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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records Subj to Request Encl & Identified in App a
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/11/1997
From: Reed C
To: Rose C
Shared Package
ML20210U003 List:
FOIA-97-274 NUDOCS 9709170044
Download: ML20210T999 (2)



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h m oNst ivet t RESPONSE TO FREEDOM CF x4nhat I l e^an't g


s eee.. INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST o^ u SEP 1 ' ,;;7 DVc 0Ll t N VVUl k tbi (U npl% steel at oui sit a Charles H. Rose PAHT l.. AGENCY HECORDS HE LE ASED OR NOT LOCA1ED (See <herAed bonest No syncy reco.ds subpct to the request have been located.

fio ed$tional syncy thords subject tu the tquest have been kratal Requested records are staitable through another pubhc distribution proyam See Comments section.

Agency inords subjnt to the request that are identified in Append ales)- ere airesty availabie for pubbe inspection anr1 copsing at the NRC Public Document Hoom. 2120 L S,tf eet. N W Washmoton. DC.

Agency records subjnt to the request that are 6dentified in Appendt f es) A are being made available for pubhc inspection and copying XX tt the NRC Pubhc Doct. ment Room. 2120 L Street. N W., Washington. DC,in a foider under this FOI A number.

The nonproptietary veroon of the proposaHs! that you areed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my .taff is now being made ava>Iable for pubhc inspution and copying at the N HC Pubbe Document Room. 2120 L Sif eet, N.W., Washmgton, DC. In a folder under this F OI A nurnber.

Agency records subjnt to the request that are identified in AppendMes) may be snipected and copied at the NRC Local Pubhc Document Room identified en the Comments section.

E nclosed is mformation on how you may obtain access to and the chary s for copymg records located at the NHC Public Document Hoom, ?!?O L 6tteet, N W, Washmgton DC yy Arnc y records subsect to the request are enclosett Anoendix A record is enclosed.

Anords subpact to the request have been referred to another rederal apncybest for review and dernt response to you XX F $es You will be tulimi by the NRC for fees totahng $

XX Ya" *'" '"*'' "'""" m the NRC m the amount of 5.24fL52 4450 51 Search. $2.80 review, $3.20 dug.=$56.51 .

%9eed f ecs pa46--B&O. Rcfund = *246.42s lf) View of N NC's f esponse to this request, no further action is itemg 146 en of1 appeat letter dated .No PART (1, A-INFORMATION WITHHE LD F HOM PUBLIC DISCLOSUHE Certain ir formation in the requested records is being withheld f rom pubi6c disclosure pursuant to the esempt6ons described in and for the reasons stated in Par! LI, b. C, and D, Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the enord is being withheld are bemg made ava6lable for public g ir190ecison and cooying in the NHC Pubhc Document Hoom,2120 L Street. N W.. Washington, DC in a folder under this FOIA number, COMME N T E This Completes NRC action on your request.


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yptN\N5 9709170044 970911 PDR FOIA ROSE 97-274 PDR

l 3e FOIA-97-274 I APPENDIX A RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY (If copyrighted identify with *)


1. 01/16/97 Ltr. to L. Camper, NMSS from W. Nelligan, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology ret request to review Fact Sheet attached to ltr.

(17 pages) l 4

0 f

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