ML20217G698 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/24/1999 |
To: | Collins S NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
References | |
NUDOCS 9910210329 | |
Download: ML20217G698 (13) | |
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September 24, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO:
Samuel J. Collins, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Wililam F. Kane, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l
Frank Cor. gel, Director Incident Response Operations Joseph R. Gray, Associate General Counsel for Licensing and Regulatio FROM:
Paul H. Lohaus, Director
Office of State Programs y %
NATIONAL STA*i E LIAISON OFFICERS' MEETING DECEMBER 1-2,1999 The National State Liaison Officem' (SLO) meeting is scheduled for December 1-2,1999 at the NRC Auditorium in TWFN. The meeting is scheduled to run a day and a half ending at noon un Thursday, December 2. NRC normally holds these meetings every three years. This is the eighth national meeting of SLOs, the last one having been held on October 8-9,1996.
l As you know, the SLOs are State officials appointed by the Govemors of each State to act as a point of contact with the NRC. These officials represent a wide spectrum of State govemment:
some are cabinet level appointees; some are energy or environmental advisors to Govemors; and others are State radiation control program directors or State emergency management directors. Responsibilities of the SLOs includa keeping the Govemor and other State officials informed on nuclear regulatory matters of interest to the State and providing NRC with answers to questions posed to the State on particular issues. Attached for your information is the latest list of SLOs.
Agenda topics initially suggested by SLOs for this yea /s meeting are: the effect of the electric utility industry deregulation on nuclear power plant regulation; the new NRC reactor inspection and oversight program and the status of the pilot program; continued State involvement at nuclear power plants undergoing decommissioning and other nuclear power plant decommissioning issues; NRC actions on " orphan" radioactive sources; release of solid materials from licensed facilities; proposed NRC requirements for registration of generally licensed devices; extemal regulation of the Department of Energy; the source term from spent fuel storage at shutdown reactors and its effect on emergency planning; response to terrorists acts involving radioactive mateial; NRC regulatory oversight of uranium mill tailings; and the status of the nation's low-level radioactive waste disposal program. We also request your suggestions for additional agenda items. In addition, we have asked the SLOs if there are gf issues specific to their State or other interest which are not on the agenda, we would attempt to arrange separate meetings with NRC staff,if possible.
9910210329 990924
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' We hope to have Com. mission and EDO-level participation in the meeting and would like the participation of Office Directors or senior management to the extent possible. We would appreciate your identifying a staff contact for coordination of your Office's participation in the meeting. Please inform Spiros Droggitis of your office contact. If you have any questions, you may contact Mr. Droggitis at 415-2367.
SLO List cc:
W. Travers, EDO -
C. Paperiello, DEDMRS F. Miraglia DEDR j
P. Norry, DEDM K. Cyr, OGC Regional Administrators F. Cameron, OGC Regional State Liaison Officers SECY OPA OCA
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.2' We hope to have Commission and EDOdevel participation in the meeting and would like the 1
participation'of Office Directors or senior management to the extent possible.' We would L
- appreciate your identifying a staff contact for coordination of your Office's participation in the l
2 meeting.' Please inform Spiros Droggitis of your office contact. If you have any questions, you l-
_ may contact Mr. Droggitis at 415-2367.
i-SLO List ~
. W. Travers, EDO C. Paperiello, DEDMRS F, Miraglia DEDR-
. P. Norry, DEDM K. Cyr, OGC i
Regional Administrators F. Cameror OGC -
Regional State Liaison Officers j
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PLohaud DATE 09 @ 99 Q9tflP99 092Lf99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-S-10 i
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. September 1999 I
Attached is an updated list of State Liaisur. Officers to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.; Please discardprevious copies.
Spiros Droggitis, Office of State Programs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. Telephone 301/415-2367 or E-mail sedenrc.eov with changes.
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%e STA TE LIAISON OFFICERS ALABAMA Kirksey E. Wnatley, Director Office ofRadiation Control Alabama Department ofPubile Health TheRSA Tower, Suite 700 P.O. Box 303017-3017 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3017
- 334/206-5391 (Fax: 334/206-5387) kwharlesGwiph. ALASKA Doug Dather Department ofEnvironmental Conservation l
Northern Regional Office 610 University Avenue Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3643
- 907M51-3172 (Fax: 907/451-2187) ddasher@envircon. ARIZONA Aubrey Godwin, Director Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency 4814 South 40th Street Pitoenix, Arizona 85040
- 602/255-4845 (x222) (Fax: 602/437-0705) agodwin(Earra. state.a us ARKANSAS David D. Snellings, Jr., Director l
Division ofRcdiation Control and Emergency Management l
l Arkansas Department ofHealth l
4815 West Markham, MailSlot #30 Little Rock, Arkansas 72205-3867 j
- 501/661-2J 01 (Fax: 501/661-2468) dsnellinys@ mail.doh. CALIFORNIA Robert A. Laurie, Commissioner California Energy Commission 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, Califort:la 95814
- 916/654-4401 (Fax: 916/654-4420) Riautle(nrnerer.
. COLORADO Robert M. Quillin, Director Lahnratory and Radiation Services Division Department ofPublic Ilealth and Environment 3100 Lc wry Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80230-6928
- 303/692-3038 (Fax: 303/343-3697) robert.auillin@ Page 1 of 9
CONNECTICUT Dr. Edward L. Wilds, Jr., Director Division ofRadiation Department ofEnvironmental Protection 79 Elm Street Hartford, Connecticut 06106-5127
- 860M24-3029 (Fax: 860M24-4065) edward. wilds @no. DELA WARE Dr. Harry W. Otto, Manager EnvironmentalServices Section Division of Water Resources Department ofNaturalResources & Environmental Control P.O. Box 1401,89 Kings Hlghway Dover, Delaware,901
- 302/739-3726 (Fax: 302/739-3491) Hotto@ FLORIDA William A. Passctti, Chief Bureau ofRdiation Controi Florida Dcpartment ofHealth 2020 Capital Circle, SE, Bin #C2]
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1741
- 850M87-1004 (Fax: 850M87-0435) bili vassetti@doh. GEORGIA James Setser, Chief Program Coordination Branch EnvironmentalProtection Division Department ofNaturalResources 205 Butler Street, Suite 1152 East Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334
- 404/656-4713 (Fax: 404/651-5778) Jim _setser@ mail.dnr.
'HA WAH James K. Ikeda, Chief EnvironmentalHealth Services Division State Department of!Iealth P.O. Box 3378 Honolulu,Hawall 96813
- 808/586-4576 (Fax: 808/586-4606)
Doug Walker Senior Health Physicist INEEL Oversight Program 900 North Skyline, Suite C Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
- 208/528-2617 (Fax:208/528-2605) dwalkerGilea. Page 2 of 9
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? ILLINOIS Thomas W. Ortciger, Director
.g Illinois Department ofNuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 217/785-9868 (Fax: 217/524-4724) ortcigeGidns. INDIANA Howard W. Cundiff; P.E., Director Consumer Protection Indiana State Department ofHealth 2 North Meridian Street, SD Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
- 317/233-7182 (Fax: 317/233-7334) hcundilt'i?isdh. IOWA DanielK. McGhee Bureau ofRadiologicalHealth Iowa Department ofPublic Health Lucas State Office Building 321 E.12* Street Des Moines,IA 50319-0075
- 515/281-7007 (Fax:#515/242-6284) dmegheeSidph. KANSAS Vick Cooper, Chief Bureau ofAir andRadiation V
Radiation ControlProgram Department ofHealth and Environment Forbes Field, Building 283 Topeka, Kansas 66620
- 913/296-1561 (Fax: 913/196-0984) veoope&kdhe. KENTUCKY John A. Volpe, Ph.D., Manager Radiation and Toxic Agents ControlBranch Cabinetfor Human Resources 275 East Main Street Frankfort, KY 40621-0001
- 502/564-3700 (Fax: 502/564-6533) John.volpe@ mail. us LOUISIANA RonaldL Wascom, Administrator Radiation Protection Division Office ofAir Quality and Radiation Protection Department ofEnvironmental Quality 7220 Bluebonnet Road, P.O. Box 82135 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884-2135
- 225/765-0160 (Fax: 225/926-1903) ron nedea. Page 3 of 9
W W MAINE W. Clough Topp:n, P.E., Director l?.
Division ofHealth Engineering Department ofHuman Services
- 10 Statehouse Station
l Augusta, Maine 04333 l
- 207/287-5686 (Fax: 207/287-4172) clough.toppan@ MARYLAND Merrylin Zaw-Mon, Director l
Air and Radiation Management Administration MarylandDepartment ofthe Environment 2500 Broening Highway l
Baltimore, Maryland 21224
- 410/631-3255 (Fax: 410/631-3198) mzawmon@mde. MASSACHUSETTS Secretary Executive Office ofPublic Safety One Ashburton Place Boston, Massach'usetts 02108
- 617/727-7775 (Fax: 617/727-4764)
MICHIGAN Flint C. Watt, Chief l
Drinking Water & RadiologicalProtection Division Michigan Department ofEnvironmental Quality l
CPHMailRoom P.O. Bor i 3630 3423 N. Martin L King, Jr. Blvd.
Lansing, Michigan 48909-8130 l
- 517/335-9218 (Fax: 517B35-8298) wattf@ i
i l
MINNESOTA Steve Minn, Commissioner Minnesota Department ofPublic Service 1217th Place, Suite 200 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2145
- 651/296-6025 (Fax: 651/297-1959) sminn@dpsv. MISSISSIPPI Robert W. Gof]; Director Division ofRadiologicalHealth State Department ofHealth 3150 Lawson Street P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1700
. #601/987-6894 (Fax: 601/987-6887) rgofREmsdh. Page 4 of 9 i
7,-a l
' MISSOURI Ronald A. Kucera, Director ofIntergovernmental Cooperation Department ofNaturalResources l
P.O. Box 176 y
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 l
- 573/751-3195 (Fax: 573/751-7627) nrkucer@ mail.dnr. i
MONTAN4 George Eicholtz, Coordinator RadiologicalHealth Program MTDPHHS, Licensure Bureau P.O. Box 202951 Helena, Montana 59620-1951 l
- 406/444-5266 (Fax: 406/444-1742) geeicholt@ l
l NEBRASKA Robert E. Leopold, Administrator Puld!c Health Assurance Division Department ofRegulation & Licensure j
Nebraska Health and Human Services Systems 301 CentennialMall South P.O. Box 95007 Lincoln, NE 68509-5001
- 402M71-3979 (Fas:402'471-0169) j i
DOH514l@VPiilo 5'T. CDP.STA TE.NE. US l
NEVADA Robert R. Ls:c:, Exe utive Director AgencyforNuciar Projects l
1802 N. Carson Strec.', Suite 252 i
Carson City, Nevada 89701
- 775/687-3744 (Fax: 775/687-5277) bloux@rormail. i
NEWHA 4iPSHIRE Woodbury P. Fogg, P.E., Director New Hampshire Office ofEmergency blanagement State Office Park South 107PleasantSti ~et Concord,NewHampshire 03301
- 603/271-2231 (Fax: 603/225-7341) wfoge@nhoem. NEWJERSEY Robert C. Shinn, Jr., Commissioner Department ofEnvironmental Protection CN-402 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0402
- 609/292-2885 whinn@dep. Page 5 of 9
Deputy SLO: JillLipoti, Ph.D., Assistant Director Radiation Protection Programs Division ofEnviro.nmentalSafety, Health and AnalyticalPrograms Department ofEnvironmentalProtection P.O. Box 415 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0415
- 609/984-5636 (Fax: 609/633-2210)jlipoti@dep. NEWMEXICO
-James P. Bearzi, Chief Bureau ofHazardous and Radioactive Materials Water and Waste Management Division Department ofEnvironment 2044 Galisteo P.O. Box 26110 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
- 505/827-1567(Fax:505/827-1544) James bearzi@nmenv. 1
NEW YORK F. William Valentino, President New York State Energy Research and i
DevelopmentAuthority Corporate Plaza West 286 Washington Avenue Extension Albany, New York 12203-6399
- 518/862-1990 (Fax: 518/862-1091) ins NORTH CAROLINA RichardM. Fry, Director Division ofRadiation Protection Department ofEnvironment, and NaturalResources 3825 Barrett Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-7.?21
- 919/571-4141 (Fax: 919/571-4148) mel.fnGncmail. net NORTHDAKOTA Dana K. Mount, P.E., Director Division ofEnvironmentalEngineering North Dakota Department ofHealth 1200 Missouri Avenue, P.O. Box 5520 Bismarck,' North Dakota 58506-5520
- 701/328-5188 (Fax: 701/328-5200) dmount@ OH10 James R. Williams, ChiefofStaff Ohio Emergency Management Agency 2855 West Dublin-Granville Road Columbus, Ohio 43235-2206
- 614/889-7150 (Fax: 614/859-7183)jwilliams@ des. Page 6 of 9
OKLAHOMA H.A. Caves, Director
Q Radiation WasteManagementDivision 1
Oklahoma Department ofEnvironmental Quality P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
- 405/702-5100 (Fax: 405/702-5101) ha. caves @deamail. l
OREGON DavidStewart-Smith, Administrator Energy Resources Division Oregon Office ofEnergy 625 Marion Street, NE i
Salem, Oregon 97310 l
- 503B 78-6469 (Fax: 503873-7806) david. stewart-smith @ PENNSYLVANIA DavidAllard, Director Bureau ofRadiation Protection l
Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmentalProtection Rachel Carson State Office Building P.O. Box 8469 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-8469
- 717/783-5403 (Fax: 717/783-8965) allard.darkka3dep. l
l l
PUERTO RICO Hector Russe Martinez, Chairman Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board P.O. Box 11458 San Juar., Puerto Rico 00910
- 787/767-8056 (Fax:787/754-8294) j RHODAISLAND Peter Todd Radiological Technician Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency i
645 New London Avenue Cranston,RhodeIsland 02920
- 401/946-9996 (Fax: 401/944-1891)pladdEdoa. SOUTH CAROLINA VirgilR. Autry, Director Division ofRadioactive Waste Management Bureau ofLand and Waste Management
. Department ofHealth & Environmental Control 2600 BullStreet Columbia, South Carolina 29201
- 803/896-4244 (Fax: 803/896-4242) gytrvvr@columb34.dhec. Page 7 of 9
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SOUTHDAKOTA Bob Mcdonald, Environmental Pro}ect Scientist l
Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources 1
Ground Water Quality Program 523 East CapitalAvenue l
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
- 605/773-3296 (Fax: 605/773-4068) bobm@denr. l
TENNESSEE Michael H. Mobley, Directnr l
Division ofRadiologicalHealth l
Tennessee Department ofEnvironment & Conservation 3rd Floor, L & CAnnex 401 Church Street Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1532
- 615/532-0360 (Fax: 615/532-7938) mmobtev@ mail. l
l TEXAS John Boward Director ofEnvironmental and Natural Resources Policy Office ofthe Governor l
P.O. Box 12428 l
- 512M63-2198 (Fax: 512M63-1975) roger.muiderSysc. l
l UTAH William J. Sinclair, Director l
Division of Radiation Control l
Depanment of Environmental Quality 1
168 North 1950 West P. O. Box 144850 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4850
- 801/536-4250 (Fax: 801/533-4097) bsinclaindeg. VERMONT Richard Sedano Commissioner of Public Service 112 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05620-2601
- 802/828-2321 (Fax: 802/82C-2342) sedanoapsd. VIRGINIA George Urquhan, Director Preparedness and Mitigation Division Virginia Department of Emergency Services 10501 Trade Court Richmond, Virginia 23236-3713
- 804/897-6583 (Fax: 804/897-6526) Page 8 of 9
,? WASHINGTON Bob Nichols Executive Policy Assistant Executive Policy Division Office of the Governor P.O. Box 43113 Olympia, Washington 98504-3113
- 360/902-0642 (Fax: 360/753-4110) BobN@0FM. WA. GOV WEST VIRGINIA Beattie DeBord, Chief Radiological Health Program 815 Quarrier Street - Suite 418 Charleston, West Virginia 25301
- 304/558-3526 (Fax: 304/558-1289) bdebordawvdhhr. ore W1SCONSIN Steven D. Sell, Administrator Division of Emergency Management 2400 Wright Street P.O. Box 78SS Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7865
- 608/242-3232 (Fax: 608/242-3247) sells @dma. WYOMING David A. Faiey, Administrator Solid and Hazardous Waste Division Department of Environmental Quality Herschler Building 4W
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
- 307/777-7753 (Fax: 307/777-5973) i
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g WASHINGTON, D.C. 30000 40M September 24, 1999 NOTE: ' IDENTICAL LETTER' SENT TO SLO's Kirksey E. Whatley, Director Division of Radiation Control Alabama Department of Public Health The RSA Tower, Suite 700 i
P.O. Bor 303017 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3017
Dear Mr.Whatley:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is sponsoring a National Stata Liaison Officers' l
(SLO) Meeting on December 1-2,1999 at the NRC Auditorium in the Two White Flint North i
Building at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. The purpose of this maating is to discuss with the SLOs nuclear issues and activities that could affect the States. The meeting will also provide opportunity for SLO discussions with NRC Commissioners and other senior NRC
' representatives. Since these national meetings are held only once every three years, I want to
. emphasize the importance of your attendance.
You were recently contacted by the Regional State Liaison Officer (RSLO) for your State for suggested agenda topics. We plan to discuss many of the topics which have been suggested.
Agenda topics which have been identified include:. the effect of the electric utility industry deregulation on nuclear power plant regulation; the new NRC reactor inspection and oversight program and the status of the pilot program; continued State involvement at nuclear power plants undergoing decommissioning and other nuclear power plant decommissioning issues;
. NRC actions on " orphan" radioactive sources; release of solid materials from licensed facilities; proposed NRC requirements for registration of generally licensed devices; extemol regulation of the Department of Energy; the source term from spent fuel storage at shutdown reactors and its effect on' emergency planning; response to terrorists acts involving radioactive material; status of NRC regulation of uranium mill tailings; and the status of the nation's low-level radioactive waste
' disposal program. Certain of these topics will likely be addressed using a panel format with some SLOs serving as panel members. If you are interested in making a presentation erjoining ir a panel discussion on any of these topics or if you have suggestions for additional topic.s,
. please let us know. We will provide you the meeting agenda in the near future as it is finalized.
The meeting ager.da will focus on issues of broad interest. If there are issues specific to your State which you would like to meet with NRC staff to discuss while you are at NRC Headquarters, please let us know so we can attempt to arrange separate meetings for you.
NRC will assume travel and per diem expenses for all SLOs sttending the meeting. You will
. receive a per diem allowance of $115.00 for lodging and $38.00 for meals, not to ecceed
$153.00. Enclosed are travel instructions and a travel registration form which is required to be filled out in order to prepare your travel authorization. Please retum the completed form to Brenda Usilton at fax (301) 415-3502. Airline reservations can be made directly through Y Ww TW D(g.
7 y.
2 i'
' State Liaison Officers 2
Carlson Wagonlit Travel at (301) 415-2006; normal business hours are 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
eastem standard time. Tickets will be mailed to you about a week before the travel date.
Please note that airline reservations should not be made until after September 30,1999 since travel cannot be approved until we are in FY 2000.' Travel by car will be reimbursed at a rate of 3.31 per trile, not to exceed the minimum airfare. The NRC has received approval from the General Services Administration to allow State employees who are able to obtain a s,pecial discount (i e., a lower fare than is available from Carlson Wagonlit Travel) through their State
- travel agency to purchase tickets themselves and be reimbursed via their travel voucher.' In order to use your own State travel agency, it must be confirmed that Carlson Wagonlit Travel is not able to obtain that same class ticket for the same price. Before purchasing your own ticket, please contact Ms. Usilton at (301) 415-2348 in order to assure the proper procedures are followed. You are requested to make your own hotel reservations. Included in the instructions is a list of hotels in the area or along the Metro's Red Line. The NRC's White Flint North complex is located on Rockville Pike in Rockville, Maryland by the White Flint Metro Station.
Ms. Usilton is available to answer your travel questions. Other State officials may attend the
. meeting at their own expense.
. If you have any questions or comments regarding the meeting, please contact Spiros Droggitis at NRC Headquarters at (301) 415-2367 or at sedanre cov.
- rely, f!
i m.k Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs
As stated l