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Clarifies 861022 Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Investigation of All Eeo Complaints Filed by Employees of Ofc of Inspector & Auditor.Document 47 Inadvertently Listed as Being Withheld.Document Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/05/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Airozo D
FOIA-86-649 NUDOCS 8611100203
Download: ML20211J043 (1)



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    • Y on ,,, WI Mr. Dave Airozo

-Assistant Editor McGraw Hill Nuclear Publications 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W.

Suite 1200 IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, D.C. 20005 TO FOIA-86-649

Dear Mr. Airozo:

This is to clarify my response dated October 22, 1986, to -your letter dated August 29, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to'the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), records related to several matters among which were records related the investigation of all EE0 complaints filed by employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor against employees of the Offica of Inspector and Auditor.

In my letter, document 47 on Appendix B was indicated as being withheld from public disclosure but no exemption was cited as the basis for this denial. The document was listed improperly as being withheld. A copy has been placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, in folder F01A-86-85 under the name of B. Garde..

Sincerely, Jhs 5

<>aAc7 Donnie H. Grimsley, Ofrector Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration 8611100203 861105 PDR FOIA AIROZO86-649 PDR

August 29, 1986 Washington. D.C.

Mr. Donnte ortmslev . _ FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Director. D, i v i s i o n o+ -uies & Records O.S. Nuclear Reculatorv Commission ACI REQUEST Wa s re i n a t o n . D.C. 20555' Fo n -g 4 g Dear Mr. Grimsley h f.g -g Pursuant to tne Freedom of Information Act. 5 USC 552 et seo., as amended, I hereoy recuest tne following material.

1) All memos. teleobone loos. or other certinent corresoondence--including internal corresoondence--between Executive Director for Ooerations Victor Ste11o ario Deouty Director for Operations William Mcdonald since July, 1986 concernino the scooe and soecific duties of the newly created office of inen t rria t i o n r e b o u r' c e ma na c e me re t .
2) A31 memos. teleobone loos. or other certinent corresoondence--including internal corresoondence--between Commissioner Frederick Bernthal and Sharon Conre21v. D? rector of the Office of Insoector & Aditor, concerning an OIA investioation recort on alleged abuses of the FTS system--including any d3scvssions o r- corr esponcerece concern 1no the orogress of the investigation.
3) A reoort. c omeao n l y referred to as the Gleason Reoort. orecared by Judge Gleason. coricer nino the oer f or mance of NRC's Incident Investigation Teams in generai, ano the oerformance of the IIT at Davis-Besse. in oarticular.
4) Anv memos. t e l e o n o rie loos. or other ce r t i ne re t correspondence--including internal corresoondence--between members of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Saeeouanos ano the NRC General Counsel's Office or related offices, concerning ACRS orooosal to hire a lawyer for the ACRS.
5) Anv memos or other certinent correspondence--including internal corresoondence--concerning the oossible susoension or other disciolinary oction aoainst George Messenger. a former CIA deouty, in resoonse to Mossenger's alleged sexual harassment of NRC emoloye Lisa Shea, or in response to NRC's settlement of an EEO comolaint filed by Shea in the December 1985/ January 1986 timeframe.
6) Memo from former NRC Chairman Nunzio Palladino to OIA director Sharon Connelly in mid-1985 concerning Conne11y's action in resoonse to reoorts by third carties within OIA that Messenger had allegedly sexually harassed Lisa Shea. an CIA emoloyer ard Connelly's resoonse--written or otherwise--to that cor r+t ooridence.

74 Weekly summartes--in the December 1985/ January 1986 timeframe--from EEO oddicer Rosenthal to the Commission concerning the orogress of the Lisa snea/G+orce Messenaer/Sharon Connelly EEO comolaint matter.

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8) Any correspondence between NRC Commissioner' Frederick Bernthal and U.S.

De t.a e t me ri t of Justice concernino March 22 letter.from Lawrence Lione, DOJ cnted o4 1119ation. in. reference to Lisa Shea/ George Messenger /Sharon Connelly i EEO comolatnt matter.

o) T r a n s c r: s t. t s of.any NRC commission meetings concerning the January 28, 1986

' oecision to olace-Sharon Connelly on administrative leave and the March 26-27, t .1966 c+ctston to reinstated Connelly.

10) Any information available concerning oromotions, demontions, transfers, 4 tr3nos. cestgnations or other job changes for OIA staff from January 28 to the ~ oresent. including names. oositions and dates for all changes.
11) Anv memos. telephone logs or notes, or other corresoondence between Commisssoner .Ja me s Asselstine and the Federal Bureau of Investigations c o ric e e tiina en.Auoust 15. 1986 meeting between Asselstine and Steohen Comley of Rowley. Massacnusetts. and any other'information concerning Comley's-activities r coar d t tig tne Public Service Co. of.New Hamoshire's Seabrook-1.

IG you nave any ouestions or reoutre adoittonal information, olease feel free to coemact me. Please forwaro any information to the address below. Thank~vou doe addressing tnis matter.


Sincere 1y,

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/ i Dave Air. .o Assistant Editor l McGraw-Hill Nuclear Publications 1120 Vermont Ave.

Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 463-1659