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License for Marubeni America Corp to Export 1,136 Kg U-235, Contained in 35,227 Kg U,To Japan
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/25/1987
From: Peterson M
NUDOCS 8707130211
Download: ML20235F092 (2)



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1 rOnu NRC no NRC uCENs0 NO.

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UTHM /JCEYSE EYMRLS 31 July 1988 1

f Enitch f>tates of Autcrita x5NM02314 r

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4 Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission [

Pursuant to the Atomic E nergy Act of 1954, as amended,and the E nergy to the licensre authorizing the emport of the materials end/or production k

, Reorganuation Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatorg os utsivation facilities listed below, Lbject to the terms and cotiditions , j Commission usued pursuant thereto, and ici reham e on statements and herein.

rep:eseMations heretofore make by the licensee, a lice'nse is hereby issued 1 LICE NSE E ULTIM ATE CONSIN IN F ORuGN COUNT HY l

g 1j 4 n% '

ty NAME p6 Marubeni America Corporation 1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1215 NAME The Tokyo Electric power Co., Ltd. ifh Washington, D.C. 20036 ADD"E88 1-3,1-chone,Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-kuf.sf

{h 11fl ADDaE88 Fj Tokyo, Japan

' d[ty b 1! Attn: N. N6kamura '


{ (Reload fuel for Fukushima II. Unit 2) ,

.1 hA mTERME DIATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY OTHER PARTIES TO EXPORT U1 Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion Co., Supplier: l fjj q JimE Ltd. ll hj 10-5, Shinbashi, 5-chome, Minato-ku Department of Energy j [O i

gj Tokyo, Japan (Conversion) Dak Ridge Operations lg ph U] ^ "'88 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 '4 'F Japan Nuclear Fuel Co. , Ltd. l

>i I 3-1, 2-chome, Uchikawa '

f) hl Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan (Fabrication)  !

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%j q QUANTtTY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR F ACILITIES 'g kl 1,136.0 Kilo- Uranium-235 Contained in 35,227.0 kilograms uranium, Ii 61 grams enriched to 4.55 w/o maximum l)t6&

's The shipment of Canadian-origin material is authorized.

( //////////////////////////////////////////END///////////////////////////////////////////////g Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license apply to this export. i j

b l .pa y] ;I M l

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h 8707130211 870625 PDR 9

XSNH~n2314 XPORT ppg [fi l

THis UCENSE IS INV AuD UNLESS StGNED BE LOW 'I E" fecit ier this license nor any right under this license shall be essigned of py AUT6 RiztD NRC REPRESENTATIVE g


i f otherwhen transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy 4 p '

y f Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorganaation Act of 1974[ rf ig Marvin R. g g %Assistantp  ;

the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amenced and to est of the other provi-

{ }{ This licene is subject to the recht of recaptuve or contreiby Sect 3

Peterson, for International Security Directo

)ll I!l s t

  • nions of snid Arts, now or hereaf ter in effect and to all valid rules prvt I +

g regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commiseen, ' P {# )


'1 9 & T E % 7.R v.7 3.v,T.T,T T T 5 57XCAT&TXT.T&TN.~'8MNX'8 5W WT NT *NTN T T Tb s

eow uec ,s.4 Page 2 M ? Pnges

, ,,v g 1.h. S t Cl.E A R RFGl!LA TOM 00 mil 5% ION EXPORT LICENSE Conditions License Number XSNM02314 Condition 1 - Licensee shall file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster ti 3 copies, in addi-tion to those oiherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Dec'aration i covering each export and mark one of such copies for transmittal to the U.S. Nuclear Regu-lotory Commission, Washirgton, D.C. 20555. The following declaration st.ould ac-company or be placed on the Shipper) Export Declarations for such exrr.rts:

"This shinment is being made pursuant to specific license number (specific license number) filed ct (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). This license expires on (expiration date of s license), and tne unshipped balance remaining on this license is sufficient to V cover the shipment descobed on this dectoration.

Condition 2 - Exports authorized in any country or destination, except Countt y Groups 0, S. W, 2 X, Y, and Z in Part 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehens ve Expor t Schedule of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Condhtion 3 - This hcense; covers only the nuclear content of the matenat Condition 4 - The matenal to be exported under this hcense shall be sh pped in accordance <,ith the physical protection reaunements for special nuc!cai matenot in 10 Cf R 73.

Condition 5 - Special nuclear matenal authorized for expor t i nder th s l cense shall not be transported outside the United States m passenger ccu r ymg aircraf t m shipments exceechng (1) 20 gioms or 20 cunes, wh.chever is less, of plutomum or uran'um 233, or (2) ?SO grams of uranium 235.

Condition 6- This license authorizes export only and does not authonze the rece pt, phys col possession, or use of the r.uclear mater:al.

Condition 7 - The hcensee si all complete and submit on NRC Form 741 for each shipment of sou ce matenal exported under this license Condition 8 - The hcensee shall advise the NRC in the event there is any change in the designo.

tion of the company v.ho will package the nuclear motenal to be exported under th*s hcense, or any change in the location of the packagmg operation, at 'ea ,t three weeks poor to the scheduled date of export.