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Forwards Ltr to Collins,Being Returned to Staff for Rewrite to Incorporate Edits Made by Chairman Ofc & to Respond to Senator Request for Summary of Proposed Changes to 10CFR35.Revised Ltr Requested to Be Returned by 980612
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/05/1998
From: Shoemaker J
Shared Package
ML20249B561 List:
NUDOCS 9806230311
Download: ML20249B566 (3)





.sy sane to,1992 June 5,1998 N k 5'a3 NOTE TO THEp RE: LETTER TO SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS (EDO 98-0480)

The attached letter is being returned to staff for rewrite to incorporate edits made by the Chairman's office (attached) and to respond to the Senator's request for a summary of the proposed changes to 10 CFR Part 35. Please return the revised letter to SECY for Commission review by Friday, January 12,1998.


Jeanne Shoemaker, SECY 415-1674 I understand that Jim Smith in the Chairman's

-t office talked to Diane Flack or her supervisor p

regarding this request.

b Jeanne

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9906230311 990519 1







WASHINGTON, D.C. 20665-0001 G

j 4.....f CHAMMAN The Honorable Susan M. Collins United States Senate

. Washington, DC 20510-1904

Dear Senator Collins:

I am responding to your letter dated May 19,1998,* regardmg proposed revissons to the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) 10 CFR Part 35 regulations' on medical use of byproduct material.

The NRC staff is scheduled to provide its recommendations on proposed revisions to Part 35 to l

the Commission in June 1998.- The propos W rule is being developed using an increased public participation process that included public works hops; meetings with various medical professional societies (including the American College of Radiology); and the posting of a "strawman" rule text on the Internet for comments. The staff has carefully considered the comments received during these interactions, in preparing the proposal. After Commission approval, a proposed rule will be published in the Federal Register for public comment and?

forwarded to'yourLoffice for your informahon. We expect to hold additional public meetings during the comment period later this year.

The issue of training and experience has received the most comments during the development of the proposed rule. Viewpoints on this issue have varied. The Commission has received comments both supporting reduction in requirements affecting personnel in the diagnostic area, including those from the American College of Cardiology and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiologists, and favoring keeping the presently existing requirements. The staff draft, while reducing the number of hours required for certain medical modalities, also specified a focus on radiation safety and proposed that personnel competency be verified through an examination.

This proposal appears to be in keeping with the direction the Commission provided to the staff namely, to develop a risk-informed, and where appropriate, a more performance-based rule and it addressed an objection often expressed by some commenters, that NRC requirements sometimes intruded into the practice of medicine.

The Commission will carefully consider the staff proposal in light of public comments when it is received. The results of that consideration will then be available for additional public comment -

and discussion.'

Sincerely, Shirley Ann Jackson r

,(( b pct,,,

,The Honor:ble Susan M. Collins Unit:d Stit:s S:nats p

l Washington, DC 20510-1904

Dear Senator Collins:

woote d g gwchg I am responding to your letter date ay 19,1998,-h!:S anwe,J comem about revisions M.O the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co ission's (NRC's) 10 CFR Part 35 regulations on medical use of byproduct material.

/p 5 The NRC staff is schedule o provide its recomme dations on proposed revisions to Part 35 to i

the Commission in June

98. The proposed rul is being developed using an increased public participation process th included public works ps; meetings with various medical professional societies (including th American College of R diology); and the po ting of a "strawman" rule text on the Internet f comments. The staff '

arefully consider' he comments received during these intera ions, in preparing the proposal. After Commission approval, a proposed rule will be publish d in the Federa_lReaister for public comment. We expect to hold additional ps e44 public meetings d ring the comment period later this year.%AC.cwm*v3 *c# %.

popha ci thuny.s % obbd. M. h P"Wg D

vthe issue of training and experience has received the most comments during the development of the proposed rule. Viewpoints on this issue have varied. The Commission has received comments both supporting reduction in requirements affecting personnel in the diagnostic area, including those from the American College of Cardiology and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiologists, and favoring keeping the presently existing requirements. The staff draft, while reducing the number of hours required for certain medical modalities, also specified a focus on radiation safety and proposed that personnel competency be verified through an examination.

This proposal appears to be in keeping with the direction the Commission provided to the staff namely, to develop a risk-informed, and where appropriate, a more performance-based rule and it addressed an objection often expressed by some commenters, that NRC requirements sometimes intruded into the practice of medicine.

The Commission will carefully consider the staff proposalin light of public comments such oc -

yetus when it is received. The results of that consideration will then be available for additional public comment and discussion.

Sincerely, Shirley Ann Jackson DISTRIBUTION: G980341 NRC File Center NMSS R/F EDO r/f SECY-CRC-98-0480 HThompson LCallan PTressler CPoland NMSS Dir. Off. r/f IMNS RF PDR:_X Yes

,, No DOCUMENT NAME:A:G980341a *See Previous Concurrence CP/ PROOFED /MAY 39,1998 OFFICE RGB l


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l NAME DFlack 4 EKraus DQe'h MKnappff HLTh M son DATE 5/ g 8 /98 4/15/98 5/28/98

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l NAME LJCa#i " d j sAJackson DRathbun

,_DATE 6/ / /98 /


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