ML20245C403 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/08/1989 |
Shared Package | |
ML20245C376 | List: |
References | |
CON-FIN-D-1920, CON-NRC-39-89-133 NUDOCS 8906260173 | |
Download: ML20245C403 (4) | |
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WASHINGTON. D. C. 20555.
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FEB 0 81989 '
' Data _ Computer. Corporation of' America Attn: Thomas.E. Hutchens Executive Vice President P.O.. Box 2665 Columbia, MD.21045
Dear Mr. Hutchens:
. Task Order No. Or,e, Entitled ". Review and Supervision"l Under Contract No. NRC-39-89-133' This_ letter confirmsLmy verbal authorization provided to you on January 27,
'1989 to commence work under the ' subject Task Order effective January 30, 1989.
In accordance.with the task order procedores of the subject contract, thisi let.ter definitizes Task -Order No. One.
This effort shall be accordance with the' enclosed (evised Statement of Work'and the Contractor's-proposal _for this Task Order No. One, dated January 27, 1989, incorporated
herein by reference and revised as follows:
' Direct Labor (Supervisor): ' Estimated 2016-hours
_ at $9.78 per hour:
$19,716.48 26%' Labor Overhead ~($19,716.48 x 26%):
Total ~. Direct Labor and Overhead:
24,842.76 79% G&A Expense ($24,842.76 x 79%):
_19_,625.78-Total Estimated Cost:
44,468.54 Fee or Profit (7.5% of Total Estimated Cost):
3.335.14 Total Estimated Cost and Fixed Fee or Profit:
$47,803.68 Task Order No..One shall be in effect from January 30, 1989 through-January 31, 1990 (a total of one year and two deve.) with a total cost cellirig of 141,803.68.
The amount of $44,458.54 represents the estimated reimbursable costs and the amount of $3,335.14 represents the fixed fee.
Accounting Data for this Task Order No. One are as follows:
2 B&R No.: 40-20-07-25 FIN No.: D-1920 APPN No.: 31X0200.409 OBLIGATED AMOUNT:
'The. issuance of this Task Order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.
8906260173 890600
.NRC-39-89-133 PNV B
NRC-39-89-133 Task Order No. One Your contacts during the course of this Task Order' are:
1 i.
Technical Matters:
John Bell, Project Officer-(301) 492-9561' Contractual Matters:.Merle Dorsey, Contract Administrator h
(301) 492-7533 Please indicate your acceptance of this Task Order No. One by having an.
official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three' copies of this document in the space provided and return two copies to the Contract.
Administrator. You should retain the third copy for your recordss Sincerely, Elois J. Wiggins, ontracting Officer Contract Negotiation Branch No. 1 Division' of Contracts and Property Management
As stated ACCEPTED:
Mfh euA (Signature)
I/P (Title) 1.'? (Date)
NRC-39-89-133 Task Order One
Page 1 of 2 BACKGROUND:
The purpose of this task order is to require DCCA's data entry supervisor to review and become familiar with the data entry and production control tasks that will become her responsibility to supervise, and to supervise the DCAA personnel who perform those tasks.
Task Order 1:
The Contractor's data entry supervisor shall review and become familiar with all aspects of the data entry and production control tasks to be performed under this contract.
During a'two-day orientation period, the supervisor shall review documentation and written procedures, conduct discussions with ARM /ISB task managers (if necessary) and NRC users, and confer with the TI staff who currently perform the work.
The supervisor shall develop a staffing plan to ensure critical areas are staffed during the transition from TI to DCAA.
Also during this orientation period, the supervisor shall review all active Task Orders currently in place.
The findings of the supervisor's review, as well as the staffing plan shall be submitted orally to the Project Officer by close of business on the second day of the orientation period and shall submit the plan in writing to the Project Officer on or before close of business Friday February 3, 1989.
Task Order 2:
Ef fective February 1,1989, the supervisor shall coordinate, schedule, and assign priorities under all active Task Orders.
The supervisor shall provide data entry and computer technician personnel. training for specific NRC task requirements, as well as provide cross training for personnel, so as to make sure critical areas are staffed during times when some contractor personnel are not available for work.
Such training shall be planned so as to not cause major disruption of on going work. The supervisor shall monitor work progress and assure the accuracy and timeliness of work.
The supervisor shall keep track of contract personnel attendance and shall contact the responsible ADP coordinator (or user) when an absence occurs, and shall determine which projects need substitutions to ensure critical areas are covered, based on the workload and importance of projects.
The supervisor shall ensure that all procedures followed by data entry and production control staff are documented in accordance with NRC documentation standards. All work is to be performed at the NRC site.
..s NRC-39-89-133 Task Order One Page 2 of 2 q
The estimate level of effort is 2,016 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />.
Period of Performance: January 30, 1989 - 1/31/90 ( 1 year and 2 days)
Orientation Period: January 30, 1989 to January 31, 1989 DELIVERABLE:
Staffing Plan as described in Task 1 above.
Written Bi-Weekly Status Report as defined under F.3 of the basic contract.
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