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Ltr Contract:Mod 5 to Task Order 2 Under Contract NRC-02-95-001
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1997
From: Wiggins E
To: Parker S
CON-NRC-02-95-001, CON-NRC-2-95-1 NUDOCS 9710160066
Download: ML20211N251 (5)


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' ' UNITcD STAl cS l, _ {; NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION wAsHmotow, o c. mr.r am o


%*****$ SEP ^ 0 M7 Jupiter Corporation Attn. Sheila C. Parker 2730 University Boulevard West Suite 900. Wheaton Plaza North Wheaton. MD 20902 CONTRACT NRC-02 95-001.



Dear Ms. Parker:

(1) extend the period of performance The purpose of this modification is to: (3) increase the for Task Order No. 2; (2) document the terms and conditions:

task order ceiling; and (4) obligate funds relevant to the final settlement of JUPITER'S related cost overrun / growth incurred under Task Order No. 2 of Contract No. NRC-02-95 001.


WHEREAS. Tast Order No. 2 was entered into between the NRC and JUPITER on May 30, 1996, with a total cost ceiling of 5197.242.61 with an expiration date of June 1. 1997. .

WHEREAS, the task order required JUPITER Corporation to: analyze, provide two alternatives for improvement to the current automated system (National Sealed Source and Device (SS&D) Registry of radioactive sealed sources and devices):

and develop and implement 6 " Turn Key" automated system.

WHEREAS. modification number 4 to the task order extended the period of performance to September 1. 1997, at no additional cost to the 90vernment, as requested by JUPITER's letter of May 29 1997.

WHEREAS. JUPITER did not provide proper notification required under the Limitation of Cost clause which would have alerted the NRC that the estimated cost specifled in the task order would need in be increased in order to complete the work under the task order


,h 9710160066 970930

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JUPilf R Corporation NRC-02-95-001-002 WHEREAS. the NRC has determined that it is in the Government's best interest to complete only a portion of the remaining work as set forth herein.

WHEREAS. the parties, agreeing to settle all claims and disputes under the test order related to the cost overrun / growth agree as follows:

(1) The task order ceiling amount is increased by $30,000 from $197.242.61 to $227,242.61 in which the amount of $212.801.30 represents the reimbursable costs, and the amount of $14.441.31 represents the fixed fee.

(2) The increase of $30,000 includes $16.088 for the remaining work to be completed and $13.912 of the 521,552 overrun amount.

(3) JUPITER is to complete the work under this task order as set forth below and in accordance with the established task order ceiling in (1) above.

Therefore, JUPilER is to continue development work, as described below, on the National Sealed Source and Device Registry (NSS&DR) system. The work corresponds to specific tasks (elements) listed in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for this system. A revised WBS was provided by JUPITER in enclosure two of its letter dated September 2. 1997.

WBS Element Task /Descriotion of Work 1,2 Hardware Requirements Analysis & Specification 1.2.2 - Complete requirements' analysis specification document incorporating NRC's comments.

1.3.2 Development of database for NSS&DR System Define and document mappings from a legacy database to a new database.

1 3.2.2 - Define and document business rules employed in data conversion of a legacy database to a new database. - Define and document def ault values f or the new dat abase fields.

1.3.3 Implementation of database for NSS&DR System - Develop and document data conversion verification routines

JUPllLR Corporation -3 NRC 02 95 001-002 Document any data exceptions (' .e. , data that is not consistent or provides anbiguity in the new data model) and provide proposed fixes.

1.4.2 Development of front end applications Complete development of the search / retrieval nodules. The functionality for each of the searches / retrievals on the tab pages is to be completed and working as designed. The user should be able to perform a search and if a match is found, be able to view and print the entire certificate, if more than one match is found, then a table is to be generated from which the user can choose one or more certificates to view or print. In addition, the quick search for nodel nunber and registration number is to be completed and working.

1.4.4 System Design Document Document the system design. Provide the following in a draf t document:

-Scope and purpose of a document -

- Objectives, performance issues and constraints of the system

- System architecture diagram and description

- Hierarchy diagrams of the classes and their relationship to one another (i.e., parent, children, ancestor).

- For each object, document its name, purpose, relationship, properties, variables and methods (functions). For each object that contains nonstandard user events or functions, document the name, description of what it is, and its parameters. For any external functions document the file that contains the function, its purpose, how it is called, and its parameters. Document all global variables (name, purpose, and where they are declared).

Each library and the objects within the library shall contain a short but meaningful comment (using PowerBuilder).

(4) DELIVERABLES The contractor is to provide the documentation identified under the section.

" Work to be completed." In addition. the contractor is to provide the program Code (i.e.. PowerBuilder libraries. dlls, dbase programs, etc.) in whatever state of completion at the beginning and at the conclusion of the above tasks.

This includes any PowerBuilder libraries (pbls) developed or used, excluding

JUPilER Corporation NRC 02+95-001 002 those provided with PowerBuilder any dynamically linked libraries (dlls),

dBase programs (1,e.. data conversion routines) and any other applicable code.

The dlls, if created in PowerBuilder, are to also be provided in their uncompiled form (pbis). The code shall be well documented so that other progranners can understand the logic and functionality of the code.

(5) SCHEDULE The contractor is to deliver the work listed for each task in accordance with the following schedule:

WBS Element DUE Date (from croiect start date Seotember 30. 1997) 1.2 5 business days 1.3,2 12 business days 1.3.3 30 business days 45 business days.

1.4,4 60 business days


(6) The period of performance is extended from September 1.1997 to Decenter 31, 1997 This task order modification obligates funds in the amount of $30,000.

Accounting data 'or this Task Order Modification is as follows:

B&R NO.: 75015222000 JOB CODE: J5055 APPN NO., 31X0200 BOC NO.: 252A OBLIGAlED AMOUNT: $30,000

JUPlTER Corporation -S-NRC-02-96 001-002 i


l By execution of this task order modification. JUPITER Corporation, for itself. '

its successors and assignees, hereby releases and forever discharges the Government, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims however, derived, and agrees to refrain from lodging lawsuits in any forum, for additional adjustments or compensation arising under, or related to, the i cost overrun incurred under task order number 2. The parties agree that the changes and compensation provided by this modification constitute the complete and final agreement for compensation of all costs associated with the cost l overrun / growth as defined in this modification. JUPITER expressly represents i and acknowledges that in agreeing to the terms and adjustment contained herein, it has considered and made allowances for every cost, regardless of when incurred, for its interest related to the cost overrun / growth including '

interest and attorneys fees, but excluding any indirect rate adjustments that may be allowed in accordance with FAR Clause 52.232 20 " Limitation of Costs."

The issuance of this task order modification does not amend any other terms or conditionsofthesubjectcontract. . .

Please indicate your acceptance of Task Order No. 2. Mod. 5 by having an official, who is authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the space provided and return two copies to the Contract Specialist. You should retain the third copy for your records.

Since we are rapidly approaching September 30, our fiscal year ending date, you should expedite the execution and return of this document. Unless the signed documents are returned to me prior to that date, I cannot assure you of ,

the continued availability of these funds.

i A summary of obligations for this contract, from award date through the date of this action is given below:

Total FY95 obligation amount: $110.000 00 Total FY96 deobligation amount:($ 10.000.00)

Total FY97 obligation amount: $127.242.61 Cumulative Total of NRC Obligation: 1227.242.61 This modification obligates $30.000.00 in FY97 funds, i

, u JUP11fR Corporat1on - (> -

NRC-02 95 001-002 Sincerely.

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[(lois Wiggj$ ../ Contracting Of ficer Contract Matagement Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Managcment Of fice of Administration


As stated.

ACCIPl[D: Tast Order No. 2. Mod. 5 AS She a C. Par er,

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Nam Director. Contracts 6 Iluman Kr

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