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Requests That Dept of Health & Family Svcs Confirm or Update Previous Response Re Planned Schedule to Enter Into Agreement,Per 981218 Correspondence.Draft Application Will Be Considered Complete Upon Receipt of Listed Info
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/28/1999
From: Lohaus P
To: Schmidt P
NUDOCS 9907150032
Download: ML20209E431 (4)


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%,*****p June 28, 1999 Mr. Paul Schmidt, Manager l Radiation Pretection Unit '

Bureau of Public Health i Department of Health and Family Services P.O. Box 309 Madison, WI 53701-0309

Dear Mr. Schmidt:

To assist us in the development of the planning assumptions to support our Fiscal Year 2001-02 budget, we corresponded with you on December 18,1998, requesting information regarding your schedule to enter into an Agreement with the Nuclear Reguletory Commission (NRC). In particular, we requested your target dates for submitting a complete draft application package for NRC staff review, and for submitting a formal request for the Agreement from the Governor to the Chairman We are again asking that you confirm, or update your previous response regarding your planned schedule to enter into an Agreement.

We consider a draft application package to be complete when NRC is in receipt of all of the following information:

1. Draft letter from the Govemor to the Chairman making the certifications required by the Atomic Energy Act, and requesting an agreement.
2. Copies of the State's statutes or legislation authorizing the radiation control program and ;

assumption of regulatory authority under an agreement.

3. Copies of the State's radiation control regulations.
4. Narrative description of the State's radiation control program.
5. Copies of all State implementing procedures and guidance documents for licensing, inspection, enforcement, incident response, response to allegations, and updating of State regulations.
6. Copies of sample forms and licenses.
7. Copies of all position descriptions.
8. Identification of all personnel that will be working in the program and their resumes.
9. Analysis demonstrating that the program meets the criteria set out in the 1981 and 1983 f policy statements. The Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program common l

and applicable non-common performanca indicator criteria in Management Directive 5.6 may also provide insights on areas that you may want to address in the analysis.

9907150032 Y90628 PDR STPRG ESGWI

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( Paul Schmidt June 28, 1999

! i t 1 l NRC staff would conduct a completeness review of your draft application far an agreement, and provide comments to you, within 3-4 months of receipt. NRC staff would expect to complete l processing of a formal request for an agreement from the Governor within 5-7 months of receipt.

l " Processing" of the formal request includes staff and Commission review of the proposed {

agreement and approval for publication in the Federal Reaister for public review and comment, j resolution of public comments, and final Commission review and approvat of the agreement. '

Following Commission approval, up to one month may be necessary to schedule and hold a signing ceremony, if desired by the State. The agreement is also usually made effective one month following the date of signature to provide time for an orderly transition in regulatory authority (e.g., transfer license and inspection files).

Mr. Lloyd Bolling will contact you to assist in answering any questions on NRC's process and time frame for processing an agreement request. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me or Lloyd Bolling of my staff (301) 415-2327 or Intemet:


Sincerely, ,1


aul H. Lohaus, Director Q)\ V Office of State Programs


c Paul Echmidt June 28, 1999 NRC st3ff would conduct a completenese review of your draft application for an agreement, and provide comments to you, within 3-4 months of receipt. NRC staff would expect to complete of a formal request for an agreement from the Governor within 5-7 months of receipt.

" Processing" of the formal request includes staff and Commission review of the proposed agreemeat and approval for publication in the Federal Reaister for pubiic review and comment, resolution of public comments, and final Commission review and approval of the agreement.

Following Commission approval, up to one month may be necessary to schedule and hold a signing ceremony, if desired by the State. The agreement is also usually made effective one month follouing the date of signature to provide time for an orderly transition in regulatory authority (e g., transfer license and inspection files).

Mr. Lloyd Bc! ling will contact you to assist in answering any questions on NRC's process and time frame fcr processing an agreement request. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me or Lloyd Bolling of my staff (301) 415-2327 or Internet:


Sincerely, originalSigned Byl:

PAUL H. LOHAUS Paul H. Lohaus, Director Office of State Programs 1



SDroggitis PDR (YES()

JLynch, R-ill BUsilton Wcconsin File

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DATE 06/24/99* OSE(199 OSP FILE CODE: SP-NA-24 4


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Paul Schmidt -

Ass ing there are no major issues, NRC staff expects to complete a review of a draft appii ion for an agreement, and provide comments to you for resolution,.within 6 months of receipt. RC staff expects to complete processing of a formal request fo'r an agreement from the Gove r within 5-7 months of receipt. " Processing" of the formal request includes staff and Commission eview of the proposed agreement and approval for publication in the Federal Reaister for p lic review and comment, resolution of public comments, 'and final Cornmission review and appr al of the agreement. Following Commission approval, up to one month may be necessary to s edule and hold a signing ceremony, if desired by the State. The agreement b also usually made ffective one month following the date of signature to provide time for an oiderly transition in re latory authority (e.g., transfer license and inspection files).

Mr.-l.loyd Bolling will conta you to assist in answering any questions on NRC's process and J time lrame for processing an greement request. If you have any questions conceming this l letter,please contact me or Ll d Bolling of my staff (301) 415-2327 or Internet: I LAB @l1RC. GOV.

Sincerely, ul H. Lohaus, Director ce of State Programs Distribution:


SDroggitis PDR (YES()

JLynch, R-Ill BUsiMn Wisconsin File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ LAB \Wl99LTR.WPD l

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NAME LAB 6(ird:gd SATreby DCool PHLohaus \

DATE 06/11'/99 06/ /99 06/ /99 06/ /99 OSP FILE CODE: SP-NA-24 i