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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re 48CFR20, NRC Acquisition Regulation. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 115,420 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/25/1989
From: Amenta J
FRN-54FR40420 AC01-1-07, AC1-1-51, AC1-1-7, NUDOCS 8910040397
Download: ML20248D774 (11)


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. Requestf or 0MB Igggg Jbis j A important Read instructions before completing f orm. oo not use the same sF 83 Send three copies of this form. the material to be reviewed, and for

- to fequest both an Executive Orrier 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supporting statement, to:

E - the Paperwork Reduction Act .

L , . Answer all questions in Part 1. If this recuest is for revievv under E.O Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget 12291 corrplete Part li and sen me regulatory certification. If this i request is for approial under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention: Docket Library. Room 3201

' 1320. skip Port it, complete Pa t 111 and sign the paperwork certification Washington. DC 20503 PART 1.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

. Department / agency and Bureaw of'.ce ong nating request 2. Agency code U.S. Nuclear Regulatory _ Commission (NRC) 3 1 5 0 i

' 3. Name of perschih can best answer quesbons regardmg this request Telephone number Mary Lynn Scott ( 301 > 492-8788

4. Title of information collection or ruemaking -

48 CFR Chapter 20 Nuclear Regulatory Commission' Acquisition Regulation (NRCAR)

5. Leget authouty for .nf ormation ccnection or ruie (cote Unered St3tes Coce, Pubhc Law. or becutive Order) 0s0' . o, 0FPP Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-400), as amended by P.L. 96-83

' 6. Aff ecteci pubisc'(check all(nat appy) 5 O Federalagencies or employees 1 E ind viauais or househefds 3 0 rarms s 3 Non-profit institutions 2 @ StateerlocaiEo'vemrnents 4 E Basmesses or other fer proht 7 3 Smalt businesses or organizations PART ll.-Complete This Part Only if the Request is for OMB Review Under Executive Order 12291

7. Regutatron Identat? Neber (RIN)

_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ . or. None assigred C

8. Type of submissson (check one in eat h category) Type of revsew requested

~ CIsssification Stag'e of development 1 Q stangard 1 O ua,or 1 O proposed er dratt 2 O eend,ng 2 O Nonma;or 2 C fmalorintenmfina .withpoorproposal 3 O Eme gency 3 C Final or intenm final w!!hout pnor proposal 4 0 statt.toryorjudiciaideachne -

9. CF R section stfected CFR

10. Does this regulation contain reporting or recordkeeping requirements that requite OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act )

and 5 CFR 1320? O' ves O No

11. If a major rule. as there a regulatory impact analys!s attached? 1 O yes 2 O No

- if"No," did OMB *ase the ana:yos' 3 0 Ves 4 O No C4rtific tion for Regulatory submissions in submitting this request for OfdB eview. the autnorized regulatory contact anc the program officaaf certify that the requirements of E.o 12291 and any apphcable pokcy directives have been comphed weth. 7 Signature et program official Date i

~ 5:gnature of authorizec regulstory contact Date I

12. t OMB use only)

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SUPPORTING STATEMENT FOR 48 CFR CHAPTER 20 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ACQUISITION REGULATION Justification Need for and Practical Utility of the Information Collection NRC regulations in 48 CFR Chapter 20 implement and supplement the government-wide Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and ensure that the policies governing the procurement of goods and services within the NRC satisfy the needs of the agency. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition Regulation includes policies, procedures, solicitation provisions, and contract clauses needed to assure effective, efficient evaluation, negotiation, and administration of procurement.

Section 2015.607 provides that the contracting officer shall require that Die proposer's clarification (s) provided in accordance with FAR 15.607 be in writing. This written record is needed to assure that the proposer's true statement of the clarification is provided for reviewers' analyses.

Section 2019.705-4(a) provides that subcontracting plans may be requested from all concerns determined to be in the competitive range for the purpose of negotiations.

Section 2027.305-3 provides procedures for the contracting officer to, as a part of the closecut of a contract, require each contractor to report on any patents, contract copyrights, funds. or royaltiesRegulation Federal Acquisition attained using)any (FAR Partportion 27.305-3of and the -4 specify that the agency is to maintain such procedures.

Section 2042.803(a)(2)(i) provides that the contractor may submit a written cTaim to the Director, Division of Contracts and Property Management as to why a cost disallowed by the contracting officer should be reimbursed.

This procedure allows for an informal review of the contracting officer's decision or an alternative to established formal processes.

Section 2052.204-70(i) requires that the subcontractor insert provisions similar to those found in 2052.204-70 (b) through (h) in all subcontracts and purchase orders under the contract, to safeguard classified information.

Section 2052.204-70(j) requires that the contractor assign classifications to all documents, material and equipment originated or generated by the contractor in accordance with classification guidance by the Commission to safeguard classified information.

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--Section 2052.204-71 requires that all contractor personnel obtain, display, and safeguard identification badges in accordance with agency procedures. Because'the NRC is a secure facility with perimeter access control, all NRC employees and contractor employees needing frequent access to.the NRC' facilities must display current identification badges. All contractors to whom this clause applies must also safeguard classified

,* .information and safeguard against unauthorized access of other Government-records or data.

1 Section 2052.209-71 requires the offeror to provide identifying

> information for each case where any current /former NRC employees have been.

or will be involved, 6tectly or indirectly, in developing the offer, negotiating on behalf of the offeror, or managing, administering, or performing any contract, consultant. agreement or subcontract resulting from 'J 4

the' offer. This information is used to assure that conflicts of interest are avoided and fairness is maintained'during the selection process.

Section '2052.209-73 ' 'For any potential conflict.of interest situation as the contracting officer may identify, this section requires the offeror provide a written description of all relevant factors to be considered.

This information is necessary to permit NRC to make a fair analysis of such situations; This requirement appears-in 41 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 20,'which will be rescinded after publication of 48 CFR Chapter 20.

Section 2052.209-74]d)(2)requiresthecontractortomakeanimmediateand full disclosure in writing to the contracting officer if organizational conflicts of interest are discovered after contract award. This requirement appears in 41 Code of Federal of Regulations Chapter 20, which ,

will be rescinded after publications of 48 CFR Chapter 20.-

Section 2052.209-74(f) requires the contractor to include the clause

'l652.209-74 in subcontracts of any tier in order to prevent conflicts of interest that may be generated at those levels. This requirement appears in 41 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 20, which will be rescinded after publication of 48 CFR Chapter 20.

Section 2052.210-71 provides that all drawings, designs, specifications and other data associated with the contract work are the property of the Government and must be made available for inspection and disposed of in accordance with instructions from the contracting officer. This requirement is necessary to assure that classified, highly sensitive, and high priority specifications and other data are secured throughout the life of_the contract and after expiration of the contract. The clause is included in all contracts in which drawings, designs, specifications, or other data will be developed.

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b Section 2052.212.70 requires that all technical reports and technical progress reports be prepared in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chapter 3202, " Publication of Technical Reports Prepared by NRC Contractors, Including Reports Prepared Under or Pursuant to Interagency Agreements." The clause alerts the offeror to the requirements of the chapter.

Section 2052.212-71 provides the timing and basic content requirements for Technical Progress Reports for the offerors to consider in preparation of a  ;

bid or proposal, and for guidance to the contractor. This information is necessary to save time and expense in the contractor's preparation and the NRC's review of these reports.

Section 2052.212-72 provides the timing and basic content requirements for Financial Status Reports for the offers to consider in preparation of a bid or proposal, and for guidance to the contractor. This information is necessary to safe time and expense in the contractor's preparation and the NRC's review of these reports.

Section 2052.214-71 requires the bidder to provide identifying information on previous and current contracts for the contracting officer to consider in the determination of responsibility. Determination of responsibility is required by FAR 14.407-2.

Section 2052.214.72(f) requires the bidder to provide, on request, statements concerning their ability to meet any of the minimum standards set forth in FAR 9.104, samples of work, and identifying information on clients.

Sections 2052.214-74 and 215-81 require the offeror to request in writing with the offer that copies of the offers be returned if return is desired.

This permits the contracting activity to automatically dispose of extra copies of offers in a timely manner.

Sections 2052.215-71 and -72 provide proposal preparation instructions for offerors' consideration and action. These provisions will permit presentation of proposals consistent with the evaluation criteria, and in a standard format to enhance the ability of evaluators to review the proposals.

l Section 2052.215-73 requires the contractor in accordance with FAR 15.406-2(a)(3) to provide the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)

Number. The DUNS numbers is used by procurement personnel to consult the Dun and Bradstreet listings for the financial status of proposed contractors.

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Section 2052.215-74 requires the contractor to immediately notify the-contracting officer if one or.more key personnel become unavailable for contract work and,-subject to the concurrence of the contracting officer, promptly replace the personnel. This requirement helps assure that the project is. managed by competent personnel in accordance with the accepted

. proposal.

Section 2052.215-77(f) requires the contractor to notify the contracting officer within five days of receipt of any unauthorized. technical direction-and request a modification to the contract. This requirement can save the delays and expense associated with disputes that might surface at'a later time..

Section 2052.216-74 provides instructions for offerors to use in the preparation _ of proposals for task order contracts and subsequent proposals for task orders. Use of these instructions by proposers will permit the NRC to perform efficient review and take prompt action on the proposals.

Section 2052.235-70 requires the contractor to comply with.the requirements of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Manual Chapters 3202,

" Publication of Technical Reports Prepared by NRC Contractors, Including Reports Prepared Under or Pursuant'to Interagency Agreements," and 3206, "NRC Contractor Unclassified Papers, Journal Articles and Press or Other Media Releases on Regulatory and Technical Subjects." The clause alerts the offeror to the requirements of the chapter concerning oral or written dissemination of information. These requirements are imposed to assure that national security, patent rights, copyrights, proprietary rights and rights in other sensitive unclassified information are not compromised by the release, distribution, or dissemination of technical reports from NRC, or by public statements by the contractors.

Section 2052.235-72 requires the contractor t, take all_ reasonable precautions in the performance of the work under the contract to protect the health and safety of employees and members of the public, and to comply with reporting requirements. This allows the contracting officer, if necessary, to take immediate action to carry out the agency mission to protect the public health and safety.

Reduction of Burden Through Information Technology There are no legal obstacles to reducing the burden associated with this information collection, assuming that censitive information can be protected from improper disclosure and that the integrity of the competitive procurement process is maintained. NRC encourages its use wherever possible.

Duplication of Other Collections of Information The Information Requirements Control Automated System (IRCAS) was searched to identify duplication. None was found. The nature of the collections (proposal data, certifications, and reports of current activity specific to the contract) do not lend themselves to duplication. For evaluation of


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p l- 1i L proposals, only.information conveyed in the proposal may be evaluated to assess the offeror's ability to successfully accomplish the prospective contract.' To the extent there is similar information, updating or tailoring to the prospective contract by. the offeror would have the effect

.of reducing the' burden.

Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden The information collection is structured to facilitate the effective and efficient evaluation of proposals, certifications by offerors, and administration of contracts. The burden applied is the minimum consistent

-with applicable regulations and prudent business practices.

Consequences of Less Frequent Collection

-Proposal submission'and certifications are basically one-time collections associated with specific contract / solicitation situations or requirements.

Less frequent. reporting of. technical progress and. financial status removes an effective mechanism required for maintenance of an aggressive contract

. remedial action to protect the interests of the Government.

Circumstances Which Justify Variation from OMB Guidelines The requirement for monthly submission of technical progress and financial

' status reports is not consistent with 5 CFR 1320.6(a). The circumstances which justify.more frequent submission are set forth immediately above.

Consultations Outside the NRC The following agencies' implementation of the Federal Acquisition Regulation have been consulted: U.S. Department of Energy; U.S.

Departmentof Health and Human Services; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; U.S. Department of Defense; Environment Protection Agency, and others. Individual procurement policy experts in many of these agencies were contacted. In addition, all acquisition proposed or final rules published in the Federal Register since August 1987 have been reviewed.

Confidentiality of-Information To the extent information is proprietary or business confidential, procedures are in place to protect the information from improper disclosure.

Justification for Sensitive Questions No sensitive information normally considered private or personal is required or requested.

Estimate of Compliance Burden Reporting Requirements No of Submittals Respondent Hrs Total Annual Section Respondents Annually Per Submittal Respondent Burden 750 750 .25 188 2015.607 300 300 20 6,000 2019.705-4(a) 3,000 2027.305-3 300 300 10 10 10 100 2042.803(a)(2)(1)10 100 100 2 200 2052.204-70(i) 200 2052.204-70(j) 10 10 20 2052.204-71 20 20 100 2,000 400 400 2 800 2052.209-71 400 400 .25 100 2052.209-73 5 5 2052.209-74(d)(2) 1 1 400 400 .25 100 2052.209-74(f) 1,500 2052.210-71 300 300 5 2052.212-70 300 1,200 .5 600 300 1,200 4 4,800 2052.212-71 2052.212-72 300 900 2 1,800 2052.214-71 400 400 .5 200 30 30 1 30 2052.214-72(f) 2052.214-74 and .215-81 8 8 .25 2 2052.215-71 and -72 750 750 100 75,000 750 750 .1 75 2052.215-73 10 10 4 40 2052.215-74 10 4 40 2052.215-77(f) 10 2052.216-74 100 600 30 18,000 2052.235-70 300 1,200 .5 600 4 10 40 2052.235-72 4 TOTAL 10,045 115,420 There are no recordkeeping requirements.

TOTAL BURDEN HOURS: 115,420 TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS: 750 (seven hundred and fifty companies or individuals, on the average, propose or bid for NRC contracts above

$25,000. The number of contractors with active awards ranges from 300 to 400. Many selections of the proposed regulation apply to only a small number of proposers, bidders, or contractors.)

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l Cost to Respondents to Comply

Sectionc Cost c ,

2015.607r . . .

2015.705-4(a) 1,200 2027.305-3~ ..

600 2042.803(a)(2(1). 600

-2052.204-70(i -120

2052.204-70(j 1,200s l6,000 2052.204-.71 2052.209-71 , -120 2052.209-73' .

15 12052.209-74(d)(2)' 300 2052.209-74(f)' 15-2052.210-71 300

-2052.212-70' 30,

" 240 2052.212-71 y 2052.212-72. 120

-30 2052.214-71~ .

-2052.214-72(f) 60 F 2052.214-74 and .215-81 15 2052.215-71

.and ~72' 6,000 2052.215-73 6

'2052.215-74 240

.2052.215-77(f) 240

'2052.216-74 1,800 2052.235-70 30 4 2052.235-72 600 TOTAL: $19,881 iThe total annual industry cost is $6,925,200 (115,420 hours0.00486 days <br />0.117 hours <br />6.944444e-4 weeks <br />1.5981e-4 months <br /> times $60 per hour). The estimated annual cost per respondent would be less than $19,881 (the total .for all burden items), but would. vary on a case-by-case basis

~ depending o'n-the type. of contract, the individual business circumstances, the reporting requirements imposed, and other business and contractual circumstances.

Source of Burden Data and Method for Estimating Cost The- estimates are based on submittals to NRC in past years. Cost to-respondents is calculated at a rate of $60 per hour, which includes over-head.

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Estimate of Cost to the Federal Government Government Staff Gov't Section Hours - Annual Cost 2015'.607 1500 90,000 2019.705-4(a) 150 9,000 2027.305-3 6000 360,000 2042.803(a)(2)(1) 200 12,000 2052.204-70(i) 10 600-2052.204-70(j)- 100 6,000 2052.204-71 2000 120,000 2052.209 100 6,000 2052.209-73 100 6,000 2052.209-74(d)(2) 40 2,400 2052.209-74(f) 40 2,400 2052.210-71 150 9,000 2052.212-70 300 18,000

'2052.212.71 300 18,000 2052.212-72 450 27,000 2052.214-71 60 3,600 2052.214-72(f) 60 3,600 2052.214-74 and .215-81 8 560

.2052.215-71 and -72 2250 135,000  ;

2052.215-73 38 2,280 2052.215-74 20 1,200

-2052.215-77(f) 50 3,000 2052.216-74 3000 180,000 2052.235-70 1200 72,000 l

2052.235-72 40 24,000 TOTAL 18,158 51,111,640 p

I The estimated cost to the agency attributable to this collection is

$1,111,640. The cost to.the Government was derived from the experience as to the approximate time contract specialists and program personnel expend in ensuring that offerors comply with the instructions. The collection will require an average.of hours of NRC staff time per collection.

Reason for Change in Burden This proposed regulation includes contract clauses and proposal preparation instructions previously approved under OMB Control Numbers 3150-0112 and 3150-0118 with an associated total annual burden of 84,100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />. The new burden of 115,420 hours0.00486 days <br />0.117 hours <br />6.944444e-4 weeks <br />1.5981e-4 months <br /> (an increase of 31,320 or 3.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> per response) represents additional burden necessary for the Nuclear Regulatory L

Commission to fully implement the Federal Acquisition Regulation.


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Publication for Statistical Use This collection of information does.not employ statistical methods.


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