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Responds to Appeal Re Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Re Investigations Into Allegations of Wrongdoing by Region IV Personnel Since 1980
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/24/1987
From: Chilk S
To: Bauman L
FOIA-86-133, FOIA-87-A-55 NUDOCS 8707300083
Download: ML20236C492 (2)


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4 W ASHINGTON, D.C. 20555

          • July'24, 1987 OFFICE OF THE '

'l SECRETARY-i g u Linda Bauman-

  1. 'FOIA. Coordinator- . .

hty Government Accountability Project

  1. 104 W. Wisconsin Avenue ~

~Appleton ' Wisconsin ~54911-4897~ q


F0II.-87-A-55C(86-133) , g

Dear Ms. Bauman:

Thisis in-responso to you'r letter of July 15, 1987 appealing the .

withholding.of documents responsive in whole or in part to your March 4 1986 request under the Freedom of :Information Act (F0IA),' 5 U.S.C. 552, for.informationrelated;toOfficeofInspectorandAuditor(01A) L j investigations 31nto allegations of wrongdoing by NRC personnel. connected 3 with: Region.IV since 1980.- As set out'in the initial Agency decision of l July 1,1987,the] documents,.orportionsthereof,werewithheld~under i Exemptions 5. 6:and 7(C) s f the F0IA in that the documents or portions .

. reflected-pre-decisional advice or the names and identifying details of -

individuals,- the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Exemption 5 of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5), permits the withholding of advice and recommendations which are both pre-decisional and part of an

, agency's.. deliberative process. ' Jordan ~ v. Department of Justice, 591' F.2d 514, 774'(0.C. Cir.:1982); Vaughn v. Rosen, 523 F.2d 1136, 1143-44

-(D.C. Cir. 1975). The.. documents identified in Appendix E to the Agency's July 1 initial decision, numbers 1 - 5, reflect such advice and j

, . recommendations regarding OIA investigations and associated matters.  ;

All other documents or portions listed in Appendix E to the July 1

' initial decision reflect' names, identifying information or. personal matters associated or generated in connection with the investigation and' ]

-resolution of OIA investigations. These matters clearly ~ involve privac g

<considerationswarrantingprotection'pursuanttoExemptions6and7(C)y of the FOIA. _Your appeal letter of July 15, 1987 provides no basis to ,

change the characterizations above and identifies no legitimate and s overriding public interest warranting the release-of the documents or 1 I

portions; of documents properly w(6) .and (7)(111).ithheldunder5U.S.C.552(b)(

and.7(C);10C.F.R.9.5(a)(5), Accordingly, your 3 appeal of July. 15, 1987 is denied.

.iy ,


F B707300083 870724 ~


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- y :: Ms. Bauman' 2' This letter represents the- final. Agency action.on your July 15, 1987

'F0IA appeal. Judicial review of this decision is available in'the

. Federal . District Court in the. District where you reside or have 'your

- principal place of business',-or 'in the' District of' Columbia.

Sin reh e

e J. ilk ~

Secretary,of. the 'Comission r

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' RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF l 'a^t IXlr a t 1


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  • JUL Docati asunsstecs, or es,.cea :

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No agency records subsec1 to me request have been located.

No additonal agency records subpect to the request have been located.

Agency recorde subsect to the request that are asenuf ad in Appendia are already evenobie for pubhc espectaon and copyng in the NRC Pubhc Document Room.

1717 H Street, N.W., Washmgton. DC.

Aeoney reco'de subsect to the roguest that are utentrFied e Appendix E are bemg made evadable for p@ne inopoeton and copymg in the NRC Pubbe Document Room,1717 H $Uset, N W.. Washegton, DC. os e folder under the FOIA number and requester reme.

The ,-onet.,y _ of ihe ,toposen., me, you a.,eed to accept a teiephone n .rth . ,eeror o, en, et.,f . no. ,nede aveds. fo, ,ubbe i,upeco.r, and coymg et me NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street, N W , Weehegton, DC, in a folder under the FOIA nwnber and requester nome.

Enclosed s' informaton on how you may obtse access to end the charges for copying records pieced ei the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Weehegion, DC.

Agency recorde m4bsset tu the roguest are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copies of the recorde petmded and payment procedures are noted in the comments secton.

Records subsect to the request have been referred to another Federal agencyteel for review and direct response to you.

In mew of NRC's response to the requeet, re further senon a beeng taken on appeel letter dated PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain informaton m the requested records a beme withheid *wm public declosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described m and for the reasons stated in Part 11. anc.

X cons e, C. and D. Any re6eesed portone of the documeerts for which only port of the recohr a being withheid are twing made aveaebie for public inspecten and copyeg m th) NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H $ueet, N W.. Washmgton, DC, in a folder under the FOIA number and requester name.

Comments 70 '005 e e +1 xh OCp k h C & d, O ' N es h s&p Jw dc Md gitx 6 de u$vm d s u h& W b

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Recor$s Cbgect L3 thd fiQuest that are desenbod in the enclosed Append ces r

E cre bemg withheld en their entarity or in part under FOIA

- Esevcis and fit tha rissons set torth below pu suant 13 5 U.S.C. 562(b) and 10 CFR 9 Stal si NRC Regutitions.

I N esemoed enfermation a proMety classsfod pu/suant to Erecutere Order 12356 (EXEMPTION 11 2 N asur% held mformation relates sole 6y to the etemal personnel rules and procedur es of NRC. (EXEMPTION 21 3 N metSeid mformation a specifcaay esempted from public deciosure by statute mecated (DEMPTION 31 5ecssm 140146 of the Atormc Energy Act prohibits the disclosure of Restncted Data or Formerly Res?cted Osta 142 U $ C. 21612106) i*

g h en 147 of the Atormc Energy Act whech prohibrts the declosure of Unclasssfed Safeguards informaton 442 U.S.C. 2107).

4. The ese% held information e a trade secret or commercel or fmancel mformation that a bosng wthheld for the reason (s) indscatced: (EXEMPTION 41 T% information is Considered to be confidentel busaness (proprietary inforenatson.

I h 7% mfhrmaton e considered to be proprietary informaton pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790(dH11.


? .

T% mfortnation was submrtted and recorwed an confidence from a foreign source pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790idM2L 6

T** ener%heid informaton consrets of interagency or mtraagency records that are not available through decovery surmg letigation Declosure of predececnal informaton ,

ainag send to inhabit the open and frank enchange of ideas esseritial to the deliberative process. Where records are withheld in their enterety, the fac1s are mestrE4bly '

, 1 eer"smsmed wthmto eieres:r mquery thetne predeceional eformaien.

precocasonal process There of the also are(EXEMPTION agency no reasonably51 segregable factual portons because the release of the facts would permst an

. l j

1 K 8. N ear % held information e esempted from putAc declosure because its declosure would result in a clearfy unwarranted invasson of personal pnvecy (E.XEMPTION 61 -

7. N ent;%heid informaton conosts of evestigatory records compaed for law enforcement purposes and as bemg eithheid for the reason (sl indicated iDEMPTION 74 thr-erneure would eterfere with an enforcement proceedmg because it could reveal the scope, duection, and focus of enforcement efforts, and thus could

/ my allow them to take acton to theid potenter wrongdoing or a votation of NRC tecunements from ewestigators. (EXEMPTION 7(AH Dieciosu re would constNte an unmenanted invasaon of personal pervacy (EXEMPTION 7tC))


' 1

  • T% mformation consats of names of ednaduals and other eformation the deciosure of which wowid reveal asentoes of confidentel sour!

PART H C-DENYING OFFICIALS Purewart se T CFR 9 9 and/or 916 of the U $. Nucteer Regulatory Commesson regulatons. it has been determined that the eformaton wthheid e esempt from producten or doc and ths'se reducten or declosure e contrary to the puohc interest. The persons responsible for the denial are those offesas identifed below as denymg offscels and the Dwector.

Devesar er awees and Recoros, Offc4 of Admmetreton for any densis that may be appealed to the Executrve Dwector for Operatens stoot DE%YING OFFICIAL TITLEIOFFICE RECORDS DENIED APPELLATE OFFICIAL b

  • M M R2 0% h i bg I

% od -$s hWL Am cm Me +9 x lob C i OOvk Ass;ddkrahm ANE#2si M x  !

t- %d$S s AAt

/ i PART 16 0- APPEAL RIG >f78 The dermed by each denying official identified in Part ll.C may be oppealed to the Appenstb Official identihed in that section. Any such appeet must be in  ;

writeg rid must be made within 2 days of receipt of this response. Appeals must be addressed as appropriate to the Executive Director for Operations or to the Secmary of the Commission. U.S. Nucieer Re that it is an " Appeal from en Initial FOIA Decision.gulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20566, and should cleerty state on the envelope and in the letteri I



0($CRIPfl0N 1.

09/07/84 .V,ertf tcation Work Sheet regarding 01A File 84-30 (1 page) - E

2. 02/25/85 ,

randum letion from J.from of Rames Fitt!")erald to Consission,


l investigation Reporte (2 pages) - Ex. 5


  • 3.

01/07#'5. Memorandum from S. Connelly to Consission transmitting 3." Jeport of Investigation File Rumber 84 30, entitled

  • Allegations Re
  • 5,125 pages)- Ex.garding 5, 6, 017(c)Report 4-84-006 Comanche Peak"  !

4 03/07/45


Mgrerandum SGbject: COMNPfrom851 Commissioner Asselstine to Chairman Palladino  ;

'P'eak' (1 page) - Ex., 5' Allegations on 01 Report on Comanche i

  • 5 01/10/85 Memorandum from Chatman pat 3dino to Commissioners Roberts, '

.m .Asselstine, Bernthal, and Zech,


Allegations on 0!

Report on Comanche Peak (1 page) - Ex.5

  • 6 08/29/44 tsport on Interview w/Juanita Ellis (2 pages) - Ex. 6
  • 7 08/28/sS4

<,yport of Interview w/ Richard Fouke w/ attachment (2 pages) - Ex. 6

  • 8 08/29LR,Rsport of Interview w/ Charles Atchiscn w/ attachment (5 pages) - Ex.

9 {

11/23/8?~ 0f.ffee of Investigation Report of Investigation, ertitled: Comanche Pthk Steam Electr"c Station Alleged Electrical Deficiencies, Case

% .Nignber: 4-82-012 (18 pages) Ex. 6 & 7(C)

  • Documents Withhd1d in Part i


m. #vgAo CO -


^^ ~




..1. 08/15/84 . Memorandum for File from Ronald M. Smith, Senior Criminal Investigator (OIA), to Hollis Bowers, Assistant Director for Investigations, OlA,


Investigative Itinerary and Plan - Week of August 20-24, 1984 (1 page) _ Portions Deleted as Outside the Scope of the Request

2. 06/01/84 .

Memorandum from Ben 8. Hayes, Director. Office of Investigations,

- to George Messenger Acting Director, Office of Inspector and Auditor,


Allegations Against 0! Investigators (

'3. 11/23/82 Memorandte from Janes A. Fitzkerald,-kting Ofrector, Office of Investigations, to John T. Co lins, Regfonal Administrator, Regica IV,

$U6 JECT: Investigation of Alleged Electrical Deffefencies at  !

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (1 page)


4. 11/23/82 Memorandun from James A. Fitzgerald, Acting Of rector Office of Investigations, to James J. Currnings, Director, Offfee of Inspector {

and Auditor,


l Investigation of Alleged Electrical Deffefencies j at Comacche Peak Steam Electric Station (1page)' )

l i

l 4


. ..;.N


. ,1 1 ,

GdVERNMENT'ACCOUNTABluTY PROJECT 11555 Connecticut Awmue, N.W,. Suite 202

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)232 8550 March 4, 1986 FREEDOM OF'INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Director' .

. Office of Administration- FREEDOM Op INFORM @0N Nuclear Regulatory Commission- ACT REQUEST. .

gM Washington,'D.C. 20555

/) j-) =&

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of ' Information Act (FOIA)', 5 U.S.C.

552" the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information,' including but not i limitedcalendars, logs, to. notes,.tapes, letters,;transcripts memoranda, drafts,. minutes, diaries, I reports, summaries, interview /

-drawings, procedures,;-. files, graphs, instructions, e,ngineering analyses, handwritten' phone messag.' notes, s, studie.

data-sheets charts,. maps,'books, notebooks photographs, agre tele-any other data es,compilations, computations, voice reco,rdings, com,puter runoffs,-

interim and/or final reports, status

' reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or

,' '(OIA) generated in connection with all Office of Inspector'and Auditor investigations involving allegations of wrongdoing by NRC personnel connected with Region IV since 1980.

C.F.R.This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 A.3 (approved 9.3a(b)October and the~NRC 8, 1980) Manual, Appendix'0211, Parts 1.A.2 and the'NRC. official, " working", whether they currently exist iri any other' location, including private residences. investigative or other files, or at Manual,. If.any supra records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC t e

'and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or. removed-after this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a *1ist of all records which-have been or'are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the caction(s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or

' issued-in order to implement the action (s).

l' l

C i

GAP. requests.that fees be' waived, because " finding the

.information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general'public," 5 U.S.C. 552 (a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit,

,non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.

Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assis-tance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to


ensure the health and safety of their communities.. The Environ-mental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several citizens groups, local governments and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of-the Comanche Peak nuclear power  ;

plant. 4 We are requesting the above information as part of an '

ongoing monitoring project'on the adequacy of. Region IV-and the ,

NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear  !

power. plants.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and l describing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The  ;

index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for l claiming each exemption, explaining why'each exemption is ,

relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973) , cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

I We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.

Sincerely, BAPLGa Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic i