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Forwards SRO Certificates to B Heidrich,A Helton & C Sears. W/O Encls
Person / Time
Site: Pennsylvania State University
Issue date: 06/22/1998
From: Roe J
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Sears C
NUDOCS 9807140350
Download: ML20236M987 (1)


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. Docket No. 50 005 ' JUN d 21938 Dr. C. Frederick Sears, Director Pennsylvania State University Breazeale Reactor Building University Park, Pennsylvania 16802-3396

Dear Dr. Sears:


TRANSMITTAL OF REACTOR / SENIOR REACTOR OPERA'~ lR LICENSE CERTIFICATES I am pleased to forward the enclosed certificates to the following newly licensed individuals at Penn State University.

I NAME TYPE OF LICENSE Brenden J.- Heidrich SRO l Alison Renee Helton RO C. Frederick Sears SRO The Commission provides these certificates, suitable for framing, to all new operator and senior operator licensees in recognition of the important role licensed operators fulfill in protecting the health and safety of the public, and of the achievement represented by meeting all the NRC requirements for these licenses. These certificates are in addition to the actual license, which is issued as a letter.

The Commission, Mr. Collins and I request that you convey our personal congratulations to the above individuals.

If you have any questions, please contact Seymour H. Weiss, at (301) 415-2170.

Sincerely, l

Jack W. Roe, Acting Director Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Certificates Distnbution: w/o encl.

WEresian Distribution: w/ encl.

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