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Forwards Insp Rept 99990001/98-08 on 980504 & Notice of Violation.Violation Concerns Unauthorized Transfer/Disposal of Byproduct Matl in generally-licensed Device
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/03/1998
From: Costello F
To: Thaler J
Shared Package
ML20248J687 List:
REF-QA-99990001-980603 99990001-98-08, 99990001-98-8, EA-98-290, NUDOCS 9806090264
Download: ML20248J684 (3)



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June 3,1998 Docket No. 99990001 General Ucensee EA No.98-200 John M. Thaler, CSP, CHMM Manager, Occupational Heelth & Industrial Hygiene United Technologies Sikorsky Aircraft P. O. Box 9729 -

6900 Main Street Stratford, CT- 06497-9129



Dear Mr. Thaler:

On May 4,1998, Mr. Steve Courtemanche of this office conducted a safety inspection at the d above address of activities authorized by the above listed NRC license. The inspection was an examination of your licensed activibes as they relate to radiation safety and to compliance with the Commission's regulations and the license conditions. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspector, interviews with personnel, and a selected examination of representative records. The findings of the inspection were discussed with you and other members of your organization at the conclusion of the inspection.

Based on the results of this inspechon, it appears that your activities were not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements. A Notice of Violation is enclosed and categorizes each o violation by seventy level in accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions,"(Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600. You are required to respond to this letter and should follow the ir,structions specified in the enclosed Notice when preparing your response. In your response, you should document the specific actions taken and any additional actions you plan to prevent recurrence. Your response may reference or include previous docketed correspondence, if the correspondence adequately addresses the required response. After reviewing your response to this Notice, including your proposed corrective actions and the results of future inspections, the NRC will determine whether further NRC enforcement action is necessary to ensure compliance with NRC regulatory requirements The item described in the attached Notice of Violation concems unauthorized transfer / disposal of byproduct materialin a generally-licensed device The, Aolation is classified at Seventy Level IV after. careful considerabon of the factors involved in this specific instance and in accordance

- with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions,"

(Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.- Specifically, this violation posed a minimal health and

, safety problem because the byproduct material (i.e., polonium-210) is an alpha emitter in the

' form of a sealed source, the half-life of the byproduct material is short (i.e.,138.5 days), and the route of transfer / disposal was likely to be inside a 55-gallon steel drum destined for disposal in a - ,

hawdous materials landfill. Also, the incident reoresents an isolated rather than a

]I .

M M.

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J. Thaler 2 United Technologies Sikorsky Aircraft programmatic weakness in your radiation safety program. Similar violations of this type in the future may result in additional enforcement action.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and your reply will be placed in the Public Document Room (PDR).

Your cooperation with us is appreciated.

Sincerely, OriginalsignedbyJudithA.Joustra Francis M. Costello, Chief Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 3 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


1. Notice of Violation
2. Inspection Report No. 99990001/98-008 cc:

Stephen C. Mayo, C.I.H., Radiation Safety Officer State of Connecticut l

J. Thaler 3 United Technologies Sikorsky Aircraft Distnbution:

PUBLIC Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

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