ML20212K560 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/28/1999 |
To: | Sanders K ENERGY, DEPT. OF |
References | |
NUDOCS 9910060309 | |
Download: ML20212K560 (13) | |
September 20, 1999 Dr. K:nneth S:nd:rs, Dir:ctor 4 ' Intemational Safeguards Division, NN-44
- U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independenca Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20585
Dear Dr. Sanders:
I am providing for your consideration the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) proposed revisions to the DOE /NRC Programmatic Agreement for Development and Operation of the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS). Attached are a red-line/ strikeout version displaying the proposed charges (Attachment 1). Also attached is a copy of the proposed Programmatic Agreement which incorporates all of the revisions into a clean text (Attachment 2).
We look forward to working with you in finalizing this programmatic agr6ement. If you have any questions, please contact me at (301-415-7830) or Bruce Moran of my ntaff (301-415-7871).
Sincerely, Original signed by:
Lidia Roch6, Ph.D., Section Chief International Safeguards Section Licensing and International and Safeguards Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Attachments: As stated cc: Arnold E. Levin, Office of the Chief Information Officer hg (DS98N Donald Hassell, Office of General Council _ t James Turdici, Office of Chief Financial Officer Ron Hauber, Office of International Programs R. Thompson, Office of Administration /DCPM j John Linehan, Program Management, Policy Development and Staff Analysis, NMSS Elizabeth Ten Eyck, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Division, NMSS l)
Theodore Sherr, Licensing and International Safeguards Branch, FCSS, NMSS /
Distribution N' INRC File Center > [PUBLIC pc p NMSS R/F FCSS R/F LIB R/F {[
[G:\ lib \ sanders.wpd))
OFC LIB , h LIB [ LIB Q b. LIB ,g NAM BHom:mmhd BMoran 6@ LRoch6 ,jT,SM DATE 9/J7 /99 9/.27 /99 9/d/99 il")f(I99 1
9910060309 990928 -
PDR ORG EUS g. 7 y0 k
OI **uy. '
, $. WASHINGTON, D.C. 30006 4 001
- o g +! September 28, 1999 Dr. Kenneth Sanders, Director
. Intemational Safeguards Division, NN-44
. U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW 1 Washington, D.C. 20585
Dear Dr. Sanders:
. I am providing for your consideration the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) proposed revisions to the DOE /NRC Programmatic Agreement for Development and Operation of the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS). Attached are a red-line/ strikeout version displaying the proposed changes (Attachment 1). Also attached is a copy of the proposed Programmatic Agreement which incorporates all of the revisions into a clean text (Attachment 2).
We look forward to working with you in finalizing this programmatic agreement. If you have any questions, please contact me (301-415-7830) or Bruce Moran of my staff (301-415-7871).
idia Roch6, Ph.D., Section Chief Intemational Safeguards Section Licensing and intemational and Safeguards Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Attachments: As stated cc: Arnold E. Levin, Office of the Chief Information Officer Donald Hassell, Office of General Council Jmns Turdici, Office of Chief Financial Officer kon Hauber, Office of Intemational Programs R. Thompson, Office of Administration /DCPM John Linehan, Program Management, Policy Development and Staff Analysis, NMSS Elizabeth Ten Eyck, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Division, NMSS Theodore Sherr, Licensing and Intemational Safeguards Branch, FCSS, NMSS
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- MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AND SAFEGUARDS SYSTEM (NMMSS) j L t. , introduction J ' DOE and NRC interface activities are govemed by the February 24, .1978,I s iTJiiiiiiih executed 0 Kn Memorandume Secretary and the NRC Chairmanof Understanding andMis00n$se (MOUs}sellassiiinby WE6 the DOE i
,M.~ The MOUs provide overall management policy includmg guidelines for varied interface activities and for mutual cooperation between the agencies. ' This -
1 agreement is to implement the MOUs in support of DOE and NRC nuclear materials management and safeguards requirements and to replace the previous DOE /NRC '
4 Programmatic Agreement dated November 23,1979.
lit Background DOE has historically provided material control and accounting computer support to NRC by the use of the " Nuclear Materials Information System (NMIS)", later modified and entitled:" Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS)." Support has been reimbursed by NRC on an approulmets 30-percent basis for devtlopmental and operational costs of this system since the formation of NRC in 1975. DOE has funded all hardware and facility costs associated with the system, along with the
- remaining developmental and operational costs. The rationale has been that this DOE-developed system is, the primary computer-based data collection system for accounts of both commercial (Boonese) and Govemment (DOE) controlled nuclear material and other materials designated by DOE or NRC. Both agencies have drawn on the system' for individual reports and information contained in a common database. It is important to note that each agency inputs information into the system; some of the data is proprietary, and some is classified.
In September,1995, DOE completed a transfer of the NMMSS operation by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., in Oak Hidge, Tennessee, to a new location, with a different operator, and modemized computer platform. The transition was accomplished
' with a DOE contractor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), serving as the NMMSS Program Manager directly interfacing with the new NMMSS operator, NAC International, in Norcross, Georgia. LLNL was responsible for testing, acceptance, and initial operation of the transferred NMMSS. Also, the DOE Oakland Operations Office assumed responsibility from the Oak Ridge Operations Office as the DOE Contract Manager for NMMSS. In March 1997, LLNL acknowledged receipt of the deliverables by NAC International required under the contract between them. During this same month, responsibility for the program management of the NMMSS was transferred from LLNL to the DOE Oakland Operations Office. These changes necessitated revision of the DOE /NRC Agreement dated November 23,1979.
Despite the recent changes in operation, and the different contract arrangements for DOE's management of the NMMSS, NRC's continued close day-to-day working relationship with the operators of the NMMSS and CO coepese: ee;keit. t.e .
OOC ir.e. egese ef 1e "'.".'00 t.ese Lw.'NRC's' continued cloes adoperation"with DOE are essential to meeting the numerous national and intemational nuclear accounting and ATTACHMENT 1,
,f[ .
2 reporting requirements of the United States. i
' With recent changes in reporting requirements, time constraints, increases in licensee :
reporting and data needs, additional IAEA requirements, and the need for continued and !
timely independent access, extensive NMMSS support will continue to be required by I both agencies.
Ill. Purpose This agreement is to establish mutually acceptable managerial principles to be followed
. by DOE and NRC in the iniitiiisepeintenapd further development and-eperation of the NMMSS -
LIV Planning and Funding I
- a. Section ll of the 1978'MOU notes a requirement for both agencies to consider long-range planning 7lncluqEngWpre$solsd useI5ridneed for'ADPJequipment, and to i review each agency's plans on a semi-annual basis. Add.;;er l4, Le OOC /N."O Av.s.T.en; en :n..;~;bael "br.abg and te OOC ba, saa ev eu;e.T.e;b d.;e pr.c~ ;c., 'ACI) pLae pies;d. eprT~TZ ige:ieT.en;e ow;ed el eeet, ev.ney for
- en,-sen,e plenab; p.spcx, be;4b; te prejee
- J ew;ed of eeet, egeney fei
- en,-sen,e pbaab; purpxx, be;dh, Le prejee
- J uee end and for AOr i equi,T.en;, ee een;e.T.pi;;d b 16 ev.;;.T.en;. I
- b. DOE will advise NRC of any intent or plans to limit or curtail the manpower or ADP resources required to perform accepted or proposed workloads., Due to joint reliance on the existing system and the long lead time needed to acquire such resources elsewhere, DOE veill provide notification approximately two years in advance of any proposed limitatbn or curtailment. NRC will keep DOE advised of their long-range plans and projected funding support bve e vie be b.;.~;bne: I:ene end the leag-rea,. AOI p;ene. To the extent that such advance notice is impractical (e.g., short notice extemally imposed budget limitations), DOE or NRC will share newly available information with the other agency as soon as practicable when planned NMMSS resource or funding levels are found likely to be adversely affected.
- c. NRC tasking of efforts under this agreement will be on the basis of fetmburseble work authorized in accordance with bilaterally signed task orders (NRC Form 173) per the NRC Management Directive (hD) 11.7, "NRC Procedures for Placement and Monitoring of Work with the Department of Energy" which incorporates an _. ,
acceptabla proposal (NRC FORM Form.189) submitted by, DOE. Consistent with, 18C le 11.7, NRC is not obligeled to reimburse DOE for costs in. excess' of those l appnwedin theLrelevant NRC Form:173,
- d. In the specific contractual arrangements established to facilitate NRC funding of its share of the NMMSS effort, it eh.ll be OOC's pe:Ly te me ex; eat te whkh the reimbursable cost to NRC, for work performed by the NMMSS operator, is should not'be burdened by any additional charges that do not represent actual effort provided by the NMMSS operator (e.g., the DOE Added Factor administrative fee).
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L e. ' DOE may initiate changes it deems necessary for the operation of the NMMSS. - Any
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AnlHihangesammeNMMSS seeerdenesmienelugdi C ""4;- ;+-.= ^Eed.; '1A'aime5Anyinesammadfunene intomeahnement ganandWe , ..
eessutosano ttennitpashish ineesemese:me .
enemo vevhes cossmosess enc esanases v.L ' Conduct of Business m a.i DOE will structure the scope and pict.;;eas of its contracts for NMMSS such that NRC will have direct communication with the NMMSS operator personnel to provide
. and receive information needed to support NRC-tasked actiwties, in accordance with a bilaterally signed NRC Form 173 which incorporates an acceptable proposal (NRC '
Form 18g) submitted by DOE.
- b. - Requests for additional work in NRC-approved work orders will be provided to the DOE Oakland Operations office via appropriate work authorizations. The work orders will be evaluated and eccepted in accordance with NRC Management W Oirective 11.7. -
- c. NRC operational tasking and correspondence which relates to NRC-approved work authorizations will be directed to the DOE Oakland Operations Office contracting officer, or his/her designee, viith information copies to DOE /NN-44 and the NMMSS operator. The NMMSS operator may proceed in accordance with the information copy of the NRC correspondence, as long as the guidance contained therein is within approved work scope, funding levels, and schedules, and does not result in a cnange to these levels. TP.e DOE Oakland Operations Office contracting officer or his/her appointed designee will ensure that any N"C prei .ea.a.e;Zj;.;d.aee M.Lt.
fesultein a changes to the ei,,,;cced -L ee,,e project statement of work; funding levels, or schedules ;;;:; ne; be peie..aed ;i ; epee:ft COE ee:t.e.ize;;ea. shall be eWected by a biletsroby executed 1910 Form l173.
- d. Requests for data processing will be assigned priority in accordance with a DOE /NRC developed, priority listing. NMMSS activities _ required to meet legal domestic statutory requirements or intomational treaty old0ellons commitments will always have the highest priority over other NMMSS activities.
- e. DOE will arrange for the NMMSS operator to account separately for tasked work for NRC. A report shall be provided monthly to NRC in accordance with the provisions of NRC .'.". .c [,ea.ea; C rence W 11.7. The report shall also contain a spending plan to show that work will be performed in a manner that is consistent with NRC funds for tha fiscal year. Any operational and management costs which support NRC task work, but which cannot be directly attributed to either party, shall be accounted for in the NRC portion according to a sharing factor. The sharing factor shall represent the average percentage of total NMMSS operational resource
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utilization attributable to NRC licensee / certificate holder operations. Initially, the sharing factor shall be set at 80% 34% of the total. actual cost of NMMSS operations. ,
The sharing factor shall be reviewed penedica#y annusty. I
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' f; NRC_must ese asses i,n dvanos
a to any rotones of,esotel Nuuna date which dedved from lloonesa/~
omrGEngle hetder facWden, Solkagencies must eeneur aspeeln advance to 5@
poteametaf asssW saadesdeseluhich conseins proodstory or Nedonal Soodrnp lefolenegendeduedtem' Idageneleet psegame.lAs a standing emospdon to #iis M"ent helder mer_seceivela' NWRIBS report wuhout MepARInsges esgueueHf Geseport conleinslordy informallor) releelrig'td r $3100MeneRedeII W ete holdeft!amitjoelIIK VI. Agency Roles and Responsibilities in furtherance of current DOE /NRC joint use of NMMSS, the agencies agree to the ,
following roles and responsibilities:
- a. DOE /NRC NMMSS Steerina Committee A DOE /NRC NMMSS Steering Committee wilHwestablished. The 0 cer:ng committee-wiH provide provides advice to DOE and NRC for overall management of the NMMSS program, by reviewing and commenting on the development, operation, maintenance, and planning for the NMMSS. 000/7001 :: eill cheir the group. t:30 0;;;.iag Oemm;;;;; merat eieh;p .;;;; ;ac;d, at a m;a;mem, a represen;.;,se frem
- he Off;ee of 70sc;eer me erLl 0.fe:y and Oefegserde (ifSCO) and e repreeea; ;.J; frem :he Off;ce of lateme;;ene; Pre x reme (O"'). Memtisship of the Steering l Committee'will tie iriaccordance'witti the'iointly :=H.S Steering Committee Charter. Recommendations'of the NMMSS Steering Committee require consensus
approval of both DOE and NRC before they are implemented. i l
- b. DOE Responsibilities l
information needs, and will implement the necessary changes to NMMSS to meet its needs. DOE will fully fund these changes. i
- 2. DOE will obtain the concurrence of NRC (NMSS) before making any changes or l undertaking any future developmental efforts that may adversely affect the j capability of NMMSS to provide services required by NRC or which would require j reimbursement by NRC. l l
resources from NMMSS which degrade the capability of the NMMSS system to provide authorized services to NRC.
[irioss'd] 4. 7 00 must ceacur en agree la adseree to any i;;;;.ee of a ee; efWMMSfHata l eCh centeine I@r:etery er l Jet;enel Oecur;;y lafermat;ea dessed frem )
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M DOE will ensure that data input to the NMMSS database are properly classified, coded, and stored, and that reports aie properly marked and transmitted, so that NRC can obtain NMMSS reports without compromising classified National Security information or Sensitive Unclassified (e.g., Proprietary) Information.
M DOE will provide NRC iilpiunrestricted access to all licensee / certificate holder ;
data through both routine and ad hoc reports, consistent with the normal scope !
of effort and available NRC funding. I
- c. NRC Responsibilities
- 1. NRC will establish any new requirements to define the scope, schedule, and funding of changes in NRC information needs. 6 Ope..;;ene O;;; .m ..e te ,m .T. eke ae-m.... a::,.e te t"'.'.".00 te T.n 7000 ande,
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,,.b;llti to .T.s: 00 req ,;,e,T,eate. DOC.wi: ;.Tp;e.T.ea; :'.;n et age; for 707,0 en.e fe;ti sein,;e beeb. (DOE Oeldand Operations. Office will ensure that the project is performed in accordance with the statement of wosk that isflects NRC and DOE requirements consistent with NRC funding, on a fully reimbursable basis.)
- 2. NRC will participate in the DOE :ne....ser,e; p;enabg procen end be OOC bag-
,ange AOP planning processes relative to the management of the NMMSS.
- 3. Cvek.e:ba ef NRC will" evaluate'its own advanced requirements to meet long-range information needs.
Vll Limitation Nothing in this agreement is intended to supersede or modify the policies and guidelines established in the February 24,1978, and January 15,.1997, DOE-NRC Memoranduma of Understanding.
Vill Aareement This agreement,is effective when signed by representatives of both agencies and upon
signature supercedes DOE NRC Programmatic Agreement for Development and Operation of Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards system (NMMSS), dated November 23,1970, b cenekbred reechded.
Changes to this agreement may be made only upon written concurrence agreement by
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6 both parties to the agreement. - l 4
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Eleur.neen,ey m,,ay,,, tic,,u. ,,ing written nollon, . ,.~,,,., . ,.s to the other a,..,,,,,,,.
,., ,.genegfs representellves;at least M months in advance; terminate this agreement- -
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Kenneth E. Sanders, Director Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck, Director International Safeguards Division Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Date Date l
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, I. lntroduction .
DOE and NRC interface activities are govemed by the February 24,1978, and January 15,1997, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) executed by the DOE Under Secretary and the NRC Chairman and the DOE Secretary and NRC Chairman, respectively. The MOUs provide overall management policy including guidelines for varied interface activities and for mutual cooperation between the agencies. This agreement is to implement the MOUs in support of DOE and NRC nuclear materials management and safeguards requirements and to replace the previous DOE /NRC Programmatic
. Agreement dated November 23,1979.
- 11. Background DOE has historically provided material control and accounting computer support to NRC by the use of the " Nuclear Maiorials Information System (NMIS)", later modified and entitled:" Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS)." Support has been reimbursed by NRC on an approximate 30-percent basis for developmental
- and operational costs of this system since the formation of NRC in 1975. DOE has funded all hardware and facility costs associated with the system, along with the remaining developmental and operational costs. The rationale has been that this DOE-developed system is the primary computer-based data collection system for accounts of both commercial (licensee) and Govemment (DOE) controlled nuclear material and other materials designated by DOE or NRC. Both agencies have drawn on the system for individual reports and information contained in a common database. It is important to note that each agency inputs information into the system; some of the data is proprietary, and some is classified.
In September,1995, DOE completed a transfer of the NMMSS operation by I.ockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to a new location, with a different operator, and modemized computer platform. The transition was accomplished with a DOE contractor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), serving as the NMMSS Program Manager directly interfacing with the new NMMSS operator, NAC Intemational, in Norcross, Georgia. LLNL was responsible for testing, acceptance, and initial operation of the transferred NMMSS. - Also, the DOE Oakland Operations Office assumed responsibility from the Oak Ridge Operations Office as the DOE Contract Manager for NMMSS. In March 1997, LLNL acknowledged receipt of the deliverables by NAC Intemational required under the contract between them. During this same month, responsibility for the program management of the NMMSS was transferred from LLNL to the DOE Oakland Operations Office. These changes necessitated revision of the DOE /NRC Agreement dated November 23,1979.
Despite the recent changes in operation, and the different contract arrangements for DOE's management of the NMMSS, NRC's continued close day-to-day working
- relationship with the operators of the NMMSS and NRC's continued close cooperation
,with DOE are essential to meeting the numerous national and intemational nuclear accounting and reporting requirements of the United States.
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With recent changes in reporting requirements, time constraints, increases in licensee reporting and data needs, additional lAEA requirements, and the need for continued and timely independent access, extensive NMMSS support will continue to be required by I both agencies, j
- 111.' Purpose
. This agreement is to establish mutually acceptable managerial principles to be followed
! by DOE and NRC in the continued operation and further development of the NMMSS.
- IVJ Planning and Funding ,
- m, y _ ,
'a. Section 11 of the 1978 MOU notes a requirement for both agencies to consider long-range planning, including the projected use and need for ADP equipment, and to review each agency's plans on a semi-annual basis.
' b. DOE will advise NRC of any intent or plans to limit or curtail the manpower or ADP resources required to perform accepted or proposed workloads. Due to joint reliance on the existing system and the long lead time needed to acquire such resources elsewhere, DOE will provide notification approximately two years in .
advance of any proposed limitation or curtailment. NRC will keep DOE advised of their long-range plans and projected funding support. To the extent that such 1 advance notice is impractical (e.g., short notice extemally imposed budget i limitations), DOE or NRC will share newly available information with the other agency as soon as practicable when planned NMMSS resource or funding levels are
- found likely to be adversely affected.
- c. NRC tasking of efforts under this agreement will be on the basis of work authorized in accordance with bilaterally signed task orders (NRC Form 173) per the NRC Management Directive (MD) 11.7, "NRC Procedures for Placement and Monitoring of Work with the Department of Energy" which incorporates an acceptable proposal (NRC Form 189) submitted by DOE Consistent with NRC MD 11.7, NRC is not obligated to reimburse DOE for costs in excess of those approved in the relevant NRC Form 173. ,
- d. In the specific contractual arrangements established to facilitate NRC funding of its share of the NMMSS effort, the reimbursable cost to NRC, for work performed by the NMMSS operator, should not be burdened by any additional charges that do not represent actual effort provided by the NMMSS operator (e.g., the DOE Added Factor administrative fee).
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. 3 e.1 DOE may initiate changes it deems necessary for the operation of the NMMSS. Any changes to the NMMSS Program shall be incorporated into the statement of work.
7, . Any increased funding shall be effected by a bilaterally executed NRC Form 173 which incorporates the revised statement of work and the revised DOE proposal (NRC Form 189).
V.L Conduct of Business L a. ' DOE will structure the' scope and provisions of its contracts for NMMSS such that NRC will have direct communication with the NMMSS operator personnel to provide and receive information needed to support NRC-tasked actuties, in accordance with I a bilaterally signed NRC Form 173 which incorporates an acceptable proposal (NRC ,
- Form 189) submitted by DOE. l l b. Requests for additional work in NRC-approved work orders will be provided to tim DOE Oakland Operations office via appropriate work authorizations. The work-orders will be evaluated and accepted in accordance with NRC MD 11.7.
- c. NRC operational tasking and correspondence which relates to NRC-approved work authorizations will be directed to the DOE Oakland Operations Office contracting officer, or his/her designee, with information copies to DOE /NN-44 and the NMMSS operator. The NMMSS operator may proceed in accordance with the information copy of the NRC correspondence, as long as the guidance conUned tnerein is
, within approved work scope, funding levels, and schedules, and does not result in a change to these levels. The DOE Oakland Operations Office contracting officer or his/her appointed designee will ensure that any changes to the project statement of work, funding levels, or schedules shall be effected by a bilaterally executed NRC Fcrm 173.
- d. Requests for data processing will be assigned priority in accordance with a DOE /NRC developed priority listing. NMMSS activities required to meet domestic statutory requirements or international treaty obligations will always have the highest priority over other NMMSS activities.
- e. DOE will arrange for the NMMSS operator to account separately for tasked work for NRC, A report shall be provided monthly to NRC in accordance with the provisions of NRC MD 11.7 The report shall also contain a spending plan to show that work will be performed in a manner that is consistent with NRC funds for the fiscal year.
Any operational and management costs which support NRC task work, but which cannot be directly attributed to either party, shall be accounted for in the NRC portion according to a sharing factor. The sharing factor shall represent the average percentage of total NMMSS operational resource utilization attributable to NRC licenses / certificate holder operations. Initially, the sharing factor shall be set at 34%
of the total actual cost of NMMSS operations. The sharing factor shall be reviewed annually. -
- f. NRC must agree in advance to any release of NMMSS data which contains Proprietary or National Security Information derived from licensee / certificate holder
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. facilities. Both agencies must agree in advance to any release of a set of NMMSS
. data derived from both agencies' programs. As a standmg exception to this provision, any licenses / certificate holder may receive a NMMSS report without x specific NRC approval if the report contains only information relating to the licensee's/ certificate holder's own facility.
VI. Agency Roles and Responsibilities In furtherance of current DOE /NRC Joint use of NMMSS, the agencies agree to the
- following roles and responsibilities:
[ . a.i DOE /NRC NMMSS Steering Committee g, .
A DOE /NRC NMMSS Steering Committee provides advice to DOE and NRC for
overall management of the NMMSS program, by reviewing and commenting on the development, operation, maintenance, and planning for the NMMSS. Membership i of the Steering Committee will be in accordance with the jointly approved Steering
. Committee Charter. Recommendations of the NMMSS Steering Committee require consensus approval of both DOE and NRC before they are implemented.
- b. DOE Responsibilities
- 1. DOE will establish any new requirements to meet changing DOE information needs, and will implement the necessary changes to NMMSS to meet its needs.
DOE will fully fund these changes.
- 2. DOE will obtain the concurrence of NRC (NMSS) before making any changes or undertaking any future developmental efforts that may adversely affect the capability of NMMSS to provide services required by NRC or which would require
. reimbursement by NRC.
- 3. DOE will not unilaterally initiate any changes to NMMSS or redirect or withdraw resources from NMMSS which degrade the capability of the NMMSS system to provide authorized services to NRC.
- 4. DOE will ensure that data input to the NMMSS database are properly classified, coded, and stored, and that reports are properly marked and transmitted, so that NRC can obtain NMMSS reports without compromising classified National Security Information or Sensitive Unclassified (e.g., Proprietary) Information.
- 5. DOE will provide NRC with unrestricted access to all licenses / certificate holder data through both routine and ad hoc reports, consistent with the normal scope of effort and available NRC funding. -
- c. NRC Resoonsibilities
- 1. NRC will establish any new requirements to define the scope, schedule, and funding of changes in NRC information needs. (DOE Oakland Operations Office
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. wlN ensure that the' project is performed in accordance with the statement of work that reflects NRC and DOE requirements consistent with NRC furxhng, on
+ - . a fully reimbursable basis.) .
- 3. NRC will evaluate its own advanced requirements to meet long-range
. Information needs.
Evil: umnation 4 s
+ Nothing in this agreement is intended to supersede or modify the pohciss and guidelines established in the February 24,1978, and January 15,1997, DOE-NRC Memoranda of Urh^z dirig.-
- Vill Agreement
. This agreement is effective when signed by representatives of both agencies and upon
. signature supercedes DOE-NRC Programmatic Agreement for Development and C aration of Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards system (NMMSS), dated November 23,1979.
Changes to this agreement may be made only upon written agreement by both parties to the agreement.
IX Termination Either agency may, by giving written notice to the other agency's representatives, at least 24 months in advance, terminate this agreement.
Kenneth E. Sanders, Director Elizabeth O. Ten Eyck, Director intomational Safeguards Division Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Date Date