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Discusses Reevaluation of Fire Protection Program & Comparison W/App a to Branch Technical Position Apcsb 9.5-1, Per 760930 Request.Evaluation Will Be Submitted by 770418. Prof Qualifications of Engineers Directing Evaluation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 11/02/1976
From: Renberger D
To: Parr O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20210S552 List:
CON-WNP-1413 NUDOCS 8605290294
Download: ML20210S554 (9)


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4.cvaraer c, 13,a G01-76-6M Dacket Nos. 50-450 50-513 Directer of i;uclear Reactor Regulation ATTri: Mr. Olan D. Parc Light Water Reactor Project Granch f;o. 3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washirgten, D. C. 20555




1) Letter, Roger S. Boyd, f;RC, to J. J. Stein,t?P55,

" Fire Protection Evaluation - EPPSS Nuclear Project l;o. 1", dattd Sep;enber 30, 1975.

2) Similar letter, same date, for WPPSS !.uclear Project No. 4.

Cear Mr. Parr:

The rcference rec.uested th;t we conduct a reevaluation of the fire protection program for U:;?-1/4 and that the program be ccr. pared vith Appendix A to Branch Technical Position A? CSS 9.5-1. A scn:cule for the submittal of this evaluation ucs re:;uested ' ithin 20 days.

We will the reques ted evaluation ey April 18, 1977.

We are aware that the f2C has had cif ficultics v;ith previcus e.>eluations of thic. type because they wer2 not directed by suf ficiently qualified fire oratection engineers. To v.aoid this situatioT for '<."P-1/4, ..e attached the professional cualifications of the two engineers th;t will

,, be directing this evaluation. Mr. Robert M Gough, en er.picyae of th2 Sucply Systcm, will be respor.sible for tha evaluation relative to the fire protection program to be used durin,: piant operction. L* . A. S. Eccchim an em?loyee of United En;ir.eers und Constructors, :nc. , wili te resp .sible for ali other aspects of the eva'.vatior. (i .e. , cesign and cor s tructicn).

If the Staff has any probic:.s with the selecticn of thcs. ir.di'.'-

duals, we will need to kncw this witnin .e2'<s.

We will perfor.1 tne requested anab sis with the assun7ticr. th'.c D0:1 k?;?-1 and ;P-4 received ccostruction pamits befc. e July ;.1972.

W P-1 ir. f act received its constru: tion perm.i t on Decen.ber 6 B75, iw t.

8605290294 761103 PDR F ADOCK 05000460 ppg

t'.c. Olan D. i:o'. e.- !" r 2, I CS page 2

  • G01-/4-6b4 at cur requent Wi:?-4 t;as not issu -; c constraction per.T,it a t F : '.i e .

1:e believe ta:s approach is justified be.aase ':::P-1 an:i ..:P J < - . : a tic 1

- units that v;ere suLject to concurrent licensing review cod th; sos. : .:2 son for recaesting the delay in the issuance of.the construction rarri: .a s tc allow the Supply System arrange for the financing of 1:'. -4.

Very truly yours, knI, lb s 4 c,7 D. L. REi!BERGER Assistaat Directcr Ceneration E. Technology ,

DLk:/.GH/JVH:kn Attachments cc: JR Schmieder - CEL:

JB Knotts - Conner 2. Knotts 3

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E ucation -

!. - 1 4 .

,k Universitj of A16 Lama, B.S.t:.E., 1939 ,

Professicnal Delaware  !;ew .iersev Engineerir.g Misscuri Pennsylve'nie ,

Registra tico f;ew Hampshire t l'

L Merbershics icerican Society of Mechanic 4 Encineers l J

Rew Jersey Socie y of Professic::al Engineert IdtiLnal Society cf Professienr:1 Er.girees >

i l

Snary of Ovalifications i

Mr. Docchino has had over thirty-three years of experience in t!'e .

engineering and d? sign of che.,ical plcn;s, cil cafineries, po :er alar,;s  !

and tanufacturing facilities. Ha has develo.ned the scope of various pre-jects,-specified equirzent and suparvised the engineerica and cesign r.f  ;

- techanical facilities botn process and servica. In additica to his ,

process kr.culete, Mr. Eccchina is especially co.~petent in tha plant 1 service area. consisting of fire proteccion, n!u~ainp and draina,ae, D".to treatment facilities, dust collectica, central vacuur citaning systems, ,

heating, ventilating, air conditicnirg and specici nuclear rolcte: ?i-cleaning systens. /s c mechanical engir.eer, he has been resconsible #w coordination of the engineering ar.d desicc f ar corc.plete service facilii:ies of scveral pcker plants, bath fossil and nuclear, and r.cncfac rin:; niant.s. j Pxncnsibility in the nuclev fiele h:.s ircluded preparatice of prai%inary safety analyses reports, fi:al safe./ analysis reperis, envi:cc..: ental re-  ;

pcets end other licensinc. activities for pressurizad t;6tcr racct,rs (P'.'. I and High Temperatore Gas-caaled Rec: tors (HTM) power plants.


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.I' pPERIE;3 WGH C';ITED Ei.RIllG15 f

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_ 1955' f;echanical Engineer to .

date Delrarva' !. Light Cccoany, "ilmington, Daiaw re

' Engineerir.g ar.d related services for two 773 ;-' high i tec;eratureofgas preparation prel;.reactors

.mmar,; (U?i) salety n.;clecr ana,.3 sisaqits report in:lm,p_.in3.)

t final safety analysis report (FSAP.), fire protec ica  ;

i syste:n design and other essociated licensing activitie:, i for Po er Station - Units i;os.1 a id 2, it Lri ,  !


1 i

Potoctac Electric Poe:ar Cem. nan. , Chalk Point re: erating i' Station, Quasco,l:3ryland t _

Field survey to evala.e existir.g service faci:ities ic:ludin: '

fire protection on Units ts. I and 2 tc daternine if si;riic.r facilities wac!d be satisfacter for this ncu Unit t 3

b. addition.

I i .. .

l Philadelphia Electric Coroany, Philadelphia, Perns.,'l'.ania Design of all service factlities w:.ich incladd respansible design of the p'. ant fire prctection syste:1 f04 t;zc 400 "~ '

p crude oil-fired peaking ger. era ting units for :..%stor.a Gar. era- i, Lii.g Staticn - Uaits I;cs. 3 end .'.

Atlantic City Electric Ccepany, Atlantic City, Les Arcey Cesign of all services which included responsi: ale dsica cf the plant f. ire protection systen for the.153 75 Unit i:n. 3 ,

additica at i. L. England Statica, Baesley's Point, !29 Jersey' i i

l Atlantic Ci;y Electric Company. 3.tlantic City, :;evi Jersey  ;

Desiga of: (1) special veatilating systeas for roanl of ccmbastible gas fuws frcm tarrer areas; (2) cotastibia  ;

ti3s detection systen for contir.ucusly ciete: ting and ,

l ir.dicating the pressure c/ corbustible gas fums in  :

selected plant areas and (3' utomatic foa, fire pratec- '


  • tion system for crude oil stcrcy- tanks f ar C. L. England  !

- Station - Ur.its i!:s. I an ! c, Beasley's Poir', :b Jtrsay.

Public Snevice Electric ? 'In Cr?any, i.:werk, 'a< h se:'

air ser'.h.0 ,.ac'i' %.s s; hic, incic ac res:c nicie n.nsinn of de:.ign of tne plant fire ?rctect on system fo- te LA 'N i

oil-fired peaking uni;s for 5c:aren Conwatir.g S;ation -

Units I;os. 7 and F.

r h k f

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9 1%5 i'.eJor.ical E/ ginear r.0

. date I'Jerto I.iCc t. ater F.tsources Ausho-ity, San Jua. , Wc .ic -

_ (cont'a.} Provide consulting ".gincering sersices on all , e facilities .:h:;h inclu'!ed respantible desi;: 0 .: r <

f firs: protectica sysie:n for th? f.gvirce i.uclea ' si m' .

o Unit fio. 1. This is c prcssurized water r.aclehr

. plant.

Delr.arva Power 5 Light Cor.pany, '.'ilnington, Ceivere Design of all service facilities uhich includes re.s:x. M l.

desige of the plant fire nrotection syste.:: for tne 153 "

oil-fired cycling gerierating unit i a. C i.ddi tien to \;icona Pcuer Station.

Delcarva Po. er & Light Conpan;i, ' ilmingtar., Deb.wa> e Design of all service facilities unich includar.;- asper.sible design of the plant fira protection sjstcr for ;he 150 "

Unit i o. 3 addition at Indi:.n Psiver Pc.ser Staticn.

Allegheny Power Systen, Inc. , %scnt0un, Engineering services which included responsible 0.: sign of tne plant fire protection syi.te:" far Units :%:: ; , 2 c r.:.

3 at a ncw generating station at !bcontcwn, Pernsylvania.

The Units will oe 500 fici, coal turnine with cycle cenditians of 3500 psi at 10C0 F, and rebeat to 1000 F.

h'estir.ghouse Electric Corporn. ion, Peekskill, ::ea yam Engineering, design, which included responsit'io d s;y 07 the plant fire protecticn syste.e, and ccostructi:,o cf e. :

i aclear Gacerating Stction uni ts at Ir.di:n Foint hner.:ti .,

Station of Consolidatcd Edison Comp::ny of f:s.. icch, ::e . ' lark.

Unit !;o. 2 is a 1021 Ge Orcs ciectrichl o tput, prenuri7cc otater nuclear po.;er plant and Unit !:o. 3 is' u 1033 ::.4 grass electrical catput, pressurized water nuclear plant.

Pickands i!ather & Company, Scnroeder,,ctc Design of all service facilities which ir.clud-C res?ar.sible c:esign of the piant fire protectica systen fcc renerating plant, Unit iia. 3, Taconite ibebor Power Str.:ior Union Electric Company, St. Lecis, !!issouri Design of all service facilities which inclu h responsibic design of the plant fire crotection systera fr- Unit l:0. 2 of Sioux Staticn.

Delnarva & Lic:ht Company, 'c:ilninctor., r. are Design of varicas facilities uhich res.ctnsiLL design of the plant fire protection systea at s * -str.t':ons in Delaware.


e e,1w~.# ...dP..i s,; ; I. . . agf a w-4 c.a-to

( ' t" Edis Elcctric ins ti ?.ute, n':fladelp: . Pennsyl.' lie (cn:.t' d i

  • f.a:.i.;i n r . t./DC Pecter Sys Ndel Labarc tory.

Uniter: Sta :es Steel Corp? ration, Clairten 1'od.s, C1airten, Pe wr.yi.a na Coiler !ioun i!a. I to:inr c ' i 'i re vice fec'lities which includrd 'aspoasitie

d. sign c; t: s plcr.t fire r atection sys te.': for c'_rn tint plant tinico Eluctric Conpany. St. Louis, U.issouri Debia. , o f l' nit No. ' of the Sicax Pcwer Plent ..bich includec responsible (esign 'c' the plant fire protection _ syster, con-sisting cf one SCO,CG3 kW cross-ccar;ound turbine generator, 3500 psi, 1000 F initial tceperature,1033 F rcW ten erc-ture, r;ith c.v 3,290,000 in, oer h;ur cyclone fired steaa genera tor u.t.o Eux1110 ries cn.,. surn. l a. .ines.

l.ticntic City Eleccr#c Ccnp cy, Atlantic City, I> Jersey Pe;13 n cf wrvice fe.cilities at sub-stat' ions in %: irrey.

Alce Produ:is Inc. , Schenectcdy, New York PesiPc c[ ser" ice fccilities whic:. included res;;cnsible c:, sic:n J:e p:vt tire ;'rctectior, system for genercting p' ant.


Tesrsq PL' . crd Pa per Cor:p .ny, Ltd. , b.;ercu , ' e.1 Zeclard Desipq 0~ service fecilities t;hich included responsible c'esic,n of t:ac plNt fire protection system of one cdditic'el rtecr cen-.ntin; unit, capacity of 150,CC3 lbs. per beur, to 550 c s ,: g , n-u.i. ,.

The Connecticut L:cht, S Pc'.e Company, l;orwalk, Connec ticut Pasic" for the c&iticus t.hich included responsible design cf the plant fire erctection system to the McewalP hrbor Statica, L'rit 2 cenristir3 cf cn? E63,003 ki: turbina cenerator un't Texrs Electric Service Ccr :ary, Tert '.'erth, Ym as Mgud crWate service iccilities uhich incirded re2:0nsible desion o tr> p'emt ire : otection sy; ten for a.i e 'oor tyne r

stuun cor. sit sirs c F one 3E0,(,00 k' tur bine generator.

iaucral Aniline Divisicn, ?,llied Chenical Corperati on,

!!nesM t . Viroinia De s i ~' c f exm s ion to th7 i,1ycide Plant, celnig t ire protectinn, hming, ventilating and M50 tore c: process ci r cent,i u on : r.c. .

Uestern E11c tr:- Cocnany, ::nnsas City, I issour*

E'siqn e r v.

altctronic nr.ufacturing r'ut, including 1-1/? nillion fi.. of briidini. F02, '/593 L0ni Of air Con "ticnirG, bai'cr, f' e crection desi, cud yard facilities.

The Con.~ ticu t Lii ' N cn Cc:c;unj. ::or:idl k. Crm :ic';t Uni'. 'o 1 De,ie w cc .nlets se.,Me :.cilitins v!hich inclu ed ree.scre.ibir a V o ei n t p' w : .v oretection syst;r fo i r ,t c . ' .l r .-;g r

)i ca ;, it.c i cj !
1PJ .and c; c'r condi' ion!w.


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r;&  % Comnc t Light t P~.:er Cc:rpany, Devon, Cenascticut -i y ( i.'d.i ). sign. Aice inch:ded respnsible der ip-' of th, pient fic.- '

[ protection sy tee, of tiis station consistit.g af l

[ 112,030 K.. gras capYlity condensirs turbine generators.

T h- M .-u N.e i tip.3: Lc;- ery. 'ad;an P.iver, Dels.cere  ;


[ "csig?, .:hich ia;:udyi res;ensible design of the pis"t fire  !

t ectection system, of this station consistir.3 of two E 5,300 W '

t capacity tv-binc gencretor units. } .

4 p .)

1951-E5 'apervising Designer l- -

I i United States Steal Ctrporrtion, Ocry, Indiana

$ S:ep ? expansion pro",ren f0- the che:icel ftcilities et  !

- Cry Coke Wrks u5f ch inclu:ted responsible design c# the ,

i plant fire protection syste'.

ll l United States Ste:1 Corporation, Gary, Indian]

Cs-icv fccilities for c E2 Mttery ccke piar.t consist:ra t b- of e ts cle pire: ':ith tar and ligrt oil dinillation, which included renomibic desi;;n of the plant fire crotection  !




E -

G?neral E'e .r-i Co7.pcay, Utter' erd, h York l  !

, isdditiencl fnilities for tFe -r:ductior' of siliccue eils,.  ! ,


Creases, rum er and other chr ical specialities. i ,.

I  !

1950-51 Designer

  • l i

)- Sharp 5 00c e. Ir.c. , L'est Point. Pennsylvania  ;

I L>.pansion and new bleed plcs a -lant. , t j

1 I  ;

i , i F r. r p i r...e r. c. s: n. m ,. . " ;. . .r. -.. ..

-. . r.o. t.c.r.ep.s  : I y

L l ,

i 1C/?-53 ['esi n a-i 1=

' i i

Allstcten Enc. icecrin_ Comm r.", Trenton,-!.cw Jerse.v J

iL Nsign and cecc!:ing of pipin' Pawings for a stre-l -

to:1ycin nD"  ;

l e

{! -1 N 7 ?,9 Sc.uad Leade- ,

{ Generei Indastries, Inc. , Pciladelphia, Pennsylvania b.'

r Supervised de icn en pner eint and oil refinery croiccts, - -

I i, 1939-U Designer-e t


i;e. York Shipbuilding lorporttion, Caci?r, h A rtcj

  • l P' wt ecc it ;n:, hy.'r. .d ic vcsses, cicut expansic .. Mt ing and ventil. .' rg, en: t v i:ycut. '  !

I  !

i 1  ;

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E03ERT *. CGJ?P EDUCATIG:t !i. S. Trade & ladustrici Education, 0;;1chana S:;;e University, 1969. I A. D. Fire Protection Technology. 0?.lahnma State University, 1958.

E/PERIE;CE- Washir.gton Public Supply System - Ir.dustrial Safety & Fire Protection Snecialist _

l February 1974 Developed and implereated industrial safety and fire to Present protection progran for o aublic utility engaced in the o;,aration and construction of electric cenar;tir7 ta-tions.

Specify and reviea d?sigr. 2rd installation cf fire ;rc-tection equipment including: fire pumps, t ater r ins eao hydrants, cutciatic s?rir.kler systems, star.dpipes, Halcr.

Sys te:"5, datector systens of variots types, proprietary alarr. systems and other special nczard crotecticn s." stent Specify Lailding car.struction to neet various firc neo-tection codes. insurance rcquirements anc g;cd S.staess practices.

Develop training pro;ra." for poiee station fire brigadas.

Initiate fire crotection system raintenance and testing programs.

Initiate construction site fire nreventien ard fira brigade programs, ircluding use of fire retcreant 303 and plastic sheetir.9, temporary standpipas, fire annera:."

purchase, hazardous o?eretion cnd n3terial control.

Coordinate with loc 31 fire departments in preolanning cctivities for p3xer olants, offices, warchcuses -id large construction site .

t!estinghouse H.:r. ford Co many - Senier Ir.t:u-;trir.1 Se f e .:

and Fire Protec; ion Snnai21ist JJiy 1970 Respcnsible for fire crotection and firc p eventi:i to February 1974 of r:ulti-:.'illion dcilar re:earch ens devei:nment lebore-tory in contract ucek fc' the Atomic E m" (c uis3irn.

S?ecified ty?2s and im:c'.' nf fire orotectica ic. ." ": -

trc::ely wide vc riet; of na Prcm -

aJii w tc 6 huiId'e ng proc 2ctiCr. ( n'f '. T l l i : d A ; incit. 4d:  :( '


_O '

- . es ar.d hot cells containing rcaicactive nr.d fissile nucler roterial, chemistry research, licoid tretal REO, test ;u c l e.c' reactor , nuclear fuels f;brication, large v 3ntila tie 1 systes atith s?ecial 'ilters.

/.sristed it? rese3rch for fire protection syste-s (inerti:.g.

s;. 3, suill contr01 end extinguishing ap r ts) crible of contecl!irg sodiuu fires, also RSD for protective clothir2 and building construct:cr. for sodium handling activities.

!2de cc.ntact wi t h naticncl cuthorities in tbc fie ld of fire protection.

Batteile '12,0-ial Institute, Pacific North..est Division -

Fire Protection 57ecialist Puy 19EF Cuties were truch the same as with Westinghouse Hanford tc Ccmpany only invclved sidar range of govencent "1.0 nro-1.cly 1970 grart such cs b'oiccy and environmental projects.

Septe.ber :935- Stil h ater, Ok!chcoa F're Decartment - Fireman to l'3y 1959 Huteninsen. Karsas Fire D2 artnent - Fircran

ove,Ser 1964 Basic fire fightir.g training, nurp hydraulics and to '

apparatus operation.

Se;te cer 1956 SHO?.T COURSES Explosive Ordncnce Recernaissance, 1963 Sediun Technology. 1970 Fire Lois Manacenent at AEC Facilities,1970 Fire Alarm '-:aihtenance, IJ74 r.

An s u,i rire acoco,i, u . /o (0tLEGE CDU:..;ES Fire D.tinguishing and /. lam Systc:rs

t. r. . . n I ..

, m, tu t. Chem."azards stry and Causes Insurance Ris'< "anagement Fi:e Ccdes and Standards Hydraulics Mater E.mply Analysis Industrial Fire 9:3rds In cu s t i t:1 Safe; Engin ? ring Fire rectectien v licaticns Autt?!atic ers 5; ecial 'U ards Firc Prevancien

. . .