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Forwards Agenda,List of Attendees & Meeting Minutes for 860507 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re SECY-85-306 on post-fire Safe Shutdown,App R.Saffire Viewgraphs Not Encl Based on Issue Being Closed Out
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/11/1986
From: Whitney L
To: Ebneter S, Gibson A, Paperiello C
Shared Package
ML20236H430 List:
FOIA-87-420 NUDOCS 8608190426
Download: ML20244E194 (8)


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August 11, 1985 l

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MEMORANDUM FOR: Those on Attached List THRU: Phillip F. McKee, Chief Operating Reactor Programs Branch Division of Inspection Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement FROM: Leon E. Whitney, Lead Contact for Fire Protection Operating Reactor Programs Branch Division of Inspection Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement


MINUTES OF MAY 7, 1986 MEETING TO DISCUSS THE EFFECT OF SECY-85-306, APPENDIX R, POST-FIRE SAFE SHUTDOWN Enclosed please find an agenda, a list of attendees, and meeting minutes for the May 7, 1986 meeting in Bethesda, Maryland, to discuss the effect of SECY-85-306.

Contrary to a decision made during the meeting, SAFFIRE viewgraphs are not en-closed. Current SAFFIRE work is being closed out by NRR and RES. Future SAFFIRE use within the NRC is planned only in connection with the LaSalle PRA.

Enhancements useful in support-of the inspection process (such as secondary ignition) are not currently identified for funding. DI will monitor inspection results to determine if a need develops for a SAFFIRE type co. muter code to assist in a review of licensee analyses.

The active and thoughtful participation of those in attendance made this a productive and useful meeting.

Yr EW Leon E. Whitney, Lead Contact for Fire Protection Operating Reactor Programs Branch

\ Division of Inspection Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement


As statecl


Leon Whitney, IE (49-29668)

(p 9p426 g .

,1 3 ao Addresses'for-Memorandum dated 8/11/86 l

Stewart D.' Ebneter, Director Division of Reactor Safety Region I ,

Al Gibson, Director Division of Reactor Safety l Region II l.

t Carl J. Paperiello, Director d Division of Reactor Safety Region III Eric H. Johnson, Acting Director . .

Division of Reactor Safety and' Projects Region IV t

' Dennis F. Kirsch, Director Division of Reactor Safety' and Projects  ? j' Region V Robert E. Hall, Head <

l J

Division of Engineering Technology Brookhaven National Laboratory

' r Jane A. Axelrad, Director Enforcement Staff Office of Inspection and Enforcement Robert M. Bernero, Director '

Division of Boiling Water. Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director Division PWR Licensing - A '

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Frank J. Miraglia, Director Division PWR Licensing - B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation a

I l

l 1

$ 4

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a cc: C. Anderson, RI A. Krasopoulos' RI ls '

S. Pu11ani, RI -j s i W. Johnston, RI '

j t T. Conlon, RII W. Miller, RII ,

J. Muffett, RIII l

J. Ulie, RIII J. Holmes, RIII R. Hall, RIV R. Mulliken, RIV i{

ij M. Murphy, RIV i T. Young, RV P. Phelan, RV l

C. Ramsey, RV

.,J. Shapaker, NRR i

S.' West, NRR '

A. Singh, NRR J. Hilhoan,JRR 4 l 0. Parr, NRR i J. Wermiel, NRR

) D. Kubicki, NRR  ; f

'. T. Wambach, NRR '

J. Stang, NRR D. Notley, NRR

!- J. Usher, BNL

. J. Taylor, BNL

'W. Shields, ELD R. Van Houten, RES T. Poindexter, IE s

l i




'DI reading ORPB reading-et.F EttWh1tney;:.IEco' L. L. Wheeler, IE .-

P. F. McKee, IE .

R. L. Spessard, IE J. G. Partlow, IE-B. K. Grimes, IE E. L. Jordan,.IE-R. H. Vollmer, IE' J. M. Taylor, IE yi $

s 4}' '


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DATE :6/ /86- :6/\t/86

/ /86 / /86 6/ /86  :


9 Enclosure 1 l

l Meeting on SECY-85-306, Appendix R, Post-Fire Safe Shutdown lI May 7, 1986 Bethesda, Maryland Agenda j Time Function / Topic Speaker / Discussion Leader 9:00 Introduction L. Whitney, ORPB 9:30 SECY-85-306 and Resultant L. Whitney, ORPB Staff RequirerMnts 11:30 Enforcement Policy T. Poindexter, IE 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Generic Letter 86-10 J. Stang, NRR ,,

i 1:30 SAFFIRE L. Whitney, ORPB 2:00 Discussion of SECV-85 306 R. Vollmer, DD:IE 3:00 Safe Shutdown Specialist L. Whitney, ORPB Statement of Work 3:30 Upcoming Conceptual Review, L. Whitney, ORPB Inspection at Brown's Ferry 1/2/3 4:00 ADJOURN I

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List of Attendees Attendees Organization Richard H. Vollmer DD, IE Phillip F McKee Chief, ORPB, DI, IE Leon E. Whitney ORPB, DI, IE ,

Thomas Poindexter IE Enforcement Staff Ari Krasopoulos Region I i Sada Pullani Region I William Johnston Region I William Miller Region II J. W. Muffett Region III Joseph M. Ulie Region III Jeff Holmes Region III Ramon E. Hall Region IV Michael Murphy Region IV Chuck Ramsey Region V J. W. Shapaker PADO (PWR-A), NRR Steven West PADO(PWR-A),NRR Amarjit Singh PADO (PWR-A), NRR J. L. Milhoan PAD 0(PWR-A),NRR J. S. Wermiel DPLB(PWR-B),NRR Dennis Kubicki DPLB (PWR-B), NRR T. V. Wambach BWD0(BWR),NRR '

John Stang BWD0 (BWR), NRR David P. Notley BWD0 (BWR), NRR Robert E. Hall BNL John Usher BN' John Taylor BNL 1

Enclosure 2 1

SECY-85-306 Meeting  !

May 7, 1986 Minutes l l

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the effect of SECY-85-306 c Appendix R, post-fire Safe Shutdown inspections. l l

Some points raised during the discussions were: l o Whether Generic Letter 86-10 applies to post-79 licensees.

- Note that Generic Letter 86-10 was addressed to all power reactor licensees.

Generic Letter 86-10 applies to post-79 licensees except where l seperseded by specific commitments or agreements that have been j documented during the licensing process.

o It was noted that the second puragraph of Generic Letter 86-10 stated  ;

that the included " Questions and Answers" provided guidance as to acceptable methods of satisfying Commission regulatory requirements, ,

but that other methods would be considered on their own merits. l l

0 It was noted that the second paragraph of Generic Letter 86-10 stated that Generic Letter 83-33 is superseded by Generic Letter 86-10 where  !

conflict exists. i o It was noted that Question and Answer 3.1.1 indicates that fire barriers establishe'd under the BTP process need not necessarily be reanalyzed as a result of the approval of SECY-85-306.

o It was stated that in fire areas for which alternative safe shutdown has not been provided, an exemption for Section III.G.2. of Appendix R is required if the separation features of Section III.G.2 are not provided.

This statement was challenged with the line of reasoning that if Section ,

III.G.I.a. of Appendix R is satisfied,Section III.G.2 need not be satis- i fied.

j l

ELD provided the following resolution to this question: Inter- 1 pretation Three of Appendix R (which defines the term " free j of fire damage" in Section III.G.I.a) was provided to clarify  :

I Section III.G.I.a., during the exeisption process, for licensees  ;

attempting to justify the lack of JII.G.2. separation features '

( for redundant trains within a single fire area. It was never i intended that "other methods proposed by licensees" would be reviewed and approved at the Appendix R validation inspection.

l u

For any fire area an approved exemption is required where neither alternative safe shutdown nor the separation teatures of Section III.G.2. are provided, o It was noted that the three assumptions of Question and /aswer .


5.3.10 are meant for independent use (that is, only one assumption applies for any given configuration in a reactor plant). These assumptions are therefore consistent with the established NRR review practice of requiring licensees to analyze for any and all spurious actuations or failures where no two such spurious actuations or failures occur simultaneously, o Some attendees expressed concern over approved BWR ADS /LPCI post-fire safe shutdown configurations. Attendees were assured that fuel rod tests had been performed to assess the potential for core damage arising from short term partial core uncovery. DI contacted RES and developed the following information:

Dr. Robert Van Houten of the Fuel Systems Research Branch of the Division of Accident Evaluation, Office of Huclear Regulatory Research (427-4463) is an authority in this area.

He states that fuel rod testing has been conducted for many years at the National Reactor Universal at the. Chalk River (U.S.) National. Laboratory in Chalk River, Canada. Up to 32 bundled light water reactor fuel rods have been tested for short time periods in partial steam cooling mode with simulated 100% power history decay heat. The cladding partially oxidized but no fuel damage resulted.

Various NUREGs (PNL, TH or MT series, Mohr or Freshly as authors) are available on this topic, as well as NUREG 0516 on dryout.

o During the meeting DI indicated that TI-2515/62 was to be revised to incorpora.te information from SECY-85-306. Additionally, DI will address whether a separate instruction, or inspection procedure is needed to cover the inspection of facilities which have not received their fuil-power operating license.

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