LD-89-122, Advises That Bioassay Program Used Since Last Quarter 1988 Includes Semiannual Lung Counting for All Personnel & Fecal & Urinalysis Sampling for Highest 25% of Pellet Shop Personnel,Per Notice of Violation
LD-89-127, Confirms Telcon Re Interpretation of License Requirements for License SNM-1067.Understands That Shipping Containers Covered by Certificates of Compliance & DOT Regulations.Sets of Trailers Will Be Separated by at Least 20 Ft
LD-89-129, Informs of Retirement of Pl Mcgill & Interim Appointment of CR Waterman as Vice President of Nuclear Fuel.All Correspondence to Pl Mcgill Attention Should Be Directed to CR Waterman Effective Immediately
LD-89-146, Forwards Amended Application for Renewal of License SNM-1067,replacing Parts 1 & 2 of License Renewal Application Submitted by Pl Mcgill .Application Describes Facility Intended Configuration & Operation
LD-90-003, Forwards Updated Pages for 881206 & 890727 Requests for Amends to License SNM-1067 Re Specific Criticality Safety Criteria,Liquid Wastes,Internal Exposure,Product Development & External Exposure (Dosimetry Requirements)
LD-90-004, Forwards Amend to Physical Security Plan,Eliminating Position of Vice President Due to Pl Mcgill Retirement.Amend Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
LD-90-024, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1100/89-03.Corrective Action:Responsibility for Individuals Taking &/Or Evaluating Bioassay Will Be Clarified in Future
LD-90-027, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1100/89-07.Corrective Actions:Desirable Location for Residue Storage Trailer,Minimizing Trailer Movement, Established & Training Session Conducted
LD-90-039, Informs of Organizational Changes Affecting Reporting Chain for Selected Individuals Involved in Implementation of Fnmcp.Licensee Has Determined That Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan & as Such,Changes Implemented
LD-90-042, Forwards Rev 1 to EPIP 3.01, Fire/Explosion, for Info. Meeting W/Town of Windsor Fire Chief Held on 900612 Re Needs of Fire Dept in Response to Emergency Situations at Facility
LD-90-048, Forwards Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Under License SNM-1067
LD-90-055, Forwards Request for Withdrawal of 900213 Amend Request to License SNM-1067
LD-90-068, Advises That Planned Work in Redeployed Pellet Shop of Facility Includes Relocating Centrifuge Sys from Present Location
LD-90-067, Advises That Redeployed Pellet Shop in Windsor Fuel Mfg Facility Needs Reconfiguring to Accommodate New Pellet & Rod Handling Equipment.Necessary Walls,Ceilings & Structural Steel Will Be Erected to Permit Installation
LD-90-077, Withdraws 881206 Application for Amend to License SNM-1067 & 890727 & 900117 Submittals of Addl Info
We are requesting a delay in the semi-annual inventory to on-or-before June 30,1987.
This request is a result of productior, scheduling difficulties and to coincide with process cleanup.
The inventory wil; be taken no later than June 30, 1987. The inventory will be taken as soon as possible and more than likely will be before the June 30, 1987 date (tentatively scheduled for May 26,1937).
A check in the amount of $150.00 will be for'.iarded to you under separate cover.
Your consideration to this request is inost appreciated, o
G Very trul.9.yours'N C0fiBUSTI0th' El1GIflEERING',1IllC.
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Power Systsms 1000 Prospect Hill Road (203) 688-1911 Combustior. Er;g;neering, Inc.