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Forwards,For Review,Draft Integrated Matls Performance Evaluation Program Rept Which Documents Results of Agreement State follow-up Review Held on 980707-10
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/06/1998
From: Bangart R
To: Kelley E
Shared Package
ML20237A484 List:
NUDOCS 9808140118
Download: ML20237A480 (3)


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pWp rero%,t L p UNITED STATES j


% # August 6, 1998 l

Ed Kelley, Ph.D.

Director, Water and Waste Management Division New Mexico Environment Department Harold Runnels Building 1190 St. Francis Drive P.O. Box 26110 Santa Fe, NM 87502

Dear Dr. Kelley:

Enclosed for your review is the draft Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) report which documents the results of the Agreement State follow-up review held in your offices on July 7-10,1998. James Lynch, Region 111 State Agreements Officer, was the team leader for the New Mexico follow-up review. The review team's findings and recommendations were discussed with you and your staff on July 10,1998.

The follow-up review team found that the State responded to and resolved 28 of the 29 recommendations and suggestions from the 1997 review. The only remaining open recommendation concerns the promulgation of regulations required for compatibility, which was found to be in process. Based on the findings, the follow-up review team is recommending to the Management Review Board (MRB) that for each of the five common indicators and the one non-common indicator reviewed, New Mexico's performance be found satisfactory and that the program as a whole be considered adequate to protect public health and safety and compatible with NRC's regulatory program. The team also recommends that the heightened oversight of the New Mexico radiation control program be discontinued.

The review team recommends that a full IMPEP review be scheduled for 2 years from the date of this follow-up review, unless otherwise indicted at the next annual meeting.

In accordance with procedures for implementation of IMPEP, we are providing you with a copy of the draft team report for review prior to submitting the report to the MRB. Your review of the draft report should focus on the factual correctness of information reported by the team. We welcome your comments on the draft report. If possible, we request comments within 4 weeks from your receipt of this letter. This schedule will permit the issuance of the final report in a timely manner that will be responsive to your needs. j l

The team will review the response, make any necessary changes to the report and issue it to I the MRB as a proposed final report. We will coordinate with you to establish the date for the l

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Ed Kelley 2 bAUG - 6 1998 MRB review of the New Mexico report and will provide invitational travel for you or your designee to attend. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed report, please contact me at (301) 415-3340 or James Lynch at (630) 829-9661.


)t /C4 On di Richard L. Bangart, Director [

Office of State Programs


As stated cc: Benito Garcia, Chief Bureau of Hazardous and Radioactive Materials Water and Waste Management Division New Mexico Environment Department l

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Ed Kelley 2 0 ~ 0 1938 MRB review of the New Mexico report and will provide invitational travel for you or your designee to attend. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed report, please contact me at (301) 415-3340 or James Lynch at (630) 829-9661.

Sincerely, L RT Richard L. Bangart, Director Office of State Programs


As stated cc: Benito Garcia, Chief Bureau cf Hazardous and Radioactive Materials Water and Waste Management Division New Mexico Environment Department Distribution:


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KSchneider DCool, NMSS LRakovan JHornor, RIV/WC CMaupin/ASPO LMcLean, RIV GDeegan, NMSS TTaylor, NMSS FCameron, OGC CHackney, RIV HNewsome, OGC New Mexico File

! DOCUMENT NAME: G:\lMPEP\98FOLLTR.NM  :\lMPEP\NMFOL98.DFT T2 recolwe a copy of this document, indicate in the box: *C" . Cqp " sl . t attachment / enclosure "E", Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE Rlli l OSPiDU]l OSP:D (i i/  !

NAME JLynch:kk (Cho" PHLohaps W' RLBar.gart I W DATE 08//,/98 Y 08/b /98 08/4/98 J Lgndu OSP FILE CODE: SP-AG-19
