ML20216J170 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/29/1999 |
References | |
CON-FIN-J-5296, CON-NRC-02-98-009 NUDOCS 9910040209 | |
Download: ML20216J170 (5) | |
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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20086 0001 SEP 2 71999 Advanced Technologies and Laboratories Intemational, Inc.
Attn: Ms. Ray-way Hwang 20521 Century Blvd., Suite 200 Germantown, MD 20874
Dear Ms. Hwang:
In accordance with Section G.5, Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 5. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.
Task Order No. 5 shall be in effect from September 28,1999 to November 30,1999. The total cost plus fixed fee for this task order is $23,533, in which the amount of $22,201 represents the reimbursable costs, and the amount of $1,332 represents the fixed fee. Funds in the amount of
$12,500 are obligated to incrementally fund this task order. Of this $12,500, $11,792 represents funds for the estimated cost and $708 represents funds for the fixed fee.
Accounting data for this task order is as follows:
B&R No.: 95015201105 BOC:
252A FIN No.:
J5298 APPN No.: 31X0200 FFS:
5099R144 OBLIGATED AMOUNT THIS ACTION: $12,500 The following individual (s) are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:
l Tom Kevern, George Bidinger.
The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.2, Kev Personnel.
~ Your contacts during the course of this task order are:
Technical Matters:
Donna Umbel-Project Officer i
301/415-7819 Christopher Tripp - Task Order Technical Monitor 301/415-7733
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9910040209 990929 PDR CONTR NRC-02-98-OO9 PDR V
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' Any contractual matters should be referred to me on 301/415-8168. The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract. Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official who is authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the spaces provided below and retum two fully executed copies to me. You should retain the third copy for your records.'
Sincerely, i
t onu yung icer Division of Contracts ariu Property Management
As stated ACCEPTED T.O. #5 NRC-02-98-009
, s '. W -
NATWlE May-way Hwan Chief Financial' Officer TITLE Sept. 29, 1999i DATE
Technical Assistance to Review Nuclear Criticality Safety in NRC's Mixed-Oxide (MOX) Standard Review Plan TYPE OF CONTRACT:
Full Cost Fee Recoverable, Full Scope Task PROPOSED CONTRACTOR: ATL JOB CODE:
J5296 B&R CODE:
5015201105(99) 5015201125 (00)
70-3098 TAC NUMBER:
Donna Umbel (301) 415-7819 NRC TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER:
Christopher Tripp (301) 415-7733
The Defense Authorization Bill for Fiscal Year 1999 amended the Energy Reorganization Act to give the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission authority over:
"Any facility under contract with the and for the account of the Department of Energy that is utilized for the express purpose of fabricating mixed plutonium-uranium oxide nuclear reactor fuel for use in a commercial nuclear reactor licensed under such Act, other than any such facility that is utilized for research, development, demonstration, or analysis purposes."
In March 1999, the Department of Energy (DOE) c,ontracted with the consortium of Duke Engineering, Cogema Inc., and Stone & Webster, commonly referred to as DCS, for the design, construction and operation of a mixed-oxide (MOX) facility to fabricate fuel for a select j
number of nuclear power reactors in the U.S. The NRC will have regulatory authority for this facility and expects to receive a license application from DCS at the end of Fiscal Year 2000.
The NRC anticipates licensing DCS under 10 CFR Part 70, which is currently under revision (see 64 Federil Reoister 41338). To prepare for the licensing action the NRC is preparing guidance in the form of a facility-specific MOX standard review plan (SRP). The MOX SRP will be use'd to assist NRC staff in its review of the license application.
Nuclear criticality safety (NCS) is one area that will be covered in the MOX SRP. Technical assistance is required in the area of NCS to review the material the NRC prepares for the MOX SRP and to assist with the license evaluation.
2.0 OBJECTIVES The objective of this work is to provide the NRC with technical assistance to prepare the NCS portion of the MOX SRP.
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2 3.0 STAFFING The use of experienced personnel for the key positions on this project is considered essential to the success of the pre,iect. At a minimum, key personnel willinclude the Project Manager and the Task Leader overseeing or performing the actual work. Key positions may not be assigned or approved without the prior approval of the NRC Technical Project Manager (TPM).
The Project Manager shall have broad experience in NCS and general knowledge of the application of NCS at fuel fabrication facilities. The Task Leader shall have in-depth expertise in NCS (including experience with appropriate criticality models such as SCALE),10 CFR Part 70 (including proposed revisions), and NCS issues associated with Pu processing; be familiar with NRC guidance on the NCS aspects of licensing and operation of fuel fabrication facilities; and shall have extensive experience in the technical and regulatory aspects of evaluating NCS.
4.0 SCOPE OF WORK AND DELIVERABLES The scope of work under this Task shallinvolve the review of the NCS wa of the MOX SRP.
As part of the review, the contreetor shall review and evaluate material provided by the NRC.
The contractor shall provide both general comments and section specific comments en the NCS section from the MOX SRP. When applicable, comments shall reference the page, section, and page line number. Each contractor comment shall be justified, i.e., the contractor shall provide the basis for the comment. Each comment shall be accompanied with a proposed resolution, and any section specific comment shall be accompanied by a recommendation for specific word changes.
The first deliverable for this Task is a Draft Letter Report due to the NRC 15 business days after the Task is initiated.
After the NRC responds to the contractor's Draft Letter Report, the contractor shall revise the letter report to incorporate the NRC's comments.. The Final Letter Report is due to the NRC 10 business days after receipt of the NRC's comments. Refer to Section 12.0 of this SOW for other deliverable format requirements.
The deliverables for this Task are:
Del _iverable Schedule Draft Letter Report 15 business days after the NRC initiates the j
i Final Letter Report 10 business days after NRC provides comments on the Draft Letter Report l
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Maintain Effective Communication with NRC Staff The contractor will maintain effective communication with NRC staff to help coordinate and -
integrate work under this Task. For the duration of the Task the contractor will participate in a weekly telephone call with the NRC's TPM to discuss the progress to date. The contractors
' Project Manager and/or Task Leader and TPM will participate in a meeting at the close of the Task to discuss the contractors findings.
Other Communication The ' contractor will coofdinate all necessary communication for this Task with entities other than the NRC's TPM and Project Officer through the NRC's TPM.
NRC Comments The contractor shall resolve all NRC comments when making revisions to any deliverable under this Task.
. 6.0 - ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The contractor documents and supports all statements and conclusions presented in
deliverables and maintains all appropriate records. The text in any contractor deliverable is supported by appropriate tables and graphics.~ The contractors deliverables contain sufficient i
- technical detail that the NRC may verify any of the contractors methodologies or analyses, if l applicable.
7.0 LEVEL OF EFFORT The estimated level of effort for this Task is 0.1 FTE.
8.0 MEETINGS AND TRAVEL The contractors Task Leader shall meet with the NRC TPM at the conclusion of inis Task in NRC offices in Rockville, Maryland. An additional meeting may occur in Rockville, MD during
' this Task so that the contractor may discuss requests for additionalinformation with the NRC TPM. The NRC technical staff may meet with the contractor in the contractors offices to review progress and provide input into the project as necessary and desirable. Meetings requiring contractor travel are summarized below.
. Topic Location Trios Days Staff Task Conclusion Rockville, MD 1
3 2
i For calculations, assume the number of days includes 2 days travel time.
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9.0 NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL For this Task, the NRC'will provide the contractor with a copy of the draft MOX SRP, j material on NCS, and a copy of proposed 10 CFR Part 70.
L 10.0 CONTRACTOR ACQUIRED MATERIAL The contractor is not expected to acquire material under this Task.
11.0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The deliverables and schedule for work conducted under this Task are summariz 4.0. Work on this Task is expected to proceed on schedule, contingent on the NRC's preparation of the draft MOX SRP.
The deliverables for work conducted under this task shall be completed within 6 weeks from the initiation of the effort.
12.0 REPORTS The deliverables shall be submitted in hard copy, in an electronic medium form consistent with the word processorin use at the NRC (Word Perfect 8.2), and in an electronic editable text file.
The contractor shall also provide a hard copy of each deliverable to the NRC's Project Officer and Technical Project Manager. Reports on any assessment by the contractor shall be in letter report form; Deliverables that are revisions of previous submittals willinclude markings to indicate where the contractor changed the text, tables, or graphics.
13.0 TECHNICAL DIRECTION The NRC TPM for this Task is Christopher Tripp. Donna Umbelis designated the NRC Project Officer. Technicalinstructions may be provided to the contractor during this Task. Technical l
instructions shall not constitute new assignments of work or changes of such a nature as to justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. Directions, if any, for changes in scope
- of work, cost, or period of performance will be issued by the NRC Contracting Officer.
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