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Amend 1 to License for Edlow Intl,Authorizing Shipment of 5,690 Kg Canadian-origin Matl & Increasing Enrichment from 3.35 W/O to 3.40 W/O Max
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/11/1989
From: Peterson M
ENUSA-E-5, NUDOCS 8905240227
Download: ML20247B749 (1)


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gw -- - m _ . . . . . _ _ _ __ _ _NRC_LICENSE _ No._ _ _ s A slh'"C FORM 2501990 y* $ [ DOR l rmsuchscerries 30 April L

R  ! Enitch States of Atnerita XSNM02443 Amendment No. 01



g. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursurnt to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licenses authorizing the export of the meterials and/or production R

4 organization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory or utilization facilities listed below, subject to the terms and conditions Commission issued pursuant thereto, and in rehance on statements and herein, representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued g 1.lC E NS E E ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE IN FORE 4GN CoVNTRy


Y uAuE Edlow International as agent for NAuE Empresa Nacional del Uranio, S. A.

El Empresa Nacional Del Uranio, S. A.

E! AooREss 1666 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. AoonESS Santiago Rusinol,12 di Suite 500 Madrid 3, Spain jl, Washington, D.C. 20009 Attn: S. Smyle l

(Reload fuel for ASCO I) g!

E h iNTERuEoiATE CousioNEE iN roREioN CouNTRv oTNER PARTIES ro EXPORT d British Nuclear Fuels, Limited LH"*"" Springfield Works l Salwick Preston, Lancashire England

!' (Conversion) U.S. Department of Energy c/o Martin Marietta Energy Systems, R ENUSA Inc.

3 Santiago Rusinol,12 P.O. Box 628 Madrid 3, Spain Piketon, OH 45661 l

N; (Fabrication) (Supoli d _

APPLICANT'S REF. No. EMIS A E-5 CouwvRv oF ULTIMATE DESTINATION $pgin QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR F ACILITIE.S The licensee is authorized to export 698.0 kilograms of uranium-235 contained g in 20,834.0 kilograms of uranium, enriched to 3.40 w/o maximum, f

dl This amendment increases the enrichment from 3.35 w/o to 3.40 w/o maximurr.

j The shipment of 5,690.0 kilograms of Canadian-origin material is authori::ed.

I All other conditions remain unchanged,

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5 8905240227 890511


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N ither this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or g Ag TH ng2Eo RC REPRESE TATIVE Ctherwise transferred in WiOlation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974j \

g! m neene is audject to the right of recapture or controi by section sos of Marvin R. Peterson, Assistant Directow gl sne Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and to all of the other provi- for Internati nal Security $

g sions of asid Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and M j j jggg  %

g; reputtions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


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, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ EXPORT _ LICENSE


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I Edt:w International Company ,

1666 C1nnecticut Ave.. N.W., Stute 500 Wuhington. D.C. 20009 U.S.A.

Tel (202) 4834959 Tla 643B7 & 6491095 Fu (202) 483 4440 Y $f\llM O O N,OI YN May 8, 1989 Mr. Neal Moore U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Export / import and International Safeguards Office of international Programs, W -1, 3-H-5 Washington, D.C. 20555 De:r Hr. Moore, he would like to request our export license nunber X5NM02443 be amended to re:d 698 kilograms Uranium 235 contained in 20,834 kilograms uranium enriched Our initial application on to 3.40 w/o maximum in lieu of 3.35 w/c naxinum. enrichment March 17, 1989 did not make provision for the additional 0.5 %

required for material processed at the Departaent of Energy facility located in Piketon, Ohio. We Iegret any ir. convenience we mey have caused you.

we appreciate your assistance in tre anmendment of this license.

Since ely, .



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,11usan C. Sm , &

Hanager, Special Projects _


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