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Confirms Meeting Arrangements to Discuss Industry Activities Associated W/Hot Particles & Need for Addl Regulatory Guidence,Per 880226 Telcon.Meeting Scheduled for 880310 in Bethesda,Md
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/02/1988
From: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tipton T
NUDOCS 8803090201
Download: ML20245D176 (2)


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Mr.fibomasE. 1ifter, Dirertti Ope a' ;ons, Manor;einent anct L p pt# t '

  • e r v i s t"> b i v 11 ',( e huCledt l't.r a qelDen ' ' o f % besourte% feurril D '
f. /t street, h,h,, t,uitg. .;.0 jj_ hashirn,,tre, D t. /DOCt-2496

', ear Mr. firich:

b lhis is te r enfirm c' Qi geit.t nt'., f or e treet ing te tween fit;Mt.Cf reprer.ertatives and Aff. staft tt d'so:ss indu!/t ry activ1t tet associr,ted with hot particle! ar.d

[ +be nrce f or addi'.*eral reguietcry guidarre in ints creo. lhese Arrangement s y wi- r.- scusccc 6 ith Mr. Lou narward of your stati 0 *etephere call with L Mr.~Thorau! T. Mar

  • in, Ac ting Assertate Director f or 'intrection at.d Technical
  • ' . O ice of Ebtlear Rea *or Regultt ion on Februory 76,19f f.

' 'te. ree+ ite t scheduled fer 1.4ti pp , Thursday,' Parch 10, luPL , in conference rnor 14-f,-11 of t ht- rew NwC off 4r.e building, (?re Whitr flint North,1]555 Hori . ,i .e Fike, Peckv t i te, Paiyland. Fr. Partin w11' r epresen+ re.

Dv . P.ill M. Pcrris , Onei tor, Div'stc,n of Regulatory Applications, 0: 11ce of ('

buclear ',Regi:latory Rrt.eerch, will (present Dr. Seckjorc. Other NRC r.tatt will

'sc be'present.

ibis mee* ire is betog airanged iri response to the reques* 't your ie':ei to me oatec f ttiruary 10. 1988.

A th,* ire of tne reeting will be placed in the Fubitt fir,rement Ro .r p 1f you' t.cve ory questions regarding ihe meetirig, pleasc ca iI t. . J . f ngharr ,

lbirf Pf the Pediation rio'.ortion Bratich, at (3L1) t02-111).

  • incerely,

' bemas t. Murley, Directer Offite of Nuclear Reactor Regulation fa st r ibution:

IfPurley. fh


,,hSn ic2 ol . fePR I' Martin, NRR JPStchr, NFF L .'h.t.n i rgha n. , f > R JtWierin1en. NkR CCLyrcn, NPP JDCuthanan, Ib'F DBMa *

  • l.ew s , NPP h$t rret' . NPF kE Alexar:dc t , PES BMMorris, RES ESBec k;c rc', Pt S diicterman, LE JMiaylor. ICO LfMossburc, FDU - 8P9024

'.0Per+1n. tIr Pt Coons , f4RF RPBeIsamy F1 LMCollir!, Pli WDLhafes, P .i LAYerdfil, R;V IAVrtfiawski. r3 Central files i FP PR H/l ,

S e n kreviri ', f,oncuri t t r e j[h&k FMor:ey C}l' 11

  • lfB;DRLP S PP:DHtP * ~ l t h 1.D {:RPl::fPfP
  • t': DPt P *I.LJf : NRR J JfMgginte ri A linna s L JCiirin i ngharr, J P.', t o n r TTPer'in 02/P'#/tl L2/29/bt U /P9/88 o// "94U


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"," .%cieor Managen.ent; erd Resounrs Counct,1 177f'1 Street,.N.kl,.'..uite 300 l Washington, D.C. 20006M't.% -

Derr Pr:. Tipton:

7 ,

This is tc confiro i.e rangernent s' ior a meetion between NUMARC represectativer .

and'NRC disru:.s industry octivities associated with hot particles and the need tor' achiit tonal . regulatory guidance in this crea. Inese arrangemer.ts

. were (!iscussed with Mr. Dave Harward of ycur staf f ir a telephone cEl t with Mr;' T. Martir. - Acting Associate Director f or 'ospection .arti Technical- ,

- ' Assessment.. Office.ot huolear Reactrv Regulatien on February ?6,1988. -

?1N (The meet nc-is- scheduieo for 1:30 rrr, Thursdoy, March 10, 1988, in conference 4

X f roort. 12-6-7 of the row hRC office l'u11 ding. Ore White flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, kockvil'.e, Mary tecc'. Mr. Martin w'11 represent me.

Dr. -Bill M. Ferris, Director; Division 'of Regulatory Applications, Of fice of Nticlear Frguiatory Research, w1'.'. t epresent Dr. Beckjord. Cther NRC staft will

', alsc t,e present.

This ineering is beitig arranged in response to the request in'your letter to me dated February 10, 19Ef..

A i etice of the reeting will be placed in the Public Document Roern, l' you have.' cir.), questionf. regardirg the meetirg, please call L. J. Cunningham,

' Chief of-the Faciation h otection Br erch, at (301) 492-111).

Sincerely, Thomas'E. Murley, Director uffict of Nuclear Reactor Reculation D stribution:

.llMurley,IJP JHbn1en k, NRR TTMer+in, NvP JFStohr, NRR LJLur'niggnam, NPP JIWiggli.ter, NwR OD1ynth, NRR JDButhanan, NRP DBM61*tews, NPP N Earrett, hFP REAlexarcer. RES BMMorris, FtS LSHeckjerd, RES JL ieltrman, 0F JMlaylor, EDO DIPossburg, ED0 - 889024 T0 Martin, Ef.C FECoont. , f*i- hRBellar:y , P1 UMLollins, Rll WUShafer. C '.i L AY ance. : 1, HIV FAWorslawski, RV Lentral Files PLk- . RPB k/F A

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  • Sec Previou; rencurrorc e D:NPR-
LMuriry 02/ /lJ ,;/.

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  • PPB DRt P H b:DRLP CFfH FD M!ilN.LREP D; DfEP AD}: NHK l .'Utsuct'anen:bt - ulk t egi viton AThorias LJCunnit'gham JPEtchr IT!f a rti r.

D.'/ 29/ 88 . 02/ 3/P8 0"/29/b8 C2/)n/88 02/ 1/rf Oj/ g /nh l


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