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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870130
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/04/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870130, NUDOCS 8702060275
Download: ML20209J295 (30)



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February 4,1987 For: The Comissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JANUARY 30, 1987 A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners l who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E General Counsel F*

International Programs G State Programs H Resource Management I*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Comission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external distribution)


,s " >

  • No input this week. ]? '

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/ /KL T. A. Rehm',Nss4st/nt for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 8702Og275870204 KIYTt R R


, SEABROOK UNIT 1 A Superior Court of the State of New Hampshire handed down a decision under date of January 20, 1987, and released on January 22, 1987, to require the removal of certain of the poles in the Towns of Rye and Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. These poles contain the sirens for Seabrook on-site emergency planning purposes.

This decision, if not reversed by a higher court, has the potential to impact the issuance of a low power license since the on-site emergency planning requirements for public notification have to be met prior to initial criticality.


If the sirens are removed, the applicant will need to find alternative means i for notification.

Furthermore, this decision, if not reversed by a higher court, has the l

l potential for providing precedent for the removal of siren poles in all other towns in New Hampshire located in the emergency planning zone for Seabrook Station. The order gives the utility involved, Public Service l'

Company of New Hampshire, 30 days to remove the poles. The applicant is planning to appeal this decision. It appears that the filing of the appeal will, under New Hampshire law, operate to stay the entry of ,iudgement and, thus, the effectiveness of the decision.


. LIMERICK l- On January 26, 1987 the Limerick Unit 1 plant established a record for continuous operation of a boiling water. reactor, foreign or domestic, in its first fuel cycle. Unit 1 operated continuously for 198 days, surpassing the previous record of 197 days held by Oyster Creek. Also, late on

January 26 the reactor was brought offline and shutdown due to unidentified

! drywell leakage approaching the Technical Specification limit of 5.gpm.

j Based on radiochemistry analysis of the sump contents the leakage is suspected to be water leakage from a valve. ,

l Allied Chemical 00; Release On January 16, 1987, a thermocouple weld failed allowing the release of one to The thermocouple monitors the temperature fivepoundsofuraniumdioxide(U0l).

of a fluid-bed reactor where the y 11owcake is reduced to U0, in a hydrogen l atmosphere. Surrounding the reactor is a cooling jacket which utilizes air as When a coolant. This air is discharged out of the building without filtration.

the thermocouple weld broke, U0,was released into the cooling jacket and then into the environment. TheU0,t'eleasedwasdepositedonsiteincloseproxigity to the building. Maximum surface contamination levels were 3500 dpa/100 cm j alpha. The contaminated areas were cleaned to acceptable levels for an '

unrestricted area,and washed down. The exposure of two workers in the area of the release were evaluated and bioassays indicated concentrations below A111ed's action level. Region III may request the licensee to further evaluate these t

workers. Allied is investigating the cause of the failure.

FBI Criminal History Rule The FBI Criminal History Rule is Federally mandated by Public Law 99-399 to be

! published on February 27, 1987 and the rulemaking process has been expedited throughout in order to meet the six month schedule. Although delays were encountered by late receipt of public comment and the recent snow, the schedule has been maintained and the rule package has been provided to CRGR i t

for review. Remaining steps involve CRGR review, Staff E00 approval, Commission is concerned that any delay [

approval and Federal Register publication.

encountered may preclude meeting the deadline and accordingly is attempting to arrange an expedited meeting date with the CRGR.

_ _ _ __ - _ ___ - i

O OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending January 30, 1987 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1986 170 53 Received, 1987 61 8 Granted 41 2 Denied 16 i Pending 174 58 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Lyle Graber, Requests copies of records related to four specified NUS Corporation records.


Robert Grobinski, Requests a list of licensees in Maryland, DC, and Virginia Syncor under seven specified codes and licensees in Pennsylvania, International New Jersey, and Delaware under one specified code.

Corporation (87-53)

R. Buckles, Requests copies of transcripts of closed Comissioners' NUS Corporation briefings regarding Diablo Canyon dated November 10, 1981, (87-54) January 27, 1982, and February 5, 1982.

R.J. Wallauer Requests a list of Reactor and Senior Reactor Operators.


J.K. Reilly Requests a list of food irradiation licensees with their (87-56) locations.

Robert Hallman, Requests a copy of a March 1979 investigation report by RI.

Cahill Gordon &

Reindel (87-57)

Griff Ellison, Requests a list of Reactor and Senior Reactor Operators.

L&K Associates (87-58)

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 JANUARY 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

s n .


_a o Received. Cont'd Eric Hill, Requests daily average emissicn readings from five listed '

Ballard, Spahr, facilities.

Andrews & Ingersoll (87-59) .

Steven Sholly, Requests records prepared by or for IDCOR concerning MHB Technical severe accident analysis, risk assessment, source  !

Associates term analysis and estimation, etc. -


Barrie Jackson, Requests a listing of Iodine-125 licensees.

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (87-61)

Dave Airozo, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of ten denied records McGraw-Hill regarding a request for seven categories of records (87-A-7-86-796) related to inspector training and OIA activities.-

Stuart Henry, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the lack of response to a reqdest Stuart N. Henry for four categories of records regarding the definition

& Associates of " byproduct material."

(87-A-8-86-896) ,

Granted Billie Garde, In response to a request for all records related to Government NUREG-0797, SSER 13, regarding the Comanche Peak nuclear Accountability power plant, made available 34 records. Informed the Project requester that 15 additional records subject to this (86-657) request are already available at the PDR. ,

Thomas Albano In response to a request for copies of the last three or (87-17) four inspection reports for Nuclear Metals, Incorporated, -

made available one record. Informed the requester that four additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR.


I R.J. Wallauer In response to a request for a list of Reactor and Senior (87-55) Reactor Operators, made available a copy of the requested record.

Denied Jennifer Puntenney, In response to a request for four categories of records \

Safe Energy regarding the Fermi nuclear power plant, made available Coalition of one record. Denied two records in their entirety i Michigan containing confidential businecs (proprietary) information.  ;

(86-362) Denied five records in their eatirety, release of which  ;

would tend to inhibit the frank and candid exchange of information in future deliberations. Denied 10 records in their entirety, release of which could interfere with an ongoing enforcement proceeding. Denied one record in its entirety pursuant to Exemptions 2, 5 and 7 of the Government in the Sunshine Act.


--- - - _ - - - - -.- -. . _ - . _ - - . - - - . _ - =_ _ - _.

3 Denied, Cont'd

? Blair Bremberg In response to a request for 18 categories of records (86-705) relating to the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, made available 19 records. Informed the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied one record in its entirety containing confidential business (proprietary) information and disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. Denied four records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.



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t JANUARY 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE A 1 _ _ . _ - . - . _.

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" Data Communications - Terminating Equipr.ient"


Contractor will provide modems to support communication connectivity between NRC's minicomputer, mainframe databases, and terminals.

Period of Performance: Two years Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: Closing date has been extended to February 4, 1987.


RFP No.: RS-RES-87-077


" Investigation of the Ouaternary structural and tectonic character of the Meers Fault (Southwestern Oklahoma)"


Provide the data necessary to characterize the Meers Fault for seismic assessment and to determine if there are other l

such faults that may have been reactivated in the Quaternary within the fault zone.

Period of Performance: Two years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research l

Status: RFP issued on January 20, 1987. Proposals due on February 20, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-0RM-87-216


" Systems Management / Program Support" s


The contractor will provide, on a task order basis, systems programming support for all NRC in-house computers which presently consist of Data General (DG) and Hewelett-Packard (HP) 16 and 32 Bit CPU's and associated peripherals.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Resource Management l Status: RFP issued on January 23, 1987. Proposals due on February 23, 1987.



"Public Document Room Rranch Long Range Plan"


Develop a comprehensive five year working plan for the NRC's l Public Document Rocm to insure that procedures, systems and services are maintained at a high level of efficiency.

Period of Performance: Four months Sponsor: Office of the Secretary Status: 8est and Final offers received on January 21, 1987, and forwarded l

l to Source Evaluation Panel for review on January 21, 1987.


CONTRACTS AWARDED RFP No.: RS-ADM-87-207 Title" " Mandatory Supervisory Development Program Training"


Presentation of five courses entitled, " Pre-Supervisory Orientation Program-Part II," " Supervising Human Resources,"

" Management Workshop," " Managing Employee Perfomance," and

" Managing Change," to NRC's management and supervisory employees.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: A fixed price indefinite quantity type Contract No. NRC-10-87-207 was awarded to Graduate School, USDA in the amount of $317,077 effective January 23, 1987.

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OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending January 30, 1987 LIMERICK On January 26, 1987 the Limerick Unit 1 plant established a record for continuous operation of a boiling water reactor, foreign or domestic, in its first fuel cycle. Unit 1 operated continuously for 198 days, surpassing the previous record of 197 days held by Oyster Creek. Also, late on January 26 the reactor was brought offline and shutdown due to unidentified drywell leakage approaching the Technical Specification limit of 5.gpm.

Based on radiochemistry analysis of the sump contents the leakage is suspected to be water leakage from a valve.

00 p.m. CDT on January 16, 1987, River Bend Station experienced an inadvertent scram from 4% of rated power. The imrnediate cause of the scram was a high water level scram signal generated by a feedwater level transient.

The root cause of the scram was operator error. While attempting to place the "A" feedwater regulator valve was closed, opened the upstream block valve.

In reality, the feedwater regulator valve was about half way open, admitting feedwater at a rapid rate. The operator apparently failed to utilize avail-able indication in the control room of the feedwater regulator valve position.

I The licensee has removed the operator from licensed duties and assigned him l to retraining and evaluation. In addition, this event is being incorporated l into their operator requalification program and the licensee is reevaluating l the functional design of valve control logic and the adequacy of their simu-lator design in modeling their feedwater control configuration.

SEABROOK UNIT 1 A Superior Court of the State of New Hampshire handed down a decision under date of January 20, 1987, and released on January 22, 1987, to require the removal of certain of the poles in the Towns of Rye and Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. These poles contain the sirens for Seabrook on-site emergency planning purposes.

l This decision, if not reversed by a higher court, has the potential to impact the issuance of a low power license since the on-site emergency planning requirements for public notification have to be met prior to initial criticality.

If the sirens are removed, the applicant will need to find alternative means for notification.

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. Furthermore, this decision, if not reversed by a higher court, has the potential for providing precedent for the removal of siren poles in all other towns in New Hampshire located in the emergency planning zone for Seabrook Station. The order gives the utility involved, Public Service Company of New Hampshire, 30 days to remove the poles. The applicant is planning to appeal this decision. It appears that the filing of the appeal will, under New Hampshire law, operate to stay the entry of ,iudgement and, thus, the effectiveness of the decision.

RESTART OF CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT 3 Crystal River Unit 3 entered Mode 1 on Friday, January 23, 1987 after being shutdown for more than two months for a series of repairs. These included CRDM repair, main feed control anomalies, replacement of letdown coolers, and replacement of RCP seals.

During pre-start testing, one CRDM breaker failed to open on undervoltage.

Other trip functions operated normally. The cause of this failure is being investigated. A replacement breaker was installed and tested satisfactorily prior to restart.

V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT UNIT 1 At 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 28, 1987, Georgia Power Company completed initial loading of fuel into the core of Unit 1. Loading verification activities are currently being carried out and entry into Mode 5 is antici-

pated on February 5. The licensee is scheduling Mode 4 on February 15 and l

Mode 2 for February 28.

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- Defueling continued using the Airlift Defueling System. The rate of defueling using this system is not as great as originally anticipated and only one canister was filled during the week using this method. However, the Airlift Defueling System is considered useful in picking up material which might not be lifted using other techniques.



- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.

- TMI water effluents are sampled from the station (Units 1 and 2) discharge and analyzed by EPA. Gamma spectrum analyses of the seven daily composited samples for January 10 - 17, 1987 indicated no TMI-2 related radioactivity.

- EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the NRC's TMI outdoor air sample for the period January 20 - 29, 1987 showed no reactor related radioactivity.

- The Lancaster water works intake composited seven daily samples January 11 - 17, 1987. The gamma spectrum analyzed by EPA showed no reactor related radioactivity.


- Testing of the Auxiliary Sump Transfer and Sump Solidification Systems are complete.

Diesel generator basement scabbling continues.

- Flushing of piping in the Makeup Pump Room "1B" was completed.

- Robot " Louie 2" was used in scabbling of the Seal Injection Valve Room during the week.


- Technical Specification Change Request numbers 49 and 51 and the associated Recovery Operations Plan Change Requests 31 and 33.

Technical Specification Change Request 52.

- Technical Specification Change Request 55.

- Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

- Heavy Load Safety Evcluation Report, Revision 3.

- Processed Water Disposition Proposal.

Safety Evaluation Report for Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch.


4 2

- Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Pressurizer Defueling Safety Evaluation Report.


- On January 27, 1987, Dr. William D. Travers spoke before the Lancaster Kiwanis in Lancaster, PA on the current status of the TMI-2 cleanup project.

- On January 28, 1987, Dr. William D. Travers gave a presentation in Rockville, MD on the status of the TMI-2 cleanup project to the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Department of Health and Human Services.

- The next meeting of the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 will be held on February 26, 1987, at the Lancaster Council Chambers, Public Safety Building, 201 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA. The NRC and GPU Nuclear staffs will respond to the Panel's questions on the licensee's proposed disposition of the accident-generated water and on the NRC staff's Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the disposal of accident-generated water. There will be an opportunity for public comment.

The meeting will tentatively begin about 3:30 PM and continue into the evening. The exact time for the meeting will be announced in i the future.

l Persons desiring to speak before the Panel are requested to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 717-291-1042, or write to him at 2123 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603, so that they may be placed on the meeting agenda.


k 4

0FFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1987 l

Sequoyah Fuels UFg to UF Informal Hearing 4

During the week of January 12, 1987, representatives of NMSS, RIV, and OGC attended and participated in the informal evidentiary hearing conducted by the ASL8 on the amendment request of Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC) to operate a depleted uranium hexafluoride (UF g ) to uranium tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) facility at the present site of the UF gconversion facility near Gore, Oklahoma. The NRC staff was not a party to tne proceeding, but was present to answer questions posed by the Judge. The proceedings schedule included a site tour of the new

facility equipment by SFC and limited appearance statements by members of the i public. The proceeding was conducted according to the schedule agenda published l in the Memorandum and Order of December 31, 1986, with testimony provided by l SFC and the intervening parties.

DOT Sponsored Regional Nuclear Workshop A DOT letter dated January 15, 1987 has invited representatives of States and Indian Tribes in the northwest area to participate in a workshop on the trans-portation of radioactive materials. The workshops are designed to be small to enable exchange of information among those with day-to-day regulatory and en-forcement responsibility for assuring the safe transportation of these materials.

The workshop is scheduled for February 10-12, 1987, in Boise, Idaho. NRC staff has been asked to participate as well as FEMA and DOE. Workshops in other regions are planned.

Babcock & Wilcox, Apollo, Pennsylvania On January 23, 1987, NMSS staff members discussed license renewal and site characterization issues with representatives of Babcock and Wilcox. The license application should be submitted by the end of February.

Babcock & Wilcox, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant (Docket 70-1201)

Mr. W. T. Engelke, Manager, Quality and Safety, and Mr. J. P. Watters, License and Control Administrator, of the Babcock & Wilcox Commerical Nuclear Fuel Plant (CNFP) met with members of the FCUF staff on January 21-22, 1987. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss their organizational changes, personnel responsibilities, and minimum qualifications. Also discussed was the control of operations in their ECH0-330 area, and the proposed down loading (removal of pellets from their zircasoy cladding) of fuel pins. A review of the related draft of a proposed license amendment application was made and FCUF staff

, comments discussed. CNFP will respond to the comments in the formal submittal

! of their application.


. 2 Allied Chemical UO; Release On January 16, 1987, a thermocouple weld failed allowing the release of one to five pounds of uranium dioxide (UO,). The thermocouple monitors the temperature in a hydrogen of a fluid-bedSurrounding atmosphere. reactor wherethethe y4110wcake reactor is reduced is a cooling to UO,h utilizes air as jacket whic a coolant. This air is discharged out of the building without filtration. When the thermocouple weld broke, U0, was released into the cooling jacket and then into the environment. TheUO,Peleasedwasdepositedonsiteincloseproxigity to the building. Maximum surface contamination levels were 3500 dps/100 cm alpha. The contaminated areas were cleaned to acceptable levels for an unrestricted area and washed down. The exposure of two workers in the area of the release were evaluated and bioassays indicated concentrations below Allied's

action level. Region III may request the licensee to further evaluate these workers. Allied is investigating the cause of the failure.

Status of Hearings

1. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, UF to UF 6 4 The informal evidentiary hearing on the amendment request was held in Sallisaw, Oklahoma, on January 12 - 15, 1987. Testimony was received from l Sequoyah Fuels Corporation and the intervenor groups on the topics outlined i in December 31, 1986 Memorandum and Order. A decision has not been rendered.
2. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Waste Disposal Plan
Sequoyah Fuels Corporation submitted the Comprehensive Radiological Solid Waste Management Plan as required by Source Material License No.

l SUB-1010, Condition 21 on November 13, 1986. There has not been a

schedule set for this proceeding. Several parties have filed their complaints in the case and Sequoyah Fuels Corporation will be responding to these. The Staff informed the Judge in January that they would not be a party to the proceeding.


3. Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois, Kress Creek Decontamination The ASLB decision dated June 19, 1986, dismissed the Order to Show Cause issued to Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation on March 2, 1984. On August 11, 1986, the staff filed an appeal with the ASLAB. The ASLAB ruled that they are deferring consideration of the staff's appeal at this time.
4. Kerr-McGee Rare Earths Facility, Decommissioning Plan, West Chicago, Illinois This hearing is being held in abeyance pending the staff's completion of the supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement. The current schedule calls for issuance of the Draft Supplement in March 1987, and the Final in September 1987. The Board has indicated that they may resume a portion of the Hearing after the Draft is issued.



- 3 FBI Criminal History Rule The FBI Criminal History Rule is Federally mandated by Public Law 99-399 to be

published on February 27, 1987 and the rulemaking process has been expedited i throughout in order to meet the six month schedule. Although delays were encountered by late receipt of public comment and the recent snow, the schedule has been maintained and the rule package has been provided to CRGR

< for review. Remaining steps involve CRGR review, EDO approval, Commission approval and Federal Register publication. Staff is concerned that any delay i encountered may preclude meeting the deadline and accordingly is attempting to I

arrange an expedited meeting date with the CRGR.

Access Authorization Policy Statement and Guidelines As a result of questions raised by the CRGR concerning the adequacy of screening requirements for temporary workers as described in the industry guidelines, staff has been directed to prepare a letter to the Chairman of the NUMARC Steering Committee requesting additional information to assist management in resolving the questions. The letter has been prepared and is in i review.

I DOE's Generic Issues Hierarchy and Issue Resolution Strategy On Harch 10 and 11, 1987 the NRC, DOE and the affected States and Tribes will meet on DOE's Generic Issues Hierarchy. The purpose of the meeting is for the DOE to present and solicit comments on their Generic Issue Hierarchy and Issue Resolution Strategy, including a description of the approach being used for performance allocation. The Generic Issue Hierarchy is DOE's definition of

'; issues being used to guide the development of the site characterization plans and conduct site characterization. The Issue Resolution Strategy is the i methodology used by DOE to resolve the issues as defined and performance allocation is the systematic process of assigning performance goals for subsystems, structures and components of the repository system.

I Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced the availability of two publications concerning license applications for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility. These publications specify the information needed by NRC to perform its safety review and explain the technical review process. the Standard Format and Content, NUREG-1199, specifies the information which should be provided to perform the review and defines an efficient format for presenting that information. The Standard Review Plan, NUREG-1200, defines the technical review process. The Standard Format defines the contents of a complete application. It provides the basis for making findings pursuant to Section 5(e)(1)(C) and (D) of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985. The Standard Review Plan (SRP), NUREG-1200, is prepared for the guidance of staff reviewers in performing safety reviews of applications to construct and operate a low-level waste disposal facility.

This document provides assurance that NRC can review and process a license i application within 15 months and meet the requirements of Section 9(1) and 9(2) of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985.


Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1987

1. Items of Interest None.
2. Civil Penalties Paid
a. Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) in the amount of $833 based on violations involving a reactor scram from both safety channels. (EA 87-105)


b. Omaha Public Power District (Fort Calhoun) in the amount of $15,000 based on the failure to control access at a barrier. (EA86-153)
3. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week;
a. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued to Omaha Public Power District (Fort Calhoun) in the amount of

$50,000. This action is based on a violation associated with a modi-fication of the steam admit valve to the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump steam supply system without conducting and documenting an adequate safety evaluation. (EN87-04)

4. The following IE Information Notices and Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice No. 87-06, Loss of Suction to Low-Pressure Service Water System Pumps Resulting From Loss of Siphon was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
5. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-I-87-05, Philadelphia Electric Company (Limerick 1), Unscheduled Shutdown for More Than 48 Hours,
b. PNO-I-87-06, GPU Nuclear Corporation (TMI 1), Suspension of Three Employees Due to Positive Drug Test Results.
c. PNO-II-87-09, Duke Power Company (McGuire 2), Shutdown Greater Than i

48 Hours.

d. PN0-III-87-10, Commonwealth Edison Company (Braidwood 1), Loss of Component Cooling Water System.

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e. PNO-III-87-11, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry),

Shutdown for Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Repair.

f. PNO-III-87-12, Detroit Edison' Company (Fermi 2), Senior Reactor Operator Suspended.
g. PNO-III-87-13, Chem-NuclearSystems,Inc.(Columbia,SC),Public Interest in Waste Compactor at Illinois Site.
h. PN0-III-87-14, Kahn's and Company (Cincinnati, OH), Missing Gauge.
i. PNO-III-87-15, Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron 182), Media Interest in Pipe Drawing Allegations.

J. PN0-IV-87-06, Louisiana Power and Light Company (Waterford 3),

Offiste Contamination.

l JANUARY 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE D ww -- - - - - - - ,,wr------c ---- --

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1987 New Guidance to Federal Agencies on Occupational Radiation Exposures On January 20, 1987, the President signed new Guidance to Federal Agencies on Occupational Radiation Exposure developed by an interagency committee under the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency. The new guidance, which was endorsed by all affected agencies, including the NRC, updates radiation protection standards and practices in accordance with current recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, (ICRP). Most of the provisions of the guidance were included in the NRC's proposed comprehensive revision of 10 CFR Part 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation, which was published for public comment last year. This revision is expected to be the principal NRC action toward implementation of the new Federal guidance.

Publication to be Issued in the Near Future


Best Estimate Calculations of Emergency Core Cooling System Performance (Draft Regulatory Guide)


The guide is being developed to describe methods acceptable to the NRC staff for meeting the requirements for best-estimate calculation of ECCS performance during a LOCA and for estimating the uncertainty of that calculation.


Jose Reyes 443-7890 Recently Issued Publication Draft Regulatory Guide and Value/ Impact Statement: Proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 8.22, " Bioassay of Uranium Mills". Comments reouested by April 17, 1987.


S. Yaniv (301) 443_7655 JANUARY 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE E

ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING JANUARY 30, 1987 International Agency Meeting Notices The following international meeting notices supplement those announced previously:

IAEA Consultants' Meeting--Treatment and Conditioning of Abnormal Waste at Nuclear Power Plants, March 9-13, 1987, Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA ~

IAEA Consultants' Meeting on Chemical Analysis Developments and Reference Materials for Fusion Materials Studies, March 25-27, 1987, Leuven, Belgium IAEA Expert Working Group on Fire Protection and Fire Fighting, April 1-3, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Advisory Group Meeting to Assist Secretariat in the Preparation of a Guidebook on Research and Development Support for Nuclear Power, April 7-10, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Safe Spent Fuel Storage and Post Accident Spent Fuel Management, May 5-8, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Specialists' Meeting within the Framework of the International Working Group on Fast Reactors (IWGFR) on Fission and Corrosion Products Behaviour in Primary Circuits of LMFBRs, May 5-8, 1987, Karlsruhe, FRG

( IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Power Ramping, Cycling and Load l Following Behaviour of Water Reactor Fuel, May 18-21, 1987, Lyon, France IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Small Reactors for Low-Temperature Nuclear Heat Applications, June 8-12, 1987, Winnipeg, Canada IAEA Third Research Co-ordination Meeting: Decommissioning and Decontamination, October 4-8, 1987, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA International Agency Vacancy Notices The following vacancy notices from the International Atomic Energy Agency have been posted on NRC bulletin boards:

P-3 Translator, Spanish Translation Section, Division of Languages.

Department of Administration P-5 Head of Physics Section, Physics Section, Division of Research l and Laboratories, Department of Research and Isotopes I


2 International Agency Vacancy Notices continued P-3 Power Engineer / Economist, Economic Studies Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-5 Head, Data Centre, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety G-7 Inspection Assistant (several positions), Division of Operations, Department of Safeguards International Visitors On Wednesday Mr. Jean-Pierre Capron, the Administrator General of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), accompanied by G. Errera, the CEA Director for International Affairs, and D. Chavardes, Nuclear Attache at the French Embassy in Washington, met informally with Chairman Zech, Commissioners Asselstine, Bernthal and Carr and IP Director J. Shea.


OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING JANUARY 30, 1987 Briefing en Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management for North Carolina On January 28,1987, OSP and members of the Division of Waste Management participated in a briefing for North Carolina officials in Raleigh, North Carolina. Approximately 30 attended the briefing including members of the North Carolina Radiation Protection Commission, Southeast Compact Comission, North Carolina's Special Interdisciplinary Committee on Low-Level Radioactive Waste, Joint Select Comittee on Low-Level Radioactive Waste and environmental / citizen group leaders. NRC staff presented information on Part 61, Agreement State Program, technical assistance, alternative disposal technologies and mixed waste. Representatives from EPA and EG8G low-level Waste Program also made presentations.



1. On January 29, 1987 the first regional workshop on the NRC's Incident


Investigation Program was held in Region III. The one-day workshop acquainted attendees with the NRC's Incident Investigation Program and also provided a status report of the Performance Indicator Program. The 53 attendees included representatives from INPO, NUS and all licensees in L Region III. The next workshop will be held on February 3, 1987 in Region IV.

! 2. AE00 issued Engineering Evaluation report AE00/N701, " Diagnostic Misadmini-I strations Involving the Administration of Millicurie Amounts of Iodine-131,"

on January 14, 1987. The engineering evaluation documents a review of 14

, diagnostic misadministrations, each of which involved the administration 1 of a 1-10 millicurie dosage of iodine-131 to a patient, whereas the i prescribed radiopharmaceutical was either iodine-131 (6-300 microcuries),

iodine-123 (150-400 microcuries), technetium-99m (0.1-10 millicuries), or i technetium-99m methylenedisphosphonate (20 millicuries). The average radiation dose (calculated) to the thyroid (critical organ) of the patient involved in a misadministration was over 80 times the average radiation dose (calculated) that the patient would have received if the correct radiopharmaceutical and/or dosage had been administered.


) The direct cause of ten of the 14 reported misadministrations (71%) were l

ascribed to either the physician's order being misinterpreted by or miscommunicated to the technologist (7 cases), or the technologist not

knowing the correct dosage to administer for thyroid scan procedures that j involvedscanningthechestarea(3 cases).

l The underlying cause of 11 of 14 (79%) of the misadministrations appears l to have been a lack of licensee control over the administration of milli-l curie amounts of iodine-131 to patients. These 11 misadministrations

could likely have been prevented, despite the errors that led to the

! misadministrations, if the prescription for the iodine-131 dosage had been verified for each patient before the iodine-131 was administered to the patient.

Based on this engineering evaluation, AE00 suggests that IE update Infor-

Scans) informing licensees of the more recent misadministration events

! involving iodine-131; and NHSS assess the proposed regulatory changes to 10 CFR 35 to determine whether the requirements for quality assurance procedures for radiotherapy facilities should be expanded to include a j requirement for quality essurance procedures for the administration of i

radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis in which the dosage of the radiopharma-1 ceutical administered is in the therapy dosage range for the radiopharma-


i f


3. An Engineering Evaluation report AE0D/E701, " Potential Containment Airlock Window Failure Due to Radiation," was issued on January 21, 1987. The study was initiated by actions at D.C. Cook where the licensee installed 3/8-inch thick steel cover plates over the inner airlock windows to preclude potentially damaging beta radiation effects following a loss-of-coolant accident. Concern about radiation effects on the windows arose from a vendor's test in which window failure was observed for beta radiation conditions more severe than anticipated for a LOCA.

There were no data to show acceptable window integrity at design basis accident conditions. Data on gamma radiation effects on windows also indicate that the window pressure capability may be affected during severe core damage accidents. The report suggests that NRR obtain and review additional information to verify the acceptability of airlock windows with respect to design basis and severe core damage accidents.

4 AEOD Technical Review report T701 entitled " Compression Fitting Failures" was issued on January 29, 1987. The study found that 16 compression fitting failures in various types of applications were reported to have occurred at 11 nuclear power plants between 1980 and 1986. The root cause of the majority of the reported failures was human error. The study concluded that NRC and industry actions adequately address the issue of compression fitting failures, and no additional actions on this subject are warranted at this time.



The Commission was briefed by the NRC staff on the status of the development of an interim framework for implementing the safety
goals and on progress in drafting implementation guidelines for i assessing generic issues.

Commissioner Bernthal asked the staff to examine the feasibility of relating the definition for a large off-site release to the definition of an extraordinary nuclear occurrence, as proposed by Commissioner Bernthal in the proposed rule.

, Chairman Zech indicated that he would prepare a paper that addresses the safety goal issues and circulate it to the Commissioners for comment. This paper will provide the staff guidance on the safety. goal issues raised in the EDO's January 2, 1987 status memorandum.

, Chairman Zech also reiterated his November 19, 1986, request (see Chilk to Stello SRM dated 12/1/86) for the staff to submit a paper outlining how policy matters related to the safety goal policy, severe accident policy, source term efforts, backfit rule, and other significant decisions recently enacted by the Commission, are being consistently implemented. The staff stated that it has under preparation such a paper and will submit the paper to the Commission in several seeks.

Chairman Zech requested that the staff advise the Commission of any issues on which they use the safety goals in making a decision. (All Offices and Regions) i The Commission agreed to meet wien the ACRS to obtain the Committee's view on the safety goal implementation plan.

B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON STATUS OF PALISADES, 10:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo SECY to V. Stello dated 1/27/87 The Commission was briefed by the staff and the licensee (Consumers Power Company) on the status of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant.


l Presentations by the licensee were made by the following:

. William McCormick, Jr.

Chairman and CEO

- Frederick Buckman VP for Nuclear Operations

- Joseph Firlit, Plant General Manager


Chairman Zech cautioned the staff to assure itself that the licensee's programs are showing successful results. He also l requested the staff to provide the Commission with its final recommendations prior to permitting the licensee to restart its Palisades plant.

l l

l l


la i E Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety FOR WEEK ENDING: 1/30/87 5



$ 1/28/87 70-1100 Willste Discuss new organization and N. Ketzlach (FC) Ketzlach Building related SNM license amendment A. Soong (FC) for sprinkler design mist R. Sheeran, R. Klutz l density. (Combustion Engineering) (Combustion Engineering)

I 2/4/87 '70-820 Willste Discuss decommiissioning. W. Crow (FC) Crow i

Building - (UNC - Wood River) G. Bidinger (FC)

! M. Horn (FC) l R. Gregg (UNC) l a J. Berger (0RAU) l 2/4-5/87 70-371 Willste Discuss license renewal. W. Crow (FC) Crow I

Building (UNC - Montville) G. Bidinger (FC)

! A. Soong (FC)-

I R. Gregg (UNC) ,

1 2/5-6/87 Project Livingston, To attend Topical Report J. Roberts (FC) Roberts l # M-46 NJ applicant meeting. J. Schneider (FC) 1 (FW Energy Applications) A. Agarwal, et. al.

(FW Energy Applications) 2/12/87 DOE, ANSI-N14 Management Commiittee C. MacDonald (FC) MacDonald Germantown Meeting.

I i Division of Safeguards l '

None EU i

M i O

I E lA i

Division'of Waste Management N


w February 9, 1987 Las Vegas, CA To attend 2nd Topical Conference MJBell MBell

, .o on Nuclear Waste Quality Assurance REBrowning I ~

" February 10-11, 1987 Austin, Texas DOE LLW Management Program EG8G staff LPittiglio LPittiglio i

a l m I 5 E

a M


S g '


-< JANUARY 30, 1987 8

D'"'O E



Feb. 3 Rm. 203 Discuss Review Questions for NRC/IffEL/ R. Jones i 10:00 a.m. Landow Building NULAP Code Northeast Utilities 1

Feb. 4 Rm. P-110 8:00 a.m. Phillips Building

! 2/3-5/87 50-390 Westinghouse Inst. To audit the design process and NRC/TVA/ Westinghouse T. J. Kenyon 8:30 a.m. Tech. & Trng. Ctr. V&V program for the RTD Bypass Modification at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 2/4-5/87 Room P-110 To discuss review questions for NRC/ Yankee Atomic / R. Jones

) 8:00 a.m. Phillips Building the Rlapaya Code INEL 1

l 2/4/87 50-219 Oyster Creek Plant To discuss the status of licensing NRC/GPUNC J. N. Donohew, Jr.

j 9:30 a.m. Site actions for the plant with plant 1 personnel 2/4/87 50-387 Room P-110 Discuss the Susquehanna Unit 1 NRC/PP8L M. C. Thadani J

1:00 p.m. Phillips Building reload request 2/11/87 50-259/ Browns Ferry Site Appendix R Site Visit NRC/ Utility M. Grotenhuis 8:00 a.m. 260/296

2/11/87 50-219 Room P-442 To discuss the conceptual design NRC/GPUN J. N. Donchew, Jr.

1 m 10:30 a.m. Phillips Building of the four containment penetra-i M tions for isolation condensers for l E NUREG-0313, Rev. 2 and design loads i

E for having two containment isolation *

m valves outside containment .

m I


Copies of sununaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document-rooms



  • 5E JANUARY 30, 1987 l us l 5'

l ES DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE . ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 2/11/87 50-416 Room P-110 Discuss program for obtaining NRC/SERI L. L. Kintner 1:30 p.m. Phillips Building operational data regarding con-tainment purging 2/11-12/87 50-412 Room P-110 Discuss with applicant personnel NRC/DLC P. S. Tam

, 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building issues that arose as a result of i the staff's review of the pump

and valve inservice testing program 2/19/87 50-309 Room P-114 To discuss the progress of the NRC/Liecnsee P. J. Sears i

9:00 a.m. Phillips Building Seismic Design Margins Program

at Maine Yankee l

l l

I c3 M

Es Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s)

'E:u in the NRC and local public document rooms P1 *

-:, A sununary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424 i


-. - ~ _ - _ __ . - _ - . _ _ _ _ . _ -_

! OSP MEETING NOTICES January 30, 1987 2-



! .-- 2/2/87 Boston, Mass. Mass. Joint Comunittee State. Private, Kerr

, 8 Statehouse on Pilgrim NRC Witnesses -

" M. Malsch, OGC l

! & W. Kerr, OSP 1

2/12/87 San Diego, Give speech on nuclear Robert Wood, OSP Wood

Cali f. insurance issues to Atomic i Industrial Forum Conference j on Incurance & Indemnity j Issues 4

1 i


i i

l 1




! G E

M 4

l l

l I_.


z -

E WEEK ENDING: February 15, 1987 g

8 .


~ NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT DATE/ TIME 2/13/87 50-373; Region III Enforcement Conference Commonwealth Edison A. B. Davis 2:00 p.m. 50-374 LaSalle Company 9

g h


E r,

  • Q