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Notice of Upcoming Public Meetings Conducting Evaluation of Entire Regulatory Framework Used by NRC Staff to License & Regulate Domestic U & Thorium Recovery Activities
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/31/1998
From: Joseph Holonich
Shared Package
ML20236W668 List:
REF-WM-5 NUDOCS 9808060144
Download: ML20236W676 (3)


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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACTION: Notice of Upcoming Public Meetings The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is conducting an evaluation of the entire regulatory framework used by the NRC staff to license and regulate domestic uranium and thorium recovery activities. Currently NRC uses generally applicable requirements in 10 CFR Part 40, " Domestic Licensing of Source Material" and Appendix A of Part 40, " Criteria relating to the Operation of Uranium Mills and the Disposition of Tailings or Wastes Produced by the Extraction or i Concentration of Source Material from Ores Processed Primarily for Their Source Material Content" to regulate and license these facilities. NRC and industry experience in using and implementing Part 40 to regulate uranium and thorium recovery facilities, particularly in the last few years, has led the staff to undertake a review of the existing regulations to determine ways of implementing a more consistent and effective uranium recovery program. Additionally, NRC has received a White Paper from the National Mining Association (NMA) setting forth NMA's views and recommendations on four uranium recovery issues: 1) NRC and non-Agreement State concurrent jurisdiction at uranium mill sites,2) NRC jurisdiction of groundwater protection at uranium in-situ leach facilities, 3) NRC's policy on the disposal of non-11e(2) byproduct material at uranium mill tailings sites, and 4) NRC's policy on the processing of c:temate feed ,

material at uranium mills. Copies of the White paper can be obtained through the NRC's public document room (PDR). The PDR can be contacted at (202) 634-3273.

In an effort to seek early public input in the process and public comments on the NMA 9900060144 990731 PDR WASTE WFf-S PDR v

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recommendations, NRC has scheduled four public meetings in August of 1998 in states where uranium recovery activities are conducted. NRC staff intends to consider the information provided at these meetings in its development of recommenda'Jra. on how best to proceed in l I

its evaluation of the current uranium recovery regulatory framework and in its consideration of I NMA's issues. In addition, NRC intends to use the meetings to provide scoping information for the Environmental Assessment er Environmental Impact Statement that will be issued in support of any rulemaking that could be o 1dertaken.

The meetings will be held in the following locations and at the following times:

August 24, ifr98 - Austin, TX Homer Thombury Judicial Bldg.

903 San Jucinto - Rm.116 Austin, Tx 9:00a.m.

August 25,1998 Albuquerque, NM Federal Bldg. - Rm 4031 517 Gold S.W.

Albuquerque, NM 9:00a.m. )


August 26,1998 Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Basco Bldg.

777 West 1st St.

Casper, WY 9:00a.m.

August 27,1998 Denver,CO l

Federal Office Bldg.

1961 Stout St.

Conference Rm.1083 Denver,CO 9:00a.m.


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NRC staff will make a short presentation at these meetings providing background on the purpose and issues identified to date. The primary purpose of these meetings is to obtain public comment. Anyone wishing to speak at any of these meetings should contact Anne Ramirez on (301) 415-6631 or at e-mail AEG@nrc. gov by August 21,1998, to assure being scheduled.

l Other speakers will be accommodated as time permits.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph Holonich, Chief, Uranium Recovery Branch, Division of Waste Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555.

Telephone (301) 415-7238; e-mail JJHi@nrc. gov.

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 8/ day of July 1998.

C& nY Joseph J. Holonich, Chief Uranium Recovery Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
