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Forwards Gimcs Fourth Quarter FY86 Update. Notes Issues Resolved,Prioritized,Added to Prioritization List & Scheduled for Resolution.Collection of Info Re Eleven Open Nonsafety TMI Action Plan Items Continues
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/14/1986
From: Speis T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20213H163 List:
NUDOCS 8611190131
Download: ML20213H161 (3)


14 NOV 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Themis P. Speis, Director Division of Safety Review & Oversight


GENERIC ISSUE MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM - FOURTH QUARTER FY-86 UPDATE Enclosed is the Fourth Quarter FY-86 update of the Generic Issue Management Control System (GIMCS) for your information and use. This quarter's report contains the following highlights:

(1) Three issues were resolved:

61 (Medium) -

SRV Discharge Line Break Inside the Wetwell Airspace of BWR Mark I and Mark II Containments I.C.9 (Medium) - Long Term Plan for Upgrading of Procedures HF1.2 (High) -

Engineering Expertise on Shift The safety concerns of Issue I.C.9 were previously scheduled to be addressed in some of the Human Factors issues that resulted from the Human Factors Program Plan. However, this issue was declared resolved after extensive DHFT review of the scope of the Human Factors issues.

(2) Eight issues completed the prioritization process with three of these designated as high priority:

115 (High) -

Enhancement of the Reliability of Westinghouse Solid State Protection System 125.II.3 (Drop)- Review Steam / Feed Line Break Mitigation Systems for Single Failure 125.II.4 (Drop)- OTSG Dryout and Reflood Effects 125.II.7 (High)- Reevaluate Provisions to Automatically Isolate Feedwater from Steam Generator During Line Break


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14 NOV 1986 Harold R. Denton 125.II.9 (Subsumed)- Enhance Feed-and-Bleed Capability 125.II.14 (Low) - Remote Operation of Equipment Which Must Now be Operated Locally 133 (Licensing) - Update Policy Statement on Nuclear Plant Staff Working Hours 134 (High) - Rule on Degree and Experience Requirement Schedules for the resolution of the above three high priority issues are included in the fourth quarter GIMCS update.

(3) Five new issues were added to the list of issues to be prioritized.

(4) Sixteen issues are scheduled for resolution in the first quarter of FY-87. ,

DSR0 will continue its efforts in the use of GIMCS to collect information on the status of the eleven open non-rafety TMI Action Plan items. Information on these items is needed to complete the NRC report to Congress on the status of all TMI Action Plan items.


Themis P. Speis, Director Division of Safety Review & Oversight


DISTRIBUTION Generic Issue Management Central File i Control System SPEB R/F~

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cc: w/ enclosure NRR N. Anderson, 144 RES L. Barnett, P-415 G. Arlotto, NL-005 R. Bernero, P-1102 R. Curtis, NL-005 B. Boger, AR-5221 M. Ernst, NL-005 H. Booher, AR-5003A F. Gillespie, NL-005 R. Bosnak, 212 J. Malaro, NL-005 F. Cherny, 212 R. Minogue, NL-005 F. Congel, 244 J. Murphy, NL-005 R. Emrit, 216 J. Norberg, NL-005 R. Frahm, 216 J. Richardson, NL-005 J. Funches, P-433 C. Serpan, NL-005 R. Hernan, P-433 L. Shotkin, NL-005 G. Holahan, P-514 M. Silverberg, NL-005 D. Jones, AR-5209 K. Steyer, NL-005 K. Kniel, 216 D. Sullivan, NL-005 B. Liaw, P-1132 M. Slater, NL-005 G. Mazetis, 244 A. Datta, NL-5650 J. Milhoan, 416 W. Minners, 244 IE F. Miraglia, P-202 [ Allison, MNBB-3302 D. Moran, 216 T. Ankrum, EWS-305B P. Norian, 244 B. Grimes, EWW-341 L. Riani, 244 E. Jordan, MNBB-3302 F. Rowsome, AR-5209 J. Partlow, EWS-360 W. Russell, AR-5200 J. Taylor, EWS-322 R. Silver, 278 L. Solander, P-415 H. Thompson, 528 C. Velez, P-415 AEOD H. Virgilio, P-514 J. Heltemes V. Wilson, AR-5200 EDO PDR C Cox, 6113 ACRS J. Sniezek, 6113 K. Burke, IP, EWS-403 D. Adams, ACRS J. Coleman, Region II RM E Hartfield, 7602 W. Usilton, P-612

8. Richter, MNBB-12217

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