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Final Response to FOIA Request for Four Categories of Documents Re Pressure Suppression.App J Documents Contain Info GE Considers Proprietary.Documents Cannot Be Made Publicly Available.Reproduction Charge for Documents Listed
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/22/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Thomas P
FOIA-87-40 NUDOCS 8707280062
Download: ML20236A296 (3)


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Peter C. Thomas, Esquire El22 1937 ,

Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett One Battery Park Plaza IN RESPONSE REFER New York, New York 10004 TO F01A-87-40

Dear Mr. Thomas:

This is in final response to your letter dated January 16, 1987, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F01A),

tour categories of information concerning pressure suppression, which were clarified in the agreement reached in the meeting on January 16, 1987, regarding the scope of your request.

The enclosed Appendix J documents are in response to category one of your request and were located in the files maintained by the ACRS. These documents were chosen for reproduction by representatives from your law firm or the firms of Mayer, Brown and Platt, and McDemott, Will and Emery.

The documents listed on the enclosed Appendix J contain infonnation the General Electric Company (GE) considers proprietary. My staff contacted Mr. Harold Neems of GE, and he has approved the release of these documents to you in response to this F01A request but has stated that the documents cannot be made publicly available because of the proprietary information they contain.

The reproduction charge for the enclosed documents is $59.80. You will be billed by the NRC's Division of Accounting and Finance for the total fee of $1,135.05 for this request.


-E ' $ =& i Don)e H. Grimsley, Director ,

Division of Rules and Records i' Office of Administration and Resources Management


As stated 8707280062 870722 PDR FOIA THOMASS7-40 PDR



1 F01A-87-40 l l


1. 4/7/76 Letter to R. S. Boyd from I. F. Stuart with attachments (65 pages).


2. 11/26/76 Letter to M. S. Plesset from E. P. Epler with attachment '

(12 pages).

3. 11/24/76 Letter to M. 5. Plesset from E. P. Epler (5 pages). .


4. 9/27/76 Letter to D. Ross from E. Hughes with attachment f (22pages). I i
5. Undated Pressure Suppression, Murray Presentation (16 pages).
6. 9/17/71 Memo to H. Isbin from J. McKinley with attachment (23 pages).
7. 11/11/75 Memo to R. Fraley from R. Tedesco with attachment (7 pages).
8. 1/73 General Description of a Boiling Water Reactor (131 pages).
9. 10/6/75 Memo to R. Fraley from R. Tedesco with attachment (104 pages).
10. Undated Evaluation of Torus Behavior During Postulated LOCA for Vennont Yankee (86 pages). .


11. 5/9/80 Summary of meetings held on April 22 and 23,1980 with representatives of the Mark I Owners Group with attachment J



12. 3/16/81 Summary of meeting held on March 4,1981 with the Mark I Owners Group with attachment (99 pages)  !
13. 4/9/76 Letter to R. Boyd form I. Stuart with attachment (414 pages).
14. 2/24/77 Letter to 0. Parr from L. Sobon with attachments I (49 pages).  !

15, 3/24/77 BNL Question and Comments on GE Mark II Pressure Suppression Test Program Phases I, II, and III of the 4T l Tests Application Memorandum dated January 1977 (3 pages).

i l



16. 3/25/77 BNL Questions and Comments on GE Mark II Pressure Suppression Test Program Phases II and III Tests 1 (NEDE-13468P) Test Report (3 pages).
17. 3/24/77 BNL Questions and Connents on GE Mark 11 Pressure Suppression Containment Systems: An Analytical Model j of the Pool Swell Phenomenon (NEDE-21544-P) (4 pages).  !


18. 10/17/77 Memo to C. Anderson from C. Economos (18 pages).


19. 3/2/78 Letter to C. Anderson from G. Maise with attachment (23'pages).
20. 6/7/74 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, re:

Certification of Minutes of August 1-2, 1973, Meeting of General Electric Subcommittee (47 pages).


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c (212) 908-2535 - #3 January 16, 1987 FREEDOM OF INFORMAT3ON ACI REQUESI Donnie H. Grimsley


Director - .e, Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration United States Nuclear N f- / h .-f Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA")

(5 U.S.C. 552) and 10 C.F.R. Part 9, on behalf of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, I hereby request information relating to pressure suppression containments of the type associated with boiling water reactors ("BWRs").

This request does not encompass (1) material already available in the Public Document Room and (2) material already produced to Edward Firestone on behalf of General Electric Company ("GE") (FOIA request 85-665) .

Correspondence concerning FOIA request 85-665 indicates that the scope of the original request was narrowed to four categories. Many of the requests below relate to categories of information apparently not sought by or made available to GE after discussions between Mr. Firestone and NRC employees.

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ssMPsoN T M AC H ER & SARTLETT Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 1 The following information about pressure j suppression containments is requested for the time period 1955 to the present:

1. Documents, including files and communications, which pertain to these subject matters:
a. Containment tests run by Sargent & Lundy (Alf Kolflat) between 1956 and 1960 (see, e.g., Exhibit A).
b. Containment studies by the Armour Research Foundation and/or Illinois Institute of Technology between 1959 and the early 1960s.
c. Pressure suppression tests conducted at the condensing test facility at Moss Landing, California'in 1958 and 1959 and reviewed by the AEC and ACRS in 1959 and 1960 (see, e.g., Amendment No. 3 to the Preliminary Hazards Summary Report for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit No. 3, September 21, 1959),
d. Pressure suppression tests conducted at the transient test facility at San Jose, California in 1958 and 1959 and reviewed by the AEC and ACRS in 1959 and 1960 (see, e.g., Amendment No. 3 above).
e. Pressure suppression tests conducted in the Humboldt Bay 1/48th segment test facility at Moss Landing, California in May and June, 1960 and reviewed by the AEC and ACRS in 1960 and 1961 (see, e.g., Amendment No.

8 to the Preliminary Hazards Summary Report for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit No. 3, May 27, 1960).

f. Pressure suppression tests conducted in the Bodega Bay 1/112th segment test facility at Moss Landing, California in 1962 and 1963 and reviewed by the AEC and ACRS between 1962 and 1964 (see, e.g. , Appendix I and II to the Preliminary Hazards Summary Report for the Bodega Bay Atomic Park Unit No. 1, December 28, 1962).
g. Pressure suppression tests conducted in the Bodega Bay 1/8th segment, 1/4 scale multiple vent test facility at Moss Landing, California in 1963 (see, e.g. ,

C.P. Ashworth, D.B. Barton, " Pressure Suppression Tests With Multiple Vents," October 25, 1963).

h. AEC question and Commonwealth Edison answer No. 5 regarding RCIC operations and vibrations

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emanow vwac-en a caartett Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 observed 1959 (see,inethe,. g condensing

. , Exhibit B).tests at Moss Landing in 1958 and i.

Removal of baffles from the torus or j suppression Amendment No.

pool of Mark I containments, 1967-70 (see, e.g.,

Analysis Report, 5 to the Quad Cities Preliminary Safety dated November 10, 1967, Amendment No. I to the Cooper 1967 and, e.g., Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, December 1, Exhibit C).

l j.

Size or pressure rating reduction of Brunswick pressure suppression containment and submissions, including possibly NEDE-10182 (see request 4m below), and questions regarding it between 1969 and 1971 (see, e.g.,

Exhibit D).


Herschel Specter, Herbert AEC andS.ACRS concerns (including those of l Isbin, Victor Stello and Robert Tedesco) pertaining to lateral loading water hammer and l vibrations on Mark II downcomers or ven,ts raised in connection with the Shoreham docket (1968-70), Zimmer_ docket (1970-71) and Limerick docket (1970-71) (see, e.g.,

Exhibit E).

1. Pressure suppression work of GE's nuclear safety development subsection in 1969 and 1970.


Small-scale horizontal vent tests conducted by General Electric between 1971 and 1973 (see, e.g., Exhibit F).

n. Damage to and dislocation of baffles in the torus or suppression pool of Mark I containments due to relief valve discharges between 1970 and 1972.
o. Failure of torus suction ring header due '

to relief tests in valve discharges at Quad Cities during start-up May 1972.

A Germany, April 597 id t at the Wuergassen plant in West

q.  !

July 1972. Incident at the KKM plant in Switzerland, r.

Pressure suppression tests conducted at 4 Marviken plant, Studsvik, Sweden between 1972 and 1974.


Communications between GE and the AEC or ACRS between 1969 and 1975 concerning hydrodynamic loads, u




i j


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Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 including pool swell and chugging, in Mark I, Mark II or Mark III containments, including, but not limited to, documents which refer or relate to (i) the ACRS GE subcommittee 1-2, 1973, (11)meetings at GE's San Jose offices on August visits of AEC staf f employees (e.g., Gus Lainus, Robert Cudlin and Jack Kudrick) '

offices in September and November 1973, to GE's San Jose {

(iii) the ACRS Grand Gulf (iv) and Subcommittee meeting in Los Angeles on October 25, 1973 e.g. Exhibit G).GESSAR 'questi'on 3.35 and 'the answer thereto (see, t.

Materials from the Hazards' Evaluation Branch, the Chicago Operations Office and the San Francisco Operations above. Office on each of the subject matters listed 2.

NRC or AEC files and communications of the '

following NRC or AEC employees which portain to the subject 1 matters listed in request 1 above: i

a. Clifford Beck
b. Merson Booth
c. Roger Boyd
d. R.S. Brodsky I q
e. Howard Brown
f. Edson Case g.

Robert Cudlin ,

h. Richard DeYoung
i. William F. Finan
j. N. Grossman
k. Stephen Hanauer (also ACRS files) 1.


Joseph Hendrie (also ACRS files)

Lyall Johnson i

n. Donald Knuth
o. Jack Kudrick
p. Gus Lainus I q.

Robert Lowenstein l'

r. A.R. Luedecke
s. R.B. McCalley
t. John A. McCone i
u. Peter Morris
v. J. Newell
w. Randolph Newton
x. W. Oakley
y. J.F. O' Leary
z. Frank K. Pittman ,

aa. Harold L. Price a bb. Larry Shao cc. Herschel Specter ,

i 3

w-- , __

tw e.n o v a c ..e a a rian t o t t t _

Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 dd. Victor Stello ce. Tsung Ming Su ff. S.A. Szawlewicz gg. Robert Tedesco hh. R. Waterfield

11. Allen J. Vander Weyden jj. Robert Wilcox 3.

ACRS files and communications of these ACRS members or employees which pertain to the subject matters listed in request 1 above:

a. R. L.
b. Doan (also AEC files)

Dick Duffey

c. W.K. Ergen
d. R. Fraley
e. F.A. Gifford
f. J.B. Graham
g. Herbert S.
h. David OkrentIsbin (also AEC files)
i. K.R. Osborn
j. N. Palladino
k. M.S. Plesset
1. Chester Siess
m. Leslie Silverman
n. W.R. Stratton
o. Theos (" Tommy") Thompson
4. The following specific documents:
a. GEAP 3143, " Test Report for the Pressure Electric Company, April 2,Program,"

Suppression Development prepared by Pacific Gas &

1959 (see, e.g., Exhibit H). 1

b. GEAP 3122, " Safeguards Analysis for Pressure Suppression System Concept," April 3, 1959.
c. GEAP 3171, Pressure Suppression Systems," May 21," Considerations 1959. in Design of
d. Memorandum by Dr. Frank K. Pittman identified the GeneralinManager, the memorandum dated March from 31, Chairman John A. McCone to 1960 (see Exhibit I). i
e. Memorandum by Howard Brown to the General.

Manager May 18, 1960, identified in a memorandum from

  • Alexander J. Weyden through the General Manager to Chairman McCone, May 27, 1960 (see Exhibit J). i

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e. e w ,* s o N T H A C M C 88 & B A rd T L C 'f ?

Donnie H. Grimsley p,m January 1G, 1987 kA'I ' ,

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[ hi Report by Merson Booth of the Hazards j Evaluation Brsndh on the Humboldt Bay 1/48th segment tests,'

lW identified in'a memorandum by the General. Manager to Mr.- '


% Oakley, June 30, 1960 (see Exhibit K). N.

s 43 y~ g' y;


.w -

[, t , , g.

segw,nt of3 the Humboldt Bay Pressure SuppressionGEAP 3596, Tests

, Corttiident, November. 17, 1960, by GE (C.H. Robbins [ iD.,H. 4 Imhhff idge is below)., ly ks 1

% t,c ' ~,

4 'i. .h.

g by H.G.bichnsoM AEC,"NPR Primary Loop - Emergency Dump Tests," '

-.19 61' (Exh ibf.t L) .

Richland, Washington, HW-68609, Maich j

>1 h -


N' 1

h, f

" Pressure Suppression Tent.d(.


Vents ," py nC.P. Ashworth and D.B. Barton, Octcber vith Multiple

% 25, 1963. .


f. " Closed-Tank Vapor Supprassi6rn Test Program,?iby F.L. Hovanec and R.C. Luken, E'W-3198-2, May 1964. J s '

4 3


i.  % ,"

w 9'

' d. ~

k. NUSA-86, "Some Thoughts on Condens'ation~in m.

A.P. Biay, October 12,Systems,"

Pressurd Suppression 1964. by F.\J. Moody, approved by.


Wg ' %\?N a

1. g 4 NUSA-94, "ACompdrativeEvaluation~of 1 e a aprj, Curg'ent P.;

ern oy A.P. Bray, essure Suppression Designs',"i by F.J. Moody,

  • November 9, 1964

" Additional Information, wPress ure l@'( &

t' 5 m.  ;', 1 Suppression Concept, Test Data Report," GE document c N,

'N NEDE-10182, May 1970, by D.R. Miller and F.J. Moody. .

9 n. "PIEscure Suppression Pool Investigations ' '

IReport +

I)..:8r fl," GE docchnt NEDM-13036-1, July 1970, ' by E.R.

.Y { . egner and L.L. Myers , apprcKed by. d.L., Murray. >-

'I '

} .

o. NEDM-13120,

! fG.E1 Wade, approved bysJ.L.LMurray,, July 1970.;" s ACCESS IV Containm

\' s

,g f

T' p. NEDMf f!3U30-2, "Presn9re Suppression and c

3Id.C. Augenstein, approved by H.E. Hair VedtyTest Program, Mini-We

( April 1971 (also dated May 1972) .. Townsend and J.L. Murray,

, )

q. NEDM-13036-3, "PressurdfSoppression Test i

3 Prog ren. , Small-Scale Horizontal Vent Test approved by H.E.L Townsend and J.7,. 'Murray,s,'" by L.L.

, October 1972. Myers, q 1"7t'


' e 1('

/ r.

NEDM-13351) " Pressure Suppression Test

  • Progcam, E, mall-Scale Pool SweJ1; Tests ," by T.R. McIntyre,
a. approved by H.E. Townsend and 'J.L.* Murray, August 1973. ,

.l l t

j l . f. ,

'n 7 , '

3. 3 ,me,



- 9 M AC HCR & OARTL E T T .-

Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 s.

Reports, including theGEfollowing Nuclear Safety DevelopmentrQua reports: erly t


Report, First Quarter 1969; Nuclear Safety Development Quarterly (2)

Quarterly Report, Second Quarter 1969, July 1969;NEDM-1 (3) NEDM-13044, Quarterly Peport, Third Quarter 1969, October 1969; Nuclear Safet (4)

Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1969; January 1970;NEDM (5)

Quarterly Report, First Quarter 1970, April 1970;NEDM-1309 (6) NEDM-13127, Quarterly Report, Second Quarter 1970, July 1970; Nuclear Safety De (7)

Quarterly Feport, Third Quarter 1970, October 1970;NEDM-(8) NEDM-13163, Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1970, Nuclear Safety Development January 1971; (9)

Development 1971; Quarterly Report,NEDM-13184-01, Nuclear Safety First Quarter 1971, April (10)

Development 1971; Quarterly Report,NEDM-13184-02, Nuclear Safety Second Quarter 1971, July I' f


Development 1971; Quarterly Report,NEDM-13184-03, Nuclear Safety Third Quarter 1971, October i (12)

Development 1972; Quarterly Report,NEDM-13184-04, Nuclear Safety Fourth Quarter 1971, January '

i (13)

Development 1972; Quarterly Report,NEDM-13281-01, Nuclear Safety First Quarter 1972, April l j (14) I Development Quarterly Report,NEDM-13281-02, Nuclear Safety 1972; Second Quarter 1972, July i f

I a

I e _ __ - ___ - ~


i l

i i

Donnie H. Grimsley January 16, 1987 l

(15) NEDM-13281-03, Nuclear Safety Development Quarterly Report, Third Quarter 1972, October 1972; (16) NEDM-13281-04, Nuclear Safety Development Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter 1972, January 1973; (17) NEDM-13330-01, Nuclear Safety i Development Quarterly Peport, First Quarter 1973; (18) NEDM-13330-02, Nuclear Safety {

Development Quarterly Report, Second Quarter 1973; and (19) NEDM-13330-03, Nuclear Safety Development Quarterly Report, Third Quarter 1973.

For each oi the documents listed in request 4, I I

would appreciate learning (i) if the document was submitted )I to the NRC or AEC or ACRS, (ii) if so, whether it was submitted as part of a regulatory filing, (iii) who l

submitted it, (iv) when it was submitted, (v) if it still exists in NRC or AEC or ACRS files and (vi) if it was submitted as a proprietary or confidential document and, if s so, its current status.

For the purposes of this request, files and communications include records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3 and, in addition, all data, including published and unpublished memoranda, personal notes, notes of telephone conversations, films, photographs, microfiche, microfilm, 1

tapes and other electronic means of recording data, published and unpublished reports and any other material in the possession of the Commission from whatever source on the subject of pressure suppression containments, l

SWPSON T H A C H e s= & s a se t o r e t January 16, 1987 Donnie H. Grimsley If yvu have any questions or need further direction, please do not hesitate to contact me (212-908-2535) or Jack Menz (232-908-3511).

V truly yours, Peter C. Thomas l

Attached Exhibits i

l i l

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