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Forwards Summary of 980312 Meeting of Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (Iscors).Draft Agenda for 980611 Meeting in Rockville,Md Also Enclosed for Review & Comment
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/05/1998
From: Greeves J
NUDOCS 9805140014
Download: ML20247C601 (18)


-_ _ _ - _ _ _-__ - - .

l x TMay 5, 1998 i

Dear' Members of the Interagency' Steering Committee on Radiation Standards:

Enclosure 1 is a summary of the March 12,1998, meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS). Enclosure 2 is a draft agenda for the next Committee meeting, which will be held on June 11,1998, at the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission's Headquarters in Rockville,' Md. Please note the entire meeting will be open to l observation by members of the public. Please review the draft agends and provide your i

comments to Nick Orlando of my r,taff at (301) 415-6749, e-mail DAO@NRC. GOV by l May 18,1998. Please note that Nick will be filling in for Phyllis Sobel as the NRC ISCORS contact for the next few months. I look forward to seeing you at the next Committee meeting.



John T. Greeves, Director l Division of Waste Management

i. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


. As stated cc: See attached list b


  • Central File NMES r/f DWM r/f /

.. VHolahan HNewsome FCameron KStablein

' RMeck MBell JHolonich RBangart ph)h-l PSobel CJones RJohnson LLDP r/f 1


  • SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCE DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\LLDP\DAO\MTSUM.COV Q V/7 h OFC LLDP/ LLDP LLQPr b h / DWM. f f NAME hando* RNelson* hey MVF rline heeds DATE 5/1/98 5/1 /98 h/98 [5/ /98\ f 5/f/98 )

i OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PUBLIC: YES 1 NO _ Category: Proprietary _ or CF Only _


IG:. YES _ NO 1 Delete file after distribution: Yes _ No 1 9805140014 980505 /

PDR ORO NOMA L A .i u V .,, 4 W~ ) %Adf yw7-~_g

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/ l May 5, 1998

Dear Members of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards:

Enclosure 1 is a summary of the March 12,1998, meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS). Enclosure 2 is a draft agenda for the next Committee meeting, which will be held ::.. June 11,1998, at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Headquarters in Rockville, Md. Please note the entire meeting will be open to i

observation by members of the public. Please review the draft agerida and provide your l l

comments to Nick Orlando of my staff at (301) 415-6749, e-mail DAO@NRC. GOV by May 18,1998. Please note that Nick will be filling in for Phyllis Sobel as the NRC ISCORS contact for the next few months. I look forward to seeing you at the next Committee meeting.

Sincerely, John T. Greeves, Director Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety l and Safeguards i


As stated cc: See attached list


Mr. Lawrence Weinstock, Director Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (6501J)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W.

Washington, DC 20460 Mr. Michael Schaeffer, Chairman U.S. Department of Defense Radiation Research and Policy Working Group Defense Nuclear Agency (DFRA) 6801 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 22310-3398 Mr. Raymond P. Berube, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment U.S. Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 Mr. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Worker Health and Safety U.S. Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 Dr. Adam Finkel, Director Health Standards Programs, N-3718 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20210 Mr. Alan Roberts Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety Department of Transportation, Room 8422 400 Seventh Street,,S.W.

Washington, DC 20590 Dr. Eruce Wachholz, Chief Radiation Effects Branch National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza North, Suite 530 Bethesda' MD 20892 Dr. Marvin Rosenstein Center for Devices and Radiological Health Mail Code HFZ-60 Food and Drug Administration 16071 Industrial Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20877

e Ms. Norma Gonzalez Office of Management and Budget Room 10202

'New Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20503 Ms. Beverly Hartline Office of Science and Technology Policy 17th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20500 Mr. William Dornsife Bureau of Radiation Protection Department of Environmental Resources Commonwealth of Pennsylvania P.O. Box 2063 Hmisourg, PA 17120 Dr. Jill Lipoti, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection Programs l Division of Environmental Safety, Health 4 i

and Analytical Programs Department of Environmental Protection

. CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625-0415 >

l l

l l

1 i

7-L-  !




! Date: March 12,1998 Time: 9:00 a.m. to noon l i Location: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC i

l Attendees: See Attachment 1 Agenda:


< e introduce meeting attendees, confirm member distribution list and agency staff .

contacts l


l e Presentation on Workshop Addressing the Similarities and Differences in Chemical and Radiation Environmental Risk Management

  • Discussion of DOE Proposal, Keystone
e Discussion of the 1998 ISCORS Planned Accomplishments e Distribution of the "Thomy" issues List e Discussion of Potential ISCORS Public Meetings e Update on BEIR VI
  • LLW Presentation

, e Request for State Participation in Subcommittee Meetings  !


e Cleanup Subcommittee l

  • Miwd Waste Subcoiamittee -i e Recycle' Subcommittee o Risk Harmonization Subcommittee e Sewage Sludge / Ash Subcommittee e NORM Subcommittee ACTION ITEMS /NEXT STEPS


  • Review of action items e Date/ time / place of next meeting e Topics for net meeting l  :

Enclosure 1 i

. _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ - . _ _ . _ _ . _ - - - . - -- 9

Meetina Summarv Jackie Dziuban of EPA discussed the status of the June 8/9,1998, Environmental Law Institute (Ell) risk management workshop. This workshop, funded by EPA, will discuss the similarities and differences in risk management paradigms for chemical and radiation under environmental protection statutes. A white paper will be sent to th: participants before the workshop. ELI will i develop a summary of the workshop and present the workshop results at the next ISCORS I meeting on June 11,1998.

1 In a related activity, DOE is considering organizing a facilitated workshop after the ELI workshop to assist in resolving radiation protection issues. Andy Wallo, DOE, suggests that the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), working in partnership with a group that specializes in facilitation and consensus-building, could organize the workshop of senior agency i managers to mediate a resolution of differences (or identify impediments to attaining resolution) l between the agencies. NAPA would develop recommendations based upon the meeting and -

ISCORS would consider these recommendations. Ray Berube will call Larry Weinstock, EPA, and John Greeves, NRC, to discuss this proposal.

The members discussed the latest lid of draft 15 98 ISCORS planned accomplishments. Larry Weinstock clarified that ISCORS would receive briefings on Federal Guidance Report 13, but j would not be formal!y involved in the review of public comments.

At the December 1997, ISCORS meeting, Beverly Hartline of OSTP asked the members to consider generating a list of "thomy" issues related to radiation protection standards and stating ;

why they are problematic. At the March 12 meeting, DOD, EPA, NRC and DOE presented their l inputs to the list of "thomy issues." Miriam Forman, OSTP, and Jill Lipoti, NJ, felt the goals of ISCORS in the ISCORS charter, which includes the objective of facilitating a consensus on allowable levels of radiation risk, are not being addressed. It was noted that the Risk Harmonization White Paper addressed the similarities and differences in the agencies approaches to risk harmonization. A working group of ISCORS members will generate a one-or two-page list of the radiation protection issues and possible solutions, including who should ,

resolve these issues. The list will be reviewed by the other ISCORS members and then sent to i OSTP.

i l

Jerry Puskin of EPA reported on the Committee on Health Efft, cts of Exposure to Radon (Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation (BEIR) VI). This committee considered data conceming i

the risk associated with human exposure to radon and lung cancer, its conclusions reinforce )

radon as a public health issue.

Bob Nelson, NRC, presented the status of the low-level waste (LLW) state compacts, including l the expected dates for operating the LLW facilities.

The committee considered the possibility of holding a public ISCORS meeting. Bill Kane, NRC, i proposed that the next meeting in June at NRC be open to the public. The members decided that the first part of the meeting would be a closed session, the second part would be open to the public, and then the public would be given the opportunity to comment. After the June meeting, the potential for future public meetings would be discussed.

2 1


l l Jill Lipoti wrote a letter to the ISCORS members requesting that additional State officials participate in ISCORS subcommittees. John Greeves and Larry Weinstock presented a joint draft response that agreed with her proposal.

l Cheryl Trottier of NRC reported on the Cleanup Subcommittee's activities. This subcommittee will meet next in late March to reviewing NRC's draft regulctory guide for decommissioning.

Gus Vasquez, DOE, reported that the Mixed Waste Subcommittee plans to meet in early April.

DOE and EPA have met to discuss their differences in groundwater modeling.

Neil Naraine of EPA, representing the Recycle Subcommittee, reported that EPA's recycle rulemaking is currently suspended while EPA is considering public comments. The NRC, EPA l and DOE technical staffs have agreed on 50% of the radionuclides to be modeled and 100 i scenarios have been modeled. A table of normalized doses is being developed; this table will be used when a dose level is determined. Neil also updated the members on the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directoc (CRCPD) program to link orphan sources at scrap yards and steel mills with organizations which can recover them. CRCPD will request assistance from the NRC Commissioners in providing funds to help modify the NRC's Nuclear Materials Events Database tc encompass all radioactive me+erial (not just Atomic Energy Act material) and to track orphan sources throughout the nation.

Dennis O'Connor reported on the progress of the Risk Harmonization Subcommittee. Cyndi Jones, NRC, clarified that the draft NRC proposal for setting uniform risk standards that was distributed at the December 1997 ISCORS meeting was a thought piece, and not a proposal that NRC had submitted to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). EPA is preparing a proposal to fund BEIR Vil (Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of lonizing Radiation); 1 several other agencies plan to also contribute funding for the study. DOE, NRC and EPA have been preparing summary sheets on applications of institutional controls in waste disposal programs to determine their similarities and differences. The subcommittee will then decide whether to suggest a workshop on this issue.

Bob Bastian reported on the progress of the Sewage Subcommittee. The sewage survey is currently at OMB for review. The labs have finished their analysis of the data from the test sites. The subcommittee is still receiving comments on the draft guidance for publicly owned treatment works operators. The subcommittee asked the members for assistance in determining whether to include a table of acceptable concentrations in the guidance document, and, if a table were included, to assist in determining the appropriate dose limit. This table is also needed to assess the significance of the results in the sewage survey, including the results for the test sites. NRC, EPA and DOE agreed to set up a conference call so management could offer guidance.

Loren Setlow reported that the NORM Subcommittee held an organizational meeting on March

9. The group reviewed the status of NORM activities and will discuss the CRCPD NORM regulations rat the next subcommittee meeting.

The next ISCORS meeting will be June 11 at NRC. The agenda will include subcommittee  !

reports and a status report on the ELI conference. I 3

l I

C______________. . .

J Action items:

'1. Me'mbers will provide comments to John Greeves and Larry Weinstock on the draft 1998 lSCORS planned accomplishments by the end of May so the revised list can be finalized.

2. A working group from NRC, EPA, DOE and DOD will generate a one- or two-page list of the radiation protection issues and possible solutions, including who should resolve these issues.

The other ISCORS agencies will review the list, which will then be sent to OSTP.

3. Charlene Raddatz, Bob Bastian and Loren Setlow will brief NRC, EPA, DOE and DOD so
management can offer advice on whether to include a table of acceptable concentrations in the guidance document, and, if a table were included, to assist in determining the appropriate dose limit. This table is also needed to assess the significance of the results in the sewage survey.

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Introduce Principal Meeting Attendees Describe History / Purpose of ISCORS Discuss Groundrules for the Public Meeting TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION (9:45 - 10:45)

Update on BEIR VI Discussion / Summary of ELI Workshop l

Discussion of NAPA Workshop Discussion of 1998 Planned Accomplishments t

Discussion of" Thorny Issues" list SUBCOMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORTS (10:45 - 11:15 am) 1 Cleanup Subcommittee l

Mixed Waste Subcommittee  !

l Recycle Subcommittee Risk Harmonization Subcommittee i Sewage Sludge / Ash Subcommittee l i

NORM Subcommittee l l

ACTION ITEMS /NEXT STEPS (11:15 am - 11:30 am)

Review of action items l Date/ time / place of next meeting

Topics for next meeting ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (11:30 am - noon)

Enclosure 2

_ _ _ __--- - - - ~ _,_- - - - _ - - - --





! '{ ' '

cc: List forletter dated: 6/5/98 i

Mary Clark, EPA /ORIA

, Frank Marcinowski, EPA /ORIA l Dennis O'Connor, EPNORIA l

' Vicki Lloyd, EPNORIAAllan Richardson, EPNORIA John Karhnak, EPA /ORIA Stephen Luftig, EPNOERR Chuck Sands EPA /OERR Bruce Means,, EPA /OERR


MichaelSha Barry Breen,piro, EPA /OSW -

EPNOFFE Craig Hooks EPNOFFE David Levens,tein, EPA /OFFE

'l MichaelB. Cook, EPA /OWWMCynthia Doughe Bob Bastian, EPA /OWWM

Jeffrey Phillips, EPA /OSWER j

Matt Hale, EPNOSW Nancy Hunt, EPA /OSW


.! Carl Paperiello, NRC/NMSS Donald Cool, NRC/NMSS Cheryl Trottier, NRC/RES' Margaret Federline, NRC I. David Auton, DOD/DNA

) Muhammad Owais, DOD/DNA j

Lewis D. Walker, DOD/ArmyColonelRobert Che Andy Wallo, DOE /EH-41

! Peter Brush DOE /EH-1 i

John Tseng,, DOE /EH4 Paul Seligman, DOE /EH4 i Mark Frei, DOE /EM-30 James Fiore,' DOE /EM-40 I

Jim Owendoff, DOE /EM 40 RandalScott, DOE /EM40 (

l James Antizzo, DOE /EM-70  !

Rick Jones, DOE Caroline Freeman, DOL / OSHA Jeffrey Synder, DOLIOSHA Rick Boyle, DOT / Room 8430 Fred Ferate DOT /MS DHM-23 Phil Frappao,lo, FDA Carrie Jeisma 4 Miria m Forman,,OMB/ Room 8026 OSTP

l H l


1 i

Dear Members of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards-Enclosure 1 is a summary of the March 12,1998, meeting of the I ragency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS). Enclosure 2 is a draft a .nda for the next Committee meeting, which will be held on June 11,1998, at the Nuci r Regulatory Commission's' Headquarters in Rockville, Md. Please note the # tire meeting will be open 1 to observation by members of the public. Please review the draft genda and provide your


comments to Nick Orlando of my staff at (301) 415-6749, e-ma' AO@NRC. GOV by May 18g1998. Please note that Nick will be filling in for Phyff Sobel as the NRC ISCORS contact _for the next few months. I look forward to seeing y u at the next Committee meeting. x Sincerely, l

i n T. Greeves, Director

ivision of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l


As stated

! cc: See attached list DISTRIBUTION: Centra ile NMSS r/f DWM r/f l

VHolahan HNe ome FCameron KStablein I~

RMeck . M i JHolonich RBangart PSobel C nes RJohnson L.L D P R /F X DOCUMENT NAME:  :\DWM\LLDP\DAO\MTSUM.COV

! _b *See previous con urrence -


! NAME bando* RNelsone JHickey MVFederline JGreeves DATE 5/1 /98 5/1 /98 5/ /98 5/ /98 5//98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PUBLIC: YES 1 NO _ Category: Proprietary __ or CF Only _

ACNW/ YES 1 NO _ )

IG: YES _ NO 1 Delete file after distribution: Yes _. No 1  !



Dear Members of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards:

Enclosure 1 is a summary of the March 12,1998, meeting of the Interag cy Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS). Enclosure 2 is a draft agenda f r the next Committee meeting, which will be held on June 11,1998, at the Nuclear Re atory Commission's Headquarters in Rockville, Md. Please review the draft age da and provide your comments to Nick Orlando of my staff at (301) 415-6749, e-mail DA @NRC. GOV by May 18,1998. Please note that Nick will be filling in for Phyllis Sobel a the NRC ISCORS contact for the next few months. I look forward to seeing you at the xt Committee meeting.

l l Sines <

i Joha T. Gr ves, Director Division o aste Management Office o uclear Material Safety and afeguards


As stated cc: See attached list QlRTRIBUTION: Central File NMSS r/f DWM r/f VHolahan HNewsome FCameron KStablein RMeck MBell JHolonich RBangart l PSobel CJones RJohnson LLDP r/f l '


OFC LLD [ LLDk b LLDP DWM DWM b NAME NOko RN[ son JHickey MVFederline JGreeves DATE 5/[/98 5/I /98 5/ /98 5/ /98 5/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


PUBLIC: YES 1 NO _ Category: Proprietary _ or CF Only _

ACNW: YES 1 NO._ '

lG: YES _ NO 1 Delete file after distribution: Yes _ No 1

_ ___ _____ ____ _-___ _ .___ __________ _ _-__