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Forwards NRC Ofc Ltr 117, Guidelines & Procedures for Incentive Awards
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/24/1997
From: Bradley Davis
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRRL-117, NUDOCS 9710280247
Download: ML20212B877 (19)





Office Letter Transmittal ,

T0: All NRR Employees



  • GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR INCENTIVE AWARDS" PURPOSE: This office letter describes the various ty)es of incentive awards and how they are 3rocessed. It has Jeen renumbered from the 300 series to t1e 100 series to reflect the administrative nature of the subject matter. This revision and its attachments implement: (1) the use of the Standard Form 52 for all award nominations. (2) electronic funds transfer, (3) the change to Article 29 of the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement between the NRC and NTEU (union) which provides for union participation in reviewing bargaining unit award nominations. (4) an Awards Review Committee process in NRR and (5) the NRR Labor Management Partnership Committee (NRR LMPC) recommendation that awards ceremonies be conducted at the division level. These revisions affect a significant portion of the office letter:

therefore, change bars are not used.

DIVISION OF ORIGIN: Division of Inspection and Support Programs CONTACT: Brenda Davis. 415-1215 DATE APPROVED: October 24,1997 AVAILABILITY: Roberta Ingram, 415-1219

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l NRR OFFICE LETTER NO.117 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR INCENTIVE A WARDS DBEllE and submittin9 nominations for incentive awards.This office le establishes NRR's procedures for processing them.This office Bl4&GRQUND NRC Management Directives (MDs) 10.67, "Non SES Performance App 10.72, " Incentive Awards": and 10.73, " Time Off From Duty as an incentive Award awards: "cash contain the criteria and procedures for the following incentive for Individuals or groups or service),

nonmonetary, high qual 1ty increase, sugge(stion, instant cash, time off, an Article 29 of the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement between the NRC and the NTEU (union), effective August 1, 1997, describes the p for minutes The union participation of the Septemberin11,the review 1997 of bargaining-unit award nominations recommendation relative to NRR awards ceremonies,NRR lMPC meeting contain the LM QEFINITIQBS hards Review Committee Participating members are the NRR Executive Team or designated alternates Themember unit Awards of theReview Committee Administration Branch, administratively supported by a non NRR Executive Team Technical Review and ProiThe Office Director. Deputy Office Director. Associa ProgramManagement(DRPM)ects,DirectorsofboththeDivisionofReactor (DISP), and the Director of the Special Projects Office (SPO)and the Divis Award Nomination Packane A Standard Form 52 (SF 52),

  • Request for Personnel Action"; the cover shee the employee's current performance aparaisal if it is less than 60 days old or a justification for the award if tae appraisal is older than 60 days: a ,

cash award the basis for thetransmittal memorandum, award; and employee if applicable; a brief citation describ award history.

act or service awards For group and special of the employee's curr,ent performance appraisal.a justification is included in lieu

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- Director. NRR

- Signs award =and length of-service certificates. 3 Deouty Director.-NRR Chairs the Awards Review Committee.

Signs award nominations approved by the Awards Review Committee for the office.

Reviews and apnroves instant cash award nominations. Returns approved nominations to the sponsoring branch for transmittal to the Office of the

- Chief Financial-Officer. Travel Services Section.

' E!LExecutive Team Performs the duties of the NRR Awards Review Committee.

Awards Review Committee-Reviews and approves all internal and external award nominations (except instant cash award nominations). Assures consistency and adherence to policy in reviewing and approving award recommendations.

Reviews union coments on bargaining-unit employee award nomination packages for performance, high quality increase, and special act or service awards.

Gives specific feedback to the union representatives on their comments before the nominations are submitted to the Office of Human Resources (HR).

Division Directors For purposes of this office letter, the Director. of SP0 and the Chief of the Technical Specifications Branch have the responsibilities and authorities of division directors.

Submit approved award nominations (except for instant cash award nominations)

- to the Administration Branch for subsequent transmittal to the union, as appropriate, and to the Awards Review Committee.

Schedule, arrange, and notify all NRR employees of periodic division-level awards ceremonies and recipients.

Present awards. length-of-service certificates, and recognize instant cash award recipients at division-level awards ceremonies.

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Suoervisors Discuss possible award recommendations with their management chain.

Complete the necessary documentation for proposed award nominations.

Transmit a) proved instant cash award nominations to the Office of the Chief Financial Of ficer. Travel Services Section.

Administration Branch (PADB)

Receives award nominations (except for instant cash award nominations) from division directors, and reviews them for accuracy and completeness.

Transmits bargaining unit employee award nomination packages to the designated union representatives before review by the Awards Review Committee (Committee).

Transmits award nomination Jackages, with union comments as appropriate to the Committee. Provides NRR and NRC award statistics and other supporting data to the Committee, as requested, for use in determining award recipients.

Provides administrative support of Committee meetings as requested.

Transmits approved nominations to HR.

Coordinates the signing and framing of award certificates, and transmits award plaques and length of-service pins to division directors.

Sends quarterly announcemerits to all NRR employees including the names of all awards recipients and their accompanying award citation for that period.

Ulfdj Designates up to two union representatives to review and comment on NRR award packages nominating bargaining-unit employees for performance awards, high-quality increases, and special act or service awards.

Returns award packages and comments to PADB for transmittal to the Awards Review Comittee.

BASIC REQUIREMENTS A supervisor who wishes to recognize an employee or a group may consider them for one of the following awards.

An Individual Cash Award (Sustained Suoerior Performance or Soecial Act or Service)

The office director has approval authority for up to $2000 for individual cash awards. Larger award amounts require the approval of the E00 (up to 57.500) or the Chairman (up to $10.000). For an award for sustained superior performance, supervisors must complete an SF 52. " Request for Personnel

e 4

Action" (sample I,t- Attachment 1). and it must be accompanied by both the cover sheet of the emp*oyee's current performance a praisal (if the appraisal is less than 60 days old) and a Performance or S ecial Act or Service Award Transmittal Meorandum (sample at Attachment ) informing the Payroll Operations Section of-the mail stop of the award recipient to whom the supplemental Earnings and leave Statement should be sent. If the employee's performance appraisal is older than 60 days, a justification for a sustained performance award must also be included in Part D of the SF 52. The 4 justification must be specific and should cite evidence of outstanding accomplishment in the major performance elements of the employee's Concrete examples of superior performance should also be included. position.

For a special act or service award, supervisors must complete an SF 52-(sample at Attachment 2), including a justification in Part D of the SF 52, and a Performance or Special Act or Service Award Transmittal Memorandum (sample at Attachment 5). The justification must be s oJtstandhig achievement of a nonrecurring, pecific and nonsustained should nature. cite evidence of Concrete examples of superior performance should also be included. The cover sheet of t1e employee's current performance app'aisal does not need to be attached to tne SF 52.

When preparing an individual cash award nomination, supervisors must also prepare a brief citation (50100 words) describing the basis for each award nomination and svMit this citation along with the award nomination. The citation also should be submitted electronically to PADB for subsequent inclusion in the e-mail announcement of awards recipients sent to all NRR employees on a quarterly basis.

Groun Cash Award (Sustained Suoerior Performance or Soecial Act or Service)

The office director has approval authority for up to $3000 total for a group cash award. Larger award amounts require the approval of the EDO (up to

$1,500 total) or the Chairmen (up to $10,000 total), For a group award, the coversheetsoftheempicecs'currentperformanceappraisalsdonotneedto be attached to the SF .d: however, a justification and a Performance or d

Special Act or Serv ce Award Transmittal Memorerdum (sample at Attachment 5) informing the PayNil Operations Section of the .eil stop(s) of the award recipients to whom the sup)lemental Earnings and Leave Statements should be sent must also accompany tie award nomination.

When preparing a group cash award nomination, supervisors must also prepsre a brief citation (50-100 words) describing the basis for the award for the group .

and submit this citation along with the award nomination. The citation also

-should be submitted electronically to PADB for subsequent inclusion in the e mail. announcement of awards recipients sent to all NRR employees on a quarterly basis, for additional information on special act or service awards, refer to MD 10.72. Additional information on sustained performance awards is available in MD 10.67.

r 5

Hiah Oublitv Increase Award A high quality increase (H01) award is an extra within grade increase granted 4

to an employee who has sustained a superior level of performance in all important job functions for at le;3t 6 months at the current grade. H01s may not be granted to employees in Step 10 of a grade: nor to employees in controlled training phases of upward mobility programs. the Intern Program or the Entry level Technical P viewer 9 Trainee Program; nor to employees who have received an H01 award in the past 52 weeks. Employees must have an

" outstanding" or an " excellent" overall rating to be considered for an H01 award.

To obtain an H01 award, supervisors should preaare an SF 52 " Request for Personnel Action" (sample at Attachment 3). T1e cover sheet of the employee's current performance appraisal should be attached to the SF 52. If the appraisal is older than 60 days. a justification for the H01 award must also be completed in Part 0 of the SF 52.

When preparir.g an HOI award nomination. supervisors must also prepare a brief citation (50100 words) describing the basis for each nomination and submit this citation along with the award nomination. Ine citation also should be submitted electronically to PADB for subsequent inclusion in the e mail announcement of awards recipients sent to all NRR employees on a quarterly basis.

For additional information on H01 awards, refer to MD 10.67.

Succestion Award for information on processing suggestion awards, refer to MD 10.72.

Instant Cash Award An instant cash award is appropriate when an employee performs significantly beyond expectations on a specific assignment or function for a short time.

such as 3 weeks. The achievement must be outstanding, brief. and not recurring. t.hether it is inside or outside the job responsibilities of the employee. h. Instant cash award is not a substitute for other special act or performance awards and does not preclude the issuance of these awards to the same employee at any time after the instant cash award is presented.

To obtain an instant cash award, the supervisor should prepare an SF 52.

" Request for Personnel Action" (sample at Attachment 4), and an Instant Cash Award Transmittal Memorandum (samale at Attachment 6) informing the Travel Services Section of the name cf tie individual to be contacted to pick up the check. The supervisor should send the nomination through his or her management chain directly to the deputy office director. When the deputy office director has ap) roved the instant cash award, the deputy office director's secretary slould return the approved nomination to the sponsoring branch. The sponsoring branch should forward the original approved nomination

i 6

directly to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Travel Services Section. Neither the Awards Review Comittee, PADB. nor HR are involved in processing instant cash awards.

Time Off Award The purpose of the time off award is to increase the productivity and creativity of NRC employees by rewarding their contr1]utions to the quality, efficiency, or economy of Government and NRC operations. For additional information on time off awards, refer to MD 10.73.

Nonmonetary Award i

Several types of nonmonetary awards are available, such as certificates of-a>preciation, length of service awards, and retirement recognition awards.

T1ese awards are defined and discussed in HD 10.72.

INTERNAL PROCESSING OF A9RD NOMINATIONS i Af ter approval at the division level, award nominations are submitted to PADB.

PADB screens award nominations to ensure that (1) the appropriate signatures '

were obtained: (2) the cover sheet of the employee's latest performance appraisal (if less than 60 days old), an additional justification (if the ap3raisal is older than 60 days), and the award citation are attached: (3) ,

PA)B has received an electronic transmittal of the individual's award '

citation (4) the necessary forms are complete: and (5) an HOI awaro will not adversely affect an individual's next scheduled within grade increase. PADB then assembles the nominations into award nomination packages.

Non bargaining unit employee award nomination packages are transmitted, along with other requested supporting data, directly to the Awards Review Committee ,

(Committee) for review. Non bargaining unit employee award packages are r forwarded in " batches" to the Committee when a sufficient number has been received to warrant a Committee meeting, or the number of non bargaining unit employee eward nominations on hand at the end of the month. Non-bargaining-unit employee award nomination packages approved by the Committee are forwarded by PADB to HR.  ;

Bargaining unit employee award nomination packages are forwarded by PADB to the designated union representatives for review and comment every two weeks.

-It is expected that union comments will be provided to PADB for transmittal to the Committee within two weeks of receipt of the. award nomination packages.

PADB assumes negative consent if no comments are received by the end of this two week period. Bargaining-unit employee award packages are then forwarded q

in " batches" to the Committee for review when a sufficient number has been '

returned from the union to warrant a Committee meeting, or the number that ,

have received a two week union review period by the end of the month. After the Committee meeting. it is expected that specific feedback will be provided ,

_w ithin two weeks to the union representatives by a member of the Comittee during face-to face meetings.

bargaining-unit employee award nominations to HR.-PADB then forwards manage ,


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7 Awards Review Comittee meetings are ty)1cally held once a month, at a minimum, and are chaired by the Deputy Office Director. Meetings are scheduled at the first available o>portunity a minimum of four of the seven Comittee members can attend. PAD 3 also notifies division directors of scheduled Comittee meetings for award planning purposes. PADB transmits award nomination packages and other supporting data to the Comittee members one week prior to the scheduled meeting. During the meeting, each Comittee member leads the discussion of award nominations within their chain of comand. if a Comittee member wishes to designate an alternate participating member, that delegation must be in writing and transmitted to the Committee Ch: *, other Comittee members. PADB, and the designated union representatives.

HR processes award nominations as soon as it receives them so the employee will not have to wait until the next division level awards ceremony to receive his or her award. Since the implemer4tation of electronic funds transfer, the Payroll Operations Section electronically transfers the award monies to the same account used for depositing an employee's salary. Therefore, PADB closely coordinates awards processing with HR's Satellite Office to assure that employees do not receive the electronic funds transfer before being informed of the award by their management chain. PADB notifies an employee's first- and second level supervisors by e mail when an award nomination has been approved by HR. The supplemental Earnings and Leave Statement for all cash awards, except for instant cash awards. is sent from the Payroll Operations Section directly to the individual indicated in the cash award transmittal memorandum.

PADB coordinates the signing of award certificates between HR and the NRR Director's Office, assembles award plaques, and transmits the award plaques and length of-service pins to division directors for presentation at division-level awards ceremonies.

Awards Ceremonies Awards ceremonies are held at the division level. Division directors are responsible for presenting awaro plaques and length of-service pins to recipients within their organization, summarizing the individual's or the group's accomplishments described in the award citation, and recogr.1 zing instant cash award recipients.

Award Anra ncements Division-level awards ceremonies are announced by e mail to all NRR employees through the Office Network Coordirator. The e mail is prepared by the responsible division and contains the date, time, and location of the scheduled ceremony, along with a list of award recipients.

An e mail is also sent to all NRR employees by PADB on a quarterly basis which contains the list of employees who have received an award for that period, along with a brief citation describing the basis for the award for each individual and group.

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i i

8 i EFFECTIVE DATE i This office letter is effective immediately.  !


MD 10.67. "Non-SES Performance Appraisal System" l

. MD 10.72 " Incentive Awards" i

! MD 10.73. " Time Off From Duty as an Incentive Award" i Article 29 of the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement Between the NRC and NTEU effective August 1. 1997 .

September 11. 1997. NRR LMPC Meeting Hinutes ,

4 Attachments: As. stated (6) ,

4 cc:- L.J. Callan. ED0 . .

H.L.-Thompson. Jr. DEDR

- / .C.-Thadani. DEDE P.G. Norry. DEDii >

, Regional Administrators ,



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EFFECTIVE DATE This office letter is effective immediately. i BEEEEEEES HD 10.67, "Non SES Performance Appraisal System" MD 10.72, " Incentive Awards" ,

MD 10.73, " Time Off From Duty as an incentive Award" Article 29 of the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement Between the NRC and ',

NTEU. effective August 1. 1997 September 11. 1997. ARR LMPC meeting minutes Attachments: As stated (6) cc: L.J. Callan. ED0 )istribution:

H,L. Thompson, Jr. . DEDR 11e Center JAlbright HR A.C. Thadani. DE0E ADM RF PRyder, HR P.G. Norry. DEDM Ringram (original + 5)

Re ional Administrators FShields. HR JS11veira. CF0 SE Y JHunter, HR TBarham. CF0 OGC PEasson, HR Pliearn, NTW ,

PUBLIC CIO CFO HR DOCUMENT NAME: G:BD\AWARDSOL.GUI *SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCE T3 tocolve a copy of thee stocument lndicate iri the boa: *C" = Copy wahout enclosures "E" a Copy wMh enclosures *N" a No copy 0FFICE ADM:PMSB E 1ECH.ED N ADM:PMSB E HR E PIMB: DISP i E NAME BDAVIS* RSANDER$* KGREENE* MFOX* RINGRAM*

DATE 10/17/97 09/10/97 10/17/97 10/17/97 10/22/97 gg summe mumme g mmmmesummmmmmmmme mamm mummm '

NAME FGnt,UPIE FMIRAGLAA SSOLLINS DATE 10(fy)7 IV/97 10h3/97 10/ /97 10/ /97

', OFFILAL RECORD COPY Vc [~tus-t /vTlM d W ofl** >

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mw l',t, C f;*a %**;*e="** REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION v ,,. - e,n.f. , m n

'PART A . Requeeting Omco (Als: complete Part a, Items 1,122,32,33,30 cnd 30.)

1 Aemne Rogueemd a RequestNumter 1

PERFORMANCE AWARD VIhikoon&eiinliriesteaQNiiniiss foiiG,5W,imter) ihopund tnietive U**

(CONTACT PERSON) fad.on 6 94ewd by (freed Am. in* 39nerum and Aeovestbew) 's Acton Avinonsed By (fyrea Am. Ta* syneture, ena concurrence oste; RECOMMENDING OFFICIAL, E.G.,(SEC. CHIEF, BR. CHIEF, APPROVING OFFICIAL (DIVISION DIRECTOR) i DMSION DIRECTOR), AS APPROPRlATE PART n For Preparation of SF 60 (Lise only codes in f PM Supplement 1921, Show all dates In month day year order) 1 Norrie (last frst Mee) 2 i Numter 3 Dateof Birtn 4. Efixtsve Date (NAME OF NOMINEE)


$ A Code 6 B Netwo of Action 64 Coos 6 B Nature of Acton f!8!,00 PERFORMANCE AWARD 64 Cooe~ 6tTee isAutraity Et c&isT6Te~eiTEinanty V4R -

6 t'CWC MTessiAstarry e FC5ii R Legal Aut65rtty F. FROGA. Pooneon inte end Numts.r it. T0: Poetuon True end Number ps, FEY 6sess ir&.s. (s;.rimis as.'irta 6.., 'inir, s.. o.inKirbsts.'. irs.a..ter.Fwtr.isA;r. wisEssipsmin;T6;is isrAi ts.iP., hWARDAWET!

i>O is., 'thiTisaT4 tiroiFP., ex 6;E e., 7)6eTW.74 for4 Erit., w6(66.r iFilirne anfL'ocaten of PositsniOierdit[n 22 Name eM Location of Poemorts Organizaten EMPLGYEE DATA 23 Veterens Preference 24 Tenure 25 Apeney Use 8. va**u p'**aas aw a'r 1:3**,- *

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POSITION DATA 34 Poseon Occupied 36. nsA Category M AppropnatenCode

)37. Bargaining Unit Status 11: tar  :: tile


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01 Suverue Of44 ene openoes lo mov,e reguietens to enwee IEeIcinTs or ResignatinMetwenent (NOTE: Your reasons are used in determining possible unemployment tenefits, P6este be specific and evo6d genershzetone. Your res!gnetiorVretworrent is effective et the end of the day-m6dnsght-unless you 6pecify ot!*rwee.) Unoctrve Dees ~ 3 Your Gipneture 4 Date &gned ff osirddKddioeUhiuMMeifdE[8tir~e~f1P D60e) PART F.-Remarks for SF 80 t 'lF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IS LESS THAN 60 DAYS OLD SIMPLY ATTACH THE COVER SHEET OF THE APPRAISAL TO THE SF 52. ADDITIONAL JUSTIFICATION REQUIRED IF PERFORdANCE APPRAISAL IS OLDER THAN 60 DAYS, v - - ,, c. ,- ,mx me-in %C;'t,: rsi",'r'~' REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION FART A . Requesting Office (Also complete Part 8, items 1,711,31,33, as and 30.) 1 Adore Mequested 2 Reevest Norts


V tiikinGniiinisioi,GstiitNiniis fisidis'iku~ inter) 4 > Woos *Elnict've- , (CONTACT PERSON) 4~Amon Roemeted Dr (7ned Nm. Tse sewture. end neques cere) [** . Amon Authonted by (Typed Nm. Tm'896eturt end contmace Date) I RECOMMENDING OFFICIAL E.G.,(SEC. CHIEF. BR. CHIEF, APPROVING OFFICIAL (DIVISION DIRECTOR) DIVISION DIRECTOR), AS APPROPRIATE FART E For Preparetbon of SF 60 (Use only codes in FPet Supplement 1921. Show all detes in month day year order.) .

1. kome flest Fest nedde) 2 SooelGoourttyNumber 3 Dow of Bath 4 EMecWve Dew (NAME OF NOMINEE) IF KNOWN FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 6A Coo. s a Neue or Anon e-A cose e 8 Nature of Action C7700  !

SPECIAL ACT OR SERVICE AWARD W Codi 6TTes il' money u WC6(i6 DTip~i1XuEonty V3B 6Ttoof it tegel AuKirity fr65iiTCGiiTEE6Jr

7. rmoes. Peen.on Teue end humt.r j l ts. To; reenion Tiue and Number ifoi>F rcaicas (6MWEUFirtisshs. if tsist , treEEE ireWrintTst&FiroresiFGFii6isshWH tait.,,a.-s ~'TirkeTEi  ! t SWARD A510tihm woe, un ses, ,mswa ierawv woea.. sreuse., >c n a w 4 r>or4wse., an. twarspoew.oT, e.e.on- 12 us,noonetoce . .,ess.on.o,e coon EfiPLOYEE DATA n vomren.e,eie,ence 24 venu,.  : A,ency u.e - - ee I i:WL 1:S:"#"*t - 1: S".2"- ~ j f:r;*., e I:c= 1 om a wo 1Ofell 16 Annurtantiridicato, ifPUMeTibeiE56Eni~ l 36 ReEerietiedien - ~}

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$fPitMrie H6M Pe~r l l POSITION DATA 34 Postonoccupied SS Ft&ACategory se AppropnebonCode 37. Bergerning Unit Status ! I:!"."#.*J'=" *"""* I:llic""0" Il H DaiswiiiHcode p Dayh.:f.' o Ic e cbE G ati i v o W 5eii13Eebon) 4 Agency Date 4t. 42 e3 .4 46~ fducahon'l a fovol 46 Toe'r'Dogree Aheined~"47,'AEedom'dDeoprni~iflunchonel Dness 49 C*renshp 60. Veterans $letus 6FSupervisor Status j PART C -Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting office) 3 t. usa . 3 3 s.oene.euncan ineiewsgaetu,o oew ,, ome euncoon iniuawseneture onw A. NRR/ DISP BRENDA DAVIS D.


_ i . c, F. l signature Approvet o.w 2propo Amo.v.eto ecoon i e= mmicone.noe w meonnnon enwrea .e emiviory on me eno reevutory seem o eacurew ena met the requnemonu  ! CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE s -t17 **a'N'N**U""***^""" i i @ f l c4{, ]. \ x"":Q (u**'y'.*'fJama "My-v f ~j " '^ W Y F *J s_[ . ' , ' _ 4 . e -

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1. Reseene for Resignehen/Retwoment (NOTE: Your reemens are used in determining poesitdo 6.; .O,.. ,; tenente Please les specific and avoid generalitetene.

Your . ..-. . . is eflootNo et the end of the eley-mierught-unisse you specify otherwies.)  ! r h I teseeve Date - 3. Yew Sgnature 4. Date Signed S. Perverdag Addrees (Nummer. Strust, CQ, Sefe, bP Code) { 4~ 9 a - 9

  • q e . .w.y. w .4 A aggr v.. . y c.s y m --M- A p- upp )oe ., g , i a. g p_g .sr.Hy ' y n w,_ a w ' r W' M ?' I

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g,e- a tr.o r. eee e-.,_, e. t., . ee., , ore,e m % C: W ;;",ye~* REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION 4 ART A e Requeeting OttiCe (Also complete Part 8, tteme 1,712,22, as, se cnd 30.) i Amore Regeled 't Regmt Nunder MGH QUALITY INCREASE ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ V t i komtsrel kilsewi tdtkimishi tioisi Wmberj ~ - Tpropsii tnective D'" (CONTACT PERSON) ~ b Asikin:sekesiitiinch5WYWiensishikeevestbis) TAsan kutelariid e{triioiaW ritibiKslicineWWiba) RECOMMENDING OFFICIAL, E.G., (SEC. CHIEF. BR. CHIEF, APPROVING OFFICIAL (DIVISION DIRECTOR) - DIVISION DIRECTOR), AS APPROPRIATE PART 8. For Preparation of SF 60 (Use only codes in FPM supplement 1011, show eII dates in montt,4ey year order) i keme(tut Int pdae)  : soc.w securar Numte s Dew or evth 14 in ctive Dee (NAME Or NOMINEE) IF KNOWN l FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 6 A Code 6 5 Nature of Adon 6A Code 6-B Netwo of Acton 89200 HIGH QUALITY INCREASE 6 c Codi iblieeiruviiiiii'~~~~ i ZLM 6E cace'lFDTeeifAuthorny ~ 6[ Cid DTeieilutfiorny 6f Cie iM.lipaiAUtiEr,iy l F.fIIDM. Pee 8 bon Tsuo end Numie, t 5. TO. Poeluon ime end Numtet 6 fe,emP6' biCod WGeois'eils#1f tiieer haie 4 fanelSeFi~~~ tifeibM i4?o,'Pedif boi Case'i6 Grenieifesi 4 bioe'ir Asito immi6.orisA*eri"li es,bW un ;t., mat.s.;4 --~ w d wpei m woi,ve.7 - sw ee, >ue s ei g toe *WS., sov oe.+e, I wiw;;scswriessiorgivet.on wesexsisisoiposisiorievesn --- - EMPLCYEE DATA

vowene Preference 24 Tenure 26 Agency Use so va+= P=a**'a t ce 1:tc.  !:U"s,'

J :O' -

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]f:Fla I:R:7.:" J om oe . reineii oeie,winr neter - t r uiiu s ano w ] M 'ft*th*O rien 32 %)&chedule 33 Peihme Haire F.I '^ l $f SMvie Comp Date l (Leeve)f ~~] I.',Ye*me POSITION DATA - 34 Poseonoccupied al ,LSA Ceteg(,ry se AppropnationCoos 37. Berge+ning Urut status M " 4" 2 "* !:l!!E* """"* L* 1 LtL, w DJtiWon teny-civipessi, o.weeii (Ese) wDuiihi Ecode 40 Aeoney Dew e 1.- 42 43 4 46Td2 4essitiveT erYoiiosir'siAheinsa-- EAcademii(WipfEi~isTunct.onel Cine ie~Cn anship 60 vowene sutus 6t supenneo, status PART C.-Reviews and Approvals (Not to be used by reguasting office.) 5.ome.g cun inmewsionevie oew ome.guncan ineuses5neture _ _ oat. _ A. NRR/ DISP BRENDA DAVIS D.  !


C, F. senew. AFpiseT~oi=

precocoo Acerse eaon i ceneiisiie inewet.on

. m conc.ence se meuwenwo,o on inie ena reeuwwr sorm s occurow ena esowements me e.

  • CONTINUED ON REVER$E $iDE es itt **NT**^U'**^""

. ,_ _- - _ _ , . - - - . - - _ _ .- _ ~ _ . _, . , _ _ _ . .- _ _ _ . . . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ I / ~X ', _ " ^ PART OMemefki by Requesting Offloel ou 1 , , 2 l '{Nele b Superdeers' Doyeu know of oddaenet O conficting teoeono for the employee's resigneuorvretromont? l ff 7E8", please elete these foots on a coperale shool and etteoh to SF $2) OYES C NO ' JUSTIFICATION. feEE ATTACHED PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL




" ^ '

PART E-Employee Resigvietion/Retiretrie'nt).I ,7ET (_m (( [i[ , ,

f, , .3 Privacy Act $lelement Y;3 are soevoeted to furnleh a speelfle feston for your reeJenaten et totirement end a with regard to employmerit of individuele in the Federal service end their records, vMie larverdmg es>kees. Your teseen eney be coneadored in any future docesion regardmg yout sedion s900 toqi4ree openc6pe to furrush the specific teeton for normination of Federal

nA,- - in the Poderot servlo.t and eney eleo be paed to determ6ne your shgitniny lot eer.tco to the Georetary of Lahot or e State stoney in connostion with administrehon of

^ c 3, _, componoesson beneth. Your forwardmg addroet in411 be weed primer #r to map, .... compenselen propreme.

ene# you copose of any documerne yote enould have or any pey or compennehon to wh6ch yrsu Dre entfiled The furnishing Of thle informeilen le voluntery; havevor, failuro to provkte N mey roou, h your tot te<m#ving (1) your copies of those alo9pmente you ehouki have; Q) pay or othw This inferrnesen le toeveeled under Duthe9tv of nedene 301,3301, and 8604 of title 6, componenteon due you; and (3) any unemploymerd componesteri bene ne r to which you ressy U s cede semens 301 and 3301 Dusharw bsmrd openoese to ineue reguistene to entaned.

1. Reasons for ResignetsorVRete anord (I.OTE' Your foeoone are used in determinin0 poonible unemploymerd tenefde. Please be epocife and avoid generalizatione.

Your realenstiervrettement to effecttve bt he end of the doy- madnight-uniens you spectfy otherwlee )

3. teseeive Date . 3. Your signatute 4. Dale Sagend 6. Forwardme Addrene (Numeer. Street, Cdy,8 tere 2# CodW

, , , , , , dyg. de _ x.a

, r y ,.s . . y s x m,. m

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[ ART F4emarks for SP $0,,7 _ .u.x , , w _ a. .


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go,ee- u u . ewm.., o, i .e e ee.-, ,-. n.


PART A . Requesting Offic) (41so complete Part O, items f, b22,32,73,36 cnd 39.)

t Actons Rosasted 12 Recast N#ntser

lNSTANT CASH AWARD i FikostkiinGrrits CitNamiona ti4esi%inGV ~- a Proiosedinocere D'*

(CONTACT PERSON) s Acsun kenasted 81 prped kome few. syneture. eno r<equest pote) 6~ien&Kuth&id hiprpea ken rnw. synetwo end Concwrer ce Dete) o RECOMMENDING OFFICIAL, E O.. (SEC CHIEF, OR. CHIEF, APPROVING OFFICIAL, E.O., (BR. CHIEF, DIVISION DIRECTOR),


PART B For Pteparation of SF 60 (Une only codes in FPM Supplement 2921, Show alldates In month day yest order.)

t Name nest Fnt A6x=> a soce secunty Nenter  : Date or einh 4 Ettective Dew (NAME OF NOMINEE) IF KNOWN FIRST ACTION SECOND ACTION 64 Cwe 6 8 Neteo of Action SA Code 4B Natwe of Ac.tson 6 C Code' 6 0 leadAUtioity INSTANT CASH AWARD -~~ )

~ '6CCode 6Flia74vtter.y 6(~ Code' 6 f. legaikuthority 6 t~Codi 611egeTAutnanty

7. p Acad. Posit.on loue end Humt,or 16.10; Postpon Titi and Numtser


  • ~

6 Peienn's cicanelt6Weasir tiWW6= pie Ree 12 tots be.y jif fs, bid t& Po, Pien'if ociC&se'16 Wees er leWie topV 6teie'26'iss' 6eei4seralit Pe, beid j

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,w or. re, me, m 1 .,,e ,, w { u wAWARD s, w e. AWW{,e,


14 Name and location of Postters Organgeton 22 Name end Locaten of Posridris Ordnist7 EMPLOYEE DATA

voie,.,. e,eerenc. 24 venu,e 26 Agency use =v - e - -. .e 1:% 1:11".W:"A  :: %*e"t" ."*, .wa ]i:"r,:e 1:ca'::* m om o ao er e.7aai. cieie,trani-attca 2 Annuo,ondoio, g, _.._____ __ _ .

g g

-. _ _ _ . _ . - . iy POSITION DATA 34 Pos# tion Occuped 36 FLSA Category 36 Appropnaton Code 37. Bagaining unit $tatus

] $YEdene**- !$I eI ~] [' D.,c .

u tw twonc=c -wevivw re m s,iiso,,saaw a 40 Agency Data 41 42 43 44



45TducafsonallinT- 46~ Year begioiAttamed~ 47. AcademisDiscipiW 46"fu etoma r Class 40 Citaenship 60 Veterans Status '61 Surervisor Status PART C-Psvlows and Approvals (Not to be used by requesting orrice.)

1. OmceTunction inntals/ Signature Date Omce/ Function intuals/$$nsture Date


s. E.



~~MIcIsifihdi M horrnaton ontMo~n this for n es scourote and that the f Approval Date 2 SWture proposed a: en ta es cor'ps ance wtn statutory and regulatory reguvements l CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE s2 ,ir tow Fmr To Me t he U%6 ate ARer WU L_


. . ,i e .^

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-# f . ' 40 se o sup mre: ooIf you YE$*, w of eenweier pleate stese u,nniaans these fede.swm sw ir.m,u,,we en a esperole ehest r=7 erwl62 ) to 6 _ ame**"

snach OYE8 ']' NO ' f i

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. ,x . - - . m?u'.x J a . ,

Pylvety Ae($4 element Yet oss roguested to fwnish e opewtr eo #eeeen fw your roOgneten er reWremerit and a w6th sepeed to employment of in*vedue s ein the Federal serv 6ce and their records, widne [

forwe'de, e.*ees Your monen may be soneedered in env lutwo a=% reger your seeleon 3000 regewee egene6ee le fwn6eh the speems reseon for terminalen of f ederal r f. _ lin the Federal ee'vene end may nine be used le determine your for servwe ta the Seeeetery of Leber W e 6, tete egency in eennellten with adm6tueireteen of

- . ' . - - osmpennehen benente- Your ferverdens addrene well be used premordy le unemploymeed osmpenseuen pre,*ome. .

me# you estos of any deewnente yee eradd have w any pay w ownpeneesion to oAioh .

you we eneassed The fwatahing of this informeleen is soluntary; however,le64ure to prov6de e eney toeult in -

ywr not receiveng- (1) ynur espos of thans documente yed theuld hove; Q) per er seher ifve enfernwiten le requested under susheerter of aesI6ene 301. SM1, and Ds06 of Wile S. eumswiensten duo you; and (1) eny ._. -.. , -- % " - benstes to which you fney

,U $ Code esse _mne 301 and $401 edherue 6f%I and openoese to issue regulehens be enleted ,

1, Rossene for ResignehenStetsoment (NOTE' Your reseene are used truistermining possible 6,; ..m,ne.; benefWG Please be specific and emed potere4Lysisene Your feetp*,etaevVrelvement le effettve et the end of the afey-midnighl-untoso you specify otherwise )


tesw.o pois 3 vow son.iwe d osie s ,ned s Fwww*as M*oes iwe . stemer. cii ste* is c=av IPART F 4temass for SP,50.sP " M-,w

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s*W 49 e p '- . t UNITED STATES l i

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W ASHINGTON. D.C. asteHoot +

Attachment 5 l SAHP L E l


Office of the Chief Financial Officer i

FROM: Name and Title of Sponsoring NRR Division Director


The following award (s) has/have been approved and is/are being forwarded to your office for distribution of the Earnings and Leave Statement.


)EST NATION J. Doe $XXXX NRR Provide name and mail stop address of award recipient. or his/her supervisor, cc: Fred Shields. HR Satellite Office r

e v


~  :.,. ,- + , - . ,. - . _ . ._,.,,.,..,w, , -. ,,....n-.. , . - . . . ,-,,.,.,.-+,,G._.. ,,.w


, WASHINGTON D.C. 300eH001 a *g Attachment 6


' Travel Services Section Office of the Chief Financial Officer FROM: Name and Title of Sponsoring NRR Branch Chief



The following award (s) has/have been approved and is/are being forwarded to your office for check distribution.

H6(1 AMOUNT OFFICE CHECK DESTINATION J. Doe $XXXX NRR Provide name, telephone number, and e mail address of supervisor or individual designated to pick up check.

cc: Fred Shields. HR Satellite Office l

, - - - , . y -

,.-y,,.- ,,,-,--,,-y, - - , , - - , - , - ,,w, m,,-- - - - , - ,,-- ,,, - ,-gy,.r .,- ,.- w--y v.-- , -- m-y, - - , - ,.v..~----,--,,-,-,-.----,,,,--,,ww, --,-.