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Requests Std Order for DOE Work Be Prepared to Transmit Encl Task Order 7, Evaluation of Decontamination Waste Characteristics to BNL for Work Under FIN A-3175
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/03/1989
From: Surmeier J
To: Beveridge G
CON-FIN-A-3175, REF-WM-3 NUDOCS 8904130415
Download: ML20248G379 (5)



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1 A3175/ TASK 8/MEM0 MEMORANDUM FOR: George Beveridge, Chief Apg - 3 ;ggg i

Program Implementation Branch

' Program Management, Policy Development and Analysis Staff, NMSS FROM: John J. Surmeier, Chief Technical Branch Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning, HMSS



This memorandum is to request that an NRC Form 173, Standard Order for DOE Work be prepared to transmit the enclosed Task Order No. 7, " Evaluation of Decontamination Waste Characteristics," to Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) for work under FIN No. A3175. This Task Order will support staff efforts by providing technical assistance under Task 3 of the SOEW for assistance on LLW Stability Problems and Guidance Development. Please authorize BNL to expend up to 528K of FY89 funds to accomplish the work described in Task Order No. 7.

Please contact Derek Widmayer (x20505) if you have any questions about this l memo, or the Task Order. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.

(Et.rl) Ehh J. MMDER John J. Surmeier, Chief Technical Branch Division of Low-Level Waste Management IT and Decommissioning, NMSS


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Task Order No. 7 DISTRIBUTION:

o$ Central File # A3175 MBell, LLRB JSurmeier, LLTB M RBangart, RIV PLohaus, LLOB JGreeves, LLWM MTokar, LLTB EDavis, PMDA DAWidmayer, LLTB g

-w LLTB rf HMSS rf e o:

hLp PDR/NUDOCS Yes B No /~~/

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$$7 coc.c ACNW Yes @ No / /

SUBJECT ABSTRACT: Assistance with BNL for Evaluation of Decon Waste Characteristics 0FC :LLTB :LLTB- 1 o____:..... ______: ... [___..: M__ m :LLTB

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A3175 Analyses of Special Waste Problems Task Order No. 7 _ Statement of Effort Evaluation of Decontamination Waste Characteristics


The NRC is reviewing Topical Reports on cement solidification of low-level radioactive wastes submitted by vendors to demonstrate that the solidified waste products described have the 300-year structural stability required by 10 CFR Part 61. One of the waste streams described in these i Topical Reports is wastes from decontamination of nuclear reactor components l and systems. These reviews are complicated by recent developments in the -

solidifiv. tion of all waste stream.s with cement, and by recent problems with  !

degradat.on of solidified waste forms that contained waste streams that have characteristics similar to decontamination wastes. There is a need for better characterization of decontamination waste streams through available literature in order to ensure that the reviews of these Topical Reports consider all of

- the technical considerations necessary t make the proper findings on whether cement solidified decontamination wastes will have the required structural stability. j The NRC is conducting laboratory research at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) under FIN No. A3246, Decontamination Impacts on Solidification and Waste on several aspects of decontamination reagants and waste streams. Tt has been determined that testing that will be conducted under Tasks 3 and 4 of FIN No. A3246, as described in the FY89 S0W, can benefit from the characterization of the decontamination waste streams that will be conducted under this Task Order. Therefore, the results of this Task Order are to be produced in such a way that the inf ormation can be. utilized by the investigators l doing the research under FIN No. A3246 for FY89 for development of the proposed j test plans in Tasks 3 and 4, as well as being useful for review of Topical j Reports on decontamination waste streams, as described above. J The performing organization (BNL) is providing technical assistance to the NRC under two other FIMs (A3174 and A3951) on the reviews of the cement solidification Topical Reports described above, and has provided assistance in the recent past on curing of waste forms made with portland cement binders and bitumen, on incidences involving degradation of cement waste forms, on waste form tecitnical position testing criteria, and on cement solidification of wastes at the West Valley Nuclear Services Center at West Valley, NY. The NRC requires technical assistance from BNL under Task 3 of the S0W for FIN No.

A3175 - LLW Stability Problems and Guidance Development with characterization and evaluation of decontamination wastes.

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. s 2.0 WORK REQUIRED The performing organization (SNL) shall provide facilities, technical staff, and support personnel to perform the required work within the schedules and levels of effort defined in each of the following subtasks.

2.1 Subtask 1: Characterization of Decontamination Wastes BNL shall characterize decontamination wastes from available information. The characterization shall consider the physical and chemical behavior of decontamination vastes, including the chelating agents, complexing agents, and organic acids knoim to be used in decontamination processes. The characterization shall include information about the characteristics of decontamination solutions before processing and following processing in order to evaluate the significant chemical and physical properties of the final waste stream that is solidified. The characterization should lead to a better understanding of the complicated behavior of these waste streams in such a way that it (1) will assist in determining the correct testing plan that should be developed under Task 3 of FIN No. A3246, and (2) will assist in the review of Topical Reports on cement solidification of decontamination waste streams <

currently under review by BNL under FIN Nos. A3174 and A3951. BNL shall make recommendations on (1) what considerations to include in the testing to be conducted in Task 3 under FIN No. A3246 and (2) what technical aspects of decontamination wastes should be important considerations in the review of Topicals for cement solidification of decontamination wastes. The results of this subtask shall be submitted to the NMSS PM as a draft technical letter report in accordance with Section 3.3.1 of the S0W by August 1, 1989.

2.2 Subtask 2: Identification and Evaluation of Process Control Farameters for Decontamination Waste Streams ,

BNL shall identify process control parameters which may be utilized to effectively control waste processing of decontamination waste streams and obtain a final waste product that will meet Part 61 waste structural stability requirements. The process control parameters shall be identified using available information and the results of Subtask 1 of Task Order F?. 6 of this FIN No. A3175. The identification of process control parameters s; all include, but net be limited to, chemical amposition, quantjty of waste relative to binder, type and quantity of additives, pH, and temperature. BNL shall evaluate the identified process control parameters and determine a range of values, if possible, or sets of boundary conditions for parameters that will usually

, result in assurance of a final waste product that will meet the structural f stability requirements. The results of this subtask shall be developed in such I a way that the information can be utilized in the development of the proposed test plan for Task No. 3 under FIN No. A3246. The results of this subtask shall be submitted to the NMSS PM as a draft technical letter report in accordance with Section 3.3.1 of the 50W by September 1, 1989.

2.3 Subtask 3: Identification of Problem Ingredients in Decontamination Waste BNL shall identify any radiolytic and/or corrosion products that could possibly be included in the final waste stream of decontamination waste that may cause degradation of solidified waste forn..,. BNL shall also evaluate the likelihood of these radiolytic and/or corrosion products being in the final waste stream i

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. 4 and causing the identified degradation problems. The identification and i evaluation shall be performed utilizing existing information. BNL shall include an evaluation of the possibility of swelling of the bead resins that are part of the decontamination waste stream from irradiation and/or other causes in the evaluation of degradation problems. The results of this subtask shall be developed in such a way that the information can be utilized in the development of the proposed test plan to be developed in subtask 4 under FIN No. A3246. The results of this subtask shall be submitted to the NMSS PM as a


draft technical letter report in accordance with Section 3.3.1 of the 50W by October 1, 1989.

2.4 Subtask 4: Meeting Attendance and Participation  ;

BNL shall allow for attendance at one meeting with NRC and possibly other NRC contractors and consultants as necessary to discuss the results of the work in  ;

subtasks 1 through 3 of this Task Order No. 7. The time of the meeting is not known at this time; however, the location will be the NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD. The NMSS PM shall inform BNL of the arrangements for this meeting as early as possible. A report of this meeting by BNL personnel shall )

not be required as described in Section 3.2 of the S0W, unless otherwise i instructed by the NMSS PM. I 3.0 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1

The performing organization (BNL) shall submit a draft technical letter report i for subtasks 1 through 3 as described in Sections 2.1 through 2.3 of this Task i Order No. 7. The draft technical letter reports are due on the days designated in Sections 2.1 through 2.3 of this Task Order. After review of the draft technical letter report, the NMSS PM will submit comments to BNL for consideration in preparing a final technical letter report. BNL shall submit final technical letter reports that include resolution of the comments on the draft technical letter reports submitted by the NMSS PM. The final technical I letter reports are due 15 days following the NMSS PM submittal of comments on the draft technical letter reports, i 4.0 TECHNICAL DIRECTION .

I 1 DerekWidmayer(FTS 492-0505) is designated the NMSS PM as described in Section i 7.0 of the 50W for the purpose of assuring that tne services required as described in the S0W for this project and this Task Order No. 7 are delivered.

Technical instructions that provide details, suggest possible lines of inquiry, or otherwise complete the general scope of effort set forth herein, shall come from the NMSS PM only and technical letter reports and writte:1 submittals shall ,

be submitted through the NMSS PM only. Technical instructions provided by the i NMSS PM shall not justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. The i procedures as directed in the 50W shall be followed if instructions could  !

result in either of these adjustments.

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The period of performance for completion of work described in this Task Order d', No. 7 shall extend from the day this. Task urder. is initiated until. November 1, 1989.

6.0 LEVEL 0F EFFORT' The estimated level of effort for completion of this. Task Orde'r No. 7 is 1.6 staff months.

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