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Ltr Contract:Task Order 9 Entitled, BWR Model Development & Assessment, Under Contract NRC-04-97-046
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/07/1999
From: Pool S
To: Doland E
CON-FIN-W-6749, CON-NRC-04-97-046 NUDOCS 9909160025
Download: ML20211Q982 (6)


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j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 3086H201 s.,**,,*/ A96 2 41999 Purdue Research Foundation ATTN: Edie Doland  %

1063 Hovde Hall, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1063

Dear Ms. Doland:



TASK ORDER NO. 9 ENTITLED *BWR MODELDEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT" UNDER CONTRACT NO. NRC-04-97-046 in accordance with Section G.4, Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 9. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work. $

The period of performance for Task Order No. 9 is August 4,1999 through July 31,2000. The total estimated cost for full performance of this task order is $143,172. Funds in the amount of

$40,000 are hereby obligated for performance of this task order. The Contractor shall not incur costs for this task order which exceed this obligated amount of $40,000.

Accounting data for Task Order No. 9 is as follows:

B&R No.: 960-15-11-010-5 Job Code: W-6749 BOC Code: 252A RES ID: RES-C98-445 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 Obligated Amount This Action: $40,000 The following individuals are considered by the Government to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

Lothar Wolf The contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under this task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.2-Key Personnel f

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60002 9909160025 990907 PDR CONTR NRC-04-97-046 PDR

Purdue Contract No. NRC-04-97-046 Task Order No. 9 Page 2 of 2 The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Your contacts during the course of this task order are:  %

Technical Matters: James Han, Project Officer (301) 415-6773 Contractual Matters: Stephen Pool, Contract Specialist (301) 415-8168 Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the space provided and retum two copies to the Contract Specialist. You should retain the third copy for your records.


e en . Pool, Con etin Officer Division of Contracts and Property Management


As stated ACCEPTED: TASK ORDER NO. 9 NAME d)dm ~

SEP 7 Bil DATE I Peter E. Duma  !

t Assistent Vlos Preeldent for lisseenti TITLE


l. BACKGROUND The TRAC-M code was originally developed from the TRAC-P code that armlyzes PNR transients and accidents. To enable TRAC-M to analyze BWR transients and accidents as well, models for BWR-specific components from the TRAC-B code were also incorporated into the TRAC-M code. The focus of this Task Order is to assess the basic models for constitutive relations in TRAC-M against separate-effects test data. Recommendations for model improvements will be required if the existing TRAC-M models are found to be unsatisfactory.

IL OBJECTIVES The objective of this task order is to assess the adequacy of the TRAC-M code in modeling the important BWR-relevant phenomena and recommend modelimprovements if needed.

Ill. REPORT CONTENT REQUIREMENTS Letter reports gaerated for each task listed in the following Scope of Work shalt:

1. Describe the test facility, test procedure, and test conditions;
2. Identify the important phenomena of the tests;
3. Describe to the extent possible the impact of each important phenwJ:on upon the test behavior;

' 4. Compare TRAC-M calculations against test data;

5. Describe how those phenomena are modeled in the TRAC-M code (e.g., what models or correlations are used and the technical bases for those models and correlations);
6. If the TRAC-M calculations are not in reasonable agreement with test data, perform a literature review to identify candidate models or correlations for improvement. Also perform TRAC-B calculations for the same tests to determine whether the correlations in TRAC-B are better and snould therefore be incorporated into TRAC-M.

An example report will be provided to the contractor to serve as an example for the letter reports to be prepared for each task.

In addition, the quality assurance procedures described in the NRC software quality assurance (SQA) procedures shall be followed to the extent possible for all the TRAC-M i I

input decks and calculations .


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. IV. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1. Perform TRAC-M Calculations for the TNTF Boil-Off Tests Perform TRAC-M calculations for four THTF boil-off tests to assess the interfacial drag model used in the code. These tests are: Test 3.09.101, Test 3.09.10), Test 3.09.101, andTest

- 3.09.10m. Compare the calculations with test data and prepare a letter report that meets the report content requirements described above. NRC will provide the contractor a TRAC-B input

' deck from which a TRAC-M input deck can be developed for each test.

Deliverables: a letter report in both text and electronic formats, input decks in electronic format, and test data assessed in electronic format.

Estimated Level of Effort: 4 staff-months Estimated Completion Date: August 31,1999 Task 2. Perform Calculations for the G2/ Westinghouse 336-Rod Butdie Boil-Off Tests Perform TRAC-M calculations for a few G2/ Westinghouse 336-rod bundle boil-oft te to further assess the interfacial drag model used in the code. Tests will be specified Dee b the completion of Task 1. Compare the calculations with test data and prepare a letter report that meets the report content requirements described above. NRC will provide the contractor a TRAC-B input deck from which a TRAC-M input deck can be developed for each test.

Deliverables: a letter report in both text and electronic formats, input decks in electronic format, and test data assessed in electronic format Estimated Levelof Effort: 3 staff-months Estimated Completion Date: November 30,1999 Task 3. Perform Calculations for the FRIGG Subcooled Tests Perform TRAC-M calculations for seven FRIGG subcooled tests to further assess the models l for interfacial drag, interfacial heat transfer, and subcooled boiling used in the code. These tests are: FRIGG 36 313-016, FRIGG 36 313-020, FRIGG 36 313-113, FRIGG 36 313-114, FRIGG 36 313-120, FRIGG 36 313-125, and FRIGG 36 313-148.

NRC will provided the contractor a TRAC-B input deck from which TRAC-M input decks can be developed. If the contractor determines that the subcooled boiling model must first be assessed before performing this task, a relevant test from the TRAC-M developmental I

assessment (DA) test matrix shall be selected for TRAC-M assessment. Compare the calculations with test data and prepare a letter report that meets the report content requirements described above.

Deliverables: a letter report in both text and electronic formats, Input decks in electronic format, and test data assessed in electronic format Estimated Levelof Effort: 4 staff-months Estimated Completion Date: February 28,2000 i

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Tas /. Perform Calculations for The FRIGG FT-36A Tests Perform TRAC-M calculations for a few FRIGG FT-36A tests. The number of tests to be assessed will be detennined before the completion of Task 3. Since the tests were run in a natural circulation mode, the two-phase wall drag as well as interfacial drag influenoeAhe test results.- if the contractor determines that the two-phase wall drag model must first be assessed, then a relevant test from the DA test matrix shall be selected for TRAC-M assessment.

Compare the calculations with test data and prepare a letter report that meets the report content requirements described above.

Deliverables: a letter report in both text and electronic formats, input decks in electronic format, and test data assessed in electronic format Estimated Levelof Effort: 3 staff-months Estimated Completion Date: April 30,2000 Tas45. Perform Calculations for the GE Level Swell Tests Perform MAC-M calculations for four GE level swell tests. These tests are: Test 1004-3 (two calculations ,r this test - one-ring core and three-ring core, respectively), Test 5702-16, Test 5803-2, and Ted 8-21-1. Test results are influenced by interfacial heat transfer, flashing, interfacial drag, and level tracking. Compare the calculations with test data and prepare a letter report that meets the report content requirements described above. NRC will provide a TRAC-B input deck from which TRAC-M input decks can be developed.

Deliverables: a letter report in both text and electronic formats, input decks in electronic format, and test assessed in electronic format Estimated Level of Effort: 3 staff-months Estimated Completion Date: June 30,2000 V. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT in addition to the deliverables listed for each task, the contractor shall provide a monthly technical progress report by the 20th of the following rnonth. The report summarizes activities of the month under this Task Order, which include TRAC-M assessment against test data, preliminary fir 9 dings, and meetings attended.

VI. MEETINGS AND TRAVEL For successful completion of the work required in this contract, it is anticipated that the contractor will travel to the NRC office in Rockville, Maryland, on three occasions for a one-day period.

Vll. TECHNICAL DIRECTION The NRC Project Officer is James T. Han, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Mail Stop T-10E46; Telephone: (301) 415-6773.

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Vill. PUBLICATIONS The NRC encourages the publication of the scientific results in refereed scientific and l

engineering joumals as appropriate. However, prior to submittal of any paper to an joumal, the approval from the NRC Project Office must be obtained by the contractor.


1 Quality assurance in compliance with the NRC SQA procedures shall be followed.

X. NRC-FURNISHED MATERIALS An example report (as stated in item 111 above) and TRAC-8 input decks (for the test facilities listed in item IV above)