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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records Requested in Category 3 of FOIA Request Being Denied (Ref FOIA Exemptions 6 & 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/08/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Airozo D
FOIA-87-540 NUDOCS 8712110012
Download: ML20236X993 (2)


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\ INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST ggg B 1967 00Catt seuustmisi # enneramee ML(

PART I.-REC 08 RELt.AatD 04 NOT LOCATED (See checked bonesi No egem4 recortin matguct m the request have been located No addesmal egenre eCIFtle subfec1 to be feQuest have been located Agorci gcords aAmt: no the regumet that ere adentsrand in Appendia are eyeech evestere for putdic r4wction end copyng m the NRC PWec Docunwrv 4eem, 1717 H Seset. N W . Washmgton, DC Agarty ecxirtle outuact a the request that are identrfand in Appendia es bourg mado evadetde for putWat nopectsavi and copymg m IPs NAC Putec Decent Room. T717 H $1 rest. N W , Weehengton, DC, e a fo6 der under the FOIA rmaear and ,eomten vme TM . _ _ -..., eersim of the propeteHel that you agreed to eccept m a manphere converonecy. wth a rnamtier of any staff a now twung moda evetebas Amr putsc auseeton end ooyang et the 8ftC Putnhc Document Room,1717 H $treet. N W , Westurgeorm DC, e a totour ureer the FQlA nurnoer and requester name Indones e Wormonen sm how you may obteen access to and te charges for cogryuug records senced m the NRC Put*c Document Acom.1717 H 5treet, N W . wesv. DC Agency socortes edgect a the resseet are enclosed Any opphcable charge for copies of the recortas pathnded and psynent procedu es r are noted m the compeents esc 9er Recerten autesct to ses request have been referred to another Federef ageW) ter review eral erect rempores to you in seer of DeAC's mussmos to thss request, no further accon a bomg taken on oposal letter tbsame PART tl.A-INFORMATION wmeHELD FAD 48 PUOLIC DISCLOSURE edormetum e the requested records e bemg wethheid from putAc decom re pursuant to me FOIA esemptmone dovrebed in and for the reasons snenme m Port 11 emc.

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Records subject to the request that are Gesenbed in the enclosed Appendices are berg wrthheld in their entirety or in part under FOIA Exsmptions and for the reasons ae' 8 0 rth tolow pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CFR 9Ba) of NRC Regulatons. l

1. The mthheid information a prope% sasaded pursuant to Enecutive Order 12356 (EXEMPTION t)
2. The wrthheld it! formation relates aceiy te the internal personnel rules and pocedure of NRC. (EXEMPTION 21
3. The mthheld informaoon a specdcany esempted from public duelosure by statute indicated: (EXEMPTION 3 Secten 141 145of the Atomc E?erp Act whch prohibits the declosure of Restncted Data or Former y Resint-sed Data (42 U S C. 216121651.

l Secten 147 of the Atome Enerp Act wNeh prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards Informaton 147 U S C. 2167L

4. The wthheid information a a trade secret or commercial or financel information that is being withhv4 for the reasomsi rdcated' (EXEMPTION di l P i The information is onsidered to ao confidential business (propretaryl informaton l

l The information a considered to os propretary information pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790td)(1).

The information was submrtted aad re eived in confidence from a foreign source pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790tdC i

5. The mthheld informaton corumsts v rteragency or intraagency records that are not svailable through discovey A mg htgaten. Declosure of peedecisionei infmsten would tend to inhibit the open and &ars enchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process Where records art mthheid in their Ontirety, the facts are inextncably intertened mth the predecessonal areraNeton. There also are no reasonably segregable factual portone because tre release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecssono process of the agency. (EXEMPTION 5)

-r N 6. The mthheld informaoon a exemp1ed fmm public disclosure because its disclosure would result in a clearty upwar-mmted ewason of personal privacy. (EXEMPTION 6)

7. The ethheld informaton conents v ewestgatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes and a being wreveld for the reason (s) indicated. f EXEMPTION 7i a

Osclosure would interfere mth r er krcement proceeding because it could reveal the scope, direction, and focus of enforcement efforts. and thus could possibly allow them to take acten to s ield potential wrongdoing or a .clation of NRC requirements from rivesngators (EVEMPTION 7tA))

),. Declosure would constitute an # war a9ted invasion of personal privay (EXEMPTION 7(Cl) 2 The information con.sts of naaes of ridividuals and other information the disclosure of which would reves' cer ttes of confeental sources (EXEMPTION 7(DU PART lit-DENYlNG OFFICIALS __

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9 9 and 'or 9 lb of the L S. neuclear Regulatory Commason regulatens. It has been determined that tre it'fonnaDon ethheid is exempt from producten or disclosure, and that its producten or dociop re a comary to the pubhc interest The persons responsible for the denial are those orfic:em idertrfed below as denying officials and the Director, Divacion of Rules and Records. Offce of Admristration, for any denials that may be appealed to the Esecutive Director 6 Ope stens (Epoi DENYING OFFICIAL TITt E/ OFFICE RECORDS DENIEC APPELLATE OFFICIAL SE CRET ARY EDo 1 TMIdle Mr RJ Aek mil I

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PART 11 D- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by each denying officiar dercfied in Part ILC may be appealed to the Appellate Official ident:6ed in that section. Any such appeal must be in writing and must be made within 30 days of receipt of this response. Appeals must be addressed as appropnate to the Executive Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the Comrsemon, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and shouid clearfy state on the envelope and in the letter that it is am " Appeal from an inste FOlA Decision."


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2 Auoust 17. 1987 Washington. D.C.

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o . 's . No. ()) v i s t o n of Rules & Records

,a i r f4001atorv Comm15ston w.r*2n". D.C. 20555 FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT REQUEST D"C M'. 4rtmslov Fora 54C

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&* * ' ' ' 'J ^ ^ ' 'n 4"' * * ' ' * ' the Fre+com of Information Act. 5 USC 552 et seo., as amended, or aoolicatile laws.'I herebv reauest the following material.

l' NSC 8 *,,,,,,,g os D u o u ., 3s,,sei Ltoht o n eCo.'s r s ' Beaver notation vote sheet regarding the full-oower licensing Vallev-2.

2' AlI N'"

staff or Duouesne Light Co. staff memoranda, notes, recommendations o'

o*0""*( O r r * + e.o n d e n c e with NRC commissioners or t h e 16- Staffs. or other NRC y, i 1 e v - ,, ,

concernino the low-oorer testino and full-power operation of Beaver 37 I"f*P*=tson released under a FOIA filed by Offise 'of Inseo'etor Se" Auditor D18*Ctor t

o , e,# r re l 6 sharon Connelly NRC investigation concerning manner in which she and e ,.ee.o l a i re s e, oersonnel handled an 2nternsi oersonnel matter (Lisa Shea. EEOC 1+ vou h ,a  !

ei 463- t /, ,2, anv ouestions or recuare additional information, please contact me Sincerely.


  • ave Atroz t Assistant Editor McGraw-Hill Nuclear Publications 3

l 1120 Vermont Ave.  !

Suite 1200  !

Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 463-1659


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