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the Reactor and the Volcano a Risk-Informed Approach of the NRC to Assess Volcanic Hazards at New Nuclear Reactor Sites
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/16/2020
From: Bauer L, Hill B, Gerry Stirewalt, Jacqueline Thompson
Jenise Thompson 415-1811
Download: ML20244A263 (14)


The Reactor and the Volcano: A Risk-Informed Approach of the NRC to Assess Volcanic Hazards at New Nuclear Reactor Sites Jenise Thompson Gerry L. Stirewalt Brittain Hill Laurel M. Bauer 2020 AEG Annual Meeting

Regulatory Requirements

Prior NRC Reviews 3

NRC Regulatory Guides


  • Must consider international standards DG
  • 60-day comment period Public
  • Disposition all comments Comments
  • Revise DG, as appropriate Finalize

RG 4

1) Gather Initial Information
  • Time Period of Interest

- Quaternary (<2.6 Ma)

  • Region of Interest

- 200 mile radius, farther for ashfall hazard

  • Consistent with active tectonic and magmatic system 5
2) Deterministic Screening
  • Volcano characteristics in region of interest
  • Analogues or models to reduce uncertainties
  • Screen based on maximum distance hazard could travel from source 6
3) Initial Risk Insights
  • A suite of risk-informed information to judge the safety significance of new information
  • Evaluate vulnerability if probability of hazard = 1 at site
  • Consider risk-insight information, including uncertainty & alternatives 7
4) Eruption or Hazard Likelihoods
  • Evaluate either Probability of eruption (PE) or of hazard (PH)

- Character of past events may be more certain than timing

- Use Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee process to consider uncertainties from erosion, burial, interpretation, modeling etc.


5) Detailed Risk Insights
  • Same approach as Step 3
  • Evaluate vulnerability if hazard = PE and/or PH at site
  • Consider risk-insight information, including uncertainty & alternatives 9
6) Evaluate Design Bases
  • Optional Step
  • Develop more accurate limit states for Structures, Systems and Components

- Exceedance likelihoods for hazard demands

- Actual material properties

- Facility-specific SSCs

  • Re-evaluate risk insights
  • Allows for enhancing design basis 10
7) Evaluate Mitigation Actions
  • Hours to weeks of warning before eruptions
  • Columbia Generating Station, WA

- Ash-fall hazard from Cascades, >200 km away

- Hours to prepare

- Air filtration, maintenance procedures

  • Ash-fall is a commonly mitigated hazard world-wide 11

Siting Considerations

  • If hazard cannot be mitigated through design or operations, alternative sites should be investigated
  • Volcanic hazards often are spatially restricted

- Sites with acceptable risk might be located within several km or less 12

Public Comments

  • NRC Staff is in the process of dispositioning the public comments received

- Consider the use of a geographic screening criteria

- Clarification of how risk insights and PRA information is used in the VHA

- Treatment of large sources like Yellowstone

- Clarification on the use of the SSHAC process in the VHA 13

Future Plans

  • Public meeting on comment disposition
  • Solicit feedback from stakeholders on content and use of guide to develop application
  • Revise draft guide before issuing as final Regulatory Guide
  • DG-4028 is available in ADAMS -

ML20007D621 Inquiries: 14