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Operator Licensing Examiner Standards
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1986
From: Szymanski T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUREG-1021, NUREG-1021-R03, NUREG-1021-R3, NUDOCS 8609250149
Download: ML20210F084 (20)


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September 1, 1986 NUREG N0. 1021 NUREG REVISION NO. 3 TITLE: Operator Licensing Examiner Standards The attached pages represent the latest changes (Revision 3) to NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examiner Standards, as of September 1,1986.

FILING INSTRUCTIONS PAGES TO BE REMOVED NEW PAGES TO BE INSERTED ES NO. PAGE NO. DATE ES NO. PAGE NO. DATE ES-103 Page 3-4 of 6 N/A ES-103 Page 3-4 of 6 9/1/86 ES-103-1 Page 5-6 of 6 N/A ES-103-1 Page 5-6 of 6 9/1/86 ES-104 Page 3-4 of 7 N/A ES-104 Page 3-4 of 7 9/1/86 ES-105 Page 3-4 of 13 N/A ES-105 Page 3-4 of 13 9/1/86 ES-111 Page 1-2 of 3 N/A ES-111 Page 1-2 of 3 9/1/86 ES-111 Page 3 of 3 N/A ES-111 Page 3 of 3 9/1/86 ES-201-2 Page 15-16 of 18 N/A ES-201-2 Page 15-16 of 18 9/1/86 ES-601-5 Page 11-12 of 13 N/A ES-601-5 Page 11-12 of 13 9/1/86 After page changes are completed, file this change notice along with the Sumary of Changes in front of the last revision or change notice.

kDk' h g 86093o 1021 R p9g

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OF CHANGES NUREG-1021, Rev.3 - DATED 9/1/86 l

1. ES-103.D. changed to emphasize a limit of two exam visits per facility l per year and to indicate the optimal number of candidates per exam visit.

Reference May 10, 1986 memorandum, " Conference Call on Operator Licensing Concerns," from William T. Russell to the Operator Licensing Division Directors in the regions.

2. ES-103-1 added Item 19. " Contractor Evaluation Completed (AS-204)," to Check Sheet for Completion of Examination Assignment to remind chief examiner to complete an evaluation of contractor effort on examination assignments. Evaluation of contractor performance is needed for management of contracts to support the regional offices with laboratory and contract examiners.
3. ES-104 added Section E to require an evaluation of contract examiner performance whenever examinations are administered by contract or lab examiners.
4. ES-105.B.9. changed requirements to maintain examiner certification to agree with mem randum referenced in 1. above.
5. ES-111 added C.4 to require formal reply to candidates that apply for a waiver of requirements to sit for an operator or senior operator licensing examination.

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6. ES-201-2 changed to correct the expiration date of OMB clearance 3150-0101.
7. ES-601-5 correcte~d to remove the word Senior from the title of Reactor Operator Requalification Examination.

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ES-103 examiners less than 4 months prior to the date of the examination should be made as early as possible by telephone. Telephone requests should be l

p) foll' owed up with a formal written request. Requests for contract exminers (V should specify: (1) the facility requesting the examinations, (2) the types of examinations required, (3) the number of candidates for each type of examination, (4) the dates of the examinations, (5) the regional office contact, (6) the facility contact, and (7) the number of contract examiners required and the level of effort required of the contract examiners. The NIH computerized schedule is the currently prefered l method for forwarding requests for contract examiner assistance to 0LB.

D. Number of Examiners The target average replacement examination shall be nine can'didates and will require three examiners to prepare and administer the written and l operating examinations. Normally, a sufficient number of examiners should be assigned so that each examiner will complete no more than four operating examinations per visit regardless of whether the assignment is i for cold or replacement examinations. In exceptional cases five complete

! operating examinations per visit may be required. Requests by utilties for i examinations for less than eight candidates or more than two exam visits per year shall be discouraged. When the operating examination includes a simulator portion, the target average number of candidates shall be at least

! nine candidates during the week that the written examination is administered and twelve candidates in succeeding weeks. In order to accomplish this, three l

i examiners per Week will be required. Less than six candidates should be ex-l amined only under special extenuating circumstances such as a severe shortage of licensed operators or senior operators to operate a' facility. When a l p)

,i facility has less than six candidates for examination, those examinations should be delayed until another class is added to bring the total of candidates lV

! to 6 or more.

l E. Chief Examiner l Whenever a group of examiners are assigned to administer the examinations, one member of this group will be designated as chief examiner. The chief examiner is responsible for coordinating the details of the examina-tion schedule with the facility contact and the other examiners, and for keeping the assigning section chief informed. Because the need for rescheduling can occur on short notice, the rescheduling can be most expeditiously accomplished directly between the facility contact and examining team through the chief examiner. If rescheduling of examina-tions involving contract examiners is required, the project manager for the contract shall be notified as soon as possible. It is NRC policy that one member of the examining team shall be a regional examiner who will be assigned as chief examiner. If no regional examiner is on the team, a contract examiner will be designated chief examiner.

F. Returning Facility-Provided Material i

The chief examiner is responsible for ensuring that facility literature required by examiners to prepare for the examination is returned to the facility as soon as possible. All literature should be returned to the Examiner Standards 3 of 6 09/01/86 v

ES-103-1  !

facility soon after expiration of the 20-day period allowed for appealing i denials. If denials have been appealed, the chief examiner shall deter-mine if all or part of the information must be retained and shall be responsible for ensuring that it is returned. If the examination resulted in no failures, then the material should be returned as soon as the licenses are issued. The chief examiner shall inform the other examiners when the literature should be returned.

O Examiner Standards 4 of 6 9/1/86


Facility Date of Exams DUE ITEM DAYS DESCRIPTION INITIALS DATE 1 -120 Examination schedule agreement with facility i

2 -120 Assignment of examiners 4

3 -90 Letter to vice president sent 4 -60 Proctoring arranged 1

5 -60 Applications received (NRC 398 and 396) 6 -45 Applications reviewed 7 -60 Literature received i'

8 -30 Travel arrangements made 9 -30 Assignment sheet completed i 10 -15 Examinations prepared 11 -7 Examinations reviewed and corrected I

12 0 Examinations administered l 13 15 Grading completed i

14 15 Graded examinations received by NRC l

l 15 20 Review completed 16 28 Licenses / denials typed i

17 28 Licenses / denials mailed 18 30 Final Exam report l

l 19 30 Contractor Evaluation Completed (AS 204-2) l I

20 50 Literature returned f

i i Examiner Standards 5 of 6 09/01/86



REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION OF WRITTEN AND OPERATING EXAMINATION FOR OPERATOR LICENSING Please make arrangements to administer written and operating examinations to the following applicants:


Facility and Location:



Chief Examiner:

Written Examination To Be Prepared by R0:


Dates of Examinations:

Branch Chief cc:

Examiner Standards 6 of 6 9/1/86

ES-104 4

p D. Notifications of Results All notifications regarding final examination results shall be made only after review and approval by the regional administrator or his delegate. A copy of the written examination and each candidate's answer sheet shall be forwarded to the candidate with either his license or a denial letter. An oral examination report (Form 157A, B, or C) shall be included with the denial letter if a candi-date has failed the plant walk-through portion of the operating examination and a copy of the simulator scenario form and examination summary sheet, Attach-ments 5 and 11 to ES 302, shall be included if the candidate has failed the simulator portion of the operating examination.

E. Evaluation of Contract Examiner Support i

For examinations administered in whole or in part by contract or lab examiners a " Contract Examiner Evalution" form AS 204-2 shall be completed. A copy of the completed contract examiner evaluation form shall'be sent to the Section Leader, Regional Support and Oversight Section.

F. References i

1. Memorandum from Harold R. Denton to Regional Administrators February 13, 1984 " Changes to ES-201, Section H, Facility Review of Written Examinations.
2. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 2.790.

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Examiner Standards 3 of 7 09/01/86

ES-104-1 O



EXAMINATION REPORT On , the NRC administered examin.ations to employees of your company who had applied for licenses to operate your . At the conclusion of the examination, the examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed report.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commissions regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosure (s) will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

Should you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact us.

Sincerely, John A. Doe, Chief Operations Branch


1. Examination Report No.
2. Examination (s) and Answer Key (s) (SR0/R0) cc w/ enclosures:

(Standard Dist.)

, Plant Training Mgr.

, Branch Chief, OLB

, Project Manager, NRR

, Contract Exam Supervisor, O

Examiner Standards 4 of 7 9/1/86

ES-105 i

certified examiner shall be an NRC examiner. This observation and discussion are necessary so NRC can ensure and document that con-

! sistent techniques and requirements are being used. They will further serve to identify improved ideas and methods that may be used and to incorporate them into'the program. The examiner shall '

prepare a written evaluation of the examiner candidate including as

! a minimum the " Oral Exam Audit," NRC Form 308, included as Attach-ment 2 to this standard, and forward it to the appropriate section leader. The evaluation shall include an evaluation of the candi-

date's knowledge, an evaluation of the candidate's program prepara-i tion and effectiveness, and an evaluation of the candidate's demon-l strated ability to examine. A recommendation for certification shall be included.


6. Other Indoctrination j If considered desirable or necessary, additional indoctrination may be provided. It is the responsibility of headquarters and/or regional offices to provide all examiners with sufficient information and guidance to participate effectively in the program. No examiner should be requested to administer an examination unless both he and t

headquarters and/or the regional office believe that he has received i sufficient orientation and training. All deficiencies and weak-f nesses identified in the written examination and the observed oral

) examination shall be discussed with the candidate. All deficien-j cies shall be corrected before certification.

7. Certification of Examiners

! At the completion of the indoctrination period, each new examiner j shall be certified by the regional branch chief to the Branch

Chief, OLB, as being qualified to conduct licensing examinations of l reactor operators and senior reactor operators in accordance with

. 10 CFR 55. If the examiner is transferred to a section that con-l ducts examinations for reactors significantly different from those

! for which he was previously certified, he should receive appropriate indoctrination and training. As a mimumum an additional observed

' oral examination should be conducted and certification on the new reactor type provided to the Branch Chief, OLB. Certification i shall be vendor specific, and additional certification shall be made for each vendor type. Entries should be made in the exam-iner's personnel record and upon certification headquarters will

issue a certificate to the examiner. Examiners who are not certified shall not be chosen to administer examinations.
8. Annual Review

. At intervals of approximately 1 year, each examiner shall be accom-panied by the appropriate saction leader or regional section chief, or his designated alternate, during the administration of a written

, examination and a minimum of one operating test. If a contractor or consultant examiner accepts assignments from two section leaders


Examiner Standards 3 of 13 9/1/86 i

__ ~ _ _ _ . . . . _ , . _ _ _ _ , _ _ - . . __ _ _ _ , - . _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ .

ES-105 or regional section chiefs each year, he may be audited by each supervisor on an appreximately annual basis.

During this annual review the examiner and the reviewing examiner will discuss at length current examining policies and practices and other appropriate examining activities, and openly exchange views on the general subject of operator training and licensing.

At the completion of the annual review, the reviewing examiner shall complete a review form, NRC Form 308, which should be filed with the appropriate office with a copy sent to the person reviewed.

The reviewer shall discuss with the examiner the evaluation of his techniques and make any suggestions for improvement.

9. Maintenance of Examiner Certification (Power Reactors)

To inaintain certification an examiner shall attend refresher training at the Technical Training Center at least once in every two years, and be evaluated by his supervisor during the administration of one complete examination. For contract examiners the supervisors evaluation may be performed by a certified NRC examiner or by the contract or lab project nanager if the project manager is a certified examiner. Any examiner who n u not maintained certification shall be recertified before he is used to administer operating exams. Recertification shall consist of being nbser-ved and certified by a currently certified examiner as technically com-petent on the vender type power reactor and as possessing the knowledge and skills necessary to administer operating examinations.

There are no requirements for maintaining certification as an examiner on research reactors.

10. Examiner's Training Meeting l

l OLB headquarters will schedule a meeting of all examiners, usually annually, during which new examining methods and procedures and relevant operating experience will be discussed and all examiners will be able to exchange information and experience that will l assist other examiners. All examiners will be expected to attend.

l Schedules for examinations and training should be adjusted as I necessary to minimize conflicts with the examiner's conference.

When sufficient examine" training and retraining programs are in place at the Technical Training Center or other facilities and effective procedures for exchange of operating experience and other information have been developed, the need for an annual training meeting will be reevaluated.

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Examiner Standards 4 of 13 9/1/86 L

ES-111 rN '

GRANTING OF WAIVERS FROM THE (v) PROVISIONS OF OPERATOR LICENSING REQUIREMENTS REQUESTED BY OPERATOR AND SENIOR OPERATOR APPLICANTS A. PURPOSE This standard specifies and provides guidance to the examiner, of the requirements, for the granting or denial of waivers that may be requested by applicants for an NRC operators license. To maintain consistency and standardization across the regions, for the granting or denying of waivers, this standard lists those waiver requests ths.t may be routinely granted by the Regional Offices. The purpose of this standard is to clarify both the NRR (0LB) policy pertaining to waivers of the Operator and Senior Operator Licensing examination requirements and the Regional and Headquarters re-sponsibilities and interactions for granting or denying waivers.

B. BACKGROUND As part of decentralization of the Operator Licensing Branch (0LB) the functions of the Operator Licensing Program were transferred to the Regional Offices. The delegation of authority to the Regional Offices regarding the operator licensing functions required that waivers to Operator and Senior Operator examination requirements be administered by (OLB) Headquarters.

Many requests were made by Regional Offices to clarify the OLB Headquarters policies pertaining to the waiver of Operator and Senior Operator examina-(] tion requirements. As a result, several types of waiver requests, submitted by applicants, have been identified to be of a recurring nature and classi-(V e fled as routine. In order to provide expediency in determining the resolu-tion of waiver requests, these standard waiver items have been delegated to the Regional Office for administration. The waiver items are identified in Paragraph D of this standard.


1. It is not the general policy of OLB to delegate waiver responsibility.

However, in specific waiver request cases that have well defined acceptance criteria, the waiver requested may be administered by i

Regional Office Management. None of the waivers from the provisions of the operator licensing examination requirements shall be granted automatically but will be evaluated on a case basis. The waiver request may be denied if the evaluation and judgement of the case by the regional or Headquarters Staff so warrants. All waivers, whether granted or denied, shall be documented on the Personal Qualifications Statement (NRC-398), on which the request for a waiver was made.

2. Operator and Senior Operator Waivers The following list (Paragraph D) of routine waivers may be granted I by a Regional Office. For any other waiver requests or special cases, OLB Headquarters shall be consulted to ensure that all waivers are I uniformly and consistently applied by all ~ the regions. Waivers of O experience requirements, completion of training, or completion of Q examinations, not specifically included in the List below should not be granted unless approved by OLB Headquarters.

Examiner Standards 1 of 3 9/1/86


3. Submittal of Waiver Requests All waiver requests, whether routine or special, should be submitted by the applicant to the responsible region for disposition. Any waivers forwarded to OLB, Headquarters for review and resolution will be evaluated in conjunction with the requesting regions input and recommendations.
4. Notification of Candidates When the decision to grant or deny a waiver is made, the region office shall promptly notify the candidate in writing of the disposition of the request. If time is too short to notify the candidate in writing before the exam date, the facility training representative shall be notified by telephone of the disposition of waiver requests and then followed up by a written response to the candidate. The OLB Branch Chief shall be placed on courtesy copy for letters to candidates, or facility representatives, in reference to waiver requests.


1. If a candidate fails one category of the written exam (<70%), but has an overall grade of >80% and satisfactorily completes the operating exams (if administered), the Region may waive those three categories of the written exam for which the candidate received >70% and the oral and simulator examinations. This standard waiver is only applic-able for the first retake exam.
2. If a candidate fails only one examination area (i.e., written or operating), the Region may waive those areas which were passed. Only applicable for first retake examination.
3. The requirement to perform actual plant start-up may be waived if simulator start-ups have been performed. (Some utilities have included this waiver request even though their candidates have received simulator start-up certification.) Provisions of the Examiner Standards regarding cross check during the operating exam l should be followed. This waiver is not applicable to research reac-

! tors, Ft. St. Vrain, Lacrosse, and Big Rock Pt.


4. A utility's request for waiver of specific FSAR training requirements may be granted when waiver of those specific requirements is authorized by the approved FSAR and the candidate otherwise meets NRC requirements.

, (For example, waiver of some training requirements for candidates previously licensed at a comparable facility.)

5. The requirement for receipt of license renewal applications 30 days prior to the license expiration (timely submittal) may be waived for 5 days, to allow for transit time, if all signatures on the Forms 398 and 396 are dated prior to the 30 day cut-off. The submittal will not be considered timely if received less than 25 days prior to license expiration unless positive evidence (post mark, docketing stamp or other evidence of receipt by the U.S. Postal Service or U.S.N.R.C.)

is included. The waiver will not be granted unless both the Examiner Standards 2 of 3 09/01/86 l

ES-111 (m') -

application (Form 398) and Medical Certification (Form 396) are re-Q' ceived. If the renewal application is received less than 25 days prior to the license expiration date, and too late for processing in the regional office, the license shall expire on the expiration date.

A new license may be issued when regional processing of the applica-tion is completed.

6. Up to a maximum of one month of the three months on shift in training can be waived for determining eligibility to sit for an examination.

The waiver should be granted only if there is good cause (i.e., good faith effort by utility to complete training, no other exam adminis-

tration planned for some time, license needed to meet NRC requirement),

the candidate has completed all other eligibility requirements, and the utility agrees to complete training in a timely manner and certify in writing as to successful completion prior to final licensing action.

The region should ensure that the utility's schedule for completion is compatible with the schedule for finalizing licensing actions.

7. The Medical Certificate, Form NRC 396, is good for 6 months from the date the NRC physician signs it. '/aivers may be granted on a case basis for reapplications following a license denial, a voluntary withdrawal by the license candidate or a request for an upgrade examination, i.e., a new medical certificate need not be submitted if the original medical evaluation was performed within one year of the scheduled examination nr re-examination.
8. Substitutions allowed by Regulatory Guide 1.8 and ANSI N18.1 or ANSI /ANS 3.1 (depending on the licensees commitment) are not con-sidered to be waivers and, therefore, do not require approval. For example, substitution of related technical training for up to two years of experience is not a waiver. However, related technical training would not include training required to be eligible for the examination applied for, e.g., an SR0 candidate with one year of technical school (e'ectrical technician training at a community college), one yea? of R0 training, including nuclear fundamentals, two years of experience as a licensed R0 on-shift in the control room, and 9 months of SR0 training would meet the eligibility re-quirements. However, if after 15 months as an R0 on-shift, he had been put into the SR0 training course, he would not be eligible because he does not have two years of experience as required. He has 15 months of experience and 9 months of required SR0 training.
9. If the facility certifies that the candidate has successfully completed an Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) accredited training program using a plant reference simulator, the Region may waive the requirement for 10 reactor startups on a research reactor typically required by NRC approved cold license training programs.

U Examiner Standards 3 of 3 09/01/86




Attachment 2, also contains the Rules and Guidance that will be in effect during the administration of the written examination. The facility management is responsible for ensuring that all candidates are aware of these Rules.

All reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications should normally be submitted at least 60 days before the first examina-tion dates so that we will be able to review the training and experience of the candidates, process the medical certifications, and prepare final examiner assignments after candidate eligibility has been determined.

If the applications are not received at least 30 days before the exami-nation dates, it is likely that a postponement will be necessary.

This request for information was approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Clearance Number 3150-0101, which expires May 31, 1989.

Comments on burden and duplication may be directed to'the Office of Management and Budget, Reports Management Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any ques-tions regarding the examination procedures and requirements, please contact Mr. (appropriate section leader and telephone number), or Mr. (0LB Branch Chief) or regional section chief and telephone number).

Sincerely, o (0LB Branch Chief or appropriate regional representative)

Distribution: Project Manager Resident Inspector Regional Section Leader Examiners Chief Examiner NRC Project Offices O

Examiner Standards 15 of 18 09/01/86

ES-201-4 O


1. This examination and answer key is provided for your review and is a matter of public record as provided except that pen and ink corrections to the exam for the candidates during administration of the examination may be changed to typewritten corrections.
2. Written comments on this examination and answer key must be provided to the chief examiner or regional office section chief along with supporting material, if any, within five working days to be considered in the grading of the written examinations.
3. After comments and supporting material are provided to the chief examiner or regional office section chief, no other comments on the written examination will be accepted.
4. All comments and supporting materials supplied on this review are subject to release on request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Therefore, any material considered to be proprietary should be appropriately marked.

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Examiner Standards 16 of 18 9/1/86 1


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Date(s) of Evaluation:

, Areas Evaluated: Written Oral Simulator Examination Results:

R0 SR0 Total Evaluation Pass / Fail Pass / Fail Pass / Fail (S, M or U)

Written Examination Operating Examination Oral

. Simulator Evaluation of facility written examination grading s Overall Program Evaluation

's - Satisfactory Marginal Unsatisfactory (List major defi-ciency areas with brief descriptive comments) i Submitted: Forwarded: Approved: '

Examiner Section Chief Branch Chief v

Examiner Standards 11 of 13 9/1/86



Reactor Type:

Date Administered:




Read the attached instruction page carefully. This examination replaces the current cycle facility administered requalification examination. Retraining requirements for failure of this examination are the same as for failure of a requalification examination prepared and administered by your training staff.

Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination starts.

% of Category  % of Candidate's Category Value Total Score Value Category

-1. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation, Thermo-dynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow

2. Plant Design Including Safety and Emergency i

Systems l


3. Instruments and Controls
4. Procedures - Normal, l Abnormal, Emergency, and Radiological Control Totals Final Grade All work done on this examination is my own, I have neither given nor received aid, i

Candidate's Signature l


Examiner Standards 12 of 13 09/01/86

NRC PC#'u 335 U S. NUCLEK4 K El ULATOR V COMM.S$10N 1 F.EPO+sT NuusE A fissvaea&y TsOC eas vos Na,,epy; (2 Sol



.O~ T ,. , EAR

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. AuTROai - September 1986 6 DATE REPORT ISSUED MONTH YEAR T. Szymanski September 1986 7 PERF' 'ING ORGANIZAT4ON NAME AND at ING ADDRE,$ ltsctode lg Cody/ 5 PROJECT / TASK / WORK UNIT NUMBER

b. vision of Human Factot Technology '"""*""""

Office of Nuclear Reacto Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory C - ission Washington, D. C. 20555



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13 AGSTR ACT (200 i.oree er sesst The Operator Licensing Examiner Standar s pro 'de policy and guidance to NRC examiners c' and establish the procedures and prac ces for amining and licensing of applicants for NRC operator licenses pursuant to Par 55 of Tit 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations

( ,

'd (10 CFR 55). Theyareintendedtoa/sistNRCexam ers and facility licensees to understand the examination process detter and to pr ide for equitable and consistent administration of examinations to all applicants by N examiners. These standards are not a substitute for the oper lor licensing regula 'ons and are subject to revision or other internal operator exami tion licensing policy anges.

l As appropriate, these standard ill be revised periodical to accommodate comments and reflect new information or xperience.

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