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Final Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App D-1 Document
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/13/1989
From: Grimsley D
To: Mohan G
FOIA-88-607 NUDOCS 8904180273
Download: ML20244A930 (2)


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l=' I la^at'A' n 'INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUES APR 131989 e% .e e e / e DOCKE F NUMBERisi(It appiscaNe) i REQUE SIE R Geoffrey Mohan PART l.- AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED ISee checked boxest ,

No egency records sub tect to the request have been located.

No additional agency records subsect to the request have been located.

Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments Section. l Agency records subject to the request that are identified on Appendialest are already available for pubhc inspection and copying in the. I NRC Public Document Room 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington. DC 20555 Agency records subject to the request that are identified on Append ales) O are being made available for public inspection and copying in the <

)( NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC. in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

The nonproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being made available for pub inspection and copying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L Street. N W., Washangton. DC, in a folder undet this FOIA number and requester name.

Agency records subrect to the request that are identifiad on Appendix (es) may be inspected and copied at the NRC Local Pubhc Docume'.t Room identified in the Comments Section.

Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street. N W.,

Washington, DC.

Agency records sub tect to the request are enclosed.

I Racords subject to the request have been referre i to another Federal agency 6es! for review and direct response to you I You will be billed by the NRC for fees totaling $32 00 K

in view of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated _. . No _

PART 11, A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from pubhc disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part it,-

s3Clions 0. C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are besng made available for pubhc inspection and Copying in the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name )

COMMENTS In a telephone conversation with Natalie Brown of my staff on January 9s 1989, you narrowed the scope of category 6 to the year 1988. The NRC staff has informed me that utilities are not required to provide the NRC copies of Justification for Continued Operation reports. After conducting their searchs the staff identified only one record subject to this category, as noted on Appendix D, document 1.

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M 8904180273 890413  %


MOHAN88-607 PDR l 4


1. 7/15/88 Florida Power Corporation Interoffice Correspondence from ,

S.J. Roe to G. Flakes, subject: NRC Bulletin 88-05 Preliminary l Material Review for Continued Plant Operation (4 pages)  !

[ Category 6]

2. Undated Nine Diskettes of High Density NUMARC material responsive to Category 4, with nine pages of loading instructions.
  • l
  • These records are not being placed in the PDR.

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D . i


. The 'Ihmpa'IHbune



10937 N. 56th St.

Tampa, FL 33617 t

Dec. 13, 1988 l 1

EREED0u 0F inF0EWl0N Division of. Freedom of ACT REQUEST Information and Publication l I

Services (lat G 12,-3146 \ 1 L

l To Whom it May Concern,  :

This request is made under the federal Feeedom of Information Act, 5 USC 552. g Please send me copies of the minutes of a com- l mission meeting held in July, 1988 in reference to NRC Bull-etin 88-10, regarding counterfeit parts. I would also like -

L 1 copies of all drafts of the aforementioned bulletin', as well as comments that were s o ] 4. c i t e d from the Nuclear Management and Resources Council, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Underwriters Laboratories, Westinghouse, Gmeral Electric, and Square D Co. In addition, I would like t; pies ofYtest data submitted by NUMARC on suspect pipe fittings and flanges. p '

Please also include copies of worksheets listing nonconforming material supplied by Piping Supplies Inc. and other companies as submitted to you by Rolf C.

Widell on Sept. 2, 1988.

In addition, I would like to receive copies 6

of any and all Justification for Continued Operation reports .

I submitted by Florida Power Corp. in responde to allegations l of defective or substandard material found at the Crystal River III nuclear power plant over the last five yearss As you know, the FOI Act provides that if portions of a document are exempt from release, the remainder must be segregated and disclosed. Tnerefore, I will expect you to send me all nonexempt portions of the records which I have requested, and ask that you justify any deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the FOI Act. I reserve j the right to appeal your decision to withhold any materials. l


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 191/ Tampa, FL 33601 j Published at: 202 S. Purker Street 1

OM44en2/2 4 / W4 a(G W V W W - [

. .e:

. The'Ihmpa'Ilibwie ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeri q

'l I_am prepared to pay reasonable search and duplication fees in connection with this request. However, if you estimate that.the total fees will exceed $100, please notify me so that I may authorize' expenditure of a greater  ;

amount.  !

Sin, ely, ,

G .o f ~ han l Repo r Tampa Tribune i

I 1

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i Mailing Addns: P.O. Box 191/ Tampa, FL 33601 Published at: 202 S. Parker Stnet

' g .q e r



. our 230-4589 Q office MAC , . Telephone


NRC Bulletin 88-05 Preliminary Material Review for Continued Plant Operation TO: G. Flakes DATE: July 15, 1988 SNES88-0428

'As requested by Licensing, SNES/ Mechanical Design has performed an independent review of the J W prepared by Procurement Engineering. The following information augments the subject 3 20e'.


6g A review of CR-3 documentation indicates that the material in question was installed in the Nuclear Service and Decay Heat Sea Water (RW) System. A review of the RW system design basis and analysis indicates that the systems maximum stress ,

values do not exceed 25 per cent of the materials '

established ultimate strength.

To establish the materials ultimate strength, an EQUOTIP portable hardness tester was used. The EQUOTIP hardness number obtained was then expressed in terms of a Brinell Hardness number using the EQUOTIP conversion tables. The

lowest hardness value obtained to date is 115 HB.

The Requirement Outline RO-2891 contains material and design L specifications for the different systems at CR-3. The RW i system is classified as Line Specification 150-1 with a design temperature and pressure of 150 deg. F and 100 psi l respectively. This specification also states that ASTM A-105 $

is acceptable as flange material. The current ASTM standard l for A-105 only specifies information for one grade of material; that being a minimum tensile strength of 70 KSI, a {

i minimum yield strength of 36 KSI and a hardness range of HB l 137 to 187. The previously determined hardness value (115 i

- HB) does not fall within the acceptable range for ASTM A-105 I material.

To further evaluate the questionable material, the hardness value was converted to an approximate tensile strength of 57 KSI. The design code for this system is USAS B31.1.0, code for Power Piping, 1967 ed. Paragraph 102.3.1 (b) of this code provides the basis for establishing material allowable stress values. For Ferrous materials at temperatures below I the creep range, allowable stresses are established at the ,

I lowest value of stress obtained from using 25 per cent of the specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature or 25 per cent of the minimum expected tensile strength at design temperature. The test value of 57 KSI was obtained at room (m)/ temperature and is not expected to change at the 150 deg. F design temperature. Using this technique, an allowable stress value of 14.25 KSI is obtained. A review of the RW l

658 3

b psi


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- . Page 2

(_j) July 15, 1988

' G.' Flakes-l System Seismic and Deadweight Analysis (CR-19,20,21,22,24,29) a by GAI revealed a maximum operating stress 4,575 psi'(CR-24).

and a' maximum seismic . stress of 9,680 psi (CR-22). Both these valves are below the' calculated material allowable stress of 14,250 psi. A review of calculations previously performed on the flanges in the RW system using the rules of ASME Section III, Appendix XI and Article L-1000, indicate that both the. radial stress and the tangential stress induced by system pressure and bolt torque are less than.5000 psi.

The forgoing treatise shows that the material with the 57 KSI Tensile Strength is acceptable for use in the RW system.  !


./1-, -:

S. J. Roe, Project Engineer Site Nuclear Engineering Services

') Thubcf .

V/- F. V. Fusick, Supervisor Nuclear Mech / Structural Engineering Services SJR/jj cc: G. A. Becker J. E. Colby G. D. Obendorfer L. B. Tiscione W. R. Watts Records Management

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YIELD (psi) 36,000 not obtainable-HARDNESS (HB) 137-187 115 TENSILE (psi) 70,000 57,000 ALLOWABLE (psi) 17,500 14,250 The allowable value should be compared to the actual system and flange design stress of 4575. psi and 5000 pai.

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Q Date: July 13,1988


NRC Bulletin 88-05 Preliminary Material Review for continued Plant Operation TO: G Flakes The questionable material has been identified to be installed in the RW(Sea '.ater) System.

Per the Requirement Outline for Fabricated Piping RO- l 2891,the design conditions for this system are, Maximum Pressure 100 PSI.and Maximum Temperature 150 F. The individual line specifications for this system allow the use of ASTM A105 material. The piping design code for this system is ANSI B31.1(orginal design input date 1967).

Paragraph 102.3.1 " Allowable Stress Values" of B 31.1 references Appendix A Table A-2 for Maximum Allowable Stress.

This table indicates under ASTM A105 a minimum tensile of '

60,000 PSI for type 1 material and 70,000 PSI for type 2 material with corresponding maximum allowable design stresses of 15,000 PSI and 17,500 PSI.

The current Astm Standard for A105 material only indicates one type material available with a 70,000 PSI V tensile, 36,000 PSI yield and a Hardness range of 137 to 187 HB.

The lowest hardness reading of suspect installed material obtained to date is 115 HB. When converted to a tensile strength this indicates an approximate 57,000 PSI tensile for the suspect installed material.

A review of the actual RW system Stress Analysis Sheets (CR-19,20,21,22,24,29 ) by GAI revealed a Maximum Normal System Design Stress of 4,575 PSI (CR-24) and a Maximum Seismic Design Stress of 9,680 PSI (CR-22).

Using a ratio of material design stress and maximum code


allowable stress (70,000/17,500) a cafety factor of 4 can be I obtained. Using the actual installed enterial design stress and the actual system design stress (57,000/9,680) a actual safety factor of 5.89 exists.

( This demonstrates that. the installed tested material properties, though even below the minimum ASTM material requirements still far exceed the design bases of the affected components in the RW system.

If you have any questions on the above information, please contact me at ext.4664.

[ '

Donald W Bienkowski Q Senior Procurement Engineer copy:L.B. Tiscione R. Watts G.0berndorfer

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