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Submits Periodic Status Rept of Plant Activities for 870717-30
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1987
From: Linville J
To: Kane W
NUDOCS 8708070135
Download: ML20236K489 (4)


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03 AUG 1987 Docket Nos. 50 277 50-278 MEMORANDUM FOR: William F. Kane, Director, Division of Reactor Projects FROM: J. C. Linville, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 2A


PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 17 - JULY 30, 1987 Enclosed is the Peach Bottom periodic status report from the NRC Resident Office at Peach Bottom. Three NRC resident inspectors and region-based specialist inspectors monitored activities at the plant during the report period.

These status reports are intended to provide NRC management and the public with an overview of plant activities and NRC inspection activities. Subsequent inspection reports will address many of these topics in more detail.

J mes C. Linville, f eacter Projects Se ion 2A


As stated 8708070135 870003 7 PDR ADOCK 050 R

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 630 LINVILLE 7/30/87 - 0001.0.0 08/03/87

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l 03 AUG 1987 cc w/ encl:

Dickinson M. Smith, Manager, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station John S. Kemper, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Production Thomas S. Shaw, Jr. , Vice President, Production Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire W. H. Hirst, Director, Joint Generation Projects Department, Atlantic Electric 1

3. Leitch, Nuclear Generation Manager Eugene J. Bradley, Esquire, Assistant General Counsel (Without Report)

Raymond L. Hovis, Esquire Thomas Magette, Power Plant Siting, Nuclear Evaluations '

W. M. Alden, Engineer in Charge, Licensing Section Doris Poulsen, Secretary of Harford County Council Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector

mmonwealth of Pennsylvania bcc w/encls:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

J. Taylor, ED0 T. Murley, NRR R. Starostecki, NRR F. Miraglia, NRR S. Varga, NRR B. Boyer, NRR W. Butler, NRR R. Martin, NRR W. Russell, RI W. Johnston, RI ,

T. Martin, RI S. Collins, RI ,

R. Gallo, RI i K. Abraham, RI l M. Miller, RI J. Williams, RI L. Scholl, RI l

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l RI:DRP ~If. DRP Its F Scholl/rbl Linville Gallo 7 7 7/h/87 h//87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY 630 LINVILLE 7/30/87 - 0002 0.0 07/31/87 .

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ENCLOSURE l PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD I JULY 17 - JULY 30,1987 l 1.0 Plant Status As of 8:00 a.m. , on July 30,1987, Unit 2 is in a refueling outage with all of the fuel reloaded into the reactor core. Unit 2 reactor vessel head has been installed and tensioning of head bolts is in progress.

Unit 3 is in cold shutdown per the March 31, 1987, NRC Order with coolant temperature at approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

2.0 Facility Operations Summary Unit 2 has been in a refueling outage since March 13, 1987. Unit 3 has been in a cold shutdown condition per the March 31, 1987, NRC Order since l April 1, 1987.

3.0 Items of Special Interest Peach Bottom Recovery Plan An outline of the Philadelphia Electric Company Recovery Plan was  ;

received by the Regional Administrator on July 22, 1987. The complete plan entitled the "Committment to Excellence Action Plan,"

is expected to be available in early August, 1987.

_ Civil Penalty Proposed for Fire Protection Violations On July 29, 1987, a notice of violation and proposed imposition of civ!1 penalty was issued. The 550,000 civil penalty was proposed due to violations of the requirements to provide a means for maintaining one redundant train of systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions free of fire damage when located in the same fire area outside of primary containment. Although there were multiple violations which were not identified by the licensee until prompted by the NRC to rereview the area, no adjustment to the base civil penalty was made since the violations were subsequently l identified by the licensee and prompt and extensive corrective actions i are being taken.

Licensing Issues Meeting i A meeting between the licensee and members of the NRC staff was held on July 30, 1987 to discuss routine licensing issues in the plant systems area, including containment leakage testing and the fire  ;

protection program. j OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 630 LINVILLE 7/30/87 - 0003.0.0 i 08/03/87 j

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Regional Management and State Representative Site Visit On July 22, 1987 the Chief of the Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch visited the site to tour the plants and reviewed low level radioactive waste management activities. On July 22 and 23, 1987 a representative of the Commonwealth of Penn-sylvania toured the plant and reviewed low level radioactive waste management activities.

< 4.0 Other Items of Interest At 1:15 p.m. on July 28, 1987, Unit 2 received a half Group II and III containment isolation when a circuit breaker opened causing a momentary loss of power to the E-22 emergency electrical bus. A fast transfer from the #3 to the #2 emergency electrical source occurred at designed. The isolation was reset at 1:20 p.m. and shutdown cooling was returned to service. The NRC was notified at 2:20 p.m. via the emergency notification system. The resident inspectors are following the investigation of the event.

5.0 NRC Activities During the Period Three NRC Resident Inspectors monitored plant activities between July 17 and July 30, 1987. These individuals consisted of the following:

Thomas P. Johnson - Senior Resident Inspector Richard J. Urban - Resident Inspector Larry E. Myers - Resident Inspector The monthly resident inspection report period ended on July 17, 1987 (50-277/87-17; 50-278/87-17). The report covered the period from June 1 to i July 17, 1987. Areas inspected included operational safety, shutdown Order I commitments, radiation protection, physical security, control room activities )

and demeanor, reportable events, surveillance testing, refueling and outage '

activities, maintenance, and outstanding items. The findings will be provided in the next status report following the issuance of the inspection report.

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OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 630 LINVILLE 7/30/87 - 0004.0.0 1 08/03/87

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