 2 . 69 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 . 22 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 6 " 17 12 56 L 77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 12 Cum SA (acres) 6 ' 75 16 . 67 1 . 30 Warning: The energy equa ti on could not be bal anced within t he specified n umber of iterations .

The program us ed critical depth for the water sur face and c ontinued on with t he c a l culat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided b y downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greate r than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the n eed for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: During the standard step i terations , when the assumed wa t e r surface was set equal to critical depth , the calcul ated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ,

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le # 1 00 Yr . -W S3405 E G . Elev (ft ) 3414.8 1 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Page 43 APP A-542

FloodPlain . rep Vel Head (ft} 0 . 28 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft} 3414 . 52 Reach Len . (ft) 3 17 ' 00 215 . 00 172 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft} 3414 . 52 Flow Area (sq ft) 153 .. 63 198 .. 04 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019219 Area (sq ft) 153 " 63 198.04 Q Total (cfs} 1501. 00 Flow (cfs) 680 .. 62 820 . 38 Top Width (ft) 623 . 28 Top Width (ft) 256 .. 96 366 . 32 Vel Total (ft/s} 4. 27 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 4 " 43 4 " 14 Max Chl Dpth (ft) o . 72 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 60 0 . 54 Conv . Total (cfs) 10827 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 4909 . 5 5917.6 Length Wtd . (ft) 252 . 84 Wetted Per . (ft) 256 . 96 366 . 33 Min Ch El (ft} 3413 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0. 72 0 " 65 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 " 18 2 . 69 Fr ctn Loss (ft} 0 . 22 Cum Volume (ac re-ft } 6 " 17 15 " 40 1 . 77 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 12 Cum SA (acres} 6 . 75 17.. 98 1.30 Warning: The energy equation cou l d not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G. Elev (ft) 3414 . 81 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 28 Wt. n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3414..52 Reach Len . (ft) 317 . 00 215 . 00 1 72 . 00 Crit W. S . (ft) 3414.52 Flow Area (sq ft) 153 . 63 198.04 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019219 Area (sq ft} 153 . 63 198 . 04 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 680 . 62 820 . 38 Top Width (ft} 623 . 28 Top Width (ft) 256 . 96 366 . 32 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ' 27 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 .. 43 4 . 14 Page 44 APP A-543

FloodPlain . rep Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 72 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 0 . 54 Conv . Total (cfs) 1 0827 .. 1 Conv . (cfs) 4909 . 5 5917 . 6 Length Wtd , (ft) 252 . 84 Wetted Per . (ft) 256 .. 96 366 .33 Min Ch El (ft) 3413 . 80 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 .. 72 0 . 65 Al pha 1 .. 00 Stream Powe r (lb/ft s) 3 " 18 2 . 69 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 . 22 Ctun Vol tune (acre - ft) 6 " 17 23 . 92 1..77 C & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 12 Ctun SA (acres) 6 .. 75 22 . 39 1..30 Warning : The energy equat i on c ou ld not be balance d with i n the specif i ed number of itera tion s.

The p r ogr am used critical depth for the water surface and continued on wi th the calculat ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio {up s tream conveyance divided by down stream conveyance ) is l ess than 0 . 7 o r great e r than 1..4. This may i nd i cate the need for additional cro s s sect i ons .

Warning : During the standard s t ep iterations, when t he ass umed wat e r surface was s et equal to c r i t i cal depth, the cal cul ated wat er surface came back below critic a l depth . This i ndicates that there is no t a valid s ubcritica l a n swer . The program defaulted to critical dep th.

CROSS SECT ION OUT PUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3414.8 1 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft ) 0 . 28 Wt . n-Va l . 0 ,. 033 0 . 033

w. s . El ev (ft) 3414 ' 52 Reac h Len . (ft) 317.. 00 215 . 00 1 72 . 00 Cr it W. S , (ft) 3414 . 52 Flow Area (sq ft) 153 . 63 198 . 04 E ,G, Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019219 Area (sq ft) 153 . 63 198 . 04 Q Total (cfs) 1501..00 Flow (c f s) 680 " 62 820 . 38 Top Width {ft) 623 . 28 Top Width (ft) 256 . 96 366 . 32 Vel Tota l (ft/s) 4 "2 7 Avg .. Vel . {ft/s) 4 . 43 4 . 14 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 72 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 0 " 54 Conv . Tot al (cfs) 10827 .. l Conv . {cfs) 4909 . 5 5917 . 6 Length Wt d . {ft) 252 . 84 Wetted Pe r . (ft) 256 .. 96 366 .. 33 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3413 . 80 Shea r (lb/sq f t ) 0 " 72 0 . 65 Al pha LOO Stream Power {lb/ft s) 3 . 18 2 . 69 Frctn Loss (ft ) 0 .. 22 Cum Volume (ac r e -ft) 6 . 42 34 . 65 1..77 C & E Loss (ft) 0 12 Cum SA (acres) 7. 2 7 22 . 39 1 . 30 Page 45 APP A-544

FloodPlain .. rep Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specif i ed numbe r of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may i ndicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth , the calculated water surface came back be l ow c ri tical depth . This i ndicates that there i s not a valid subcritical answer.. The program defaul ted to critical dep th ,




Sta . 2774 Upstream of culverts Station Elevation Data num= 18 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-453 3416 - 437 3415 -405 3414 -289 3413.B -13 3413 . 8 100 3413 . 8 175 3413 . B 204 3412 261 3412 298 3411. 2 4 02 3410 . 9 437 3410 469 3409 491 3409 511 3410 560 3412 641 3414 725 3416 Manning's n Val ues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val

-453 . 033 437 . 033 511 " 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ..

437 511 40 40 40 . 3 "5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

- 888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3414 . 03 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 04 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S , Elev (f t) 3413 . 99 Reach Len. (ft) 40.00 40.00 40 . 00 Cr i t W. S .. (ft) 3412 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 761..53 343 . 24 226 . 67 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000278 Area (sq ft) 761..53 343 . 24 226 . 67 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 537 . 33 71 6 . 64 247 ,. 03 Top Width (ft ) 1 039 . 64 Top Width (ft) 836 . 05 74 " 00 129 58 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 . 13 Avg .. Vel . (ft /s) 0 . 71 2 . 09 1..09 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 91 4 . 64 1 . 75 Conv . Total (cfs) 90001. 4 Conv . (cfs) 32219 . 0 42970 . 2 1 4812 . 2 Length Wtd , (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per . {ft) 836 . 13 74 . 04 129.65 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 02 0 . OB 0 . 03 Page 46 APP A-545

FloodPlain .. rep Al pha 1 . 93 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0" 17 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (f t) Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 "84 11. 23 1.. 32 Cum SA (acres) 2 "7 7 15 . 58 1 . 05 C & E Loss (ft)

Warn i ng: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical d epth . The progr am will t ry the cross section slice/seca nt method to fin d crit ical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1 100 Yr . -WS3405 E . G. Elev (ft) 3414 . 03 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0 . 04 Wt . n- Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3413 . 99 Reach Len . (ft) 40 . 00 40.00 40 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3 41 2 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 761.. 53 343 . 24 226 . 67 E . G. Slope (f t/ft) 0 . 000278 Area (sq f t) 761 . 53 343 . 24 22 6 " 6 7 Q Total (cfs ) 1 501.. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 537 . 33 716 . 64 247 "03 Top Width (ft ) 1039 . 64 Top Wi dth (ft) 836 . 05 74. 00 129 . 58 Vel Total (ft/s) 1..13 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 0 " 71 2 .. 09 1..09 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 4" 99 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0 . 91 4 .. 64 1.. 75 Conv . Total (cfs) 90001 . 4 Conv . (cfs) 32219 . 0 42970 . 2 148 12 . 2 Leng th Wtd . (ft) 40 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 836 . 13 74.. 04 129 " 65 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq f t ) 0 " 02 0 .. 08 0 . 03 Alpha 1 . 93 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0 . 17 0 . 03 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 2 " 84 14 . 06 1. 32 Fr ctn Loss (ft)

C & E Loss (ft ) Cum SA (acres) 2 .. 77 16 " 89 1..05 Wa r ning: Th e parabol ic sea r ch me t hod failed to conve r ge on critical depth.. The prog r am will t ry the c ross sect i on sl i ce/secant method t o find critica l depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #1 00 Yr . - WS3406 E . G. Elev (ft) 34 1 4 . 03 Element Left OB Channe l Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 04 Wt . n - Val. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. s . Elev (ft) 3413 . 99 Reach Len . (ft) 40 . 00 40 . 00 40 . 00 Crit W. S . (f t ) 34 12 . 71 Flow Area (sq f t ) 761..53 343 **24 226 . 67 Page 47 APP A-546

FloodPlain . rep E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000278 Area (sq ft) 761.53 343 .. 24 226 .. 67 Q Total (cfs) 1501 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 53 7 . 33 716 " 64 247 . 03 Top Width (ft) 1039 . 64 Top Width (ft} 836 .. 05 74 " 00 129 .. 58 Vel Total (ft / s) 1 . 13 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 0 .. 71 2 " 09 1..09 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4 " 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 ** 91 4 .. 64 1 . 75 Conv .. Total (cfs) 90001 .. 4 Conv .. (cfs) 32219 .. 0 42970 . 2 148 12 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per.. (ft) 836 . 1 3 74 . 04 12 9 " 65 Min Ch El (ft ) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 .. 02 0 . 08 0 . 03 Alpha 1 . 93 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0 . 17 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre -ft) 2 . 84 22 . 5 8 1 . 32 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres) 2 .. n 21..30 1 . 05 Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical dep th . The program will try the cross sect i on slice/secant me t hod to find critical depth ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -W S3407 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3414 . 03 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 04 Wt . n-Va l . 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (f t) 34 1 3 . 99 Reach Len .. ( ft) 40 .. OD 40.00 40 . 00 Cr i t w. s. (ft} 34 12 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 761..53 343 . 24 226 . 67 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 000278 Area (sq ft) 761 . 53 343 . 24 226 . 67 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 53 7 .. 33 716 " 64 247..03 Top Widt h (ft) 1 039 . 64 Top Width ( ft) 836 . 05 74 .. 00 1 29 ' 58 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.. 1 3 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 0 . 71 2 . 09 1.09 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 4 " 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 91 4 . 64 L 75 Conv . Total (cfs) 90001.. 4 Conv (cfs) 32219 .. 0 42970 . 2 14812 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 836 . 13 7 4 ' 04 129 . 65 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq f t ) 0 .. 02 0 . 08 0 .. 03 Alpha 1 . 93 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 01 0 " 17 0 . 03 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Vo lume (acre-ft) 3 . 09 33 .. 31 1 . 32 C & E Loss (f t ) Cum SA (ac res ) 3.29 21.30 LO S Page 48 APP A-547

Fl oodPlain . rep Warn i ng : The parabolic sear ch me t hod fai l ed to con v e rge on critical depth . The p r ogram wi ll try the c r oss section s l ice/secant method t o find c r itica l depth .




Di stance from Upstream XS 8 Deck/Ro a dway Width 24 Weir Coeff icient 3 Upstream Deck/Roadway Coo r d i n a tes n um= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Co r d Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 26 3413 . 8 1 00 3413 . 8 402 34 12 . 7 500 34 1 2 . 8 600 3413 . 9 700 34 15 . 7 Upst r eam Bridge Cross Section Data St a t ion El evation Data num= 18 St a El ev Sta El ev St a Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 453 34 1 6 -43 7 34 15 - 405 3414 - 289 3413.8 - 13 3413 . 8 100 3413 . 8 1 75 3413 . 8 204 34 12 26 1 3 41 2 298 3411.2 402 3410 . 9 4 37 34 1 0 469 3409 49 1 3409 511 34 1 0 560 34 12 641 3414 725 34 1 6 Manning ' s n Va l ues num= 3 Sta n Va l St a n Val Sta n Val

-453 "033 437 .033 511 ,. 033 Bank Sta : Left Ri ght Coeff Cont r . Expan .

437 5 11 "3 .. 5 Ineffective Flow n um= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F Downstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cor d Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 26 3413 . 8 100 34 1 3.8 402 34 12 . 7 500 3412 . 8 600 34 1 3 . 9 700 3415 . 7 Downstream Bridge Cro s s Sect i on Data Station El evat i on Da t a num= 17 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 1721 3416 - 1410 3414 26 3413 . 8 100 34 12 . 4 155 34 1 2 299 3411 . 4 349 34 10 387 3408 . 9 39 1. 4 3408 . 9 395 . 8 3408 . 9 400 . 2 3408 . 9 404 . 6 3408.9 409 3408' 9 434 3410 487 3 412 568 3414 658 34 1 6 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Val

- 1 721 . 033 349 .. 033 434 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Coe ff Con tr . Expan ..

349 434 "3 "5 I neffec tive Fl ow num= 2 St a L Sta R El ev Permanent

-888 F 888 F Upstream Embankment side s l ope 3 horiz. to 1 . 0 vertical Downstream Embankment s ide slope 3 horiz . to 1 . 0 ve r t ical Maximum allowab l e submergence for weir flow . 95 Page 49 APP A-548

FloodPlain . rep Elevation at which weir flow begins 3412 .. 7 Energy head used in spillway design Spillway height used in design Weir crest shape Broad Crested Number of Culverts 1 Culvert Name Shape Rise Span Culvert #1 Pipe Arch 1..833 2 . 43 FHWA Chart # 34- 18 inch corne r radius; Corrugated metal FHWA Scale # 1 - 90 Degree headwall Solution Criteria= Highest U. S . EG Culvert Upstrm Dist Length n Value Entrance Loss Coef Exit Loss Coef 1 39 . 024 .. 5 1 Number of Barrels = 6 Upstream Elevation 3409 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta . Sta. Sta . Sta . Sta.

469 473 . 4 47 7 .. 8 482 . 2 486 , 6 49 1 Downstream Elevation = 3408 . 9 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta.

387 391.. 4 395 . 8 400 . 2 404 ' 6 409 CROSS Slj:CTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 2734 INPUT



Sta . 2734 Downstream of culverts Station Elevation Data num= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-1721 3416 -1410 3414 26 3413 ,. 8 100 3412 . 4 155 3412 299 3411..4 349 3410 38 7 3408 . 9 391.4 3408.9 395.8 3408.9 400.2 3408.9 404.6 3408.9 409 3408 . 9 434 3410 487 34 12 568 3414 658 3416 Manning 's n Va lues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l

-1721 . 033 349 . 033 434 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Con tr . Expan .

349 434 745 846 101 5 .3 "5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.-WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3412 .. 82 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 11 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 o. 033 w.. s . Elev (ft) 3412 . 71 Reach Len . (ft) 745 . 00 846 . 00 1015 . 00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3412 ,. 71 Flow Area (sq ft} 275 ' 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 001004 Area {sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 Q Total (cfs} 1501. 00 Flow (cfs) 404 . 03 931 . 98 164 . 98 Top Width (ft) 431 . 91 Top Width (ft} 265 . 26 85 . 00 8 1. 65 Vel Total (ft/s) 2.26 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 1.. 46 3 . 22 1 . 64 Page 50 APP A-549

FloodPlain . rep Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 81 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1.. 04 3 .. 40 1.. 23 Conv .. Total (c fs) 47371..8 Conv . (cfs) 12751.. 3 29413 .. 6 5206 .. 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 841.. 72 We tted Per . (ft) 265 .. 28 85 .. 04 81.. 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 07 0 . 21 0 . 08 Alpha 1 . 44 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 10 0 . 69 0 .. 13 Frctn Loss {ft) 1 . 67 Cum Vol ume (acre-ft) 2 " 36 10 . 94 1.. 17 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 00 Cum SA (acres) 2 .. 2 7 1 5 . 51 0 . 95 Warning : The e n ergy equation could not be balanced within the specifi ed number of it erations .

The program used cr itica l depth for the wate r surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning : The conveyance ratio (up stream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greate r than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss secti o n .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth.. This i ndicates t h at there is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to c ritical d ep th .

Warning: The parabol ic search method failed to converge on c ritical depth .. The program will try the cross sect i on slice/secant me t h od to find critical depth ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le #100 Yr .. -WS 3405 E..G .. Elev (ft) 3412 82 Element Le ft OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 11 Wt . n-Val .. 0 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3412 " 71 Reach Len . (ft) 745 . 00 846.00 1015 . 00 Cr i t W.. S .. (ft) 34 1 2 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 275 .. 89 288 .. 99 1 00 " 64 E .. G . Slope (ft /f t) 0 .. 001004 Area (sq ft) 275 .. 89 288 .. 99 100 , 64 Q Total {cfs) 1501. 00 Flow (cfs) 4 04.03 931 . 98 164 ** 98 Top Width (ft) 43 1 .. 91 Top Wid t h (ft) 265 .. 26 85 . 00 BL 65 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 26 Avg .. Vel . {ft/s) 1.46 3 . 22 1 . 64 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 , 81 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1. 04 3 .. 40 1.23 Conv .. Total (cfs) 47371.. 8 Conv . (cfs) 12751.3 29413 . 6 5206 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft} 841 . 72 Wetted Per . (ft} 2 6528 85 . 04 81. 70 Min Ch El (ft} 3408.90 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0 ., 07 0 . 21 o . 08 Page 51 APP A-550

FloodPlain . rep Alpha 1 . 44 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0 " 10 0 . 69 0 . 13 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 25 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 . 36 13 .. 77 1 .. 17 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres} 2,27 16 . 82 0 " 95 Warning: The energy equat ion could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth f or the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upst ream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L 0 ft ( 0 ,. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth .. The program will try the c ross section slice/secant method to find critical depth ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3412 .. 82 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 11 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S , Elev (ft) 3412 " 71 Reach Len . (ft) 745 .. 00 846 .. 00 1015 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3412 , 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 " 99 100 . 64 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 001004 Area (sq ft) 275 .. 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 Q Total (cfs) 1501 . 00 Flow (cfs) 4 04 . 03 931 .. 98 1 64 . 98 Top Width (ft) 431 91 Top Width (ft) 265 . 26 85 . 00 BL 65 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 26 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 1.. 46 3 .. 22 1 . 64 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 .. 81 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1 . 04 3 " 40 1 . 23 Conv .. Total (cfs) 47371..8 Conv .. (cfs) 12 7 51. 3 29413 .. 6 5206 ' 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 841.. 72 Wetted Per . (ft) 265 . 28 85 .. 04 81 . 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 07 0.21 0 .. 08 Alpha 1 . 44 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 10 0 . 69 0 . 13 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 .. 25 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 " 36 22 . 29 1..17 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 2.27 21..23 0. 95 Page 52 APP A-551

FloodPlain . rep Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ,

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth .. The program will try the cross section slice/secant method to find critical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #1 00 Yr .. -WS3407 E . G . El ev (ft) 3412 . 82 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 11 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W., S . Elev (ft) 3412 . 71 Reach Len . (ft) 745 . 00 846 . 00 1015 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3412 " 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 2 75 . 89 288 . 99 100 " 64 E G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001004 Area (sq ft) 275.B9 2BB . 99 1 00 . 64 Q Total (cfs) 15 01.. 00 Flow (cfs) 404 ,, 03 931.. 98 164 . 98 Top Width (ft) 431 . 91 Top Width (ft) 2 65 . 26 85 . 00 Bl . 65 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 26 Avg , Vel . (ft/s) 1. 46 3 " 22 l , 64 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 81 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1..04 3 " 40 1..23 Conv . Total (cfs) 4737 1.. 8 Conv . (cfs) 12751.. 3 29413 . 6 5206 . 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 841.. 72 Wetted Per . (ft) 265 . 28 BS . 04 81.. 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 90 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 07 0 . 21 0 . 08 Alpha 1..44 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 10 0 . 69 0 . 13 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 " 25 Cum Volume (acre -ft ) 2 . 62 33 . 02 1. 17 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 2 . 78 21 .23 0 . 95 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the ca l culat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss Page 53 APP A-552

Fl oodPl ain .. rep section .. Th is may i n dicate the nee d for additiona l cross sections .

Warni ng : During the standard s tep itera t ions, when the assumed wat er surface was set equal to cri tic a l depth , t he c a l cu l a t ed wate r s urface came back be l ow critical depth . This i n dicates that there i s not a va li d subcrit i cal answer . Th e program defaul ted t o critical dep th .

Warning : The parabolic search meth od fail e d t o converge o n c ritica l d ept h .. The program wil l t r y t he cro ss section slice/secan t metho d to f i n d cri tical depth .

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Di tch A REACH : 5 RS: 1 888 INPUT Descr i ption : Sta . 1888 Stat i on El evati on Dat a num= 10 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta El ev St a Elev

- 775 3412 - 41 3410 81 3410 100 3410.2 110 3410 331 3408 532 3408 690 3408 1180 3410 1 268 3412 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

- 77 5 . 033 100 . 033 11 80 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengt hs : Left Ch ann e l Ri ght Coef f Contr . Expan .

1 00 11 8 0 305 828 980 , 1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3404 .. 5 E . G . El ev (ft ) 3 4 09 . 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 1.17 Wt , n-Val .. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3408 .. 41 Reach Len . (ft) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 , 00 Crit w. s. (ft ) 3408 . 72 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 1 75 . 1 8 E . G .. Slope (ft/ f t) 0 . 15 1 914 Ar ea (sq ft) 175 . 18 Q Total (cfs) 1521.. 00 Flow (cfs) 152 1 . 00 Top Width (ft ) 503 . 42 Top Wid th ( ft ) 503 . 42 Ve l Total (ft/ s ) 8 . 68 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 8 . 68 Max Ch l Dp th (ft} 0 ** 41 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0 . 35 Conv . Total (cfs) 3902. 4 Conv . (cfs) 3902 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft ) 828 . 00 We t ted Per . (ft) 503 . 42 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 3 . 30 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (l b/f t s) 28 65 Frct n Loss (ft} 2 . 92 Cum Vol ume (acre- ft) 6 . 43 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 32 Cum SA (acres) 9 . 79 Warning : The velocity head has changed by more than O .. 5 ft ( 0 . 15 m) . This may ind i cate the n Page 54 APP A-553

FloodPlain ., rep eed for additional cross sections .

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross sec ti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth . The program will try the cross section slice/secant method to find critical depth.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3409 . 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft ) 1..17 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev {ft) 3408 . 41 Reach Len . (ft) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 . 00 Crit W. S. (ft) 3408. 72 Flow Area (sq ft) 175 . 18 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 151914 Area (sq ft) 175 . 18 Q Total (cfs) 1521.. 00 Flow (cfs) 1521. 00 Top Width (ft) 503 . 42 Top Width (ft) 503 . 42 Ve l Total (ft/s) 8 . 68 Avg Vel.. (ft/ s) 8 .. 68 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 41 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 " 35 Conv . Total (cfs) 3902 . 4 Conv . (cfs) 3902 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 828 . 00 Wet t ed Per.. (ft) 503 .. 42 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 3 . 30 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 28 .. 65 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 92 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 9.26 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 32 Cum SA (acres) 11..11 Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0 . 5 ft (0 . 15 ml . This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sections .

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0.3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth . The program will try the cross section sl ice/secant method to find critical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3409 . 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Page 55 APP A-554

FloodPlain .. rep Vel Head (ft) 1 . 17 Wt . n-Val .. 0 .. 033

w. s .. Elev (ft) 3408 .. 41 Reach Len .. (ft) 305 . 00 828 .. 00 980 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3408 .. 72 Flow Area (sq ft) 175 . 18 E . G .. Slope (ft /ft) 0 .. 151914 Area (sq ft) 175 . 18 Q Total (cfs) 1521.. 00 Flow (cfs) 1521.. 00 Top Width (ft) 503 . 42 Top Width (ft) 503 . 42 Vel Total (ft/s) 8 " 68 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 8 .. 68 Max Chl Dpth (ft) o. 41 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 .. 35 Conv . Total (cfs) 3902 . 4 Conv . (cfs) 3902 , 4 Length Wtd .. (ft) 828 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 503 . 42 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 3 . 30 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 28.65 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 92 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 . 79 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 32 Cum SA (acres) 15 . 51 Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0 .. 5 ft (0 .. 15 m). This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sections .

Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indica t e the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 rn) . between the current and previ ous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: The parabolic search method fai l ed to converge on critical depth . The program wi ll try the cross section slice/secant method to find critical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3407 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3409 . 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) l..17 Wt .. n-VaL 0 .. 033

w. s. Elev (ft) 3408 . 41 Reach Len .. (ft) 305 .. 00 828 . 00 980 . 00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3408 .. 72 Flow Area (sq ft) 1 75 . 18 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 151914 Area (sq ft) 17 5 ' 18 Q Total (cfs) 1521. 00 Flow (cfs) 1521 . 00 Top Width (ft) 503 . 42 Top Width (ft) 503 42 Vel To t al (ft/s) 8 .. 68 Avg . Ve l (ft/s) 8 " 68 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 ' 41 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 35 Page 56 APP A-555

FloodPlain . rep Conv . Total {cfs) 3902 . 4 Conv . (cfs} 3902 . 4 Length Wtd .. (ft} 825 . 65 Wetted Per .. (ft} 503 . 42 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 3 . 30 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 28 . 65 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 92 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 0 . 26 28.52 c &E Loss (ft} 0 . 32 Cum SA (acres} 0 " 51 15 . 51 Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0 . 5 ft (0 . 15 m) . This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sections .

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is les s than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ,

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth.. The program will try the cross section slice/secant method to find critical depth .




Sta . 1060 Station Elevation Data num= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3408 394 3406 879 3402 . 7 909 3402 . 7 1206 3405 1523 3406 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 394 . 033 1523 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

394 1523 60 60 60 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3404 . 66 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 . 16 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033

w. s ' Elev (ft) 3404 . 50 Reach Len. (ft}

Crit w. s . (ft} 3404 . 11 Flow Area (sq ft) 501..30 E..G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 005270 Area (sq ft) 501 . 30 Q Total (cfs) 1585 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1585 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 526 . 98 Top Width (ft) 526 .. 98 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 16 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 .. 16 Page 57 APP A-556

Fl oodPlain . rep Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 80 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 . 95 Conv. Total (cfs) 2 1 832 . 6 Conv .. (c f s) 2 1 832 . 6 Lengt h Wt d , (ft) Wet t e d Pe r . (f t ) 527 . 00 Min Ch El (ft ) 3402 . 70 Sh ear (l b/sq ft ) 0 . 31 Al pha LOO Stream Powe r (lb/ft s) 0 . 99 Fr ctn Loss (ft ) Cum Vol ume (a c re - ft)

C & E Los s (ft) Cum SA (acres}

Note : Hydrauli c jump has o c cu r red between this cross section a n d t he p r eviou s upstream sec tion ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr . - WS3405 E . G . Elev (ft) 3405 . 06 Eleme n t Left OB Channe l Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) 0 ** 06 Wt . n - Val. 0 . 033

w. s .. Elev (ft) 3405 . 00 Rea c h Len . (ft)

Crit w. s. (ft ) 3404 . ll Fl ow Ar ea (sq ft) 799 . 30 E . G .. Slope (ft/ f t} 0 .. 00151 8 Area (sq f t ) 799 . 30 Q Tota l (cfs} 1 585 . 00 Flow (c f s) 1 585 . 00 Top Width (ft) 665.03 Top Width (ft ) 665.03 Ve l To t a l (ft/s) 1.. 98 Avg . Vel , (ft/s) l..98 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 2 . 30 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 20 Conv . To t a l ( cf.s) 40684 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 40684 . 8 Length Wtd . (f t) We tted Per . (ft) 665.05 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3402 ,, 70 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 . 11 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 23 Fr ctn Loss (ft) Cum Vo lume (ac re- f t )

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)

Note : Hyd r a ul ic jump has o c c u rred between this cross section and t h e p r evi ous ups t ream sec t i on .

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Pro fi le #100 Yr . - WS3406 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3 4 06 . 01 Ele ment Left OB Ch anne l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 0 1 Wt .. n - Val.. 0 . 033 Page 58 APP A-557

FloodPlain .. rep

w. s . Elev (ft) 3406 .. 00 Reach Len . (ft)

Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3404"11 Flow Area (sq ft) 1696.32 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 000250 Area {sq ft) 1696 .. 32 Q Total (cfs) 1585 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1585 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 1129 . 00 Top Width (ft) 1129 . 00 Vel Total (ft/s) 0 .. 93 Avg . Vel.. (ft / s) o. 93 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3.30 Hydr .. Depth (ft) L50 Conv. Total (cfs) 100198 . 1 Conv .. (cfs ) 100198 . 1 Length Wtd . {ft) Wetted Per . (ft) 1129 .. 02 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 .. 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 02 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 02 Frctn Loss {ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft)

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)

Not e: Hydraulic jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec tion ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profil e #100 Yr .. -WS3407 E .. G .. Elev {ft) 3407 .. 01 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 00 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 .. 033 W. S .. Elev (ft) 3407 . 00 Reach Le n. (ft)

Crit W S . (ft) 3404..11 Flow Area (sq ft) 73" 50 2825 .. 32 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 000045 Area (sq ft) 73 .. 50 2 8 25 . 32 Q Total (cfs) 1585 . 00 Flow (cfs) 13 . 98 15 71.. 02 Top Width (ft ) 1276 . 00 Top Width (ft ) 147 .. 00 1129 ' 00 Vel Total (ft/s) 0 55 Avg .. VeL (ft / s ) 0 . 19 0 .. 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4 " 30 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 50 2 . 50 Conv .. Total (cfs) 236437..3 Conv . (cfs) 2084 . 9 234352 .. 5 Length Wtd .. (ft) Wetted Per .. (ft) 147 .. 00 113 0 ' 02 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 ' 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 00 0 . 01 Alpha 1.03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 00 o. 00 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre- ft)

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres )

Page 59 APP A-558

FloodPlain . rep Note : Hydrauli c jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec tion .


OF MANNING ' S N VALUES River:Ditch A Reach River St a . nl n2 n3 5 12674 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 1133 7 .. 033 .033 " 033 5 1093 7 .. 033 .033 . 033 5 1 0288 . 033 ** 033 . 033 5 9690 . 033 .. 033 . 033 5 9009 "033 .. 033 " 033 5 8130 . 033 .033 . 033 5 7717 " 033 . 033 . 033 5 725.3 "033 " 033 . 033 5 6343 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 5363 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 4221 "033 . 033 . 033 5 3489 . 033 " 033 . 033 5 2989 . 033 .. 033 . 033 5 2774 " 033 . 033 . 033 5 2 773 Culvert 5 2734 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 188 8 . 033 . 033 .. 033 5 1060 "033 .033 . 033


OF REACH LENGTHS River: Ditch A Reach River Sta. Left Channel Right 5 12674 1206 133 7 1433 5 1133 7 545 400 332 5 10937 729 649 445 5 10288 552 598 633 5 9690 639 681 658 5 90 09 898 879 794 5 81 30 399 413 456 5 7717 444 46 4 510 5 7253 756 910 980 5 6343 767 980 1051 5 5363 1199 1142 713 5 4221 749 732 843 5 3489 464 500 457 5 2989 317 215 172 5 2774 40 40 40 5 2 773 Culvert 5 2734 745 846 1015 5 1888 305 828 980 5 1060 60 60 60 Page 60 APP A-559

FloodPlain .. rep


OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANS I ON COEFFICIENTS River : Di tch A Reach River Sta . Contr .. Expan ..

5 126 74 .1 .3 5 1133 7 1 .. 3 5 10937 .1 .3 5 10288 .. 1 .3 5 9690 .1 "3 5 9009 .1 3 5 8130 .1 .3 5 7717 .. 1 "3 5 7253 .1 "3 5 6343 .. 1 . 3 5 5363 .1 "3 5 4221 "1 .. 3 5 3489 .1 .3 5 2989 .. 3 "5 5 2774 .. 3 . 5 5 2773 Cul vert 5 2 734 .. 3 "5 5 1 888 .. 1 ., 3 5 1 060 ,l .3 Profile Output Table - Standard Table 1 Reach Rive r Sta Q Total Min Ch El W. S . Elev crit w. s .. E .. G .. Elev E .. G .. S lope Ve l Chnl F low Area Top Wi dth Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft

/ft) (ft/s) (sq f t ) (ft) 5 1 2674 488 . 00 3477 . 00 3478 . 35 3477 .. 98 3478.42 0 ,. 00 3073 2 . 23 223 .. 75 30104 0 . 43 5 12674 488 . 00 3477 . 00 3478 . 35 34 77 ** 98 3478 .. 42 0 . 00 30 7 3 2 . 23 223 .. 75 301..04 0.43 5 126 74 488 . 00 3477.00 3478 . 35 3477 . 98 3478 . 42 o . 00 3073 2.23 223 .. 75 301.04 0 . 43 5 12674 488.00 3477 . 00 3478 . 35 3477 .. 98 3478 . 42 o. 00 30 7 3 2 .. 23 223 .. 75 301..04 0 . 43 5 1133 7 488 . 00 3469.00 3470 . 36 3470 .. 33 34 7 0 .. 7 3 0 . 01 4260 4 . 87 10195 130 .. 23 0 . 92 5 11337 488 . 00 3469 . 00 3470 . 36 3470 33 3470 . 73 0 . 01 4260 4 .. 87 101.95 130 , 23 0.92 5 11337 488 . 00 3469 . 00 3470 .. 36 3470 . 33 34 70 . 73 o. 01 4260 4 . 87 101 95 130 . 23 0 . 92 5 11337 488 . 00 3469 . 00 3470 . 36 3470 .. 33 3470 . 73 0 .. 01 4260 4 87 101. 95 130 . 23 0 .. 92 5 10937 488 .. 00 3464 . 00 3465 , 74 3465 . 55 3466 . 02 0 .. 00 9772 4 .. 21 116 .. 03 126 . 27 0 . 77 5 1 093 7 488 .. 00 3464 . 00 3465 . 74 3465 . 55 3466 02 0 .. 00 9772 4 . 21 116 . 03 126 27 0. 7 7 5 1 0937 488 .. 00 3464 . 00 3465 , 74 3465 . 55 346602 o . 00 9772 4 . 21 116 . 03 126 . 27 0 . 77 5 10937 488 .. 00 3464 00 3465 . 74 3465 .. 55 3466 .. 02 0 .. 00 Page 61 APP A-560

Fl oodPlain.r ep 9772 4 . 21 116 . 03 126 , 2 7 0 . 77 10288 488 .. 00 3456 . 00 3456 . 90 3456 . 90 3457 . 15 0 . 02 5

0388 4 . 04 120 " 78 242 . 43 1. 01 10288 488 . 00 3456 . 00 3456 . 90 3456 .. 90 3457..15 0 . 02 5

0388 4 , 04 120 . 78 242 . 43 1. 01 10288 488 . 00 3456.00 3456.90 3456 . 90 3457 . 15 0.02 5

0388 4 "04 120 . 78 242 . 43 1. 0 1 10288 488 .. 00 3456.00 3456 . 90 3456 . 90 3457 . 15 0 .. 02 5

0388 4 " 04 120 . 78 242 . 43 1 . 01 9690 611 . 00 3450 . 00 3451. 49 3451. 14 3451.60 0 . 00 5

4656 2 . 56 238 . 60 313 . 59 0 .5 2 9690 611 " 00 3450.00 3451. 49 3451. 14 34 51 . 60 0 . 00 5

4656 2 " 56 238 .. 60 313 . 59 0 . 52 9690 611. 00 3450.00 3451 . 49 3451..14 3451. 60 0 . 00 5

4 65 6 2 . 56 238 .. 60 313 .5 9 0.52 5 9690 611 . 00 3450.00 3451.. 49 3451.. 14 3451.. 60 o. 00 4656 2 .. 56 238 . 60 313 .. 59 0 .. 52 5 9009 611 . 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 45 3446 . 34 3446 . 68 o. 01 258 1 3 . 84 159.10 239 . 94 0 . 83 9009 611. 00 3445.00 3446 . 45 3446 . 34 3446 . 68 0 . 01 5

2581 3 .. 84 159 . 10 239.94 0.83 9009 611.00 3445.00 3446 ' 45 3446 . 34 3446 . 68 0 . 01 5

2581 3 " 84 159 . 10 239 , 94 0.83 9009 611.00 3445.00 344 6 ' 45 3446 . 34 3446 . 68 0 . 01 5

2581 3 . 84 159 " 1 0 239 . 94 0 . 83 5 8130 611 . 00 3 44 0.00 3441.57 3441 . 11 3441. 65 o. 00 3204 2.21 2 7 6 . 52 342 . 53 0 . 43 8130 611.00 3440 . 00 3441..57 3441 . 11 3441 . 65 0 . 00 5

3204 2 .. 21 276 . 52 342 **53 0.43 8130 611.00 3440 . 00 3441 . 57 3441.. 11 3441.. 65 0 .0 0 5

3204 2 . 21 276 . 52 342 . 53 0.43 5 81 30 611 . 00 3440 . 00 3441.. 5 7 3441. 11 344 1 . 65 o. 00 3204 2 " 21 276 .52 342 "53 0 . 43 7 71 7 611 . 00 3437.80 3438 . 66 3438 . 66 3438 . 94 0 . 02 5

0021 4. 1 8 146 . 05 27 4. 48 1. 01 7 717 611 . 00 3437 . 80 3438 . 66 3438 "66 3438 . 94 0 . 02 5

0021 4 "18 146 . 05 274 .. 48 1. 01 7 717 611..00 3437 . 80 3438 . 66 3438 66 3438 . 94 0 . 02 5

0021 4 . 18 146 . 05 274 . 48 1. 01 7717 611..00 3437 . 80 3438 . 66 3438 . 66 3438 . 94 0 . 02 5

0021 4 " 18 1 46 . 05 274 "48 1.01 7253 69 7' 00 3435.00 3436 35 3435 . 88 3436 . 40 0 ,. 00 5

17 38 l .. 69 417 . 07 517 . 58 0 . 32 7253 697.00 3435 . 00 3436 . 35 3435 88 3 436 . 40 0 " 00 5

1738 1..69 417 ' 0 7 51 7. 58 0.32 7253 697 . 00 343 5. 00 3436 . 35 3435 . 8 8 3436 40 0 . 00 5

1738 1.. 69 417 , 0 7 51 7 ' 58 0 . 32 7253 69 7.. 00 3435.0,0 3436 . 35 3435 . 88 3436 . 40 0 . 00 5

1738 1 . 69 417 . 07 51 7 ' 58 0 " 32 6343 1328 . 00 3430.00 3430 . 70 3430 . 70 3431. 00 0 . 01 5

9035 4 ,, 37 303 ' 78 5 1 4 . 60 LOO Page 62 APP A-561

FloodPlain .. rep 5 6343 1328.00 3430.00 3430 . 70 3430 . 70 3431..00 0 . 01 9035 4 . 37 303 . 78 514 . 60 1. 00 5 6343 1328 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 70 3430 .. 70 3431.. 00 0 . 01 9035 4 . 37 303 . 78 514 . 60 1. 00 5 6343 1328 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 70 3430 . 70 3431.. 00 0 . 01 9035 4 "3 7 303 . 78 514 .. 60 LOO 5 5363 1328 . 00 3425 . 00 3426 . 33 3425 . 78 3426 . 38 0 .. 00 1 763 1 .. 85 72 7 . 78 830 . 5 7 0.33 5 5363 1 328 **00 3425 . 00 3426 . 33 3425 .. 78 3426 . 38 0 ., 00 1763 1.85 727 . 78 830.5 7 0 .3 3 5 5363 1328 . 00 3425.00 3426 . 33 3425 .. 78 3426 . 38 0.00 1763 1 . 85 727.78 830 . 57 0.33 5 5363 1328 .. 00 3425.00 3426 . 33 3425 . 78 3426 . 38 0 . 00 1763 1.. 85 72 7 . 78 830 . 57 0 " 33 5 422 1 1501.. 00 3420 . 00 3420 . 99 3420 . 99 3421 . 33 0.01 8533 4 ' 67 321..48 483 . 60 1. 01 5 4221 1501..00 3420.00 3420 . 99 3420 . 99 3421..33 0 . 01 8533 4 . 67 321..48 483 . 60 1. 01 5 422 1 1 501 . 00 3420 . 00 3420 . 99 3420 . 99 3421. 33 0 . 01 8533 4. 6 7 321..48 483 . 60 1. 01 5 4221 1501.. 00 3420.00 3420 . 99 3420 . 99 3421 . 33 0 . 01 8533 4 .. 6 7 321 . 48 483 . 60 1.. 01 5 3489 1 501. 00 3416 . 00 3417 . 18 34 1 6 . 67 34 1 7 . 24 0 . 00 225 1 2 . 05 804 . 91 998 . 90 0.37 5 3489 1 501.00 3416 . 00 34 1 7 . 18 3416 . 67 3417 . 24 0 . 00 2251 2 . 05 804 . 91 998 . 90 0.37 5 3489 1501 . 00 34 1 6 . 00 341 7 . 18 34 1 6 . 6 7 3417 . 24 0.00 2251 2 . 05 804 . 91 998 . 90 0 . 37 5 3489 1501.00 3416.00 34 1 7 . 18 3416 . 67 3417 . 24 0 . 00 2251 2 " 05 80 4 . 91 998 . 90 0 . 37 5 2989 1501. 00 3413 . 80 34 1 4 . 52 3414 . 52 34 1 4 . 81 0 . 01 9219 4 . 14 351 . 67 623 . 28 0 . 99 5 2989 1501. 00 34 1 3 . BO 3414 . 52 3414 . 52 3414 . 81 0 . 01 9219 4 . 14 351 . 67 623 . 28 0.99 5 2989 150 1 . 00 3413 . BO 3414 . 52 3414.52 3414 . 81 0 . 01 92 1 9 4.14 351 . 67 623 . 28 0.99 5 2989 1501.. 00 3413.80 3414 . 52 3414 . 52 3 414 . 81 0 , 01 92 1 9 4 .1 4 351..67 623 . 28 0 . 99 5 2 774 1501.. 00 3409.00 3413 . 99 34 12 . 71 3414.03 0.00 0278 2 . 09 1331 . 44 1 039 . 64 0 .1 7 5 2 774 1501.. 00 3409 . 00 34 1 3 . 99 34 12 . 71 34 1 4 . 03 o. 00 0278 2 . 09 1331.. 44 1039 . 64 0 . 17 5 2 774 1501. 00 3409.00 3413 . 99 34 12 .. 71 34 1 4 . 03 0 . 00 0278 2 . 09 1331. 44 1 039 . 64 0 . 17 5 2774 1501 . 00 3409 . 00 3413.99 3412 . 71 34 1 4 . 03 0 . 00 02 78 2 .. 0 9 1331. 44 103 9 . 64 0 . 17 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 1 501 . 00 3408.90 3412 ' 71 3412 . 71 3412.82 0 . 00 1 004 3.22 665 . 5 1 43 1. 91 0 . 31 5 2734 1501. 00 3408 , 90 3412 . 71 34 12 . 71 34 12 . 82 0 . 00 Page 63 APP A-562

FloodPla in . r ep 1 004 3 . 22 665 . 51 431.91 0 . 31 5 27 3 4 1 501 . 00 3408 . 90 34 1 2 " 71 3412 .. 71 3412 . 82 o . 00 1 004 3 . 22 665 . 51 431 . 91 0. 31 5 2 734 1 501 . 00 3408 . 90 34 1 2 ' 71 34 12' 71 3412 . 82 0.0 0 10 04 3 . 22 665 . 51 431. 91 0 ' 31 5 1888 1 521 . 00 3408 . 00 34 08 . 41 3408 . 72 3409 . 58 0 .. 1 5 191 4 8 . 68 175 . 18 50 3.42 2 .5 9 5 1 888 1 521 . 0 0 340 8. 00 3 408 . 41 3408 "72 3409 . 58 0 . 15 1 914 8.68 17 5 "18 503 . 42 2 .5 9 5 1888 1 521..00 3408 . 00 3408 . 41 3 408 " 72 3409 . 5 8 0 . 15 1 914 8 .. 68 175.18 503. 42 2 . 59 5 18 88 1 521 . 00 3408.00 34 0 8 . 41 3408 . 72 3409.58 0 . 15 1914 8. 68 175 . 18 5 03 .. 42 2 " 59 5 1 060 1 585 . 00 3402. 70 3404 ' 50 3 40 4 ' 11 3404 . 66 0 . 00 5 270 3 " 16 501. 30 526 . 98 0 . 57 5 1060 1585 . 00 3402 . 70 3405.00 3404 "11 3405 . 06 0 . 00 151 8 L98 799 . 3 0 665 . 03 0.32 5 1 060 1585 . 00 3402.70 34 0 6 .. 00 3404 " 11 3406 . 01 0 . 00 0250 0 . 93 1696 . 32 1129 . 00 0 .1 3 5 106 0 1585 . 00 340 2. 70 3407.00 340 4 "11 3407..01 0 .. 00 0 0 45 0. 56 2898 . 82 12 76 . 00 0 . 06 Profile Outpu t Tabl e - Re port Standa rd Table 1 Reach River Sta Q Total Min Ch El W, S . Elev Cri t W. S .. Max Chl Dpth E . G El ev E . G. Slope Vel Chn l St a W. S . Lf t Sta W. S . Rgt Fl ow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfsJ (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)

(ft) (ft/ f t) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (sq ft) (ft) 5 12674 488 . 00 34 77 .. 00 3478 . 35 34 77 . 98 1. 35 3 478 . 42 0 .. 003073 2 . 23 355 " 7 7 65 6 " 81 223 " 75 30 1 . 04 o. 43 5 12674 488 . 00 34 7 7 ,. 00 34 78 35 34 77 . 98 L35 3 478 . 42 0 . 003073 2 . 23 355 " 77 656 . 81 223 . 75 30 1 . 04 0 ' 43 5 1267 4 488 . 00 3477 . 00 3478 . 35 34 77 " 98 L35 3 4 78 . 42 0 . 003073 2 . 23 355 . 77 656 . 81 223 . 75 301..04 0 . 43 5 12674 488 . 00 3477 . 00 34 78 . 35 3477..98 1.35 3 478 . 42 0 . 003073 2 . 23 355 " 7 7 656 . 81 223 . 75 301..04 0 . 43 5 1133 7 488 . 00 3469 . 00 3470 . 36 3 470 " 33 1..36 3 4 70 ' 73 o. 01 426 0 4.87 427 "21 55 7' 43 10 1 . 95 130 . 23 0.92 5 1133 7 488.00 3 469 . 00 3470 . 36 3470 . 33 1.36 3 470 . 73 0 . 01 42 60 4.87 427 . 21 55 7' 43 101..9 5 1 30 . 23 0 . 92 5 1133 7 488 . 00 3469 . 00 3470.3 6 3470 .. 33 1 .36 3 470 .. 73 0 . 014 260 4.. 8 7 427.21 55 7" 4 3 1 01.9 5 1 30 . 23 0 . 92 Pa ge 64 APP A-563

Fl oodPlain .. rep 5 1133 7 488.00 3469 . 00 3470 .. 36 3470 . 33 1.36 3 470 .. 73 0 .. 014260 4"8 7 427 .. 21 5 57 . 43 101 .. 95 1 30 . 23 0 . 92 5 10937 488.00 3464 . 00 3465 .. 74 3465 . 55 1 .. 74 3 466 02 0 . 009772 4 .. 21 474 . 19 600 .. 46 116 .. 03 126 . 27 0 . 77 5 10937 488.00 3464 .. 00 3465 .. 74 3465 . 55 L 74 3 466 .. 02 0 .. 009772 4 . 21 474 .. 19 600 .. 46 116 . 03 1 26 .. 2 7 0 .. 77 5 10937 488.00 3464 . 00 3465 , 74 3465.55 L 74 3 466 . 02 0 009772 4 " 21 474 . 19 600 .. 46 116 .. 03 126 . 27 o .. 77 5 10937 488.00 3464 " 00 3465 ' 74 3465 . 55 L 74 3 466 . 02 0 . 009772 4 .. 21 474 . 19 600 .. 46 116 . 03 126 .. 2 7 0 " 77 5 10288 488.00 3456 .. 00 3456 . 90 3456 .. 90 0. 90 3 457 .. 15 0 .. 020388 4 " 04 405 .. 26 64 7 " 69 12 0 " 78 242 . 43 1 . 01 5 1 0288 488.00 3456 . 00 3456 . 90 3456 . 90 0 , 90 3 457 . 15 0 .. 020388 4 " 04 405 . 26 64 7 .. 69 12 0.78 242 .4 3 1 .. 01 5 10288 488 . 00 3456 .. 00 3456 .. 90 3456.90 0 . 90 3 457" 15 0 . 020388 4 "04 405 . 26 64 7 " 69 120 . 78 2 42 .4 3 1 . 01 5 10288 488.00 3456 . 00 3456 . 90 3456 90 o. 90 3 457 .1 5 0 020388 4 " 04 405 . 26 64 7 " 69 12 0 ' 78 242 . 43 1 .. 01 5 9690 611. 00 3450 . 00 3451. 49 3451. 14 1. 49 3 451. 60 0 . 004656 2 . 56 444 . 61 758 . 20 238 60 313 . 59 0 . 52 5 9690 611 . 00 3450.00 3451. 4 9 3451..14 1..49 3 45 1 . 60 0 .. 004656 2 . 56 44 4 . 61 758.20 238 60 313 . 59 0 . 52 5 9690 611 . 00 3450 . 00 3451..49 3451.14 1.49 3 4 51. 60 0 .. 004656 2 . 56 444 .. 61 758 . 20 238 .. 60 313 .. 59 0 . 52 5 9690 611 . 00 3450 . 00 3451. 49 3451. 1 4 1.49 3 451.. 60 0 . 004656 2 . 56 444 . 61 758 . 20 238 . 60 313 . 59 0 " 52 5 9009 611. 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 45 3446 34 1 . 45 3 446 " 68 0 . 012581 3 . 84 454 .. 43 694..37 159 10 239 .. 94 0 . 83 5 9009 611. 00 3445 .. 00 3446 45 3446 . 34 1.45 3 446 . 68 o. 012581 3 . 84 454 ,. 4 3 694 .. 37 159 . 10 239 . 94 0 .. 83 5 9009 611. 00 3445 .. 00 3446 .. 45 3446 .. 34 1 . 45 3 446 . 68 0 . 012581 3 " 84 454 .. 43 694 ' 37 15 9 . 10 239 . 94 0 " 83 5 9009 611 . 00 3445 .. 00 3446 .. 45 3446 . 34 1. 45 3 446 . 68 o. 012581 3 " 84 454.43 694 .. 37 159 .. 10 239 . 94 0 . 83 Page 65 APP A-564

FloodPlain . rep 5 B130 611. 00 3440 . 00 3441..57 3441. 11 1.. 57 3 441 . 65 0 . 003204 2 " 21 469 . 14 Bll . 67 276 . 52 342 . 53 o. 43 5 B130 611 . 00 3440 . 00 3441 .. 5'7 344 1.. 11 1.. 5 7 3 441.. 65 0 . 003204 2 .. 21 469 . 1 4 Bll.. 67 276 . 52 342 . 53 0 .. 43 5 B130 611 . 00 3440 . 0 0 3441.. 57 3441 . 11 1.. 5 7 3 441. 65 0 . 003204 2 .. 21 469 . 1 4 811.. 67 276 . 52 34 2 . 53 0 .. 43 5 Bl 30 611 . 00 3440 . 00 3441.. 5 7 3441..11 1.. 5 7 3 441 . 65 0 .. 003204 2 .. 21 469 . 14 Bll . 67 276 . 52 342 . 53 0 . 43 5 7717 61 1. 00 3437 . 80 343B " 66 34 38 . 66 O. B6 3 43B . 94 0 . 0200 21 4 "18 333 . 18 60 7. 65 1 46 . 05 27 4 ' 4B 1..0 1 5 7717 611 . 00 3437 . 80 3438 . 66 3438 . 66 0 . 86 3 438 .. 94 0 . 020021 4 "1 8 333 . 18 60 7. 65 1 46 . 05 274 " 48 1.0 1 5 7 71 7 611 . 00 3437.80 3438 . 66 3438 . 66 0 . 86 3 438.94 0 . 020021 4 " 18 333 . 18 60 7 ' 65 1 46 .. 05 274 . 48 1.. 01 5 7717 611. 00 343 7 .. 80 3438 . 66 3438 . 66 0 . 86 3 438 . 94 0 .. 020021 4 "1 8 333 . 18 60 7. 65 1 46 . 05 274 . 48 1.. 01 5 7253 697 . 00 3435 . 00 3436 . 35 3435 . B8 1 . 35 3 436 . 40 0 . 0017 3 8 1. 69 405 . 86 923 . 44 41 7 "07 517 . 58 0 . 32 5 7253 697.00 3435 . 00 34 36 .. 35 3435 . 88 1 . 35 3 436 .. 40 0 . 001738 1. 69 40 5 . 86 923 . 44 417 "07 517 . 5 8 0 . 32 5 7253 69 7 . 00 3435 . 00 3436 . 35 3435 . 88 1.. 35 3 436.40 0 . 00173B 1. 6 9 40 5 . 86 923 . 44 417 "07 517 . 58 0 . 32 5 7253 697 . 00 3435 . 00 3436 .. 35 3435 . 88 1. 35 3 436 . 40 0 . 001738 1. 69 405 . 86 923 . 44 417 . 07 51 7. 58 0 . 32 5 63 43 1328 . 00 3430 ' 00 3430 " 70 3430 . 70 0 " 70 3 431..00 0 . 019035 4 "3 7 780 . 28 1294 . 88 303 . 78 51 4 . 60 LOO 5 6343 1328 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 ' 70 3430 " 70 0 ,. 70 3 431 . 00 0 . 019035 4 . 37 780 . 2B 1294 . BB 303 . 78 514 . 60 LO O 5 63 43 1328 .00 34 3 0 . 00 3430 .. 70 3430 . 70 0 . 70 3 43 1. 00 0 . 01 9035 4. 37 780 . 28 1294 . 88 303 . 78 514 .. 60 LO O 5 6343 1328 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 70 3430 . 70 0 . 70 3 431..00 0 . 019 035 4 37 780 . 28 1294 88 303 . 78 514 . 60 1.. 0 0 5 5363 1328 . 00 3425 . 00 3426 . 33 3425 . 78 1.. 33 3 426 . 3B 0 . 00 1 763 LBS 710 . 73 154 1 . 30 72 7 . 78 830 . 57 0 ** 33 5 5363 132800 3425 . 00 3426 .. 33 3425 . 78 1 .. 33 3 Pa ge 66 APP A-565

FloodPlain . rep 426 .. 38 0 .. 001763 1.. 85 710 .. 73 1541 . 30 72 7 " 78 830 . 57 0 . 33 5 5363 1328.00 3425 .. 00 3426 .. 33 3425 ' 7 8 1 .. 33 3 426 .. 38 0.001763 1.. 85 710 ' 73 154 1 . 30 72 7 .. 78 830 .. 57 0 . 33 5 5363 1328.00 3425 . 00 3426 .. 33 3425 . 78 1 .. 33 3 426 . 38 0 . 001763 1.85 710 .. 73 1541 .. 30 727 .. 78 830 . 57 0 . 33 5 4221 1501. 00 3420 .. 00 3420 .. 99 3420 . 99 0 " 99 3 421..33 0 . 018533 4. 6 7 544 . 80 1 028 ' 40 321 ' 48 483 .. 60 l..0 1 5 4221 1 50 1. DO 3420 . 00 3420 . 99 3420 .. 99 0 .. 99 3 421. 33 0 . 018533 4 ' 67 544 .. 80 1028 .. 40 321.. 48 483 .. 60 1.. 01 5 4221 1 501. 00 3420 . 00 3420 . 99 3420 .. 99 0 . 99 3 421.33 0 . 018533 4 .. 6 7 544 .. 80 1028 .. 40 321..48 483 " 60 1.. 01 5 4221 1501 . 00 3420 .. 00 3420 99 3420 .. 99 0 .. 99 3 421.. 33 0 . 0 1 8533 4. 67 544 . 80 1028 . 40 321.. 48 483 . 60 1 .. 01 5 3489 1501.00 34 1 6 .. 00 3417 "18 3416 .. 67 2 . 18 3 417 " 24 0 .. 00225 1 2 .. 05 - 116 .. 98 881 . 92 804 " 91 998 .. 90 0 . 37 5 3489 1 5 01. 00 3416 .. 00 341 7 ' 18 3416 . 67 2.18 3 417 .. 24 0 . 002251 2 " 05 -116 . 98 881 . 92 804 .. 91 998 . 90 0 .. 37 5 3489 1501. 00 3416 . 00 3417 .. 18 3416 .. 67 2 . 18 3 417 . 24 0 .. 002251 2 . 05 - 116 . 98 881 . 92 804 .. 91 998 ' 90 0 . 37 5 3489 1501. 00 34 1 6 . 00 3417 .. 18 3416 .. 67 2 . 18 3 417 .. 24 0 . 002251 2 .. 05 *-116 .. 98 881 . 92 804 .. 91 998 .. 90 0 .. 37 5 2989 1 501. 00 3413 . 80 3414 , 52 34 1 4 . 52 0 .. 72 3 414 ,, 81 0 .. 0 1 92 1 9 4.14 179 . 04 802 .. 32 351 .. 67 623 .. 28 0 . 99 5 2989 150 1. 00 3413 .. 80 34 1 4 .. 52 3414 .. 52 0 " 72 3 414 .. 81 0 . 019219 4 . 14 179 " 04 802 .. 32 351 .. 67 623 .. 28 0 . 99 5 2989 150 1. 00 34 1 3 . 80 3414... 52 3414 . 52 0 " 72 3 41 4 . 81 0 . 0 1 9219 4 .. 14 17 9 . 04 802 .. 32 351 .. 67 623 .. 28 0 . 99 5 2989 150 1. 00 34 1 3 . 80 3414 . 52 3414 . 52 0 .. 72 3 414 .. 8 1 0.019219 4 . 14 179 .. 04 802 . 3 2 35 1 . 67 623 . 28 0 . 99 5 2 774 150 1 .00 3409 . 00 3413 .. 99 34 1 2 . 71 4 . 99 3 414 . 03 0 . 000278 2 " 09 -399 . 05 640 .. 58 1 331 . 44 1039 . 64 0 " 17 5 2 7'7 4 1501. 00 3409 . 00 34 1 3 .. 99 3412 . 71 4 ' 99 3 414 . 03 0 . 000278 2 " 09 - 399 .. 05 640 . 58 1331 .. 44 1039.64 0 . 17 5 2774 1501.00 3409 . 00 3413 . 99 3412 .. 71 4 . 99 3 414.03 0 . 000278 2 . 09 - 399 .. 05 640 . 58 133 1 .. 44 1039 .. 64 0 . 17 Page 67 APP A-566

Fl oodPlain .. rep 2 774 1501 . 00 3409 . 00 3413 . 99 3412 . 71 4 . 99 3 5

414 .. 03 0 .. 000278 2 " 09 -3 99 .. 05 640 .. 58 1331 .. 44 1 039 . 6 4 0 " 17 5 2 773 Cul vert 2734 1501.00 3408 .. 90 3412" 71 34 1 2 . 71 3 . 81 3 5

0 , 00 1 004 3 . 22 83 ' 74 515 . 65 665.51 431 . 91 0 . 31 412 .. 82 2734 1501. 00 3408 .. 90 3412 . 71 3412 .. 71 3 . 81 3 5

412 . 82 0 . 00 1 004 3 .. 22 83 " 74 515 . 65 665 . 51 431 " 91 0 " 31 2734 1501.00 3408 . 90 3412 " 71 3412 . 71 3 . 81 3 5

0 .. 001004 3 . 22 83 " 74 515 .. 65 665 . 5 1 431 91 0 . 31 412 .. 82 2734 1501 . 00 3408 . 90 3412 " 71 3412 . 71 3 . 81 3 5

0 . 001004 3 .. 22 83 , 74 515 . 65 665 . 51 431.91 0 .. 31 41 2 . 82 1888 1521. 00 3408 . 00 3408 .. 41 3408 ' 72 0 . 41 3 5

8 . 68 286 .. 11 789 .. 53 175 .. 18 503 .. 42 2 .. 59 409 . 58 0 " 1 51914 1888 1521. 00 3408 . 00 3408 . 41 3408 .. 72 0 . 41 3 5

8 . 68 286 .. 11 789 . 53 175 .. 18 503 . 42 2 . 59 409 . 58 0 ' 1 51914 1888 1521. 00 3408 . 00 3408 .. 41 3408 . 72 0 . 41 3 5

8 " 68 286 11 789 . 53 175 .. 18 503 .. 42 2 . 59 409 .. 58 0 " 151914 1888 1521. 00 3408 . 00 3408 .. 41 3408 .. 72 0 ,, 41 3 5

409 .. 58 0 . 15 1 914 8 " 68 286" 11 789 , 53 175 .. 18 503 . 42 2 " 59 1060 1585 . 00 3402 .. 70 3404 . 50 3404 ' 11 1.80 3 5

404 .. 66 0 .. 005270 3 . 16 614 ' 45 1141 ' 44 501.30 526 . 98 0 " 57 1060 15 85.00 3402 ' 70 3405 . 00 3404 . 11 2 . 30 3 5

0 . 001518 1 . 98 540 .. 97 1206 .. 00 799 .. 30 665 ,, 03 0 .. 32 405 .. 06 1060 1585 . 00 3402 ' 70 3406 . 00 3404 . 11 3 .. 30 3 5

406 .. 01 0 .. 0 0 0250 0 " 93 394 .. 00 1 523 .. 00 1696 .. 32 1129 , DO 0 . 13 1060 1585 . 00 3402 . 70 3407 .. 00 3404 . 11 4 " 30 3 5

0 . 000045 0 , 56 247 . 00 1523 . 00 2898 .. 82 1276 . 00 0 .. 06 4 07 . 01 Page 68 APP A-567

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 12674

                                            • ~*" **************** . 033****************** ~'*************************** . 033*************************** ~

3482 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3481 3480 g

c 0



UJ 3479 3478 3477-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----111---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 11337

.033 .................. ---------------------- --------'"---------- .033 ------------'" '* ----- ----- --- .033 -----------------'>'

3478 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3476 3474 g

c 0



UJ 3472 3470 3468-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 10937


3472 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3470 g

c 0




UJ 3466 3464-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 10288

.033 **************

.033 *************************************************

'"'*******.033 3464 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3462 g

c 0




UJ 3458 3456-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)

APP A-571

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 9690

.033 ................. ,~ , ............................... .033 ****************************

"***************** "'**********.033 3458 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3456 g

c 0




UJ 3452 3450-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-->--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 9009

............ ~, ***************************************** . 033******************************************** *, *************

3452 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3451 3450 3449 g

c 0


UJ 3448 3447 3446 3445-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 8130 3448 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3446 g

c 0




UJ 3442 3440-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta 7717 3442 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 g

c 0



UJ 3439 3438 3437-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 7253 3442 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 3439 g

c 0


UJ 3438 3437 3436 3435-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--c--ll,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 6343

.033 ******************************

" ***************************** .033 ***********************************

  • "************************************ "'********.033 3434 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3433 g

c 0




UJ 3431 3430-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--w--,--~--r-~~~...,~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 5363

.033 ............ ------- *~ , ---------------------- .033 _____________________ ,,., _____________________ .033 -------------------'"

3432 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3431 3430 3429 g

c 0


UJ 3428 3427 3426 3425-+-~~~~~~~~~~~---~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 4221

.o33 ----- ---------------"*" '-------- ---------------------- -------------- .o33 'r'~ o33,i 3424 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3423 g

c 0




UJ 3421 3420-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,,_,_~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 3489


'.~l **************.033*******************~* *******

3421 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3420 3419 g

c 0




UJ 3417 3416 3415-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 2989

.033 ****************************

"'*************************** .033 **********************

'*"*********************** c>+*********.033 3420 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3419 3418 3417 g

c 0


UJ 3416 3415 3414 3413-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)

APP A-581

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 277 4 Upstream of culverts

"'**************-----------------------------------------.033 >f::033:k ------- .033 3416 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground


lneff 3415

  • Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,....,._~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD

"'------------------------------------------------------ .033 >f::033:k ------- .033 3416 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground lneff 3415

  • Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,---'I~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD

.033 *****************--------------------------------------------

'" r' .033 *i 3416 6 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground


3415 lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 2734 Downstream of culverts

.033 *****************--------------------------------------------'

" r' .033 *i 3416 6 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground


3415 lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 1888

.033 ----------- ----------------" **----------------- ----------------- .033 ------------------------------------'"

3412 0 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3411 g

c 0




UJ 3409 3408-+----,-~~~~~~---,-~~~~~~---,-~~---,IO---,~~---,----ll--~~~~---,-~~~~~

-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 1060

. 033************ ** * ***************************************************************** . 033*******************************************************************~

3408 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3407 3406 g

c 0




UJ 3404 3403 3402-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)




  • Summary of Results Project wcs Run Name 500 Yr AMII Start of Run 01Dec00 0000 Basin Model 100YrAMII3/24/06NOD End of Run 02Dec00 0000 Met. Model Met 500 Year Execution Time 29Mar06 1101 Control Specs Control 1 Hydro logic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi)

Subbasin-4 986.26 01 Dec 00 1232 149.79 0.490 Reach-2 986.26 01 Dec 00 1247 149.19 0.490 Subbasin-2 1343.1 Ol Dec 00 1300 294.70 1.063 playa 0.0 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1.063 Reach-1 o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1.063 Subbasin-lA 817.92 01 Dec 00 1321 220.98 0.691 Reach-1A 817.92 Ol Dec 00 1338 219.95 0.691 Subbasin-lB 567.21 Ol Dec 00 1237 93.801 0.314 Junction-lA 1031.9 01 Dec 00 1322 313.75 1.005 Reach-lB 1031.9 01 Dec 00 1325 313 .49 1.005 Subbasin-3 287.68 01 Dec 00 1237 47.606 0.156 Junction-1 1200.7 01 Dec 00 1256 361.10 2.224 Reach-3 1200.7 01 Dec 00 1313 359.40 2.224 Subbasin-5A 361.11 01 Dec 00 1231 53. 770 0.192 Junction-2 2314.6 01 Dec 00 1251 562.36 2.906 Reach-4 2314.6 01 Dec 00 1312 559.06 2.906 Subbasin-5B 390.30 01 Dec 00 1247 73.802 0.265 Junction-3 2624.5 01 Dec 00 1310 632.86 3.l7l Reach- 5 2624.5 01 Dec 00 1324 630.34 3.17l Subbasin-6 164.62 01 Dec 00 1222 20.784 0.074 Junction-4 2658.6 01 Dec 00 1324 651.12 3.245 Reach-6 2658 . 6 01 Dec 00 1324 651.12 3.245 Subbasin-7 136.06 01 Dec 00 1259 29.510 0.104 Junction-5 2772. 5 01 Dec 00 1323 680.63 3.349 APP A-589

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: Met 500Year Subbasin List I


1500 Year, 24 Hour Storm ] LJ Precipitation Method : [ SCS Hypothetical Storm Storm Selection: IType II 1.E] 1 Storm Depth (in) : 1s.71 J OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 500 .Doc APPA-590

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number ~[ii IEi dort !::!elp Basin Model ID : 10(1y'rAM113/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number Initial Abstraction in Im erviousness %

Subbasin-1 A 79 0.0 Subbasin-2 72 0.0


Subbasin-3 76 0.0 Subbasin-4 76 ... 0.0 Subbasin-58 72 0.0 Subbasin-6 72 ... 0.0 Subbasin*1B 75 0.0 Subbasin*5A 72

... 0.0 Subbasin-7 73 0.0 OK Apply Cancel

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH j81IiJf3 Basin Model ID: 10[1y'rAMll3/24/06NOD Time Units : Minutes IE ]

Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin-1 A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin*1B 44 Subbasin*5A 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 500 .Doc APP A-591

~ HMS z Basin Model z Lag Routing Sllil EI Help Basin Model ID: 1OOYrAMll3/24/06NOD Interval : IMinutes IE ]

Reach Name La min Reach-1 35 Reach-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reach-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 500 .Doc APPA-592

I!!!! HMS z Basin Model z Reservoir Editor lf!iii~ l&f E. dit file ti elp Reservoir Name: l playa


I Storage 0 utlet Spillway 0 verflow Dam Break I Method : [ E levation-S tor age-0 utflow IE I.

Initial ( Elevation (ft)

- _ IEJj 3478 _J Storage Elevation (ft] Outflow (ds]


3478.0 0.0 3480.0 24.0 3482.0 61.0 3484.0 170.0 3486.0 457.0 3487.0 693.0 3488.0 928.0 Graph OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII 500 .Doc APPA-593


~ S ubbasin-1 A RlliJ EJ


01 Dec2000 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


~600 200 o .....................---.~..-.......-..-.....o;:=:;;;;....,......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.__,~.,.......,.............,.......,.......,- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I 29MJll Dll , I I. Di1 Print Close

~Reach-lA SlliJEJ 300 700 600 300 200 100 o ...,.......,.......,.......,.......,.~...,._,,~~:,.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- 1 A I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

iaa ., , .I.Ml 1 Subba:!= In* 1A  ::ZSllM:i11Dll. 11.1 =' ==

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

1 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-594


~ S ubbasin-lB l!lllil 13 01 Dec2000

!::l : : : : : : : : : ::t:::::::::::I 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400


CL 600~~-.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.~~~~-.--.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.--.-

~400 3

0 Li: 200 O J._,~....,....~~....,..-.;.....,ie::;:~~~........=~::::::;:::;:::;::::;:::::;:::::;:::::{_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an HEC Laa a I DD'l1 AMI 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

!IDD 'I 1 AMI I IMS :Z5IM:111 Dll, I I, I :Z Print Close

~Junction- lA lf!!!illil ll:J 1000 800 600



3 0


400 200 o L~~~~~~§ 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an* *A HEC '5oubb:11:111 n. *m.

I DD'll1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 IUIN:ID

!IDD "1 AMI I IMS F!*:11ch - I .I.  ::i!!llM:111 Dll . I I. 151 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-595


~Reach- lB RlliJ EJ 1000 800 600



3 0

400 200 0-1-....................................---.......""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-11 I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

!DD ., I AMI I June I I on* 1A 29MJll Dll , 11. 19 Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

t: i: i: i: i: i :

0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f

3 0

100 Oj___;___~_;_--~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI :iaa ., , .I.Ml 1

ZSllM:111 Dll, I I. I IL Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-596


~ Subbasin-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::t: : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 1000 3

~ 500 o ..........,.......,......,......,.......,......,.......,...,.....;:::;,___,,__,__.,......,......,.......,......,.......,.......,.......,......,.......,.. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- IB-:11:11** laY. I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI  :!DD ., I AMI I 29M:111 Dll , I I . I IL Print Close

~ playa SlliJ EJ 1000 o ~~~;........;_....;_~....;..~~~;........;......;_=::=:::::::::::::::::::;:::t 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000

-- 1:1l::my:11 I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

iaa ., , .I.Ml 1
ZSllMJll Dll, I I. I !11 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

4 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-597


~ R each-1 RlliJ EJ 6 I I I I I I I I I I I 4


£0 3


  • 2


-6 I I I 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC fl.~ ZICh- 1 I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 :Z .. I DllN:ID

!DD ., I AMI I H\of; PI 21ya :Z9M:111 Dll , **.*:.

Print Close

~Junction-1 s~ IEJ 1200 1000 800



3 600 0

400 200 o ..J-..,......,......,......,......,........-...--.-.;;;;._.,:::;:::::,.......,.......,...:::::;:::::::;:=:::;:::=;::::::::;::::::::;::o_._._. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 e

HEC .IYnll:

R*:11ch -

I I an -

I I R*1111:h- I I DD "l' 1 AMI 191 :Z&I DllN:ID

iaa ., I .I.Ml I H\of; '5-Ybb:ll:ll In
  • 9 :Z:lllM11 1 Dll . I I , 111 Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technica l NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Fl ood Plain\

5 31 March 2006 006033 1_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-598


~ Reach-3 RlliJ EJ 1200 1000 800


-; 600 0

400 200 0-1-....................................---......._..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-3 I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

!DD ., I AMI I Junc11on*1 29M:i11 Dll , *:i.92 Print Close

~ Subbasin-4 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

t: i: i: i: i: i :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400




CL f

1000 800 600



3 0 400 200 o-L.. . . . . .--.---_........----~:;::::::::~----.,:=~:::;:::::;:::;::::::;::::::;:::=:;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI :iaa ., , .I.Ml 1 29M:111 Dll, I I. Ir Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-599


~ Reach-2 li!iili'il D 300 600 3


400 200 o-J-..,........,......,........,..............,-.._=;!!!!=~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC f'.~ZIC:h-2 I DD"'1 AMI 191 2 .. 1 DllNCID

!!IDD ., 1 AMI I IMS Subbzu In- 4 :Z!IMJll Dll , I I , I~

Print Close

~ Subbasin-5A Sli'il a 01 Dec 2000 I::1: : : : : : : : : : T : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 400~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


§,200 3

0 100 o-L...,........;.__....;___,;...._~...-ii:=:::~--...;..._:::::;::::;::::;::::;:::::;:=::;::::;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec 2000 HEC I DD'll1 .I.Ml I !II :Z&I DllNCID

!!IDD "'* AMI I IMS 29MJll Dll . I I, I !I Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-600


~Junction-2 li!iiliiJ D 2000

~ 1500




f_ 1000 500 oL__,_;__~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC June I 1an-:Z 'S-ubbJ1J11 n -!!IA I DD"'1 .I.Ml 191 2 .. 1 DllN:ID R*Jich-2  !!IDD ., 1 AMI I IMS R*:11ch-9 2!11MJll Dll , 11 , 1!11 Print Close

~ Reach-4 li!iiliiJ D 2000

~ 1500




f_ 1000 500 04-.............---................................"'""'1'~
=::::;_~~............................~~.......--......................~.......---l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC Fl.~ ZICh- ... I DD 'll 1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 IUIN:ID

!IDD 'I 1 AMI I IMS Junc11on*2 2!11MJll Dll 11 .2D Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

8 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APP A-601


~ Subbasin-58 lfii!llliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::t: : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 400~~-.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.~~T""""""':..---r--r--r--i~...-~.....--.--.---.--.-


§,200 3

0 100 o l-.__;..--.-~__;..---~-.;::~~__;..--~:::::;::::;:::::;::::;::::::;::::f_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 1511 2 .. 1 DllN:ID Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I 251MJll Dll , I I. 22 Print Close

~Junction-3 lli!!llliJ EJ 2500 2000

§, 1500 3

0 1000 500 0-1-.................................---.---..........-=::;;;;;.~~~~~~==;==;:!::=;:::=:;:::=:;=:::;=:::;==l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-lil I DD"'1 .I.Ml 1511 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'S-ubb:11:111 n - !I~ :iaa ., , .I.Ml 1 R*:11ch _ .. 251MJll Dll, I I. 22 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

9 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-602


~ Reach-5 lfii!llliJ EJ 2500 2000

~ 1500 3

0 1000 500 0-1-....................................---.---.--""""~;::::._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-5 I DD"'1 AMI 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

!DD ., I AMI I June I I on*:J 29MJll Dll , I I. 22 Print Close

~ Subbasin-6 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

r:: :::::::::

0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


~100 3

0 50 o..1-__;.__....;....__~,......;.---=::::::.;._.....;..:=::::=:;:::::;;:::::::;:::::::;:::::;::::::i:=;::::l 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01Dec2000 fal:11I P1*c1[11I :11l 1an -- ~J1:11** la.,.. I DD"'1 AMI 191 2&1 DllNIJD LDJIJI ~aa ., I AMI I

ZIM:111 DI , I I , 29 Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-603


~Junction-( f!!l[i[ D 2500 2000

1500 3

0 1000 500 0 ....................................---.---.~.....:;s::::;;;...,..,(_~::;="""'"..............~..................._. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-oL HEC 'S-ubb11111 n - II I DDY1 .I.Ml I !II 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

.aa ..... AMI 1 IMS .,.J-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ R*:111:h *:ii :Z:lllM111 011, I I, :Z ..

Print Close

~ Reach-6 Sllil EJ 2500 2000

1500 3

0 1000 500 0-1-....................................---.---.~""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC fl.~ ZICh- 6 I DDY1 .I.Ml 15111 :Z .. I DllN:ID

.aa .... .I.Ml 1 IMS June I I on** :ZSllMJll Dll I I. :Z!ll Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-604


~ Subbasin-7 RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::t: : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 100 3

~ 50 o .....................---.~..-..........................=;::;;.,......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.__,~.,.......,.......,......,.......,..__,- 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I 29MJll Dll , I I. :z:i Print Close

~Junction-5 lli!!llliJ EJ 2500 2000

1500 3

0 1000 500 o ...,.......,.......,.......,.......,.__,___,~.-.:;s:::;;;;.,....~~~~==;:==-io.....--......,................. 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-:i I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'S-ubb:11:111 n - r :iaa ., , .I.Ml 1 R*:11ch -11 :ZSllMJll Dll, I I. 211 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMll.Doc APPA-605



  • Summary of Results Project wcs Run Name PMP Dist A AMII Start of Run OlDecOO 0000 Basin Model 100YrAMII3/24/06NOD End of Run 05Dec00 0000 Met. Model PMP Dist. A NOD Execution Time 29Mar06 1606 Control Specs Control PMP Hydro logic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) {sq mi)

Subbasin - 4 1303.2 03 Dec 00 0600 965.43 0.490 Reach-2 1303.2 03 Dec 00 0615 965.43 0.490 Subbasin-2 2804.8 03 Dec 00 0602 2051.2 1.063 playa 2380.3 03 Dec 00 0649 1594.1 1. 063 Reach- 1 2380.3 03 Dec 00 0724 1594.1 1.063 Subbasin - lA 1832.7 03 Dec 00 0605 1381.1 0.691 Reach-IA 1832 . 7 03 Dec 00 0622 1381.1 0.691 Subbasin-lB 833.89 03 Dec 00 0600 615.56 0.314 Junction-lA 2662.l 03 Dec 00 0604 1996.7 1.005 Reach-lB 2662.1 03 Dec 00 0607 1996.7 1.005 Subbasin-3 414.76 03 Dec 00 0600 307.36 0.156 Junction - 1 5169.B 03 Dec 00 0621 3898.2 2 . 224 Reach - 3 5169.8 03 Dec 00 0638 3898.l 2.224 Subbasin-SA 508.22 03 Dec 00 0600 370.48 0.192 Junction-2 6871.l 03 Dec 00 0622 5234.1 2.906 Reach-4 6871.1 03 Dec 00 0643 5234. 1 2.906 Subbasin-5B

  • 700.32 03 Dec 00 0601 511.35 0 . 265 Junction-3 7467.3 03 Dec 00 0635 5745.4 3.171 Reach-5 7467.3 03 Dec 00 0649 5745.4 3.171 Subbasin-6 196.02 03 Dec 00 0600 142.79 0.074 Junction-4 7552.2 03 Dec 00 0644 5888.2 3.245 Reach- 6 7552.2 03 Dec 00 0644 5888.2 3.245 Subbasin - 7 274.88 03 Dec 00 0601 201. 77 0 . 104 Junction-5 7798.5 03 Dec 00 0640 6090.0 3.349 APP A-607

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: PMP Distribution A Subbasin List I


I PMP with Distribution per figure in HMR 51 ] LJ Precipitation Method : [ User Hyetograph Subbasin II "Gaae" ID ~11 Subbasin*1A PMP Distribution A Subbasin-2 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-3 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-4 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-6 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-1 B PMP Distribution A Subbasin-7 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-58 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-5A PMP Distribution A OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII PMP.Doc APPA-608

!!j HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number SlliJD

.S.ort .!::ielp Basin Model ID: 10CfYrAMll3/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number Initial Abstraction in Im erviousness %

Subbasin-1 A 79 00 Subbasin-2 72 0.0 Subbasin-3 76 00 Subbasin-4 76 0.0 Subbasin-58 72 00 Subbasin-6 72 0.0 Subbasin-1 B 75 0.0 Subbasin-5A 72 0.0 Subbasin-7 73 0.0 OK Apply Cancel

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH Rl@lf3

_2ort Help Basin Model ID: 100YrAMll3/24/06NOD Time Units : IMinutes IEJ Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin-1 A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin-1 B 44 Subbasin-5.6. 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel J

WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII PMP.Doc APPA-609

~ HMS z Basin Model z Lag Routing Sllil EI Help Basin Model ID: 1OOYrAMll3/24/06NOD Interval : IMinutes IE ]

Reach Name La min Reach-1 35 Reach-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reach-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII PMP.Doc APPA-610

I!!!! HMS z Basin Model z Reservoir Editor lf!iii~ l&f E. dit file ti elp Reservoir Name: l playa


I Storage 0 utlet Spillway 0 verflow Dam Break I Method : [ E levation-S tor age-0 utflow IE I.

Initial ( Elevation (ft)

- _ IEJj 3478 _J Storage Elevation (ft] Outflow (ds]


3478.0 0.0 3480.0 24.0 3482.0 61.0 3484.0 170.0 3486.0 457.0 3487.0 693.0 3488.0 928.0 Graph OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMII PMP.Doc APP A-611


~ S ubbasin-1 A RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11 ::: m::: rn iii rn i: :1i :rn ::: rn::: rri:: :1T c..

2000 .........~.......,,.......,.......~T'""'T'"...............,...,.~.......,.......,......................,..........................,.......,.......,................................

1500 i 1000 3

0 500 . . ... . ....*...*..

o -l-,...............................-..........,:;:;::;::;:;:::;~..........................................;::;:~.......................................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03 Dec2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an -- IB-:11:11** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I

Z9M:i11 Dll , 111. ID Print Close

~Reach-lA SlliJEJ 1500 . . * *. .

i 1000 3

0 500 .. . * ..

o -l-.-.,...,....,...,...,....,......,,~~::::::=:;:::::::::::;:~~~~~~~..........,.......,...................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- 1 A I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID PMP D1:11I .I. .I.Ml I Subba:!= In* 1A  ::ZSllMJll Dll, 111. I I Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

1 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-612


~ S ubbasin-lB l!lllil 13 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 i:r rri rn rn


1 11 111 111 111 li 1 rn ii :rn m 111 1 111T 800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

200 ... . ... . ....*...*..

o -.J-....,...,....,..,....;..........,....,...,...;..r;::;::;::;::i=;::.,:::::..........,.......,...,....,,..,..;...,......,.:;:::::;:::::;i.....,......,...,...;....,..,....,..,...,..+

2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000


HEC ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- la._. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID PMP DI al A AMI I IMS :Z5IMJ11 Dll , 111, I :z Print Close

~Junction- lA lf!!!illil ll:J 2500 2000

§, 1500 3

0 1000 . . * * . .. . * * . . . ...... . * .

500 o.l......,._........;.__..._...;..!!!!!!!!!!!!~:==~~~~~:::::5~bii.............,....;..,.....................l 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an* *A HEC '5oubb:11:111 n. *m.

I DD 'll 1 .I.Ml I !Ill 2 .. 1 IUIN:ID PMP D 1 :iii .I. .I.Ml I IMS F!*:11ch - I .I. :Z!llM::m1 Dll . 111., ..

Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-613


~Reach- lB ll!!llliJ IEJ 2500 2000

§, 1500 3

0 1000 500 ol-...................;.......~~~~::;:::::::;::::::..._,.._;_,~~_;__,_~_::;._~........~......................L 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC fl.~ ZICh- 1 B I DD'l1 AMI 15111 :Z .. I DllN:ID F'MP D 1 JI I A AM I I IMS June I I on-1A :Z:lllM111 Dll , 111 , 111 Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 lfiiilOO IEJ i:T::: m::: rn::: rn::: 1i 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000


! rn ::: rn::: rri::: 1T 500~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

400 300



5 200 100 o-l-.-..,...,....,..,....,..,......,....,..,........-:;:::;:::;::;::;::::~.......,.......,...,....,.......,...,.......;;:~i..,...,...,...,....,...,....,..,....,...,.... 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03 Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 Laa a P1*11:1t111I 11l 1an -- IB-1111** la .... I DD"l'1 AMI I 91 :Z&I DllNtlD F'MP DI 11 I A AM I I IMS :ZIM111 DI. 11 , 1r Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-614


~ Subbasin-2 lfii!llliJ EJ I 01 Dec2000 I 02 Dec2000 I 03 Dec2000 I 04Dec2000 t11::: m::: rn iii rn i: :1i :rn ::: rn::: rri:: :1T c..

3000 .........................................................................~,.........,....,..............,..............-.--.-,~...............~""T""T""'T'"~...............

~2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . * . ... * ... * ... . ... . . ...


~ 1000 o -J-..................................................--"""""';=::;:::;::::~,...,....,....,...............................:;::;:::;s.,....,....,....,....,....,...,....,....,...........1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 I 01 Dec2000 I 02 Dec2000 I 03 Dec2000 I 04Dec2000

- IB-:.::m**laY.

r1m*. 29M:i11 Dll , 111.22 Print Close

~ playa SlliJ EJ 1~1.l. l ill l . ~ !11!!!'!!!!![::1

~ 2000 3

0 Li: 1000 o l.................;~~....~~=.J.~~~~--;..............J._

2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 I 01 Dec2000 I 02 Dec2000 I 03 Dec2000 I 04Dec2000 I e:11:11 In. I DD"'* .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID r1m*. 29M:111 Dll. 111.2"'

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

4 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-615


~ R each-1 RlliJ EJ 2000

~ 1500




~ 1000 500 o...i-,...,............,...,...,..........,...,...,..........,...,...,..................,...,...,...p..,~~~~~~~~;:,......,..,......... 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- 1 I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I PI 21ya 29M:i11 Dll, 111.:z~

Print Close

~Junction-1 lli!!llliJ EJ 5000 4000

3000 3

0 2000 1000 o.+-,...,..,....,...,..,....,...,...,....,.......-1...-......-iiiiio.......;;..,-1-,.l,-~~'T==T=,.....:;:;;;i;;:;::;:::.,..,....,..,..,....,....,.... 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an- 1 R*::mch-*C!. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID R*ach - 1 PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I

'S-ubba:111n-9 :ZSllM:i11 Dll 111.:z~

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

5 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-616


~ Reach-3 RlliJ EJ 5000 4000

~3000 3

0 2000 1000 o...J-....................,....,...,.......""l"';'.:;::::;~:::;::::;::::;::::::'~~~~~~~--.--:::~..............,....,........ 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-3 I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I Junc11on*1 29M:i11 Dll , 111.211 Print Close

~ Subbasin-4 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11::: m:: :rn 111rn1111i :rn ::: rn::: m:: :1T



1000 3

~ 500 o...J-................................-..........,:;:::;11:;::;:;:::;~.........................................::;:;::::).....,......,.............................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I al 1an -- IB-aa** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I

ZSllM:i11 Dll. 111.211 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-617


~ Reach-2 RlliJ EJ 1400 1200 1000 300



3 0 600 400 200 o-l-.-.,.......,...,...,....,......,.,~~::;:::::;::::::::...._~~~~-.-..::::::::::~.,....,............,..,....,............1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-2 I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I 8Ubbl!l$ In* 4- 29M:i11 Dll, 111. 2 r Print Close

~ Subbasin-5A SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11::: m:: :rn 111rn1111i :rn ::: rn::: m:: :1T




~400 . . . .. . . . . . * . . . * . . . .* . . . * . . . . * . . . * * . . . * . . . * * . .

3 0

200 o ...J-.....................................................,
;::::;::::;:::::i~.....................................,...;.:;::;:~........................................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I al 1an -- IB-aa** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I
ZSllM:i11 Dll. 111. 2 r Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-618


~Junction-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 6000 5000 4000



5 3000 2000 1000 o-h-..-.-r-T""T.....-;=T=r=r=;:::;~~~~~~,....;:::::~~~~.......;=;=;.-T'""'T~

2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I ian-2 'S-ubbaa 1 n -!L*. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 :Z .. I DllN:ID R*ach*:Z F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I R*ach -9 29M:i11 Dll , *ll.2i1 Print Close

~ Reach-4 SlliJ EJ 6000 5000 4000 5 3000 2000 1000 o -l-,....,..,....,..,...,....,.......-i...-;~~:;::;:~-::...--~~~~~~~~_...,..,..,...,...,........1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- .. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I Juncllon*2 :ZSllM:i11 Dll *ll.:Zi1 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

8 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-619


~ Subbasin-58 lfii!llliJ EI 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11 ::: m::: rn iii rn i: :1i :rn ::: rn::: rri:: :1T c..



§_400 3

0 200 . . ... . ....*...*..

o ...J-................................................~::;::::;::::;=::;::::;!.,...,...,......,......................,...;::;::;::::;i.....,..,...,.............................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03 Dec2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an -- IB-:11:11** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ICJI LDJIJI F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I 29M:i11 Dll , 111.2!11 Print Close

~Junction-3 lfii!lliiJ EI 7000 6000


§, 4000 3


3000 2000 1000 o -l-..~~~--._...,.-..
;:::;:::;::;~.,/......~~~=-;-.....::~._.....~~-l-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an-!ll I DD"'1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'S-ubb:11:111 n - ~IB F'MP CJI 1 JI I .I. .l.M I I

~*:11ch _ .. 2!11M.111 Dll. 111. 29 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

9 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APPA-620


~ Reach-5 lfii!llliJ EJ 7000 . . * * ..



~4000 3

0 3000 2000 1000 o-l-.-..,..,....,..,...,....,...,...........~~:;::;:~~~~~~~~~~........,...,................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-5 I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I June I I on*:J 29M:i11 Dll , Ill.SID Print Close

~ Subbasin-6 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Deo2000 03Deo2000 04Deo2000 t11::: m:: :rn 111rn1111i :rn ::: rn::: m:: :1T


CL 200,...................,..,,.......~....~~...........................,r-::Ci'I"'"~..-~~...................,..,.......~.....


~ 100 3

0 50 . . . . . . . . . . * . . . * . . . . * . . ............. . ... . .

o...J-............................................ .:;:::;::::;=::;:;:::;~.....................................,...;.:;:;=ii,.....,......,.............................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Deo2000 02Deo2000 03Deo2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I al 1an -- IB-a::m** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I

ZSllM:i11 Dll. Ill.SID Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APP A-621


~Junction-4 lfii!llliJ EJ 7000 6000


~4000 3

0 3000 2000 1000 o -l-.-..,..,....,..,...,....,...,.........,~:::;:::;:::::;:::;::;::;::;::;...~:::;::;'~::;o-,o.,.....,~~............................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an-oL I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'Soubbaa1n-11 F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I R*ach -!I  ::Z9M:i11 Dll , 111. 91 Print Close

~ Reach-6 SlliJ EJ 7000 6000


~4000 3

0 3000 2000 1000 o-1-.-..,..,....,..,...,....,...,...........~~:;:::;:~~~~~~~~~;:.;::.......,..,...,....,.......,....j_

2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh* 6 I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I June I I on**  ::ZSllM:111 Dll 111. 51 I Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331 _ HYDROPM PNODAM 11. Doc APPA-622


~ Subbasin-7 RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11 ::: m::: rn iii rn i: :1i :rn ::: rn::: rri:: :1T c..

300 .........~.......,,.......,.......~T'""'T'"...............,...,.~.......,.......,......................,..........................,.......,.......,................................

~200 3


100 o ...J-................................................o;
::;:::::;:::;=:;:::;~.........................................::;::::;::::;31,...,......,...,.........................1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03 Dec2000 04Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I al 1an -- 18-aa** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID LDJIJI F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I 29M:i11 Dll , 111. 91 Print Close

~Junction-5 lli!!llliJ EJ 8000 7000 6000

~ 5000

4000 3

0 3000 2000 1000 o -l-,....,..,....,..,...,....,...i..-i.....,lllll=i=::;:::;::;::;::;:;::;:....~::;::::;:~~..........~~_...,..,..,...,...,........1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an-~ I DD'l1 .I.Ml 15111 2 .. 1 DllN:ID

'S-ubbaa 1 n - r PMP Dial .I. .I.Ml I R*ach -11 29M:i11 Dll. 111.512 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technica l NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Fl ood Plain\

12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 006033 1_ HYDROP M PNODAM 11. Doc APPA-623


HEC-RAS Plan: PMP AMII River. Ditch A Reach: 5 818.00 :wl9.00 3470.67 3470.66 1.67 3471.20 0.013821 5.89 420.54 553.79 144.35 143.25 0.96 1833.00 :wl9.00 3471 .45 3471 .45 2.45 3472.25 0.011178 7.43 403.88 579.69 268.14 175.84 0.94 818.00 3484.00 3466.11 3465.94 2.11 3466.48 0 .009957 4.88 460 .77 613.23 167.94 152.46 0.81 1833.00 3464.00 3486.73 3466.71 2.73 3487.44 0.012731 6 .81 438.12 635.88 275 .16 197.77 0.96 818.00 3456.00 3457.15 3457.15 1.15 3457.41 0.020844 4 .08 380.58 782.65 200.26 402.08 1.02 1833.00 3458.00 34S7.54 3457.52 1.54 3457.92 0.016736 342.63 816.81 370.76 474.18 0.99 1032.00 3450.00 3451.81 3451.40 1.81 3451.94 0.0 888 2.97 405.24 783 .45 347.12 378.22 0.55 2662.00 3450.00 3452.41 3452.06 2.41 3452.72 0.006092 4.45 344.33 819.07 606.88 474.74 0,66 1032.00 3445.00 3448.77 3446.64 1.77 3447.04 0 .011804 4.19 427 .76 735.08 246 .48 307.32 0.82 2662.00 3445.00 3447.61 2.81 3447.94 0.008189 357.39 842.54 580.42 485.14 0.74 1032.00 3440.00 3441 .91 3441 .38 1.91 3442.01 0.003348 2.58 429.84 843.28 402,94 413.44 0.46 2662.00 3440.00 3442.51 3442.02 2.51 3442.76 0.004426 3.98 389.33 888.57 880.41 499.24 0.57 1032.00 3437.80 3438.91 3438.91 1,11 3439.25 0.018684 4.70 314.92 643.43 219.43 328.51 1.01 2662.00 3437.80 3439.69 3439.52 1.89 3440.08 0.010227 5.00 255.92 719.49 532.79 463.57 0.82 1201 .00 3435,00 3436.66 3436.07 1.66 3438.73 0.001800 2.11 389.96 938.71 581.61 548,75 0.35 5170.00 3435.00 3437.80 3437.02 2.80 3438.08 0.003027 4.32 331 .21 995.19 1273.39 663.98 0.50 2315,0D 3430.00 3430.98 3430.98 0.98 3431 .38 0.017106 5.08 735.44 1303.66 455.52 568.22 1.00 6871 .00 3430.00 3431.88 3431.88 1,88 3432.58 0.012467 6.75 671 .15 1507.86 1045.07 836.71 0.95 2315.00 3425.00 3428.68 3426.03 1.68 3426.76 0.001829 2.32 676.94 1611 .89 1038.55 934 .95 0.36 6871 .00 3425.00 3427.67 3426.76 2.67 3427.86 0.002084 3.60 581 .55 1811.11 2113.94 1229.57 0.42 2625,00 3420.00 3421 .33 3421 .33 1.33 3421 ,75 0.016273 5.20 477.24 1125.37 511 .99 648.13 0.99 7487.00 3420.00 3422.16 3422.16 2.16 3422.78 0.013513 6.45 302.64 1333.85 1218.00 1031 .21 0 .97 2625.00 3416.00 341 . 1 3416.93 2.51 3417.59 0.002263 2.45 *120.5* 896.35 1135.64 1016.94 0.39 7467.00 3416,00 3418.39 3417.57 3.39 3418.60 0.002862 3.72 *135.46 947.57 2061.90 1083,03 0.46 2625.00 3413.80 3414.77 3414.77 0.97 3415.18 0.018036 5.02 170.96 822.03 510.19 651 .07 1.02 7467.00 3413.80 3415.64 3415.55 1,84 3418.23 0.0114'51 6.54 -3.75 891 .01 1223.92 894.76 0.92 2825.00 3409.00 3414.27 3412.71 5.27 3414.34 0.000514 2.95 ..13.72 652.44 1829.88 1066.16 0.23 7467.00 3409.00 3415.13 3413.50 6.13 3415.31 0.001181 4.98 -439.10 888.51 2572.47 1127.60 0.37 Cutvett 2625.00 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.81 3413.06 0.003071 5.64 83.74 515.65 665.51 431 .91 0.54 7467.00 3408.90 3413.64 3413.SB 4.74 3414.57 0.006651 9.75 34.58 553.33 1107.68 018.75 0.83 2659.00 3406.00 3409.82 3409.00 1.61 3409.72 0.002763 2.55 152.60 1085.55 1042.93 932.96 0.42 7552.00 3408.00 3410.56 2.56 3410.76 0.002811 3.63 *245.29 1204.49 2169.43 1449.78 0.47 2773.00 3402.70 3404.49 3404.49 1.79 3404.98 0.016639 5.60 616 .07 1140.02 495.53 523.95 1.01 7799.00 3402.70 3405.49 3405.49 2.79 3406.17 0.014796 6.60 468.88 1361 .48 1181.30 J 892.80 1,01 APP A-625

FloodPlain . rep HEC-RAS Version 3 .. 0 . 1 Mar 2001 U .. S. Army Corp of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center 609 Second Street, Suite D Davis, California 95616-4687

( 916) 7 56-1104 x x xxxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xxxx x xxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx xx xx x x x x xxxxx PROJECT DATA Project


WCS Project File Fl oodPlain.prj Run Date and Time: 3/30/06 9 : 08:03 AM Pr oject in English units PLAN DATA Plan


Plan 37 Plan File D:\program files\WCS\FloodP lain . p37 Geometry


PMP1-20-04SecRem oved Geometry File D: \program files\WCS\FloodP lain . g04 Flow Title pmp NOD AMII Flow File D:\program files\WCS\FloodP lain . f29 Plan Summary Information :

Number of: Cross Sections 18 Mulitple Openings 0 Culverts 1 Inline Weirs 0 Bridges 0 Computational Information water surface calculation tolerance 0 . 01 Critical depth calculaton tolerance 0.01 Maximum number of interations 20 Maximum difference tolerance 0 .. 3 Flow tolerance factor 0 . 001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n va l ues only Friction Slope Method : Average Conveyance Computational Flow Regime: Mixed Flow FLOW DATA Flow


pmp NOD AMII Flow File : D:\program files\WCS\FloodP lain . f29 Page 1 APP A-626

FloodPlai n .rep Fl ow Da t a (cfs)

Rive r Reach RS PF 2 PF' 3 Di t ch A 5 12 6 74 818 1833 Di t ch A 5 9690 1032 2662 Ditch A 5 72 5 3 1 20 1 517 0 Ditch A 5 6343 2315 6871 Ditch A 5 422 1 2625 7467 Ditch A 5 1888 2659 7552 Ditch A 5 1060 2773 7799 Boundary Conditions River Reach Profile Upstream Down stream Ditch A 5 PF 2 Critical Cr i t ical GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Title : PMPl 0 4SecRemoved Geometry File D:\p r ogram files\WCS\Floo d Plain . g04 CROSS SECTION RIVER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 12674 INPUT



Sta . 12674 Station Elevation Data num= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3482 380 3478 560 3477 635 3478 761 3480 964 3482 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Va l 100 .033 380 . 033 635 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr .. Expan .

380 635 1206 1337 1433 "l "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G. Elev {ft) 3478.75 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 11 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 " 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3478 . 64 Reach Len . (ft ) 1206 . 00 1337 . 00 1433 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3478 . 18 Flow Area (s q ft) 14 . 34 290 . 73 12.91 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003030 Area (sq ft) 14 .34 290 ' 73 12.91 Q Total (cfs) 818 . 00 El ow (cfs) 16 . 63 786 . 40 14 .. 97 Top Width {ft) 340 . 14 Top Width (ft) 44 "81 255 . 00 40 . 33 Page 2 APP A-627

FloodPlain.rep Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 5 7 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 1..16 2 " 70 1.16 Max Chl Dpth (f t} 1 . 64 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 .. 32 1 . 14 0 . 32 Conv .. Total (cfs} 14861.0 Conv . (cfs) 302 .. 2 1428 6 .. 9 271.. 9 Length Wtd . (ft) 1336 25 Wetted Per .. (ft) 44 " 81 255 . 01 40 .. 33 Min Ch El (ft} 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 06 0.22 0" 06 Alpha 1 . 07 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0.07 0 .. 58 0 "0 7 Frctn Loss (ft) 7.51 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 19 . 4 6 120 .. 19 3 .2 9 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 04 Cum SA (acres) 21.. 78 116 .. 76 5 . 62 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G. Elev (ft) 3479 . 45 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.19 Wt .. n-Val . 0.033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3479 . 26 Reach Len .. (ft) 1206 . 00 133 7 .. 00 1433 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3478 .. 68 Flow Area (sq ft) 55 .. 14 44 7. 56 49 " 62 E .. G , Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003127 Area (sq ft) 55 . 14 447 .. 56 49 .. 62 Q Total (cfs) 1833 . 00 Flow (c fs) 101.. 76 163 9 . 66 91 .. 58 Top Width (ft) 421.. 93 Top Width (ft) 8 7 .. 86 255 .. 00 79 " 0 7 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 32 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 1 .. 85 3 " 66 1 .. 85 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 .. 26 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 63 1. 76 0 .. 63 Conv . Total (cfs) 32779 .. 3 Conv . (cfs) lBlS . 7 29321 . 9 163 7. 7 Length Wtd. (ft) 1334 . 83 Wetted Per.. (ft) 8 7. 8 7 255 . 01 79 . 08 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 12 0 . 34 0 .. 12 Alpha 1.. 12 Stream Power (lb/ft s) o. 23 1 . 26 0 " 23 Frctn Loss (ft) 7 " 14 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 45 . 36 229 .. 55 13" 10 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 06 Cum SA (acres) 3 7. 00 136 . 51 18 .. 89 Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0 . 5 ft (0 . 15 m) . This may indicate then eed for Page 3 APP A-628

Fl oodPlai n . r ep add it i onal cross s e c t ion s .

Warn i ng: The con veyance rat i o (upst r eam conveyance divided by d ownstream conve yance } i s less than 0 . 7 o r greater than 1..4 . Th i s may indicate t he need fo r a d dit i on a l cross secti ons .

Warni ng : The ene r gy l oss wa s greate r than LO ft (0 . 3 m} . between the c u r r e n t and p r evi o u s er oss section .. Thi s ma y i n d icate t h e n eed fo r additiona l cro ss se ction s ..




Sta . 11 337 St ation Elevat i on Da ta num= B St a El e v Sta Elev Sta El e v Sta El ev St a El ev 100 34 7 7 315 34 7 4 392 3472 435 3470 499 3469 550 3470 591 3472 694 3474 Manning ' s n Values n um= 3 Sta n Va l St a n Val Sta n Va l 100 . 033 435 . 033 550 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Ch annel Right Coe f f Contr . Exp an .

43 5 550 545 400 332 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 11PF 2 E . G . Elev (f t} 34 71.. 20 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 . 52 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 "033 w.s . Elev (ft } 3470 . 67 Reach Len .. (ft} 545 . 00 400 . 00 332 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft} 34 70 . 66 Fl ow Are a (sq f t } 4.B6 134 . 85 4 " 64 E . G . Slope (ft /ft} 0 . 0138 21 Area (sq f t ) 4 . 86 1 34 . 85 4 . 64 Q To t a l (c fs} 818 . 00 Flow (cfs} 12 . 44 793 ' 70 11.. 86 Top Width (ft } 143 . 25 Top Wi dth (ft } 14 . 46 115 . 00 13 ** 79 Ve l Total (ft/s) 5 . 67 Avg . Vel . (ft/s} 2 "5 6 5 .89 2 .. 56 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1 . 67 Hydr . Depth (f t } o. 34 1 . 17 o. 34 Conv . Tot al (c fs} 6958 . 0 Con v . (c f s} 1 05.8 6751 . 3 1 00 . 9 Length Wt d . (ft} 400 . 60 We t ted Pe i: . {ft} 14 . 48 115 . 02 13" 80 Min Ch El (ft} 3469 . 00 Shear (l b/sq f t} 0 . 29 1. 01 0 . 29 Alpha 1 . 05 St r eam Power (lb/ f t s} 0 " 74 5 .. 95 0" 7 4 Frctn Loss (ft} 4 " 67 Cum Vol ume (a cre -ft } 1 9 . 19 113 . 66 3" 00 C & E Loss {f t) 0 "0 5 Cum SA (acres} 20 . 96 111 . 08 4" 73 Wa r ning : The e n ergy loss was g r eate r t h a n 1.0 f t (0 . 3 m} . between the c u r rent and previous er oss section . Thi s may i n d i cat e the need f o r additional cro s s sect ion s .

Page 4 APP A-629

FloodPla in . rep CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pr ofile #PF 3 34 72 . 25 El emen t Left OB Ch annel Ri ght OB E . G . El ev (ft)

Vel Head (ft ) 0 . 80 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3 471 . 4 5 Reac h Len . (ft ) 545 . 00 400 . 00 332 . 00

w. s . (ft ) 34 71.. 45 Flow Ar e a ( s q ft) 22 . 5 5 224 ,, 08 21. 51 Cr it 0 . 011178 Ar ea (sq ft ) 22 . 55 224.08 2 1. 51 E G .. S l ope (ft/ft)

Q Tota l (cfs) 1 833 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 86 . 53 1 663 . 97 82 . 50 1 75 . 84 Top Widt h (f t) 31..1 4 115 . 00 29 . 69 Top Wid th (ft)

Vel Total (ft/s) 6 . 84 Avg . Ve L (ft /s) 3 . 84 7 " 43 3 . 84 2 . 45 Hydr . Depth ( f t ) 0 . 72 1 . 95 0 . 72 Max Chl Dpth {ft )

1 733 7.. 3 Conv . (cfs ) 81 8 . 5 1 5738 . 5 780 . 3 Conv . Total (cfs)

Lengt h Wt d . (ft) 401..42 Wetted Per . (ft ) 31.18 115 02 29 " 73 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shea r (lb /sq f t ) 0 " 50 1 "36 0 . 50 Al pha 1. 10 Stream Powe r (lb/ft s) 1 . 94 1 0 . 10 1 . 94 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 78 Cum Vol ume (acr e - ft ) 44 " 28 219 .. 24 11. 93 C & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 03 Cum SA {acres) 35 . 35 1 30 . 83 17..11 s er Warn ing; The e n ergy l os s was greater t han 1. 0 ft ( 0 . 3 m) .. between t h e current and previou oss sect ion . Th i s may ind icate t he need for additional cross s e c tions .

CROS S SECTI ON RI VER ; Di t ch A REACH; 5 RS: 10937 INPUT De scri ption : St a .. 10937 Stat i on Elevation Data n um= 9 Sta El ev St a El ev St a El e v Sta El ev Sta El ev 100 34 70 35 1 3468 428 3467 465 3466 536 3464 543 346 4 609 3 4 66 683 3 468 811 3 4 72 Manning ' s n Value s n um= 3 St a n Val St a n Va l St a n Va l 100 "03 3 42 8 . 033 60 9 . 033 Bank St a : Left Righ t Lengths : Le f t Channe l Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

428 609 729 64 9 445 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .G. El e v (ft) 3466 . 48 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0"37 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 w.s . Elev {ft) 3466.11 Reach Len . (ft) 729 " 00 649 . 00 4 45 . 00 Page 5 APP A-630

FloodPlain . rep Crit W. S . (ft) 3465.94 Flow Area (sq ft) 167 .. 69 0 . 24 E .G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 009957 Area {sq ft) 167 . 69 0 .. 24 Q Total {cfs) 818 . 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 84 0 16 Top Width {ft) 152 . 46 Top Width (ft) 148 . 23 4 . 23 Vel Total {ft/s} 4 .. 8 7 Avg . Vel . {ft/s) 4 . BB 0.67 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 2 . 11 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1 . 13 0.06 Conv . Total (cfs) 8197 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 8196 .. 2 1.. 6 Length Wtd .. {ft) 648 .. 98 Wetted Per . {ft) 148 . 29 4.23 Min Ch El {ft) 3464 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 . 70 0 . 04 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb /ft s) 3.43 0 . 02 Frctn Loss (ft) 9 . 04 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 19 . 16 112 . 27 2 . 98 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 87 1(}9 " 8 7 4 . 67 Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than L 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .G . Elev {ft) 3467 . 44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 71 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev {ft) 3466 . 73 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649.00 445 . 00 Cr i t w.s .. (ft) 3466 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 265 . 39 9 . 77 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0.012731 Area (sq ft) 265 .. 39 9 .. 77 Q Total (cfs) 1833 . 00 Flow (c fs) 1807 . 75 25 . 26 Top Width {ft) 19 7 " 77 Top Width {ft) 170 . 88 26 . 88 Vel Tota l (ft/s) 6 .. 66 Avg . Vel . {ft/s) 6 .. 81 2 .. 59 Max Chl Dpth {ft} 2 . 73 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1 .. 55 0 . 36 Conv. Total (cfs} 162 45. 6 Conv. (cfs) 16021.8 223 . 8 Length Wtd. (ft) 64 7 . 59 Wetted Per . (ft} 170 . 95 26.89 Min Ch El (ft} 3464 .. 00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 1 . 23 0 . 29 Alpha 1.03 Stream Power {lb/ft s} 8 .. 40 0 . 75 Frctn Loss {ft) 9 .. 41 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 44 .14 21 7 .. 00 11 . 81 Page 6 APP A-631

FloodPlain . rep C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 10 cum SA (acres) 35 . 16 129 . 52 16 ., 89 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta . 10288 Station Elevation Data num= 12 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3464 177 3462 238 3460 298 3458 493 3456 519 3456 662 3457 778 3457 . 1 857 3458 903 34 60 947 3462 989 3464 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 298 . 033 857 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

298 857 552 598 633 "l .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .G . Elev (ft) 3457 .. 41 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.26 Wt ., n-Val . 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3457 . 15 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3457 . 15 Flow Area (sq ft) 200 . 26 E . G.. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 020844 Area (sq ft) 200 . 26 Q Total (cfs) 818 . 00 Flow (cfs) 818 . 00 Top Width (ft) 402 . 08 Top Width (ft) 402 . 08 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 .08 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 4 . 08 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.15 Hydr ., Depth (ft) 0 .. 50 Conv . Total (cfs) 5665 .. 8 Conv . (cfs) 5665 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 402 . 09 Min Ch El (ft) 3456.00 Shear (lb /sq ft) 0 " 65 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Powe r (lb/ft S) 2 . 65 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 4 .9 1 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 19 . 16 109 . 53 2 " 98 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 04 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 8 7 105 .. 78 4 ' 64 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

Page 7 APP A-632

FloodPlain . rep The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections.

Warning: During the standard step i t erat ions , when the assumed water s u rface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates tha t t here is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to crit i cal dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G . Elev ( ft) 3457 . 92 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 38 Wt . n-Val . 0.033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3457 .. 54 Reach Len . {ft) 552 .. 00 598 . 00 633 .. 00 Cr it w. s . {ft) 3457 .. 52 Flow Area (sq ft) 370 .. 76 E.G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 016736 Area (sq ft) 370 . 76 Q Total {cfs) 1 833 . 00 Flow {cfs) 1833 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 474 . 18 Top Width (ft) 474 . 18 Vel Total (ft/s) 4" 94 Avg . Vel. {ft/s) 4 " 94 Max Chl Dpth {ft ) 1.54 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 ' 78 Conv. Total (cfs) 14169 . 0 Conv .. (cfs) 14169 . 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 597 , 95 Wetted Per . (ft) 474 .. 20 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 82 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (l b/ ft s) 4 " 04 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .. 18 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 44 . 14 212 .. 26 11.. 76 C & E Loss (ft) CL 02 Cum SA (acres) 35 .. 16 12 4 " 71 16 .. 75 Warning : The conveyance r atio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greate r than 1..4 .; This may indic ate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warni ng: The energy loss was greate r than LO ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 9690 INPUT Description : Sta. 9690 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Page 8 APP A-633

El oodPlain .. r ep Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a El ev St a El ev 100 3454. 5 202 34 5 4 381 3452 632 3 450 638 3450 799 3452 897 3454 1010 3458 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 1 00 . 033 381 . 033 799 . 033 Ban k Sta : Left Righ t Leng t h s: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

38 1 7 99 639 68 1 658 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile itPE 2 E .. G .. E l ev (ft ) 3451. 94 El emen t Le ft OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 14 Wt . n - Va l .. 0 . 033 w.s . El ev (f t ) 3451 . 8 1 Reach Len .. ( ft) 639 . 00 681.00 658 . 0 0 Cr it w.s . (ft) 3451.. 4 0 El ow Area (sq ft) 3 4 7 "12 E .. G . Slope (ft / ft) 0 .. 004888 Area (sq f t ) 347.12 Q Total (cfs) 1032 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1032 . 00 To p Width (ft) 378 .2 2 Top Width (ft) 378 .. 22 Ve l Tota l (ft/s) 2 . 97 Avg . Ve l.. (ft/s) 2 . 97 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 1 .81 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 92 Conv .. Total (cfs) 14760 .. 6 Con v . (cfs) 14760 .. 6 Length Wtd . (ft ) 681 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 378 . 24 Mi n Ch El (ft) 3450 .. 00 Shear (l b/sq f t) 0 .. 28 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ f t s) 0 .. 83 Erctn Lo s s (ft) 4 . 90 Cum Volume (acre- ft) 1 9 .. 16 1 05 .. 77 2 . 98 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 01 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 87 100 . 42 4 " 64 Warn i ng: Th e conveyan ce ratio (upst re a m conveyance d i vided b y down stre am conveyance) i s l ess than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the n eed for additional c r oss secti ons .

Warning : The energy l oss was great er than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 rn) .. between the current and previou s er oss section . Th i s may indi cate the nee d fo r additional cro ss sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profil e # PE 3 E .. G. Elev ( ft ) 34 5 2 ' 72 Element Le f t OB Chan ne l Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0 . 31 Wt .. n - Val .. 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3452 .. 41 Re ach Len .. (f t ) 639 " 00 681.00 658.00 Cr i t W. S . (ft) 3452 .. 06 Fl o w Area (sq ft) 7 . 51 59 5 .. 24 4" 1 1 Page 9 APP A-634

FloodPl ain . rep E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 006092 Area (sq ft) 7 . 51 595 . 24 4 . 11 Q Total (cfs} 2662 . 00 flow (cfs) 9 .1 7 2647.81 5 . 02 Top Width (ft) 4 74 ' 74 Top Width (ft} 36.67 418 . 00 20 . 07 Vel Total ( f t/s} 4 . 39 Avg. Vel. (ft/s} 1.22 4 . 45 1.. 22 Max Ch l Dpt h (ft} 2 . 41 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 . 20 1.. 42 0 . 20 Conv . Total (cfs) 34105 . 6 Conv . (cfs) 117 '5 33923 . 8 64 . 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 680 . 91 Wet t ed Per . (ft } 36 . 67 41 8 . 02 20 . 08 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 08 0 . 54 0 . 08 Alpha 1. 02 Stream Power {lb/ft s} 0 . 10 2 . 41 0 . 10 Frctn Loss (ft} 4 . 78 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 44 . 10 205 . 63 1 1. 73 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 00 Cum SA (acres) 34 . 92 118 . 59 16 . 61 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previ ous er oss section .. This may indi cate the need for addition a l cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 9009 INPUT Descript ion: Sta . 9009 Station Elevati o n Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta El ev St a Elev Sta E l ev Sta El ev 100 3452 203 3450 325 3448 4 92 3446 596 3445 63 7 34 4 6 892 3448 1 007 3450 1124 3452 Manning ' s n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l 100 . 033 325 . 033 892 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Le ft Channel Right Coeff ContL Expan .

325 892 898 879 794 .. 1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E.G . Elev ( f t) 3447 , 04 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 . 27 Wt.. n-Val .. 0 . 033 w.s . El ev (ft) 3446 . 7 7 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 .. 00 794 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft} 3446 . 64 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 246 . 48 E.G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 011604 Area (sq ft) 246 .. 48 Q Tot a l (cfs) 1032 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1032 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 307 ., 32 Top Wi dth (ft } 30 7.. 32 Vel Total (ft/s} 4 . 19 Avg, Ve l . (ft/s) 4" 1 9 Page 10 APP A-635

F'loodPlain .. rep Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1 .. 7 7 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0.80 Conv .. Total (cfs) 9580 .. 2 Conv .. (cfs} 9580 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft} 8 79 .. 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 30 7 .. 34 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 58 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb /ft s) 2 . 43 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 ' 98 Curn Volurne (acre-ft} 19 .. 16 101 . 13 2 .. 98 C & E Loss (ft} o. 05 Cum SA (acres} 20.87 95 . 06 4 . 64 Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3447 . 94 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 33 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3447 . 61 Reach Len . (ft} 898 " 00 879.00 794 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) Flow Area (sq ft) 580.42 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 008169 Area (sq ft) 580 .. 42 Q Total (cfsl 2662 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2662 .. 00 Top Width (ft} 485 .. 14 Top Width (ft) 485 .. 14 Vel Total (ft/s} 4 " 59 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 4 . 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 61 Hydr . Depth (ft} 1 . 20 Conv . Total (cfs) 29451. 9 Conv . (cfs) 29451 . 9 Length Wtd .. (ft) 878 . 85 Wetted Per .. (ft) 485 . 18 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 . 00 Shea:i: (lb/sq ft} 0 . 61 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 80 Frctn Loss (ft} 5 . 16 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 44 .. 04 196 44 11 . 70 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 34 . 66 111.. 53 16 '46 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 .. 3 m). between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..


FloodPlain . rep REACH: 5 RS: 8130 INPUT



Sta . 8130 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3448 303 3444 419 3442 654 3440 663 3440 852 3442 995 3444 1104 3446 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 419 .033 852 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ..

419 852 399 413 456 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3442 . 01 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 10 Wt. n-Val . 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft} 3441. 91 Reach Len . (ft} 399 . 00 413 .00 456 . 00 Crit W .. S , (ft} 3441 . 38 Flow Area (sq ft) 402 . 94 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003348 Area (sq ft) 402 . 94 Q Total {cfs) 1032 . 00 Flow {cfs) 1032 .00 Top Width (ft) 413 . 44 Top Width (ft) 413 " 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 56 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 2" 56 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1. 91 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 . 97 Conv . Total (cfs) 17834 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 17834.9 Length Wtd . {ft) 413 . 00 Wetted Per.. {ft) 413 . 45 Min Ch El (ft} 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 20 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.52 Frctn Loss {ft} 2 . 73 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 19 . 16 94 . 58 2 " 98 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 20 , 8 7 87 . 79 4 " 64 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .. G . Elev {ft) 3442 . 76 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) o. 24 Wt . n-Val . o . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 Page 12 APP A-637 p w.s. Elev (ft) 3442 . 51 Reach Len .. (ft) 399 .. 00 413 . 00 456 . 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3442 .. 02 Flow Area (sq ft) 7.59 663 . 4 7 9 . 35 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 004426 Area (sq ft) 7 . 59 663 .. 47 9 . 35 Q Total (cfs) 2662 . 00 Flow (cfs) 9 .. 16 2641 . 56 11..29 Top Width (ft ) 499 . 24 Top Width (ft) 29 .. 67 433 .. 00 36 .. 57 Ve l Total (ft/s) 3 . 91 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 1 . 21 3 . 98 1..21 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 51 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 .. 26 1 . 53 0 . 26 Conv . Total (cfs) 400 12.1 Conv .. {cfs) 137 . 6 39704 .. 9 169 . 7 Length Wtd .. (ft) 413.07 Wetted Per .. (ft) 29 ,, 67 433 . 02 36 . 57 Min Ch El (ft) 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 0 7 0 .. 42 0 .. 07 Alpha 1.. 03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 09 1.. 69 0 .. 09 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 66 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 43.96 183 . 89 11.. 61 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 01 Cum SA (acres) 34 . 35 102 . 27 16 . 12 Warning; The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .,

Warning; The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er ass section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta 7 717 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3442 2 33 3440 383 3438 492 3437 . 8 510 3438 657 3439 747 3440 879 3442 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 233 . 033 747 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr .. Expan ..

233 747 444 464 510 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3439 . 25 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.34 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3438 . 91 Reach Len . {ft) 444 .. 00 464 . 00 510 .. 00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3438 .. 91 Flow Area (sq ft) 219.43 Page 13 APP A-638

FloodPlain . rep E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 018684 Area (sq ft) 219 . 43 Q Total (cfs) 1032 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1032 . 00 Top Width (ft) 328 .. 51 Top Width (ft} 328 . 51 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ' 70 Avg .. VeL (ft/s) 4 ' 70 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 11 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 67 Co nv . Total (cfs) 7550 .. 0 Conv .. (cfs) 7550 .. 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 464 . 11 Wetted Per .. (ft) 328 .. 52 Min Ch El (ft} 343 7.. 80 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 ' 78 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 .. 66 Frctn Loss (ft) 1.80 Cum Vo lume (acre-ft) 19 .. 16 91 . 63 2 " 98 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 08 Cum SA (acres} 20 . 87 84 . 27 4 . 64 iterations .

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

) is less Warni ng : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 .. 7 ox greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .,

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

set equal to Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer . The program defaulted to critical d e p th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E G. Elev (ft } 3440 . 08 Elemen t Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) 0 .. 39 Wt . n-Va l .. 0 .. 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3439 .. 69 Reach Len .. (ft) 444 . 00 464 .. 00 510 .. 00 Crit W. S. (ft) 3439 . 52 Flow Area (sq ft) 532 ' 79 E . G .. Slope {ft/ft} 0 .. 010227 Area (sq ft) 532 ' 79 Q Total {cfs) 2662 " 00 Flow {cfs) 2662 " 00 Top Width (ft) 463 . 57 Top Width (ft} 463 . 57 Ve l Total (ft/s) 5 . 00 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 5 . 00 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.89 Hydr. Depth (ft) 1.15 Conv .. Total (cfs) 26322 . 5 Conv , {cfs} 26322 . 5 Page 14 APP A-639

Fl oodPla in .rep Len g t h Wt d . (ft } 46 4 . 60 Wetted Per . (f t) 4 63 . 59 Mi n Ch El (ft} 3 437.80 Sh ea r {lb /sq ft) 0 . 73 Alpha 1.00 Stream Po we r (lb /ft s) 3.67 Frctn Loss (ft) 1.9 7 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 43 .. 93 1 78 . 22 11.57 C & E Lo s s (ft ) 0 .. 0 3 Cum SA {ac r es) 34 .. 21 98.02 15 .. 93 Warni n g : The conveyan ce rati o (ups tream con veya nce div i d ed by downstream c onveyance ) is l ess t h an 0 .. 7 o r g r eate r t han 1..4 .. Thi s may indicate t he need for a ddi t ion a l c ross sect i o n s ..

Wa r ning : Th e ene r gy l os s was g reat e r than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b e twee n the curre nt and previous e r oss section .. This may ind icat e the need for addi t i onal cross section s .




Sta . 7253 Station El evation Da t a num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta El ev 1 00 3438 109 3438 . 7 321 3438 424 3436 668 3435 906 3436 1005 3438 1200 3440 1365 34 42 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val Sta n Val 1 00 . 033 424 . 033 906 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Ri g ht Len gths : Left Ch anne l Ri g h t Coeff Contr . Expan .

424 906 756 910 980 .. 1 . 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof ile #PF 2 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3436 .. 73 Element Le f t OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (f t ) 0. 07 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . El e v {ft ) 3436 . 66 Reach Len . (ft ) 756 .. 00 91 0 . 00 980 . 00 Crit w.s . (ft ) 3 436 . 07 Flow Area (s q f t) 11 . 25 559 . 55 10 . 8 1 E . G . Sl ope (ft/ft) 0 .. 00 1 800 Ar ea (sq ft) 11 ' 2 5 559 .. 55 10 .. 81 Q Total (cfs) 1201 .. 00 Flow (c f s) 1 0 . 27 1180 .. 86 9 .. 8 7 Top Widt h (ft) 548 .. 75 To p Wi dth (ft) 34 .. 04 482 .. 00 32 .. 71 Ve l Tota l (ft / s } 2 " 06 Avg .. Vel . (ft /s) 0 .. 91 2 . 11 0.91 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 66 Hydr . Dept h ( f t ) 0 . 33 1 .. 1 6 0.33 Conv . Total {cfs} 28304 .. 5 Con v . (cfs) 242 .. 0 27829 .. 8 232 . 6 Length Wtd. {ft) 9 0 9 .. 75 Wet t ed Per .. (f t ) 3 4 . 04 482 . 00 32 . 72 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 .. 00 Sh ea r {l b/ s q ft ) 0 . 04 0 .. 1 3 0 .. 04 Al p h a 1..03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0 .. 28 0 . 03 Page 15 APP A-640

FloodPlain . rep Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .. 31 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 19 .. 11 8 7 " 48 2 " 92 C & E Loss (ft} 0 03 Cum SA (acres) 20 .. 69 79 .. 95 4.45 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may i ndicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m}. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro file #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft} 3438 .. 08 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.27 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3437.80 Reach Len .. (ft) 756 .. 00 910 . 00 980 . 00 CritW . S . (ft) 3437..02 Flow Area (sq ft} 83 .. 59 1109. 45 80 .. 35 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003027 Area (sq ft) 83 .. 59 1109 .. 45 80 . 35 Q Total (cfs) 5170 . 00 Flow (cfs) 193 . 14 4791..23 185 .. 63 Top Width (ft) 663 .. 98 Top Width (ft} 92 .. 79 482 . 00 89 . 19 Vel Total (f t/s} 4 . 06 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 2 . 31 4 . 32 2 . 31 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 2 . 80 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 90 2 . 30 0 " 90 Conv .. Total (cfs) 93972 .. 8 Conv .. (cfs) 3510 . 5 87088 . 0 3374.2 Length Wtd .. (ft) 908 .. 96 Wetted Per . {ft) 92.81 482 . 00 89 .. 21 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 .. 17 0 .. 43 0 . 17 Alpha 1.. 07 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 39 1.. 88 0 . 39 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .. 45 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 43.50 169 . 47 11..10 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 04 Cum SA (acres} 33 ' 74 92.98 15 . 41 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..




Sta .. 6343 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Page 16 APP A-641

noodPlain . rep 10 0 3434 346 3433 663 3432 732 3431 860 3430 . 2 981 3430 1273 3430 13 2 0 3431 . 5 1566 3432 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 " 033 663 . 033 1320 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr .. Expan ..

663 1320 767 980 1051 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3431.. 38 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 40 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033

w. s. Elev (ft) 3430 . 98 Reach Len. (ft) 767 . 00 980 . 00 1051 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3430 . 98 F'low Area (sq ft) 455 . 52 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 017106 Area (sq ft) 455 .. 52 Q Total (cfs) 2315 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 2315 . 00 Top Width (ft) 568 .. 22 Top Width (ft) 568 . 22 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 08 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 5.08 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 .. 98 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 80 Conv . Total (cfs) 17700 . 0 Conv .. (cfs) 17 700 .. 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 979 . 71 Wetted Per . (ft) 568 . 24 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 86 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 . 35 4 ,. 07 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 19 . 01 76 . 87 2 . 80 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 .. 10 Cum SA (acres) 20.40 68 . 98 4 .. 08 C & E Loss (ft) iterations ..

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of The program used critical depth for the water surface and continue d on with the calculat ions.

) is less Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance t han 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

equal to Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 Page 17 APP A-642

EloodPlai n . rep E . G . Elev {ft} 3432. 5 8 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 70 Wt . n - Va l . 0 .. 0 3 3 0 . 033 (ft ) 767.00 980 .. 00 1051.00

w. s ' E l ev (ft) 3431..88 Rea c h Len Cr it w. s . (ft) 3431 .. 88 El ow Area (sq ft) 1009 . 20 35 . 87 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 0 1 2467 Area (sq ft) 1009 . 20 35 . 87 Q Total (cfs) 68 71. 00 Flow (cfs) 6811 ' 21 59. 79 Top Width (ft) 836 .. 71 Top Widt h (ft) 648 . 85 18 7 . 8 6 Vel Total {ft/s) 6 "5 7 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 6 . 75 1. 67 Max Chl Dpth {ft ) l .. 88 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 56 0 . 19 Conv .. Total (cfs) 61536 . 4 Conv .. (cfs) 61001..0 535 .. 5 Length Wtd . (ft} 979 . 16 We t ted Per . (ft) 648 " 88 1 8 7.. 86 Min Ch El (f t) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 1.. 21 0 .. 15 Al pha 1 .. 05 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 8"1 7 0 .. 25 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 11 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 42 . 78 147 . 34 9 " 79 C & E Lo ss ( ft) 0 . 16 Cum SA (acres) 32 . 94 Bl.17 12 . 29 Warning : The ene rgy equation could not be ba l a n ced within t he specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the wa t er surface and con tinu ed on wi th the calcul at ions.

Warning : The v e loc i ty head has changed by more than 0 . 5 f t (0 . 1 5 m) . This may i n d i cate then eed for addit i ona l c r oss s ections ..

Warning : The c o nveyan ce ratio (upst r eam conveyance divided by downs t ream conveyance) is l ess t han 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. Thi s may indicate the need for add i tional cross sect i ons .

Warning : The energy loss was gre ater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b etween the cu r rent and previ ous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional c r oss sections ..

Warning : During the sta ndard step i terat i ons , wh e n the assumed wat er surface was set equal to critical depth , the calcu lated water surface came back below crit i cal depth . This i ndicat es that t h ere is not a valid s u bcritica l ans wer . The p rogram defaulted to c ritical dep th .




Sta .. 5363 Station Elevat i on Data num= 10 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a Elev 100 3432 282 3430 550 3428 742 3426 885 3425 1 097 3425 1476 3426 1877 3428 1 966 3428 21 60 3430 Manning' s n Values num= 3 Page 18 APP A-643

Fl oodPl a in .. rep St a n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l 1 00 " 03 3 742 " 03 3 14 76 " 033 Ban k Sta: Left Right Length s: Le ft Chan ne l Righ t Coe ff Con tr,, Expan .

7 42 1 47 6 11 99 1142 713 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro fi le # PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3 426 . 76 Element Left OB Ch anne l Ri ght OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0 . 08 Wt .. n - Val .. 0 . 03 3 0 . 033 o. 03 3

w. s . El ev (ft) 34 2 6 .. 68 Reach Len . (ft ) 1199 . 00 1142 " 0 0 71 3 . 0 0 Cr i t w.s . (f t) 3 426 .. 03 Fl ow Ar ea (sq ft) 22 .. 05 97 0 .. 46 4 6 .. 0 5 E . G . Slope (ft/ft ) 0 . 0 0 182 9 Area ( sq ft) 22 . 05 970 . 46 46 . 05 Q Total (cfs) 2315 . 00 Fl ow {cfs) 20 .. 64 2251..26 43 . 1 0 Top Width (f t) 934 . 95 Top Wi d t h (ft) 65 .. 06 734 . 00 1 35 .. 8 9 Ve l Tota l (ft /s ) 2.23 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 0 . 94 2 . 32 0 . 94 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 .. 68 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .34 1 .. 3 2 0 .34 Conv. Total (cfs) 541 29 .. 5 Conv . (c f s) 482 . 5 5 2639 .. 2 1 0 07 .. 8 Le n gth Wtd . (f t ) 11 38 " 71 We tted Pe r . (ft) 65 .. 0 7 734 .. 00 135 .. 89 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 .. 00 Sh ear {lb/sq f t) 0 .0 4 0 .15 0 .0 4 Alp ha 1 .. 06 Stream Power (lb / ft s ) 0 . 04 0 . 35 0 .04 Frc t n Loss (f t) 4 " 98 Cum Vo lume (acre -ft) 18 .81 60 . 83 2 . 24 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (ac r es) 1 9 . 82 54 ' 34 2 ' 45 Warning : The conveyance ra t i o (upstream c onveyanc e d i v i ded by downstream c onveyance ) i s l ess than 0 . 7 or g re ate r t h an 1 .4 . Thi s may i n dicate t h e need f o r a d d it iona l cross secti ons ..

Warning : Th e energ y lo ss was g rea te r than 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) . b etween the c urr e n t and p revi ou s er oss se c t ion .. Thi s may i n dic a te the n eed fo r a d d i tional c r oss s e ction s ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pr o fil e # PF 3 E . G . El ev (f t ) 3 4 2 7 . 86 El ement Le ft OB Chann e l Ri ght OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0 .. 18 Wt . n-Va l .. 0 . 03 3 0 .. 033 0 .. 033 w.. s . Elev (ft) 3427 .. 67 Reach Len .. (f t) 11 99.00 1142.0 0 713. 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3426 . 76 Flow Ar ea (s q f t ) 1 34 .. 09 169 9 . 80 280 . 05 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft ) 0 . 002084 Ar ea (s q ft ) 1 34 . 09 1 699 . 80 2 80 . 0 5 Q To t al (cf s ) 6871 . 00 Fl ow {cfs) 2 4 4 ,, 5 3 6115 .. 75 510 , 72 Top Widt h (ft) 1229 .. 57 Top Width (ft) 160 .. 45 734 . 00 33 5 . 11 Pag e 1 9 APP A-644

Flo odPl a in. rep Ve l Tota l ( f t/ s) 3 . 25 Av g . Vel . (ft/s) 1 . 82 3 . 60 1 .82 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 2 . 67 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0 . 84 2 .. 32 0 . 84 Conv . To t a l (cf s) 1 50 5 1 5 . 5 Con v . (cfs ) 535 6 . 6 13 3 971. 0 111 8 7 .. 9 Le n g th Wt d . (ft ) 1129 . 64 Wet ted Per .. (ft) 160 . 4 6 734 , 00 335 . 12 Mi n Ch El {f t) 34 2 5 . 00 Shear (lb / sq f t ) 0 . 11 0 . 30 0 . 11 Alpha 1.13 St r eam Powe r (lb /ft s) 0 .20 1 . 08 0 . 20 Frct n Loss {f t) 5 . 04 Cum Vo lume (acre-ft ) 41.. 60 116 . 8 7 5 . 98 C & E Lo s s (ft ) 0 . 04 Cum SA (ac r es ) 31 . 52 65 . 61 5 . 98 Wa r ning : The conveyance ratio (ups tre am conveyan ce divi ded by downstream c onveyance) is le ss than 0. 7 or g r eater tha n 1 . 4 . This may i n dica t e t he n e e d f or addi tion a l cro s s s e cti ons .

Warn ing : The energy l o ss was greate r t h an 1. 0 f t ( 0 . 3 m) . b etween t he curr e n t a n d previou s er oss s e ction . This may i n dica t e t h e need for addi tion a l cro s s sec t i ons .

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Dit ch A REACH: 5 RS : 4 2 2 1 INPUT De s cri p t ion : Sta. 422 1 Stat i on El e vation Data num= 12 St a Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev St a El ev Sta El ev 100 34 2 3 34 1 3422 544 3421 640 3420 669 3420 7 53 3420 . 2 829 3420 83 7 342 0 1 030 3421 1320 3422 14 07 3423 1497 3 42 4 Manni ng ' s n Va lues num= 3 S ta n Va l St a n Val St a n Va l 100 . 033 544 . 033 1 407 .. 033 Ba n k Sta : Le f t Right Leng ths : Left Ch a nnel Ri ght Coeff Contr . Ex p an ..

5 44 1407 7 49 732 843 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profil e # PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft ) 3421 . 75 El ement Left OB Cha n n e l Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) 0.42 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 0 33 0 . 033 w.s . El ev {ft) 3421 . 33 Re ach Len . ( f t) 74 9 . 00 732 " 0 0 843 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 342 1. 33 F l ow Ar ea {s q ft ) 1 0 . 98 50 1 . 0 1 E . G . Sl ope {ft/ft ) 0 . 01 62 73 Area (sq f t) 10 . 98 501 . 01 Q Tot al (cfs ) 2625 . 00 Fl ow (c f s) 18 . 92 2 606 . 08 Top Width (ft ) 648 . 1 3 Top Wi dth (f t) 66 .. 76 581.37 Vel To t al (ft / s) 5 . 13 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) L 72 5 . 20 Max Ch l Dpt h (ft) 1 . 33 Hyd r . Depth {ft) 0 . 16 0 . 86 Pa g e 20 APP A-645

FloodPlain . rep Conv . Total (cfs) 20577 .. 6 Conv. (cfs) 148 . 3 20429 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 73 7.. 09 Wetted Per .. (ft) 66 .. 7 6 581.. 38 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 17 0 .. 88 Alpha 1.. 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 29 4 . 55 Frctn Loss (ft) 3 . 54 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 18 .. 36 41 . 55 1 86 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 10 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 01 3 7.09 1 33 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer.. The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E . G . Elev (ft) 3422 . 78 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft ) 0 . 62 Wt .. n -Val .. 0 .. 033 0 . 033 w.s. Elev (ft) 3422.16 Reach Len . (ft) 749 . 00 732 . 00 843 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3422 .. 16 Flow Area (sq ft) 136 . 87 1081.13 E .. G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 013513 Area (sq ft) 136 .. 87 1081. 13 Q Total (cfs) 7467 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 490 . 80 6976 . 20 Top Width (ft) 1031.. 21 Top Width (ft) 241..36 789 . 85 Vel Total (ft/s) 6 .. 13 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 3 . 59 6 . 45 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 16 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0. 57 1..37 Conv .. Total (cfs) 64234 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 4222.1 60 012 .8 Length Wtd. (ft) 737 .. 83 Wetted Per . (ft) 241.37 789 . 86 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0. 48 1..15 Alpha 1.06 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 1.. 72 7 .. 45 Frctn Loss (ft) 3. 77 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 37 .. 8 7 80 . 41 3 . 68 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 12 Cum SA (acres) 25 . 99 45 . 64 3 . 24 Page 21 APP A-646

Fl oodPl ain . rep Wa r n ing : The e nergy e qu a t i on coul d n o t be b a l a nce d wi thin the specified number of it erat i o ns .

The p r ogr am selected the wa t er s u rface that had the l east amount of e r ror be t ween comput ed and a ssumed values .

Warn i ng : The con veyanc e ra ti o (ups t ream con veyan ce divided by down stream conveyance} i s l es s than 0 . 7 o r great e r than 1 . 4 .. Thi s may indicate the need for addi tion a l cro s s secti on s .

Warning : The e n ergy l oss was g reate r than 1 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. b e t we en the current a n d previou s er oss section . This may indicat e th e need for add itional c r oss sect i on s .

Warning : Duri ng the stan da rd st e p ite ra t ions , when the as sumed water surface was set equa l t o crit i ca l depth , the c alculated wat er s urface came back b e l ow cri t ica l dep th . This i ndicates t h at t here is n ot a va lid subcritical answer . The program d e faulted to c ri tical d e p th .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER : Ditch A REACH : 5 RS : 3489 INPUT Descript i on: Sta .. 3489 Station Elevation Dat a num= 22 Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 286 3 420 -138 3418 . 5 -126 3418 - 104 3416 - 91 3415.5

- 76 3 41 6 -2 1 3417 100 34 17 258 34 16. 5 299 34 1 6 309 34 1 5 318 3 41 6 405 34 1 6 422 3416 539 3416 . 4 581 3 416.2 642 34 16. 4 744 34 1 6 830 3416 91 8 3418 1 068 3420 1159 3421 Manni n g ' s n Value s num~ 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l

- 28 6 "033 53 9 " 033 91 8 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Ri ght Lengths: Left Ch anne l Ri gh t Coe ff Contr . Expan .

539 91 8 464 500 45 7 . 1 .3 CROSS SECT ION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .. G . Elev (ft} 341 7 . 59 Element Left OB Chan nel Ri gh t OB Ve l Head {ft ) 0 . 08 Wt .. n - Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3417 . 51 Reach Len .. (f t ) 4 64 . 00 500 ' 00 45 7.. DO Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3 41 6 . 93 Flow Area {sq f t ) 698 . 0 4 437..59 E . G . S l ope {ft/ft) 0 . 002263 Area (sq f t } 698 . 04 437 .59 Q Tota l (cfs) 262 5 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 1552 . 31 1072 . 69 Top Width (ft) 1 016 . 9 4 Top Width (ft ) 659.59 3 57 .35 Vel Total (ft / s ) 2 . 31 Avg . Vel . {ft/s) 2 . 22 2 . 45 Max Ch l Dp t h (ft) 2 . 51 Hydr. De pth {ft ) 1. 06 1 . 22 Conv . To t a l (cfs) 5 5186 .5 Con v .. (c f s ) 32634 . 8 22551. 7 Page 22 APP A-647

F'loodPlain . rep Length Wtd . (ft) 481.39 Wetted Per .. (ft) 659 . 79 357 . 37 3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 15 0 ,, 17 Min Ch El (ft)

Alpha 1.. 01 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.33 o. 42 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 .. 38 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 12 .26 33.66 1. 86 C & E Loss (ft) 0.03 Cum SA (acres) 11.. 77 29 . 21 1..33 less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by .downstream c onveyance) is than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .G.. Elev (ft) 3418 . 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB 0.20 Wt. n-Val. 0 . 033 0 .03 3 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft)

W.. S . Elev (ft) 3418 . 39 Reach Len . (ft) 464 . 00 500 . 00 45 7 ' 00 3417 . 57 Flow Area (sq ft) 1287 . 92 768.15 5 . 83 Crit W.. S , (ft) 0 . 002662 Area (sq ft) 128 7 ' 92 768.15 5 .. 83 E .G. Slope (ft/ft)

Q Total (cfs) 7467 . 00 Flow (cfs) 4604 . 42 2858 . 00 4 . 59 1083 . 03 Top Width (ft) 674 ' 46 379 . 00 29 . 5 7 Top Width (ft)

Vel Total (ft/s) 3.62 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 3 . 58 3 . 72 0 " 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 39 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 1. 91 2 . 03 0 . 20 Conv . Total {cfs) 144720 . 1 Conv . (cfs) 89239 . 5 55391 . 6 88.9 Length Wtd . (ft) 480 . 96 Wetted Per . (ft) 674.70 379 . 02 29 . 57 Min Ch El (ft) 34 16 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.32 0 . 34 0 . 03 LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 1.13 1.25 0 .. 03 Alpha Frctn Loss {ft) 2 .. 33 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 25.62 64 .. 8 7 3 . 63 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 04 Cum SA (acres) 18.12 35 . 82 2 . 95 less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance ) is than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous oss section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 2989 Page 23 APP A-648

FloodPlain . rep INPUT



Sta . 2989 Station Elevation Data num= 14 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-31 3416 59 3414. 8 170 3414.8 196 3414 436 3413.8 613 3414 651 3414 700 3414 747 3414 761 3414 841 3415 . 01 920 3416 976 3418 1067 3420 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-31 "033 436 .033 841 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr .. Expan .

436 841 317 215 172 .. 3 ** 5 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3415 . 18 Eleme nt Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 41 Wt .. n-VaL 0 . 033 0 . 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3414 , 77 Reach Len . (ft) 317 ' 00 215 . 00 172 .. 00 Crit W .. S. (ft) 3414 . 77 Flow Area (sq ft) 218 . 56 291. 62 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018036 Area (sq ft) 218 . 56 291..62 Q Total (cfs) 2625 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1162.24 1462 . 76 Top Width (ft) 651..07 Top Width (ft) 265.04 386 . 03 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 .. 15 Avg . VeL {ft/s) 5 .. 32 5 . 02 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 " 97 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 82 0 " 76 Conv . Total (cfs) 19545 . 9 Conv (cfs) 8654 . 1 10891.. 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 256 . 34 Wetted Per . (ft ) 265 . 05 386 . 03 Min Ch El (ft) 3413 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 93 0 .. 85 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 .. 94 4.27 Frctn Loss {ft) 0 . 39 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 7 .. 38 29 .. 4 7 1.. 86 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 17 Cum SA (acres) 6 . 84 24 . 94 1.33 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations.

The program selected the water surface that had the least amount of error between comput ed and assumed values.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when th e assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep Page 24 APP A-649

FloodPlain . rep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof il e # PF 3 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3416 . 23 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 59 Wt . n - VaL 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3415.64 Reach Len . (ft) 317 ' 00 215 . 00 172 ' 00 Crit w.s ' (ft) 3415 .. 55 Flow Area (sq ft) 568 " 08 640 . 1 7 15 . 67 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 0 11 451 Area (sq ft) 568 . 08 640 .. 17 15 .. 67 Q Total (cfs) 74 67 . 00 Flow (cfs) 3246 . 66 4185 . 51 34 . 83 Top Width (ft) 894 .. 76 Top Width (ft) 439 . 75 405 . 00 50 .. 01 Vel To tal (ft/s) 6 . 10 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s ) 5 ** 72 6 .54 2 .. 22 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 .. 84 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 1.. 2 9 1 . 58 0 .. 3 1 Conv . To ta l (cfs) 69 77 9 . 2 Conv . (cfs ) 30340 .. 1 39113 . 6 325 . 5 Le ngth Wtd . (ft) 263 . 12 Wette d Per . (ft) 439 .. 77 405 .. 01 50 . 01 Min Ch El (ft) 3413 .. 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 92 1..13 0 . 22 Alpha 1. 03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 5 .. 28 7 " 39 0 . 50 Frc tn Loss (ft) 0 " 71 Cum Volume (a cre - ft ) 15 ' 73 56 .. 79 3 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 21 Cum SA (acres) 12 .. 18 31. 32 2 . 54 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 o r g r eater t han 1..4 .. Th is may indicate the need for additional cross secti o ns .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditc h A REACH: 5 RS: 2774 INPUT Description : Sta . 2774 Upstream of culverts Station Elevation Data num= 18 Sta Elev Sta Ele v Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta El ev

- 4 53 3416 - 437 3415 - 40 5 3414 - 289 3413.8 - 13 3413 .8 100 3413 .. 8 175 34 1 3 . 8 204 3 412 261 3412 298 3411. 2 402 341 0. 9 437 34 1 0 469 3409 491 3409 511 34 1 0 560 3412 641 3414 725 3416 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Va l Sta n Va l

-453 . 033 437 ., 033 511 " 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Length s: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

437 5 11 40 40 40 .3 "5 Ineffective Fl ow nurn= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F Page 25 APP A-650

FloodPlain . rep CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3414 .3 4 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve! Head (ft) 0 .0 7 Wt . n-Val .. 0.033 0 . 033 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3414 . 2 7 Reach Len . {ft) 40 . 00 40.00 40 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 34 12 .. 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 1000 .. 73 364.16 264 . 98 E G .. Slope (ft/ ft) 0 .. 000514 Area (sq ft) 1 000 . 73 364 . 16 264 . 98 (cfs) 2625 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1138 . 58 1075 .. 38 411.. 03 Q Tota l Top Width (ft) 1066 .. 16 Top Widt h (ft) 850 . 72 74 .. 00 141.. 44 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 .. 61 Avg . Vel . (ft / s) 1..14 2 . 95 1 . 55 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 5 .. 27 Hydr .. Depth {ft) 1..18 4 . 92 1.. 87 Conv . Total (cfs) 115 759 .. 9 Conv. {cfs) 502 1 0.4 47423 . 4 18 126 . 1 Le ngth Wtd .. (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 850 .. 80 74 .. 04 141..51 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 . 04 0 . 16 0 .. 06 Alpha 1.. 74 Stream Power (lb /ft S) 0 .. 04 0 . 47 0 .. 09 Frctn Loss (f t) Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 .. 95 27 . 86 1.3 4 c & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres) 2 .. 78 23.80 1. 05 Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth . The program wi ll try the cross s e ction slice/secant method to find critical depth ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le #PF 3 E . G. Elev (ft) 34 1 5 .31 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 .. 18 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s. Elev (ft) 34 15 . 13 Reach Len . (ft) 40.00 40 .. 00 40 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3413 .. 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 1742 .. 86 427 . 70 401. 91 E . G. Slope {ft/ft) 0 . 001181 Area (sq ft) 1742 .. 86 42 7 . 70 401 . 91 Q Total (cfs) 7467 . 00 Flow (c f s) 4264 .. 79 2130 . 35 1071.87 Top Width (ft) 1127..60 Top Width (ft) 876 .. 10 74 . 00 177 . 51 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 90 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s ) 2 .. 45 4 . 98 2 . 67 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 6 .. 13 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1 . 99 5 . 78 2.26 Conv. Total (cfs) 217 319 .. 5 Conv .. (cfs) 124122 . 4 62001.. 6 31195 .. 6 Length Wtd . {ft) 40 . 00 We tt ed Per. (ft) 876 .. 19 74 . 04 177 . 59 Page 26 APP A-651
noodPlain . rep Min Ch El (ft) 3409.00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 15 0 ' 43 0 . 17 Alpha 1. 3 7 Stream Power (l b/ft s) 0 . 36 2 "1 2 0 . 44 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft) 7 .. 32 54 . 1 6 2.69 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres ) 7 40 30 . 13 2 09 Warning : The cross secti on had to b e extended vert i cal l y d uring the critical depth cal c u l a tio ns .

Warning : The parabol ic s earch method failed to converge on critica l dep th . The program wi l l try the c r oss section slice/ s ecant method to f ind cri t ical depth ..

CULVERT RIVER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 2773 INPUT Description :

Distance from Up s t ream XS = 8 Deck/Roadway Width 24 Weir Coefficient 3 Upstream De ck/Roadway Coordi n ates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cor d 26 3413 .. 8 1 00 3413 .. 8 402 3412 . 7 500 3412 . 8 600 3413 . 9 700 3415 .. 7 Upstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station El evat ion Data num= 18 Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 453 3416 - 437 3415 -405 34 1 4 - 289 3 413 . 8 -1 3 34 1 3 . 8 100 3413 .. 8 175 3413.8 204 34 1 2 261 3412 298 34 11 .2 402 3410.9 437 34 1 0 469 3409 49 1 3409 511 3410 560 3412 641 3 414 725 34 1 6 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 St a n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

- 453 .. 033 437 . 033 5 11 " 033 Bank St a: Left Right Coef f Contr. Expan ..

437 511 .. 3 "5 Ineffective Fl ow num= 2 Sta L Sta R El e v Permane nt

-888 E 888 E Downs t ream Deck/Roa dway Co o rdinates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Co r d Lo Cord 26 34 13 . 8 1 00 3413 . 8 402 3412 . 7 50 0 3 412 . 8 600 3413 .. 9 700 3415 .. 7 Downstream Bridge Cross Sect i o n Data Station Elevation Data num= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a El ev

- 1721 3 416 -14 1 0 34 14 26 3413 .. 8 1 00 3412. 4 15 5 34 1 2 299 3411.4 349 341.0 387 3408 . 9 391. 4 3408 . 9 395 . 8 3408 . 9 400 . 2 3408.9 404.6 3408 . 9 409 3408 .. 9 434 34 1 0 487 34 12 568 3414 658 34 1 6 Mann ing's n Values num= 3 Page 27 APP A-652

FloodPlain . rep Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-1721 "033 349 , 033 434 , 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Coeff Contr .. Expan .

349 434 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F Upstream Embankment side slope 3 horiz . to 1 .. 0 vertical Downstream Embankment side slope 3 horiz . to 1 .. 0 vertical Maximum allowable submergence for weir flow .95 Elevation at which weir flow begins 3412 . 7 Energy head used in spillway design Spillway height used in design Weir crest shape Broad Crested Number of Culverts l Culvert Name Shape Rise Span Culvert #1 Pipe Arch 1 . 833 2 . 43 FHWA Chart # 34- 18 inch corner radius; Corrugated metal FHWA Scale # 1 - 90 Degree headwall Solution Criteria =Highest U. S . EG Culvert Upstrm Dist Len gth n Value Entrance Loss Coef Exit Loss Coef 1 39 . 024 .5 1 Number of Barrels = 6 Upstream Elevation ~ 3409 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta.

469 473 . 4 47 7 " 8 482 . 2 486 . 6 49 1 Downstream Elevation = 3408 . 9 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta.

387 391.4 395.8 400.2 404 " 6 409 CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 2734 INPUT



Sta . 2734 Downstream of culverts Station Elevation Data nurn= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-1721 3416 -14 10 3414 26 3413 "8 100 3412 . 4 155 3412 299 3411..4 349 3410 387 3408 .. 9 391. 4 3408.9 39 5.8 3408.9 400.2 3408.9 404 .6 3408.9 409 3408 .. 9 434 3410 487 3412 568 3414 658 3416 Manning's n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-1 721 . 033 349 . 033 434 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan ..

349 434 745 846 101 5 .3 "5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E .G .. Elev (ft) 3413 . 06 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Page 28 APP A-653

F loodPlain .. rep 0 . 35 Wt . n-Va l . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft)

Reach Len . (ft) 74 5 . 00 846 . 00 101 5.00 w.s . Elev (ft) 34 1 2 " 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 Crit w. s . (f t) 34 1 2 " 71 0 .. 003071 Area (s q f t) 2 7 5 , 89 288.99 100 .. 64 E . G . Slope (ft/ f t) 2 625 . 00 Flow (cfs) 706.59 1 629 .. 89 288 . 53 Q Tota l (cfs) 431..91 Top Widt h (ft ) 26 5 . 26 85 ., 00 81 . 65 Top Wi dth (ft)

(ft/s ) 3 . 94 Avg .. Vel . (ft/ s ) 2 .. 56 5 ' 64 2 "8 7 Ve l Tota l 3 "8 1 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.04 3 . 40 1..23 Max Ch l Dpth (ft )

47371..8 Conv ., (cfs) 1 2751.3 29413 . 6 52 0 6 . 9 Conv . Total {cfs) 841 ' 72 Wet t ed Pe r.. (ft) 2 65 .. 28 85 .. 04 8 1 . 70 Length Wtd .. (ft) 3 408 .. 90 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 . 20 0 . 65 0 . 24 Min Ch El (ft) 1.. 44 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 0 . 51 3 .67 0 .. 68 Al pha 2 . 45 Cum Volume (acre - ft ) 2 . 36 27.. 56 Ll 7 Frctn Loss (ft )

(ft) 0 . 12 Cum SA (acres) 2, 27 23 .. 73 0 . 95 C & E Lo s s ed numbe r of itera tions .

Warning: The energy equati o n could not be balanced within the specifi Th e the c a lcu l at progr am used cr i tica l dept h fo r the water surf ace and con tinue d on with ion s .

curr ent and previous e r Warning : The energy lo ss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the oss s e c t i on .. This may indi cate the need for addition al cross sections .

surf ace was set equ a l to Warning : Dur i n g the s tandard step i te r ations , when the ass umed water l dept h . Th is i c rit i c al depth, the ca l culat ed water surfa c e came b ack bel ow critica ndicates t h at t h ere is n ot a val i d subcri t ical answer.. The program defau l t ed to cri ti c al dep th .

depth . The prog ram wi ll Warni ng: The par a b o li c search method fai l ed t o converge on criti ca l try the c r oss section slice/sec ant method to find critical dept h ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro f il e #PF 3 3414 . 5 7 El ement Left OB Channe l Right OB E . G . El ev {ft) 0 .. 93 Wt , n-Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 .. 03 3 Ve l Head (ft) 3413 .. 64 Rea c h Len . (f t) 7 4 5 " 00 846 .. 00 1015 . 00

w. s ' Elev (ft )

3 41 3 .58 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 545 .. 49 368 .. 06 1 94 ' 11 Crit w .s ' (ft)

( f t/ft) 0 .. 006651 Ar ea (sq f t ) 545 .. 49 368 . 0 6 1 94 ' 11 E .. G , Sl ope 7467 " 00 F l ow (cfs) 2891. 92 3589 . 49 985 . 59 Q Total (cfs) 518 .. 75 Top Wi dth {ft ) 314 ' 42 85 . 00 119 ' 33 Top Width {ft )

Page 29 APP A-654

FloodPlain .. rep Vel Total (ft/s) 6 " 74 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 5 .. 30 9 .. 75 5 . 08 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4 " 74 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1 . 73 4 . 33 1. 63 Conv . Total (cfs) 91560 . 7 Conv .. (cfs) 35460 .. 9 44014. 4 12085 .. 4 Length Wtd . (ft} 836 . 58 Wetted Per .. (ft) 314 . 45 85 .. 04 119 . 38 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 .. 90 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 72 1 . 80 0 .. 68 Alpha 1.32 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 82 17 . 53 3 . 43 Frctn Loss (ft} 3 . 45 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 6 .2 7 53 .. 79 2 . 42 C & E Loss (ft} 0 .. 3 7 Cum SA (acres) 6 .. 85 30 . 06 1. 95 Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0 .. 5 ft (0 .. 15 m) This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sections .

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 1888 INPUT Des c ription: Sta . 1888 Station Elevation Data num= 10 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-775 3412 *-41 3410 81 3410 1 00 3410.2 110 3410 331 3408 532 3408 690 3408 1180 3410 1268 3412 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-775 . 033 100 " 033 1180 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ..

100 ll80 305 828 980 . 1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile if PF 2 E . G . Elev (ft) 3409 .. 72 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 10 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3409 .. 62 Reach Len .. (ft) 305 . 00 828 .. 00 980.00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3409 . 00 F'low Area (sq ft} 1042 .. 93 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 002763 Area (sq ft) 1042 .. 93 Q Total (cfs) 2659 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2659 . 00 Top Width (ft) 932 . 96 Top Width (ft) 932 . 96 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 55 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 2 " 55 Page 30 APP A-655

FloodPlain . rep Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1.61 Hydr . Depth {ft) 1 .. 12 Conv . Total (cfs) 50582.2 Conv . (cfsl 50582 . 2 Length Wtd . {ft) 828 . 00 Wetted Per. (ft) 932 . 97 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 19 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 49 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 70 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 14 ' 62 C & E Loss {ft) 0 . 04 Cum SA (acres) 13 . 85 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 1 or greater than 1 . 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Note: Hydraulic jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec tion .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 3 E .G . Elev (ft) 3410 . 76 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 20 Wt . n-Val . o. 033 0.033 0.033 ws. Elev (ft) 3410 . 56 Reach Len . (ft) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 . 00 Cr i t W. S . (ft) Flow Area (sq ft) 133 " 44 2029 . 17 6 . 82 E.G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 002811 Area (sq ft) 133.44 2029 . 17 6 .. 82 Q Total (cfs) 7552 . 00 Flow (cfs) 169 . 03 7376 . 04 6 . 94 Top Width (ft) 1449 . 78 Top Width (ft) 345 . 29 1080 .. 00 24 " 49 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 .. 48 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 1.27 3 . 63 1.02 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 56 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 39 1.. 88 0 " 28 Conv . Total (cfs) 142439 . 9 Conv . (cfs) 3188 . 0 139121 . 0 130 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 822.31 Wetted Per . {ft) 345 .. 29 1080 . 02 24 . 50 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 07 0 " 33 0 . 05 Alpha 1.07 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 09 1.20 o. 05 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 54 Cum Volume {acre-ft ) 0 .. 4 1 30 . 51 0 . 08 C & E Loss {ft) 0 . 05 Ctun SA (acres) 1. 21 18 " 75 o. 28 warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Page 31 APP A-656

Fl oodPlain . rep Warning: Th e energ y loss wa s great er than 1 . 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m) . betwe en t he curren t a n d p r evious er oss section . Thi s may i n dicate the n eed for additional c ro s s section s .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 1 060 INPUT Desc r i pt ion: St a .. 1060 Station Elevation Da ta num= 6 Sta El ev Sta El ev St a Elev Sta El ev St a El e v 100 3408 394 3406 879 3402 " 7 909 3402.7 1206 3405 1 5 23 3406 Manning ' s n Va l ues num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val 100 " 033 394 " 033 1523 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengt hs : Left Chan ne l Ri ght Coef f Contr .. Expan .

394 1523 60 60 60 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof ile #PF 2 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3404 " 98 Element Left OB Ch annel Ri g h t OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 49 Wt . n - Va l . 0 .. 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3404 . 49 Reach Len . (ft)

Cri t w. s . (ft) 3404 .. 49 Fl ow A:i: e a (sq ft) 495 . 53 E .. G .. Slop e (ft/ft) 0 . 01663 9 Area (sq ft) 49 5 " 53 Q Total (c fs) 2773 .. 0 0 Fl ow (cfs) 2 773 .. 00 Top Width (f t ) 523 .. 95 Top Widt h (ft) 523 . 95 Ve l To t al (ft/s) 5 .. 60 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 5 ' 60 Max Chl Dp t h {f t) L 79 Hyd r .. Depth (ft) 0 .. 95 Conv .. Tota l (cfs) 2 1 497 ' 7 Conv . (c f s) 21497 " 7 Length Wtd . (ft) We t ted Per . (f t ) 5 2 3 . 96 Mi n Ch El ( ft ) 3402 . 70 Sh ea r (l b/sq f t) 0 . 98 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Powe r (lb/ft s ) 5 . 50 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre - ft)

C & E Loss (f t) Cum SA (ac r es)

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof i l e #PF 3 E.G .. El ev (ft) 3 4 06 . 17 Elemen t Left OB Channe l Ri ght OB Vel Head {ft ) o. 68 Wt .. n - Val . 0 .. 033 W. S . El ev (ft) 3405 . 49 Reach Len . (ft)

Page 32 APP A-657

FloodPlain . rep Crit W.. S. (ft) 34 0 5.49 Flow Area (sq ft) 1181 . 30 E . G .. Slope {ft/ft) 0 . 014796 Area (sq ft) 11 81.. 30 Q Total (c f s) 7799 . 00 Flow (cfs ) 7 799 .. 00 Top Width (ft ) 892 .. 60 Top Widt h (ft) 892 . 60 Vel Tota l (ft /s) 6 . 60 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 6.60 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 2 ' 79 Hydr .. Depth (ft ) 1 . 32 Conv . Total (cfs) 64 11 6 . 4 Conv . (cf s ) 64116 .. 4 Length Wtd .. (ft) Wetted Per . (ft) 892 ' 62 Mi n Ch El (f t) 3402 . 70 Shear ( lb /sq f t ) 1 . 22 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 8 . 07 Fr ctn Loss (ft) Cum Vo l ume (acre- ft)

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)


OF MANNI NG ' S N VALUES River: Di tch A Reach River Sta . nl n2 n3 5 12674 .. 033 .03 3 , 03 3 5 11337 .. 033 ' 03 3 " 03 3 5 10937 .033 " 033 " 033 5 10288 " 033 " 033 .. 03 3 5 9690 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 9009 .. 033 .. 033 . 033 5 8 1 30 " 033 . 033 . 033 5 7717 " 033 . 033 .. 033 5 7253 . 033 " 033 .. 033 5 63 43 . 033 .. 033 .. 033 5 5363 .. 03 3 .. 0 3 3 "033 5 4221 .. 033 " 033 "033 5 3489 . 033 "033 . 033 5 2989 " 033 .033 .033 5 27 7 4 " 033 "033 . 033 5 2 773 . Culvert 5 2734 . 033 " 033 . 033 5 1 888 . 033 " 033 " 033 5 1 060 . 033 " 033 .. 0 33


OF REACH LENGTH S River : Di tch A Reach Ri ver Sta . Left Channe l Right Page 33 APP A-658

FloodPlain . rep 5 12674 1206 133 7 1433 5 11337 545 400 332 5 10937 729 649 445 5 10288 552 598 633 5 9690 639 681 658 5 9009 898 8 79 794 5 8130 399 413 456 5 7717 444 4 64 510 5 7253 756 910 980 5 6343 767 980 1 05 1 5 5363 1199 1142 713 5 4221 749 732 843 5 3489 464 500 457 5 2989 31 7 215 172 5 2774 40 40 40 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 745 846 1015 5 1888 305 828 980 5 1060 60 60 60


OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: Ditch A Reach River Sta . Contr . Expan .

5 126 74 .1 "3 5 11337 .1 .3 5 10937 "1 .3 5 10288 "1 .3 5 9690 .. 1 .3 5 9009 .1 "3 5 8130 .1 .3 5 7717 .1 .3 5 7253 .1 .. 3 5 6343 .. 1 .3 5 5363 .1 "3 5 4221 .1 .3 5 3489 "1 "3 5 2989 . 3 .5 5 2774 .3 .. 5 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 .3 .5 5 1888 .1 .3 5 1060 .1 3 Profile Ou tput Table - Standard Table 1 Reach River Sta Q Total Min Ch El w. s . Elev Crit w. s . E . G . Elev E . G. s lope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft ) (ft

/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 5 126 74 818 . 00 3477.00 3478 . 64 3478.18 3478 . 75 0 . 00 3030 2 . 70 317 . 98 340 .14 0. 45 5 12674 1833.00 3477.00 3479 . 26 3478 . 68 3479 . 45 0 . 00 3127 3.66 552 . 32 421.93 0 .. 49 Page 34 APP A-659

FloodPlain .. rep 5 1133 7 818 .. 00 3469.00 3470 .. 67 3470 . 66 34 71. 20 0 . 01 3821 5 .. 89 144 .. 35 143.25 0.96 5 11337 1833 .. 00 3469.0D 3471.45 3471..45 3472 . 25 D.. 01 1178 7 .. 43 2 68 .. 14 175 . 84 o. 94 5 10937 818 . 0D 3464.00 3466 . 11 3465 . 94 3466 . 48 0 .. 00 9957 4 . 88 167.. 94 152.46 0.81 5 10937 1833 . 0D 3464 .DD 3466. 73 3466 .. 71 3467 . 44 0 " 01 2731 6 . 81 275 .. 16 197 . 77 0 .. 96 5 10288 818 .. OD 3456.00 3457.15 3457..15 3457 . 41 0 . 02 0844 4.08 200 .. 26 402.08 1. D2 5 10288 1833 .. 00 3456.00 3457 .. 54 345 7.. 52 3457 . 92 0 .. 01 6736 4 . 94 370 .. 76 474 . 18 0 .. 99 5 969D 1032 .. 00 3450.00 3451.. 81 3451.. 40 3451. 94 0 . 00 4888 2 . 97 34 7..12 378.22 0.55 5 9690 2662 . 00 3450 .00 3452 .. 41 3452 .. 06 3452 .. 72 O . DO 6092 4 .. 45 606.86 474 . 74 0 . 66 5 9009 1032 . 00 3445.00 3446 . 77 3446 . 64 3447..04 0 .. 01 1604 4.19 246 . 48 30 7. 32 0.82 5 90D9 2662 .. 00 3445.00 3447 . 61 3447 . 94 0.00 8169 4 . 59 580 .. 42 4 85 . 14 D.. 74 5 8130 1032 .. 0D 3440.00 3441 . 91 3441.. 38 3442 . 01 0 .. 00 3348 2 .. 56 402 .. 94 413.44 0.46 5 8130 2662 . 00 3440.00 3442 . 51 3442 . 02 3442 . 76 0 . 00 4426 3 . 98 680 .. 41 499 . 2 4 0 . 57 5 7 71 7 1032 . 00 3437. 80 3438 . 91 3438 .. 91 3439 . 25 D .. Dl 8684 4 70 219 .. 43 328.51 1. Dl 5 7 717 2662 .. 00 3437.8D 3439 .. 69 3439 . 52 3440 .. D8 0 . 01 0227 5 . DO 532 . 79 463.57 D . 82 5 7253 12Dl .. 00 3435.00 3436 .. 66 3436 . 07 3436 .. 73 0 .. 00 18 00 2 .11 581 . 61 548.75 0.35 5 7253 5170 .. DD 3435.00 3437..8D 3437 . 02 3438 . 08 O.. OD 3027 4 . 32 1273 . 39 663 .. 98 0 .. 50 5 6343 2315 .. 00 3430.00 3430 .. 98 3430 .. 98 3431. 38 0 . 01 7106 5.08 455 . 52 568.22 1. DO 5 6343 6871.. OD 3430.0D 3431. 88 3431.. 88 3432 .. 58 0 . 01 2467 6 .. 75 1045 .. 07 836. 71 0 .. 95 5 5363 2315 . 00 3425.00 3426 .. 68 3426.03 3426 . 76 O . OD 1829 2 " 32 1D38 .5 5 934.95 0.36 5 5363 6871. 00 3425.00 3427 . 67 3426 .. 76 3427.86 0 .. DO 2084 3 .. 60 2113 .. 94 1229 . 57 0 .. 42 5 4221 2625 .. 00 3420.00 3421 .. 3 3 3421.. 33 3421.. 75 0 .. 01 6273 5 . 20 511.99 648.13 0.99 5 4221 7467 . 00 3420.00 3422 .. 16 3422.16 3422 . 78 0 .. 01 3513 6 . 45 1218 .. 00 1031.21 0 . 97 Page 35 APP A-660

EloodPlain . rep 5 3489 262 5 .. 00 3416.00 3417 . 51 3416.93 34 1 7..59 0 . 00 2263 2 . 45 1135 . 64 1016.94 0.39 5 3489 7467..00 34 1 6.0 0 3418 . 39 3417 . 5 7 3418 . 60 0 . 00 2 6 62 3 ' 72 2061. 90 1 083 . 03 0 . 46 5 2989 2625 . 00 3413 . 80 3414 " 77 3414 . 7 7 34 15 . 18 0 . 01 8036 5 . 02 51 0 . 19 651 . 0 7 1. 02 5 2989 7467 "00 3413.80 3415 . 64 3415 . 55 34 16 . 23 0 .01 1 45 1 6 . 54 1 2 23 . 92 8 94 . 7 6 0 .. 92 5 2774 2625 . 0 0 3409 . 00 3414 .. 27 3412 . 71 34 1 4 . 34 0 .. 00 0514 2 . 95 1 629 . 88 1066 .1 6 0.23 5 277 4 7467.. 00 3 4 09 . 00 34 1 5 . 13 3413 . 50 34 15 . 31 0 . 00 1181 4 " 98 2572 . 47 112 7 . 60 0 . 37 5 2 773 Culve rt 5 2 734 2625 . 00 3 408 . 90 34 1 2 . 71 3412 . 71 3413 . 06 0 . 00 3071 5 . 64 665 . 51 431.9 1 0.54 5 2 734 7467 . 00 3408.90 3413 . 64 3413 . 58 3414 . 57 0 . 00 665 1 9 " 75 1107 . 66 51 8 . 75 0 .. 83 5 1888 2659 . 00 3408.00 3409 . 62 3409 . 00 3409 . 72 0 .. 00 2763 2 . 55 1042 . 93 932. 96 0 . 42 5 1888 7552 . 00 3408 . 00 3 41 0 .. 56 34 1 0 . 76 0 . 00 2811 3 . 63 2169 . 43 1449 . 78 0 . 47 5 1060 2773 . 00 3402 . 70 3404..49 3404 . 49 340 4 . 98 0 . 01 6639 5 . 60 495 . 53 523 . 95 1. 01 5 10 60 77 99 . 00 340 2 .70 3405 . 49 3405 . 49 3406 . 17 0 . 01 4 796 6 .. 60 1 1 81.30 892 . 60 LO l Profil e Output Table - Repo r t Standard Table 1 Reach River Sta Q Total Min Ch El W. S . El ev Crit w. s . Max Chl Dpth E . G Elev E . G . Slope Ve l Chn l Sta W. S . Lf t Sta W. S . Rg t Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) {ft) {ft) {ft )

(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) {ft) (ft) (sq f t) {ft) 5 12674 818 . 00 34 7 7 . 00 3478 .. 64 3478 . 18 1 . 64 3 478 . 75 0.003030 2 .70 335 . 1 9 675 . 33 31 7 .98 340 . 14 0 .. 4 5 5 12674 1 833 . 00 3 4 77 . 00 3479 . 26 3478 . 68 2 . 26 3 479 . 45 0 . 003127 3 .. 66 292 .. 14 714 . 07 552 .. 32 421 . 93 0 ' 49 5 11337 818 . 00 3469 . 00 3470 . 67 3470 . 66 1. 67 3 Page 36 APP A-661

F'loodPlain . rep 471..20 0 . 013821 5.89 42 0 .. 54 563.79 144 . 35 143 . 25 0 . 96 5 11337 1833 .00 3469 . 00 3471.45 3471 . 45 2 " 45 3 472. 25 0.011178 7 . 43 403 . 86 579 . 69 268 . 14 175 . 84 0. 94 5 10937 81 8 .00 3464 . 00 3466 .. 11 3465 . 94 2 . 11 3 466.48 0 . 009957 4 " 88 460 . 77 613 . 23 167 . 94 152 . 46 0.81 5 10937 1833.00 3464.00 3466 . 73 3466 .. 71 2 " 73 3 467.44 0 ** 012 731 6 .. 81 438 . 12 635 . 88 275 . 16 197 . 77 0 '96 5 1028 8 818 .00 3456 . 00 3457 . 15 3457 .15 1..15 3 457 . 41 0 .. 020844 4. 08 380 . 58 782.65 200 . 26 402 . 08 1.02 5 10288 1833.00 3456 .. 00 3457 . 54 3457 .52 1 . 54 3 457 . 92 0 . 016736 4 . 94 342 . 63 816 . 81 370 . 76 474 . 18 0 . 99 5 9690 1032.00 3450 . 00 3451.81 3451 . 40 1 . 81 3 451..94 0 . 004888 2 . 97 405 . 24 783 . 45 347 . 12 378 . 22 0 .. 55 5 9690 2662.00 3450.00 3452 . 41 3452 . 06 2.41 3 452 ** 72 0 .. 006092 4 . 45 344 . 33 819 . 07 606 . 86 474.74 0 " 66 5 9009 1032.00 3445.00 3446 . 77 3446 . 64 1 . 77 3 447 . 04 0 . 011604 4"19 427 . 76 735.08 246 . 48 307.32 0.82 5 9009 2662.00 3445 . 00 3447 . 61 2 . 61 3 447 . 94 0.008169 4 . 59 357 . 39 842 . 54 580 . 42 485 . 14 0 . 74 5 8130 1 032 .00 3440.00 3441 . 91 3441.38 1.91 3 442 . 01 0 .. 003348 2 " 56 429 . 84 843 . 28 402 . 94 413 .. 44 0 " 46 5 8130 2662.00 3440 . 00 3442 . 51 3442 . 02 2 .. 51 3 442 .. 76 0 . 004426 3" 98 389 . 33 888 . 57 680 . 41 499 . 24 0 . 57 5 7 717 1032.00 3437 . 80 3438 . 91 3438 . 91 1.11 3 439 . 25 0 . 018684 4 " 70 314 . 92 643 . 43 219 . 43 328 .. 51 1.. 01 5 7 71 7 2662.00 3437 .. 80 3439 . 69 3439.52 1.89 3 440 . 08 0 . 010227 5 .. 00 255 . 92 719.49 532 . 79 463 . 57 0 " 82 5 7253 1201.00 3435.00 3436 . 66 3436 . 07 1.. 66 3 436 .. 73 0.001800 2 ' 11 389 . 96 938 . 71 581 . 61 548.75 0 .. 35 Page 37 APP A-662

FloodPlain .. rep 5 7253 5170.00 3435 .. 00 3437 . 80 3437 . 02 2 . 80 3 438.08 0 . 003027 4 . 32 331 . 21 995 . 19 1 273 . 39 663 .. 98 0 .. 50 5 63 43 2315.00 3430 . 00 3430 . 98 3430 .. 98 0 . 98 3 431.38 0 .. 017106 5 .. OB 735 . 44 1303 . 66 455 . 52 568 . 22 LOO 5 6343 6871.00 3430 .. 00 3431 . 88 3431 . 88 1. 88 3 432 . 58 0 . 012467 6 . 75 671 . 15 1507.86 1045 . 07 836 . 71 o. 95 5 5363 2315.00 3425 . 00 3426 .. 68 3426 . 03 1 . 68 3 42 6. 76 0 . 001829 2 32 676 .. 94 1611 . 89 1038 .. 55 934 . 95 0 .. 36 5 5363 6871.00 3425 . 00 3427 . 67 3426.76 2 . 67 3 427 . 86 0 . 00208 4 3.60 581 .. 55 1811 . 11 2113 . 94 1229 . 57 0 . 42 5 4221 2625.00 3420 . 00 3421 . 33 3421 . 33 1.. 33 3 421.. 7 5 0 . 01 6273 5 . 20 477 . 24 1125 .. 37 511.99 648 . 13 0 . 99 5 4221 7467.00 3420 . 00 3422 . 16 3422.16 2 . 16 3 422 . 78 0 . 013513 6 . 45 302 .. 64 1333 . 85 1218 . 00 1031 . 21 0 .. 97 5 3489 2625.00 3416 .. 00 3417 . 51 3416 . 93 2 .. 51 3 417 . 59 0 . 002263 2 . 45 -120 . 59 896 . 35 1135 64 1016 . 94 0 . 39 5 3489 7467.00 3416 . 00 3418 . 39 3417 . 57 3 . 39 3 418 . 60 0.002662 3 . 72 -135 . 46 947 . 57 2061 . 90 1083 . 03 0 . 46 5 2989 2625.00 3413 . 80 3414 . 77 3414 .. 77 0 . 97 3 415 . 18 0 . 018036 5 . 02 170.96 822 . 03 510 . 19 651 . 07 1 .. 02 5 2989 7467 . 00 3413 . 80 3415 . 64 3415 . 55 1.. 84 3 41 6 . 23 0 . 011451 6 . 54 -3 . 75 891 . 01 1223 . 92 894 .. 76 0 . 92 5 2774 2625.00 3409 .. 00 3414 . 27 3412 . 71 5 . 27 3 414 . 34 0 .. 000514 2 . 95 -413 . 72 652 . 44 1629 . 88 1066 . 16 0 . 23 5 2774 7467.00 3409 . 00 3415 . 13 3413 . 50 6 . 13 3 415 . 31 0 . 001181 4 . 98 -439 . 10 688 . 51 2572 . 47 1127 .. 60 0.37 5 2773 Culvert Page 38 APP A-663

FloodPlain .. rep 5 2734 2625.00 3408 .. 90 3412 " 71 3412' 71 3 81 3 413 . 06 0 . 003071 5 . 64 83 . 74 515 . 65 665 . 51 431 . 91 0 .. 54 5 2734 7467.00 3408.90 3413 ' 64 3413 . 58 4 '7 4 3 414 " 5 7 0 . 00665 1 9 .. 75 34 . 58 553 . 33 1107 . 66 518 . 75 0 . 83 5 1888 2659.00 3408.00 3409 . 62 3409 . 00 1.. 61 3 409.72 0 .002763 2 . 55 152 . 60 1085 .55 1042 . 93 932 .. 96 0 . 42 5 1888 7552.00 3408 . 00 3410 .. 56 2 . 56 3 410' 76 0 . 002811 3 " 63 -245 . 29 1204 . 49 2169 . 43 1449 .. 78 0 . 47 5 1060 2773.00 3402 . 70 3404.49 3404 . 49 1.. 79 3 404 . 98 0 . 016639 5 . 60 616 . 07 114 0 . 02 495 .. 53 523 .. 95 1.. 0 1 5 1060 7799.00 3402 . 70 3405 .. 49 3405 . 49 2 " 79 3 406 . 17 0 . 014796 6 . 60 468 . 88 1361 . 48 1181 .. 30 892.60 1..01 Page 39 APP A-664

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 12674

.033 ........................,. ,..................... .033 **********************

" ************************ .033 ******************************'

3482 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3481 3480 g

c 0



UJ 3479 3478 3477-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 11337

" "' ********* . 033************** ~**

                                                                                                          • .033****************************************************** **************** . 033****************** "

3478 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3476 3474 g

c 0



UJ 3472 3470 3468-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 10937

.033 ***********************************+* *" .033 ****************** "~ ******************** .033 **********************

3472 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3470 g

c 0




UJ 3466 3464-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 10288

.033 ............... ,~., ......................................................... .033 ********************************************************'

" *************** "'********.033 3464

... Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3462 g

c 0




UJ 3458 ------------------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------------------------


0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 9690 3458 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3456 g

c 0






3452 3450-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 9009

" ***********--- .033 ----------- --:<~ ,,, _____________________ ---------------------- .033 ----------- ---------------------- --------**'"-------- ----- .033 ------ -------'"

3452 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3451 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3450 3449 g

c 0


UJ 3448 -----------------------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------

3447 3446 3445-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 8130

'"********************************** .033 .033 ****************'

3448 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3446 g

c 0






3442 3440-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)

APP A-671

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta 7717

...... *~, **************************************************** . 033************************************************ "*' ****

3442 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 g --------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------------

c 0



UJ 3439 3438 3437-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 7253

.033 .................. ,,.,, _____ ------------------------ .033 ----------- ___________________.,.,_, _____ ----------------------- .033 ------

3442 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3441 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3440 3439 g

c 0


UJ 3438 3437 3436 3435-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 6343

.033 ***********--------------------+*c**- ---------------------- ---------- .033 ----------------- --------------------'"-'*--------- .033 3434 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3433

A-----------------------------------------------------------A g

c 0





UJ 3431 3430-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~---r-~~~~~~~~-----,--~---r-~----,~-----~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 5363 3432 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3431 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3430 3429 g

c 0


UJ 3428 3427 3426 3425-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~----r----r-----<.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 4221

.033 .033 . *k.033*1 3424 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3423


g ----------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c 0




UJ 3421 3420-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 3489

----------- .033 .033 -------------------'"-'**--------

3421 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground 3420 Bank Sta 3419 g

c 0




UJ 3417 3416 3415-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 2989

"'******************************.033 ................................,~ ,. ......................... .033 .........................,~ , ........... .033 3420 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 3419 ---------*---------

Ground Bank Sta 3418 3417 g

c 0


UJ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------

3416 3415 3414 3413-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta. 277 4 Upstream of culverts

" ***************-----------------------------------------------.033 ~+: . 033:f* -------- .033 3416




ws PF 3

*-------------------------------- EG PF 2

&------------------------------- WS PF2 3415 ---------*---------

Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--4,<I----,-~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow : pmp NOD AMII

" --------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ .033 ~+: . 033:f* -------- .033 3416




ws PF 3

*----------------------------- - EG PF 2

&---------------------------- - WS PF2 3415 ---------*---------

Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---Ml'lli---,~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII

" --- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- .033 ----------- ---------------------- ---------------------- -----------"

" .033 *i 3416 0' 3

3 ---------+---------



ws PF 3 EG PF 2 3415 WS PF2 Ground lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)

APP A-681

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta. 2734 Downstream of culverts

.033 ************************************************************************ "

" .033 *i 3416 0' 3

3 ---------+---------



ws PF 3 EG PF 2 3415 WS PF2 Ground


lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 1888 3412 c .. Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 3411 g

c 0




UJ 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---,-~,.-.---,-~..,.....---,-~-----,-~~~~~~~~~~~

-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: pmp NOD AMII Sta . 1060

.033 .033 .................. ---------------------- ---------------------- ------'"

3408 c __ Ce9ei1Ci




ws PF 3 EG PF 2 WS PF2 Ground 3407 Bank Sta


3406 g

c 0




UJ 3404 3403 3402-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)



HMS ~ summary o~ Resuits Project wcs Run Name 100YrAMIII3/24/06NOD Start of Run OlDecOO 0000 Basin Model 100YrAMIII3/24/06NOD End of Run 02Dec00 0000 Met. Model MetlOO Year Execution Time 24Mar06 1557 Control Specs Control 1 Hydro logic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi)

Subbasin-4 790.29 01 Dec 00 1231 122.31 0.490 Reach-2 790.29 01 Dec 00 1246 121.87 0.490 Subbasin-2 1107.9 01 Dec 00 1259 244.80 1.063 playa o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1.063 Reach-1 0.0 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1. 063 Subbasin-lA 644.57 01 Dec 00 1319 178.03 0.691 Reach-lA 644.57 01 Dec 00 1336 177 .29 0.691 Subbasin-lB 455.38 01 Dec 00 1236 76.429 0.314 Junction-lA 816.66 01 Dec 00 1319 253. 72 1.005 Reach-lB 816.66 01 Dec 00 1322 253.54 1.005 Subbasin-3 230.56 01 Dec 00 1236 38.879 0.156 Junction-1 965.95 01 Dec 00 1253 292.42 2.224 Reach-3 965.95 01 Dec 00 1310 291.19 2.224 Subbasin-5A 296.92 01 Dec 00 1230 44.613 0.192 Junction-2 1873.4 01 Dec 00 1250 457.68 2.906 Reach-4 1873.4 01 Dec 00 1311 455.29 2.905 Subbasin-5B 321.55 01 Dec 00 1246 61.273 0.265 Junction-3 2127.6 01 Dec 00 1309 516.55 3.171 Reach-5 2127.6 01 Dec 00 1323 514.73 3.171 Subbasin-5 135.18 OJ. Dec 00 1222 17.239 0.074 Junction-4 2154.5 01 Dec 00 1323 531.95 3.245 Reach-6 2154.5 OJ. Dec 00 1323 531.95 3.245 Subbasin-7 112. 07 01 Dec 00 1257 24.553 0.104 Junction-5 2247.7 01 Dec 00 1323 556.52 3.349 APP A-686

HEC-HMS Project: WCS Basin Model:

APP A-687

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: Met100Year Subbasin List I


I100 Year, 24 Hour Storm ] LJ Precipitation Evapotr anspir at1on Method : [ SCS Hypothetical Storm Storm Selection: IType II 1.E] 1 Storm Depth (in) : 16.0 J OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 100.Doc APPA-688

!!j HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number 181liJIEi

~ort Help Basin Model ID: 10CIYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number ,Initial Abstraction in Im erviousness %

Subbasin*1A 91 0.0 Subbasin-2 86 0.0 Subbasin-3 89 0.0 Subbasin-4 89 0.0 Subbasin-58 86 0.0 Subbasin-6 86 0.0 Subbasin-1 B 88 0.0 Subbasin*5A 86 0.0


Subbasin-7 87 0.0 OK Apply Cancel

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH ROOD Basin Model ID: 1OOYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Time Units : IMinutes IEJJ Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin-1 A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin-1 B 44 Subbasin*5A 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 100.Doc APPA-689

!!! HMS z Basin Model z Lag Routing RlliI a Help Basin Model ID: 1 OUYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Interval : Minutes I ,..

Reach Name min Reach-1 Reach-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reach-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel

!!.!! HMS z Basin Model z Reservoir Editor lfl!i~ 1£1

.E_dit file J:ielp Reservoir Name: l pla_ya _ _ _ IEIJ


Method: IElevation-Storage-Outflow IE ] I Initial ( Elevation (ft) IS 13478 ~~

Storage Elevation (ft) Outflow (cfs)

(acre-feet) 3478.0 0.0 3480.0 24.0 3482.0 61.0 3484.0 170.0 3486.0 457.0 3487.0 693.0 3488.0 928.0 2427.0 OK Apply Cancel WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 100.Doc APPA-690


~ S ubbasin-1 A RlliJ EJ

r :::::::::::

01 Dec2000 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 an) : : : : : : : : : :

a . 1s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~

f 600 3

0 200 o-l-..............................-....i;::=::::;:::::;:::::;:_,.......,,.......,___,,.......,,.......,__,,.__,,.__,,......,..::;.::::;:::::;:::i...

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- IB-:11:11** laY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI I DD "

  • AMI I 1511 :z11.1 DllNr::JCI
Z"'M:111 Dll , 111. 512 Print Close

~ S ubbasin-1 A SlliJ EJ

r :::::::::::

01 Dec2000 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 an) : : : : : : : : : :

a . 1s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~

f 600 3

0 200 o-l-..............................-....i;::=::::;:::::;:::::;:_,.......,,.......,___,,.......,,.......,__,,.__,,.__,,......,..::;.::::;:::::;:::i...

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1Dn -- IB-:11:11** IDY. I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

Z"'M:111 Dll. 111. 512 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

1 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APP A-691


~Subbasin-lB S~IEJ 01 Dec2000 400 300



100 oL... . . . . .--.-__.,. . . . .,..,....,.c:::;:::::::;::::::::...,_____.,.:=:::::;:::::;::;:::::::;::::::;:::==~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 P1*c1t111I 11l 1an I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zil.I DllN:ID La11:11 I DD"l'1 .1."11 I 1511 :Z"'I DllN:JD IMS :Z&M111 Dll, 111, :11111 Print Close

~Junction- lA IS~ ll3 300 700 600 500



3 0

400 300 200 01 Dec2000

.lune I 1an- IA HEC '1-ubt1:11111 n - llB-I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zil.I DllN:JD I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zil.I DllN:ID IMS R*:111:h - 'A :Z"'M::.1 Dll, 111, 9;,

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-692


~ R each-18 lliiiiiliil ll3 800 700 600 500



300 200 100 o-l-.....................-.-......~~:;::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC Re ZIC:h* 1 I I DD"l'1 AMI I 191 2 .. 1 Dllr<<:ICI I DD"l'1 .I.Ml I I Sii 2 .. 1 Dllr<<:ICI IMS June: I I on-1A :Z .. '-'111 Dll , I II , .. I Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 Sliil 113 01 Dec2000

! 1 : : : : : : : : : ::t : :::: ::::: : f

... 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

° 0 1:



250-.----.----,~.,...---.-----.-----,.----~-.--~~..--.----.-~~.,...---.-----.----,~~-.--~----,.----~--.----r 200 150



~ 100 50 o _J._,.........._,........,.....~~.-;:::=::;:::::;:::::::.....,_....,.......,....-...::;::;::::;:::::;:::::::;:::::;::::::;::::::;:::i 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 LD11:11 P1*~1p1I :11l 1an I DD " * .l."11 I I 5111 261 Dllr<<:ICI I DD "l' 1 .I.Ml I 1511 2 .. 1 Dllr<<:ICI IMS °S-Ybb:ll:ll In - 9 :Z.,M111 Dll. 111 .,SI Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-693


~ Subbasin-2 SlliJ D 01 Dec2000 t:T :T :T :T :T: "i~ : T: T: T:T :T :T




~ 500 o~~~~_;_~~::;::::~~~~:::::::~~~:::;::{

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 LDJIJI P1*~*t11I :11l 1an -- IB-a11** la .... I DD"l'1 AMI I 15111 :Zll.I DllNr::JD I DD"'1 AMI I 1511 :Zi&.I DllNr::JD IMS :Z&M.111 Dll . 111. &6 Print Close

~ playa lfiiilOO IEJ 1000



3 500 0

o ~~....;_~~~~:=::;::::::..~~....;_~:::::::=:;:::;::::;::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD I DD"l'I AMI I 1511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD IMS :Z&Ma1 DI. *I. &II Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Techn ica l NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Pla in\

4 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-694


~Reach-1 SlliJD 6 I I I I I I I I I I I 4


~ o 3




-6 I I I I I I I I I I I 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec 2000 HEC fl.I! 21c:r.- 1 I DD "l' 1 AMI I 15111 :Zll.I DllNr::JD I DD"'1 AMI I I 511 :Zi&.I DllNr::JD IMS p I ZIYZI Print Close

~Junction-1 lfiiilOO IEJ 300 600 3


400 200 o -l--...--...--...-.........-...-;;,

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 R*:1111:h e HEC I DD "l' 1 AMI I I 511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD

  • I R*ach - 1 I DD "l'I AMI I I 511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD IMS 'S-u1111aa 1 n - I :Z&Ma 1 DI . *I . &a Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technica l NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Fl ood Plain\

5 31 March 2006 006033 1_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-695


~ Reach-3 lliiiiiliil ll3 800 600 3

£ 400 200 o -l-......-..-....-...-.-!!;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC Re ZIC:h* 3 I DD"l'1 AMI I I Sii 2 .. 1 Dllr<<:ICI I DD"l'1 .I.Ml I I Sii 2 .. 1 Dllr<<:ICI IMS June: I I on-1 :Z .. '-'111 Dll, 111, .. SI Print Close

~ Subbasin-4 llii!IOO IEJ 01 Dec2000 600

~400 3

0 200 oL..,........;.__....;_.__~..i:;::::;:::::::::::~--...;_.::::::;::::::::;::::;:::;:::::i:::==~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC Laa a I

I DD"l'1 .I.Ml I 1511 211.1 Dllr<<:ICI DD"l'I .I.Ml I 1511 211.1 Dllr<<:ICI IMS 'S-ullllaa 1 n - & :Z&Ma1 DI. *I. ~D Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-696


~ Reach-2 11!!1~ IEJ 700 600


§, 400 3


300 200 100 o-l-.....-..-...--.........-
;~~~=;:_~--r-~-,--~.....-~.----:~;=:::::;:::::::;:=1-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC RI! ZllCh * :Z I DD"l'1 .1."11 I I Sii :Z .. I DllNr::JCI I DDY1 AMI I I Sii 2"'1 DllNr::JCI IMS Sub ba,: In-* :Z&Ma1 Dll. 111, ~I Print Close

~ Subbasin-5A SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 3


100 o ~...........---.-...,.....,........,.........,...i

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 aa ....

HEC ra1:111 P1*c11:11I al 1an I AMI I 1511 2"'1 DllNr::JCI LDJIJI I DD'l1 AMI I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI IMS 'S-ubbaa 1 n - !IA 2"'"1:111 Dll 111. !12 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-697


~Junction-2 !I~ a 1500

1000 3

0 500 oL~~~~~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I ian-2 'S-ubb:11:11 n -!I.I. I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 15111 2i&.I Dll~D R*:mch-2 I DD"l'1 .I.Ml I I Sii 2"-1 Dll~D R*:1ch*I 2 .. M:i11 DI . 11 . !ISI Print Close

~ Reach-4 lf!!!i~ ll:J 1500

§, 1000 3

0 500 o ..l-......-.....-...-..-..-~~~=....~~~~~......-.....---~~~~-l 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1DOD 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC Fl.~ ZICh* ... I DD'll1 .I.Ml I I Sii 2"'1 I DD'tl1 .I.Ml I I Sii 2"'1 Dll~D Dll~D IMS Junc11on-2 2"'M:11 Dll 111. !I"'

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

8 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-698


~ Subbasin-58 lfii!llliJ EI 01 Dec2000

! ° l : : : : : : : : : ::t : : : : : : : : : : :

... 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0 1: f c..


~ 200


3 0

100 o .........;.--.-~__,~~:::;::=::;::::~--~.,........;:::::;::::;:::::::::=;:=:;::::;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNQCI LDJIJI I DD"* AMI I 1511 :z11.1 DllNQCI

'S-ubbaa 1 n - !llB- 2"'M:111 Dll , 111. !Ir Print Close

~Junction-3 lfii!lliiJ EI 2000

~ 1500




~ 1000 500 o.]..._~~~~~---=i:;::::;:::::;;;~~~~~~~~~~,;;;;;;;;:::::i 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-SI I DD"'1 AMI I 1511 2"'1 DllNQCI

'S-ubbaa 1 n - !llB- I DDY1 AMI I I Sii 2"'1 DllNQCI

~*ach _ .. 2"'Ma1 Dll

  • 11. !la Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

9 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-699


~ Reach-5 lfii!llliJ EJ 2000

~ 1500




~ 1000 500 o ...-~...--;.......,.....;~~~~~~~_;__~_;_~~,-----;~__;__:::::;::=1-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-5 I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI I DD"* AMI I 1511 :z11.1 DllNr::JCI June I I on*:J :Z"'M:111 Dll, 111. !li1 Print Close

~ Subbasin-6 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

! °] : : : : : : : : : ::I :

... 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0 i : i : i : i : i : f



100 3

~ 50 O ..]_~__;__;_....;_...;_~~==~...;_~.;..:::::::;:::;:::::;::::::;:=:~~~=[_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

'S-ubb:11:11 1 n - II :Z"'M:111 Dll 111. !151 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-700


~Junction-4 s~ IEJ 2000

~ 1500

-l<l 3

'£_ 1000 500 o -l-..,.......,.......,.......,.....-.-.._.r;
::::::;::::;::;~....,~~~-------------------i-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 I DD"l'I .I.Ml I I Sii :Z61 DllN:JD

'S-ubb:11:. 1 n - II I DEP'1 AMI I I Sii :Zi&.I DllN:JD F!* -!II :Z .. MJ11 Dll Ir. DD Print Close

~ Reach-6  !!I~ EJ 2000

~ 1500 3

'£_ 1000 500 o -l-..,.......,.......,.......,.....-.--=~=
:=:::::::::,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC RI! ach
  • 6 I DD'l'1 .I.Ml I 191 261 DllN:JD I DD'l'1 .I.Ml I I Sii :Zi&.I DllN:JD IMS Juncllon** :Z .. "hll Dll , I r. DI Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APP A-701


~ Subbasin-7 fiil[il EJ 01 Dec2000 t:T :T :T :T :T: "i=t:T: T: T:T :T :T


CL 100 o~~_;_~~...;_~::::::;:::::..~~_;_~::::~~::::;:::::;:::(.

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 IB-aa* 1 I a ...

HEC I DD"ll1 .I.Ml I I Sii 211.1 DllNr::JD ra1a1 P1*c1t111I al 1an LD!ll:ll I DD'll1 .I.Ml I I Sii 211.1 DllNr::JD IMS 2""Ma1 Dll . I , . a:z Print Close

~Junction-5 lli!!l[il EJ 2000

~ 1500




~ 1000 500 o -l-..,......,......,......,....-.-...-"'i"'==;::;::;;..,....,..~--.-=~~:::;::::o--..-_._._._._...j_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0300 1000 1200 1400 1600 1300 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-~ I DD'l1 .I.Ml I I Sii :ZILi DllNr::JD

'S-ubbaa1n- r I DD'l1 .I.Ml I I Sii :ZILi DllNr::JD R*ach -11 2""M:111 Dll. Ir. D:Z Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0100NODAMlll.Doc APPA-702


HEC.RAS Plan: AMiil 100 River. Dnch A Reach : 5 645.00 3469.00 3470.SS 3470.50 1.53 3470.97 0 .013657 5.36 423 .67 580.80 123.92 137.13 0.93 645,00 3469.00 3470.SS 3470.50 1.53 3470,97 0.013657 6.36 423.67 560.80 123.92 137.13 0.93 845.00 3469.00 3470.53 3470.50 1.53 3470,97 0.013657 5.36 423.67 560.80 123.92 137.13 0.93 645.00 3469.00 3470.53 3470.50 1.53 3470,97 0.013657 5.36 423.67 560.60 123,92 137.13 0.93 645.00 3464.00 3465.93 3465.75 1.93 3466.26 0.010093 4.57 467.44 606.74 141 .28 139,30 0.80 646.00 3464.00 3465.93 3465.76 1.93 3466.26 0.010093 4.57 467.44 606.74 141.28 139.30 0.80 645.00 3464.00 3465.93 3465.75 1.93 3466.26 0.010093 4.57 467.44 606.74 141 .28 139.30 0.60 645 ,00 3464.00 1.93 3466.26 0.010093 4.57 467.44 606.74 141 .28 139.30 0.80 645.00 3456.00 1.07 3457.30 0.019640 M7 369.03 738.96 166.72 349.93 0.99 645.00 3456.00 1.07 3457.30 0.019640 389.03 738.96 166.72 349.93 0.99 645.00 3456.00 1.07 3457.30 0.019640 3,87 389.03 738.96 166.72 349.93 0,99 646.0D 3456.00 1.07 3457.30 0.01 9640 3.87 389.03 738.96 166.72 349.93 0 ,99 617.00 3450.00 1.66 3451.78 2.78 423.62 n1.66 293.93 348.04 0.53 617.00 3450.00 3451 .66 3451 .26 1.66 3451.78 2.78 423 .62 n1 .66 293.93 0.53 617.00 3450.00 3451 .66 3451.28 1.66 3451.78 o.o04n4 2.78 423.62 771 .66 293,93 348.04 0.53 817.00 3450.00 3451 .66 3451 .28 1.66 3451.76 0.004774 2.78 423 ,62 771.66 293.93 348.04 0.53 817.00 3445.00 3446.62 3446.50 1.62 3446.87 0.012038 4.03 440.24 716.03 202.02 275.79 0.83 817.00 3445.00 3446.62 3446.50 1.62 3446.87 0.01 2038 4.03 440.24 716.03 202.92 275.79 0.63 617.00 3445.00 3446.62 3448.50 1.62 3446.87 0.012038 4,03 440 .24 716.03 202.92 275.79 0.83 817.00 3445,00 3446.62 3446.50 1.62 3446,87 0.012038 4.03 440.24 716.03 202.02 275.79 0.83 817.00 3440,00 3441.75 3441.25 1.75 3441 .64 0 ,003262 2 .40 448 .26 826.47 340,75 380.21 0.45 817.00 3440.00 3441.75 3441.25 1.75 3441 .84 0.003282 2.40 446 .26 828.47 340.75 380.21 0 ,45 817,00 3440.00 3441.75 3441,25 1,75 3441 .84 0.003262 2.40 446 .28 828.47 340.75 380.21 0.45 617.00 3440.00 3441 .75 3441.25 1.75 3441 .84 0.003;!82 2.40 448.26 826.47 340.75 380.21 0,45 817.00 3437.80 3438.79 3438.79 0.99 323.80 626.42 182.90 302.82 1.01 817.00 3437.60 3438.79 3438.79 0.99 323.60 626.42 182.90 302.62 1.01 817.00 3437.60 3438.79 3438.79 0.99 32MO 626.42 182.90 302.82 1.01 617,00 3437.80 3438.79 3438,79 0,99 323.80 826.42 182.90 302.82 1.01 966.00 3435.00 3436.53 3435.99 I.SS 396.63 032.31 511.451 535.68 0.33 906.00 3435.00 3436.53 3435.99 1.53 3436.59 0.001746 1.92 396.63 932.31 51 1.45 535.68 0.33 966.00 3435.00 3436.53 3435.99 1.53 3436.59 0.001746 1.92 396.63 932.31 611.45 535.68 0.33 966.00 3435.00 3436.53 3435.99 1.53 3438.59 0.001746 1.92 396.63 932.31 511.45 535.68 0.33 1873.00 3430.00 3430.86 3430.86 0.66 3431 .22 0.018047 4.82 751..77 1299.87 388.25 545.10 1.01 1673.00 3430.00 3430.66 3430.66 0.66 3431 .22 0 .018047 4,82 751..77 1299.67 388.25 545.10 1.01 1673.00 3430.00 3430.86 3430.66 0.86 3431 .22 0 .018047 4.82 751..77 1299.87 386.25 545.10 1.01 1873.00 3430.00 3430.86 3430.86 0.88 3431 .22 0.018047 4 .82 751. .77 1299,67 368.25 545.10 1.01 1873,00 3425.00 3426.53 3425,93 1.53 3428.80 0.001798 2.13 690,84 1582.66 906.30 892.02 0.35 1673.00 3425.00 3426.53 3425,93 1.53 3426.60 0.001798 2 .13 690.84 1582.86 906.30 692.02 0,35 1673.00 3425.00 3426.53 3425.93 1.53 3426.SO 0,001798 2.13 690.84 1582.88 906.30 892.02 0.35 1873.00 3425.00 3426.53 3425.93 1.53 3426.SO 0.001798 2.13 690.64 1582.88 906.30 892.02 0.35 2128.00 3420.00 3421.19 3421.19 1.19 3421 .58 0.017043 5.00 504 .75 1086,07 428.69 581.33 0.99 2128,00 3420.00 3421.19 3421 .19 1.19 3421 .58 Q.017043 5.00 504.75 1086.07 428,89 581.33 0.99 2126.00 3420.00 3421.19 3421 .19 1.19 3421.58 0.017043 5.00 504.75 1086.07 428.69 581.33 0.99 2128.00 3420.00 3421 .19 3421 ,19 1.19 3421.58 0.017043 5,00 504.75 1086.07 426.69 581.33 0.99 2128.00 3416.00 3417.37 3418.82 2.37 3417 .44 0.002273 2,30 *119.07 890.29 995.86 1009.36 0.38 21 28.00 3416,00 3417.37 3416.62 2.37 3417.44 0.002273 2,30 *119.07 890.29 995.88 1009.36 0.38 2128.00 3416.00 3417.37 3416.82 2.37 3417.44 0.002273 2.30 *119.07 890.29 995.88 1009.38 0.38 2128.00 3416.00 3417.37 3416.82 2.37 3417.44 0.002273 2.30 *119.07 690.29 995.88 1009.36 0.38 2128.00 3413.80 341U7 3414.67 0.87 3415.03 0.016086 4.64 174.17 614.20 446.36 640.02 1.00 2128.00 341 3.60 3414.67 3414.67 0.67 3415.03 0.018086 4.64 174.17 814.20 640.02 1.00 2128,00 3413.80 3414.67 3414 .67 0.67 3415.03 0.018086 4 .64 174.17 614.20 446.36 640.02 1.00 2128.00 3413.80 3414.87 3414,67 0.67 3415.03 0.01BOB6 4 ,64 174.17 614.20 446.36 640.02 1.00 2128.00 3409. 00 3414.16 3412.71 5.16 3414.21 0.000414 2 .61 -409.96 647.51 1505.16 1057.471 0.21 2128.00 3409.00 3414.16 3412.71 5.16 3414.21 0.000414 2.61 -409.96 647.51 1505.18 1057.47 0 .21 2126.00 3409.00 3414.16 3412.71 5.16 3414.21 0.000414 2 .61 -409.98 647.53 1505.70 1057.51 0.21 2126.00 3409.00 3414.16 3412.71 5.16 3414.21 0.000414 2.61 -409.98 647.53 1505.70 1057.51 0 .21 Culven 2128.00 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.61 3412.94 0.00201 8 4.57 63.74 515.65 665.51 431 ,91 0.44 2126.00 3408.90 3412.71 3412.71 3.61 3412.94 0.002018 4.57 83.74 515.65 665.51 431 .91 0.44 2128.00 3408.90 3412.74 3412.71 3.84 3412.96 0.001906 4.47 81 .87 517.09 660.66 435.22 0.43 2128.00 3408.90 3412.74 3412.71 3.84 341 2.96 0.001900 4 .47 61.87 517.09 880.86 435.22 0.43 2155.00 3408.00 3409,38 3408.89 1.36 3409.48 0.003403 2.59 178,82 1027.41 831.55 648.59 0.48 2155.00 3408.00 3409.05 3408.89 1.05 3409.27 0.009607 3.78 215.37 946.36 570.28 730.99 0.75 APP A-704

2248.00 3402.70 3404.50 3404.34 1.80 3404.81 0.010602 4.48 614.45 1141.44 528.98 0.81 2246.00 3402.70 3405.00 3404.34 2.30 3405.12 0.003053 2.81 540.97 1206.00 665,03 0.45 2248.00 3402.70 3406.00 3404.34 3,30 3406.03 0.000503 1.33 394.00 1523.00 1129.0D 0.19 2248.00 3402.70 3407.00 3404.34 4.30 3407.01 0.000080 0.79 247.00 1523.00 1276.00 0.09 APP A-705

HECRASAMII Il 0 0 HEC-RAS Version 3. 0 .. 1 Mar 2001 U.. S . Army Corp of Engineers Hydrol og ic Engineering Center 609 Second Street, Suite D Davis, California 95616 -4687 (916) 756-1104 x x xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xx xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xx xx x xxx xx xx xxxxxx xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx xxxx x x x x xxxxx PROJECT DATA Project


WCS Project File j Run Date and Time: 3/24/06 4:04:35 PM Pro j ect in English units PLAN DATA Plan


Plan 36 Plan File D:\program file s \WCS\FloodPlain . p36 Geometry


PMPl-20-04SecRem oved Geometry File D: \program files \WCS\F loodPlain .. g04 Flow Title 100YrAMIII 3 06Man yNOD Flow File D:\program files\WCS \FloodPlain . f28 Plan SUl!Uilary Information:

Number of: Cross Sections 18 Mulitple Openings 0 Culvei::ts 1 Inline Weirs 0 Bridges 0 Computational Info rmation Water surface calculation tolerance 0 01 Critical depth calculaton tolerance 0.01 Maximum number of interations 20 Maximum difference tolerance 0 .3 Flow tolerance factor 0 . 001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Method: Average Conveyance Computational Flow Regime: Mixed Flow FLOW DATA Flow


100YrAMIII3-24-06M anyNOD Flow File : D:\program files\WCS\FloodP lain . f28 Page 1 APP A-706

HECRASAMII I10 0 Flow Dat a (cfs)

River Reach RS 100 Yr.. - WS3404 . 5 100 Yr . - WS3405 100 Yr. -WS 3406 1 00 Yr.. - WS3407 Di t ch A 5 12674 645 645 645 645 Ditch A 5 9690 817 817 817 817 Ditch A 5 7253 966 966 966 966 Ditch A 5 6343 1873 1873 1873 1 873 Ditch A 5 4221 2128 2 1 28 2128 2128 Ditch A 5 1888 2155 2 1 55 2155 2155 Ditch A 5 1060 2248 2248 2248 2248 Boundary Conditions River Reach Profile Upstream Down stream Di tch A 5 100 Yr .- WS3404 5 Critical Known WS

= 3404 ' 5 Ditch A 5 100 Yr . - WS3405 Critical Known ws = 3405 Ditch A 5 1 00 Yr..-WS3406 Cri tical Known ws = 3406 Ditch A 5 1 00 Yr. - WS3407 Cri tical Known ws = 34 07 GEOMETRY DATA Geometry


PMPl 04SecRemoved Geometry File D:\program fi les \WCS\FloodPlain .. g0 4 CROSS SECTION RI VER : Ditch A REACH : 5 RS : 12674 INPUT Desc ript ion: Sta . 12674 Station Elevation Data num= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3482 380 3478 560 3477 635 3478 761 3480 964 3482 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 .. 033 380 . 033 635 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coe ff Contr. Expan .

380 635 1206 1337 1433 .1 .. 3 Page 2 APP A-707

HECRASAMI IIlOO CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3404 . 5 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3478 . 59 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft} 0 . 09 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 3478 .. 49 Reach Len . (ft} 1206 .. 00 1337 . 00 1 433.00

w. s ' Elev (ft) w.s . (ft} 34 78 ' 08 Fl ow Area (sq ft} 8 '45 252 " 76 7.60 Crit 0 .. 003093 Area (sq ft) 8.45 252 .. 76 7 . 60 E G .. Slope (ft/ft)

Q Total (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs} 8 . 29 629.24 7 . 46 Top Width (ft) 320.33 Top Width (ft) 34 .. 38 255.00 30 .. 95 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 " 40 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s} 0 .. 98 2" 49 o . 98 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1.49 Hydr . Dep th (ft) o. 25 0 .. 99 0 . 25 Conv . Tota l (cfs} 1159 7 " 5 Conv . (cfs) 149 . 1 11314 , 1 134 . 2 Lengt h Wtd . (ft} 1 336 .. 52 Wetted Per . (ft) 3 4 .. 39 255 . 01 30 .. 95 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.05 0 .. 19 0" 05 Al pha 1.05 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 05 0" 48 0. 05 Frctn Loss (ft) 7 . 59 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 1 7 '03 1 03 .. 92 2 " 70 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 48 111. 06 4 " 66

} is less Warning : The conveyance ratio (ups tr eam conveyance divided by d ownstream conveyance than O.. 7 or greater t h an 1 .. 4 .. This may ind i cate t h e need f or add i tiona l cross secti ons.

previous er Warning : The energy los s was greate r than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) . b etween the cur rent and oss section . This may indicate the need for a d ditiona l c r oss sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.. - WS340 5 E . G .. Elev {ft) 3478 . 59 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 09 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft ) 3478 . 49 Reach Len .. (ft} 1 206 . 00 133 7 " 00 1433 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3478 .. 08 Flow Area (s q f t ) 8 " 45 252 . 76 7 " 60 E. G. Slope (f t /ft} 0 .. 003093 Area (sq f t ) 8 " 45 252 . 76 7 " 60 Q Total (cfs) 645 .. 00 Fl ow (cfs) 8 "29 629 . 24 7" 46 Top Width (ft) 320.33 Top Wid t h (ft) 34 . 38 255 . 00 30 .. 95 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 40 Avg . Vel .. (ft/s} 0 .. 98 2 '4 9 0 .. 98 (ft) 1. 49 Hydr .. Depth (ft} 0 .. 25 0 . 99 0 . 25 Max Chl Dpt h Conv .. Total {c f s) 11597 " 5 Conv .. (cfs) 149" 1 11314 " 1 1 34 ,, 2 Page 3 APP A-708

HECRASAMII I10 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 1336.52 Wetted Per .. (ft) 34 . 39 255 . 01 30 . 95 Min Ch El (ft} 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 05 0 . 19 0 . 05 Alpha 1. 05 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 05 0 . 48 0 . 05 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 7 . 59 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 .. 03 1 01 . 73 2 .. 70 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres} 20 . 48 110 . 11 4 .. 66 Warning : The conveyance rat io (upstream conveyance d i vided by downstream c o nveyance) is l ess than 0 .. 7 or great e r than 1.4 . Th i s may i n d i cate the need for addi t ional cross secti ons ..

Warning : The ene rgy loss was greate r t han 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) . bet ween t he curre nt and previous e r oss section .. This may i ndicate the need for addition al cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #1 00 Yr .. -WS34 0 6 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3478.59 Elemen t Left OB Channel Righ t OB Vel Head (ft ) 0 .. 09 Wt .. n -Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft} 3478 . 49 Reach Len .. (ft ) 1206 . 0 0 1337 . 00 1 433 .. 00 Cri t W. S . (f t ) 3478 . 08 Flow Area (sq ft) 8 . 45 252 . 76 7 . 60 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 003093 Are a (sq ft) 8 . 45 252 . 76 7 " 60 Q Tota l (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs) 8 . 29 629 . 24 7 .46 Top Width (ft) 320 .. 33 Top Width (ft) 34.38 255 . 00 30 . 95 Ve l To t a l (ft/ s ) 2 . 40 Avg .. Vel. (ft/s) 0 . 98 2 . 49 0 .. 98 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 .. 49 Hydr .. Depth (ft ) 0 . 25 0 .. 99 0 " 25 Conv .. To tal (cfs) 11597 .. 5 Conv . (c fs} 149 .. 1 11314 .. 1 134 .. 2 Length Wt d . (f t) 13 3 6 .. 52 Wett e d Per . (ft) 34 . 39 255 .. 0 1 30 .95 Min Ch El (ft) 3477 . 00 Shear (lb / sq ft) 0 .. 05 0 .. 19 0 . 05 Al pha 1 .. 05 Str eam Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 05 0 " 48 0 . 05 Frctn Loss (f t} 7. 59 Cum Volume (acre -ft) 17 " 11 108 . 13 2 .. 74 c & E Los s (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (ac r es) 20.50 113 . 43 4 . 68 Warning : The con veyance ra t io (u pstream conveyance divi ded by downst ream conveyan ce) is le ss than 0 . 7 o r g r eater t h an 1. 4 .. Thi s may indicate the need for additiona l cross s e cti ons.

Warning : The e n ergy los s was greater than 1 .. 0 ft ( 0. 3 m) .. between the current and previou s e r oss secti on .. This may indicate the n e ed for addi tional c r oss s e ctions ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3 4 07 Page 4 APP A-709

HECRASAM IIIl OO E . G .. Elev (ft ) 3478 59 El eme n t Left OB Channel Ri gh t OB Vel Head (ft) 0.09 Wt. n-Val . 0 . 03 3 0 . 033 0 .. 033 W. S . Elev (f t ) 3478 .4 9 Reach Len . (ft) 1 206 . 00 1 3 3 7.00 1433 . 00 Cr i t W. S . (ft ) 3478 . 08 Flow Ar ea (sq f t ) 8 '45 252. 76 7.6 0 E .G .. Slop e (ft/ft) 0 . 0 03 093 Are a (sq f t ) 8 " 45 2 5 2' 76 7 . 60 Q Total (cfs) 645.00 Fl ow (cfs} 8 " 29 62 9 .24 7 . 46 Top Wi d th {f t} 320 .. 33 Top Width {f t } 34 " 38 255. 0 0 30 . 95 Ve l Tota l (ft/s ) 2 . 40 Avg . Vel .. ( f t /s l 0 . 98 2 .. 49 0 . 98 Max Chl Dp t h (f t} 1 . 49 Hydr. De p t h ( ft) 0 . 25 0 .99 0 .. 25 Conv. Tot al (cfs ) 1159 7 . 5 Conv. (cfs) 1 49 .. l 1131 4 . 1 134 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 1 336 . 52 Wetted Per . (ft) 34 . 39 255 . 01 30 . 95 Min Ch El (ft} 3477 . 00 Shear (lb/ s q f t) 0 . 05 0 . 19 o. 05 Alp ha 1 . 05 Stre am Power {lb / ft s) 0 05 0 .. 48 0 ., 05 Fr c tn Los s (ft) 7. 59 Cum Vo l ume (acre - f t ) 1 7 . 37 11 8 . 86 2 . 74 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 03 Cum SA (acre s } 2 1. 02 11 3 . 43 4.68 Warning : Th e conveyance ra tio {u ps t ream conveyance div i ded b y down st re am con veyance) is less than 0 . 7 or g reate r than 1. 4 . This may indi cate the need for a ddit i ona l c r oss sect i on s .

Warni n g: The e nergy l os s was grea t e r than 1.0 f t (0 . 3 m) . b etween t he c ur rent a nd previou s er ass sec tion . Thi s may indi cate the nee d for a d dit i on a l cross s e ct i o ns .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER : Di tch A REACH: 5 RS : 1133 7 INPUT De scri ption: Sta . 1133 7 Sta ti on Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev St a El ev Sta El e v Sta Elev Sta Elev 10 0 3 47 7 31 5 3 4 74 392 3472 435 3470 499 3469 55 0 3 4 70 59 1 3 4 72 694 3474 Manning ' s n Val ue s n um= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val St a n Val 100 . 033 435 .. 033 550 . 033 Ban k Sta : Le f t Ri gh t Lengths : Left Cha nnel Ri gh t Co e ff Con tr . Exp an ..

43 5 550 5 45 400 332 "1 .3 CROSS SECTI ON OUTPUT Prof ile #100 Yr. -WS340 4 .5 E.G. Elev (ft) 34 70 . 97 Element Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft ) 0 . 44 Wt . n - Val . 0.033 0 . 033 0.033 Page 5 APP A-710

HECRASAMIIIlO O w.s . El ev (ft) 3470 .. 53 Reach Len. (ft} 545 . 00 400 . 00 332.00 Crit w. s .. (ft) 3470 . 50 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118. 09 2 . 85 E .. G . Slope (f t /ft) 0 . 013657 Area {sq ft) 2 . 98 11 8.09 2.85 Q Total (cfs) 645 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 6.45 632 . 40 6.15 Top Wi d th (f t ) 1 37 .. 13 Top Width (ft) 11.33 115 . 00 10 .80 Vel To t al (ft/s) 5 . 21 Avg . Vel . (ft/s ) 2. 1 6 5 .3 6 2.16 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 1 .. 53 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 .26 1 .. 03 0 .. 26 Conv .. Total (cfs) 5519.3 Conv .. (cfs) 55 .. 2 5411 5 52 " 6 Length Wtd . (ft) 400 .. 40 Wetted Per. (ft) 11 . 34 115 " 02 10 . 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 .. 00 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 . 22 o. 88 0 .. 22 Al pha 1. 04 Stream Power {lb/ft S) 0 . 48 4.69 0 .. 48 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 67 Cum Volume (acre- f t ) 16 . 87 98 .. 23 2 . 53 C & E Loss (ft) 0.03 Cum SA (acres) 19 .. 85 1 05 . 38 3 .98 Warni ng: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 rn) . between the current and previous er oss secti o n . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr . - WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft) 34 70 . 97 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 " 44 Wt .. n - Val . 0 .. 033 o. 033 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3470 .. 53 Reach Len . (ft) 545 . 00 400 . 00 332 . 00 Crit w.s . (ft) 34 70 .. 50 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118 .. 09 2 . 85 E . G . Sl ope {ft/ft) 0 .. 01 3657 Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118 " 09 2 .. 85 Q Tota l (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow {cfs) 6.45 632 .. 40 6 . 15 Top Width (ft) 137 . 13 Top Width (ft) 11.33 115 .. 00 10 . 80 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 21 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 16 5 . 36 2 " 16 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 26 1.03 0 . 26 Conv .. Total (cfs) 5519 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 55 . 2 5411..5 52.6 Length Wtd .. (ft) 400 . 40 Wetted Per . {ft) 11.. 34 115 . 02 10 . 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 22 0 .. 88 0 .. 22 Alpha 1. 04 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 0 . 48 4 . 69 0 .. 48 Frctn Loss (ft) 4" 6 7 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 1 6" 8 7 96.04 2 .. 53 Page 6 APP A-711

HECRASAMIIIlOO C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres} 19 85 104.43 3 . 98 Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m). between the current and previous er oss sect i on . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .G . Elev (ft} 3470 . 97 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 " 44 Wt .. n-Val.. 0.033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3470 . 53 Reach Len . (ft} 545 . 00 400 , 00 332 . 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3470 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118 . 09 2 .. 85 E .G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 013657 Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118 " 09 2 . 85 Q Total (cfs} 645.00 Flow (cfs} 6 . 45 632 " 40 6 . 15 Top Wi dth (ft} 13 7 ' 13 Top Width (ft) 11 . 33 115 . 00 10.80 Vel Total ( ft/s) 5 . 21 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 2 .. 16 5.36 2 " 16 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 " 26 1.03 0 . 26 Conv . Total (cfs) 5519 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 55 . 2 5411..5 52 . 6 Length Wtd . {ft} 400 . 40 Wetted Per . {ft} 11.34 115 . 02 10 . 81 Min Ch El (ft) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 22 0 . 88 0 . 22 Alpha 1..04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 ' 48 4.69 0 . 48 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 67 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 96 102 . 43 2 . 57 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres} 19 . 87 107 ' 75 3 . 99 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 rn) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may i ndicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E . G. Elev (ft) 3470 . 97 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 44 Wt. n - Val . 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3470 . 53 Reach Len . (ft} 545 . 00 400 . 00 332.00 Cr it w. s . (ft) 3470 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 2 . 98 118 . 09 2 . 85 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 013657 Area (sq ft} 2 . 98 118 . 09 2 ' 85 Q Total (cfs} 645 . 00 Flow (cfs) 6 . 45 632.40 6 . 15 Top Width (ft} 137 . 13 Top Width (ft) 11 . 33 115 . 00 10 . 80 Page 7 APP A-7 12

HECRASAMII IlOO Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 21 Avg . Ve L (f t/s) 2 .16 5 . 36 2 . 16 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.26 1.03 0 .. 26 Conv .. To t a l (cfs) 551 9 . 3 Con v . (c fs) 55. 2 54 1 1.5 52 . 6 Length Wtd . ( f t) 400 . 40 We t te d Per . (ft) 11 . 34 115 . 02 10 .. Bl Mi n Ch El (f t) 3469 . 00 Shear (lb/ s q ft ) 0 . 22 0 . 88 0.22 Al pha 1 04 Stream Powe r {lb / ft s) 0 . 4B 4 " 69 0.48 Frctn Lo ss (ft) 4 . 67 Cum Vo l ume (acre -ft ) 1 7.. 21 113 . 16 2 . 57 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acre s) 20 . 38 10 7 . 75 3.99 Wa rni n g : The e nergy loss was greater than 1 . 0 f t (0 . 3 m) , b etween the curren t a n d p rev i o us er oss section . Thi s may ind icate the n e ed for a ddition a l cross sections.




Sta .. 10 937 Station El e vation Data num= 9 Sta Elev St a El ev St a El ev Sta Elev St a El ev 1 00 3470 3 51 3468 428 3 4 67 4 65 3 4 66 53 6 3464 543 346 4 609 3466 683 3468 Bl l 3 4 72 Manni n g's n Val u es num= 3 Sta n Va l Sta n Val St a n Val 1 00 "033 428 . 03 3 609 .. 033 Bank Sta : Le f t Right Lengt hs: Le ft Ch ann el Right Coe f f Con tr. Ex p an .

428 609 729 649 445 .. 1 "3 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Profil e # 1 00 Yr .. - WS3404 . 5 E . G . El ev (ft ) 3466 . 26 El ement Le ft OB Chann el Ri gh t OB Ve l Head (f t) 0 .. 32 Wt .. n - Val . o. 033 w.s . El ev (ft) 3465 .. 93 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649 . 00 445 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft ) 3465 . 75 Flow Ar ea (s q f t ) 141 . 2 8 E . G . Sl op e (ft / f t) 0 . 010093 Ar ea (sq ft) 14 1.28 Q To t al (c fs) 645 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 6 45 .. 00 Top Width (ft ) 139 . 30 Top Width (ft) 13 9 .30 Vel Tot al (ft /s) 4 "5 7 Avg .. Ve L (ft/s) 4 .. 5 7 Max Ch l Dpt h (ft) 1.93 Hydr .. De pth (ft) 1.. 01 Conv . Total (cfs) 6420 .. 1 Conv .. (cfs) 642 0 .1 Lengt h Wtd . (ft ) 649 . 00 Wet t ed Per . (ft) 139 .. 36 Page 8 APP A-713

HECRASAMIIIlOO Min Ch El (ft) 3464 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 64 Alpha 1 . 00 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 92 Frctn Loss (ft) 8 . 93 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 16 .. 85 97 .04 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 78 104 . 21 3 . 93 Warning : The conveyance ratio {ups tream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr..-WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3 4 66 .2 6 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 32 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3465 . 93 Reach Len . {ft) 72 9 .. 00 649 . 00 445 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3465 . 75 Flow Area (sq ft) 141..28 E . G . S l ope (ft/ft) 0 . 010093 Area (sq ft) 141 . 28 Q Total (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs) 645 . 00 To p Width (ft) 139 . 30 Top Wi d th {ft) 139 ' 30 Vel Total {ft/s) 4 ** 5 7 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s) 4 . 57 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 93 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1. 01 Conv .. Total (cfs) 6420 . 1 Conv . {cfs ) 6420 . 1 Length Wtd. (ft) 649 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 139 .. 36 Min Ch El {ft) 3464 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 64 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 " 92 Frc tn Loss (ft) 8 . 93 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 .. 85 94 . 85 2 " 52 C & E Loss ( ft) 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acre s ) 1 9 . 78 103 . 27 3 . 93 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The ene rgy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 Page 9 APP A-714

HECRASAMII Il 0 0 E . G . El ev (ft} 3466 . 26 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.32 Wt . n - Va l . 0 . 033

w. s' El ev (ft} 3465 . 93 Reach Len . (ft) 729.00 649 .00 445.00 Cr it W .. S .. (ft} 3465 . 75 Flow Area (sq ft) 141.28 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 010093 Area (sq ft) 141.28 Q Total (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs) 645.00 Top Width (ft) 139 . 30 Top Width (ft ) 139 .30 Vel Total (ft/s) 4. 57 Avg . Vel. (ft/s} 4 . 57 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 93 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1 . 01 Conv . Total (cfs) 6420 ' 1 Conv . (cfs} 6420. 1 Length Wtd . (ft) 649 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 139 . 36 Min Ch El (ft) 3464 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 .. 64 Al pha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 2 . 92 Frctn Loss (ft } 8 " 93 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 16 . 94 101..24 2 .. 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acre s ) 19 . 80 106 . 58 3 . 95 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by down stream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or g r ea t er than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for addi t ional cross secti ons.

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0.3 m}, between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need fo r additional cross sections ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3407 E.G . Elev (ft) 3466 .2 6 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 32 Wt . n-Val. 0 . 033 W., S . Elev (ft) 3465 . 93 Reach Len . (ft) 729 . 00 649 . 00 445 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3465 . 75 Flow Area (sq ft) 141.28 E .G . Slope (ft/ft} 0 .. 01 0093 Area (sq ft) 141 . 28 Q Total (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs } 645 . 00 Top Width (ft) 139 . 30 Top Width (ft) 139 . 30 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ' 57 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 4"57 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 1. 93 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 01 Conv . Total (cfs} 6420 " 1 Conv . (c f s) 6420 . 1 Length Wtd . (ft} 649 . 00 Wetted Per.. (ft ) 139 . 36 Page 10 APP A-715

HECRASAMIIIlOO Min Ch El (ft) 3464 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 64 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 92 Frctn Loss (ft) 8 93 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 .. 19 111.97 2 . 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 20 .. 31 106 .. 58 3 . 95 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0... 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ens .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta. 10288 Station Elevation Data num= 12 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3464 1 77 3462 238 3460 298 3458 493 3456 519 3456 662 3457 778 3457.1 857 3458 903 3460 94 7 3462 989 3464 Manning ' s n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 298 "033 857 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ..

298 857 552 598 633 .1 . 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e # 1 00 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3457 . 30 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt . n-Va l . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3457 . 07 Reach Len. (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633.00 Crit W.. S . ( ft) 3457 . 07 Flow Area (sq ft) 166 . 72 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019840 Area (sq ft) 166 . 72 Q Total (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow {cfs) 645 .. 00 Top Width {ft) 349.93 Top Width (ft) 349 . 93 Vel Total (ft/s) 3.87 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 . 87 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.07 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 " 48 Conv . Total (cfs) 4579 . 2 Conv . (cfs) 4579.2 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 349 .. 94 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 59 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 28 Page 11 APP A-716

HECRASAMII IlOO Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 94 .. 74 2 .. 52 c & E Loss (ft) 0.03 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 78 100 . 57 3 .93 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the ca l culat ions.

) is less Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0. 7 or greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the c urrent and previous oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sect ions.

equal to Warning: During the standard step i terations , when the assumed wate r surface was set critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E .. G . El ev (ft) 345 7.. 30 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3457 . 07 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Cr i t w .s . (ft) 3457..07 Flow Area (sq ft) 166. 72 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019840 Area (sq ft) 166 . 72 (cfs) 645 . 00 Flow (cfs) 645 . 00 Q Total Top Width (ft) 349 .. 93 Top Width (ft) 34 9 . 93 Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 87 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 3 "87 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.07 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 48 Conv . Total (cfs) 4579 . 2 Conv. (cfs) 4579 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 349 . 94 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 59 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 28 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 92 . 55 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 78 99 . 62 3 " 93 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calcu lat ions.

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance Page 12 APP A-717

HECRASAMIIIlOO than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) , between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for a dditional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water s urface came back below critical depth ., This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3457 . 30 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 . 23 Wt .. n-Val. 0 .. 033 W. s. Elev (ft} 3457..07 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3457.07 Flow Area (sq ft) 166 .. 72 E . G. Slope (ft/ft} 0 . 019840 Area (sq ft} 16 6" 72 Q Total (cfs) 645.00 Flow {cfs) 645 . 00 Top Width (ft) 349 . 93 Top Width (ft) 349 . 93 Vel Total (ft/s} 3 "8 7 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 3 . 87 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1.. 07 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 . 48 Conv . Total (cfs) 4579.2 Conv .. (cfs) 4579 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 598 . 00 wetted Per . (ft) 349 . 94 Min Ch El (ft} 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 59 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 2 " 28 Frctn Loss {ft} 4 .. 75 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 16 . 94 98 " 95 2 . 56 C & E Loss {ft) 0 ., 03 Cum SA (acres} 19.80 102 . 94 3 " 95 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within t he specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sec ti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m} . between the current and previous er o ss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

Page 13 APP A-718

HECRASAMIIIlOO CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.-WS3407 E . G. Elev (ft) 3457 . 30 Element Le ft OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3457 . 07 Reach Len . (ft) 552 . 00 598 . 00 633 . 00 Crit w.s . (ft) 3457 . 0 7 Flow Area (sq ft) 166 . 72 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019840 Area (sq ft) 166 . 72 Q Total (cfs) 645.00 flow (cfs) 645 . 00 Top Width (ft) 349 . 93 Top Width (ft) 3 4 9.93 Vel Total (ft/s} 3. 87 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 3 . 87 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 07 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 48 Conv . Total (cfs) 4579 . 2 Conv .. (cfs) 4579 . 2 Length Wtd. (ft) 598 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 349 . 94 Min Ch El (ft) 3456 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 59 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 . 28 Erctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 . 19 109 . 68 2 .. 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0.03 Cum SA {acres) 2 0 . 31 102 . 94 3 .. 95 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L 0 ft {0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous cr oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equa l to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i.

ndicates that there is not a valid sub critical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 9690 INPUT Description : Sta . 9690 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3454.5 202 3454 381 3452 632 3450 638 3450 799 3452 897 3454 1010 3458 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val Page 14 APP A-719

HECRASAMI I IlOO 100 .. 033 381 . 033 799 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Righ t Coeff Contr .. Expan .

381 799 639 681 658 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E .G. Elev (ft} 345 1 . 78 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 12 Wt . n - Va l . 0.033 W.S . Elev (ft} 3451. 66 Reach Le n . (ft) 639.00 681.00 658.00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3451.28 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 293 . 93 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 004774 Area (sq f t ) 293 . 93 Q Total (cfs) 817 ' 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Wi dth (ft} 348.04 Top Width (ft} 348 . 04 Vel Total (f t/s} 2' 78 Avg . Ve L (ft /s) 2 .. 78 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 1.. 66 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 84 Conv .. Total (cfs} 11824 " 3 Conv . (cfs) 11824 " 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 681.00 We t ted Per . (ft} 348 . 06 Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 25 Al pha LOO Stream Power (lb /ft s) 0 . 70 Frctn Loss (ft ) 4 " 90 Cum Volume (acre - ft) 16 . 85 91.. 58 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0.01 Cum SA (a cres) 19 " 78 95 " 78 3 . 93

) is l ess Warning : The c onveyance ratio (u ps t ream conveyan ce divided by downstream conveyan ce ti t h an 0 . 7 or greater t h an 1 . 4 . This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sec ons.

er Warning : The energy loss was g r eater than LO ft (0 . 3 m). between the current a n d previous oss section . Thi s may i n dica t e the n ee d for additional cross sections.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .-WS3405 E . G . Elev (ft) 345 1 . 78 Element Left OB Channel Righ t OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 12 Wt.. n-Va l . 0 .. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3451. 66 Reach Len . (ft} 639 . 00 681.00 658 . 00 Crit w.s . (ft) 3451 . 28 Flow Area (sq ft} 293 . 93 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 004774 Area (sq f t} 293 . 93 Q Tot a l (c fs) 81 7 '00 Flow (cfs} 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 348 .. 04 Top Width (ft) 348 . 04 Page 15 APP A-720

HECRASAMIIIl 00 Vel Total (f t/s) 2. 78 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 2 " 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 1. 66 Hydr. Depth (ft ) 0 . 84 Conv. Tot al (cfs ) 11 824 ' 3 Conv . (cfs) 11824 . 3 Lengt h Wtd . (ft) 681..00 We t ted Pe r . (ft ) 3 48 . 06 Mi n Ch El (ft ) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0 . 25 Alph a 1.. 00 St r e am Powe r (l b/ft s ) 0 .. 70 Frctn Loss (f t) 4 " 90 Cum Vo l ume (acre - ft) 1 6 . 85 89 . 39 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 01 Cum SA (a cres) 1 9. 78 94 . 83 3 ' 93 Warni ng : The conveyan ce ratio (ups tream conv eyance d i vided b y downstream c onveyan ce) i s less t han O . 7 o r g r eater t h a n 1..4. This may indicate the n e ed fo r addi t iona l c ross secti on s .

Warning: The energy l oss was greater than 1. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between t he c u rrent and previ ous er oss sect i on . This may i nd icate the ne e d for additional cross sect i ons .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof il e #100 Yr .- WS3406 E .G. El e v (ft) 34 51.. 78 Element Left OB Ch anne l Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 12 Wt .. n - Val . 0 " 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3451.. 66 Re a ch Len .. (ft) 639 .0 0 681 . 00 658 . 00 Cri t w.s .. (f t) 3451 . 28 Flow Ar ea (sq f t) 293 " 93 E . G . Sl ope (ft /ft) 0 . 004 77 4 Area (sq ft ) 293 " 93 Q To t a l (c f s) 817 . 00 Flow (cfs) 8 1 7..00 Top Widt h (ft) 348 . 04 Top Wi dt h (ft) 3 48 . 04 Vel Tota l (f t /s) 2 . 78 Avg. Vel . (f t/s) 2 .. 78 Max Chl Dpth (f t) 1. 66 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 84 Conv. Total (cfs) 11824 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 11824 " 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 681.00 We tt ed Per.. (ft) 348 . 06 Min Ch El (ft) 3450.00 Shear (lb /s q ft) 0 " 25 Al pha 1. 00 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 70 Frc tn Loss (ft) 4 . 90 Cum Volume (acre- ft) 16 .. 94 95 . 79 2 "5 6 C & E Lo s s (f t) 0 . 01 Cum SA (acres) 1 9 80 98 . 15 3 " 95 warning : The conveyanc e rat i o (upstr eam conveyance d i v ided by downstream c onveyance) i s less t han 0 . 7 or greate r than 1 . 4 . Thi s may ind i ca t e the nee d for add itional cross secti ons .

Page 16 APP A-721

HECRASAM IIIlOO c urrent and previou s er Warning: Th e energy l oss was grea t er t h an 1 .0 ft (0 . 3 rn) . between the oss section . This may indicat e the need for addi tional cross sectio n s ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pro f ile #100 Yr .. -WS340 7 345 1 . 78 Element Left OB Ch annel Ri ght OB E . G .. Elev (ft) 0 .. 12 Wt . n - Val.. 0 . 033 Ve l Head (ft) 3451. 66 Reach Len .. (ft) 639 . 00 681..00 658 .. 00 W.. S .. Elev (ft) 3451.28 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 293 .. 93 Cri t W.. S , (ft) 0 . 004774 Area (sq ft) 293 . 93 E . G . Sl ope (ft/ f t)

(cfs) 817 " 00 Flow (c f s) Bl 7 . 00 Q Total 348.04 Top Width (ft) 348 . 04 Top Width (ft)

Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 78 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 2" 78

l. 66 Hy dr.. Depth (ft) 0 . 84 Max Chl Dpth (ft)

Conv .. Total (cfs) 11824 ' 3 Conv.. (cfs) 11824 ' 3 (ft) 68 1.. 00 We t ted Per . (ft) 348 .. 06 Lengt h Wtd.

Min Ch El (ft) 3450 . 00 Shear (lb/s q ft) 0 . 25

l. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 70 Alpha 4 . 90 Cum Vo l ume (acre-ft) 17 . 1 9 106.52 2 . 56 Frctn Loss (ft )

0 .. 01 Cum SA {acres) 20 . 31 98 . 15 3 .. 95 C & E Loss (ft) conveyan ce) is less Warning: The conveyan ce rat i o (upstream conveyan ce d i vided by d own stream than O. 7 or greater than 1.4 . Thi s may ind icate t he need for add i t i onal c r oss secti ons.

current and previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO f t (0 . 3 m) .. bet ween the oss section , This may indicate t he n e ed fo r addition al cross sections .

CROSS SECT I ON RIVER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 9009 INPUT Des c r i pt i on: Sta .. 9009 Station El evation Data num= 9 Elev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta 100 3452 203 3450 325 3448 492 3446 596 3445 637 3446 892 3448 1007 3450 1124 3452 Manning ' s n Values n urn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 .. 033 32 5 " 033 892 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Righ t Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr .. Expan ..

325 892 898 879 794 .. 1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile # 1 00 Yr .. -WS3404 . 5 Page 17 APP A-722

HECRASAMII I10 0 E . G. Elev (ft} 3446 . 87 Element Left OB Chan nel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 25 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 w.s. Elev (ft) 34 4 6 . 62 Reach Len . (ft} 898 . 00 879 . 00 794 . 00 Crit w.s. (ft) 34 46 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 202 . 92 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012038 Area (sq ft ) 202 . 92 Q Total (cfs) 817 . 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 275 . 79 Top Width (ft} 2 75 . 79 Vel Total (ft/s} 4 . 03 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 4.03 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1. 62 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 74 Conv . Total (c fs) 7446 .3 Conv .. (cfs) 74 46 . 3 Length Wtd. (ft) 879 . 00 Wetted Per. (ft) 275.82 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 55 Alpha LO O Stream Power (lb/ft S) 2 " 23 Frct n Loss (ft) 4 " 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 8 7 " 70 2.52 C & E Loss (f t ) 0 .. 05 Cum SA (acres) 1 9 " 78 90 . 90 3.93 Warning: The conveyance rat i o (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater t han 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for addit i onal cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the curre nt and previous er oss section . This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sect ions .

CROSS SECTION OOTPUT Profi le #100 Yr.-WS3405 E .G . Elev (ft) 3446 . 87 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 25 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 34 4 6 " 62 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 .0 0 794 . 00 Cr it w .s' (ft ) 3446 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 202 ,, 92 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012038 Area (sq ft) 202.92 Q Total (cfs) 817 ' 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 275 . 79 Top Width (ft) 275 . 79 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 03 Avg . Vel . (ft/s ) 4 . 03 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 . 62 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 74 Conv . Total (cfs) 7446 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 7446.3 Page 18 APP A-723

HECRASAMIIIlOO Length Wtd .. (ft) 879.00 Wetted Per .. (ft) 275 . 82 Min Ch El (ft) 3445.00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 . 55 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb /ft s) 2.23 Frctn Loss (ft) 4.98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 85.51 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .05 Cum SA (acres) 19 .. 78 89 . 95 3.93 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the c u rrent and previous er 05S section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3446 .. 87 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.25 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3446 .. 62 Reach Len .. (ft) 898 . 00 879 .. 00 794 . 00 Crit w. s. (ft) 3446 . 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 202 " 92 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012038 Area (sq ft) 202 .. 92 Q Total (cfs) 817 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 81 7 " 00 Top Width (ft ) 275 .. 79 Top Width (ft) 275 .. 79 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 03 Avg . Vel . (ft/5) 4 . 03 Max Chl Dpth {ft) 1 .. 62 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 74 Conv . Total {cfs ) 7446 . 3 Conv .. (cfs) 7446 .. 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 879 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 275 . 82 Min Ch El {ft ) 3445 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 55 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power {lb/ft S) 2 , 23 Frctn Loss {ft) 4 . 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 .. 94 91 . 90 2 . 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0 " 05 Cum SA {acres) 19 .. 80 93 .. 27 3 .. 95 Warning : The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti on5 .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er 0S5 section.. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 Page 19 APP A-724

HECRASAMIIIlOO E . G . Elev (ft) 3446 .. 87 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 25 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft} 3446 . 62 Reach Len . (ft) 898 . 00 879 . DO 794 .. 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3446 .. 50 Flow Area (sq ft) 202 . 92 E.G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 012038 Area (sq ft) 202 .. 92 Q Total (cfs} 817 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 817 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 275. 79 Top Width (ft) 275 . 79 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 03 Avg .. Vel.. (ft/s) 4 .. 03 Max Chl Dpth (ft) l .. 62 Hydr . Depth {ft) 0 . 74 Conv . Total (cfs) 7446 . 3 Conv . (cfs) 744 6 .. 3 Length Wtd . (ft) 879 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 275 . 82 Min Ch El (ft) 3445 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 55 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 2 .. 23 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 98 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 1 7 . 19 102 .. 63 2 .. 56 C & E Loss {ft) 0 . 05 Cum SA (acres) 20.31 93 .. 27 3 .. 95 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..




Sta . 8130 Station Elevation Data num= 8 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3448 303 3444 419 3442 654 3440 663 3440 852 3442 995 3444 1104 3446 Manning's n Val ues nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 419 . 033 852 . 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . E:xpan .

419 852 399 413 456 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G. Elev (ft) 3441 . 84 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.09 Wt .. n-VaL 0 .03 3 Page 20 APP A-725

HECRASAMIIIlO O w .s . Elev (ft) 3441.. 75 Reach Len .. (ft) 399 . 00 413 . 00 456 . 00 Cr it w. s . {ft) 344 1 .25 Flow Area (sq ft) 340 .. 75 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003282 Area (sq ft) 340 . 75 Q Total (cfs) 817 ' 00 Flow (cfs) 817 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 380.21 Top Width (ft) 380 .. 21 Vel Total (ft/s) 2.40 Avg . Vel . (ft / s) 2 ' 40 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1. 75 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.90 Conv . Total (cfs) 14261.8 Conv . (cfs) 14261 . 8 Length Wtd . {ft) 413 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 380 . 22 Min Ch El (ft) 3440.00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .18 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 44 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 ' 72 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 82 . 21 2 .. 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 19 " 78 84 . 28 3 . 93 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E .G . Elev (ft) 3441.. 84 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.09 Wt . n-Val . 0.033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3441.75 Reach Len . (ft) 399 . 00 413.00 456 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3441.25 Fl ow Area {sq ft) 340 . 75 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003282 Area (sq ft) 340.75 Q Total (cfs) 817.. 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 380 . 21 Top Width (ft) 380 . 21 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 40 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 2 " 40 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.. 75 Hydr . Depth (ft) o. 90 Conv .. Total (cfs) 14261 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 14261 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 413 . 00 Wetted Per . {ft) 380 . 22 Min Ch El (ft) 3440 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 18 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 44 Page 21 APP A-726

HECRASAMIIIlOO Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 72 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 1 6.85 80.02 2 . 52 C & E Loss {ft) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 78 83 . 34 3.93 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft {0 .. 3 m} . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3441. 84 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head {ft) 0 .. 09 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 w . s .. Elev (ft) 344 1. 75 Reach Len. (ft) 399.00 4 1 3 .. 00 456 . 00 Cr it w. s. (ft} 3441 .2 5 Flow Area (sq ft) 340 . 75 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003282 Area (sq f t } 340 . 7 5 Q Total (cfs} 817 . 00 Flow (cfs} 817..00 Top Width (ft) 380.21 Top Width {ft} 380 . 21 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 40 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 2 .. 40 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1. 75 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 90 Conv . Total (cfs} 14261.8 Conv . (cfs) 14261 . B Length Wtd . (ft} 413 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft} 38 0 . 22 Min Ch El {ft) 3440 .0 0 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 18 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 44 Frctn Loss (ft) 2 . 72 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 94 86 . 42 2 . 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 02 Cum SA {acres) 19 . 80 86 . 65 3.95 warning : The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3441. 84 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 09 Wt . n-VaL 0 . 033 w.s .. Elev (ft) 3441. 75 Reach Len .. (ft) 399.00 413 .0 0 456.00 Page 22 APP A-727

HECRASAMII IlOO Cr it w. s .. (ft} 3441.25 Flow Area (sq ft) 340 . 75 E . G . Slope (f t/ft} 0 ** 003282 Area (sq f t) 340 . 75 Q Total (cfs) 817.00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Widt h (ft } 380 .. 21 Top Width (ft} 380 .. 21 Vel Tota l (ft/s} 2 . 40 Avg . Ve l.. (ft/ s } 2 " 40 Max Chl Dpth (ft) L 75 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 . 90 Conv .. Total (cfs) 1 4261.. 8 Conv .. (cfs} 14261. 8 Length Wtd .. (ft} 4 1 3 . 00 Wet t ed Per . (ft} 380 .. 22 Min Ch El (ft) 34 4 0 . 00 Shear (lb /sq f t) 0 . 18 Alpha 1 . 00 St r eam Powe r (lb /ft s) 0 .. 4 4 (ft) 2 ' 72 Cum Volume (ac re-ft) 1 7 . 19 9 7 .. 15 2 .5 6 Frctn Los s (ft ) 0 . 02 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 3 1 86 . 65 3 .. 95 C & E Loss

) i s less Warning : The con veyance ra ti o (upstream conveyance divided by downs tream conveyance i

t han 0 .. 7 or grea t er than 1.4 . Th i s may i ndicate t he need for add itional c ross sect ons .

previou s er Warning : The energy l oss was g r eater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m} .. be t ween the current a n d oss section .. This may indicate the n eed for add i ti onal c r oss sect i ons ..

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 7 7 17 INPUT Descrip tion : Sta 7 717 Stat i on Elevat i o n Dat a nurn= 8 St a El ev Sta Elev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev 100 3442 233 3 4 40 383 3438 492 3437 . 8 51 0 3438 657 3439 74 7 3440 879 3442 Manni n g ' s n Value s nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val 1 00 .. 033 233 .. 033 747 .033 Bank Sta : Left Right Leng t hs : Le f t Ch a n nel Right Coeff Cont r . Expan ..

233 747 444 46 4 510 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr .. -WS3 404 . 5 E . G . El ev (ft} 3439.10 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 3 1 Wt . n - Va l . 0.033

w. s . El ev (ft) 3438 .. 79 Reach Len .. (ft} 444 .. 00 464 " 00 510 . 00 Cr i t w.s . (ft ) 3438 . 7 9 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 182 . 90 E . G .. Slope (f t /ft ) 0 .. 019275 Area (sq ft ) 1 82 .. 90 Page 23 APP A-728

HECRASAMII I10 0 Q Total (cfs) 817 . 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 "4 7 Avg. Vel. (ft/s) 4. 47 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 Conv . Total (cfs) 5884 ,, 7 Conv . {cfs) 5884 " 7 Length Wtd . (ft) 464 . 08 Wetted Per . (ft) 302 . 83 Min Ch El (ft) 3437 ' 80 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 ' 73 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 25 Frctn Loss (ft) 1. 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 85 79 . 73 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0.08 Cum SA (acres} 19 . 78 81.05 3 . 93 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may i ndicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 . 3 m} . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E . G .. Elev (ft} 3439 . 10 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 31 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 W.. S. Elev (ft} 3438 ' 7 9 Reach Len . (ft) 444 . 00 464 " 00 510 . 00 Crit W.S . (ft) 3438 . 79 Flow Area (sq ft) 182 . 90 E G . Slope (ft/ft ) 0 . 019275 Area (sq ft) 182 . 90 Q Total (cfs} 817 ,, 00 Flow (cfs) 817.. 00 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Vel Total (ft/s} 4 . 47 Avg. Vel. (ft/s) 4 " 47 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 Conv . Total (cfs} 5884 " 7 Conv. (cfs} 5884 .. 7 Length Wtd . (ft) 464 . 08 wetted Per . (ft} 302 . 83 Page 24 APP A-729

HECRASAMIIIlOO Min Ch El (ft) 3437 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 ' 73 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3.25 Fr ctn Loss (ft) L 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 .. 85 7 7 ' 54 2 . 52 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 08 Cum SA (acres) 19 " 78 80 . 10 3 . 93 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross sec ti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G. Elev (ft) 3439 . 10 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 31 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 w .s . Elev (ft} 3438 .. 79 Reach Len . (ft) 444.00 464 . 00 510 . 00 Crit W.. S . (ft) 3438 . 79 Flow Area (sq ft) 182 . 90 E .G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 019275 Area (sq ft) 182 ' 90 Q Total (cfs) 817 . 00 Flow (cfs) 817 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Top Width (ft) 302 , 82 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ** 4 7 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 4" 4 7 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 . 60 Conv . Total (cfs) 5884.. 7 Conv . (cfs) 5884 . 7 Length Wtd .. (ft) 464 . 08 Wetted Per . (ft) 302 . 83 Min Ch El (ft) 3437 . 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 73 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s} 3.25 Frctn Loss (ft) 1 . 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16.94 83 . 94 2 .. 56 C & E Loss (ft) o. 08 Cum SA (acres} 19 . 80 83 . 41 3 .. 95 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

Page 25 APP A-730

HECRASAMII I10 0 The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy los s was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3407 E.G . Elev (ft} 3439.10 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft} 0 . 31 Wt . n-Val. 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3438 . 79 Reach Len. (ft) 444 . 00 464 . 00 510 . 00 Crit W.. S .. (ft) 3438 .. 79 Flow Area (sq ft) 18 2 . 90 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 019275 Area (sq ft) 182.90 Q To tal (cfs) 817 . 00 Flow (cfs) 817 . 00 Top Width (ft) 302 . 82 Top Width (ft) 302 . 8 2 Vel Total (ft/s) 4. 47 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 4 .. 4 7 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 0 . 99 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 60 Conv. Total (cfs) 5884 . 7 Conv .. (cfs) 5884 . 7 Length Wtd . (ft) 464 . 08 Wetted Per .. (ft) 302 .. 83 Min Ch El (ft) 3437 .. 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 73 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 25 Frctn Loss ( ft) 1.. 75 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17..19 94 .. 67 2 .. 56 C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 08 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 31 83 . 41 3 .. 95 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft ( O. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section. This may indicate the need f o r additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below cr i tical depth .. This i Page 26 APP A-731

HECRASAMIIIlO O ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer.. The program defaulted to critical dep th .




Sta .. 7253 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3438 109 3438. 7 321 3438 424 3436 668 3435 906 3436 1005 3438 1200 3440 1365 3442 Manning's n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 ' 033 424 .. 033 906 " 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan ..

424 906 756 910 980 "1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3436.59 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt . n-Val . 0.033 0.033 0 .. 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3436 .. 53 Reach Len .. (ft) 756 . 00 910 ,, 00 980 . 00 Crit W . S .. (ft) 3435 . 99 Flow Area (sq ft) 7 . 27 497 .. 18 6 " 99 E .. G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 .. 001746 Area (sq ft) 7. 2 7 497..18 6 . 99 Q Total (c fs) 966 . 00 Flow (cfs) 5 . 66 954 . 91 5 . 44 Top Width (ft) 535.68 Top Width (ft) 2 7"37 482 . 00 26 . 31 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.89 Avg .. Vel. (ft / s) 0 " 78 1 .. 92 0 . 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0"2 7 1. 03 0 ' 27 Conv . Total (cfs) 23119 ' 9 Conv .. (cfs) 135 . 4 22854 .. 4 130.1 Length Wtd .. (ft) 909 . 83 Wetted Per .. (ft) 27 . 38 482 . 00 26 . 31 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0'11 0 . 03 Alpha 1 . 02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 02 0 .. 22 0 .. 02 Frctn Loss (ft) 5 .. 34 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 81 76 '11 2 .. 48 C & E Loss (ft) o. 03 Cum SA (acres) 19" 64 76 . 87 3 . 78 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L 0 ft (0 ., 3 m) . between the current and previous er os s section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 Page 27 APP A-732

HECRASAMI I IlOO E . G . El ev (ft ) 3436 . 59 Elemen t Left OB Channe l Righ t OB Vel He a d (ft } 0 . 06 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 , 033 0. 03 3

w. s ' Elev (ft ) 3 436 . 5 3 Reac h Len . (f t } 756 . 00 91 0 . 00 980 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3 435 . 99 Flow Area ( sq ft) 7 .2 7 49 7 . 18 6 . 99 E . G . Slope (f t/f t ) 0 . 001 746 Ar e a (sq f t ) 7 .2 7 49 7 .. 18 6 .99 Q Tota l (c f s ) 966 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 5 . 66 954 . 91 5 . 44 Top Width (ft) 535 . 68 Top Wi dth ( ft } 27 .3 7 482.00 26.3 1 Vel Tota l (ft/ s ) 1 . 89 Avg .. Ve L (ft/ s) 0 . 78 L92 0 . 78 Max Ch l Dpt h (ft ) 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft ) 0.2 7 1.0 3 0.2 7 Conv . Total (cfs} 23 11 9. 9 Con v . (cfs) 135 . 4 22854 . 4 130 . 1 Length Wt d . (ft) 909 . 83 Wetted Per . ( f t} 27 .38 482 . 00 26.31 Mi n Ch El (ft ) 3435 . 00 Sh ear (lb/s q f t) 0 . 03 0 . 11 0 . 03 Al p h a 1. 02 St ream Power (l b/ f t s) 0.02 0.22 0.02 frc t n Loss (f t) 5.34 Cum Volume (acre- f t ) 1 6 .. Bl 73 . 92 2 ** 48 C & E Loss (f t) 0.03 Cum SA (a cres ) 1 9 . 64 75 " 92 3 . 78 Warning : The conveyance r atio (upstream conveyanc e di v ide d by downs t ream conve y ance ) i s les s tha n 0 . 7 or g r e ate r t h a n 1 . 4 . Thi s may ind icate t h e need for a ddi tiona l cro s s secti ons .

Warning : Th e e nergy l oss was g r e a ter than 1.0 f t (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previ ou s er oss section . This may indi c ate t he need fo r add it i o n al cross sect i ons .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3406 E .G . Elev (f t) 3436 . 59 Elemen t Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (f t) 0 . 06 Wt .. n - Va l . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S. El e v (f t} 3436 . 53 Reach Len . (ft } 756 . 00 91 0 . 00 980 . 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3435 . 99 flow Area (sq ft) 7"2 7 49 7 . 18 6 . 99 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001746 Area (s q ft) 7"2 7 49 7 .. 18 6 . 99 Q Total (c fs ) 966 . 00 Flow (c f s) 5 . 66 954 .. 91 5 .44 Top Width (ft) 535 . 68 Top Wi dth (ft ) 2 7' 37 482 . 00 26 . 31 Ve l To t al (ft / s) 1 . 89 Avg . Vel .. (ft/s) 0 . 78 1 . 92 0 " 78 Max Chl Dpth (f t) 1 53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.2 7 1 . 03 0 . 27 Conv . Total (cfs) 23 11 9 . 9 Con v . (cfs) 135 . 4 22854 .. 4 1 30 .. 1 Page 28 APP A-733

HECRASAMII Tl 0 0 Length Wtd .. ( ft) 909 . 83 Wetted Per .. (ft) 2 7 .. 38 482 .. 00 26 . 31 Min Ch El (ft) 3435 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 03 0 .. 11 o. 03 Alpha 1.02 Stream Power (lb/ft s) o. 02 0 .. 22 0 . 02 Erctn Loss (ft} 5 . 34 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 90 80.31 2 . 51 C & E Loss (ft) 0.03 Cum SA (acres) 19 .. 66 79 . 23 3 . 80

) i s less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream c onveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 .. 7 or greater t h an 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for addi tiona l cross secti o ns ..

previous er Warning: The energy l oss was greater than 1 . O ft ( 0 . 3 m} .. between the current and oss section . This may indica te the need for additional cross sec t i ons ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E G. Elev (ft) 3436 .. 59 Element Left OB Channe l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.06 Wt .. n-Val .. 0.033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 W.. S . Elev (ft) 3436 . 53 Reach Len . (ft) 756 .00 910 . 00 980 .. 00 Crit W. S . (f t ) 3435 .. 99 Elow Area (sq ft) 7 .27 497 . 18 6 .. 99 E .. G .. Sl ope (ft/ft} 0 . 001746 Area (sq ft) 7. 2 7 497 .. 18 6 . 99 Q Tota l (cfs) 966 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 5 . 66 954 . 91 5.44 Top Width (ft} 535 . 68 Top Width (ft) 2 7" 3 7 482 .. 00 26 '31 Vel Total {ft/ s) 1.89 Avg . Vel. (ft/s) 0 " 78 1 .. 92 0 . 7B Max Chl Dpth (ft} 1.53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 ** 2 7 1. 03 0 . 27 Co nv . Total (cfs} 23 11 9 . 9 Conv. {cfs) 135 .. 4 22854 . 4 130 .1 Leng t h Wtd .. (ft) 909 ** 83 Wetted Per.. (ft) 2 7 " 38 482 . 00 26 .. 31 Min Ch El (ft) 3435.00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 11 0.03 Alpha 1. 02 Stream Po wer (lb/ft s) 0 . 02 0 . 22 0 .. 02 Frctn Loss {ft) 5 . 34 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 . 16 91 04 2 . 51 C & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 20 . 1 7 79 " 23 3 . 80

) i s less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided b y downstream conveyance than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

previous er Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between the current and oss section .. This may indicate the n eed for a dditi ona l cross sections .

CROSS SECTION RI VER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 6343 Page 29 APP A-734

HECRASAMI II100 INPUT Descriptio n: Sta . 6343 Station Elevation Data num= 9 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3434 346 3433 663 3432 732 3431 860 3430 .2 981 3430 1273 3430 1320 3431.5 1566 3432 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 100 . 033 663 . 033 1320 .033 Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

Bank Sta: Left 663 1320 767 980 1051 .. 1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 3431.22 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G. Elev (ft)

Vel Head (ft) 0 . 36 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 3430 . 86 Reach Len . (ft) 767.00 980.00 1051.00 W. S .. Elev (ft)

CritW . S .. (ft) 3430 . 86 Flow Area (sq ft) 388.25 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018047 Area (sq ft) 388 . 25 Q Total (cfs) 1873.00 Flow (cfs) 1873 . 00 Top Width (ft) 545.10 Top Width (ft) 545 . 1 0 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 " 82 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 4 . 82 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) o. 71 Conv . Total (cfs) 13942 . 4 Conv . (cfs) 13942 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 979.81 Wetted Per .. (ft) 545 . 12 Min Ch El (ft) 3 430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 80 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 "87 4 . 07 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 " 75 66 . 86 2 . 40 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 40 66 ' 14 3.48 C & E Loss (ft)

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

equal to Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates Page 30 APP A-735

HECRASAMIIIlO O that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3405 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3431.22 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 36 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 W.S. Elev (ft) 3430 .. 86 Reach Len .. (ft) 7 6 7 . 00 980 .. 00 1051 . 00 Crit W. S .. (ft) 3430 . 86 Flow Area (sq ft) 388 . 25 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018047 Area (sq ft) 388 .. 25 Q Total (cfs) 1873 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 1873 . 00 Top Width (ft) 545 .. 10 Top Width (ft) 545 .. 10 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 82 Avg, VeL (ft/s) 4.82 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 .. 86 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 71 Conv . Total (cfs) 13942 . 4 Conv .. (cfs) 13942 .. 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 9 7 9 .. Bl Wetted Per. (ft) 545 . 12 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 ., 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 80 Alpha 1 .. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 87 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .07 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 " 75 64 " 67 2 " 40 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 19 .. 40 65.19 3 . 48 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate th~ need for additional cross secti ens .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft ( 0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3406 E . G .. Elev (ft) 3431.22 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 36 Wt .. n-Val .. 0 .. 033 W. S .. Elev (f t ) 3430 . 86 Reach Len . (ft) 7 6 7.. 00 980 . 00 1051 . 00 Page 31 APP A-736

HECRASAMIIIlOO Cr it w.s . (ft) 3430 . 86 Flow Area ( sq ft) 388 . 25 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018047 Area (sq ft) 388.25 Q Total (cfs) 1873 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1873 . 00 Top Width (ft) 545 ' 10 Top Width (ft) 545 . 10 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 82 Avg . Vel .. {ft/s) 4 . 82 Max Chl Dpth (ft) o. 86 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0. 71 Conv .. Total (cfs) 13942 .. 4 Conv . {cfs) 13942 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 979 . 81 Wetted Per.. (ft) 545 . 12 Min Ch El (ft) 3430 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 80 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 . 87 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 . 07 Cum Volume {acre - ft) 16 . 84 71.. 06 2 " 44 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 19 .. 42 68 " 50 3 . 50 Warning : The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations ..

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance ) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth ., This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to crit i cal dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr .. -WS3407 E .G. Elev (ft) 3431 . 22 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 36 Wt . n-Val . 0.033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3430 . 86 Reach Len .. {ft) 767.00 980.00 1051.00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3430 . 86 Flow Area (sq ft) 388 . 25 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018047 Area (sq ft) 388 . 25 Q Total (cfs) 1873 . 00 Flow (cfs) 1873.00 Top Width (ft) 545.10 Top Width (ft) 545 . 10 Vel To tal (ft/s) 4.82 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 4 " 82 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 86 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0. 71 Page 32 APP A-737

HECRASAMII Il 0 0 Conv . Total (cfs) 13942.4 Conv . (cfs) 13942 . 4 Length Wtd. (ft) 979 . 81 Wetted Per . (ft) 545 .. 1 2 Min Ch El (ft) 3430.00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .8 0 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3.87 (ft ) 4 . 07 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 17 . 09 81. 79 2 44 Frctn Loss 0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 19 . 93 68 . 50 3 50 C & E Loss (ft) iterations .

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced wi t hin the specified number of The program used crit ical d epth fo r the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream con veyance d ivi ded by d ownstream conveyance than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additiona l cross secti ons .

previous er Warning : The energy loss was greate r than 1 . 0 f t ( 0 .. 3 m) . between the curren t and oss section . This may indicate the need for addi t ional cross sections.

Warning  : During the standard step iterations , when t h e assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the ca l culated water sur f ace came back below critical depth . This i n di cates that there is not a valid subcrit i cal answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH: 5 RS: 5363 INPUT Descriptio n: Sta . 5363 Station Elevation Data nurn= 10 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev 100 3432 282 3430 5 50 3428 742 3426 885 3425 1097 3425 1476 3426 1877 3428 1966 3428 2160 3430 Manning's n Values nurn= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Va l 100 . 033 7 42 . 033 1476 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Lef t Chan nel Right Coe ff Con tr . Expan ..

742 1476 1199 1142 713 .. 1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS340 4 . 5 3426 .. 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G . Elev (ft)

Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 07 Wt .. n - Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev {ft) 3426 . 53 Reach Len . (ft) 1199 . 0 0 1142 . 00 713. 00 (ft) 3425 . 93 Flow Area (sq ft) 13 . 63 864 .19 28 . 48 Cr it W.S .

Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001798 Area (sq f t ) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 E G.

(cfs) 1873 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 10 .. 78 1839 . 71 22 51 Q Total Top Width (ft) 8 92 . 02 Top Width {ft) 51.16 734 . 00 1 06 .8 6 Page 33 APP A-738

HECRASAMII I100 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 07 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 0 .. 79 2 . 13 0 . 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) l..53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 27 1..18 0 . 27 Conv . Total (cfs) 44172 . 8 Conv . {cfs) 254.2 43387.6 531.0 Length Wtd (ft) 1139 . 81 Wetted Per . (ft) 51.17 734.00 106 . 86 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 .. 13 0 . 03 Alpha 1 .. 04 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 0 . 02 0 . 28 0 . 02 Frctn Loss {ft) 4 . 99 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16 . 63 52 . 77 2 . 06 c &E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 95 51.. 75 2 . 20 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0.3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section . This may i ndicate the need for additional cross sections.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3426 . 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 07 Wt .. n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3426 . 53 Reach Len . (ft) 1199 . 00 1142 . 00 713. 00 Crit W. S .. (ft) 3425 . 93 Flow Area {sq ft) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 001798 Area (sq ft) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 Q Total ( cfs) 18 73 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 10 . 78 1839 . 71 22 . 51 Top Width (ft) 892 . 02 Top Width (ft) 51.16 734 . 00 106 . 86 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 .. 07 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 0 . 79 2 .. 13 0 . 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1 .. 53 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 .. 2 7 1..18 0 . 27 Conv .. Total (cfs) 44172 . 8 Conv. (cfs) 254 . 2 43387 . 6 531.0 Length Wtd . (ft) 1139 . 81 Wetted Per . (ft) 51.17 734 . 00 106 . 86 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0.13 0 . 03 Alpha 1.. 04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.02 0 . 28 0 .. 02 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 99 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 16.63 50 . 58 2 . 06 C & E Loss ( ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 18 . 95 50 . 80 2 . 20 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti Page 34 APP A-739

HECRASAMII I10 0 ons. er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS34D6 E .. G. Elev (ft) 3426 . 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB 0 . 07 Wt . n - VaL 0 . 033 O.D33 O. D33 Vel Head (ft)

w. s . Elev (ft) 3426 . 53 Reach Len .. (ft) 1199 . DO 1142 .. OD 713 . 00 Crit w.s . (ft) 3425.93 Flow Area (sq ft) 13 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 D.001798 Area (sq ft) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 E .G .. Slope (ft/ft)

Q Total {cfs) 1873 . 00 Flow (cfs) 10 .. 78 1839 . 71 22 . 51 Top Width (ft) 892 . 02 Top Width (ft) 51 . 16 734 . 00 106 86 Vel Tot al (ft/s) 2 . 07 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 0 " 79 2.13 0 . 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.53 Hydr . Dept h (ft) 0 . 27 1.18 0 . 27 Conv. Total (cfs) 44172 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 254 . 2 43387 .. 6 531.. 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 1139 . 81 Wetted Per . {ft) 51..17 734 . 0D 106 . 86 Min Ch El (ft) 3425 .0 D Shear (lb /sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 13 0.03 Alpha 1 . 04 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 " 02 0 . 28 0 . 02 Frctn Loss {ft) 4 . 99 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 16 . 72 56 .. 98 2 . 09 C & E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA {acres) 18 . 97 54 . 12 2 . 21 less Warning: The conveyance ratio (ups t ream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance ) is than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons . er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1..0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and previous oss section . This may i ndicate the need for additional cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3407 E .G. Elev (ft) 3426 . 60 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft ) o. 07 Wt.. n - Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 w .s . El ev (ft) 3426 . 53 Reach Len . (ft) 1199 . DO 1142 . 00 713 ' 00 Crit w.s . {ft) 3425 . 93 Flow Area (sq ft) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 . 48 0 . 001798 Area (sq ft) 13 . 63 864 . 19 28 .48 E .G. Slope (ft/ft)

Q Total (cfs) 1873 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 10 .. 78 1839 . 71 22.51 Top Width (ft) 892.02 Top Width (ft) 51.. 16 734 ' 00 106.86 Page 35 APP A-740

HECRASAM IIIlO O 2.07 Avg . Ve l . {ft/ s ) 0 . 79 2 .13 0 . 79 Vel Tota l (ft /s)

(ft ) 1 .53 Hydr . Depth {f t ) 0 .. 27 1. 18 0 ' 27 Max Chl Dpt h 44 1 72.B Conv . (cfs) 2 54 . 2 4338 7.. 6 53 1 .0 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 11 39 . 81 Wetted Pe r . {ft) 51 . 1 7 734 .. 00 10 6.86 Lengt h Wtd . (ft) 3425 . 00 She a r (l b/s q ft) 0 . 03 0. 1 3 0 . 03 Mi n Ch El (ft)

Al p h a 1.04 St r eam Powe r {lb /ft s) 0 . 02 0 . 28 o. 02 4 . 99 Cum Volume (a c r e - ft) 1 6 . 97 67 . 71 2 . 09 Frc tn Loss (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres ) 19 . 48 54.1 2 2 . 21 C & E Loss (ft) b y downs tream con veyance ) i s l ess Wa r ning : The c onveyan ce r ati o {ups tream c onveya nce d ivi ded t h an 0 . 7 or g re a ter than 1 . 4 .. This ma y indicate the n eed for addi tion al cross secti on s .

t h e curr ent and p revious er Warning : The e n ergy loss was grea t er than LO f t (0 . 3 m) .. between oss section . Thi s may indicat e the need for a d dit i o n a l cross section s .

CROSS SECTION RI VER : Di t c h A REACH : 5 RS : 4 2 2 1 IN PUT Descrip t i o n: St a .. 422 1 Station Elevati on Data num= 12 Sta El ev Sta El ev Sta Elev St a Elev Sta Elev 34 1 3422 544 3421 640 342 0 669 3420 1 00 3423 829 3420 83 7 3420 1030 3421 1320 3422 753 3 4 20 . 2 1407 3 423 1497 3424 Mann i n g ' s n Value s n um= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 1 00 "03 3 5 44 . 033 1 407 . 033 Right Lengths : Left Cha n n el Ri ght Coeff Con tr . Expan .

Bank St a: Le ft .3 140 7 74 9 7 32 84 3 .. 1 544 CROSS SECTION OUT PUT Pro f i l e #100 Yr .. - WS3404 . 5 3 421.. 58 Element Left OB Ch anne l Ri ght OB E . G. Elev {ft )

0 . 39 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 0.033 Vel Head (ft )

342 1.. 19 Reach Len. (ft) 749 . 00 732 . 00 843 . 00

w. s ' Elev (ft)

(ft) 3421 .. 19 Fl ow Ar ea (sq f t ) 3 . 79 424 . 90 Cr it W.. S .

(ft/ft) 0 .. 017043 Are a (sq f t ) 3 . 79 424 . 90 E . G . Sl ope (c f s) 2128 . 00 Flow (c f s ) 4 .. 70 2123.30 Q Total 581.. 33 Top Widt h (ft) 39 . 25 542 . 07 Top Width (ft )

4 . 96 Avg . Ve l. (ft/s) 1..24 5 . 00 Vel Total {f t /s)

1. 1 9 Hydr .. Depth (ft ) 0 . 10 0 .. 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft)

Page 36 APP A-741

HECRASAMI IIlOO Conv .. Total (cfs ) 16300. 7 Conv . (cfs) 36 . 0 16264 .. 7 Length Wtd , (ft) 736 . 95 Wetted Per.. (ft) 39 .. 25 542 .08 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 10 0 " 83 1.. 01 Stream Power (l b/ft S) 0 . 13 4 ., 17 Alpha 3 .. 60 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 16 . 39 35 .. 87 1 . 82 Frctn Loss (ft )

0 . 09 Cum SA (acres) 1 7 ' 71 35 . 02 1.32 C & E Loss (ft) iterat i ons .

Warning: The energy equat ion could not. be balanced within the specified number of The program used critical depth for the water s u r f ace a n d cont i n u ed on with the ca l culat ions.

) is less Warning: The con veyance ratio (upstream c onveyance d i vided by down str eam c onveyan ce than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . Thi s may i n dicate the need for additio nal cross sec t i ons .

previous er Warning : The e nergy l oss was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the curre n t and oss s e ction . Th is may i n dicat e t he n eed for additional cross sections ..

se t equal to Warning : During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was critical depth, the calcul ated wa t er surface came back below crit ica l depth . This i ndicates that there is not a val i d subcri t ical answer . The program defau l ted to critical dep th.

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pr ofile #100 Yr . - WS3405 3421.58 El ement Left OB Channel Right OB E . G . Elev (ft)

Vel Head (ft) 0 . 39 Wt .. n - Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 843 .. 00 w.s . El e v (ft) 3421..19 Reach Len .. (ft) 749 . 00 732 . 00 Cr i t w.s . (ft) 3421..19 Flow Area (s q ft) 3 . 79 424 . 90 E . G., Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 01 7043 Area ( s q f t ) 3 " 79 424 . 90 (cfs) 21 28 . 00 Fl ow {cfs) 4 " 70 2123.30 Q Total Top Width {ft) 581.. 33 Top Wi dth (ft) 39 . 25 542 . 07 Ve l Total (ft/s) 4 . 96 Avg . VeL {ft/s) 1..24 5 . 00 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 1. 19 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 10 0 " 78 Conv . Total (cfs) 1 6300.7 Conv .. (cfs) 36 . 0 1 6264 . 7 Length Wt d .. (ft) 736 .. 95 Wetted Per . (ft) 39 . 25 542 .. 08 Min Ch El (ft) 3420 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 10 0 .. 8 3 Alpha 1.. 0 1 Stream Power ( l b/ft S) 0 . 13 4 " 17 3 . 60 Cum Volume (acre- ft) 16 .. 39 33 . 68 1. 82 Frctn Loss (ft)

(ft) 0 .. 09 Cum SA (acres) 17 .. 71 34 ., 07 1. 32 C & E Loss Page 37 APP A-742

HECRASAMIIIlOO iterations .

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

) is les s Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1.. 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and oss section . This may indicate the need for additional c ross sections .

equal to Warning: During the standard step i terations, when t he assumed water surface was set critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile # 100 Yr .. -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3421.. 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 39 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3421..19 Reach Len . {ft) 749 .. 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Crit w. s . {ft) 3421..19 Flow Area {sq ft) 3 .. 79 424 . 90 E .. G . Sl ope {ft/ft) 0 . 017043 Area {sq ft) 3 . 79 424 . 90 Q Total (cfs) 2128.00 Flow (cfs) 4 . 70 2123 . 30 Top Width (ft) 581 . 33 Top Width (ft) 39 . 25 542 .. 07 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 96 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 1.24 5 .. 00 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..19 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.10 0 . 78 Conv .. Total (cf s } 16300 . 7 Conv . (cfs) 36 .. 0 16264 . 7 Length Wtd. {ft) 736 . 95 Wetted Per . (ft) 39 .. 25 542 . 08 Min Ch El (ft ) 3420 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft} 0 .10 0 . 83 Alpha 1.. 01 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 13 4.17 Frct n Loss (ft) 3 . 60 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 16 . 48 40 . 08 1 .. 86 0 .. 09 Cum SA (acres) 17. 72 37.39 1 .. 34 C & E Loss (ft )

iterations .

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio {upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1. 0 ft ( 0 .. 3 m) . between the current and oss Page 38 APP A-743

HECRASAMIII100 section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3407 E .. G. Elev (ft) 3421. 58 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 39 Wt . n-Val. 0 . 033 0.033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3421.19 Reach Len. (ft) 7 49 .. 00 732 . 00 843 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3421. 19 Flow Area (sq ft) 3 " 79 424 . 90 E.G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 ** 01 7043 Area (sq ft) 3 ** 79 424.90 Q Total (cfs) 2128.00 Flow (cfs) 4 ' 70 2123.30 Top Width (ft) 581.33 Top Width (ft) 39 . 25 542 . 07 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 96 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 1..24 5 . 00 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1..19 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 . 10 0 . 78 Conv. Total {cfs} 16300 ' 7 Conv . (cfs) 36 . 0 16264" 7 Length Wtd . (ft} 736 . 95 Wetted Per . (ft) 39 . 25 542 . 0B Min Ch El (ft) 3420 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 10 0 .. 83 Alpha 1 . 01 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0'13 4 . 17 Frctn Loss (ft) 3 " 60 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 16 . 73 50.81 1 . 86 C & E Loss {ft) 0.09 Cum SA (acres) 1 8 . 24 37 . 39 1. 34 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1.4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons.

Warning: The energy loss was greater than LO ft (0 .. 3 m), between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth.. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer .. The program defaulted to critical dep th ..


HECRASAMII I10 0 Descrip tion: Sta . 3489 Station Elevatio n Data num= 22 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

-138 3418.5 -126 3418 -104 3416 -91 3415.5

-286 3420

-21 3417 100 3417 258 3416.5 299 3416

-76 3416 318 3416 405 3416 422 3416 539 3416.4 309 3415 642 3416. 4 744 3416 830 3416 918 3418 58 1 3416.2 1068 3420 1159 3421 Manning 's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-286 . 033 539 . 033 918 . 033 Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr . Expan .

Bank Sta: Left Right 4 64 500 457 "1 .3 539 918 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr.-WS3 404 . 5 3417 . 44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G. Elev (ft) 0" 07 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft) 3417 .. 37 Reach Len , {ft) 4 64. 00 500 . 00 45 7.. 00 W. S . Elev (ft) 3416 . 82 Flow Area (sq ft) 607 . 17 388 . 72 Crit W. S . (ft) 0 . 002273 Area (sq ft) 60 7 . 17 388 ' 72 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 2128 . 00 Flow {cfs) 1235 . 19 892 . 81 Q Total (cfs) 1009 . 36 Top Width {ft) 658 .. 0 7 351.. 29 Top Width (ft) 2.14 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 2 . 03 2.30 Vel Total (ft/s)

Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 1.11 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 "37 44630 . l Conv . (cfs) 25905 . 4 18724 . 6 Conv .. Total (cfs) 481..52 Wetted Per. (ft) 658 . 2 7 351 . 30 Length Wtd. (ft) 3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 13 0 . 16 Min Ch El (ft) 1.01 Stream Power {lb/ft s) 0.27 0 . 36 Alpha Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 1 1.. 14 29 . 04 1 . 82 Frctn Loss (ft) 2" 39 Cum SA {acres) 11.. 71 2 7 " 52 1.32 c &E Loss (ft) 0 . 03 downstre am conveya nce) is less Warning : The conveya nce ratio {upstrea m conveya nce divided by than O. 7 or greater than 1 .. 4 . This may indicat e the need for additio nal cross secti ons .

the current and previou s er Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. between oss s ..

section . This may indicate the n eed for additio nal cross section CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile 1100 Yr . -WS3405 3417 . 44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G . Elev (ft) 0 . 07 Wt . n-Val .. 0 .. 033 0 . 033 Vel Head ( ft )

Page 40 APP A-745

HECRASAMIIIlOO 3417 . 37 Reach Len . (ft) 464 . 00 5 0 0 .. 00 45 7 . 00 w.s. El ev (f t) w.s . (ft) 34 1 6.82 Flow Area (sq ft) 60 7 ' 1 7 388 . 72 Crit E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 0022 73 Area (sq ft) 607 . 1 7 388 " 72 (cfs) 21 28 . 00 Flow (cfs) 123 5 . 1 9 892 . 81 Q Total 1 009 . 36 Top Wi dth (ft) 65 8 . 07 3 5 1.29 Top Width (ft )

2 . 14 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s) 2.03 2 . 30 Vel Tot al (ft/s) 2 . 31 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 1..11 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 44630 .. 1 Conv . (cfs) 25905.4 18 724 . 6 Conv . Total (cfs)

(ft) 481.52 Wetted Per . (ft) 658 .. 27 351 . 30 Length Wtd .

3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq f t) 0 . 13 0 .. 1 6 Mi n Ch El (ft) 1 . 01 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 0 27 0 . 36 Alph a (ft) 2 . 39 Cum Vol ume (acre-ft) 11 . 1 4 26 . 85 1.82 Frctn Loss 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 11 . 71 26 . 57 1. 32 C & E Loss (ft) conveyan ce) i s l ess Warning: The conveyan ce rat i o (upstream conveyan ce d i vided by d ownstream This may i ndicate the need for additiona l cross secti t han 0 . 7 or greater t h an 1 . 4 .

ons .

c u rre nt and previous er Warni ng : The energy l oss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b etween the oss secti on .. This may indicate the need for addition al cross sections .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Pr ofile #100 Yr . - WS3406 34 1 7 .. 44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E . G . Elev (ft) 0.07 Wt. n-Va l . 0 . 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft) 464 . 00 500 . 00 45 7 . 00

w. s . Elev (ft) 3417 . 37 Reach Len . (ft) w.s . (ft) 3416 . 82 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 607 .. 17 388 . 72 Crit 0 . 0022 73 Area (sq ft) 601 .. 1 7 388 ' 72 E G .. Slope (ft /ft)

(cfs) 2128 ** 00 Flow (cfs) 1235 . 19 892 . 81 Q Total 1 009 . 36 Top Width (ft) 658 . 07 35 1 . 29 Top Width (ft) 2 . 14 Avg . Ve l . (ft/s) 2 . 03 2 . 30 Vel Total (ft/s)

Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2. 37 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 1.11 (cfs) 44630.1 Conv . (cfs) 25905 . 4 19724 . 6 Conv .. Tot a l 48 1. 52 We tted Per . (ft) 658.27 351 . 30 Length Wtd .. (ft )

3416 . 00 Shear (lb/sq f t ) 0.13 0 .. 1 6 Min Ch El (ft)

Alpha 1 . 01 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.27 o . 36 Page 41 APP A-746

HECRASAMIIIl 00 Frc tn Loss (ft} 2 .. 39 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 11.22 33 .. 24 1.86 c & E Loss (ft} 0 .. 03 Cum SA (acres) 11 ' 73 29 .. BB 1.. 34 Warning : The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance} is less th an 0 .. 7 or greater than 1..4.. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons ..

Warning: The energy los s was greater than 1 .. 0 ft (0 . 3 m} . between th e current and previous er oss section .. This may indicate the n eed for additional cross sect ions ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3407 E . G . Elev (ft) 3417..44 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 07 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3417 . 37 Reach Len .. (ft) 464 .. 00 500 . 00 457.00 Crit w . s ' (ft) 3416 . 82 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 60 7 " 17 388 . 72 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 002273 Area (sq ft) 60 7 ' 1 7 388 . 72 Q Total (cfs) 2128.00 Flow (cfs} 1235 . 19 892 . 8 1 Top Width (ft) 1009 . 36 Top Width (ft) 658 .. 07 351.29 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 14 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 03 2 . 30 Max Chl Dpth (ft} 2 . 37 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 . 92 1 .. 11 Conv . Total (cfs ) 446 30 .. 1 Conv . (cfs) 25905 .. 4 187 24.6 Length Wtd . (ft) 481..52 Wetted Per .. (ft} 658 ' 2 7 351.. 30 Min Ch El (ft} 3416 . 00 Shear {lb/sq ft} 0.13 0 . 16 Alpha l. 01 Stream Power {lb/ft s} 0 . 27 0 . 36 Frctn Loss (ft} 2 . 39 Cum Volume (acre-ft) lL 48 43" 97 1 . 86 C & E Los s (ft) 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 12 . 24 29 .. 88 1..34 Warn ing: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1.. 4.. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti.

ons ..

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 .. 3 rn) .. between the current and previ ous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections .




Sta . 2989 Station Elevation Data nurn= 14 St a Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Page 42 APP A-747


- 31 3416 59 34 1 4.8 170 3 4 1 4 . 8 196 3 4 14 436 3413.8 61 3 3414 651 34 1 4 7 00 34 14 74 7 3414 761 341 4 84 1 3415 . 0 1 920 3416 976 3418 1067 34 2 0 Manning ' s n Va l u e s n um= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-3 1 .. 03 3 436 . 033 841 . 033 Bank Sta: Le f t Ri ght Lengths : Left Ch ann e l Righ t Coe f f Contr . Expan .

4 36 84 1 3 17 215 172 .3 .5 CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Prof il e *100 Yr.- WS3404.5 E . G . El ev (ft ) 3 415 . 0 3 Elemen t Lef t OB Channe l Right OB Ve l Head '(ft ) 0 . 35 Wt . n- Val.. 0.033 0 . 033 21 5 . 00 1 72.00 w.s . Elev (f t) 3414 . 67 Reach Len . (ft) 31 7. 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3414 .. 67 Flow Ar ea (sq ft) 192 . 5 2 253 . 84 E . G . Sl ope (ft /ft) 0 . 018 0 86 Ar ea (s q ft ) 192 . 52 253 . 84 Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Flow (cfs) 949 . 6 7 11 78.33 Top Widt h (ft) 64 0 . 02 Top Wi dth (ft) 261.83 3 78 . 2 0 Vel Total (ft/s ) 4 . 77 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 4 . 93 4 . 64 Max Chl Dpt h (ft) 0 . 87 Hydr. De pth (ft ) 0 ' 74 0 . 67 Conv . Total (cfs) 1 5 823.5 Conv . (cfs) 7061. 6 8761.9 Length Wtd . (ft) 254 . 95 We t t e d Pe r . (ft) 261 . 84 378 . 20 Mi n Ch E l (ft) 3413 .. 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 83 0 . 76 Alpha LOO Stream Power (l b/ f t s) 4 . 10 3 . 52 Frctn Loss (ft) o. 3 2 Cum Vol ume (acre- ft) 6 . 88 25 . 35 1. 82 (ft ) 0.15 Cum SA (acres) 6 . 81 23 . 33 1 . 32 C & E Loss i terat i ons .

Wa rn ing : The e n ergy e quat ion c ou ld n ot be b alanced within th e speci fi ed number o f Th e t

p r ogram used c r i t ica l depth for t he water surface a nd con ti n ued on with the calcu l a ions.

i s l ess Warning : The conveyan ce r atio (up stream conveyance d i vi d ed by down s t ream conveyan ce) i t han 0 . 7 or g r eat er t h an 1 . 4 .. Th i s may i ndicate t he need for addi t i onal c ross sect ons .

equal t o Warning: During the stand ard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set cri tical d epth , t h e calcula t ed wat e r surface c ame back below crit i ca l dep th . Th i s i nd i cat es that the r e i s n ot a valid s u bcr i tica l a n swer . The program default e d to cri ti ca l dep th .


  • 1 0 0 Yr . - WS3405 E . G. Elev (ft ) 3415 .. 03 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Page 43 APP A-748

HECRASAMII I10 0 Vel Head (ft} 0 . 35 Wt . n-Val . 0 .. 033 0 . 033 w.s. Elev (ft) 3414 ' 67 Reach Len .. (ft) 317 ' 00 215 . 00 172 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3414 . 67 Flow Area (sq ft} 192 . 52 253 . 84 E . G .. Slope (ft / ft) 0 . 018086 Area (sq ft) 192 . 52 253 ,, 84 Q Total {cfs} 2128 . 00 Elow (cfs) 949 . 67 1178 33 Top Width (ft) 640 . 02 Top Width (ft} 261..83 3 78 **20 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ,, 77 Avg .. VeL (ft/s} 4 . 93 4 , 64 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 87 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 , 74 0 . 67 Conv . Total (cfs) 15823 . 5 Conv . (cfs} 7061 . 6 8761 . 9 Le n gth Wtd. (ft} 254 . 95 Wetted Per . (ft} 261. 84 378 . 20 Min Ch El (ft) 3413 .. BO Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 83 0 " 76 Alpha 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 . 10 3 . 52 Erctn Loss (ft } 0 .32 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 6.88 23 . 16 1.. 82 C & E Lo ss (ft) o . 15 Cum SA (acres) 6 . 81 22 . 38 1.. 32 Warning: The e nergy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations .

The program used critical depth for the water surface and continu ed on with the calculat ions.

Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstre am conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 . 7 or greater than 1..4.. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti o ns .

Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth . This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer.. The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3415.03 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 .. 35 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 " 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3414 . 67 Reach Len . (ft) 317 . 00 215 . 00 172 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft ) 3414 . 67 Flow Area (sq ft ) 192 .. 52 253 . 84 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018086 Area (sq ft) 1 92 . 5 2 253 . 84 Q Total (cfs} 2128 . 00 flow (cfs) 949 . 67 1178 . 33 Top Width (ft} 640 . 02 Top Width (ft} 261.. 83 3 78 . 20 Vel Total (ft / s} 4' 77 Avg. Vel . (ft / s) 4 . 93 4 . 64 Page 44 APP A-749

HECRASA MIIIl 00 0 "8 7 Hydr. Depth (ft) 0 " 74 0 . 67 Max Chl Dpth {ft}

(cfs} 15823 .. 5 Conv. (cfs} 7061 . 6 8761 . 9 Conv .. Total 254.96 Wetted Per . (ft} 261.84 378 .. 20 Length Wtd . (ft}

3413 .. 80 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0" 83 0 . 76 Min Ch El (ft}

LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 . 10 3.52 Alpha 0 .3 2 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 6 .. 97 29 . 55 1 . 86 Fr ctn Loss (ft) 0 .. 15 Cum SA (acres) 6 .. 83 25 . 70 1.. 34 C & E Loss (ft) number of iteration s ..

Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified The the calculat program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with ions.

m conveyan ce) is less Warning: The conveyan ce ratio (upstream conveyan ce- divided by downstrea than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for addition al cross secti ons .

surface was set equal to Warning: During the standard step iteration s, when the assumed water depth . This i critical depth, the calculate d water surface came back belo w critical ndicates that there is not a va lid subcri tical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3407 3415 .. 03 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E.G . Elev (ft}

0 .. 35 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft}

317.. 00 215 .. 00 172.00

w. s . Elev (ft} 3414 .. 67 Reach Len . (ft}

Crit w. s . (ft) 3414 .67 Flow Area (sq f t} 192 .. 52 253 " 84 0 .. 018086 Area (sq ft} 192 . 52 253 .. 84 E . G . Slope (ft/ft}

2128 .. 00 Flow (cfs} 949 . 67 1178 .. 33 Q Total (cfs}

640 . 02 Top Width (ft) 261.83 378 .. 20 Top Width {ft}

4 . 77 Avg . Vel. (ft/s } 4 " 93 4 . 64 Vel Total (ft/s}

Max Chl Dpth (ft} 0 "8 7 Hydr . Depth (ft} 0 " 74 0 " 67 158 23 .. 5 Conv .. (cfs) 7061..6 B761.. 9 Conv .. Total (cfs}

(ft) 254 " 96 Wetted Per .. (ft) 261.. 84 378 .. 2 0 Length Wtd .

3413 . BO Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 .. 83 0 .. 76 Min Ch El (ft) 1 . 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 4 .10 3 .. 52 Alpha 0 . 32 Cum Volume (acre-ft} 7.22 40 . 28 1.. 86 Frctn Loss (ft) 0 . 15 Cum SA (acres ) 7 " 35 25 ' 70 1.. 34 C & E Loss {ft)

Page 45 APP A-750

HECRASAMII Il 0 0 ite r ati ons .

Wai:ning : The energy equat ion could not be balanced within the specified number of The program u sed c r itical dept h f or the water surface and continued on with the calculat ions .

) is l ess Warning : The conveyance ra t io (upstream conveyan ce divided by downstream conveyance than 0 . 7 oi: greater than 1 . 4 . Th is may i ndicate the n eed for addi ti onal cross sect i ons .

e q ual to Warning : During the standar d step iterations , when the assumed water surface was set critica l depth, the calcu lated water surface came back be l ow c rit i cal depth . This i ndicates that there is n ot a valid subcritica l answer . The program defau l ted to c r i tica l d e p th .

CROSS SECTION RIVER : Ditch A REACH: 5 RS : 2774 INPUT Descriptio n : Sta . 2774 Upstream o f culverts Station Elevation Data num= 18 Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev

- 453 34 16 - 437 3415 - 405 3414 -289 3413 . 8 - 13 3413 , 8 100 3413 . 8 175 3413 . 8 204 3412 261 34 1 2 298 34 1 1.2 402 3410.9 437 3410 469 3 4 09 491 3409 511 34 1 0 560 3412 641 3414 725 3416 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val

- 453 . 033 437 " 033 511 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Lengths : Left Channe l Right Coeff Cont r . Expan .

437 5 11 40 40 40 .3 .5 Ineffect ive Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R El ev Permanent

- 888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi l e #100 Yr. - WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3414 . 21 El ement Left OB Chann e l Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.06 Wt . n - Val . 0 . 033 0.033 0 .. 033 34 14 "1 6 Reach Len . (ft) 40 . 00 40 . 00 40 " 00

w. s ' Elev (ft)

Crit w.s. (ft) 34 1 2 . 71 Fl ow Ar ea (sq ft) 901 . 05 355 . 4 7 248 . 66 E . G .. Sl ope (ft/ft) 0. 000414 Area (sq ft) 901 . 05 355 . 4 7 248 . 66 Q Tot al (cfs) 2 1 28 . 00 F l ow (c fs) 860 . 75 92 7 " 38 339 . 87 Top Width (ft) 1057..47 Top Wi dth (ft) 846 . 96 74 " 00 136 . 51 Vel Total (ft /s) 1 ' 41 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 0 . 96 2 " 61 1..3 7 Max Ch l Dpth (ft) 5 . 16 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.06 4.. 80 1 .. 82 Conv . Total (cfs) 1 04526 . 0 Conv . (cfs) 42279 .. 5 45552 . 3 16694 ** 2 Length Wt d . (ft ) 40 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 84 7 " 04 74 . 04 136 . 58 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 12 0.05 Page 46 APP A-751

HECRASAMIIIlOO Alpha 1 . 82 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0.32 0 . 06 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 . 90 23.84 1..33 Frctn Loss (ft)

(ft ) Cum SA (acres) 2 . 78 22 " 21 1. 05 C & E Loss Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth .. The program will try the cross section slice/seca nt method to find critical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3 405 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3414 . 2 1 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0.033 40 . 00 40 . 00

w. s . Elev (ft) 3414 . 16 Reach Len .. (ft) 40 . 00 Flow Area (sq ft) 901 . 05 355 . 47 248 . 66 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3412 . 71 0 . 000414 Area (sq ft ) 901..05 355 . 47 248.66 E . G. Slope (ft/ft)

Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Flow (cfs) 860.75 927 . 38 339 . 87 1057 . 47 Top Width (ft) 84 6 .. 96 74 "00 136 . 51 Top Width (ft) 1.. 41 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 0 . 96 2 . 61 1. 37 Vel Total (ft/s) 5 . 16 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.06 4 .. 80 1.. 82 Max Chl Dpth (ft)

Conv . Total (cfs} 104526 . 0 Conv . (c fs} 42279 . 5 45552 . 3 16694 . 2 Length Wtd . (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 847 . 04 74 . 04 136 . 58 Min Ch El (ft ) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 12 0 .. 05 Alpha 1. 82 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0 . 32 o. 06 Frctn Loss (ft} Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 . 90 2 1 .66 1.33 Cum SA (acres} 2 . 78 21 . 26 1. 05 C & E Loss (ft}

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth . The program will try the cross section slice/seca nt method to find critical depth ..

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr. -WS3 406 E . G . Elev (ft) 3414 .. 21 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 06 Wt . n-Val . 0.033 0.033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft} 3414.16 Reach Len . (ft) 40 . 00 40 . 00 40 . 00 Crit W. S , (ft} 3412 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 90 1 . 47 355 . 51 248 " 73 Page 47 APP A-752

HECRASAMIIIl 00 E .G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000414 Area (sq ft) 901.. 4 7 355 . 51 248 , 73 Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Flow (cfs) 861 . 02 92 7..14 339 . 84 Top Width (f t) 1057 . 51 Top Width {ft) 846 . 98 74.00 136 . 53 Vel Total (f t/s) 1 . 41 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 0 .. 96 2.6 1 1.. 3 7 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 5 .16 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1..06 4 . 80 1.82 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 104571..3 Conv . {cfs) 42311.. 3 45560 . 1 16700 . 0 Length Wtd . (f t ) 40 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 84 7 . 06 74 . 04 136 . 60 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 12 0 . 05 Alpha 1 . 82 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 03 0 .32 0 . 06 Fr ctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre- ft) 2 " 98 28 " 05 1 . 37 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres) 2 . 80 24 . 58 1. 07 Warning: The parabolic s e arch method failed to converge on critical d epth ., The program wi ll try the cross section slice/secant method to find c r itical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr.-WS3407 E .G. Elev (f t) 3414 . 21 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Ve l Head (f t ) 0 . 06 Wt .. n - Val .. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3414 . 16 Reach Len . (ft) 40 .00 40.00 40.00 Crit w.s . (ft) 3412 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 90 1 . 4 7 355.51 248. 73 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000414 Area (sq ft) 901.. 4 7 355 . 51 248 . 73 Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Fl ow (cfs) 861 . 02 927 . 14 339 . 84 Top Width (ft) 1057 . 51 Top Width (ft) 84 6" 98 74 .00 136 . 53 Vel Total (ft/s) 1.. 41 Avg . Vel. (ft /s) 0.96 2 .. 61 1.. 37 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 5 .16 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.. 06 4 . 80 1. 82 Conv. Tota l (cfs) 104571..3 Conv . (cfs) 423 11 ' 3 45560 . 1 16700 . 0 Length Wtd . (ft) 40 . 00 Wetted Per . (ft ) 847 .. 06 7 4 , 04 136 . 60 Min Ch El (ft) 3409 , 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 03 0 . 12 0 . 05 Alpha 1.. 82 St ream Power (lb/ft S) 0.03 0.32 0.06 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre - ft) 3 . 24 38 .. 78 1 . 37 C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres) 3 . 31 24 . 58 1.. 07 Page 48 APP A-753

HECRASAMII I100 Warni ng: The parabol ic search method fai led to converge on crit ical depth . The program wi ll try the cross section s l ice/secan t method to f i nd c ri t i cal d epth .

CULVERT RI VER : Di tch A REACH: 5 RS : 2773 IN PUT Des c ription :

Distance from Ups t ream XS 8 Deck/Roadw ay Width 24 Wei r Coefficien t 3 Upstream Deck/Roadw ay Coordi nates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cor d Lo Cord 26 3413.8 100 34 13 . 8 402 3412 . 7 500 3412 . 8 600 3413 . 9 700 3415 ' 7 Upstream Bri dge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 18 St a Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev St a El ev

- 453 3416 - 437 34 15 - 405 3414 - 289 34 1 3.8 -13 3413 ' 8 100 3413 . 8 175 34 13 . 8 204 3412 261 3 41 2 298 34 11.2 402 3410 . 9 437 3410 46 9 3409 491 3409 511 34 1 0 560 3 412 64 1 3414 725 3416 Manning ' s n Val u es num= 3 Sta n Va l St a n Val Sta n Val

-453 . 03 3 437 . 033 511 . 033 Bank Sta : Left Right Coeff Contr. Expan .

437 511 .3 .5 Ineffectiv e Fl ow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev PeJ:mane n t

- 888 F 888 F Downstream Deck/Roadw ay Coordi nates num= 6 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 26 341 3 . 8 1 00 3413 .. 8 402 3412 . 7 500 3412 . 8 600 3413 . 9 700 3415 ' 7 Downstream Bri dge Cross Secti on Data St a tion El evation Data n um= 17 Sta El ev Sta El ev Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta El ev

- 172 1 3416 - 1410 3414 26 34 1 3 ** 8 1 00 3412 .. 4 155 3412 299 34 11 .. 4 349 3410 38 7 3408 . 9 391. 4 3408 . 9 395 . 8 3408.9 400 . 2 3408.9 404 . 6 3408. 9 409 3408 . 9 434 3 410 487 3 41 2 568 3414 658 3416 Manning ' s n Values n um= 3 St a n Val St a n Val Sta n Val

- 1721 .033 349 .. 033 434 . 033 Bank Sta: Le f t Right Coe ff Contr . Expan .

349 434 .3 .5 Ineffectiv e Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R El ev Perman ent

- 888 F 888 F Upstream Embankmen t side slope 3 hori z .. to 1 . 0 verti cal Downstream Embankment side sl ope 3 horiz .. to 1 . 0 vert i cal Max i mum a l lowable subme rgence fo r weir flow " 95 Page 49 APP A-754

HECRASAMIIIlOO Elevation at which weir flow begins 34 12 . 7 Energy head used in spillway design Spillway height used in design Weir crest shape Broad Crested Number of Culverts 1 Culvert Name Shape Rise Span Culvert #1 Pipe Arch 1 . 833 2 43 FHWA Chart # 34- 18 inch corner radius; Corrugated metal FHWA Scale # 1 - 90 Degree headwall Solution Criteria= Highest U.. S. EG Cul vert Upstrm Dist Length n Value Entrance Loss Coef Exi t Loss Coef 1 39 .. 024 .5 1 Number of Barrels = 6 Upstream Elevation 3409 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta.

469 473 . 4 477 . 8 482 .. 2 486 . 6 491 Downstream Elevation = 3408 . 9 Centerline Stations Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta.

38 7 391.4 395 . 8 400 . 2 404 . 6 409 CROSS SECTION RIVER: Ditch A REACH : 5 RS: 2734 INPUT



Sta .. 2734 Downstream of culverts Station Elevation Data num= 17 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev

- 172 1 3416 -141 0 3414 26 3413 . 8 100 3412 . 4 155 3412 299 3411.. 4 349 34 10 387 3408 . 9 391. 4 3408.9 395.8 3408 . 9 400.2 3408.9 404.6 3408.9 409 3408 . 9 434 3410 487 3412 568 3414 658 3416 Manning 's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val

-1721 . 033 349 . 033 434 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Len gths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan ..

349 434 745 846 1015 .. 3 "5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent

-888 F 888 F CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404.5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3412 . 94 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0.23 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3412 . 71 Reach Len .. (ft) 745 . 00 846 . 00 10 15.00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3412 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100 . 64 E . G . Slope (ft/ft) 0.0020 1 8 Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100.64 Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Flow (cfs) 572 . 81 1321.. 29 233 . 90 Top Width (ft) 431 . 91 Top Width (ft) 265. 26 85 . 00 81.65 Vel Total (ft/ s) 3 .. 20 Avg. Vel. (ft/s} 2.08 4 . 57 2 .. 32 Page 50 APP A-755

HECRASAMIII100 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 81 Hydr .. Dep th (ft) 1 . 04 3 . 40 1..23 Conv . Total (c f s) 47371 . 8 Conv . (cfs) 1 2751 . 3 29413 . 6 5206 .. 9 Length Wt d . (ft ) 841 . 72 Wetted Per.. (ft) 265 28 85 . 04 81.70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear ( l b/sq ft) 0.13 0 . 43 0.16 Alpha 1..44 St r eam Power ( l b/ft s) 0 . 27 1 . 96 0 . 36 Fr c t n Loss (ft) 2.17 Cum Volume (acre-ft ) 2. 3 6 23 . 5 5 1.17 c & E Loss (ft) 0 . 06 Cum SA (acres) 2 .. 2 7 22. 1 4 0 . 95 Warn ing : The energy equa tion cou ld not be balanced within the specified number of ite r a t i on s .

The p rogram u sed c r itical depth for the water surface and continued on with the ca l cul at ions .

Warning : The energy loss was greater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and pre vious er oss section . Thi s may indicate the need for addit i onal cross se c tions .

warning : During the standard step iterat i ons , when the assumed water su r face was set e q ua l t o cr i tical depth , the calcul a t ed water surface came b ack below cr i tical depth . This i ndicat es that there is not a vali d subcritic al answe r . The program defau lted to cri t ical dep th .

Wa r ning: The parabol ic search method failed to con verge on critical depth . The program will try the c r oss section s l ice/secant method to fi n d critical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . - WS3405 E .. G .. Elev (ft) 3412 . 94 El ement Left OB Channel Ri ght OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 23 Wt . n - Val.. 0 . 033 0.033 o. 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3412 . 71 Reach Len. (ft) 745 . 00 846.00 1015 . 00 Cr it w.s . (ft) 3 412" 71 Flow Area {sq f t ) 275 . 8 9 288 . 99 100.64 E .G .. Slope {ft/ft) 0.002018 Area (sq ft) 275 . 89 288 . 99 100. 64 Q Total (cfs) 2128 . 00 Fl ow (c f s ) 5 72 . 81 1321..29 233 . 90 Top Width (ft ) 431..91 Top Width (ft) 265 . 26 85 . 00 81 .. 65 Vel Total (ft /s) 3 .. 20 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 08 4. 57 2 . 32 Max Chl Dpth (f t) 3 .. 81 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1. 04 3 . 40 1..23 Conv . Tota l (cfs) 47371..8 Conv. (cfs) 1275 1. 3 29413 . 6 5206 . 9 Length Wtd .. (ft ) 841 . 72 Wetted Per . (ft) 265 . 28 85 . 0 4 81 . 70 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 " 13 0 .. 43 0 . 16 Alpha 1 . 44 Stre am Power (l b / ft s) 0 . 27 1..96 0 " 36 Frctn Loss (ft) 3.23 Cum Volume {acre-ft) 2 . 36 21.36 1.. 1 7 Page 51 APP A-756

HECRASAMI IIlOO 0 .. 00 Cum SA (acres) 2 "2 7 2 1 . 19 0 .. 95 C & E Los s (ft) iterations ..

Warn i ng : The energy equation could not be balanced within t he specified number of The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the ca lculat ions.

) is less Warning : The conveyance rat io (upstream conveyance div ided by downstream conveyance than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

previous er Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0 .. 3 m) .. between the current and oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

set equal to Warning: During the standard step iterations , when the assumed water surface was critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritica l answer .. The program defaulted to critical dep th ..

Warning: The parabolic search method failed to converge on critical depth .. The program will try the cross section s lice/secan t method to find c ritical depth .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS34 06 3412 . 96 Element Left OB Channel Right OB E.G . Elev (ft) 0 .. 22 Wt. n-Val .. 0 . 033 0 .. 033 0 . 033 Vel Head (ft)

Reach Len .. (ft) 745.00 846 . 00 1015 . 00

w. s . Elev (ft) 3412 . 74 3412 . 71 Flow Area (sq ft) 285 . 3 1 292 .. 00 103 .. 55 Crit W. S .. (ft}

0 .. 001906 Area (sq ft) 285 . 31 292 . 00 103.55 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 2128 . 00 Flow (cfs) 585 . 95 1306 . 41 235 . 64 Q Total {cfs) 435 . 22 Top Width (ft) 267 .13 85 . 00 83 .. 09 Top Width (ft)

Vel Total (ft/s) 3 . 13 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2 . 05 4. 47 2 " 28 Hydr. Depth (ft) 1..07 3 . 44 1 . 25 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 " 84 (cfs) 48746 .. 0 Conv . (cfs) 13422 . 4 29925 .. 8 5397 . 8 Conv .. Total (ft) 841 . 48 Wetted Per .. (ft) 267..15 85 . 04 83 .. 14 Length Wtd ..

3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 13 0 . 41 0 .. 15 Min Ch El (ft)

Alpha 1.. 44 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 .. 26 l . 83 0 " 34 (ft) 3 . 69 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 2 . 44 27.. 75 1.. 2 1 Fr ctn Loss C & E Loss (ft) 0 .. 04 Cum SA (acres) 2.28 24.51 0 " 97

) is less Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance than 0 . 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Page 52 APP A-757

HECRASAMIIIlOO previ ous er Wa r ning : The energy l oss was g reater than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . between the current and o ss section .. Th is may indicate the need for a d dition a l cross s ections .

wi l l Warni ng : The pa r abolic s earch metho d fa i led to con verge on cri tical depth . The program try t he cross sect i on s lice/s e cant me thod to fi n d cr i tica l d epth ..

CROS S SECT I ON OUTPUT Prof ile 1100 Yr . - WS340 7 3412 . 96 Eleme nt Left OB Ch annel Ri ght OB E.G . E l ev (f t )

Ve l Head (ft) 0 . 22 Wt . n - Val. o. 033 0.033 0 . 033

w. s . El ev (ft) 34 1 2 . 74 Reach Len . (ft) 745.00 846 . 00 101 5 . 0 0 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3 41 2 . 71 Flow Area {s q ft) 28 5 .31 292 . 00 103 . 5 5 E.G . Slope {ft/ft) 0.001906 Area {sq ft) 285 . 31 292 " 00 1 03 . 55 Q Total (cfs) 2 128 . 00 Flow (cf s ) 585 . 95 1306 .. 41 23 5 .64 Top Wi d t h {f t) 435 . 22 Top Wid th (ft) 267 . 13 85 . 00 8 3 . 09 Vel Tota l {ft/s) 3 " 13 Avg . Vel.. {f t/s) 2 . 05 4.47 2 .28 3 . 84 Hydr . Depth (ft) 1.07 3 .. 44 1..25 Max Chl Dpth (f t )

Conv . To tal (cfs) 48746 . 0 Conv .. {cfs) 13422 .. 4 2992 5 . 8 539 7 . 8 Length Wtd . (ft) 8 41.. 4 8 We tted Per. {f t ) 26 7 . 1 5 85 .. 0 4 83 .14 3408 . 90 Shear (lb/sq ft ) 0" 1 3 0. 41 0.15 Min Ch El (ft)

Alpha 1.44 St ream Power ( l b/ f t s) 0 . 26 1.83 0 . 34 Frc tn Loss {ft ) 3 .. 69 Cum Volume {acre-ft ) 2 " 70 38 . 48 1 .21 C & E Loss {ft) 0 .. 04 Cum SA (acres) 2 . 80 2 4 "51 0.97 is l ess Warni ng : Th e conveya n ce r atio (u pstream con veya nce divi ded b y down s t re am c onveyance) than 0 . 7 or g r eater than 1 . 4 . Th is may indi cate the n e ed for add it i onal cross se ct i ons.

e vious e r Warn ing : The energy lo s s was g reater tha n 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) . b etween the c u rr ent and pr oss s e c t i on . Thi s may indica t e t he n eed f o r add i t ional cro s s sections .

Warni n g : The p a rabol ic s e arch method fa il e d to conve r ge on critica l depth.. Th e program wi ll try t h e c ross section s l ice/secant me t hod to find c r i t i c al dep th .

CROSS SECTION RI VER : Ditc h A REACH : 5 RS: 1 888 INPUT Descrip tion : Sta . 1888 Sta t ion Elevati on Dat a n um= 10 Sta El e v Sta Elev Sta El ev Sta Elev S ta Elev

- 7 75 34 1 2 - 41 3410 81 34 1 0 100 3410 .2 11 0 3410 33 1 340 8 5 32 3408 690 3408 1180 3410 1 268 3412 Manning ' s n Value s num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val Page 53 APP A-758


-775 033 100 . 033 1180 "033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coeff Contr .. Expan .

100 1180 305 828 980 .. 1 .. 3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Prof ile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E .G . Elev (ft) 3409. 48 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 10 Wt . n-Val . 0 . 033 w.s . Elev (ft) 3409 .. 38 Reach Len . (ft) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 . 00 Crit w. s . (ft) 3408.89 Flow Area (sq ft) 831. 55 E . G. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003403 Area (sq ft} 831.55 Q Total (cfs) 2155.00 Flow (cfs) 2155 ** 00 Top Width (ft) 848 .59 Top Width (ft) 848 . 59 Vel Total (ft/s) 2.59 Avg . Vel.. (ft/s} 2 .. 59 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1. 38 Hydr. Depth (ft} 0 . 98 Conv . Total (cfs) 36939 . 4 Conv . (cfs} 36939 . 4 Length Wtd . (ft) 8 2 8 . 00 Wetted Per .. (ft} 848 . 60 Min Ch El {ft) 3408.00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 21 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft S) 0 . 54 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 ., 65 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 12 . 67 C & E Loss (ft) 0.02 Cum SA (acres) 13 . 07 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 . This may indicate the need for additional cross secti ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than L 0 ft (0. 3 m) . between the current and previous er oss section. This may indicate t6e need for additional cross sections .

Note: Hydraulic jump has occurred between th is cross section and the previous upstream sec tion .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E . G . Elev (ft) 3409 . 27 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 22 Wt . n-Val.. 0 . 033 W. S . Elev (ft) 3409 . 05 Reach Len . (ft) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 . 00 Crit W. S .. (ft) 3408 . 89 Flow Area (sq ft) 570 .. 28 E . G. Slope (ft/ft} 0 .. 009807 Area (sq ft) 5 70 . 28 Q Total (cfs} 2155 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2155 . 00 Page 54 APP A-759

HECRASAMIIIlO O Top Width (ft} 730 . 99 Top Width (ft) 730 ., 99 Ve l Total (ft/s) 3 . 78 Avg . VeL (ft/s) 3. 78 Max Chl Dpth (ft ) 1 . 05 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0 . 78 Conv .. Total (cfs) 217 61. 0 Conv . (cfs) 21761..0 Length Wtd . (ft) 828 .. 00 Wetted Per . (ft) 731.. 00 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 .. 00 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 48 Alpha 1.. 00 St ream Power (lb/ft s) 1 . 80 Frctn Loss (ft) 4 .. 12 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 1 3 . 02 C & E Loss (ft} 0 . 03 Cum SA (acres) 13 . 27 Warning: The conveyance ratio (ups tream conveyance d ivided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0 .. 7 or greater than 1 . 4 .. This may indicate the need for additional cross sec t i ons .

Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.. 0 ft ( 0 . 3 rn) .. between the current and previous er oss section . This may indicate the need for additional cross sections ..

Note: Hydraulic jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec tion .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr .. -WS3406 E . G. Elev (ft) 3409 . 23 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 34 Wt . n-Val .. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3408 . 89 Reach Len . (ft) 305.00 828 . 00 980 .. 00 Cr i t w. s . (ft) 3408 . 89 Flow Area (sq ft) 457 . 76 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 018312 Area (sq ft) 457 .. 76 Q Total (cfs) 2155 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2155 . 00 Top Width (ft) 674 . 05 Top Width (ft) 674 .. 05 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 . 71 Avg .. Vel . (ft/s) 4 " 71 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 0 . 89 Hydr .. Depth (ft) o. 68 Conv .. To tal (cfs) 15925 .. 1 Conv . (cfs) 15925 . 1 Length Wtd .. (ft) 828 . 00 Wetted Per. (f t) 674.06 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (lb/sq ft} 0 . 78 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 3 .. 65 Frctn Loss (ft} 1. 1 9 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 20 . 47 C & E Loss ( ft) 0 . 10 Cum SA (acres) 17 .. 14 Page 55 APP A-760

HECRASAMIII l OO Warni ng : The energy equation coul d not be balanced withi n t he specified number of iterat ions .

The p r ogram used c rit i cal dept h fo r the water sur face a nd con tinued on with the c a lcul a t i ons .

Warning : The conve yance ra tio {ups tream conveyan ce divided by downstream c o nveyance) i s l ess than 0 .. 7 or great er than 1.. 4 . Thi s may i n dicate the need for additional cross s ect i on s .

Warning: The energy loss was g r eater than 1 . 0 ft (0.3 m) . between the c u rren t and previou s er oss section . This may indi ca t e the n ee d fo r additional c ross sect i on s .

Warning: During the standard step i t erations , wh en the assumed water sur face was se t equal to critical d e p t h, the cal culate d wat er s ur face came back be l ow c ri tical d ept h. Thi s i ndicates that the r e is not a va l id s ubcritical answer . The program d efau lted to cri t ical dep th .

CROSS SECT I ON OUTPUT Pro f ile #100 Yr .. -WS340 7 E . G . Elev (f t) 3409 . 23 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (f t ) 0 . 34 Wt . n-Va l .. 0 .. 033 w' s . Elev {ft} 3408 . 89 Reach Len . (ft ) 305 . 00 828 . 00 980 .. 00 Cr i t w.. s . (ft) 3408 . 89 Fl ow Area (sq ft) 4 57.76 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft} 0 . 01 83 1 2 Area (sq ft) 45 7 .. 7 6 Q To ta l (cfs) 2155 .. 00 Flow (cfs ) 21 55 . 00 Top Width (ft) 674 . 05 Top Width (ft ) 6 74 . 05 Ve l Total {ft/s) 4 . 71 Avg . Vel.. (ft /s) 4 .. 71 Max Chl Dpt h (f t) 0. 89 Hydr.. Depth (ft) 0 .. 68 Conv . Tot a l (cfs) 1 5925 . 1 Con v . {cfs) 1 5 925 . 1 Length Wtd . (ft) 82 5 . 65 We tt e d Per . (f t) 674 . 06 Min Ch El (ft) 3408 . 00 Shear (l b/sq ft) 0 78 Al pha 1. 00 St r eam Power ( lb /ft s) 3 " 65 Frct n Lo s s (ft) 0 . 25 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 0 ' 26 31.20 c & E Loss (ft ) 0 . 10 Cum SA (acres) 0 . 51 17 "1 4 Warning: The e n e rgy e q u a tion coul d not be b a l anced wi t h in the s peci f ied numbe r o f i terat i ons .

The p r ogram used c r it i c a l depth for t h e wa ter su r face and con t inu e d on wi th the calcul at ions .

Warning : The conveyance ra t io (upstream conveyance divided b y downs t r eam c onveyan ce) is l e s s than 0 .. 7 or g reater t h a n 1 . 4 . Thi s may ind i c a te t h e n eed fo r additional c r oss sect i on s .

Warn i ng : The energy loss was great e r than 1 . 0 ft (0 . 3 m) .. b e tween t he c u rrent and p reviou s er oss sect ion . Thi s may indicate the need for a d ditiona l cross sections .

Warning : During the standard step i t erati ons, when t he assumed water sur f ace was set equ al to Page 56 APP A-761

HECRASAMII I10 0 critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth .. This i ndicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer . The program defaulted to critical dep th .




Sta .. 1060 Station Elevation Data num= 6 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 100 3408 394 3406 879 3402 .. 7 909 3402.7 1206 3405 1523 3406 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Va l Sta n Val 100 .033 394 " 033 1523 .. 033 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths : Left Channel Right Coef f Contr. Expan ..

394 1523 60 60 60 .. 1 "3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3404 . 5 E . G . Elev (ft) 3404 .. 81 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 31 Wt. n-Val . 0 .. 033 w.s .. Elev (ft) 3404 . 50 Reach Len . (ft)

Cr it w. s . (ft} 3404..34 Flow Area (sq ft) 501.30 E . G . Slope (ft/ft} 0 .. 010602 Area (sq ft) 501.30 Q Tota l (cfs) 2248 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2248 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 52 6" 98 Top Width (ft) 526 .. 98 Vel Total (ft/s) 4 ' 48 Avg .. Vel .. (ft/s} 4 " 48 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 1.80 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 0 " 95 Conv . Total (cfs) 21832 . 6 Conv .. (cfs) 21832 . 6 Length Wtd .. (ft) Wetted Per . (ft) 52 7 ** 00 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 . 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 .. 63 Alpha LOO Stream Power (lb/ft s ) 2 . 82 Frctn Loss (ft} Cum Volume (acre-ft)

C & E Loss (ft} Cum SA (acres)

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3405 E.G. Elev (ft} 3405 .. 12 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 12 Wt .. n-Val . 0 . 033 Page 57 APP A-762


w. s. Elev (ft) 3405 . 00 Reach Len .. {ft)

Crit w. s . (ft) 3404 . 34 Flow Area (sq ft) 799 . 30 E .. G, Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 003053 Area (sq ft) 799 . 30 Q Total (cfs) 2248 .. 00 Flow (cfs) 2248 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 665.03 Top Width (ft) 665 . 03 Vel Total (ft/s) 2 . 81 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 2. Bl Max Chl Dpth (ft) 2 . 30 Hydr. Depth (ft) 1.. 20 Conv . Total (cfs) 40684 . 8 Conv, (cfs) 40684.B Length Wtd .. (ft) Wetted Per .. (ft) 665 . 05 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 ' 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 23 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0" 64 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft)

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100 Yr . -WS3406 E .. G . Elev (ft) 3406 .. 03 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) 0 . 03 Wt.. n-Val. 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3406 . 00 Reach Len .. (ft)

Crit w. s . (ft) 3404 . 34 Flow Area (s q ft) 1696 . 32 E .. G . Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000503 Area (sq ft) 1696 .. 32 Q To ta l (cfs) 2248 . 00 Flow (cfs) 2248 . 00 Top Width (ft) 1129 .. 00 Top Width ( ft) 1129 .. 00 Vel Total (ft/s) 1 . 33 Avg . Vel . (ft/s) 1..33 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 3 . 30 Hydr .. Depth (ft) 1.50 Conv . Total (cfs) 100198 . 1 Conv . (c fs) 100198 . 1 Length Wtd. {ft) Wetted Per . (ft) 1129 .. 02 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 .. 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 05 Alpha 1.. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0.06 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft)

C & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)

Page SB APP A-763

HECRASAMII IlOO Note: Hydraulic jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec tion .

CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profi le #100 Yr . -WS3407 E . G ., Elev (ft) 3407 .. 01 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head (ft) o. 01 Wt . n-Val , 0 . 033 0 . 033

w. s . Elev (ft) 3407 . 00 Reach Len .. (ft)

Crit W. S , (ft) 3404 . 34 Flow Area (sq ft) 73 . 50 2825 . 32 E . G .. Slope (ft/ft) 0 . 000090 Area ( sq ft) 73 . 50 2825 .. 32 Q Total (cfs) 2248 . 00 Flow (cfs) 19 . 82 2228 . 18 Top Width (ft) 1276 .. 00 Top Width (ft) 147 . 00 1129 . 00 Vel Total (ft/s) 0 . 78 Avg. Vel . (ft/s) 0 . 27 o. 79 Max Chl Dpth (ft) 4 . 30 Hydr . Depth (ft) 0.50 2 . 50 Conv . Total (cfs) 236437 . 3 Conv .. (cfs) 2084 . 9 234352 .. 5 Length Wtd . (ft) Wetted Per . (ft) 14 7 . 00 1130 . 02 Min Ch El (ft) 3402 .. 70 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0 . 00 0.01 Alpha 1 . 03 Stream Power (lb/ft s) 0 . 00 0 . 01 Frctn Loss (ft) Cum Volume (acre-ft) c & E Loss (ft) Cum SA (acres)

Note: Hydraulic jump has occurred between this cross section and the previous upstream sec ti on .


OF MANNING'S N VALUES River:Ditch A Reach River Sta . nl n2 n3 5 12674 . 033 . 033 . 033 5 1133 7 . 033 .. 033 "033 5 1093 7 .. 033 . 033 . 033 5 10288 ., 033 . 033 . 033 5 9690 . 033 .033 .. 033 5 9009 . 033 .033 . 033 5 8130 " 033 .03 3 .. 033 5 7717 . 033 . 033 " 033 5 7253 . 033 .. 033 " 033 5 6343 .033 . 033 . 033 5 5363 . 033 . 033 " 033 5 4221 " 033 .. 033 .033 5 3489 . 033 " 033 . 033 5 2989 . 033 . 033 .. 033 Page 59 APP A-764

HECRASAMI IIlOO 5 2774 .033 . 033 . 033 5 2 773 Culvert 5 2734 . 033 .. 033 .. 033 5 1888 . 033 .. 033 .. 033 5 1060 .033 . 033 .. 033


OF REACH LENGTHS River : Ditch A Reach River Sta. Left Channel Right 5 12674 1206 1337 1433 5 11337 545 400 332 5 10937 729 649 445 5 10288 552 598 633 5 9690 639 681 658 5 9009 898 879 794 5 8130 399 413 456 5 7717 444 464 510 5 7253 756 910 980 5 6343 767 980 1051 5 5363 1199 1142 713 5 4221 749 732 843 5 3489 464 500 457 5 2989 317 215 172 5 2774 40 40 40 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 745 846 1015 5 1888 305 828 980 5 1 060 60 60 60


OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIEN TS River : Ditch A Reach River Sta .. Contr .. Expan .

5 12674 .1 . 3 5 11337 .1 .. 3 5 10937 .1 .. 3 5 10288 .1 .. 3 5 9690 .1 .. 3 5 9009 .1 .3 5 8130 .1 .. 3 5 7717 .1 .3 5 7253 .1 . 3 5 6343 .1 .. 3 5 5363 .1 .. 3 5 4221 .. 1 ., 3 5 3489 .1 .3 5 2989 .3 . 5 5 2774 . 3 .. 5 5 2 773 Culvert 5 2734 .. 3 .. 5 5 1888 .1 .3 5 1060 .1 . 3 Page 60 APP A-765

HECRASAMII Il OO Profile Output Table - Standard Tabl e 1 Reach Rive r Sta Q Tota l Mi n Ch El w.s ' Elev Cr i t w.s . E G . El ev E .. G . s l ope Vel Chnl Fl ow Ar ea Top Wi d th Froude # Chl (cfs } (f t ) (ft) (ft ) (ft) (ft

/ ft) (ft/s} (s q ft} (ft )

s 12674 645 .. 0 0 34 77 .00 3478 . 49 3478 . 08 3478 . 59 0 . 00 3093 2 ' 49 2 6 8 , 80 320 .. 33 0 . 44 5 12674 645.00 3 47 7 . 0 0 3478 . 49 34 78 . 08 34 78 . 5 9 0 .0 0 3093 2 .. 49 268 . 80 320 .. 33 0 . 44 5 12674 645 . 00 347 7. 00 3478 .. 4 9 3478 . 08 3478 . 59 0 . 00 3093 2 .. 4 9 268 " 80 320 . 33 0.44 5 12674 64 5 . 00 34 7 7.00 3478 . 49 3478 . 08 3478 .. 59 0.00 3093 2 " 49 268 " 80 320 , 33 0.44 5 11337 645 . 00 3469 . 0 0 34 70 ' 53 3470 . 50 3470 . 97 0 .. 01 365 7 5 .. 36 123 . 92 13 7 . 13 0 . 93 5 1133 7 64 5 .. 00 3469.00 3470 .. 53 34 70 .. 50 3470 . 9 7 0 .0 1 365 7 5 .. 36 123 " 92 1 37 " 13 0 . 93 5 11337 645 . 0 0 3469 . 00 3 4 70 . 53 3470 .. 50 34 70 .. 97 0 .. 0 1 3657 5 . 36 123 .. 92 137 . 1 3 0 .93 5 11337 645 .. 00 3 4 69 . 00 3470 .. 53 34 70 .. 50 3470 . 97 0 .. 01 365 7 5 .. 36 123 .. 92 1 37 . 13 0 " 93 5 10937 645 . 00 3464 . 00 3465 .. 93 3465 . 75 3 4 66 . 26 0 .. 01 0093 4" 5 7 141..28 139 . 30 0 . 80 5 10937 645 . 00 346 4 .00 3465 . 93 3465 . 75 3466 .. 26 0 " 01 0093 4.57 141.28 139 . 30 0 . 80 5 1 0937 645 . 00 3464 . 0 0 3465 . 93 3 4 6 5 .. 75 3466 . 26 0.01 0093 4.57 14 1. 28 139 .. 30 0 . 80 5 10937 645 . 00 3464.00 3 4 65 .. 93 3465 . 75 3466 .. 2 6 0 . 01 0093 4.57 141.28 139 . 30 0 .. 80 5 10288 645 .. 00 3456 . 00 345 7 . 07 3457 . 07 345 7.. 30 0 .01 9840 3 . 87 166 .. 72 349 . 93 0. 99 5 1 028 8 645 .. 00 3456.00 3457.07 3457 . 07 3457 . 30 0 . 01 9840 3 .8 7 1 66 . 72 349.93 0 . 99 5 10288 6 45 , 00 3456 .0 0 3 4 5 7 .07 34 5 7 .0 7 345 7 .. 30 0 .. 0 1 9840 3 . 87 1 66 . 72 349 .. 93 0 . 99 5 1 0288 645 . 00 34 5 6.00 345 7 .. 07 345 7 .. 0 7 3457 . 30 0 .. 01 9840 3 "8 7 1 66 .. 72 349 .. 93 0 . 99 5 9690 817..0 0 3 4 50 . 00 34 51.. 66 3451..28 34 5 1.. 78 0 . 00 4 774 2 " 78 293.93 348 . 04 0 . 53 5 9690 81 7 .. 00 3450 . 00 3451. 66 3 4 51.. 28 345 1 . 78 o . oo 4 774 2 ' 78 2 93.93 348 . 04 0.53 5 9690 8 1 7 . 00 3450 . 00 3451.. 66 3451 .. 28 3451 .. 78 0 . 00 4 774 2 ' 78 293.93 348 . 04 0.53 5 9690 8 1 7 .. 00 3450 . 00 3451.. 66 345 1 .28 3451.. 78 0.00 4774 2 " 78 29 3. 93 348 .. 04 o. 5 3 5 9009 8 1 7 . 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 62 34 4 6 . 5 0 3446 . 87 0 . 01 2038 4 .. 03 202 .. 9 2 275 .. 7 9 0 . 83 5 9009 8 17 . 00 3445. 0 0 3446 .. 62 3446 . 50 3446 .. 87 0 . 01 2038 4 " 03 202 .. 92 275 . 79 0 . 83 5 9009 817.00 3445.00 3446 .. 62 3446 . 50 3 4 46 . 87 0 . 01 2038 4 . 03 202 .. 92 275 . 79 0 . 83 Page 61 APP A-766

HECRASAMIIIlOO 5 9009 817 . 00 3445.00 3446 . 62 3446 . 50 3446 . 87 0 " 01 2038 4 . 03 202 , 92 275.79 0 " 83 5 8130 817 . 00 3440.00 3441 . 75 3441. 25 3441.. 84 0.00 3282 2 . 40 340 . 75 380 . 21 0.45 5 8130 817 " 00 3440 . 00 3441 . 75 3441 . 25 3441.. 84 0 . 00 3282 2 . 40 340 .. 75 380.21 0 . 45 5 8130 817 ' 00 3440.00 3441 ' 75 3441.25 3441 . 84 0.00 3282 2.40 340 " 75 380 .2 1 0 . 45 5 8130 817 . 00 3440.00 3441 ' 75 3441.25 3441 " 84 0.00 3282 2.40 34 0 .. 7 5 380 . 21 0 .. 45 5 7 717 817 .. 00 3437 . 80 3438 . 79 3438 . 79 3439 . 10 0 .. 01 9275 4.47 182 . 90 302 . 82 1. 01 5 7 717 817 .. 00 3437. 80 3438 . 79 3438 . 79 3439 .. 10 0 . 01 9275 4 ' 47 182.90 302 . 82 1. 0 1 5 7717 817.00 3437.80 3438" 79 3438 " 79 3439 .. 10 0.0 1 9275 4. 4 7 182 . 90 302 .. 82 1. 01 5 7 717 817.00 3437.80 3438 . 79 3438 .. 79 3439 .. 10 0 . 01 9275 4' 47 182.90 302 . 82 1 .. 01 5 7253 966 .. 00 3435 . 00 3436 .. 53 3435 .. 99 3436 .. 59 0 . 00 1746 1.. 92 511.45 535 . 68 0 . 33 5 7253 966.00 3435 . 00 3436 . 53 3435 . 99 3436 .. 59 0.00 17 4 6 1.. 92 511. 45 535 . 68 0 . 33 5 7253 966.00 3435 . 00 3436 .. 53 3435 . 99 3436 .. 59 0 . 00 1746 1.92 511.45 535 .6 8 0.33 5 7253 966 . 00 3435.00 3436 . 53 3435 . 99 3436 .. 59 0 " 00 1746 1 . 92 511.. 45 535 . 68 0 . 33 5 6343 1873 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 86 3430 . 86 3431 .. 22 0 .. 01 8047 4 " 82 388 . 25 545 . 10 1. 01 5 6343 18 73 . 00 3430 . 00 3430 .. 86 3430 . 86 3431.. 22 0 .0 1 8047 4 .. 82 388.25 545.10 1. 01 5 6343 1873.00 3430 . 00 3430 . 86 3430 . 86 3431 .22 0 . 01 8047 4 " 82 388.25 545 .1 0 1. 01 5 6343 1873 .. 00 3430 . 00 3430 . 86 3430.86 3431 . 22 0 .. 01 8047 4 " 82 388 ** 25 545 "10 1. 01 5 5363 1873 .. 00 3425.00 3426 . 53 3425.93 3426.60 0 . 00 1 798 2 . 13 906 . 30 892 . 02 0.35 5 5363 1 873 .. 00 3425.00 3426 .. 53 3425 .. 93 3426 . 60 0 .. 00 1798 2" 13 906 . 30 892 . 02 0.35 5 5363 1 873 . 00 3425.00 3426 .. 53 3425 . 93 3426.60 0 .. 00 1798 2 " 13 906 .. 30 892. 02 0.35 5 5363 1873 " 00 3425 . 00 3426 . 53 3425 .. 93 3426 . 60 0 .. 00 1798 2 . 13 906 ' 30 892.02 0 . 35 5 422 1 2128 . 00 3420.00 3421 . 1 9 3421..19 3421..58 0 .. 0 1 7043 5 . 00 428 .. 69 581.33 0 . 99 5 4221 2128 .. 00 3420 . 00 3421 .. 1 9 3421..19 3421.. 58 o. 0 1 7043 5 . 00 428 . 69 581. 33 0 . 99 5 422 1 2128.00 3420 . 00 342 1 . 19 3421 . 19 342 1 . 58 0 .. 0 1 7043 5 .00 428 . 69 581. 33 0 . 99 5 422 1 2128 .. 00 3420.00 3421..19 3421..19 3 421.. 58 o. 01 7043 5.00 428 . 69 581.. 33 0 . 99 5 3 489 2128 .00 3416 . 00 3417..37 3416 .8 2 3417 . 44 0 " 00 Page 62 APP A-767

HECRASAMII I1 0 0 2273 2.30 995 . 88 1009 . 3 6 0. 38 5 3489 2 1 28 . 00 3416 . 00 34 1 7 ' 3 7 34 1 6 . 82 34 1 7 . 44 0 .. 00 2273 2.30 995 . 88 1009 . 36 0.38 5 3489 2128 . 00 3416.00 34 1 7 .. 37 3416 .. 82 3417 . 44 0 .. 00 2273 2 . 30 995 . 88 1 009 . 36 0 . 38 5 3489 2128 .. 00 3416.00 34 1 7..37 3416 . 82 3417 . 44 0 .. 00 2273 2 " 30 995 . 88 1009 .. 36 0 . 38 5 2989 2128 .. 00 3413 . 80 3414 .. 67 34 1 4.67 3 415 . 03 0 .. 01 8086 4 . 64 446 .. 36 640 . 02 1. 00 5 2989 2 1 28 . 00 3413 . 8 0 3414 , 67 3414. 67 3415 . 03 0.0 1 8086 4 . 64 446 . 36 640 . 02 1. 00 5 2989 2 1 28 .. 00 3413.80 3414 .. 6 7 3414 . 67 3415 .. 03 0.01 8086 4 '64 446 . 36 640.02 1. 00 5 2989 2128 .. 00 3413.80 3414 .. 67 3414 . 67 3415.03 0 . 01 8086 4 . 64 446 .. 36 640 .. 02 1. 00 5 2774 2 1 28 . 00 3409 . 00 3414.16 3412 . 71 34 1 4 . 2 1 0 " 00 0414 2 " 61 1505 . 18 1057 . 47 0 . 21 5 2774 2 1 28 ** 00 3409 . 00 3414'16 3412' 71 3414 "2 1 0 .. 00 0414 2 " 61 1 505 . 1 8 1057.47 0.21 5 2774 2128.00 3409.00 3414 .. 1 6 3412 .. 71 34 1 4 ,, 2 1 0 " 00 0414 2 . 61 1505 .. 70 1057 .5 1 0.21 5 2774 2 1 28 . 00 3409.00 3414 . 16 3412 " 71 3414 " 21 o. 00 0414 2 .. 61 1505 .. 70 105 7.. 51 0 .. 21 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 2128.00 3408 . 90 3412" 71 34 1 2 .. 71 3412 ' 94 0 . 00 2018 4 '5 7 665.51 431.91 0.44 5 2734 2128 . 00 3408.90 3412 . 71 3412 .. 71 3412 " 94 0 .. 00 2018 4 .5 7 665 . 51 431 . 91 0.44 5 2 734 2128 . 00 3408.90 3412. 74 3412 . 71 3412 .. 96 o. 00 1906 4 '47 680 . 86 435 . 22 0 . 43 5 2734 2128 . 00 3408 . 90 3412. 74 3412 . 71 3412 .. 96 0 . 00 1 906 4 "4 7 680 . 86 435.22 0 .. 43 5 1 888 2155.00 3 4 08.00 3409.38 3408 . 89 3409 . 48 0 . 00 3403 2.59 831. 55 848 . 59 0 . 46 5 1 888 2155 .. 00 3408 . 00 3409 .. 05 3408.89 3409 . 27 0 .. 00 9807 3" 78 570 . 28 730 . 99 0 . 75 5 1888 2155 . 00 3408.00 3408 .. 89 3408.89 3409 . 23 0 .. 01 8312 4 . 71 457 .. 76 6 74.05 1. 01 5 1888 2155 .. 00 3408 . 00 3408 .. 89 3408 . 89 3409.23 0 " 01 83 1 2 4" 71 457 . 76 674 . 05 1..01 5 1 060 2248 .. 00 3402. 70 3404 ' 50 3404 . 34 340 4 . 81 0.01 0602 4 " 48 5 01 .. 30 52 6. 98 0 .81 5 1060 2248 .. 00 3402.70 3405 .. 00 3404 .. 34 3405 . 12 0 . 00 3053 2 . 81 799 . 3 0 665.03 0 . 45 5 1060 2248 .. 00 3402.70 3406 .. 00 3404 .. 34 3406.0 3 0.00 0503 1.. 33 1696 .. 32 1129 . 00 0.19 5 1060 2248 .. 00 3402 . 70 3407 .. 00 3404 . 34 3407 . 01 0.00 0090 0" 79 2898 .. 82 1276 . 00 0 . 09 Pr ofile Output Table - Report Standard Table 1 Page 63 APP A-768

HECRASAMIIIlOO Reach River Sta Q Total Min Ch El W. S . Elev Crit W. S . Max Chl Dpth E .. G Elev E . G.. Slope Vel Chnl Sta W. S . Lft Sta W.. S . Rgt Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs} (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)

(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (ft} (ft) (sq ft) (ft) 5 12674 645 . 00 3477 .. 00 3478 .. 49 3478 .. 08 1.49 3 478 . 59 0.003093 2" 49 345 . 62 665.95 268 ,. 80 320 .. 33 0.44 5 126 74 645.00 3477 . 00 3478 . 49 3478 . 08 1..49 3 478 . 59 0 .. 003093 2 .. 4 9 345 . 62 665 . 95 268 .. 80 320 . 33 0 . 44 5 12674 645 . 00 3477 .. 00 3478 .. 49 3478 . 08 1.49 3 478 . 59 0 . 003093 2 . 49 345 . 62 665 .. 95 268 .. 80 320 .. 33 0.44 5 12674 645 . 00 34 77 . 00 3478 .. 49 3478 " 08 1.49 3 478 . 59 0 . 003093 2 " 49 345 . 62 665 . 95 268 .. 80 320 . 33 0 . 44 5 11337 645 . 00 3469.00 3470 .. 53 3470 .. 50 1..53 3 470 .97 0.013657 5 . 36 423 . 67 560 . 80 123.92 137 .. 13 0 . 93 5 11337 645.00 3469 .. 00 3470 . 53 3470 . 50 1 .. 53 3 470.97 0 013657 5 .. 36 423 . 67 560 .. 80 123. 92 137 . 13 0 .. 93 5 11337 645 . 00 3469 .. 00 3470 . 53 3470 . 50 1. 53 3 4 70.97 0 . 013657 5 .. 36 423 . 67 560 . 80 123 . 92 137 "13 o. 93 5 11337 645 . 00 3469 .. 00 3470 . 53 3470 . 50 1. 53 3 470 . 97 0 . 013657 5 .. 36 423 . 67 560 .. 80 123 .. 92 13 7 . 13 0 . 93 5 10937 645 . 00 3464 . 00 3465 .. 93 3465 .. 75 1 . 93 3 466 . 26 0.010093 4 .. 5 7 467,44 606 .. 74 14 1 " 28 139 .. 30 0 . BO 5 10937 645.00 3464 . 00 3465 .. 93 3465 "*75 1.93 3 4 66 . 26 0 . 010093 4 .. 5 7 467 . 44 606 .. 74 141 . 28 139 . 30 0 . 80 5 10937 645.00 3464 . 00 3465.93 3465 .. 75 1.93 3 466 . 26 0.010093 4.. 57 467 .. 44 60 6 .. 7 4 141.28 139 .. 30 0 .. 80 5 10937 645 . 00 3464 . 00 3465 . 93 3465 " 75 1 . 93 3 466 . 26 0.010093 4 "5 7 467 .. 44 606 . 74 141.28 139 . 30 0 . BO 5 10288 645.00 3456 . 00 3457.07 3457..07 1 . 07 3-457 . 30 0 019840 3 " 87 389 .. 03 738 . 96 166 .. 72 349 .. 93 0.99 5 10288 645 . 00 3456 . 00 3457 .. 07 3457..07 1. 07 3 457 . 30 0.019840 3 . 87 389 .. 03 738.96 166 .. 72 349 . 93 0 . 99 5 10288 645.00 3456 . 00 3457 .. 07 3457 .. 07 1.07 3 457 .. 30 0 019840 3 .. 87 389 .. 03 738 . 96 166. 72 349 . 93 0 .. 99 Page 64 APP A-769

HECRASAMII Il 0 0 5 1 0288 64 5.00 3456 . 00 3457.07 3457 . 07 1.07 3 457 . 30 0 . 019840 3. 87 389 . 03 738 . 96 166 . 72 349 . 93 0 .. 99 5 9690 817.00 3450 . 00 3451 . 66 3451..28 1 . 66 3 451 . 78 0 . 004774 2 . 78 423 , 62 771.66 293 ' 93 348 .. 04 0 . 53 5 9690 817 . 00 3450 .. 00 3451 . 66 3451 .28 1. 66 3 45 1 . 78 0 . 004774 2 ** 78 423 . 62 771. 66 293 . 93 348 .. 04 0.53 5 9690 817.00 3450 . 00 3451.. 66 3451..28 1 . 66 3 451.. 78 0 .. 004774 2' 78 423.62 7 71. 66 293 . 93 348 .. 04 0 . 53 5 9690 81 7. 00 3450.00 3451 .. 66 3451.. 28 1.. 66 3 4 51.. 7 8 0 .. 004774 2 . 78 423.62 771..66 293 . 93 348 . 04 0 . 53 5 9009 817.00 3445 . 00 3446 . 62 3446 . 50 1 .. 62 3 446 87 0 ' 01 2038 4 . 03 440 . 24 716 . 03 202 . 92 275 . 79 0 ' 83 5 9009 81 7 . 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 62 3446 . 50 1.62 3 446 . 87 0 . 012 038 4 . 03 440 . 24 716 . 03 202 . 92 275 . 79 0 .. 83 5 9009 817 . 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 62 3446 . 50 1.62 3 446 . 87 0 . 012038 4 . 03 440 . 24 716 .. 03 202 .. 92 275 . 79 0 . 83 5 9009 817. 00 3445 . 00 3446 . 62 3446 . 50 1. 62 3 446 . 87 0 . 012038 4 . 03 44 0 . 24 716 . 03 202 ' 92 275 . 79 0 . 83 5 8130 817.00 3440 . 00 3441 . 75 3441 . 25 1 . 75 3 441 . 84 0 . 003282 2 . 40 448 . 26 828 . 47 340 . 75 380 . 21 0 . 45 5 8130 817.00 3440 . 00 3441 . 75 3441 . 25 L 75 3 441. 84 0 . 003282 2 . 40 448 . 26 828 . 47 340 .. 75 380 . 21 0 . 45 5 8130 817 .0 0 3440 . 00 3441 . 75 3441 . 25 L 75 3 441. 84 0. 003282 2 . 40 448 . 26 828 . 47 340 . 75 380 . 21 0 . 45 5 8130 81 7.00 3440 . 00 3441 . 75 3441.. 25 1 . 75 3 441. 84 0 . 003282 2 . 40 448 . 26 828.47 340 .. 75 380 . 21 0 . 45 5 7717 817 . 00 3 437 . 80 3438 . 79 3438 . 79 0 .. 99 3 439 . 10 0 . 019275 4 '47 323 . 60 626 . 42 182 .. 90 302 . 82 1 .01 5 7717 817 . 00 343 7.. 80 3438 . 79 3438 .. 79 0 . 99 3 439 . 10 0 . 019275 4 ' 47 323 .. 60 626 . 42 182 . 90 302 . 82 1..01 5 7717 817 . 00 3437..80 3438 . 79 3438 . 79 0 . 99 3 439 . 10 0 . 019275 4 '47 323 . 60 626 " 42 182 . 90 302 . 82 1.. 01 5 7 717 817 . 00 343 7.. 80 3438 . 79 3438 . 79 0 . 99 3 439.10 0 . 019275 4 '47 323 . 60 626 . 42 182 .. 90 302 . 82 1.. 01 Page 65 APP A-770

HECRASAMII Il OO 5 7253 966.00 3435 .. 00 3436 .. 53 3435.99 1.. 53 3 436 . 59 0 . 001746 1 .. 92 396 .. 63 932.31 511.. 45 535 .. 68 0 . 33 5 7253 966 . 00 3435 .. 00 3436 . 53 3435.99 1.. 53 3 436.59 0 .. 001746 1 .. 92 3 96 . 63 932.31 511..45 535 .. 68 0 .. 33 5 72 5 3 966 . 00 3435 .. 00 3436 . 53 3435 . 99 1 .. 53 3 436 . 59 0 . 001746 1 . 92 396 .. 63 932.31 5 11 .. 45 535 . 68 0 .. 33 5 7253 966. 00 3435 .. 00 3436 . 53 3435 .. 99 L53 3 436 . 59 0 . 001746 1 . 92 396 . 63 932 ** 31 5 1 1..45 535 . 68 0 . 33 5 6343 1873 . 00 3430.00 3430 . 86 3430 . 86 0 . 86 3 431 . 22 0 .. 018047 4 .. 82 754 . 77 1299 . 87 388 . 25 545 . 10 1 .. 01 5 6343 1873.00 3430 . 00 3430 . 86 3430 .. 86 0 . 86 3 431.22 0 . 018047 4 .. 82 7 54 .. 7 7 1299 . 87 388 . 25 545 .. 10 1 .. 01 5 6343 1873.00 3430 . 00 3430 . 86 3430 .. 86 o. 86 3 43 1 .22 0 .. 018047 4 . 82 754 . 7 7 1299 . 87 388 . 25 545 .10 1. 01 5 6343 1873.00 3430.00 3430 .. 86 3430 . 86 0. 86 3 431..22 0.018047 4.82 7 54 .. 77 1299 .. 87 388.25 545 .. 10 1 . 01 5 5363 1 873.00 3425.00 3426 .. 53 3425.93 1.53 3 426 .. 60 0 . 001798 2 . 13 690 .. 84 1582 .. 86 906 .. 30 892 . 02 0 . 35 5 5363 1 873.00 3425 .. 00 3426 . 53 3425.93 1 . 53 3 4 2 6 .. 60 0 . 001798 2 .. 13 690 . 84 15 82 . 86 906 . 30 892 .. 02 0 .. 35 5 5363 1873.00 3425 .. 00 3426 .. 53 3425 .. 93 1.. 53 3 426 . 60 0 . 001798 2 .. 1 3 690 . 84 1582 . 86 906 . 30 892 .. 02 0 . 35 5 5363 18 73 . 00 3425 .. 00 3426.53 3425 . 93 1 .. 53 3 426 .. 60 0 . 001 798 2 .. 13 690 .. 84 1582 . 86 906.30 892 . 02 0 35 5 4221 2128 . 00 3420 . 00 3421..19 3421.19 1..19 3 421.. 58 0 . 017 043 5 .. 00 504 .. 75 10 86 .. 07 428 . 69 581 . 33 0.99 5 4221 2128.00 3420.00 3421 . 19 3421..19 1..19 3 421..58 0 .. 017043 5 .. 00 504 . 75 1 086 . 07 428 . 69 581.. 33 0 . 99 5 4221 2128 . 00 3420.00 342 1 .. 19 3421..19 1.19 3 421 . 58 0 .. 017043 5 .. 00 504 .. 75 1086 . 07 428 . 69 581.. 33 0 .. 99 5 4221 2128 . 00 3420 .. 00 342 1 .19 3421..19 1 .. 19 3 421.58 0 . 017043 5 .. 00 504 . 75 1086.07 428 . 69 581 .33 0 .. 99 5 3489 2 128.00 34 16 . 00 3417 .. 37 3416 .. 82 2 .. 37 3 417 .. 44 0 .. 002273 2 . 30 - 119 . 07 890 .. 2 9 995 . 88 1009 .. 36 0 . 38 Page 66 APP A-771

HECRASAMII Il OO 5 3489 2128.00 3416 .. 00 3417.37 3416.82 2 .. 3 7 3 417 . 44 0 . 002273 2 . 30 *-119 . 07 890 . 29 995 . BB 1 009 . 36 0.38 5 3489 2128.00 3416 . 00 34 17 .37 3416 . B2 2 . 37 3 417 . 44 0 . 002273 2 . 30 -119 . 07 890 . 29 995 . 88 10 09 . 36 o. 38 5 3489 21 2 8 .00 3416 . 00 3417 . 3 7 34 1 6 . 82 2 . 37 3 4 1 7 . 44 0 . 0022 7 3 2 . 30 -119 07 890 . 29 995 . 88 1009 . 36 0 . 38 5 2989 2128.00 3413 . 80 3414 " 67 3414 . 67 0 . B7 3 415 . 03 0 . 018086 4 . 64 174 . 17 814 .20 446.36 640 .. 02 1 . 00 5 2989 2 1 28 . 00 3413 . 80 3414.67 34 14 . 67 0 .. B 7 3 415 . 03 0 . 018086 4 . 64 174 . 17 814 . 20 446 . 36 640 . 02 1. 00 5 2989 2 128.0 0 3413 . BO 34 1 4 . 6 7 3414.67 O . B7 3 415 . 03 0 . 01 8086 4 . 64 174 . 17 814 . 20 446 . 36 640 . 02 1. 00 5 29B9 2 1 28 .0 0 34 13. 80 34 14 . 67 3414 . 67 0 . 87 3 415 . 03 0 . 018086 4 . 64 174 .. 1 7 Bl4 . 20 446 . 36 640 . 02 1 .00 5 2774 2 1 28 . 00 3409 . 00 3414 . 16 34 1 2 ,, 71 5 . 16 3 414 . 21 0 . 000414 2 . 61 -409 . 9 6 64 7.. 51 1 505 . 1 8 1 057 . 47 0 . 21 5 2774 2128.00 3409 . 00 3414 16 34 12 .. 71 5 . 16 3 414 . 21 0 . 000414 2 . 61 - 409 . 96 64 7 " 51 1505 .. 18 1057 . 47 0 . 21 5 2 774 2128.00 3409 . 00 3414 . 16 3412 .. 71 5 . 16 3 414 . 21 0 . 000414 2.61 - 409 . 98 647 . 5 3 1505 . 70 1057 . 5 1 0 . 21 5 2774 2128.00 3409 . 00 3414 . 16 3412 . 71 5. 1 6 3 414 .. 21 0 . 000414 2 . 61 - 409 . 9B 64 7 . 53 1 505.70 1057..51 0 . 21 5 2773 Culvert 5 2734 2128 . 00 3 4 08.90 3 41 2. 71 3412. 71 3 . 81 3 412 . 94 0 . 002018 4 . 57 83 . 74 5 15 . 65 665 . 51 431 . 91 0 . 44 5 2734 2128.00 3 4 08 .. 90 3412 . 71 3412 . 71 3 . Bl 3 412 . 94 0 . 002018 4. 57 83 ** 74 515 . 65 665.51 43 1 . 91 0.44 5 2734 2128 . 00 3408 . 90 34 12 . 74 3412 " 71 3 . 84 3 412 . 96 0 . 001906 4 .47 BL 87 517 . 09 680 . 86 435 . 22 o. 43 5 2734 2128.00 3408 " 90 34 1 2 . 74 3412 . 71 3 . B4 3 412 . 96 0 . 0 01906 4 .47 BLB7 517..09 68 0 . 86 435 . 22 0 . 43 5 lBBB 2155.00 3408 . 00 3409 . 38 340B . B9 1. 38 3 409 . 48 0 . 003403 2 .. 59 17B . B2 1027 . 41 831 . 55 848 . 59 0 . 46 Page 67 APP A-772

HECRASAMIIIlOO 5 1888 2155.00 3408 .. 00 3409 . 05 3408.89 1 . 05 3 409.27 0 . 009807 3. 78 215 . 37 946 . 36 570 . 28 730 .. 99 0 . 75 5 1888 21 55 . 00 3408 . 00 3408 . 89 3408 .. 89 0 . 89 3 409 . 23 0 . 018312 4 ' 71 233 .. 07 90 7 ' 13 457.. 76 674 ** 05 LO l 5 1888 2155.00 3408 . 00 3408 . 89 3408 . 89 0 . 89 3 409 . 23 0 . 018312 4 .. 71 233 .. 07 907 .. 13 457..76 674.05 1.. 01 5 1060 2248.00 3402 .. 70 3404.50 3404 .. 34 L 80 3 404 . 81 0 . 010602 4.48 614 ' 45 114 1 . 44 50 1 . 3 0 526 .. 98 0 . 81 5 1060 2248 . 00 34 02 70 3405 .. 00 3404 .34 2 . 30 3 405.12 0 . 003053 2.81 540 . 97 1206 .. 00 799 .. 30 665 . 03 0 . 45 5 1060 2248 . 00 3402 .. 70 3406 .. 00 3404 .. 34 3 ' 30 3 406 . 03 0 . 000503 1 .. 33 394 .. 00 1523 . 00 1696 . 32 1129 ' 00 0 .19 5 1060 2248.00 3402 . 70 3407 . 00 3404..34 4 . 30 3 407.01 0 . 000090 0 ' 79 247 . 00 1523 .. 00 2898 . 82 1276 .. 00 0 . 09 Page 6 8 APP A-773

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 12674

                                            • ~*" **************** . 033****************** ~'*************************** . 033*************************** ~

3482 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3481 3480 g

c 0



UJ 3479 3478 3477-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----111---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)

APP A-774

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 11337

.033 .................. ---------------------- --------'"---------- .033 ------------'" '* ----- ----- --- .033 -----------------'>'

3478 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3476 3474 g

c 0



UJ 3472 3470 3468-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft)

APP A-775

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 10937


3472 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3470 g

c 0




UJ 3466 3464-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 10288 3464 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3462 g

c 0




UJ 3458 3456-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 9690

.033 ................. ,~ , ............................... .033 ****************************

"***************** "'**********.033 3458 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3456 g

c 0




UJ 3452 3450-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-->--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 9009

............ ~, ***************************************** . 033******************************************** *, *************

3452 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3451 3450 3449 g

c 0


UJ 3448 3447 3446 3445-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 8130 3448 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3446 g

c 0




UJ 3442 3440-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta 7717 3442 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 g

c 0



UJ 3439 3438 3437-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft)

APP A-781

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 7253 3442 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3441 3440 3439 g

c 0


UJ 3438 3437 3436 3435-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--c--ll,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 6343

.033 ******************************

" ***************************** .033 ***********************************

  • "************************************ "'********.033 3434 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3433 g

c 0




UJ 3431 3430-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--w--,--~--r-~~~...,~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 5363

.033 ............ ------- *~ , ---------------------- .033 _____________________ ,,., _____________________ .033 -------------------'"

3432 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3431 3430 3429 g

c 0


UJ 3428 3427 3426 3425-+-~~~~~~~~~~~---~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 4221

.o33 ----- ---------------"*" '-------- ---------------------- -------------- .o33 'r'~ o33,i 3424 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3423 g

c 0




UJ 3421 3420-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,,_,_~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 3489


'.~l **************.033*******************~* *******

3421 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3420 3419 g

c 0




UJ 3417 3416 3415-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 2989

.033 ****************************

"'*************************** .033 **********************

'*"*********************** c>+*********.033 3420 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3419 3418 3417 g

c 0


UJ 3416 3415 3414 3413-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 277 4 Upstream of culverts

"'**************-----------------------------------------.033 >f::033:k ------- .033 3416 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground


lneff 3415

  • Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,....,._~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD

"'------------------------------------------------------ .033 >f::033:k ------- .033 3416 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground lneff 3415

  • Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0


UJ 3412 3411 3410 3409+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,---'I~~~~~~~~

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD

.033------------------------------------------------------------'" r' .033 *i 3416 6 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground 3415 lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta. 2734 Downstream of culverts

.033 *****************--------------------------------------------'

" r' .033 *i 3416 6 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground


3415 lneff Bank Sta 3414 3413 g

c 0




UJ 3411 3410 3409 3408-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 Station (ft)

APP A-791

wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 1888

.033 ----------- ----------------" **----------------- ----------------- .033 ------------------------------------'"

3412 0 3

3 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3411 g

c 0




UJ 3409 3408-+----,-~~~~~~---,-~~~~~~---,-~~---,IO---,~~---,----ll--~~~~---,-~~~~~

-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 Station (ft)


wcs Geom: PMP1-20-04SecRemoved Flow: 100YrAMlll3-24-06ManyNOD Sta . 1060

. 033************ ** * ***************************************************************** . 033*******************************************************************~

3408 EG 100 Yr.-WS3405 WS 100 Yr.-WS3405 Ground Bank Sta 3407 3406 g

c 0




UJ 3404 3403 3402-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft)




  • Summary of Results Project wcs Run Name 500 Yr AMIII Start of Run OlDecOO 0000 Basin Model 100YrAMIII3/24/06NOD End of Run 02Dec00 0000 Met. Model Met 500 Year Execution Time 29Mar06 1420 Control Specs Control 1 Hydro logic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak {ac Area (cfs} ft) (sq mi)

Subbasin-4 1210.l 01 Dec 00 1231 190.85 0 . 490 Reach-2 1210.1 01 Dec 00 1246 190.21 0 . 490 Subbasin-2 1741.4 01 Dec 00 1258 390.34 1.063 playa o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 o.o 1 . 063 Reach-1 o.o 30 Nov 00 2400 0.0 1.063 Subbasin-lA 975.62 01 Dec 00 1319 274.21 0.691 Reach- lA 975.62 01 Dec 00 1336 273.13 0.69 1 Subbasin- lB 703.08 01 Dec 00 1236 120.10 0.314 Junction-lA 1241 . 7 01 Dec 00 1318 393 . 23 1.005 Reach- lB 1241.7 01 Dec 00 1321 392.96 1.005 Subbasin- 3 353 . 38 01 Dec 00 1236 60.672 0.156 Junction-1 1483. 0 01 Dec 00 1252 453.63 2.224 Reach-3 1483. 0 01 Dec 00 1309 451.82 2.224 Subbasin-5A 465.61 01 Dec 00 1230 71.094 0.192 runction-2 2887.8 01 Dec 00 1250 713.12 2 * .906 Reach-4 2887.8 01 Dec 00 1311 70.9.60 2 . .906 Subbasin-5B 504 * .92 01 Dec 00 1245 97.675 0.265 Junction-3 3286.l 01 Dec 00 1309 807.28 3.171 Reach-5 3286 . 1 01 Dec 00 i323 804.57 3.171 Subbasin-6 211.72 01 Dec 00 1222 27 .467 0 . 074 Junction-4 3326.9 01 Dec 00 1323 832.04 3.245 Reach-6 3326.9 01 Dec 00 1323 832.04 3.245 Subbasin-7 174.68 01 D~c 00 1257 38.870 0 . 104 Junction-5 3472.7 01 Dec 00 1322 870 * .91 3.349 APP A-795

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: Met 500Year Subbasin List I


1500 Year, 24 Hour Storm ] LJ Precipitation Method : [ SCS Hypothetical Storm Storm Selection: IType II 1.E] 1 Storm Depth (in) : 1s.71 J OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 500.Doc APPA-796

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number R~l£l

.9.ort Help Basin Model ID: 1OCTYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number Initial Abstraction in Im erv1ousness %

Subbasin-1 A 91 0.0 Subbasin-2 86 0.0 Subbasin-3 89 0.0


Subbasin-4 89 0.0 Subbasin-58 86 0.0 Subbasin-6 86 0.0 Subbasin*1B 88 00 Subbasin-5A 86 0.0 Subbasin-7 87 0.0 OK Apply Cancel J

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH j81iiJf3

_2ort Help Basin Model ID: 1OOYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Time Units : Minutes IE ]

Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin-1 A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin*1B 44 Subbasin*5A 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 500.Doc APPA-797

~ HMS z Basin Model z Lag Routing Sllil ll3 J:ielp Basin Model ID: 1OO'YrAMlll3/24/06NOD Interval:

Reach Name min Reach-1 Reach-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reach-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel J

WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 500.Doc APPA-798

I!!!! HMS z Basin Model z Reservoir Editor lf!iii~ l&f E. dit file ti elp Reservoir Name: l playa


I Storage 0 utlet Spillway 0 verflow Dam Break I Method : [ E levation-S tor age-0 utflow IE I.

Initial ( Elevation (ft)

- _ IEJj 3478 _J Storage Elevation (ft] Outflow (ds]


3478.0 0.0 3480.0 24.0 3482.0 61.0 3484.0 170.0 3486.0 457.0 3487.0 693.0 3488.0 928.0 Graph OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii 500.Doc APPA-799


~ S ubbasin-1 A RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

): : : : : : : : : : :! : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f

800 600 200 0-l-..-.........,........--......=::;:::::::::;:::;:::: , _..,......,...-,........,,........___,.......,..._......,......:;:::::::::::;::=::;:::::1_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I I 251M:i11 Dll , '"'. 51 r Print Close

~Reach-lA SlliJEJ 800 600



3 0

400 200 o .l-~---~~~~~~~~~~~
.____._~-=-===i 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- 1 A I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511
iaa .... .I.Ml I I Subba:!= In* 1A 251M:i11 Dll. I ... !112 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

1 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-800


~ S ubbasin-18 RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::! : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 800~~-.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.~~~~-.--.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.--.-


§_400 3

0 200 o-1-,........;__,......;...__..;...~i==;::::::::;::::......;....__.;........,.::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;=:::;::=:;;:::::::;::::::;::=L 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I I

Z5IM:i11 Dll , '"'.!Ii&.

Print Close

~Junction- lA lli!!llliJ EJ 1200 1000 800



3 600 0

400 200 o L~~~~~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an- 1.1. I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

'S-ubb:11:111 n - *~ :iaa .... .I.Ml I I R*:11ch -1 .1. :Z5IM:i11 Dll. , ... !Iii&.

Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APP A-801


~Reach- lB RlliJ EJ 1200 1000 800


-; 600 0

400 200 o ...,........,.......,.......,.~~==.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l-2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-11 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

!DD ., I AMI I I June I I on* 1A :Z5IM:i11 Dll , '"'. !li1 Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

: : : : : : : : : :! : i : i : i : i : i :

0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


~200 3

0 100 o -l-,........;__,.._;__...._~~:::::::::::::.....;....__~.:::::::;:::::::::::::;=:::;:=:;;::::::::;:::::;::=L 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI :iaa .... .I.Ml I I

Z5IM:i11 Dll. , ... !lli1 Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-802


~ Subbasin-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::! : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 2000-r--r--.---r--r-~--r---.----.-~---.---,---,.--.--..-..--.--.--r--.---.---r--r---r--r 1500 i 1000 3

0 500 o i-.,........;.--.-~._....~~:::;::::::;::::::::....;___~.,........;-=::::::::;::;:=:;:::::::;:::::;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- IB-:11:11** laY. I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I I

Z5IM:i11 Dll , '"'. !151 Print Close

~ playa SlliJ EJ 1~1:::: , : :lliK::'

0 I  :

1500 i 1000 3

0 500 o .:L.~--~~......:#::;::::;:::::..~~--.;....:::;::;:::;::::;==::::;:::::::l 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000

-- 1:1l:11y:11 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

iaa .... .I.Ml I I
Z5IM:i11 Dll. , ... !1151 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

4 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-803


~ R each-1 RlliJ EI 6 I I I I I I I I I I I 4


£0 3


  • 2


-6 I I I 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 HEC fl.~ ZICh- 1 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I I !Ill :ZILi DllNQCI

!DD ., I AMI 11 H\of; PI 21ya 2!11M:111 Dll , I :i. DD Print Close

~Junction-1 RliiJ EI 1400 1200 1000

¥! 800


3 0

600 400 200 o ..l-~~---..-.-.-;;;;

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an - 1 R*.11ch-*C!. I DD "' 1 AMI I I !Ill 2"'1 DllNQCI R*::mch - I :iaa ., I .I.Ml I I

'S-ubb:11:11 1 n - !II  ::Z!llM.111 Dll I !II.DI Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technica l NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Fl ood Plain\

5 31 March 2006 006033 1_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-804


~ Reach-3 RlliJ EJ 1400 1200 1000

~ 800


3 0

600 400 200 o -l-..-,........,.......,.~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-3 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

!DD ., I AMI I I Junc11on*1 :Z5IM:i11 Dll , I :i. DiL Print Close

~ Subbasin-4 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

: : : : : : : : : :! : i : i : i : i : i : f 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 1000 5

500 o _]_,........,__,.._.._._.~~:::::::;::::::...____.........;:::::;:::;:::;:::::;::::;::::::;;:::::;::::::;==i...

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI :iaa .... .I.Ml I I

Z5IM:i11 Dll. I !II. DiL Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-805


~ Reach-2 RlliJ EJ 1200 1000 800


-; 600 0

400 200 o L..---.--.-...,,,~~~~:_,~~...-:==::=:~::;::~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-2 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

!DD ., I AMI I I 8Ubbl!l$ In* 4- :Z5IM:i11 Dll , I :i. a:i Print Close

~ Subbasin-5A SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

: : : : : : : : : :! : i : i : i : i : i : f 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 400 300



i5 200 100 o-l-.. . . . .--.---.--.---..,..;:::::::=::::;:::::::::::::::..-.---.........;=::::;:::;:::::;::::;::::::;;:::::;:::::;::=l 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI :iaa .... .I.Ml I I

Z5IM:i11 Dll. I !II. Dll Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-806


~Junction-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 2500 2000

~ 1500 3

0 1000 500 oL~~~~~~~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I ian-2 'S-ubbaa 1 n -!L*. I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI R*ach*:Z  :!DD ., I AMI I I R*ach -51 :Z5IM:i11 Dll , I :i. Dll Print Close

~ Reach-4 SlliJ EJ 2500 2000

~ 1500 3

0 1000 500 o ..l-...-;...............;._.,~~:::=::::.....;~~~__;_~_;_~~~~_:::::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- .. I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

iaa .... .I.Ml I I Juncllon*2 251Ma1 Dll I !II.Dr Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

8 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-807


~ Subbasin-58 lfii!llliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::! : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 600~~-.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.~~~~-.--.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.--.-

~400 3


200 oJ-.........;.__~._....~~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I I

ZSIM:i11 Dll , I :i. Di1 Print Close

~Junction-3 lli!!llliJ EJ 3000 2500 2000 5

1500 1000 500 o-l-...-.. . . . . --......~::;::::;;;;;~~~_;:~::;:::::;::::::::.;===;:==;==::;;;;;;;;~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-lil I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

'S-ubb:11:111 n - !I~ :iaa .... .I.Ml I I R*:11ch _,., :ZSIM:i11 Dll. I !II. Di1 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

9 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-808


~ Reach-5 lfii!llliJ EJ 3000 2500 2000



5 1500 1000 500 o-l-..-.. . . . . ----~~:::=::=..,~~~~~~~~~~~:::;::::::i_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 f'.~ZICh-5 I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI

!DD ., I AMI I I June I I on*:J :Z5IM:i11 Dll , I :i. D51 Print Close

~ Subbasin-6 SlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

: : : : : : : : : :! : i : i : i : i : i : f 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 200 150



5 100 50 o-l-..-.........,........__,..__.___.:::;:::=::::;::::::~..-..........,.::::::=:::::;::::::;:::::;:::::=;::::::;:::::::;:::::::;:::::::I_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JCI LDJIJI :iaa .... .I.Ml I I 251MJll Dll, I !II. ID Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-809


~Junction-4 lfii!llliJ EJ 3000 2500 2000



5 1500 1000 500 o-l-..-.. . . . . --.........:;::::;::;:::;:::;::........~~:.::;:::........,.....,.........,.-..........,.::;::J_

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1an-oL I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNQCI

'Soubba111n-11  :!DD ., I AMI I I R*ach -!I :Z51MJll Dll , I :i. I =' ===:1 Print Close

~ Reach-6 S~ IEJ 3000 2500 2000 5

1500 1000 500 o -l-..-,........,.--.....,.,~~::;:::::=...,~---r-~--.--~-.---..---.~---r-~-.--:~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 RI! 2!1Ch* 6 I DD"l'1 AMI I 15111 :Z61 DllNQCI

iaa ., I .I.Ml I I June I I on- 4 :Z:lllM111 Dll. I :Ii , I I Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APPA-810


~ Subbasin-7 RlliJ EJ 01 Dec2000

!: ): :::: :::: ::! : : : : : : : : : : :

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 f


CL 200~~-.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.~~~~-.--.---..--.~~~.....--.--.---.--.-


§, 100 3

0 50 o i-.,........;.--.-~..,_~...;:::::;::=:;:::::::~--~.,........;-=::::::::;:::;=:;:::::;:::::;:::~

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 ra1:111 P1*c:1~1I :11l 1an I DD"'1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNQCI Laa a  :!DD ., I AMI I I

Z51MJll Dll , I :ii. I :ii Print Close

~Junction-5 s~ IEJ 3500 3000


§, 2000 3


1500 1000 500 o -l-..--,..........--....,...o;

2400 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 01 Dec2000 June I 1 an - :ii I DD"l'1 AMI I 15111 :Z61 DllNQCI

'S-ubb:11:111 n - r  :.aa ., I .I.Ml I I R*:iich *II :Z:lllM111 Dll. I :Ii , I :Ii Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDR0500NODAMlll.Doc APP A-811



  • Summary of Results Project wcs Run Name PMP Dist A AMIII Start of Run OlDecOO 0000 Basin Model 100YrAMIII3/24/06NOD End of Run 05Dec00 0000 Met . Model PM!? Dist. A NOD Execution Time 30Mar06 0838 Control Specs Control PM!?

Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi)

Subbasin-4 1314.7 03 Dec 00 0600 1020.6 0.490 Reach-2 1314.7 03 Dec 00 0615 1020.6 0.490 Subbasin-2 2846.6 03 Dec 00 0600 2188.9 1.063 pl a ya 2519.0 03 Dec 00 0644 1731.9 1.063 Reach-1 2519.0 03 Dec 00 0719 1731. 9 1.063 Subbasin-lA 1849.8 03 Dec 00 0603 1449.7 0.691 Reach-lA 1849.8 03 Dec 00 0620 1449.7 0.691 Subbasin - lB 842.09 03 Dec 00 0600 651.59 0.314 Junction - lA 2689.0 03 Dec 00 0602 2101.3 l.005 Reach- lB 2689.0 03 Dec 00 0605 2101.3 1.005 Subbasin - 3 418.53 03 Dec 00 0600 324.93 0.156 Junction-1 5399.3 03 Dec 00 0619 4158.l 2.224 Reach-3 5399.3 03 Dec 00 0636 4158.1 2.224 Subbasin-5A 514.51 03 Dec 00 0600 395.37 0.192 J'unction-2 7143.7 03 Dec 00 0620 5574.0 2.906 Reach-4 7143.7 03 Dec 00 0641 5574.0 2.906 Subbasin-5B 709.89 03 Dec 00 0600 545.69 0.265 Junction-3 7765.5 03 Dec 00 0631 6119.7 3.171 Reach-5 7765.5 03 Dec 00 0645 6119.7 3.171 Subbasin-6 198.33 03 Dec 00 0600 152.38 0.074 Junction-4 7864.0 03 Dec 00 0638 6272.1 3.245 Reach-6 7864.0 03 Dec 00 0638 6272.1 3.245 Subbasin-7 278.66 03 Dec 00 0600 214.99 0.104 Junction-5 8123.7 03 Dec 00 0633 6487.1 3.349 APP A-813

wcs DGD March-06 PAGE 1OF1 File: StorageNOD11 .xls PLAYA ELEVATION, STORAGE, OUTFLOW ELEVATION AND STORAGE Elev Area Elev . Change Ave Storage Total Storage S.F. S.F. C.F. C.F. AC.-FT.

3478 402,878 0 0 2 517,775 1,035,550 3480 632,672 1,035,550 24 2 811,325 1,622,649 3482 989,977 2,658, 199 61 2 2,375,467 4,750,934 3484 3,760,957 7,409, 133 170 2 6,247,780 12,495,559 3486 8,734,602 19,904,692 457 2 10,261,979 20,523,958 3488 11 ,789,356 40,428,650 928 2 13,334,447 26,668,893 3,490 14,879,537 67,097,543 1,540 OUTFLOW WEIR EQUATION Q=C*L*HA3/2 WHERE: Q= FLOW, CFS C= WEIR COEFFICIENT L= HORIZONTAL LENGTH , FT H= HEAD ON WEIR, FT ASSUME TOP OF PLAYA IS ELEVATION 3486 LENGTH OF 3486 CONTOUR IS 241 FT.

ELEV HEAD Cw Q FT FT. CU FT/SEC 3,486 .5 0 .5 3.58 305 3,487 0 10 3 58 863 3,487 .5 1.5 3.58 1,585 3,488 .0 2 .0 3.56 2,427 3,490 0 4 .0 3 62 6,979 NOTE: Cw IS FROM WATER-RESOURCES ENGINEERING, LINSLEY AND FRANZINI APP A-814

Meteorologic Model Input


  • Meteorologic Model l!I~ IEJ file ~dit .t!elp Meteorologic Model: PMP Distribution A Subbasin List I


I PMP with Distribution per figure in HMR 51 ] LJ Precipitation Method : [ User Hyetograph Subbasin II "Gaae" ID ~11 Subbasin*1A PMP Distribution A Subbasin-2 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-3 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-4 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-6 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-1 B PMP Distribution A Subbasin-7 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-58 PMP Distribution A Subbasin-5A PMP Distribution A OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii PMP.Doc APP A-815

!!!! HMS z Basin Model z SCS Curve Number l!lliJD 2ort .t!elp Basin Model ID : 10aYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Subbasin Name SCS Curve Number 11 nitial Abstraction in Im erviousness %

Subbasin*1A 91 0.0 Subbasin-2 86 . 0.0 Subbasin-3 89 0.0 Subbasin-4 89 0.0 Subbasin*5B 86 0.0 Subbasin-6 86 0.0 Subbasin*1B 88 0.0 Subbasin*5A 86 0.0 Subbasin-7 87 0.0 OK Apply Cancel J

~ HMS z Basin Model z SCS UH SlliJ JEI

~ort Help Basin Model ID: 1OaYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Time Units : IMinutes I~

Subbasin Name SCS La Subbasin*1A 86 Subbasin-2 65 Subbasin-3 44 Subbasin-4 39 Subbasin-58 53 Subbasin-6 30 Subbasin-1 B 44 Subbasin-5A 38 Subbasin-7 64 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii PMP.Doc APP A-816

~ HMS z Basin Model z Lag Routing Sllil EI Help Basin Model ID: 1OOYrAMlll3/24/06NOD Interval : IMinutes IE ]

Reach Name La min Reach-1 35 Reach-2 15 Reach-3 17 Reach-4 21 Reach-5 14 Reach-1A 17 Reach-18 3 Reach-6 0 OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii PMP.Doc APP A-817

!!j HMS z Basin Model z Reservoir Editor 1811iJIEJ

.E_dit file Help Reservoir Name: Iplaya _ _ _ IEI


Storage Outlet Spillway Overflow Dam Break Method : Elevation-S tor age-Outflow IS Initial IElevation (ft) El 3478 _J Storage Elevation (ft) 0 utflow (cfs)

(acre-feet) 3478.0 0.0 0.0 3480.0 24.0 0.0 3482.0 61.0 0.0 3484.0 170.0 0.0 3486.0 457.0 0.0 3487.0 693.0 863.0 3488.0 928.0 2427.0 I

3490.0 1540.0 6979.0, ~

Graph OK Apply Cancel WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\ 31 March 2006 0060331_Meteorlogic Model Input AMiii PMP.Doc APP A-818


~ S ubbasin-1 A l!lllil 13 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 i:r rri rn rn


1 11 111 111 111 li 1 rn ii rn m 2000....-.~r-r-......-~~...,.....,-r-......-~........~~r-r-......-~""T""'T~r-'T"""T'""T'""T'""T~~-.-r-r-~........-

1 111 1 111T 1500 i 1000 3

0 Li:

500 . . ... . .... . ... . . .


2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000


HEC ra1:111 P1*c11:11I :11l 1an -- la._. I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JD Laa a PMP DI al A AMI I I IMS 5IDM:111 Dll, I 21, 111 Print Close

~ R each-1 A lf!!!illil ll:J 1500 i 1000 3

0 Li:

500 o.L............_.;..~=:::::~:::~~:..-.-:....__.~~~==~. . . . . .~. . . . .......l 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC Fl.~ ZICh- 1 A I DD'll1 .I.Ml I I Sii 21LI DllNr::JD PMP D 1 :111 .I. .I.Ml I I IMS SUbbZl$ In* 1A 5IDM:111 Dll . 121. 151 Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

1 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APP A-819


~ S ubbasin-lB ll!!llliJ IEJ tT::: m::: rn::: rn: :1i :rn ii: rn::: m:: :1T 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 1




~3 400 0

200 .......... * . . . * . .

o-l-....................;_.........,.iii=:;::;::;::;:::;::;:::;::~.......~_...,......;...........;:;:::;::::i....................;.......................L 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000


HEC ra1:111 LDJIJI P1*c1~1I :11l 1an -- la._. I DD'l1 AMI I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JD F'MP D 1 JI I A AM I I I IMS 5IDM111 Dll, I a, 151 Print Close

~Junction- lA lfiiilOO IEJ 2500 2000 i 1500 3

0 1000 500 o.L... . . . . ....;..............iil!!!!!~~~~~~~:::3~~. . . . . .,. . ;. . ,...............l 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 June I 1an* 1,1.

HEC 'S-UllbJIJI In* llB-I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD F'MP DI JI I A AM I I I IMS R*acll *'A 5IDMa1 DI. I a. 2

  • Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

2 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-820


~Reach- lB ll!!llliJ IEJ 2500 2000

§, 1500 3

0 1000 500 o.:L..................;..~=;==:::~:::::::::;::::~:......._;_,__,_~.,.._;_,~::::~.,....,....,,....;....,..................l 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC fl.~ ZICh- 1 B I DD'l1 AMI I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JD F'MP D 1 JI I A AM I I I IMS June I I on-1A 5IDM111 Dll , I ZI , :Z I Print Close

~ Subbasin-3 lfiiilOO IEJ i:T::: m::: rn::: rn::: 1i 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000


! rn ::: rn::: rri::: 1T 500~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

400 300



5 200 100 o -l-.-..,...,....,..,....,..,."l""P".,...,..:;::::;:::;::;::::;:::;::::;:::;:::;.........,.......,...,....,.......,...,.......;;:~i..,...,...,...,....,...,....,..,....,...,.... 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03 Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC ra1:111 Laa a P1*11:1t111I 11l 1an -- IB-1111** la .... I DD"l'1 AMI I 1511 :Zll.I DllNr::JD F'MP DI 11 I A AM I I I IMS 5IDM111 DI. 1 a , 22 Print Close WCS\Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

3 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APP A-821


~ Subbasin-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 t11::: m::: rn iii rn:: :1i :rn ::: rn::: rri:: :1T c..


~2000 ... . ... . .... . ... . . .


~ 1000 0 -l-,...................................,.o::;:::;:::;:;::;::;::;::~.............._.................~:::;::::;3',...,...................................1...

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4 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-822


~ R each-1 RlliJ EJ 2500 2000

~ 1500 3

0 1000 500 o...i-,...,............,...,...,..........,...,...,..........,...,...,..................,...,...,..-11-,.~~~~~~..,....:;~....,..................... 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 fl.~ ZICh- 1 I DD'l1 .I.Ml I 1511 :ZILi DllNr::JD F'MP CJI I JI I .I. .1.M I I I PI 21ya 5IDM:i11 Dll, I ill. 251 Print Close

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5 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-823


~ Reach-3 RlliJ EI 5000 4000

~3000 3

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Print Close WCS \Final\03047103047.05\Technical NOD 21 Revision 11 TNOD2 Responses & Documents\Flood Plain\

6 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-824


~ Reach-2 RlliJ EJ 1400 1200 1000 300



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7 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-825


~Junction-2 lfii!llliJ EJ 7000 6000


~4000 3

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8 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-826


~ Subbasin-5B l!lllil EJ 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 i:r rri rn rn : li rn ii :rn m


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9 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-827


~ Reach-5 11!!1~ IEJ 8000 7000 6000

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0 3000 2000 1000 o -l-.-.,...,....,...,..,.~:;::::;=~~::;:::::::;::::::::::~--.--r-~~-r-r~..-.-.~,,.,.,,...,.......,..,....,...........1-2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 1200 2400 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 HEC RI! ZllCh

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10 Revision 11 31 March 2006 006033 1_HYDROP MPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-828


~Junction-4 11!!1~ IEJ 7000 6000


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~Reach-6 S~EJ 7000 6000


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11 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-829


~ Subbasin-7 ll!!llliJ IEJ tT::: m::: rn::: rn: :1i :rn ii: rn::: m:: :1T 01 Dec2000 02Dec2000 03Dec2000 04Dec2000 1





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~Junction-5 lfiiilOO IEJ 8000 7000 6000 5000



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12 Revision 11 31 March 2006 0060331_HYDROPMPNODAMlll.Doc APPA-830