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Ltr Contract:Task Order 8, Improvements to Parcs, Under Contract NRC-04-97-046
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/02/1998
From: Pool S
To: Rodriguez E
CON-FIN-W-6749, CON-NRC-04-97-046, CON-NRC-4-97-46 NUDOCS 9806100214
Download: ML20248K662 (7)



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...,+ MAY 2 81993 Purdue Research Foundation ATTN: Ed Rodriguez 1021 Hovde Hall, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1021

Dear Mr. Rodriguez:


TASK ORDER NO. 8 ENTITLED " IMPROVEMENTS TO PARCS" UNDER CONTRACT NO. NRC-04-97-046 in accordance with Section G.4, Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 8. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

The period of performance for Task Order No. 8 is June 1,1998 through September 30,1998.

The total estimated cost for full performance of this task order is $59,654.00. Funds in the amount of $59,654 are hereby obligated for performance of this task order. The Contractor shall not incur costs for this task order which exwed this obligated amount.

Accounting data for Task Order No. 8 is as follows:

B&R No.: 860-15-21-100-5 Job Code: W 6749 BOC Code: 252A RES ID: RES-C98-426 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 Obligated Amount: $59,654.00 The following individuals are considered by the Government to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

Thomas Downar The contractor agreec that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under this task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.2-Key Personnel

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9806100214 900602 S) s PDR CONTR NRC-04-97-046 PDR

  • 4 Purdue Contract No. NRC-04-97-046

' Task Order No. 8 Page 2 of 2 The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Jennifer Uhle, Project Officer (301)415-6023 Contractual Matters: Stephen Poc!, Contract Specialist (301)415-8168 Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your

- organization, execute three copies of this document in the space provided and return two copies to the Contract Specialist. You should retain the third copy for your records.


, D &

,Stephe M. Pool, Contra ng O icer

' Division of Contracts and Properiy Management


f As stated ACCEPTED: TASK ORDER NO. 8 EDL um JH 2 1998

- NAME DATE l Peter E. Dumi nestewd vies Pushient ter passearch TITLE


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As part of the thermal-hydraulic-neutronic consolidation plan, the NRC has decided to couple the 3D neutron kinetics code called PARCS, which was developed independently by Purdue University, to RELAP5 as well as to the consolidated thermal-hydraulic code TRAC. Coupling of PARCS with RELAPS is almost complete. PARCS will be coupled to the modernized TRAC-P code, called TRAC-M, by the fall of this year so that it can be used by the NRC in participation of the international MSLB Benchmask problem. Work on the coupling to RELAPS and TRAC-M is being performed by Purdue University under a subcontract to Scientech, Inc. <

as part of the TRAC Code Consolidation Plan.

Methods used to couple the 3D kinetics code to the thermal-hydraulic codes have been designed to be flexible, and provides for the ability to modify either of the coupled codes independently. Although PARCS contains :nany desirable features and compares favorably with other contemporary nodal kinetics codes, it needs a few modifications to enhance its performance, improve its accuracy, and increase its ease of use. Work on this Task Order is intended to address these modifications.

Objectives The objectives of this contract are to: 1) enhance performance,2) improve accuracy, and 3) increase user friendliness of PARCS as it is applied to coupling with the other NRC thermal- j hydraulic codes.

Work Requirements The desired enhancements and improvements are described in this section.

Because all of the described tasks will become a standard feature of PARCS, they are be to be  ;

I developed subject to the approved Qaulity Assurance Plan. This Plan requires full documentation and testing of each improvement before it becomes part of the NRC approved version of the Code.

The following subtasks will be activated upon execution of this T.O. : Subtask 1.1 - Restart Capability (1 staff-month effort),2.1 - Reactor Control Capability and initial Conditions Search (1 s-m for boron search only at this time),2.3 - Implementation of Feedback Reactivity Edits (1 s-m), and 3.2 - Pin-Power Reconstruction (4 s-m). All other subtasks in this SOW are currently l unpriced optional subtasks. Estimated costs for these optional subtasks must be negotiated, .

4 and an appropriate task order modification must be issued by the NRC Contracting Officer prior' x to any work commencing on those optional subtasks.

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Task 1: PARCS Usability Enhancements The general features of Task 1 are devoted to improving the ease of use of PARCS . This task is divided into four subtasks with each subtask being described in detail. These subtasks include the 1) implementation of restart capability,2) improved error checking. 3) input / output detail, and 4) conversion from Fortran 77 to Fortran 90.

Subtask 1.1: Restart Caoability Presently PARCS can not be restarted from within a transieret ifit has terminated prematurely.

l Although this isn't much of a concern when running short reactivity transients using the stand-l alone PARCS code, it may oe of some concern for longer reactivity transients such as ATWS events in a BWR and boron dilution events as well as other events where the thermal-hydraulic codes are coupled to PARCS and require significant computer time to compbte the transient.

In addition, restart capabilities are required in order to obtaa consistent PARCS/T-H code initial conditions (see Subtask 2.1). Therefore the objective of this subtask is to design and implement restart capabilities into PARCS .

Estimated Level of Effort: 1.0 staff-month Estimated Start Date: Upon execution of ths T.O.

Estimated Completion Date: 3 months after the start of the T.O.

Subtask 1.2: Imoroved Error Checkino Features of PARCS - OPTIONAL SU5, M Although PARCS does have some input error checking features, it would be desirable to include more in an attempt to bring it up to the standards of the other NRC codes such as RELAP5 and TRAC-P, Error checking is important because it is anticipated that the users 3 without a neutronics background may require additional assistance in using the spatial kinetics. j l

Estimated Lev.el of Effort: 1.0 staff-month Estimated 3 tart Date: At the NRC's option and only after negotiation and execution of a task order modification Estimated Completion Date: 3 months after activation of subtask Subtask 1.3: Inout/Outout Improvement - Ootional The current PARCS input has six data files and should be consolidated and simplified, particularly for the users without a neutronics background. Also, the curront PARCS output does not have major and minor edits and graphics features.

Estimated Level of Effort: 1.0 staff-month Estimated Starting Date: At the NRC's option and only after  ;

negotiation and execution of a task order ,

l modification Estimated Completion Date: 3 mos. after activation of subtask l jiubtask 1.4: Conversion to F90 - Dynamic Memory Allocation and Conversion to F90 - Ootional

The dynamic memory allocation and the derived data type features of F90 should be implemented in PARCS so that the code is consistent with the TRAC-M standard as well as improved maintainability and modification.

Dynamic Memory Allocation - 1.0 staff-Estimated Level of Effort:

month Conversion to F90 - 1.5 staff-rnonths Estimated Starting Date: At the NRC's option and only after negotiatir.n and execution of a task order modification Estimated Completion Date: 6 mos. after activation of subtask Task 2: PARCS Performance improvements The ger,eral features of this task are directed at improvements in the performance of PARCS .

This task is divided into three subtasks with each subtask being described in detail. These include,1) the implementation of control rod and boron control features as well as criticality searches on these control variables and critical power level,2) 3D to 2D/1D/ point edits, and 3) feedback reactivity edits.

Subtask 2.1 Reactor Control Caoability and initial Conditions Search in order to have consistent initial conditions with the thermal-hydraulic codes, as well as have realistic reactor control under transient conditions, it is necessary to implement the various reactor controls in PARCS/T-H codes. Part of this task also involves implementation of initial criticality searches on control rod position, boron concentrations, core Tm , recirculation line control, and power level.

Estimated Level of Effort: 2.0 staff-month Estimated Level of Effort for Boron Criticality Search Only :1.0 staff-month Upon execution of this T.O.

Estimated Start Date:

Estimated Completion Date: 3 mos. after start of T.O. for boron criticality search only Subtask 2.2: 3D to 2D/1D/ot. Edits -Optional it would be very useful in comparing the results from 3D calculations to lower dimensional


calculations for assessment purposes as well as future comparisons with vendor ca!culations, to be able to have 2D/1D/pt. edits of power, temperature, etc. distributions.

Estimated Level of Effort: 1.0 staff-month At the NRC's option and only after Estimated Start Date:

negotiation and execution of a task order modification w

Estimated Completion Date: 3 mos. after activation of subtask Eubtask 2.3: Feedback Reactivity Edits i in the analysis of reactivity transients, it is very useful to have available the various component

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reactivities that make up the total. It is a relatively simple matter to calculate these component reactivities if the adjoint flux distributions have been calculated which it is in the present version of PARCS, J

Estimated Level of Effort: 1.0 Staff-month Estimated Start Date: Upon execution of this T.O.

3 mos. after sta:t of T.O.

Estimated Completion Date:

Task 3: PARCS Accuracy improvements The general features of this task are directed at major improvements in the accuracy of PARCS. This task is divided into three subtasks with each subtask described in detail. These include,1) 1D kinetics into PARCS, 2) Pin-Power Reconstruction Implementation, and 3)

Consistent 2 Group Formulation Study of the Reactor Kinetics Equations.

Subtask 3.1 1D Kinetics into PARCS - Ootional in order to preserve the 1D neutron kinetics nature of the TRAC-B code within the consolidated TRAC code, it will be necessary to implement the ability of PAROS to perform 1D Linetics calculations.

Estimated Level of Effort: 2.0 ctaff-months l Estimated Start Date: At the NRC's option and only after i negotiation and execution of a task order modification Estimated Completion Date: 4 mos. after activation of subtask Subtask 3.2 Pin-Power Reconstruction Presently, PARCS is only able to calculate nodal power levels and therefore nodal energy depositions under transient conditions. It would be a rather simple matter to implement nodal peaking factors to obtain peak pin powers as well as energy deposition in a manner similar to that of RAMONA48. However, as recently pointed out by David Diamond in a BNL letter report, the RAMONA4B method tends to underestimate the maximums by up to 25%. Therefore, it is desirable to incorporate an improved method into PARCS. There are roughly two different pin-power reconstruction methods that are used by the induury today. One method, which tends to over estirnate the maximums, does not rely strongly on having the use of a lattice physics code.

The other, more accurate method, depends on having extensive use and expertise in using a lattice physics code. The conservative approach should be implemented first, and the more accurate approach implemented later if needed. There would be little duplication of effort in this approach, since they tend to be complementary.

Estimated Level of Effort: 4.0 staff-months Estimated Start Date: Upon execution of the T.O.

Estimated Completion Date: 4 mos. after start of T.O.

Subtask 3.3 Consistent 2 Grouo Formulation Study of the Reactor Kinetics Eauations

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in practice the standard two-group methods are derived without a weighting factor, or basically a weighting factor of unity. However, the magnitudes of the basic parameters, such as beta, are obtained from lattice physics codes which use the adjoint flux as the weighting factor. This is where the inconstancy arises as pointed out by Downar and Ott (Comparisons of the l Spatial Kinetics Codes PARCS and NESTLE and Other Related issues, T.J.Downar and K.O. Ott, Purdue University, Aug. 11,1997. Report to the NRC under JCN W6667). This work l would be such as to reformulate the two-group reactor kinetics equations with consistent adjoint l flux weighting and compare it with the present method and incorporate it if deemed appropriate.

Estimated Level of Effort: 4.0 staff-months Estimates Starting Date: At the NRC's option and only after negotiation and execution of a task order modification Estimated Completion Date: 8 mos. after activaticn of subtask Meetings and Travel For successful completion of the work required in this contract, it is anticipated that the contractor will travel to the NRC office in Rockville, MD at the times specified below. The s

contractor may propose additional travel deemed necessary for the successful completion of this effort. Additional travel shall be approved in advance by the NRC Project Officer, be specifically performed in support of this contract and be in compliance with Federal Transportation Regulations.

Task 1 in support of Task 1, one one-day meeting for one person.

Task 2 In support of Task 2, one one-day meeting for one person.

Task 3 in support of Task 3, one one-day meeting for one person.

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