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Application for Amend to License NPF-3,changing Section 6.0, Administrative Controls, to Reflect Position Title Changes & Organization Changes Made by Centerior Energy Corp
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Shelton D
Shared Package
ML20235B942 List:
1395, NUDOCS 8707090256
Download: ML20235B959 (8)


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. l Docket'No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 i Serial No. 1395 ]





Enclosed are requested changes to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.

Unit No. 1, Facility Operating License No. NPF-3. Also included are the Safety Evaluation and Significant Hazards Consideration.

1 The proposed changes (submitted under cover letter Serial No. 1395) j concern Section 6.0, Administrative Controls: 1 Figure 6.2-1, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Offsite/Onsite Organization; ,

Specification 6.5, Review and Audit; l Specification 6.6, Reportable Event Action; and )

Specification 6.7, Safety Limit Violation. ,



D. C. Shelton, Vice President, Nuclear l Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of June, 1987.

0h/ l - J l \b N'ota'ry Public, State' of Ohio My commission expires /

8707090256 070630 PDR ADOCK 05000346 P PDR

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Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1395 Attachment 1 1

The following information is provided to' support issuance of the i requested changes to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 {

Operating License No. NPF-3, Appendix A Technical Specifications, Section 6.0.

A. Time required to implement: This change is to be effective immed-lately upon issuance of the License Amendment.  !

i B. Reason for change (Facility Change Request No. 87-0114): Revise Technical Specifications a include recent position title changes, and recent organization changes made by Centerior Energy.

l C. Safety Evaluation: See attached Safety Evaluation (Attachment 2). j i

D. Significant Hazards Consideration: See attached Significant Hazards l Consideration (Attachment 3) .

Docket No. 50-346- )

License No. NPF-3  ;

Serial No. 1395 i Attachment 2 Page 1 i SAFETY EVALUATION I


The purpose of this Safety Evaluation is to review a proposed change to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No, 1 Operating License, Appendix A Technical Specifications. The proposed changes involve revising j organization position titles to reflect recent changes, and including organ- j j;ation changes made by Centerior Energy in Section 6.0, Administrative Controls.

SYSTEMS AFFECTED None j REFERENCES Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License, Appendix A, Technical Specifications.

FUNCTIONS OF AFFECTED SYSTEMS N/A PROPOSED AMENDMENT REQUEST DISCUSSION The proposed License Amendment Request revises the following sections of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License.

Appendix A Technical Specifications as shown below.

Figure 6.2-1 (page 6-2) - Revise figure to include the position of Executive Vice President. The Finance and Administration Vice President and the Vice President, Nuclear will report directly to the Executive Vice President, instead of to the President and Chief Operating Officer. The following title j changes are also made: Administration Senior Vice President to Pinance and Administration Vice President; Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice Pres- l q

ident, Nuclear; and Performance Engineering Manager to Performance Engineering j Director. These are administrative changes. y j i (page 6-6) - Delete "or Performance Engineering Manager". This l position has been elevated to Performance Engineering Director, which is {

included as an Engineering Director. This~is an administrative _ change, j (page 6-7) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

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Docket No. 50-346 q License No. NPF-3 1 Serial No. 1395 ]

Attachment 2 1 Page 2 j I (page 6-8) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.  ;

I l (page 6-8) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear'. This is an administrative change.

i (page 6-9) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to )

Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.  ! (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. I (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

6.6.1.b (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to i Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. j 6.7.1.b (page 6-13) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to l I

Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

6.7.1.d (page 6-13) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

DISCUSSION OF UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTION The proposed changes involve revising organization position titles, i Therefore, the implementation of these proposed changes would not:

Increase the probability of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated in the USAR because the accident conditions and assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment, or a modification to a system. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not increase the probability of an accident previously evaluated (10CFR50.59 (a)(2)(1)).

Increase the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the USAR because the accident conditions and assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment, or a modification to a systen. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not increase the consequences of an accident previously evaluated (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(1)).


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Docket No. 50-346 License No, NPF-3  !

Serial No. 1395 , i Attachment 2

  • Page 3 Increase the probability of occurrence of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the USAR because the proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment and no station equipment is being modified. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and dc  ;

not increase the probability of occurrence of a malfunction of equipment  !

1mportant to safety (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(1)) . l Increase the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the USAR because the proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment and no station equipment is being modified. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not increase the consequences of a malfunction of equipment important to safety (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(1)) .

l Create the possibility for an accident of a different type than any l evaluated previously in the USAR because the accident conditions and I assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involve d test or experiment, or a modification to a system and do not affect any plant equipment or oper-ation procedures which could impact the probability of an accident. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and involve-no accident scenario. On matters related to. nuclear safety, all accidents are bounded j by previous analysis and no new accidents are involved (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(ii)).

Create the possibility for a malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the USAR because no station equipment is being modified by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment, or a modification to a system and do not affect any plant equipment or operational procedures which could impact'the probability of a malfunction. The changes are adminis-trative in nature and involve no malfunction scenario (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(11)).

Reduce any margin of safety as defined in the basis for any Technical Specification because the amendment does not affect any operating prac-tices or limits nor any equipment or system important to safety. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and will not reduce the l margin of safety (10CFR50.59(a)(2)(111)). j CONCLUSION ]

l Based on the above, it is concluded that the proposed Technical l Specification changes do not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

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Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1395 {

Attachment 3 Page 1 SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Significant Hazards Consideration is to review a proposed change to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License, Appendix A Technical Specifications. The proposed changes involve revising organization position titles to reficct recent changes, and including organization changes made by Centerior Energy in Section 6.0, Administrative Controls.

SYSTEMS AFFECTED None REFERENCES Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License, Appendix A, Technical Specifications.

FUNCTIONS OF AFFECTED SYSTEMS N/A PROPOSED AMENDMENT REQUEST DISCUSSION The proposed License Amendment Request revises the following sections of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License, Appendix A Technical Specifications as shown below.-

Figure 6.2-1 (page 6-2) - Revise figure to include the position of Executive Vice President. The Finance and Administration Vice President and the Vice President, Nuclear will report directly to the Executive Vice Preside.nt inst ead of to the President and Chief Operating Officer. The following title chanaes are also made: Administration Senior Vice President to Finance and Administration Vice President; Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear; and Performance Engineering Manager to Performance Engineering Director. These are administrative changes.

]  ! (page 6-6) - Delete "or Performance Engineering Manager". This  !

position has been elevated to Performance Engineering Director, which j is included as an Engineering Director. This is an adminior.rative change. ,

l (page 6-7) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to ~ j Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. j i


Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3

~ Serial No. 1395 Attachment 3 Page 2 (page 6-8) Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-8) - Change title of Senior Vice President, huclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-9) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative' change. (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President,-Nuclear. This is an administrative change.


1 (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear l to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

6.6.1.b (page 6-12) - Change title of Senior Vice President,-Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change. 1 6.7.1.b (page 6-13) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice President, Nuclear. This is an administrative change.

6.7.1.d (page 6-13) - Change title of Senior Vice President, Nuclear to Vice Presidenc, Nuclear. Thia is an administrative change. I SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION The proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration because che operation of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1, in accordance with this change would not:

Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because the accident conditions and assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involve a test or experiment, or a modification to a system. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not increase the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated (10CFR50.92(c)(1)) .

Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated because the accident conditions and assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification changes. The proposed changes do not involv. 3 test or experiment, or a modification to a system and do not affect any plant equipment or opera-A

4 Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 1395 Attachment 3 Page 3 ,

i tion procedures which could impact the probability of an accident. The )

proposed changes are administrative in nature and involve no accident I scenario. On matters related to nuclear safety, all accidents are bounded by previous analysis and no new accidents are involved (10CFR50.92 (c) (2))'. j Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety because the amend-  :

ment does not affect any operating practices or limits nor any equipment  !


or system important to safety. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and will not reduce the margin of safety (10CFR50.92(c)(3)).


Based on the above, it is concluded that the proposed Technical Specifi- )

cation charges do not constitute a Significant Hazardo Consideration. '

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