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Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.Releases Documents 52,62,91,92,120,121,130 & 132 & Partially Releases Documents 72,103 & 107 (Ref FOIA Exemption 4).Attachments to Documents 93 & 94 Lost.W/O Encls
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/04/1989
From: Grimsley D
To: Sabo J
FOIA-87-184 NUDOCS 8905110216
Download: ML20246E297 (13)


- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .

q U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Nac rosa HLoVL$f NUMBL6kSi FOIA - 9 ~7- / ff f gleg- <( ntsPONSE TYPE



\ .see e MAY - 41989 Dock 6i Nuustnisim w.catus HEQUEST L R 9 v - l * $5 l 7 SA%T 1.- AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED ISee checked boxes)

No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments Section.

Agency records subject to the sequest that are identiteed on Appendiatest are already avadable for pubhc inspection and copying in the NRC Public Document Room 2120 L Street, N W.. Washington. DC 20555 Agency records subsect to the vequest that are identifeed on Appendistes) are being made avadable for pubhc inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street. N W. Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

The nonpropnetary version of the proposaHsl that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being made available for pubhc inapection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room 2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC. in a folder undes this FOIA number and requester name Agency records subject to the request that are identified on Appendialest may be inspected and copied at the NRC Local Public Document Room identified in the Comments Section.

Enclosed 6s information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street. N.W.,

Washington. DC.

Agency records sub lect to the request are enclosed R3 cards subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agencylies) for review and direct response to you.

You will be billed by the NRC for fees totahng $

in view of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated No PART ll. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from pubbc disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part af.

sections B, C. and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available foi pubhc inspection and Copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street, N W., Washington. DC in a folder under this FOIA number and requestar name COMMENTS

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2 8905110216 890504 PDR FOIA SADOB7-104 PDR SIGN R . DIRECTOR OlV". ION FF DOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICATIONS SERylltS YM f a_ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RESPONSE FOIA NUMBER $1SL FOIA - 9 'A 4 9 04To MAY - t 1989 PART ll.B- APPLICABLE EXEMPTIONS Records subsect to the request that are dercribed on the enclosed Appendulesi __ . _ _ are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the bernptions and for the reasons set forth below pursuant to 5 U S C. 552M ar.d 10 CFR 917(a) of NRC Regulations

1. The withheld information is properly classified pursuant to E kecutive Order IE XEMPTION 1)
2. The withheld mformation relates solety to the internal personnel rules and procedures of NRC. (EXEMPTION 2)
3. The withheld information is specifically exempted from public disclosure by statute indicated iEXLMPTION 3l Sections 141,145 of the Atomic Energy Act which prohibits the disclosuee of Resincted Data or Formerly Restocted Data 642 U S C 2 412105i Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards information (42 U S C. 21671 g 4. The withheld informanon is a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is being withheld f or the reason (s) indscated IE x E MPTION di The informanon is considered to be conhdential business (propnetaryl informabon.

The information is considered to be propnetary inf ormation pursuant to 10 CF Ft 2. 7904dH1)

The information was submrtted and received in confidence pursuant to 10 CF R 2 790tdH2l S. The withheld information consists of interagency or intr 6 agency records that are not avaitable through discovery during Irtegation (EXEMPTION 56 Arpbcable Pnvilege.

Dehberative Process. Disclosure of predecisional information would tend to inhabit the open and frank enchange of ideas essential to the debbef abve process Where records are withheld in their entirety, the f acts are anentncably mtertwined with the predecisionalinformanon There also are no reasonabiy segregacie f actual portions because the release of the f acts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency Attorney work product pnvilege (Documents piepared tw an attornew in contemplanon of langanon i Attorney - chent privilege (Conhdential communications bet ween on anomey and his her c hent i

6. The withheld information as enempted hom pubhc disclosure because its disclosure would result m a cleady unwarranted invasion of personal povact :Ex[MPTION 61
7. The withheld information consists of records compiled for tan enforcement purposeh and is being withheld for the seasontsi indicated (E)'EMPTION 71 l Disclosure could reasonably be expected to mtericie with an enturcement prot eoding t>etause it could ee.eal the scope direction and fc ws of en forcement ef torts and thus could possely allow them to tan e ac non to shiced potennal wrongdomg or a violation of NRC reouwements ham in.ntigators EXE MPTION 7 iAh Disclosure wocid constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal pnwacy (E XEMPTION 7tCH The information cons:sts of names of individush> and mer miaemation the dmlosu r e of whu h t.ould 'eawnst)l be espectem to 'evedf mtities af confident,a; sources iE xtMPTiON 71Dn Other PART 11. C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pursuant to 10 CFR 9 251bl and or 9 25 ic) of the U S Nuciear Regui atory Comme sion er.4ilan ons it has been aetemined that the inf ormenor A thheld is enempt fmm production or d>sclosure and that its production or disciosu re es cunteary to the pubia irarest The persons eesponsitue f or the den + ore thew ottitiam rdent,hed beow as denying of ficiais and the Director Dmsiur of Freedom of Inf ormonon andPubiu anons Seewces Othc( u Admimst anon and Resoon es %9emeni fm ang den,ais that may be appe#ed to the f acc un,e Daector nor Operanors ,EDO-TITLE Of FICE l RECORDS DENfED I APELLATE OF FICIAL Of.NYING OFFICIAL SE CR.L' ARY EDO f Yf c.925 Lh h _)$N /* hh5~ K c/sj6As-6bg b Y3- l}p_ /_. .


6l/ W _

PART 11. D- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by each denyeng othcialidentsfied in Part ll.C may be appealed to the Appellate Official idenufied in that section. Any such appeal must t e in wnting and must be made within 30 days of receipt of this response Appeals must be addressed as appropnote to the E necutive Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the Commission.

U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington. DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeat from an Initiali OIA Decision " i Cc Fou 464 iPan 21 U S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


I; l

Re: F0!A-87-184 APPENDIX B Gulf Mineral Resources Co.

1. Undated Letter to Albert A. H. Koch from June P. Robertson. (1page)
2. 8/23/84' Letter from Albert A. H. Koch to R. Brown. (1page)

Duquesne Ligh_t (1page)

3. 6/11/86 Letter to J. D. Sieber from Russel R. Rentschler.

Ohio Edison

4. 6/23/86 Letter to William R. forsyth from Russel R. Rentschler.


Pacific Gas and Electric Company (I page)

6. 7/1/86 Letter to R. 8. Witzel from Russel R. Rentschler.

Pennsylvania Power Company (1page) l 6. 7/18/86 Letter to W. A. McKissick from Ru>sel R. Rentschler.

Consolidated Ediston Company of New York, Inc_.

(1 page)

7. 8/15/86 Letter to John D. O'Toole from Russel R. Rentschler.

Wisconsin Electric Power Company Letter to C. W. Fay from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)

8. 8/21/86 Houston Lighting and Power Letter to T. M. Sobey from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)
9. 8/27/86 Tennessee Valley Authority 10, 2/6/87 Letter to J. D. Robertson from Russel R. Rentschler, w/ attachment. (1 page) 11, 12/24/86 Letter to June P. Robertson from J. D. Robertson, w/ attachment. (3 pages)

UG U.S.A., Inc.


12. 9/19/84 Letter to June P. Robertson from Rushton S. Adamson.


13. 10/10/86 Letter to Julie A. Walz from Russel R. Rentschler.

(I page) 14 10/9/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Julie A. Walz.

_ ____ -. -_m_ _ __m_.-_._- __ ____m___ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Re: F01A-87-184 APPEN0lX B (ContinuedT Northeast Utilities Service Co.

15. 5/7/84 Letter to William G. Counsil from C. K. Nulsen. (1page) 16, 4/18/84 Letter to Charle. K. Nulsen from W. G. Counsil and C. F.

Sears. (1page) 17, 10/5/84 Letter to Charles K. Nulsen, Jr., from W. G. Counsil, re: Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 Enrichment Services Origin Nationality Swap. (2pages)

Texas Utilities Generating Company Letter to 0. Brad Cox from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)

18. 8/14/86 19, 7/3/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from O. Brad Cox, re: Tele (2 pages) phone Conversation of July 3 Concerning SNM
20. 11/7/85 Letter to 0. Brad Cox from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)
21. 11/5/86 Letter to Russel Rentschler from O. Brad Cox, re: Telephone Conversation of November 5 Concerning SNM OB gin' Swaps. [2 pages)
22. Letter to John L. Schatz from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 12/4/86
23. Undated Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from John L. Schatz, re: Telephone Conversation of October 9 Concerning (2 pages)

SNM OB gin ~ E aps.

New York Power Authority Letter to R. C. Taylor from Russel R. Rentschler. (I page)

24. 5/5/86 25, 2/5/87 Letter to R. C. Taylor from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)
26. 11/26/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from R. C. Taylor w/ attachment.

(2 pages)

Virginia Electric and Power Company

27. 11/18/86 Letter to A. F. Yaros from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)
28. 11/14/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from A. F. Yaros. (1page)
29. 4/2/87 Letter to A. F. Yaros from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)
30. 3/24/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from A. F. Yaros, re: Uranium Origin Exchange. (1 page) ,


I .

I I .

Re: F01A-87-184 r



Chevron Resources Company Letter to G. L. Staley from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)

31. 1/14/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. L. Staley. (1 page)
32. 1/9/87 (1page)
33. 10/30/86 Letter to G. L. Staley from Russel P. Rentschler.

(1 page)

34. 10/29/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. L. Staley.

Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc.

Letter to George E. Glasier from Russel R. Rentschler. -(1 page)

35. 3/18/86 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from George E. Glasier. (1page) 36, 3/10/86 (1page)
37. 11/12/86 Letter to George E. Glasier from Russel R. Rentschler.
38. 11/6/8,6 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from George E. Glasier. (1page)

Consumers Power Company Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Eugene R. YanHoof. (1 page)

39. 1/28/85 (1 page) 40, 5/9/85 Letter to Michael J. Shore from C. K. Nulsen.

(1 page)

41. 5/3/85 Letter to Charles K. Nulsen from Michael J. Shore.

Handwritten notes. (1 page)

42. Undated NUKEM, Inc._
43. 9/16/86 Letter to Chad R. Sigmon from Russel R. Rentschler w/ attachment. (2 pages)

Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Chad R. Sigmon. (1 page) 44, 9/12/86 Letter to Chad R. Sigmon from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)

45. 9/25/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Chad R. Sigmon. (1page)
46. 9/22/86 I (1page)
47. 10/7/86 Letter to G. Dean Witman from Russel R. Rentschler.


48. 10/3/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. Dean Witman. 1 (1page) I
49. 10/7/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. Dean Witman.

(1page) j

50. 11/7/86 Letter to G. Witman from Russel R. Rentschler.


51. 11/6/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. Dean Witman.


Re: F0!A-87-184 APPENDIX B (Continued)

NUKEM, Inc. (continued)

52. 11/7/86 Memorandum for Marvin R. Peterson from Russel R. Rentschler, ,

w/ attachment,re: Origin Swap. (2 pages)

(1page) l 53. 11/18/86 Letter to G. Dean Witman from Russel R. Rentschler.


54. 11/17/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. Dean Witman.


55. 11/12/86 Letter to G. Witman from Russel R. Rentschler.


56. 11/5/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from G. Dean Witman.

Carolina Power and Light Company (1page)

57. 6/23/86 Letter to R. G. Matthews from Russel R. Rentschler.


58. 6/19/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from R. G. Matthews.


59. 7/17/86 Letter to R. G. Matthews from Russel R. Rentschler.

(1 page)

60. 7/11/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler f rom R. G. Matthews.


61. 8/6/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from R. G. Matthews.

(1 page)

62. 8/12/86 Letter to R. G. Matthews from Russel R. Rentschler.


63. 11/13/86 Letter to L. H. Martin from Russel R. Rentschler.


64. 11/7/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from L. H. Martin w/attachtrent.



65. 11/7/86 Letter to G. R. Yates from L. H. Martin.
66. 11/7/86 Letter to Carol Phelps from L. H. Martin. (1 page)

Elektrizitaets-Ges_e11schaf t Laufenburg AG Letter to Dr. Franz Hoop from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)

67. 8/21/86
68. 8/8/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Elecktrizitaets-Gesellschaft Laufenburg AG, re: Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG SWAP of the Country of Origin, w/attacment. (5pages)
69. 3/31/86 Letter to Elekrizitaets-Gesellschaft Laufenburg AG from Transfer Number 86-046, George E. Yates, Allied Corporation, re:

w/ attachment. (2pages)

70. 2/5/87 Letter to Dr. Franz Hoop from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)

(- .


Re: F01A-87-184 APPENDIX B l (tontinuedT l'

i Elektrizitaets-Gesellschaft Laufenburg AG (continued)

71. 11/28/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Kernkraftwerk Elektrizitaets-Gesellschaft Leibstadt AG Nationality Laufenburg AG, re:

Swap Involving Natural Uranium as UF6 and Enriched Uranium as B , w/ attachment. (5 pages) e NUEXC0 Trading Corporation _

72. 2/3/86 Letter to Earl E. Hoellen, Jr., from Russel R. Rentschler, w/ attachment. (3 pages)
73. 4/9/86 Letter to Earl E. Hoellen, Jr. from George W. McCorkle.


74. 4/9/86 Letter to Fred McGoldrick, Department of State from Marvin R. Peterson, NRC, re: NUEXCO. (1page) 75, 11/26/86 Letter to Earl E. Hoelien, Jr. from Rassel R. Rentschler.

(1 page)

76. 11/25/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Earl E. Hoellen, Jr.

(1 page)

(1 page)

77. 12/19/86 Letter to Clark M. Beyer from Russel R. Rentschler.


78. 12/12/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Clark M. Beyer.
79. 2/24/87 Letter to Earl W. Hoellen, Jr. from Russel R. Rentschler.

(1 page)

80. 2/17/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Earl E. Hoellen, Jr.


Letter to Clark M. Beyer from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)

81. 4/2/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Clark M. Beyer. (1page)
82. 3/31/87 Westinghouse Electric _ Corporation (1page) 83, 3/20/84 Letter to J. J. Miksic from C. K. Nulsen.


84. 3/14/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from J. J. Miksic.
85. 10/2/84 Letter to J. J. Miksic from C. K. Nulsen. (1page)


86. 9/21/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from J. J. Miksic.
87. 5/24/85 Letter to J. J. Miksic from C. K. Nulsen. (1page)


88. 5/ 17/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from J. J. Miksic.

c__ _ _ _ _ __

Re: F01A-87-184 APPENDIX R (ContinuedT Eldorado Resources Limited l 89. 4/24/M. Transmittal page w/ attached letter to June P. Robertson from l Peter L. Lenny. (2 pages)

90. 4/24/84 Letter to June P. Robertson from Peter L. Lenny. (1page)

Letter to Peter L. Lenny from June P. Robertson. (1page)

91. 4/24/84 Facscimile Service Request w/ attached letter to Peter L. Lenny
92. 4/24/84 (2 pages) from June P. Robertson.
93. 4/25/84 Letter to June P. Robertson from W. K. Martin w/ attachments, (13pages) re: Origin Swap of Canadian UF6 to U.S. UF6.
94. 4/24/84 Letter to June P. Robertson from Peter L. Lenny, w/a ttachments. (13 pages)
95. 2/5/85 Letter to Bert Jody from W. K. Martin, re: Natural Uranium of (2pages)

Canadian Origin for Receipt as U.S. Origin in U.S.A.

96. 4/11/85 Letter to Ler t Jody f rom W. K. Martir, re: U.S. Origin UF6 stored for Eldorado Delivery to 0.0.E. by 15 May 1985.

(2 pages)

97. 12/17/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from P. L. Lenny. (1 page)

Letter to P. L. Lenny from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page)

98. 12/3/86 (2 pages)
99. 11/27/86 Letter to June P. Robertson from P. L. Lenny.

100. 9/29/86 Letter to W. K. Martin from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) .

101. 9/19/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from W. K. Martin, re: Origin Swap of Canadian Uranium Bearing Concentrates Involving U.S. Origin UF6, both Located in U.S. A. (2 pages)

Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.

102. 1/17/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from D. T. Colbert. (1 page) 103. 1/22/86 Letter to D. T. Colbert from Russel R. Rentschler w/ attachment. (3pages) 104. 1/17/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from D. T. Colbert. (1page) ]

105. 1/27/86 Letter to George Yates, Allied Corporation from D. T. Colbert.

(1 page)

(1page) 106. 1/17/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from D. T. Colbert.

s-J- e Re: FOIA-87-184 APPENDlX R (Continued)~

Exxon Nuclear Con 1pany, Inc. (continued) 107. 1/22/86 Letter to D. T. Colbert from Russel R. Rentschler w/ attachment. (3 pages) 108. 8/14/86 Letter to L. C. O'Malley from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 109. 8/25/86 Letter to L. C. O'Malley from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 110. 8/28/86 Letter to Ernie Gray, Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page) 111. 8/19/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page) 112. 10/24/86 Letter to L. C. O'Malley from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 113. 10/20/86 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page) 114. 11/12/86 Letter to George Yates, Allied Corporation, from B. E. Hunt, Southern Company Services, re: Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.

(2 pages) 115. 11/14/86 Letter to Ernie Gray from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page)

Advanced Nuclear Fuels Coporation 116. 1/20/86 Letter to L. C. O'Malley from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 117. 1/16/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page)

Letter to M. J. Lane from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page) 118. 2/5/87 Letter to George Yates from L. C. O'Malley. (1 page)

. 119. 2/5/87 Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Letter to L. H. Harrision from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 120. 2/1/84 121. 1/20/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from L. H. Harrison. (1page) 122. 6/11/84 Letter to Terry L. Bentley from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 123. 5/23/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Terry L. Bentley, re: Uranium Origin Swaps. (1 page) 124. 6/11/84 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulson. (1page) 125. 5/29/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps. (1page)

Re: FOIA-87-184 APPENDIX B (Continued)~

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (continued) 126. 7/12/84 Letter to Terry L. Bentley from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page)

Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Terry L. Bentley, re: Uranium 127. 5/11/84 (1 page)

Origin Swap.

Letter to C. K. Nulson from Terry L. Bentley, re: Uranium 128, 7/30/84 Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Ernie Gray from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 129, 11/7/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Ernie Gray. (1page) 130. 11/1/84 (1 page) 131. 10/17/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Terry L. Bentley.

Sequoyah fuels 132. 11/15/84 Note to Ted Hart, DOE, from C. K. Nulsen, NRC, re:

Corporation. (1 page) 133. 6/5/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Terry L. Bentley, re: Country of Origin Swaps. (2 pages)

(1 page) 134. 11/19/84 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen.

135, 11/9/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 136. 12/7/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium 137. 9/7/84 (1 page)

Origin Swap.

(1page) 138, 12/11/84 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. hulsen.

139. 12/4/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, rc: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Ernie Gray from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 140. 1/7/85 141. 12/20/84 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Ernie Gray, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1page) 142. 1/14/85 143, 1/7/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 144. 2/15/85 i

145. 2/7/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page)

l \

A Re: FOIA-87-184

" APPENDIX B (Continued)


Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1 page) 146. 4/9/85 147. 4/3/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1page) 148. 5/6/85 149. 4/29/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium )

Origin Swap. (1page) 150. 5/1/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page) 151. 5/17/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from C. K. Nulsen. (1page) 152. 6/7/85.

Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium 153. 6/3/85 Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 154. 7./17/85 Letter to C. K. Nulsen from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium 155. 7/11/85 Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 156. 7/31/85 157. 7/25/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 158. 9/19/85 1

159. 10/10/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page) 160. 11/18/85 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 161. 11/4/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page) 162. 11/18/85 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 163. 10/1/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page) 164. 12/30/85 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page)

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Re: F01A-87-184 APPENDIX B (ContinuedF Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (continued) 165. 12/4/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap.- (1 page) 166. 12/4/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page) 167. 12/4/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page) 168. 12/4/85 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R.Rentschler. (1 page) 169. 1/17/86 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 170. 4/16/86 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 171. 4/30/85 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 172. 5/5/86 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 173. 6/9/86 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 174. 6/17/86 Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1page) 175. 3/3/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, 176. 2/24/87 re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page) 177. 2/24/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page) 178. 2/24/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, i re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page) 179. 2/24/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 180. 3/25/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, f 181. 3/19/87 J re: Uranium Origin Swaps. (1 page) 182. 3/19/87 Letter to Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1 page)

Letter to Carol J. Phelps from Russel R. Rentschler. (1 page) 183. 4/2/87

b Re: F01A-87-184 APPENDIX B (Continued)

Sequoyah Fuels' Corporation (continued) 184. 3/27/87 Letter to'Russel R. Rentschler from Carol J. Phelps, re: Uranium Origin Swap. (1page)

, 185. Undated Description of Form 741 Transactions.- (4 transactions) l (5 pages)

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- energy f'uels nuclear, inc.

_ one tabor center + suite 2500 (303)623-8317 1200 seventeenth street a denver. colorado 80202 twx 910-9312561 i

March 27, 1987 {

l Director I Office of Administration g g y g g g.g. j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, NW ggg  !


[CZA _f p g Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Freedom of Information Act Request /d g Q .g ,

Sir: ,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), I hereby request the following documents from the Nuclear

, Regulatory Commission ("NRC") :

1. All Form 741 documents filed with the NRC as they relate to origin exchanges or transfers for uranium in all forms both natural and enriched from December 31, 1984, onward.
2. Documents sufficient to show any and all parties to such exchanges or transfers.
3. Any statements or memoranda discussing or describing these exchanges or transfers within the nuclear fuel cycle.

We agree to pay reasonable reproduction costs for such documents. We also request that NRC officials contact us in the event they have any questions regarding this FOIA request.

1 Ver tr yoursy l J. Ran ab JRS/kak l cc: Mr. Martin Walsch l 1

l I

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