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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 1 to Docket 40009043 to License SUC-1576 for Corp of St Peter College. Control:127054
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/21/1999
From: Joustra J
127054, NUDOCS 9910260090
Download: ML20217K304 (11)




.ucensee Corporation of St. Peter's College

1. _ 3. Ucense number SUC-1576 Y

Q 0l) 2 2641 Kennedy Boulevard gD 4. Expiration date ot Applicable J:rsey City, New Jersey 07306 5. Docket No. 040-09043/SUD-226 vj g -x Reference No? <A k $k?x f ,f,fY -n g -;

In recordance with the lettej dated July,1.4,1999, thfs" license;is' hereby. terminate'd..

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& zg g 4 For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission C5<110 Date - Seotember 21 1999 By Originalsigned by Judith A. Joustra gl Judith A. Joustra Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety 9910260090 990921 Region i PDR ADOCK 040***** King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 C l PDR I


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O o September 21,1999 Docket No.' 040-09043 License No. SUC-1576 Control No. 127054 James J. Grant, Ph.D.

Physics Department Chair and Director

'of the Nuclear Laboratory Corporation of St. Peter's College 2641 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07306

Dear Dr. Grant:

Please find enclosed Amendment No.1 terminating License No. SUC-1576 as requested by your letter dated July 14,1999. All facilities previously used for licensed activities may be released for unrestricted use.

.Your cooperation with us is appreciated. 3 Sincerely,-

Originalsigned by Judith A. Joustra Judith A. Joustra Senior Health Physicist Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 '

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


- Amendment No.1 ML10

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J. Grant >

2 l Corporation of St. Peter's College l l i I

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DOCUMENT NAME: B:\DNMS Documents \Uc Cover Letter \LSUC-1576.127054.wpd 1732728 To receive a copo of this docurrent, Indicate in the box:"C's Copy w/o attach /end 'E's Copy w/ attach / encl T = No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI , lN DNMS/RI l l NAME- JJoustra M DATE 09/21/99 TT M / 09/ /99 09/ /99 09/ /99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

e . .

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! Materials License Termination / Retirement Fonn LICENSE #(s): SkC -159 4~ DOCKET #(s): osc 0%W ADDRESS: O LN t M Blk EXPIRATION DATE: G-/ W/ Da I h *. "e1 #U:4- DATE OF CONTACT: 99 s-/c e cm w ( CONTACTED BY:"ht-1 ~ l TITLE:







1. License termination meets Type I criteria: Y N __

__. Licensee used scaled sources only and the most recent leak test demonstrates that they did not

' leak while in the licensee's possession

_ Licensee used radioactive material with T ni s 60 days and it has decayed to less than the

- activity in 10 CFR Part20 Appendix C

2. License temtination meets Type II criteria: < Y ___ N __

_ Licensee possessed and used only sealed sources but cannot demonstrate that the sources did not leak while in the licensee's possession

._. Licensee possessed unsealed radioactive material with T ia s 60 days but the maximum activity authorized under the license has not decayed to less than the quantity specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix C

_ Licensee possessed unsealed radioactive material with T in > 60 days but 5120 days.

_ Licensee posmswd "C or 'H hmt the total activity (s) and use authorized under the license


warrants decommissioning unfer Type II (describe rationale above) 127054 Rev. O, December 1996 F-1 NUREG/BR-0241 h*U -

0FRCIALRE008000P)' ML 10

O O . .

l i

' 3. License tennination meets Type III criteria: Y___N__ l

__ Decommissioning qualifies for a categorical exclusion under 10 CFR 51.22 (c) and

_ Licensee will decommission its facility in accordance with the NRC's criteria for unrestricted use.


4. License termination meets Type IV criteria: Y_N_ 1 1

_._ Decommissioning does not qualify for a categorical exclusion under 10 CFR 51.22 (c) l

_ Licensee will decommission its facility such that residual radioactive material may remain in excess of NRC's criteria for unrestricted use.

5. Termination survey required: Y _ N __


_ Termination survey submitted by heensee

__ Termination survey satisfies NRC survey requirements

6. Form 314 or equivalent submitted: Y N_

verified disposition of sealed sources:

or unsealed radioactive material by:

letter from Form 314 recipient call to Form 314 recipient

7. Licensee transfer records discussed in 10 CFR Parts 30.35,30.36, 30.51; 40.36,40.42,40.61; or 70.25,70.38,70.51 Y _. N _

.__ To USNRC

_ To individual assuming responsibility for the license, with a copy of the cover letter to NRC

8. NRC closeout inspection required: Y_N /


_pCloseout m. specti nperformed. Si&'yW &A

% S s .-a 5,-

on: S 7/ 2 di q Inspector:

' ' hhc U t<w<v 4%

9. Closcout survey performed: Y_N_



Licensing assistant completing form: Date:

or License review completing form:


- Date: 4/ Jr b ti Branch Chief:

U U Date:

/ /

ha ,- ,

NUREG/BR-0241 F-2 Rev. O, December 1996 ju r .a q .a 127054

09/01/1999 09:10 62 hq PAGE 01 SAINT PerER'S COREGE ,f[

2641 Kennedy Boulevnd g Jeney City, NewJersey 07306


PmKs DetAsTert 201-915S405 i

To: Eric Reeber NRC, Region I From: Jamer,J. Grant, Chair Re: Control # 127054 ll Dato: Sept. 1, 1999 This is a follow-up to my original report of Aug. 5, 1999. l In that report I erroneously indicated that the Physics Department received the natural uranium in 1970. That was t he ,

I date of a paper transfer only, the actual material was received in 1960.

A review of our records indicate that the last inventory that of the uranium sources was conducted in 1980 and indicated :

all sources were present. This was the last year in which ~

was actively involved in running the laboratory.

I have conducted a thorough search of the Physics Department's facilities and have found no trace of the fou r missing uranium slugs. On Aug. 16, 1999 I sent a memorandumope describing the loss to those individuals with offices in P

!!all, the most recent site for the lab, those with offices E in Gannon Hall, the previous lab siter and former empInyees o ae the Physics Department who had access to the lab. All of t memo recipients have responded and none of them indicated any knowledge of the missing sources. I have no information an to the final disposition of these four slugs.

Recurrence of such a loss or theft is not an issue since the College is terminating all of its NRC licensed activit ies.

If I can provide any further information, pleace contact m e.

J $15thmuswn amum nufdQRt * #-IE 0FFICIALRE00flDCOPY wiu -

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Mall Control No.: 127054 License No.: Docket No.:

SUC-1576 040-09043 Person Called: James Grant, PhD Organization: Telephone St. Peter's College Number:

(201) 915-9405 Person Calling: J. Joustra i i


letter dated July 14,1999 Summary: need confirmation on receipt of uranium at Lockheed Martin (unable to determine whether the signature on the NRC Form 741 was that of an employee of Lockheed), Need to know whether Lockheed is authorized to possess uranium, if surveys performed need copy of records of surveys performed at the time sources were removed. 4 Dr. Granted indicated that 3 uranium slugs could not be located. He also sated that Oak Ridge sent the shipping container and instructions and a company named Blonomics performed surveys and packaged up material for shipment (Paul Nipper 1-800-578-6513).

I ree,elved a call from a Pam Ray from Lockheed she works for the individual who signed the NRC Form 741 (LC Adallne) Ms. Ray stated that LC Adaline does work at Lockheed and that Lockheed did receive the uranium. Lockheed is a DOE contractor.

Dr, Grant is sending info received at the time the uranium was received by St. Peters College. This should specify the total kg and total kg per slug. I asked if any leak testing had been performed he stated that leak tests were done only for the PuBe sources when they possessed them.

He also determined that Bionomics only did surveys to comply with DOT requirements. Dr. Grant is now performing an area survey to show that the missing sources are not located at the facility.

Action Required /Taken: wait for info and determine if PN needs to issued. A draft Pn is located in the S;\Pending.

.. n y e Signature ( 1 '

Date:8-5-99 y -

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i This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter / application dated

. . //- ff includes an administrative review has been performed., and to inform you that the initial pr 1 . fkgm


h There were no administrative omissions. Your application was assigned to

_. ]

technical reviewer. Please note that the technical review may identify additional omissions or require additional information.

O eiease provide to tais office within 30 days of your receipt of this card A copy of your action has been forwarded to our License Fee & Accounts Receivable Branch, who will contact you separately if there is a fee issue involved.

Your action has been assigned Mail Control Number When calling to inquire about this action, please refer to this control number.

-j You may call us on (610) 337-5398, or 337-5260.

mc rowsuas Sincerely, tsee Licensing Assistance Team Leader i.


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. SAINT Pduls COLLEGE I xv a 2641 Kennedy Ik)ulevard f ,

Jersey City, NewJersey 07306



. 201 915-9405. I i

l To: U. S. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission j Region I  !

475 Allendale Road  ;

King of Prussia, PA 19406 From: James J. Grant, Physics. Department Chair and I Director of the' Nuclear Laboratory Date:' July 14, 1999 Re: Termination of License SUC-1576 I am requesting termination of license SUC-1576. Saint 3 Peter's College has transferred the natural uranium covered I by this license to Lockeed Martin Energy Systems, Oak Ridge, TN. Copies of pertinent documents are attached. If any further information is required please contact me.

J es J. rant, Ph.D.


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<' * ' ' " [OR LFMS USE)

I %sRMATION FROM LTS BETWEEN: . --------------------

License Fbe Ma'nagement Branch. ARM Program Code 11300 1

and Status Code: 0 I Regional Licensing Sections Fee Category: EX 2C l

. Exp. Date. 20010228 1

Fee Comments: 170 ll(A)(4)

Decom Fin Assur Reqd: N  !

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1. APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant / Licensee: CORPORATION OF ST. PETER'S COLLEGE Received Date: 19990719 Docket No: 4009043 Control No.: 127054 License No.: SUC-1576 Action Type: Termination



Amount: _________

Check No. __ _ _ _ _ _ . _

3. COMMENTS Signed ___

Date _)(2 hh _ _ . ._ _ i B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRAhCH (Check when mile * ,

0-3 .i s en d ) __/)

1. Fee Category and Amount: _ ___ _b________. k_LJ_______
2. Correct Fee Paid. Appp >tCation may be processed for: i Amendment l Renewal ______________ l Licenso ______________

i 3 .. OTHER ,_,_______________________________

Signed ________ ________________________

Date ______________.___________________

_1 pgf.,w.,uv LFDCB Dee,____ ----

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