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Responds to Re Concern of Portion of Testimony of Doi Deputy Secretary J Garamendi at 970722 Hearing of Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/02/1997
From: Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman
To: Lischeske C
Shared Package
ML20211K100 List:
REF-WM-3 NUDOCS 9710090137
Download: ML20211K094 (5)



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{ - WASHINGTON. D.C. 200$H001



CHANNAN October?2, 1997 Mr. Carl Lischeske, Manager ;

[ Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program Califomia Department of Health Services

: 714/744 P Gtreet '


i Sacram9nto, Califomia 94234-7320

Dear Mr. Oscheske:

' I am rei.ponding to your August 12,1997, letter expressing your concem about a portion of the : q testimony of Oopartment of the Interior (DOI) Deputy Secretary John Garamendi at the July 22,1997, hearing of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. You indicated that Mr. Garamendi stated that dol intends to address, as an issue in its . .

. supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the transfer of land from the Federal

' Govemment to the State of Califomia, whether the Califomia Department of Health Services (DHS) is capable of monitoring the proposed low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facility at Ward . Valley. -You state that you are under the impression that the DHS's capability to -

monitor the Ward Valley LLW facility is part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commiosion's (NRC) -

responsibilities for reviewing Agreement State programs and are concerned that DOI may be preparing to reexamine detenninations already made by the. NRC.-

As you suggest, NRC has a continuing responsibility, under section 274 cf the Atomic Energy-

Act, to review an' Agreement State's regulatory program to make sure it is compatible with
NRC's program for the regulation of similar materials and that it is adequate to protect public -
health and safetyi Califomia has adopted regulations that are compatible with NRC's j

. regulations for land disposal of radioactive waste (10 CFR Part 61). As I indicated in my ,

January 10,1997, letter to you (copy provided to Secretary Babbitt), the NRC staff has concluded that Califomia has followed NRC licensing guidelines and the standard review plan >

for acceptance and review of the Ward Valley application, and that the California staff, advisory committees, and supporting contractual staff are well-qualified. Accordingly, while we have not  :

made detailed findings on all the technical issues in this case, we have no reason to believe  :

- that public health and safety would not be adecuately protectect by disposal of LLW at the Ward i

. Valley site. NRC's most recent review of the Califomia Agreement State program was J


conducted October 21-25,1996, and included an assessment of the State's plans for regulating .

the Ward Valley disposal facility. The NRC staff concluded, as a result of that review, that the >

. Califomia program is adequate to protect public health and safety and is compatible with NRC's L program.-

WhetheE Mr. Garamendi's testimony reflects an intent to duplicate any of the work normally Q, undertaken by NRC in the course of reviewing an Agreement State program is unclear. The Commission recognizes that DOI has oversight authority for public lands and may determine -


. that it has certain responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act when the use of }

such lands will be changed. As you know, NRC will actively serve as a " commenting agency" ,

- on dol's SEIS and thus will review the draft SEIS and provide comments based on the }

9710090137 971002  :

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C. Lischeske '

talsed in the SEIS. Thus, NRC's views with respect to a verlapping issues will be made known to DOI and we have no reason to believe that I will not fully consider our views in developing its final SEIS,

. I trust this reply responds to your concerns.

Sincerely, Shirley Ann Jackson ec: Deputy Secretary John Garamendi, DOI TICKET: G970595 DISTRIBUTION:  ; Central Filer DWM r/f t/f MBell JHolonich MFederline NMSS r/f LCallan AThadani HThompson PNorry SBums KCyr SSalomon PLohaus RBangart THanis CPoland EDO r/f MKnapp NMSS DO r/f NMSS r/f CRC No. 97-0830 PTressler WOlmstead 4

P;th & File Name:a:\dwm\lldp\jek\lischeske.ltr (diskette attached)

  • see previous concurrence
  • OGC had no legal objection OFC LLDP* LLDP* LLDP* OGC* TEdit SP* D NAME JKennedy/cv RNelson JHickey NJensen EKraus RBangart bes DATE 9/12/97 9/11/97 9/9/97 9/12J97 z ,,,,, -- 9/12/97

. _9/12 / 97 m= . . fs' a.u/.k.

OFC NMM pf DEpp - --

EDk OC NAME CPa iello son LJCallan SAJackson DATE $ / $W 0 l$E h $) ) 10 R/ 97 CFFICIAL RECORD COPY g PUBLIC: YES .2L NO _ Category: Proprietary _ or CF Only _ 2

~ ACNW: YES X.NO _ Delete file after distribution: Yes __ No _



requirements in Federal law and regulations and our knowledge of policy, technical and legal -

issues ~in Lt.W management.- We will also describe our reviews of the Califomia Agreement State program and report our findings, to the extent that this information would address issues -- . ,

raised in the SEIS. Thus, NRC's views with respect to any overlapping issues will be made

-' known to dol and we have no reason to believe that DOI will not fully consider our views in ;

developing its final SEIS.

' I trust this reply responds to your concems.

' Sincerely, t

Shirley Ann Jackson t

cc: Deputy Secretary John Garamendi, dol l-


n 9

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C. Lischeske 2-raised in the SEIS. Thus, NRC's views with respect to any overlapping issues will be made known to dol and we have no reason to believe that DOI will not fully consider our views in developing its final SEIS.

I trust this reply responds to your concerns.

Sincerely, Shirley Ann Jackson ec: Deputy Secretary John Garamendi, DOI TICKET: G970595 DISTRIBUTION: Central File DWM r/f MBell JHoloni MFi sderline -

NMSS r/f LCallan AThadani HTho son PNojr E'durns

KCyr SSalomon PLohaus RBa att Tijarrris CPoland EDO r/f MKnapp Director's Offico r/f SS r/f CRC No. 97-0830 Path & File Name
a:\dwm\lldo\Jek\llscheske.ltr (diskette attach )


) OFC LLQP LLD // LLk/ C Edit () Sh DWM NAME Jhn R e son hckey !NJensen EKraus RBangart DATE ammmmmmu 1 lb O suuse lIlll uma bA uNphuu m-II

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PUBLIC: YES _ NO _ Categ . Proprietary _ or CF Only _


IG: YES _ NO _ elete file after distribution: Yes _ No _


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C. Lischeske 2 /

developing its final SEIS.

I trust this reply responds to your concerns.


. Since,re y, .

i l


Shirley Ann Jackson

, cc: Deputy Secretary John Garamendi, Ol TICKET: G970595 DISTRIBUTION: Central File DWM r/f MB JHolonich MFederline NMSS r/f LCallan Atha ani H ompson PNorry SBums KCyr SSalomon PLohaus RBangart Harris CPoland EDO r/f MKnapp Director's Office r/f NMSS r/f CRC No.97-083 Path & File Name:S:\dwm\lidpyek\lisc ske.itr OFC LLDP LLM[/N! '

LLDP! OGC TEditf SP DWM NAME JKh(Lnedy R Jhekey RBangart DATE mmmanum mamm

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mumusamuummumunumu OFC NMSS , D O  ! EDO OC NAME - CPaperiello hompson 1 JCallan SAJackson DATE // f // 'f l/ // <

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PUBLIC: YES NO _ ategory: Proprietary _ or CF Only _


IG: YE _ NO' Delete file after distribution: Yes _ No _.
