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Forwards Summary of AEOD Activities in Area of Aging & Life Extension.Completed Forms Relevant to Plant Aging/Life Extension Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/13/1986
From: Mike Williams
To: Shao L
Shared Package
ML20238E398 List:
FOIA-87-465 NUDOCS 8709150060
Download: ML20238E549 (9)



/){, it) o fit y e --.s nog'g, -a UNITED STATES 8 o I NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

{ . ,I WASHING TON, D. C. 20555 /,

\,...../ Aug 131966 I



NOTE TO:' Lawrence Shao, Chairman of TIRGALEX h FROM: Mark H. Williams, Chief Program Technology Branch l Office for Analysis and Evaluation l of Operational Data i e


AEOD's INPUT TO THE TECHNICAL INTEGRATION REVIEW GROUP ON AGING AND LIFE EXTENSION On July 50, 1986, representatives from AEOD met with Walt Scott, Bob Gerrill, Mike Harris, and Bob Sorenson from PNL to discuss AE0D's work related to aging and life extension. You will find attached a summary of AE0D's activities in the area. During the meeting PNL personnel started to complete the new form relevant to Plant Aging / Life Extension. However, for your convenience you will also find attached copies of the forms completed by us. If you have any questions, please contact me or Larry Bell of my staff. Mr. Bell can be reached on 492-4492.


[MarkH. Williams Program Technology Branch Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Attachments:

As Stated cc: J. Crooks R. Dennig F. Hebdon S. Rubin L. Bell fc2N'-79-V W G/F B709150060 070911 hDD 465 PDR

t i

Sumary of AEOD's Evaluations af Operating Data As it Reletes to Aging and Life Extension of' Material and Components The Of fice for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AE00) collects, evaluates, and feeds back operational experience to other NRC Offices, the nuclear ' community, and the public. Aging and factors affecting component life are not et.sily detected in an operating and production environment at nuclear power reactors. However, engineers in AE00 routinely screen data from the entire nuclear industry, and a natural by-product of this screening process ~

is the identification of components and systems with repetitive, unusual, or possibly generic' failure modes. Root failure cause is a parameter captured in the data collection process. Data collected in the offices' date collecticn process are used in case studies, engineering evaluations, and technical reports, in addition to the screening and evaluation process, AE0D has in place a program to evaluate time to failure for key components.

AEOD developed through t'he Oak Ridge National Laboratory a comprehensive computerized database to aid in the collection and evaluation of Licensee Event Reports-(LERs). This data base, the Sequence Coding and Search System '

(SCSS), contains established procedures and codes for the routine collection i

- of operational data. SCSS also provides a means of storing and rapidly re-trieving root failure cause data that impacts on component life and component aging. In fact, SCSS has cause codes specifically for aging. AEOD continues i

to provide LERs and LER sunrnaries relating to aging and other causes using SCSS upon request.

An ongoing project within the Program Technology Bran'ch (PTB) is the analysis of I NPRDS data. The NPRD System is an industry-wide system used to track the performance of selected systems and components at nuclear power plants. In concert with managers j from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) and other NRC offices," PTB has deheloped a 1Lt of critical components on which to focus ' attention. The l

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l L < trends and patterns analysis of NPRDS data will focus on these key components.

!' The major thrust of t'he HPRDS' data analysis will be the publication of a 1

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series of statistical ano engineering evaluations. The statistical analysis


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will evaluate time to failure which is necessary for developing statistical' M


evidence of wear out. The final product of the PTB analysis of NPRDS data is

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expected to be usable information relating to component failure modes, time tofH Q.

failure, operating conditions that affect failure and, chemical and physical p b' ik-conditions affecting component wearout rates. g I ., , #

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In addition to, the' key component ' program, PTB currently produces a series of .

in-depth periodic reports, each treating a different category of operational events. As ar. aid in assuring that the broadest category of root ca' 'es i are included in their reports, guidelines for categorization of root causes developed by INEL for RES are being tried. These guidelines are being used /, ' ' /'

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- where appropriate in PTB reports. The in-depth analysis of Reactor Trips, -<

Engineered Safety feature' Actuations, Systems Unavailability, and Technical

Specification Violations and Shutdowns'will,over time, produce a substantial

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. body of data relating to component aging and component life.

The Reactor Operations Analysis Branch '(ROAB) screens operational data and makes technical judgments re?ated to root failure causes. When an event, exhibits aging characteristics, the event data is forwarded to the appropriate NRC offices for action. In addition to their screening efforts, ROAB routinely publishes case studies, engineering evaluations, technical reviews, and special studies that highlight root failure causes. Their reports provide detailed findings that relate to failure parameters, and failure causes that impact on component life. Recent examples of ROAB reports in this vain are as follows: (1) the preliminary case study " Effects of Ambient Temperature on Electronic Equipment in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems" and . (2)aErosion in Nuclear Power Plants. "


, ., The. Incident Investigation Team's (llT) primary ~ responsibility is the prepara-tion of a. single. comprehensive report for each event investigated. Their reports identify root failure cause(s) and present findings and conclusions.

When component aging is the root cause of an event,'the !!T reports provide

, detailed documentation. An example of this documentation is provided in the

' !!T's recent report on the San Onofre event.

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MAJOR PROGRAMS IN NRC OFFICES (Relevant to Plant' Aging / Life Extension)

1. Office / Division / Branch:


2. Project



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3. Internally managed program ( / ), Technical Assistance Program ( )
4. .If Tech. Assistance Program, Fin No. N/A Contractor N/A
5. Program Objectives:

Determine the underlying cause(s) of reported equipment failures and problems which can lead to a significant degradation in the safety margins of operating reactors. When screening review determines that the underlying cause likely involves plant aging factors, ensure that the reported operating events are forwarded to cognizant NRC offices and staffs for information and input to applicable ongoing generic reviews and programs. Where detailed ROAB engineering i analysis and evaluation detennines that a significant contributing  ;

(or underlying) cause. involves one or more plant aging factors, ensure 1 that findings are appropriately documented in formal study reports 1 that are forwarded to cognizant NRC offices and staffs for infonnation ]

and input to applicable ongoing generic reviews and programs. Examples of completed ROAB studies involving plant aging factors include: " Survey of Valve Operator Related Events Occurring During 1978, 1979, and 1980" I

6. Scope of work: (AE0D/C203);. " Erosion in Nuclear Power Plants" (AEOD/E416); )

" Failure of Large Hydraulic Snubbers to Lock-Up" (AE0D/E423) and; " Effects of Ambient Temperature on i Electronic Equipment in Safety-Related Instrumentation j and Control Systems" (Preliminary Case Study).


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7. Schedule: N/A


3. Project Manager, Tel. No. N/A t ________--_-------__----------_J


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MAJOR PROGRAMS IN NRC 0FFI(.ES (Relevant to Plant Aging / Life Extension)

1. Office / Division / Branch: AEOD/PTB
2. Project


Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System (NPRDS)

  1. ~
3. Internalh, managed program (- ). Technical Assistance Program ( )
4. If. Tech. Assistance Program, Fin No. Contractor 1

.I 5.. Program Objectives:

INPO, in conjunction with the industry, maintains the NPRDS data base which.

contains engineering and f ailure data on selected systems and components at .l nuclear power plants. This data base is available to the NRC for. searching and could be used to provide raw data for the Plant Aging / Life Extension .

1 Project.

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6. Scope of Work: J AEOD will respond to requests for specific output from NPRDS.

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1 l'

7. - . Schedule: Continual j 1

l' L

8. Project Manager, Tel. No.

l Eugenia Boyle, NRC contact for NPRDS data ,

X24498 l

n ., - - - .


MAJOR PROGRAMS IN NRC OFFICES (Relevant to Plant Aging / Life Extension) l

1. Office / Division / Branch: AEOD/PTB
2. Project



C'- 3. Interna 11y managed program ( ), Technical Assistance Program ( f# )

4. If Tech. Assistance Program, Fin No. A9134 Contractor ORNL A9135 ORNL
5. Program Objectives:

This program involves a system for reducing the descriptive text contained in Licensee. Event Reports'(LERs) to coded sequences that are both computer readable and computer searchable. The system provides a structured format for detailed a coding of component, system and unit effects as well as personnel errors.

Utilization of the LER data involves performing. retrospective searches of the LER information in response to inquiries or providing direct access to interested users. The SCSS data base could provide raw data to be used in the Plant Aging / Life Extension Project.

6. Scope of Work:

Routine coding and addition of LERs to the SCSS data base is the primary task. With respect to SCSS utilization ORNL and AE0D respond to requests  !

for direct access to SCSS or for specific output from the data base.


7. Schedule: Continual 1

l l 8. Project Manager, Tel. No.

Eugenia Boyle X24498 I



l MAJOR PROGRAMS IN NRC OFFICES (Relevant to Plant Aging / Life Extension)

1. Office / Division / Branch: AE0D/PTB
2. Project


Screening and Evaluation of Operating Experience

3. Internally managed program' ( / ), Technical Assistance Program ( ,


4. If Tech. Assistance Program, Fin No. N/A Contractor N/A 4
5. Program Objectives:

The analysis of NPRDS data focuses on key components identified in concert with Managers from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) and other NRC offices. The objectives of the NPRDS data analysis will be the publication

, of a series of statistical and engineering evaluations. The final product of j the PTB analysis of NPRDS data is. expected to be useable information relating i

.to component failure modes, time to failure, operating conditions that affect failure and, chemical and physical conditions affecting component wearout rates.

PTB currently. produces.a series of reports treating different categories of l operational events. Each report seeks to access the root causes of failures.  !

These reports include the following: j AE0D/P50@rendsandPatternsReportofUnplannedTripsatU.S. Light  !

(Water Reahtorsf (continue on page 2) i

6. Scope of Worn:
7. Schedule: ,

1 l- 8. Project Manager, Tel. No.



5. Program Objectives:

(AEOD/P503) " Engineering Safety Feature Actuations At Commercial U.S. Nuclear Power Reactors"

" Trends and Patterns Report On Unplanned System Unavailability in 1984", in draft 9

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