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Mod 2,extending Period of Performance,To Maint & Operation of Lpdr
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/21/1989
From: Blocksom R, Niemeyer E
Shared Package
ML20246F246 List:
CON-FIN-D-24169, CON-NRC-10-87-339 NUDOCS 8908300239
Download: ML20246F248 (11)


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] M2j g ADM-87-3 34 Amend Two

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Ir U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'Eivision of Contracts and Property Management W shington, DC 20555

a. N AM E Ah o AooR E ss or C om = AC T o n ,4... .,,e t. ,o..t,. s i... .., w c..,, ,A. AMENoMENT o, sog.C T AT oN No.

Pcnnsville Public Library 190 S. Broadway

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Pennsville, New Jersey 08070-o 20A.P M.o.oiF 4CAf son oF CONT RACT/o AD

, NRC-10-87-339 1

209. OAT E o tsSK irKN 83)


11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS.OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation es amenced as set fore en tism 14. The hour and date specifsed for reasipt of Offers O is e., endo .

teached Offera must ocs nowledge receipt of this emendment prior to the hour and daw sosicifed in the sol. citation or es amerused. by one of the foinowing methods Cl by compieting items B and 15. and returneno copes of the amendment.101 By acknowledging receipt of this emendment on each copy of the offer subm.tted. or ict Bv sepa' ate lettre or teiegram <which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDG-MENT TO BE RECEIVED AT 1ME PLACE DE*,8GNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFF ERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF VDis4 OF F f 8; l' tw vte* ei th s amendme51 t you dtsire to change en offer already s ibmitted such change tasy be made by triegram or

' Ctter. pro.eded each te 4 ra :* se ~e .as es reverence to the solicitation and eis amenoment, and is received orsot to the ooeneno hour and date specified

12. ACCovht SNG ANo Ah ,*.,s4. Ai bon OAT A gif sessa*edi 31X0200.940 D-24169 940-20-06-250 Obligate $2,334.00


yg A. TMsb CMANGE onDE A as 5&vEo Puk5uANT To (Speesty ominentys TML CHAPeGES bE T FoRTM IN 6T EM 44 ARE MAoE sN 1ME con-T A ACT O AoE A No. tN IT EM 30A. ,

S. app THE* At.oVE NUMDE arre taan dese. eseREo contFAoRTM J SET ACT/omoER aN 4 TEM 15 38.


tVE CHANGE $ (such as thendes de pering office, C. TMtb SUPPLEMENT AL AG ALEMENT <& ENTEREO aNTO PURbuANT To AUTHOR 4T v OF; o oTmL A (Sp,ests type of modstne.tnen .sd sothentsp E. IMPORTANT; Contractor 3 is not. b is required to sign this coeurnent and return Copies to the issuing off>Ce. 1

14. orsC n.Pt ech oF AME NOME NT/Mooif . CAT ion ,o.,. u,4 6, uct uenpa n..dme.. .or. cst.ano veoat =es e awet marier W he'* fe==i63' s This modification is to extend the period of performance for one year from July 1,1989 l through June 30, 1990, with an option year from July 1,1990 through June 30, 1991. (

Jh2 cost for the third year is $2,334.00 ($571.00 a quarter plus $50.00 for miscellaneo'2s I charges). Option year is costed at $2,414.00.

8908300239 690821 PDR CONTR NRC-10-87-339 PNU l 1

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Idsu RD he ex sn A4 . h~ stex~rc t;> Eileen Niemeyer, Property 6 Procurement Spec.

3 St. C 1 AACTon/oF F oR

  • J f,C. DATE seGNEo 3(iB. UNif Eo &T ATE 5 of AME RSCA 16C. OAT 1. SIGNEo h

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NS89 7640 03152 8070 30 105 51 ANDARD FORM 30 (REv. lo 831 l PAEVIOUS Eof 74oN UNU5ASLE Prescrities Dr GSA F AR (as CF al S3.243 l

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Pennsville, NJ l


1. BACKGROUND The FOIA/ Local Public Document Room Branch within the Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services, Office of Administration, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), is responsible for the overall establishment and maintenance of local public document rooms (LPDRs). The FOIA/LPDR Branch reconnends, develops, and implements programs, plans, objectives, and activities of local public document rooms, as well as coordinates the distribution of documents to LPDRs.

The LPDR program provides scientific and technical information relating to nuclear power plants. The document collections permit and encourage the free exchange of ideas and criticisms by the general public in the licensing of nuclear power plant construction and operation. The LPDRs are located in libraries maintained by state / local governments, institutions of higher education and nonprofit orga-izations (hereinafter, the " Cooperator") in the vicinity of proposed nuclear power plants.

The F0IA/LPDR Branch has established a cooperative agreement program to provide financial remuneration for services performed by the LPDRs and to insure that a uniform program of document maintenance and information services is provided for LPDR patrons.

a. The period of performance hereunder shall commence on 7/1/89 and shall continue through 6/30/90 , unless sooner terminated or extended.
b. The Cooperator and the tRC, by mutual agreement, may extend the period of performance through the execution of supplemental agreements to this cooperative agreement, not to exceed a total of five (5) years. At the end of each year the Cooperator will be required to submit a cost proposal to the NRC for the following year.
3. NRC RESPONSIBILITY The NRC anticipates that they will provide docements on a weekly basis to be added to each local public documenc room collection (collection). NRC will provide file folders, binders, labels, postcards for reporting i

missing documents, envelopec for use in communicating with NRC, a User's ,

Guide, filing and document retention instructions, etc. Also, the NRC, '

l when nntified by a library, will promptly replace any documents found l


  • Incorporate into resultant Cooperative Agreement.



! 4 missing from the collection. NRC will periodically visit each library to review the collection, provide guidance and instructions to the library staff, raonitor contractor performance, and identify / resolve problems or discrepancies.

l l 4 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE LPDR i The Cooperator shall perform the following services relative to the i maintenance and operation of the LPDR:

a. Properly file paper copy documents or microfiche received from NRC within one week of receipt in accordance with the filing system provided by NRC. To meet the particular needs of library patrons, this filing deadline may be extended upon the expressed approval of the LPDR Program Manager.
b. Refile documents or microfiche used by patrons within the next business day.
c. Prepare file folders and folder labels when necessary.
d. Promptly file as well as display reference tools and finding tids provided by hRC (such as the LPDR HOTLINE toll free labels anu signs which identify the collection) as instructed.
e. Maintain a file of explanatory and instructional material sent to the LPDR library by the NRC.
f. Documents in the collection are not allcwed to leave the LPDR library unless instructed to do so by the F0iA/LPDR Branch, NRC.
g. Work with the FOIA/LPDR Branch staff and other NRC representatives, as necessary, to answer questions and provide information on the availability of documents and services, return documents sent in error, make arrangements for handling non-routine matters as they arise, such as Freedom of Information Act responses.
h. Maintain the local public document room collection and NP,C-furnished equipment as a physically unified collection.
1. Report promptly to the LPDR Program Manager the identification of documents found or reported to be missing from the collection.
a. Provides patrons with reference assistance in locating documents and sufficient instructions to familiarize users with the filing system, the local public document room collection, the collection's reference tools and finding aids, the indexing system used for paper copies and q microfiche copies of the collection, and use of the microfiche reader printer.


l I b. Provide users access to operable reproduction equipment for making  !

paper copies of the collection, as needed.

a. Insure that the NRC microfiche reader printer is in good operating condition. In the event the equipment requires repair or servicing, j the library staff shall arrange to have an authorized service i representative estimate the cost of the repair'needed on the equipment. Before proceeding with any repair, the cooperator shall receive authorization from the Project Officer by calling the toll free telephone number (800-638-8081). After the repair is made, the invoice of charges should be forwarded for payment to the NRC in accordance with the instructions (ATTACHMENT 1). A copy of the signed work order should be submitted to the Project Officer within one day of the repair.
b. Promptly inform the FOIA/LPDR Branch of the NRC, either by the toll free telephone numi,er (800-638-8081) or in writing, of problems regarding the use or maintenance of the collection.
c. As the need arises, the Cooperator shall acquire necessary miscellaneous office supplies (storage boxes, hole punches, etc.) for performance of the work required under this cooperative agreement.

Approval of the LPDR Program Managor is required prior to purchase of these supplies. Payment should be requested on the next quarterly advance / reimbursement Form #270. Receipts for the supplies must accompany Form #270. Charges for paper and lamps for the NRC microfiche reader printer are not allowable expenditures and will not be reimbursed.

7. SPACE REQUIREMENTS Provide the following:
a. Adequate shelf or other filing space to maintain the local public document collection.
b. Adequate space near the document collection to locate a microfiche reader printer, a table for the reader printer, a microfiche file cabinet (s), and table and chairs for patrons using the collection.
c. Adequate reading space, lighting, heating and cooling, for users to review the documents in the collection.
a. 11aintain adequate supply of paper for the microfiche reader printer.
b. Maintain adequate supply of electrec lamps for the microfiche reader printer.

I l


9. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PP.0PERTY The following items are to be furnished to the Cooperator, as needed, to support the collection,
a. 3M "800" microfiche reader printer, Model No. 475BG , Serial No.

320725 , NRC Tag No. 014948 (1.ea.)

b. Vertical visible upright cabinet for cards and microfiche, 4 x 6 size, 7-drawers, 40" high, 16" wide, 27" deep, with high leg base, steel, 12" high, Shaw-Walker, Model C-1419. (1 ea)
c. Reader printer sit-down stand, 30 high, top 36 x 30", Bell & Howell, Catalog No.123C01. (1 ea.)

for newly established LPDRs or LPDRs receiving a microfiche reader printer for the first time, the NRC will provide the initial box of paper and an extra lamp for the microfiche reader printer. Thereafter, responsibility to maintain an adequate supply of paper and electric lamps rests with the Cooperator. (Paper: 3M Dry Silver Paper, Type 795, 8 1/2 x 250,~ 4 rolls per carton; Lamps: 3M, Order No. 78-8012-3601-5.)

NRC authorizes the Cooperator to charge for copies made on the reader printer, to recoup expenses for paper and lamps.

The Cooperator is authorized, without cost to NRC, to install a coin operated attachment to the reader printer; however, the cost a Cooperator may charge for copies from microfiche may not exceed $0.25 per page copy, unless it can be demonstrated to the LPDR Program Manager that operating costs require a higher per-page cost.

a. Performance Reports i- A quarterly performance report, utilizing the format as specified in l Attachment 2 shall be submitted within 20 days after each quarter l end to the addressees listed below. For administrative purposes, it is requested t;)at quarterly advance / reimbursement (Form #270) be submitted simultaneously with this performance report, along with any receipts for miscellaneous supplies and signed work orders covering repairs or servicing of NRC furnished microfiche reader printer. However, for Cooperators who qualify for advance payment, the first quarterly report will be submitted with Form #270 for payment of second quarter. <
  • Incorporate into resultant Cooperative Agreement.

, y

.i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ATTN:'Jona L. Souder, LPDR Program Manager F0IA/ Local Public Document Room Branch.

Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services

' Office of Administration Washington, DC 20555


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory.Comission Property. and Procurement Branch

' Division of Contracts and Property Management' Office of Administration Washington, DC 20555.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Division of Accounting and Finance Office of~the Controller Washington, DC 20555 L. Financial Reports


In accordance with OMB Circulars A-110, Attachment G and/or A-102,

. Attachment H,- as applicable, the Cooperator shall use the Standardized Financial Status Report to report the status'of funds for all.nonconstruction projects or programs. .Please note the NRC will exercise the option to waive the filing of the Standardized Financial Status Report since the Request for Advance or Reimbursement.and/or Report of Federal Cash Transactions has been determined to provide adequate information, except that a final Financial Status Report shall be required at the completion of the project when the Request for Advance or Reimbursement form is used only for. advances ~.


-.--_-________m__ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _

I FY-89 3M MICROFICHE READER PRINTER REPAIR The FY-89 purchase order number for repairs to NRC-furnished 3M microfiche reader printers is DR-89-0235. Invoices for repairs made between November 29, 1988, and September 30, 1989, should include this number as well as the serial number of the machine and the NRC tag number.

BEFORE ANY REPAIR IS MADE, YOU MUST CONTACT John Harris, Project Officer l responsible for 3M microfiche reader printer repairs. His authorization is needed for ALL repairs. Mr. Harris' direct telephone number is (301)492-4248.

However, if you prefer, you may call the LPDR toll-free Hotline, 800-638-8081, and your call will be transferred to Mr. Harris. I,f he is not in, someone else in his office can give the authorization.

Copies of completed service tickets for ALL repairs are to be forwarded, within ore day of the repair, to Mr. Harris at the following address:

Mr. John Harris, Room P-530 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 The NRC should not be billed for microfiche reader printer paper and/or lamps.

Contracts and agreements stipulate that the library is responsible for the purchase of these items. Libraries have the option of charging for prints to defray the cost of these supplies.

Invoices should be submitted to:

Division of Accounting and Finance Office of the Controller U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555 Any questions regarding the repair of NRC-furnished 3M microfiche equipment should be directed to John Harris, Project Officer.


L . ,

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l Library Name/ City / State:


Cooperative Agreement No.

l Quarter No.: Dates Covered: l I

A. Use of the Collection:

1. Estimate the number of persons using the collection or the frequency of use of t.e documents during the last quarter.


2. Estimate number of copies made during the quarter.


1) From paper copies:
2) From microfiche:

B. Condition of the LPDR Collection:

1. Has filing been kept up-to-date (filed within one week of receipt from NRC and within one business day after use by patron? If not, what actions are being taken to maintain an up-to-date collection?
2. Have documents been reported missing during the quarter? If so, list missing documents below. Also, please indicate below if the LPDR Branch has or has not been notified.

C. Filing and Assistance:

1. Please indicate the average amount of time spent sach week during this quarter:
1) Filing hardcopy documents and microfiche received from NRC.

Hours Minutes / Per week

2) Refiling hardcopy documents and microfiche used by patrons.

Hours Minutes / Per week <

2. Please indicate amount of time spent each week assisting patrons to use and/or locate documents and microfiche in the collection.

Hours Minutes / Per week

q p.



g -. ..

D. ; Equipment Maintenance:

L Is the NRC furnished raicrofiche reader / printer operational? Y N

2. If not, has your local 3M representative been notified? Y N l 7 3. If not, give reason.

L L 4. Please estimate the number of days the reader /pr. inter was not operational during the quarter. days

5. Is the microfiche reader / printer paper outdated? Y N
6. If yes, is additional paper being purchased?* Y N Please fill in if applicable.
7. List the cost of required maintenance for the NRC microfiche reader printer, date of the service, and describe the problems requiring the service.

COST DATE PROBLEM E. Corrections: .

Please indicate below, where necessary, any information which has changed this quarter:

1. Person who signs cooperative agreement:
2. Collection recipient:
3. Person who handles reference questions:
4. Person wto does the filing: _
5. Telephone number:
6. Address:
7. Hours ot' operation:


  • Library is responsible for purchasing paper and bulbs.

- D. Equipment Maintenance:

1. Is the NRC furnished microfiche reader / printer operational? Y N
2. If not, has your local 3M representative been notified? Y- N
3. If' not, give reason.
4. Please estimate the number of days the reader / printer was not operational during the quarter. days
5. Is the microfiche reader / printer paper outdated? Y N
6. If yes, is additional paper being purchased?* Y N Please fill in if applicable.
7. List the cost of required maintenance for the NRC microfiche reader printer, date of the service, and describe the problems requiring the service.


Please indicate below, where necessary, any information which has changed this quarter:

1. Person who signs cooperative agreement:
2. Collection recipient: _.
3. Person who handles reference questions:
4. Person who does the filing:
5. Telephone number:
6. Address:
7. Hours of operation:
  • Library is responsible for purchasing paper and bulbs.

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Please describe any problems that have occurred with the maintenance and use of the collection which.have not been. reported to, or resolved by, the FOIA/LPDR Branch.

G. -Suggestions:

Please list below any ideas or suggestions you may have that would help us improve the LPDR Program. ,

DATE SIGNATURE TITLE Submit original and (1) additional copy of the quarterly report and invoice to:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Administration and Resources Management Division of Accounting and Finance ATTN: GOV /COM ACCOUNTS Washington, D.C. 20555 .

Submit (1) copy of quarterly report and invoice to:

Jona L. Souder, LPDR Program Director FOIA/ Local Public Document Room Branch U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

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